포괄손익계산서 (Statements of comprehensive income) 주식회사우리은행 Ⅰ. 영업이익 (Operating income) 1. 순이자이익 (Net interest income) (1) 이자수익 (Interest income) (2) 이자비용 (Interest expense) 2. 순수수료이익 (Net fees and commissions income) (1) 수수료수익 (Fees and commissions income) (2) 수수료비용 (Fees and commissions expense) 3. 배당수익 (Dividend income) 4. 당기손익인식금융상품관련손익 (Net gain on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss) 5. 매도가능금융자산관련손익 (Net loss on available-for-sale financial assets ) 6. 신용손실에대한손상차손 (Impairment losses due to credit loss) 7. 일반관리비 (General and administrative expenses) 8. 기타영업손익 (Other net operating expenses) Ⅱ. 영업외손익 (Non-operating Income(loss)) 1. 종속기업및관계기업투자자산평가손익 (Share of losses of subsidiaries and associates) 2. 기타영업외손익 (Other net non-operating income) Ⅲ. 법인세비용차감전계속영업이익 (Net income before income tax expense) Ⅳ. 계속영업법인세비용 (Income tax expense) Ⅴ. 계속영업이익 (Net income from continuing operations) 1,090,372 870,894 4,052,479 4,090,778 7,648,918 8,418,931 3,596,439 4,328,153 856,343 795,292 978,519 927,653 122,176 132,361 169,009 183,452 220,282 169,537 (7,960) (92,379) (766,169) (928,492) (2,846,490) (2,655,157) (587,122) (692,137) 144,635 (27,915) (21,584) (84,042) 166,219 56,127 1,235,007 842,979 300,418 196,681 934,589 646,298 1 wooribank.com
포괄손익계산서 (Statements of comprehensive income) Ⅵ. 중단영업이익 (Net income from discontinued operations ) Ⅶ. 당기순이익 (Net Income) - - 934,589 646,298 ( 대손준비금반영후조정이익 : (Net income after the planned reserves provided is: 당기 436,585 백만원전기 457,248 백만원 ) Ⅷ. 기타포괄손익 (Other comprehensive income) 1. 후속적으로당기손익으로재분류되지않는항목 (Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss) (1) 순확정급여부채의재측정요소 (Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability) 2. 후속적으로당기손익으로재분류될수있는항목 (Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss) (1) 매도가능금융자산관련손익 (Gain (loss) on valuation of available-for-sale financial assets) (2) 해외사업환산손익 (Gain (loss) on foreign currency translation of foreign operations) Ⅸ. 총포괄손익 (Total comprehansive income) (8,583) 4,887 (73,591) (58,468) (73,591) (58,468) 65,008 63,355 46,860 55,886 18,148 7,469 926,006 651,185 Ⅹ. 주당이익 (Net income per share) 1. 계속영업과중단영업 (Continuing operation and discontinued operation) (Basic earnings per common share)(in Korean Won) (Diluted earnings per common share)(in Korean Won) 2. 계속영업 (Continuing operations) (Basic earnings per common share)(in Korean Won) (Diluted earnings per common share)(in Korean Won) 2 wooribank.com
주식회사우리은행과그종속기업 Ⅰ. 영업이익 (Operating income) 1. 순이자이익 (Net interest income) (1) 이자수익 (Interest income) (2) 이자비용 (Interest expense) 2. 순수수료이익 (Net fees and commissions income ) (1) 수수료수익 (Fees and commissions income) (2) 수수료비용 (Fees and commissions expense) 3. 배당수익 (Dividend income) 4. 당기손익인식금융상품관련손익 (Net gain on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss) 5. 매도가능금융자산관련손익 (Net loss on available-for-sale financial assets) 6. 신용손실에대한손상차손 (Impairment losses due to credit loss) 7. 일반관리비 (General and administrative expenses) 8. 기타영업손익 (Other net operating expenses) Ⅱ. 영업외손익 (Non-operating Income(loss)) 제182기 ( 당 ) 기 제181기 ( 전 ) 기 1,351,586 897,708 4,761,900 4,493,018 8,698,235 9,211,240 3,936,335 4,718,222 976,796 917,015 1,757,340 1,598,015 780,544 681,000 102,923 96,812 240,342 189,912 (3,281) (68,924) (966,646) (1,096,940) (3,150,387) (2,958,919) (610,061) (674,266) 100,360 (63,313) 1. 공동기업및관계기업투자자산평가손익 (70,124) (67,980) (Share of losses of joint ventures and associates) 2. 기타영업외손익 170,484 4,667 (Other net non-operating income) 3 wooribank.com
Ⅲ. 법인세비용차감전계속영업이익 (Net income before income tax expense) Ⅳ. 계속영업법인세비용 (Income tax expense) Ⅴ. 계속영업이익 (Net income from continuing operations) Ⅵ. 중단영업이익 ( 손실 ) (Net income (loss) from discontinued operations) Ⅶ. 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) (Net income) 제182기 ( 당 ) 기 제181기 ( 전 ) 기 1,451,946 834,395 376,554 288,195 1,075,392 546,200 661,769 1,075,392 1,207,969 ( 대손준비금반영후조정이익 ( 손실 ): (Net income after the planned reserves provided is: 당기 576,282백만원전기 1,252,214 백만원 ) Ⅷ. 기타포괄손익 (Other comprehensive income(loss)) 1. 후속적으로당기손익으로재분류되지않는항목 (Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss) (1) 순확정급여부채의재측정요소 (Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability) 2. 후속적으로당기손익으로재분류될수있는항목 (Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss) (1) 매도가능금융자산관련손익 (Loss on available-for-sale financial assets) (2) 지분법적용투자주식평가손익 (Share of other comprehensive loss of joint ventures and associates) (3) 해외사업환산손익 (Gain (loss) on foreign currency translation of foreign operations) (4) 현금흐름위험회피평가손익 (Loss on valuation of cash flow hedge) 31,162 (107,597) (78,267) (51,650) (78,267) (51,650) 109,429 (55,947) 72,297 (75,586) 3,295 (1,604) 33,837 48,393 (27,150) 4 wooribank.com
Ⅸ. 총포괄이익 (Total comprehensive income(loss)) 1,106,554 1,100,372 1. 당기순이익의귀속 1,075,392 1,207,969 (1) 지배기업소유주지분 (Net income (loss) attributable to owners) 계속영업이익 (Income from continuing operations) 중단영업이익 ( 손실 ) (Income (loss) from discontinued operations) (2) 비지배지분 (Net loss attributable to non-controlling interests) 계속영업이익 (Income from continuing operations) 중단영업이익 ( 손실 ) (Loss from discontinued operations) 1,059,157 1,213,980 1,059,157 435,289 778,691 16,235 (6,011) 16,235 110,911 (116,922) 2. 총포괄이익 ( 손실 ) 의귀속 1,106,554 1,100,372 (1) 지배기업소유주지분 (Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to owners) (2) 비지배지분 (Comprehensive loss attributable to non-controlling interests) 1,094,870 1,192,191 11,684 (91,819) Ⅹ. 주당이익 (Net income per share) 1. 계속영업과중단영업 (Continuing operation and discontinued operation) (1) 기본주당이익 ( 손실 )( 단위 : 원 ) (Basic earnings per common share) (2) 희석주당이익 ( 손실 )( 단위 : 원 ) (Diluted earnings per common share) 1,301 1,621 1,301 1,621 2. 계속영업 (Continuing operations) (Basic earnings per common share) (Diluted earnings per common share) 1,301 536 1,301 536 5 wooribank.com