참고문헌김종오, 남궁욱, 서태범, 오명진, 윤진환.(2009). 척수좌상후트레드밀운동이피질척수로의재생및신경생리학적기능회복에미치는영향. 한국생활환경학회지, 16(2): 윤진환, 서태범, 진낙식, 김종오, 지용석, 임은미, 최승오, 이희혁 (2008). 유

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트레드밀운동에의한 MAPK 관련전사인자활성화가축삭재생과탈신경된가자미근의비대에 미치는효과 윤진환. 정일규. 김연희 한남대학교 Abstract 초 록 Yoon, J.H., Jeong, I.G., Kim, Y.H. Effects of axonal regeneration and hypertrophy in denervated soleus muscle on MAPK-regulated transcription factors activated by treadmill exercise. Exercise Science, 00(0):00-00, 2010. The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of exercise-activated ErK1/2 and c-jun pathway on axonal regeneration and hypertrophy of denervated soleus muscle. Rats were randomly divided into three groups: control group (n=60), sedentary group after sciatic nerve injury (n=60, sedentary group 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 after injury) and treadmill exercise group after sciatic nerve injury (n=60, exercise group 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 after injury. Two days after injury, animals in the exercise group were forced to run on treadmill for 30 min once a day for 5 consecutive days. present result demonstrated that treadmill exercise further increased axonal regrowth in the region 10 mm distal to the injury site from 14 days post injury and upregulated GAP-43 induction levels than those in the sedentary group 28 days after injury. expression levels of p-erk1/2 and p-c-jun were significantly increased in treadmill training compared to the sedentary group 3 and 7 days after injury. Treadmill exercise after sciatic nerve injury not only prevented atrophy of the soleus muscle but also significantly increased cross-sectional area of the skeletal muscle at 21 and 28 days. The present data suggest that increased p-erk1/2 and p-c-jun by treadmill exercise may play an important role in the axonal regeneration and skeletal muscle hypertrophy after sciatic nerve injury. 본연구의목적은운동에의한 Erk1/2와 c-jun 경로의활성화가축삭재생과탈신경된가자미근의비대에미치는영향을분석하는것이다. 총 180마리의 S.D계쥐들을무작위로 3개의그룹으로나누었다. 통제그룹 (n=60), 좌골신경손상후비운동그룹 (n=60, 좌골신경손상 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 그리고 28일후비운동그룹 ) 그리고좌골신경손상후트레드밀운동그룹 (n=60, 좌골신경손상 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 그리고 28일후운동그룹 ) 이다. 손상 2일후운동그룹에쥐들은하루에 30분씩하루에한번주 5일동안트레드밀달리기를수행하였다. 본연구는트레드밀운동이비운동그룹보다손상 14일후부터 10 mm 원위부에서의축삭재생이증가하였고, 손상 28일에는 GAP-43 단백질의발현이촉진되었다. p-erk1/2 and p-c-jun의발현수준은손상 3 그리고 7일후비운동그룹에비해운동그룹에서통계적으로유의하게증가하였다. 좌골신경손상 21 그리고 28일후트레드밀운동은가자미근의위축을억제할뿐만아니라골격근의횡단면적을통계적으로유의하게증가시켰다. 결론적으로, 트레드밀운동에의해증가된 p-erk1/2 and p-c-jun은좌골신경손상후축삭의재생과골격근의비대를조절하는중요한역할을수행할것이다. Key words : soleus, devervation. MAPK, Erk1/2, c-jun, sciatic, treadmill, 주요어 : 트레드밀운동, 축삭재생, 좌골신경손상, 가자미근 비대 이논문은 2009 년도국민체육진흥공단체육과학연구원의체육학술진흥사업비에의하여연구되었음 (06/KISS-09-A06006)

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그림. 2. 트레드밀운동에의한 Erk1/2 단백질인산화촉진. 손상된좌골신경에서단백질을추출한후 western blot 을 수행하였다. p-erk1/2 의발현량은손상 3 그리고 7 일후트레드밀운동그룹에서통계적으로유의하게증가하 였다. p-erk1/2, phosphorylated-erk1/2; seden, sedentary; TMT, treadmill training; DPC, days post crush. 그림. 3. 트레드밀운동에의한 c-jun 단백질인산화촉진. 손상된좌골신경에서단백질을추출한후 western blot 을수 행하였다. p-c-jun 단백질은손상후 3, 7 일에만유일하게발현되었다. p-c-jun 의발현량은손상 3 그리고 7 일 후트레드밀운동그룹에서통계적으로유의하게증가하였다. p-c-jun, phosphorylated-c-jun.

그림. 4. 트레드밀운동에의한골격근섬유비대. 좌골신경손상후적출된가자미근을횡단면으로절편한후 eosin 염색을수행하였다. 좌골신경손상 21 일과 28 일후트레드밀운동그룹에서가자미근섬유의크기가통계적으 로유의하게증가하였다.