국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 A Study of the Role of Police in the International Peace Operations and the International Development of Fragile States 황규진 * 강선 ** Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 국제평화활동에서의경찰의역할 Ⅲ. 취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할 Ⅳ. 한국경찰의대응방향 Ⅴ. 결론 Ⅰ. 서론
228 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 ) < 그림 1 > 국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발의연결고리
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 229 Ⅱ. UN 또는 NATO 평화활동에서의경찰의역할
230 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 ) 1. UN PKO와 NATO 평화활동과의관계 < 표 1> NATO 의평화활동에대한유엔안보리의입장 6)
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 231 < 표 2> 유엔 PKO 와다국적군의비교 (2008 년국회국방위주요현안자료집인용 )
232 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 ) 2. UN 평화활동에서경찰의역할 가. 전통적 소극적활동에서능동적참여로 나. 현지경찰개혁및재건
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 233 다. 현장법집행및공공질서유지
234 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 )
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 235 < 그림 2> 유엔경찰배치 (1989-2010) 현황 14)
236 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 )
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 237 3. NATO 평화활동에서의경찰의역할 가. 미국민간대응군 (The Civilian Response Corps; CRC) 의성격
238 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 )
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 239 나. 코소보, 마케도니아, 세르비아에서의경찰개혁사례
240 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 ) 4. 한국경찰의 UN PKO 참여경과및평가 가. 한국경찰의 UN PKO 참여경과
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 241 < 표 3> 한국경찰의 UN PKO 참여현황 25) 나. 한국경찰의아프가니스탄지방재건팀참여
242 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 ) 다. 한국경찰의 UN PKO 활동평가 < 표 4> 한반도주변국의 PKO 파견인력 (2012년 1월기준, 유엔 DPKO 홈페이지 ) 27)
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 243
244 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 ) Ⅲ. 취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할 1. 취약국가국제개발에서안보분야개혁이중요하게된이유 2. 안보분야개혁에서경찰의역할 가. 핵심연결고리
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 245
246 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 ) 나. 문제해결촉진 (facilitation) 3. 한국경찰의국제개발참여
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 247 < 표 5> KOICA 초청연수교육현황 32)
248 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 )
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 249 Ⅳ. 한국경찰의대응방향 1. 유엔경찰센터설립
250 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 )
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 251 < 표 6> 국제평화활동교육기관의민 군교육형태
252 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 ) 2. 경찰학발전과인력양성
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 253 3. 취약국가국제개발프로젝트에대한경험축적
254 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 ) Ⅴ. 결 론 주제어 (Keyword) : 유엔 (UN), 평화유지활동 (PKO-Peace Keeping Operation), 취약국가 (Fragile States), 국제개발 (International Development), 안보 분야개혁 (Security Sector Reform), 경찰개혁 (Police Reform) < 논문접수 : 2012. 8.10, 심사개시 : 2012. 9. 13, 게재확정 : 2012. 9. 24 >
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 255 참고문헌 1. 국내문헌
256 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 ) 2. 국외문헌
국제평화활동과취약국가국제개발에서의경찰의역할에관한연구 257 A Study of the Role of Police in the International Peace Operations and the International Development of Fragile States Hwang, Kyu Jin* Kang, Sun** The UN and NATO have cooperated with each other within the sphere of peace operations. The most important elements of the UN PKO are the soldiers, police officers and civilian experts. Their operations have changed from inactive monitoring and reporting to law enforcement, called the multi-dimensional PKO. In these days, the UN considers the Security Sector Reform (SSR) as an exit strategy. The security sector includes the military forces, police, corrections, private security etc. The police function not only its own territory, but also act as a link in the network of the security sector. Therefore, the role of police is growing in the UN PKO. 40) NATO has also been acting as the peace keeper of the world since the end of the cold war. The Principle member states of NATO prefer strong military operations to inactive peace operations, such as monitoring, reporting and observing. However, the peace operations of NATO have experienced difficulty in maintaining public order, when using soldiers only. To solve the difficulty of maintaining public order, the State Department of America has organized the Civil Response Corps (CRC) with the cooperation of eight other organizations, such as the Department of Justice, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the US Agency of International Development (USAID), etc., since 2008. William Durch said that the CRC is functioning as the police in the high risky conflict areas. Therefore, researchers notice that the role of police has also become important in the peace operations by NATO. On the other hand, OECD has also recognized the necessity of the security sector
258 경찰학연구제 12 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 31 호 ) reform in the Official Development Assistance (ODA) of the fragile states. The practitioners of the ODA have found that the International Development is not realistic without the Security Sector Reform. Therefore, SSR is being the connection between the peace operations and the international development. The difference is that the Security Sector Reform in the peace operations is more practical and on the spot. However, Korean police have not prepared well enough. There are few researches which have been accumulated. In addition, Korean police have participated in a few missions such as East-Timor and Afghanistan. However, these experiences have been valuable. The East-Timor case is the representative mission of the third generation of the PKO which the peace operators can enforce the law and maintain public order directly within the fragile states. Police work is always on the spot and those training is also on the job. Either of classroom instruction or planning cannot get enough of the police reforming. Therefore, third generation of the PKO, like East-Timor mission, can be effective in the police reform. The Afghanistan case is the non-un PKO led by NATO. As a mission of NATO, the Korean army, Korean police and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) have cooperated with each other. The researchers notice that this cooperating model fits for peace operations and international development. Police should play a more important role in this model.