Electrochemical Properties of Materials for Electrical Energy Storage Applications Lecture Note 1, September 1, 2011 Kwang Kim Yonsei Univ., KOREA kbkim@yonsei.ac.kr 39 Y 88.91 8 O 16.00 7 N 14.01 34 Se 78.96 53 I 126.9
교수소개 김광범 Email : kbkim@yonsei.ac.kr 공과대학 B 관 325 호 연구분야 : Materials Electrochemistry 전기에너지저장장기 (Li secondary batteries, Supercapacitors) 에너지저장소재국가지정연구실 National Research Laboratory (NRL) of Energy Conversion and Storage Materials http://metal.yonsei.ac.kr/~echemlab/ GS Caltex 산학연구동 411 호 (02-365-7745) 공과대학 B 관 129 호
It s all about the blue marble 2004 6.5 Billion People 2050 ~ 10 Billion People
Humanity s Top Ten Problems for next 50 years 1.? 2.? 3.? 4.? 5.? 6.? 7.? 8.? 9.? 10.? 2004 6.5 Billion People 2050 ~ 10 Billion People Prof. Richard E. Smalley1996 Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry
Humanity s Top Ten Problems for next 50 years DEMOCRACY DISEASE WATER ENVIRONMENT TERRORISM & WAR EDUCATION POVERTY POPULATION FOOD ENERGY 2004 6.5 Billion People 2050 ~ 10 Billion People Prof. Richard E. Smalley1996 Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry
Humanity s Top Ten Problems for next 50 years 1. ENERGY 2. WATER 3. FOOD 4. ENVIRONMENT 5. POVERTY 6. TERRORISM & WAR 7. DISEASE 8. EDUCATION 9. DEMOCRACY 10. POPULATION 2004 6.5 Billion People 2050 ~ 10 Billion People Prof. Richard E. Smalley1996 Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry
World Energy Millions of Barrels per Day (Oil Equivalent) 300 200 100 0 1860 1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 2100 Source: John F. Bookout (President of Shell USA), Two Centuries of Fossil Fuel Energy International Geological Congress, Washington DC; July 10,1985. Episodes, vol 12, 257-262 (1989). Prof. Richard E. Smalley1996 Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry
PRIMARY ENERGY SOURCES Alternatives to Oil Conservation / Efficiency -- not enough Hydroelectric -- not enough Biomass -- not enough Wind -- not enough Wave & Tide -- not enough Natural Gas -- sequestration?, cost? Clean Coal -- sequestration?, cost? Nuclear Fission -- radioactive waste?, terrorism?, cost? Nuclear Fusion -- too difficult?, cost? Geothermal HDR -- cost? Solar terrestrial -- cost? Solar power satellites -- cost? Lunar Solar Power -- cost? Prof. Richard E. Smalley1996 Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry
Enabling Nanotech Revolutions Photovoltaics -- a revolution to drop cost by 10 to100 fold. H 2 storage -- a revolution in light weight materials for pressure tanks, and/or a new light weight, easily reversible hydrogen chemisorption system Fuel cells -- a revolution to drop the cost by nearly 10 to 100 fold Batteries and supercapacitors -- revolution to improve by 10-100x for automotive and distributed generation applications. Photocatalytic reduction of CO 2 to produce a liquid fuel such as methanol. Super-strong, light weight materials to drop cost to LEO, GEO, and later the moon by > 100 x, and to enable huge but low cost light harvesting structures in space. Robotics with AI to enable construction/maintenance of solar structures in space and on the moon; and to enable nuclear reactor maintenance and fuel reprocessing. (nanoelectronics, and nanomaterials enable smart robots) Actinide separation nanotechnologies both for revolutionizing fission fuel reprocessing, and for mining uranium from sea water Alloy nanotechnologies to improve performance under intense neutron irradiation (critical for all of the GEN IV advanced reactor designs, and for fusion). Thermoelectrics or some other way of eliminating compressors in refrigeration. Prof. Richard E. Smalley1996 Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry
Enabling Nanotech Revolutions Photovoltaics -- a revolution to drop cost by 10 to100 fold. H 2 storage -- a revolution in light weight materials for pressure tanks, and/or a new light weight, easily reversible hydrogen chemisorption system Fuel cells -- a revolution to drop the cost by nearly 10 to 100 fold Batteries and supercapacitors -- revolution to improve by 10-100x for automotive and distributed generation applications. Photocatalytic reduction of CO 2 to produce a liquid fuel such as methanol. Super-strong, light weight materials to drop cost to LEO, GEO, and later the moon by > 100 x, and to enable huge but low cost light harvesting structures in space. Robotics with AI to enable construction/maintenance of solar structures in space and on the moon; and to enable nuclear reactor maintenance and fuel reprocessing. (nanoelectronics, and nanomaterials enable smart robots) Actinide separation nanotechnologies both for revolutionizing fission fuel reprocessing, and for mining uranium from sea water Alloy nanotechnologies to improve performance under intense neutron irradiation (critical for all of the GEN IV advanced reactor designs, and for fusion). Thermoelectrics or some other way of eliminating compressors in refrigeration. Prof. Richard E. Smalley1996 Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry
Enabling Nanotech Revolutions Photovoltaics -- a revolution to drop cost by 10 to100 fold. H 2 storage -- a revolution in light weight materials for pressure tanks, and/or a new light weight, easily reversible hydrogen chemisorption system Fuel cells -- a revolution to drop the cost by nearly 10 to 100 fold Batteries and supercapacitors -- revolution to improve by 10-100x for automotive and distributed generation applications. Photocatalytic reduction of CO 2 to produce a liquid fuel such as methanol. Nano Materials + Materials Electrochemistry The road to success is paved with advanced materials.
Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices Declared Low Carbon Green Growth as the National Vision of Korea (2008.8.15) Announced $2.4 billion in grants for batteries and electric cars Batteries Technologies have been chosen as one of the ten technologies of the 2010 Green Growth Action Plan by Presidential Committee on Green Growth ( 10. 2) Facilitating the fundamental & basic R&D for lithium secondary batteries by EFRC Established EFRC(Energy Frontier Research Center) 3 centers, 5 years, $ 15~19 million/center
Application of Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices
Application of Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices 現시장 확장가능영역 신규영역 Note PC Mobile Phone전동공구 UMPC 친환경저장 HEV, PHEV, EV VoIP UPS 휴대게임기 Golf Cart Flexible 기기무선중계기지능형로봇 DSC Bluetooth 청소로봇 Forklift PDA MP3P GPS e-bike RFID/Sensor 전동칫솔 Shaver 군사용 Wearable 의료용 EV 용고출력 / 고용량 Battery/Pack 小 현기술영역 Technical Challenge 혁신기술필요영역 大 친환경에너지저장시스템
Application of Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices Wall street Journal 이 5 대에너지신기술로이차전지 (2 개 ) 선정 (2009.10) 1Advanced car batteries, 2Utility storage, 3Space based solar power, 4Carbon capture&storage 5Next generation biofuels 전기자동차무정전전원장치태양에너지저장풍력에너지저장스마트그리드
Market for Li Secondary Batteries 판매니켈카드뮴 6.2 6% 판매니켈수소 10.2 10% 10 리튬이차 83.6 % 판매니켈카드뮴 4.3 4% 판매니켈수소 8.1 8% 12 리튬이차 87.6 % 판매니켈카드뮴 2.0 2% 판매니켈수소 5.7 6% 15 리튬이차 92.2 % 자료 : IIT 09. 4Q
Market for Li Secondary Batteries 66.3% (779 억불 ) 33.7% 54.5% 44.5% 20 년 1,175 억불 15 년 818 억불 65.4% 10 년 359 억불 34.6% 출처 : IIT09. Hiedge, Frost & Sullivan, 노무라종합연구소
Market for Li Secondary Batteries
Future of Transportation is Electric
The Future of Transportation is Electric Two huge industries are transforming and a new one is emerging... Electricity Transportation Battery Industry
The Future of Transportation is Electric Two huge industries are transforming and a new one is emerging... Electricity Transportation Battery Industry
Market for Li Secondary Batteries 리튬이차전지의빠른기술발전과대량생산체제로경제성확보가빠르게진행중 - 20 년에는현재가격의 11% 수준으로리튬이차전지보급예상 (Hiedge) * 2009 년 : 1.35$/Wh 2020 년 : 0.2$/Wh 단위 : 천대이차전지별전망 ( 전기차용 ) 77%( 시장점유율 ) Ni-MH Li-ion 기타 21%( 시장점유율 ) 자료 : Hiedge
Market for Li Secondary Batteries
National R & D for Li Secondary Batteries 지원금액 370 억원 세계최고소재기술개발을위한 WPM 사업추진 ( 10 년 ) 지원금액 4,010 억원 중대형이차전지시장을선점하기위한 All Japan 프로젝트추진 ( 09 년 8 월 ) 에너지저장장치실증사업추진 지원금액약 2 조원 이차전지원천기술을기반으로상용화역량집중 Recovery Act 를통해전기차용배터리와소재개발에 15 억불지원 지원금액 5,338 억원 German Federal Stimulus Package II E Mobility 의프로젝트를통해이차전지원천기술개발부터제조, 실증까지전방위적인지원 LiB 2015 프로그램을통해이차전지산업화구축을위한기업지원 지원금액약 17 조원 국가첨단기술연구발전 (863 프로젝트 : 600 만 RMB 지원 ) 를통해이차전지산업육성단지를조성하고, 전기차의전략적보급사업추진풍부한리튬과희토류에값싼노동력이더해져부족한기술력을가격경쟁력으로극복
Domestic Production of Li Secondary Batteries 단위 : 억불 '09,, 36.0 '08,, 24.0 '07,, 18.4 '06,, 13.4 '04,, 8.0 '05,, 10.1 04 05 06 07 08 09 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 출처 : 한국전지연구조합
Domestic Production of Li Secondary Batteries 자료 : KOTIS 26
Domestic Prediction of Li Secondary Batteries 삼성 SDI LG 화학 회사개요 ( 09 년말기준 ) 매출 ( 영업이익 )/ 고용 2.0 조원 (25 백억원 )/3,000 명 1.4 조원 (14 백억원 )/1,800 명 27
Domestic Production of Li Secondary Batteries
Domestic Production of Li Secondary Batteries 29
Cell phones vs. Portable rechargeable batteries 모토롤라 3900NX 국내최초카폰 (1984) 노키아 Tanday CT-1033 아날로그포터블폰과휴대용가방 (1985 년 ) Motorola DynaTAC 8000x (1983) SCH-100- 최초 CDMA 폰 (1996 년 ) iphone 4G, Galaxy S (2010 년 )
Electrochemical Cell The metals in a cell are called the electrodes (electronic conductors), and the chemical solution is called the electrolyte (ionic conductor). The electrolyte reacts oppositely with the two different electrodes It causes one electrode to lose electrons and develop a +ve charge (oxidation); and the other electrode to build a surplus of electrons and develop a charge (reduction). The difference in potential between the two electrode charges is the
Electrochemical Cell
Battery History Rechargeable batteries highlighted in bold. First battery, Voltaic Pile, Zn-Cu with NaCl electrolyte, non-rechargeable, but short shelf life First battery with long shelf life, Daniel Cell, Zn-Cu with H2SO4 and CuSO4 electrolytes, non-rechargeable Volta 1836 England John Fedine First electric carriage, 4 MPH with non-rechargeable batteries 1839 Scotland Robert Anderson First rechargeable battery, lead acid, Pb-PbO 2 with H 2 SO 4 electrolyte 1859 France Gaston Plante First mass produced non-spillable battery, dry cell, ZnC-MnO 2 with ammonium disulphate electrolyte, non-rechargeable 1896 Carl Gassner Ni-Cd battery with potassium hydroxide electrolyte invented 1910 Sweden Walmer Junger First mass produced electric vehicle, with Edison nickel iron NiOOH-Fe rechargeable battery with potassium hydroxide electrolyte Modern low cost Eveready (now Energizer) Alkaline non-rechargeable battery invented, Zn-MnO 2 with alkaline electrolyte 1914 US 1800 1955 US Lewis Curry NiH 2 long life rechargeable batteries put in satellites 1970 US NiMH rechargeable batteries invented 1989 US Li Ion rechargeable batteries sold 1991 US Sony
Battery technology is not mature yet Storage technology Lead-acid batteries Lithium-ion batteries Compressed air, 10 MPa Conventional capacitors Ultracapacitors Flywheels Gasoline Energy density 100 kj/kg (30 W-h/kg) 600 kj/kg 80 kj/kg (not including tank) 0.2 kj/kg 20 kj/kg 100 kj/kg 43000 kj/kg
강의개요 수강대상 - 신소재공학과 3, 4 학년생 수업목표및개요 - 본강의에서는리튬이차전지, 슈퍼캐패시터의이론적배경및응용을재료전기화학및재료공학측면에서강의함 - 재료의전기화학적특성에대한공부후리튬이차전지, 슈퍼캐패시터의소재, 구성, 성능에대해분석함 선수과목 ( 선수학습 ) 일반화학혹은일반물리혹은물리화학혹은열역학 강좌운영방식 강의실강의참고교재중강의내용복사물제공강의자료 pdf 파일제공 성적평가방법 교재및참고문헌 중간고사 : 40% 학기말고사 : 50% 출석률 : 10% 1)Modern Electrochemistry (Bockris) 2) Battery Technology Handbook (Editor H.A. Kiehne, Marcel Dekker, Inc) 3) 관련분야의논문 주별강의교재복사물제공 교수정보 Ph.D. (1991) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), U.S.A. Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering M.S. (1982) Korea Advanced Institute of Science (KAIS), KOREA Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering B.S. (1980) Yonsei University, KOREA, Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering Homepage : http://metal.yonsei.ac.kr/~echemlab/ 조교정보이석우 ( 박사과정대학원생 ), 연구실전화 : 02-365-7745
강의개요 주기간수업내용교재범위및과제등비고 1 2011-09-01 2011-09-07 Electrode/solution interface-1 - Electrochemcial cell 강의교재 -1 배부 (9.1) 개강 (9.5 ~ 9.7) 수강신청확인및변경 2 2011-09-08 2011-09-14 Electrode/solution interface-2 -Electrode Potential (9.11 ~ 9.13) 추석연휴 3 2011-09-15 2011-09-21 Electrode/solution interface-3 - Nernst Equation 강의교재 -2 배부 4 2011-09-22 2011-09-28 Electrode/solution interface-4 - Electric Double layer (9.28) 수강철회 5 2011-09-29 2011-10-05 Ions in solution-1 - Solvation 강의교재 -3 배부 (9.29 ~ 9.30) 수강철회 (10.3) 개천절 6 2011-10-06 2011-10-12 Ions in solution-2 - Debye-Huckel Theory (10.7) 학기 1/3 선 7 2011-10-13 2011-10-19 Ions in solution-1 - Matter transport in solution - Diffusion 강의교재 -4 배부 8 2011-10-20 2011-10-26 중간고사 (10.20 ~ 10.26) 중간시험
강의개요 주기간수업내용교재범위및과제등비고 9 2011-10-27 2011-11-02 Ions in solution-2 - Matter transport in solution -Conduction 10 2011-11-03 2011-11-09 Electrochemical Kinetics-1 - Electrochemical reaction 강의교재 -5 배부 11 2011-11-10 2011-11-16 12 2011-11-17 2011-11-23 Electrochemical Kinetics-2 -Chemical reaction Electrochemical Kinetics-3 - Butler-Volmer equation (11.15) 학기 2/3 선 13 2011-11-24 2011-11-30 14 2011-12-01 2011-12-07 15 2011-12-08 Lithium Secondary Battery System-1 - Electrode materials - Electrochemical reaction - Thermodynamic data - Kinetic parmeters Lithium Secondary Battery System-2 - Electrode materials - Electrochemical reaction - Thermodynamic data - Kinetic parmeters Electrochemical Capacitor System-3 - Electric Double Layer Capacitor 강의교재 -6 배부 강의교재 -7 배부 16 2011-12-15 2011-12-21 학기말고사 (12.15 ~ 12.21) 기말시험