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2 환경법과 정책 제16권( ) Ⅰ. 들어가며 Ⅱ. 가습기살균제 사건의 경과 Ⅲ. 가습기살균제 사건과 제조물 책임 Ⅳ. 가습기살균제 사건과 인과관계 입증 완화 Ⅴ. 나가며 Ⅰ. 들어가며 피해유발행위(혹은 인자)가 직접적인 손해를 즉각적으로 유발하는 경우


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가장 낮은 증가세를 기록했다. 분기당 400만 명을 유치하긴 했지만, 경쟁업체로 부상하고 있는 인스타그램(Instagram)은 분기당 500만 명을 유치했다. 분명히 트위터는 어려운 시기를 겪고 있고, 기업가의 입장에서는 이를 극복할 수 있는 방안 모색이 필요한 시점이


2013 617, 2012 3105 2 5, 8 2,,. 2013. 5. 27. - 1 -

- 2 -

1. 10 ( ) 2 5 8 2 20123105 (, ),. 2. 2011. 9. 15. 11047 (, ) 2 5 8 2 (, ). 2 ( ). 1. " " 19 2. " " 7 12 ( 8 5 ) 4. " ", ( ) - 3 -

, 5. " " 4 8 ( ) 5 7, 3 2., - 4 -

. 3 2 2 1 10 13 ( ) 300., 10. 33 ( ) 3815 ( " " ). 34 ( ) 331 40 ( " " ). 1. 2. 3. 4. - 5 -

5. ( ) 6. ( 6 ) 7. 1 30 1., 1,. 35 ( ) 343. 36 ( ) ( ) 20. 37 ( ). 44 ( ) ( " " ) 10, ( " " )., 11, - 6 -

13 2 1. 22 2. 2 3. 21, 2 3 (, ) 5. 35 6. 22 7. 291 311 8. 23 9. 310 10. 51 2 10 11. 22 12. 13. 3 45 ( ) 46 ( ) 45 1 44 1-7 -

45 1 441. (1) 243 ( ),,, 1 500 244 ( ) 243,, 1 500 (2) 74 ( ) 1 1 2. 447 1 1 (3) 50 ( ) 1 3 2 1. 17 1-8 -

,. 3. 1997., 10. 2000. 2. 3. 6261 2000. 2. 3. 1),, 2 5 2 3 ( 2005. 12. 29. 2 5 ) 2 1 (, ),,,, 1) 19., 2009. 6. 9. 9765, - 9 -

, 5 8 1 2). 2 3 8 1, 2 3, ( 2002. 4. 25. 200127 ). 2005. 12. 29. 7801 2005. 12. 29. 7801 2 5 4 (,,, ),, 3),, 2011. 9. 15. 11047 2 5 2) 200154 3) 2005. 11.,,, - 10 -

( ), 4. (1), 2005. 12. 29., 2011. 9. 15.,,,,,,. (2) (child pornography,, )..,. (1),,, (The United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child) 1989. 11. 20., - 11 -

(2) 18 4),,. (3), 5) 6)., 7). 8), 9). (4) Ferber (New York v. Ferber, 458 U.S. 747, 1982) Miller 10) 3,, 4),,. 5),, 31, 2010., 398 6),, 18 1, 2007. 3. 150 7),, 5 2, 2003. 12. 888 8),,,,,,,,,.,,,,, 132 9),, 27 2, 2013., 230 10) http://www.lawtimes.co.kr/lawnews/news/newscontents.aspx?serial=41575, 2008. 8. 4. [ ] Miller - 12 -

11).. (5), 18 ( ),.,,,.. (1), 2000. 5. 25., (Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of tile child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, ), 2004. 9. 6. 2004. 10. 24. 2 (c) 12) (simulated) (a child) 18 13). 11),, 185 12) Articl e 2 (c) Child pornography means any representation, by whatever means, of a child engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for primarily sexual purposes. 13) http://www.internationalresourcecentre.org/en_x2/documents/legislationeuropol_2005.pdf, (Europol) 2005. Chi ld Pornography Legi slation within the Eur opean Union As previously mentioned, the UN Protocol does not recognise virtual child pornography (a real child) (6 ),., ( ). 184-13 -

(2), (Convention on Cybercrime, ) 2001. 11. 23. 30, 2001. 11. 2004. 7. 9 2, 3 14), 18 (sexually explicit conduct), 15),, (Virtual Child Pornograpy) 16), 9 4, 14) Articl e 9 Offences related to child pornography 2. For the purpose of paragr aph 1 above, the term "child pornography" shall include pornographic material that visually depicts: a. a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct; b. a person appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct; c. realistic images representing a minor engaged in sexuall y expli cit conduct. 3. For the pur pose of paragraph 2 above, the term "mi nor" shall include al l persons under 18 years of age. A Par ty may, however, require a l ower age-limit, which shal l be not less than 16 years. 4. Each Party may reserve the right not to apply, in whole or in part, par agraphs 1, sub-par agraphs d. and e, and 2, sub-par agraphs b. and c. 15), 16) http://conventions.coe.int/treaty/commun/quevoulezvous.asp?nt=185&cl=eng, 9 2 c,,., (Europol) 2005. Child Pornography Legislation within the European Union (6 ),, pseudo-photogr aphic images,,,, - 14 -

2007. 10. 25. (Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse,, ) 24 20 17), (simulated) (sexually explicit conduct) 18), ( ) (simulated) (3) (The International Centre for Missing Exploted Children :, ICMEC ) ICMEC, 18, ( ), 17) Articl e 20 Offences concer ning chil d pornography 2. For the purpose of the present article, the term child pornography shall mean any material that visually depicts a chi ld engaged in real or simulated sexuall y explicit conduct or any depiction of a chi ld s sexual organs for primarily sexual purposes. 3. Each Party may reserve the right not to apply, in whole or i n part, paragraph 1.a and e to the production and possession of por nogr aphi c material: consi sting exclusivel y of si mulated representations or r ealistic i mages of a non-exi stent child; 18) (any material),,,., (Explanatory Report), 20 2,,,,.. http://conventions.coe.int/treaty/commun/quevoulezvous.asp?nt=201&cl=eng - 15 -

19),,,, ICMEC 20),, (4),,,,,,,, 19) http://www.icmec.org/missingkids/servlet/publichomeservlet ICMEC 2010. Child Pornography : Model Legislation & Global Review( : ) 6, 1, The definition should include, at a minimum, the visual representation or depiction of a child engaged in a (real or simulated) sexual display, act, or performance 20) Articl e 45 - Prohibition of Child Pornography. (1) Child pornography shall mean any representation of a child engaged in real or simulated sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for the purpose of sexual gratification recorded by any means including but not limited to print publications, films, audio recordings, games, electronic data, digital images, internet broadcasts, and photographs. This shall include pictures, drawings, and computer-generated images that are indistinguishable from that of a child. - 16 -

, (1) 1996.,, (virtual graphic image) (Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996, CPPA ), 2002. 4. 16. 21). 2003. PROTECT (the Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003),,,, ( ) 22) (2256 ) 21),, 15, 2003. 1., 136 22) Secti on 2256 Definitions for Chapter. (8) child pornography means any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where (A) the production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or (B) such visual depiction is a digital image, computer image, or computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or (C) such visual depiction has been created, adapted, or modified to appear that an identifiable minor is engaging in sexually explicit conduct. - 17 -

23),, 24). (2),, 25) 186 b, 26). 27), 28), 23),. 24), ( ), Mil ler 204-205,, 252 25), ( 184 b, 14 ) ( 184c, 14 18 ).. Section 176(Chi ld abuse) (1) Whosoever engages in sexual activity with a person under fourteen years of age ( child) or allows the child to engage in sexual activity with himself shall be li able to impri sonment fr om six months to ten year s. Section 184b( Di stributi on, acquisition and possession of child por nogr aphy) (1) Whosoever 3. produces, obtains, supplies, stocks, offers, announces, commends, or undertakes to import or export i n order to use them or copies made from them within the meaning of Nos 1 or 2 above or facilitates such use by another pornographic written materi als (secti on 11 (3)) rel ated to sexual activities performed by, on or in the presence of children (section 176 (1)) (child pornography) shall be liable to imprisonment from three months to five year s. (2) Whosoever undertakes to obtain possession for another of child pornography repr oducing an actual or r ealistic activity shal l i ncur the same penalty. Section 184c(Distr ibution, acquisi tion and possession of juvenile pornography) (1) Whosoever 3. produces, obtains, supplies, stocks, offers, announces, commends, or undertakes to import or export i n order to use them or copies made from them within the meaning of Nos 1 or 2 above or facilitates such use by another pornographic written materi als (secti on 11 (3)) rel ated to sexual activities per formed by, on or in the presence of per sons between the ages of four teen to eighteen years (juvenile pornography) shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding three years or a fine. Section 184g( Definiti ons) Within the meaning of this law 1. sexual acts and activities shall onl y be those which are of some r elevance in relation to the pr otected legal interest in question; 26) 1999.,,,, 11 3 27), 2009 (Coroners and Justice Act). 246 28),,,, - 18 -

29). (1) 2000. 5. 25. ( ),,, (2),,. 30). (3), ( ), 31). 189 29), Child Pornography Legislation within the European Union 2005. 2 Arti cle 1 of the Framework Decisi on defines virtual CP as r ealistic images of a nonexistent chil d involved or engaged in sexual conduct. Onl y a few MS recognise virtual CP in their national law, e.g. in the United Kingdom and Finland virtual child pornography is par t of the definition of CP. This impl ies that possession of vir tual child pornography is also referred to as a cr ime which is not the case in most of the Member States.. 237 30), 186-187 31), 231-233, (, 187 ).,,,,., 2 5-19 -

. ( ),, 32) 2.,, 33).,,,, 34). (4) 2 5 2005. 12. 29., 2011. 9. 15.,, 2 5,, 32). (padophilia) 16. 18, 33) 896, 234 34) 193-198 - 20 -

. 5. 2 5, 8 2.,,,,,.,, ( 2002. 6. 27. 99480 ). (1) 2 5,,, - 21 -

. 2 1 35) 19 36), 2 5 4 (,,, ), 37) (2) ( ) 2 3 38)., 2005. 12. 29. 7801 4 (,,, ) 39), 35) 19,,, 19,,,., 19. 36), 18, 256 37),. 38),,,,. 39), " ",,,, " ", " " " " ( 1998. 4. 30. 9516 ). - 22 -

ICMEC,,,. ( ), (explicit sexual activities)., (explicit sexual activities) 40)., 41).,,,,.,,,, 42). 40) Sexually explicit conduct must be defined by Parties. It covers at least the following real or simulated acts: a) sexual intercour se, incl uding genital- geni tal, oral-genital, anal-genital or oral-anal, between children, or between an adult and a child, of the same or opposite sex; b) bestial ity; c) mastur bation; d) sadistic or masochisti c abuse in a sexual context; or e) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or the pubic area of a chil d. It is not r elevant whether the conduct depicted is real or simul ated 41), 42) ICMEC, ( ),, - 23 -

,,, 43).,,,., 19 1 5.,,. ( ),,.. Child Pornography : Model Legislation & Global Revi ew 6 43)., 240-24 -

( 宮 ) 18 (Santa Fe),,,.,,, 8.,.., 44).,,..,,., 44) 2012. 10. - 25 -

( )., 2 5.,, 45).,,. (3) ( )..46).,, 47) 2011. 9. 15. 11047 45). 18 2011. 6. 16. 301 1, 46) 2002. 4. 25. 200127,,, 8 1,, (, ) 243, 244 6 47) 2011. 8. 6,, - 26 -

2 5, 48). ( ).,, ( ) ( ), 49),,. ( ) 50), ( ),, 18 2011. 6. 16. 301 1 48) 239, 240 49) 186,, 231-233 50) ( ), ( ). - 27 -

, (, 51),, ), 52) ( ) ( ), ( ) ( ) ( ).,,, 53), ( )., 54).,, 51),. 187 52) DAUM NAVER,,,,, 239-240 53) 2010. 16 13 14. 2012 (1991 ) 17 54) - 28 -

,,..,,,,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,,,,. ( ) - 29 -

, 55).,.,,...,,,,,,,,.,.,, Cook TV IP TV 15.., 56)., 15, 57). 55),,,, 56),,,. - 30 -

( ),,,,,,, 8 1 5,, IP TV 7, 8 5 2,000..,,,, 8 1 5, 8 5 2,000..,,,.,. 57) http://www.mt.co.kr/view/mtview.php?type=1&no=2012100800271539954&outlink=1, 2012. 10. 8. 日? ", - 31 -

(1) 2 5 58). 59).,,,,, 60)61). (2). ( 死文化 ) 47 1 62), 58) 2012. 10., 59) 2012. 10., 15, 17,, 17, 60) http://news.donga.com/3/all/20130502/54841703/1 2013. 5. 2...10 61) http://www.munhwa.com/news/view.html?no=2013032201071027168002 2013. 3. 22. 22 2224 62) 2010. 12. 28. 2008157-32 -

. (3) 2 5, 63),.,..,. 2012. 11. 23. 2013. 6. 19.,, 64). 6. 63) http://www.nocutnews.co.kr/show.asp?idx=2284581, 2012. 10. 14. ".. ' ' 64) 183-33 -

. 10, 37 2, ( 2004. 12. 16. 2003 12 ).,, {( 2010. 12. 28. 2008 157, 200988( ) }. ( 2012. 8. 23. 201047 ).,,. 2 2 ( ) 7, 7 65), 65) 5 ( ). 1. 5 2. 2-34 -

66),, 67)68) ( ). ( ) 300 69), ( ),,,, 20,, 70). ( ) 3. 66) 4 ( ). 5. 3 6. 2 7. 67) 10 ( ). 4. ( ) 3 5. 1 111. 68) PC PC,,. 69) 13 ( ) 300. 70) 33 ( ) 38 1 5. 34 ( ) 331 40. 1 30 1., 1,. 35 ( ) 343. 36 ( ) 20. 37 ( ) - 35 -

, 10,,, ( ), ( 71) ) 72)., 8 4,,. (1) ( ), ( 2002. 4. 25. 200127 ),.. 71), 2 1 10. 72) 44 ( ) 10,. - 36 -

, 2005. 12. 29., 2011. 9. 15. 2 3,, ( ),, ( ),, ( ),,,,, ( ),, ( ),,,,,, ( ).,,, 73)., 74),,,, (,, ),,,. 73),,,. /, (Vi rtual Chi ld Pornography) :, 47 5,, 2003. 210 74) ( 性 ),.,, 42-37 -

( ) ( 2009. 5. 28. 2006109 ),, ( ),,,.,,. 75),.,. ( ),,., ( 性 ),,,,.,, ( 性 ), 75) http://www.catholicnews.co.kr//news/articleview.html?idxno=7148, 2012. 4. 23., http://gnews.gg.go.kr/news/v_news_detail.asp?number=201208161444433240c056 2012. 8. 16.? - 38 -

,.., (7 ) ( 200154 ) 5,,,,,, 8.,,,,. 8 2... ( ) - 39 -

1) 243 ( ) 1 500, 58 1, 2 3 2,000, (, ) 47, 447 1 1 1 1,000, 76)... 2), 77)., 78). 16% 7% 2 79). 80). 76), 77) 2011. 8.,. 78), 161-164 79) http://news.donga.com/3/all/20130102/51998005/1, 2013. 1. 2. 16%, 80) 6. ' ' 88%, 3 94%, ( ).. 153-40 -

3), 81). 82). 83). (Internet Watch Foundation) 2009, 10 72%, 6 23%, 2 3%, 83% 6 12, 39% 3 5, 19% 3 84). 13., 85) 86). 4) 2002. 4. 16. CPPA 81). 162 82) 195, 196 83),, 29 (2005.12),, 483 84) ICMEC : 6 ( ) 3 85),. 86),, - 41 -

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