Samantha is a perfect friend. She always supports her friends, Alice wrote about me. I was shocked when I read this. Was she really talking about me?

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628

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바르게 읽는 성경

June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'


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철학탐구 1. 들어가는말,. (pathos),,..,.,.,,. (ethos), (logos) (enthymema). 1).... 1,,... (pistis). 2) 1) G. A. Kennedy, Aristotle on Rhetoric, 1356a(New York :




328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유

.. IMF.. IMF % (79,895 ). IMF , , % (, 2012;, 2013) %, %, %


(2005) ,,.,..,,..,.,,,,,


희망풍차는 우리 주변의 소외된 어린이, 어르신, 다문화가족, 북한이주민과의 결연을 통해 생계, 의료, 주거, 교육 등 대상자에게 꼭 필요한 도움을 제공하는 국민참여형 통합적 맞춤형 휴먼 서비스입니다.

- 2 -

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7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).


74 현대정치연구 2015년 봄호(제8권 제1호) Ⅰ. 서론 2015년 1월 7일, 프랑스 파리에서 총격 사건이 발생했다. 두 명의 남성이 풍자 잡지 주간 샤를리 의 본사에 침입하여 총기를 난사한 것이다. 이 사건으로 인해 열두 명의 사람이 목숨을 잃었다. 얼마 후에

3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정

합격기원 2012년 12월 정기모의고사 해설.hwp

Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp DOI: : A basic research

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55호 1면

Microsoft Word Hanwha Daily_New.doc



Samantha is a perfect friend. She always supports her friends, Alice wrote about me. I was shocked when I read this. Was she really talking about me? I couldn t believe anyone would write such a positive thing about me especially Alice! We have had a lot of arguments since we became friends. Surely, she must know all my faults! have p.p. since 과거... 이므로, 시제 have had 에유의하셔야합니다. shocking ( X ) 감정형용사가그러한감정을느낄경우, -ed Samantha 는완벽한친구예요. 그애는언제나친구들에게힘이되어줘요. 라고 Alice 가나에대해썼다. 나는이것을읽는동안 얼떨떨했다. 그애가정말나에대해말하고있나? 나는누군가나에대해그토록긍정적인것을쓴것을믿을수없었다. 특 히 Alice 가! 우리는친구가된이후로많은말다툼을해왔다. 확실히, 그애는틀림없이나의단점을모두알고있을것이다! 1. When I look at the mirror ( X )... 2.... it's hard for me to see anything positive in myself. 1) to 부정사의의미상주어를나타내는 for 2) anything positive 의어순에유의할것. -thing + 형용사 3) something positive ( X ) 연결사문제로출제될수있습니다. not A. Rather, B ( A 가아니라, 오히려 B ) When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things that I don t like about myself. I m not just talking about my big nose and bad skin. I ve done lots of foolish things that I m not proud of. I've lied to my parents and sometimes stretched the truth with my friends. I ve also started rumors about people, even Alice. I've lay to my parents ( X ) 거짓말하다 ( lie - lied - lied ) 이므로. stretch the truth 진실을왜곡하다. = lots of foolish things which I'm not proud of. = lots of foolish things I'm not proud of. = lots of foolish things of which I'm not proud. 로바꿔쓸수있습니다. 유의하셔야합니다. 거울을볼때, 나는자신에대해긍정적인무언가를보기어렵다. 오히려, 내가스스로에대해좋아하지않는것들이많다. 나는 단지나의큰코나안좋은피부에대해말하는것이아니다. 나는자랑스럽지않은어리석은일을많이저질렀다. 나는부모님 께거짓말을했고때로는친구들에게진실을왜곡해서말하기도했다. 나는사람들, Alice 에대한소문도퍼트렸다. that... 동격의 that 입니다. 명사 + 동격의 that + 완전한문장. go on a date with... 와데이트하다. 시제차이 Last year, I caused some problems between Alice and her boyfriend, Danny. I started a rumor that she had gone on a date with another boy. However, this wasn t true. I secretly liked Danny and was jealous that he wanted to go out with Alice, not me. Alice never found out that I had started the rumor. Looking back on what I had done, I felt guilty. 시제차이 = As( 또는 When) I looked bakc on what I had done, I felt guilty.... 로전환할수있습니다. 또는이문장을본문과같이분사구문으로전환할수있어야합니다. go out with... 와교제하다. 작년에, 나는 Alice와그애의남자친구인 Danny 사이에문제를일으켰다. 나는그애가다른남자애와데이트를했다는소문을퍼트렸다. 하지만, 이는사실이아니었다. 나는남몰래 Danny를좋아했는데그애가내가아닌, Alice와사귀고싶어해서질투가났다. Alice는내가그소문을퍼트렸다는것을결코알아내지못했다. 내가저지른행동을돌이켜볼때, 나는죄책감을느꼈다.

사역동사 had + O + 동사원형... 입니다. had our class do a special activity 우리반에게특별한활동을하도록시키셨다. One day, my homeroom teacher, Mr. Roberts, had our class do a special activity. He made each of us stand in front of the class one by one, and talk about ourselves our interests, family, friends, and future dreams. While the person was speaking, the rest of the students were asked to write down one or more positive things about him or her. 1. be asked to ~ 하도록요청받다. 2. the rest of 복수명사 + 복수동사... 이므로, 복수동사 were 에유의하세요. 즉, the rest of the students was... ( X ) 사역동사 made + O + 동사원형... 입니다. [ 구조 ] He made + each of us + stand in front ot the class one by one and talk about ourselves... 동사원형 stand... and talk... 의어형에유의하세요. 어느날, 담임선생님인 Roberts 선생님은우리반에게특별한활동을하게하셨다. 선생님은우리에게각자한명씩반친구들 앞에서서, 우리의관심사, 가족, 친구, 장래희망과같이자기자신에대해말하게하셨다. 한사람이말하는동안, 나머지학생 들은그사람에대해긍정적인점을한가지이상쓰라는요청을받았다. 1. I felt very nervous 나는매우초조함을느꼈다 thinking about... 에관해생각하면서 S + V..., ~ing... 에해당하는분사 thinking 2. how my friends would write about me ( X ) 말할나의차례가되었을때 When it was my turn to speak, I felt very nervous thinking about what my friends would write about me. There was Amy, who knew that I had started the rumor about Alice, and Dave, who caught me cheating on a math test earlier that week. catch A ~ing... A 가 ~ 하고있는것을목격하다 ( 잡아내다 ) 따라서, cheating 의어형또한유의하셔야합니다. Lauren was in the class, too, who once asked me where I got the money for my new shoes. I told her that I had lied to my mother that I needed money to buy some books. Most of all, there was Alice. She had the worst time last year because of the rumor that I had started. Considering all these, I was really on the hot seat. Could any of them think of even one good thing to write about me? NOT..., which once asekd me... ( X ) 이모든것들을고려할때, = All these considered 로바꾸어쓸수있음에유의하셔야합니다. NOT... because the rumor that I had started ( X ) 내가말할차례가되었을때, 나는내친구들이나에대해뭐라고쓸지생각하며매우초조해졌다. 내가 Alice에대한소문을퍼트렸다는것을알고있는 Amy도있었고, 내가그주초에치른수학시험에서부정행위를하는것을목격한 Dave도있었다. Lauren도우리반에있었는데, 그애는언젠가내게새신발을살돈이어디서났는지물은적이있었다. 나는그애에게내가엄마에게책몇권을사기위해돈이필요하다고거짓말을했다는것을말했다. 무엇보다도, Alice가있었다. 그애는내가퍼트린소문때문에작년에최악의시간을보냈다. 이모든것을고려할때, 나는정말곤란한처지에있었다. 그들중누가나에대해쓸장점을단하나라도생각해낼수있을까?

take turns to ~ = take turns ~ing... 순서대로번갈아 ~ 하다. 따라서, 본문에서는... to speak 또는 speaking 모두무방합니다. 단, turns 에유의하셔야합니다. 즉, had taken their turn to speak... ( X ) every + 단수명사... 이므로, (NOT)... every notes ( X ) After everyone had taken their turns to speak, Mr. Roberts collected every note. This time, we were told to write down what we think about ourselves. Then he gave us the notes back to let us see what we had written about each other. I didn't dare to see what Mr. Roberts had handed me at first. As I finally read them, however, I couldn t believe my eyes! The notes were full of glowing comments about me. glowing (a)... full of praise 의의미입니다. 1. be told to ~ 하라는말을듣다. NOT... we told to write down... ( X ) 2. NOT... how we think about ourselves ( X ) 1. Then he gave us the notes back to let us see 우리가볼수있도록 what we had written about each other 우리가서로에게썼던것을 2.... what we had written each other ( X ) Two said I m very friendly. One said I have nice eyes. Three said I m funny. One said I have a nice smile. Two said I m a good listener. One even said I m the prettiest girl in the class. My face turned red as I read this. I d never heard such a thing before. 모두가차례대로말한후, Roberts 선생님은쪽지를모두걷으셨다. 이번에는, 우리가스스로에대해생각하는것을쓰게하셨다. 그러고나서선생님은우리가서로에대해쓴것을보게하려고쪽지를돌려주셨다. 나는처음에는 Roberts 선생님이나에게건네신것을볼엄두를내지못했다. 하지만, 마침내그것을읽었을때, 나는내눈을믿을수없었다! 쪽지는나에대한극찬의평으로가득했다. 두명은내가매우친절하다고말했다. 한명은내가멋진눈을가졌다고말했다. 세명은내가재미있다고말했다. 한명은내가멋진미소를가졌다고말했다. 두명은내가남의말을잘들어주는사람이라고말했다. 심지어한명은내가우리반에서가장예쁜여학생이라고말했다. 이것을읽는동안내얼굴은붉어졌다. 나는전에이런말을들어본적이없다.

And then, there was Alice s note. It said that I was a perfect friend and always supported her. Reading what she had written about me, I recalled the time when we were close friends. She was always there for me when I was going through hard times. = After/When/As/While I read what she had written about me... 로전환할수있습니다. go through hard times 힘든시기를겪다 She listened to my problems and tried to encourage me with friendly words. Whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on, she used to be the first person I could depend on. I felt very sorry for what I had done to her. I realized how badly I had treated her. At the same time, I was grateful to her for always being a good friend to me. NOT... I realized how bad I had treated her. ( X ) grateful to A for B... A 에게감사하는 B 에대해서. 1. used to ~ 하곤했다. 2. the first person I could depend on = the first person on whom I could depend = the first person who(m) I could depend on = the first person for me to depend on.... 등으로바꾸어쓸수있음에유의하셔야합니다. 전치사 for 로인한동명사 being 의어형에유의. a shoulder to cry on 기대어울누군가 그러고나서, Alice의쪽지가있었다. 쪽지에는내가완벽한친구이며언제나그애에게힘이되어준다고쓰여있었다. 그애가나에대해쓴것을읽으며, 나는우리가친한친구였던때를떠올렸다. 그애는내가힘든시간을보낼때언제나그곳에있어주었다. 그애는나의문제에귀기울이고다정한말로나를격려하려고노력했다. 내가기대어울누군가가필요할때마다, 그애는내가의지할수있는첫번째사람이었다. 나는내가그애에게했던것에대해정말미안해졌다. 나는내가그애를얼마나심하게대했는지깨달았다. 동시에, 나는그애가언제나나에게좋은친구였음에고마운마음이들었다. 가정법입니다. 따라서, I would be prettier if my nose is smaller. ( X ) I would be prettier if my nose was smaller. ( X ) I am(was) be prettier if my nose were smaller. ( X )... 등은어법상틀린표현입니다. After reading all my friends comments, I looked down at what I had written about myself: I would be prettier if my nose were smaller. I m a good swimmer but I wish I were faster. I hadn t been able to think of any nice things about myself. I wish + 가정법... 입니다. 따라서, I wish I am faster. 은어법상틀린표현임에유의하셔야합니다. To be more exact, I hadn t even dared to think about the question, Is there anything good about me? My friends had made much nicer comments about me. Thanks to them, I realized that I was a better person than I thought. Since then, I've been trying to see the good in myself, too. I hope that I can see someone that I d like to be friends with next time when I look in the mirror. 비교급을수식하며 ' 훨씬 ' 이라는의미의 much = still, even, far, a lot 등으로바꿔쓸수있습니다. 어순에유의. NOT... good anything ( X ) Since 과거, have p.p. 이므로,... I've been trying to see... 에서의 have been trying 의시제에유의하세요. =... someone who(m) I'd like to be friends with =... someone with whom I'd like to be friends 로바꾸어쓸수있습니다. 친구들의의견을모두읽은후에, 나는내가나에대해쓴것을내려다보았다 : 내코가더작으면나는더예쁠텐데. 나는수영을잘하지만더빠르면좋을텐데. 나는나에대해그어떤좋은점도생각해내지못했었다. 더정확히말하자면, 나는 내게어떤장점이있을까 라는질문에대해생각해볼엄두조차내지못했었다. 친구들이나에대해훨씬더멋진말을해주었다. 그애들덕분에, 나는내가생각했던것보다더좋은사람이라는것을깨달았다. 그이후에, 나도나자신의장점을보려고노력하고있다. 내가다음에거울을볼때는내가친구로삼고싶은사람을볼수있기를바란다.

Being Friends with the Face in the Mirror Samantha is a perfect friend. She always supports her friends, Alice wrote about me. I was shocked when I read this. Was she really talking about me? I couldn t believe anyone would write such a positive thing about me especially Alice! We have had a lot of arguments since we became friends. Surely, she must know all my faults! When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things that I don t like about myself. I m not just talking about my big nose and bad skin. I ve done lots of foolish things that I m not proud of. I ve lied to my parents and sometimes stretched the truth with my friends. I ve also started rumors about people, even Alice. Last year, I caused some problems between Alice and her boyfriend, Danny. I started a rumor that she had gone on a date with another boy. However, this wasn t true. I secretly liked Danny and was jealous that he wanted to go out with Alice, not me. Alice never found out that I had started the rumor. Looking back on what I had done, I felt guilty. One day, my homeroom teacher, Mr. Roberts, had our class do a special activity. He made each of us stand in front of the class one by one, and talk about ourselves our interests, family, friends, and future dreams. While the person was speaking, the rest of the students were asked to write down one or more positive things about him or her. When it was my turn to speak, I felt very nervous thinking about what my friends would write about me. There was Amy, who knew that I had started the rumor about Alice, and Dave, who caught me cheating on a math test earlier that week. Lauren was in the class, too, who once asked me where I got the money for my new shoes. I told her that I had lied to my mother that I needed money to buy some books. Most of all, there was Alice. She had the worst time last year because of the rumor that I had started. Considering all these, I was really on the hot seat. Could any of them think of even one good thing to write about me? After everyone had taken their turns to speak, Mr. Roberts collected every note. This time, we were told to write down what we think about ourselves. Then he gave us the notes back to let us see what we had written about each other. I didn t dare to see what Mr. Roberts had handed me at first. As I finally read them, however, I couldn t believe my eyes! The notes were full of glowing comments about me. Two said I m very friendly. One said I have nice eyes. Three said I m funny. One said I have a nice smile. Two said I m a good listener. One even said I m the prettiest girl in the class. My face turned red as I read this. I d never heard such a thing before.

And then, there was Alice s note. It said that I was a perfect friend and always supported her. Reading what she had written about me, I recalled the time when we were close friends. She was always there for me when I was going through hard times. She listened to my problems and tried to encourage me with friendly words. Whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on, she used to be the first person I could depend on. I felt very sorry for what I had done to her. I realized how badly I had treated her. At the same time, I was grateful to her for always being a good friend to me. After reading all my friends comments, I looked down at what I had written about myself: I would be prettier if my nose were smaller. I m a good swimmer but I wish I were faster. I hadn t been able to think of any nice things about myself. To be more exact, I hadn t even dared to think about the question, Is there anything good about me? My friends had made much nicer comments about me. Thanks to them, I realized that I was a better person than I thought. Since then, I ve been trying to see the good in myself, too. I hope that I can see someone that I d like to be friends with next time when I look in the mirror.

01 과본문연습 Samantha is a perfect friend. She always supports her friends, Alice wrote about me. I was [shocked / shocking] when I read this. Was she really talking about me? I couldn t believe [anyone / someone] would write such a positive thing about me especially Alice! 어법수정 We had a lot of arguments since we became friends. Surely, she must know all my faults 그애는틀림없이나의단점을모두알고있을것이다! When I look in the mirror 거울을볼때, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself 나는자신에대해긍정적인무언가를보기어렵다. 연결사 [Rather ], there are many things that I don t like about myself. I m not just talking about my big nose and bad skin. 01 I ve done lots of foolish things that I m not proud of. I ve lied to my parents and sometimes stretched the truth with my friends 친구들에게진실을왜곡해서말하기도했다. I ve also started rumors about people, even Alice. 01. = I ve done lots of foolish things [of ] [which ] I m not proud. Last year, I caused some problems between Alice and her boyfriend, Danny. I started a rumor that she had gone on a date with another boy 다른남자애와데이트를했다는소문을퍼트렸다. However, this wasn t true. I secretly liked Danny and was [ jealous ] that he wanted to go out with Alice, not me. Alice never found out that I had started the rumor. 02 Looking back on what I had done, I felt guilty. 02. = As I looked back on what I had done, I felt guilty. 와같은뜻이되도록분사구문으로밑줄친부분에표현하면? One day, my homeroom teacher, Mr. Roberts, had our class (do) a special activity. He made each of us (stand) in front of the class one by one, and [talk / talked] about ourselves our interests, family, friends, and future dreams. While the person was speaking, the rest of the students [was asking / were asking / was asked / were asked] (write) down one or more positive things about him or her. When it was my turn to speak 내가말할차례가되었을때, I felt very [nervous / nervously] (think) about [how / what] my friends would write about me. There was Amy, who knew that I had started the rumor about Alice, and Dave, who caught me [cheated / to cheat / cheating] on a math test earlier that week. Lauren was in the class, too, [who / which] once asked me where I got the money for my new shoes. I told her that I had lied to my mother that I needed money to buy some books. Most of all, there was Alice. She had the worst time last year [because / because of] the rumor that I had started. 03 (Consider) all these, I was really on the hot seat 나는정말곤란한처지에있었다. Could any of them think of even one good thing to write about me? 03. = All these (considered) 같은뜻이되도록 consider 의적절한어형을괄호안에쓰면?

After everyone had taken their turns to speak 모두가차례대로말한후, Mr. Roberts collected every [note / notes]. This time, 어법수정 [ 모두 ] we told to write down how we think about ourselves. Then he gave us the notes back to let us (see) what we had written about each other. I didn t dare to see what Mr. Roberts had handed me at first. As I finally read them, however, I couldn t believe my eyes! The notes were full of [glowing] = full of praise comments about me. Two said I m very friendly. 두명은내가매우친절하다고말했다. One said I have nice eyes. 한명은내가멋진눈을가졌다고말했다. Three said I m funny. 세명은내가재미있다고말했다. One said I have a nice smile. 한명은내가멋진미소를가졌다고말했다. Two said I m a good listener. 두명은내가남의말을잘들어주는사람이라고말했다. One even said I m the prettiest girl in the class. My face turned red as I read this. I d never heard such a thing before. 심지어한명은내가우리반에서가장예쁜여학생이라고말했다. 이것을읽는동안내얼굴은붉어졌다. 나는전에이런말을들어본적이없다. And then, there was Alice s note. It said that I was a perfect friend and always supported her. 04 Reading what she had written about me, I recalled the time [when ] we were close friends. She was always there for me when I was going (through) hard times. She listened to my problems and tried to [discourage / encourage] me with friendly words. Whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on 기대어울누군가, she used to be the first person I could depend on 내가의지할수있는첫번째사람이었다. I felt very sorry for what I had done to her. I realized how [bad / badly] I had treated her. At the same time, I was grateful (to ) her (for ) always (be) a good friend to me. 04. After I read what she had written about me... 를분사구문으로바꾸어표현하면? After reading all my friends comments, I looked down (at ) what I had written about myself: I would be prettier if my nose were smaller 내코가더작으면나는더예쁠텐데. I m a good swimmer but I wish I were faster 더빠르면좋을텐데. I hadn t been able to think of any nice things about myself. To be more exact, I hadn t even dared to think about the question, 어법수정 Is there good anything about me? My friends had made much nicer comments about me. Thanks to them, I realized that I was a better person than I thought. 어법수정 Since then, I ve been tried to see the good in myself, too. 어법수정 I hope that I can see someone that I d like to be friends next time when I look in the mirror.

01 과본문연습정답 Samantha is a perfect friend. She always supports her friends, Alice wrote about me. I was [shocked / shocking] when I read this. Was she really talking about me? I couldn t believe [anyone / someone] would write such a positive thing about me especially Alice! 어법수정 We have had a lot of arguments since we became friends. Surely, she must know all my faults 그애는틀림없이나의단점을모두알고있을것이다! When I look in the mirror 거울을볼때, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself 나는자신에대해긍정적인무언가를보기어렵다. 연결사 [Rather ], there are many things that I don t like about myself. I m not just talking about my big nose and bad skin. 01 I ve done lots of foolish things that I m not proud of. I ve lied to my parents and sometimes stretched the truth with my friends 친구들에게진실을왜곡해서말하기도했다. I ve also started rumors about people, even Alice. 01. = I ve done lots of foolish things [of ] [which ] I m not proud. Last year, I caused some problems between Alice and her boyfriend, Danny. I started a rumor that she had gone on a date with another boy 다른남자애와데이트를했다는소문을퍼트렸다. However, this wasn t true. I secretly liked Danny and was [jealous ] that he wanted to go out with Alice, not me. Alice never found out that I had started the rumor. 02 Looking back on what I had done, I felt guilty. 02. = As I looked back on what I had done, I felt guilty. 와같은뜻이되도록분사구문으로밑줄친부분에표현하면? One day, my homeroom teacher, Mr. Roberts, had our class (do) a special activity. He made each of us (stand) in front of the class one by one, and [talk / talked] about ourselves our interests, family, friends, and future dreams. While the person was speaking, the rest of the students [was asking / were asking / was asked / were asked] (to write) down one or more positive things about him or her. When it was my turn to speak 내가말할차례가되었을때, I felt very [nervous / nervously] (thinking) about [how / what] my friends would write about me. There was Amy, who knew that I had started the rumor about Alice, and Dave, who caught me [cheated / to cheat / cheating] on a math test earlier that week. Lauren was in the class, too, [who / which] once asked me where I got the money for my new shoes. I told her that I had lied to my mother that I needed money to buy some books. Most of all, there was Alice. She had the worst time last year [because / because of] the rumor that I had started. 03 (Considering) all these, I was really on the hot seat 나는정말곤란한처지에있었다. Could any of them think of even one good thing to write about me? 03. = All these (considered) 같은뜻이되도록 consider 의적절한어형을괄호안에쓰면?

After everyone had taken their turns to speak 모두가차례대로말한후, Mr. Roberts collected every [note / notes]. This time, 어법수정 [ 모두 ] we were told to write down what we think about ourselves. Then he gave us the notes back to let us (see) what we had written about each other. I didn t dare to see what Mr. Roberts had handed me at first. As I finally read them, however, I couldn t believe my eyes! The notes were full of [glowing] = full of praise comments about me. Two said I m very friendly. 두명은내가매우친절하다고말했다. One said I have nice eyes. 한명은내가멋진눈을가졌다고말했다. Three said I m funny. 세명은내가재미있다고말했다. One said I have a nice smile. 한명은내가멋진미소를가졌다고말했다. Two said I m a good listener. 두명은내가남의말을잘들어주는사람이라고말했다. One even said I m the prettiest girl in the class. My face turned red as I read this. I d never heard such a thing before. 심지어한명은내가우리반에서가장예쁜여학생이라고말했다. 이것을읽는동안내얼굴은붉어졌다. 나는전에이런말을들어본적이없다. And then, there was Alice s note. It said that I was a perfect friend and always supported her. 04 Reading what she had written about me, I recalled the time [when ] we were close friends. She was always there for me when I was going (through) hard times. She listened to my problems and tried to [discourage / encourage] me with friendly words. Whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on 기대어울누군가, she used to be the first person I could depend on 내가의지할수있는첫번째사람이었다. I felt very sorry for what I had done to her. I realized how [bad / badly] I had treated her. At the same time, I was grateful (to ) her (for ) always (being) a good friend to me. 04. After I read what she had written about me... 를분사구문으로바꾸어표현하면? After reading all my friends comments, I looked down (at ) what I had written about myself: I would be prettier if my nose were smaller 내코가더작으면나는더예쁠텐데. I m a good swimmer but I wish I were faster 더빠르면좋을텐데. I hadn t been able to think of any nice things about myself. To be more exact, I hadn t even dared to think about the question, 어법수정 Is there anything good about me? My friends had made much nicer comments about me. Thanks to them, I realized that I was a better person than I thought. 어법수정 Since then, I ve been trying to see the good in myself, too. 어법수정 I hope that I can see someone that I d like to be friends with next time when I look in the mirror.

[ 기출문제 ] 01. 괄호 (A)~(C) 에서적절한단어를골라순서대로나열한것을고르시오. Last year, I caused some problems between Alice and her boyfriend, Danny. I started a rumor that she had gone on a date with another boy. However, this wasn't true. I secretly liked Danny and was jealous that he wanted to go out with Alice, not me. Alice never found out that I started the rumor. (A) [Look / Looking] back on what I had done, I felt guilty. One day, my homeroom teaches, Mr. Roberts, had our class do a special activity. He made each of us stand in front of the class one by one, and (B) [talk / talked] about ourselves - our interests, family, friends, and future dreams. While the person was speaking, the rest of the class (C) [was / were] asked to write down one or more positive things about him or her. 1 Look talk was 2 Look talked were 3 Looking talked were 4 Looking talked was 5 Looking talk was 다음글을읽고, 각물음에답하시오. And then, there was Alice's note. It said that I was a perfect friend and always supported her. Reading what she had written about me, I recalled the time when we were close friends. She was always there for me when I was going through hard times. She listened to my problems and tired to encourage me with friendly words. (A) [When / Whenever] I needed a shoulder to cry on, she (B) [used to / was used to] be the first person I could depend on. I felt very sorry for what I had done to her. I realized how (C) [bad / badly] I had treated her. At the same time, I was grateful to her for always being a good friend to me. 02. 밑줄친 note의본문에서의의미와가장가까운것을고르시오. 1 He played the first few notes of the tune. 2 We only exchange notes and traveller's checks. 3 Please note that the office will be closed on Monday. 4 She left a note for Ben to say thanks on the kitchen table. 5 The note issued as of last week made it easier for people to withdraw savings from an account. 03. 괄호 (A)~(C) 에서적절한단어를골라순서대로나열한것을고르시오. 1 When used to bad 2 When was used to bad 3 When was used to badly 4 Whenever used to badly 5 Whenever used to bad

04. 밑줄친부분중, 어법상어색한두곳을고르시오. [1과] When it was my turn to speak, I felt very nervous 1 thinking about what my friends would write about me. There was Amy, who knew that I had started the rumor about Alice, and Dave, 2 who caught me cheating on a math test earlier that week. Lauren was in the class, too, who once asked me 3 where I got the money for my new shoes. I told her that I had lied to my mother that I needed money to buy some books. Most of all, there was Alice. She had the worst time last year 4 because the rumor that I had started. 5 Considered all these, I was really on the hot seat. Could any of them think of even one good thing to write about me? 05. 밑줄친부분을다음과같이바꾸어쓸때어색한것은? "Samantha is a perfect friend. 1 She always supports her friends," Alice wrote about me. 2 I was shocked when I read this. Was she really talking about me? 3 I couldn't believe anyone would write such a positive thing about me - especially Alice! We have had a lot of arguments since we became friends. Surely, she must know all my faults! When I look in the mirror, it's hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things that I don't like about myself. I'm not just talking about my big nose and bad skin. 4 I've done lots of foolish things that I'm not proud of. I've lied to my parents and sometimes 5 stretched the truth with my friends. I've also started rumors about people, even Alice. 1 She is always there for her friends. 2 I was shocked to read this. 3 It was unbelievable that anyone would write such a nice thing about me. 4 I feel shameful that I've done lots of foolish things. 5 said something about my friends that was completely true 06. 밑줄친부분을다음과같이바꿀때가장어색한것은? And then, there was Alice's note. It said that I was a perfect friend and always supported her. Reading what she had written about me, I recalled the time when we were close friends. She was always there for me when I was going through hard times. She listened to my problems and tired to encourage me with friendly words. Whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on, she used to be the first person I could depend on. I felt very sorry for what I had done to her. I realized how badly I had treated her. At the same time, I was grateful to her for always being a good friend to me. 1 supported sponsored 3 encourage inspire 2 recalled remembered 4 treated dealt with 5 grateful thankful

다음글을읽고, 각물음에답하시오. (A) "Samantha is a perfect friend. She always supports her friends," Alice wrote about me. I was shocked when I read this. Was she really talking about me? I couldn't believe anyone would write such a positive things about me - especially Alice! We have had a lot of arguments since we became friends. Surely, she must know all my faults! (B) Rather, there are many things that I don't like about myself. I'm not just talking about my big nose and bad skin. I've done lots of foolish things that I'm not proud of. I've lied to my parents and sometimes stretched the truth with my friends. I've also started rumors about people, even Alice. (C) Last year, I caused some problems between Alice and her boyfriend, Danny. I started a rumor that she had gone on a date with another boy. However, this wasn't true. I secretly liked Danny and was jealous that he wanted to go out with Alice, not me. (D) One day, my homeroom teacher, Mr. Roberts, had our class do a special activity. He made each of us stand in front of the class one by one, and talk about ourselves - our interests, family, friends, and future dreams. While the person was speaking, the rest of the students were asked to write down one or more positive things about him or her. (E) After reading all my friends' a comments, I looked down at what I had written about myself: "I would be prettier if my nose were smaller. I'm a good swimmer but I wish faster." I hadn't been able to think of any b nice things about myself. To be more exact, I hadn't even dared to think about the question, "Is there c anything positive about me?" My friends had made much nicer comments about me. Thanks to d them, I realized that I was a better person than I thought. Since then, I've been trying to see e the good in myself, too. I hope that I can see someone that I'd like to be friends with next time when I look in the mirror. 07. 밑줄친부분중, 지칭하는바가다른하나를고르시오. 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 08. 위글의제목을 [Being Friends with the Face in the Mirror] 라고붙이려고한다. 글 (A)~(E) 중에서글의제목과가 장밀접한관련이있는것을고르시오. 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 09. 위글을통해알수없는것을고르시오. 1 What does Samantha think about herself? 2 What did Mr. Roberts have the class do? 3 What were the notes about Samantha like? 4 What things Samantha do that are wrong? 5 How did Alice treat Samantha when she was going through hard times?

10. 글의흐름에맞도록주어진글을순서대로나열하시오. (A) In 1968, Professor Robert Rosenthal from Harvard University and Lenore Jacobson, who had been an elementary school teacher, carried out an experiment. (B) Eight months later, They tested all the students again and found out that those who were in the list had improved a lot on the test. The teachers' expectations of those students had played a major role in this change. (C) They first gave an IQ test to students and then chose some of them. They gave the list of the students to teachers, saying that those students were most likely to show the biggest improvement. 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 5 (B)-(A)-(C) 다음글을읽고, 각물음에답하시오 After everyone had taken their turns to speak, Mr. Roberts collected every note. This time, (we told to write down that we think us). Then he gave us the notes back to let us see what we had written about each others. I didn't dare to see what Mr. Roberts had handed me at first. As I finally read them, however, I couldn't believe my eyes! The notes were full of glowing comments about me. Two said I'm very friendly. One said I have nice eyes. Three said I'm funny. One said I have a nice mile Two said I'm a good listener. One even said I'm the prettiest girl in the class. My face turned red as I read this. I'd never heard such a thing before. And then, there was Alice's note. It said that I was a perfect friend and always supported her. Reading what she had written about me, I recalled the time when we were close friends. 11. [ 주관식 ] 위글을다음과같이요약할때, 주어진철자로시작하는단어로다음빈칸을완성하시오. (C ) to her expectation, it (t ) out that almost everyone had written such (p ) things about the writer. 12. [ 주관식 ] 괄호안의문장을다음의의미가되도록어법에맞게고쳐다시쓰시오. ( We told to write down that we think about us. ) 우리가스스로에대해생각하는것을쓰게하셨다.

13. [ 주관식 ] 밑줄친 (a)~(e) 를어법에맞게고쳐순서대로쓰시오.[1과] There was a man in Greek mythology, Pygmalion, who used to hate women. Feeling lonely, however, he made a status of a perfect woman and fell in love with it as if it (a) is real. One day, Pygmalion went to Aphrodiite, the goddess of love and beauty, and asked her for a woman just like the statue. Listening to his prayer, Aphrodite realized how deep his love was and made the statue (b) become a real woman. The Pygmalion effect is named after the man and mean one's high executions of or belief in someone creates a positive influence on the person and brings (c) satisfy results. This occurs because people feel proud of themselves when they are respected and try (d) meet the expectations. To summarize, encouraging someone (e) have positive effects on his or her ability and leads that person to success. It is also important to believe in ourselves when trying to achieve something. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 14. 다음글의빈칸 (A), (B), (C) 에가장알맞은표현은? Last year, I caused some problems between Alice and her boyfriend, Danny. I started a rumor that she had gone on a date with another boy. However, this wasn't true. I secretly liked Danny and was jealous that he wanted to go out with Alice, not me. Alice never found out that I had started the rumor. (A) back on what I had done, I felt guilty. One day, my homeroom teacher, Mr. Roberts, had our class do a special activity. He made each of us stand in front of the class one by one, and (B) about ourselves, our interests, family, friends, and future dreams. While the person was speaking, the rest of the students (C) to write down one or more positive things about him or her. 1 Looking talk was asked 2 When I looked to talk were asked 3 When I look talk was asked 4 When I looked talk were asked 5 Looking to talk was asked

15. 다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? When it was my turn to speak, I felt very nervous thinking about what my friends would write about me. There was Amy, who knew that I had started the rumor about Alice, and Dave, who caught me cheating on a math test earlier that week. Lauren was in the class, too, who once asked me where I got the money for my new shoes. I told her that I had lied to my mother that I needed money to buy some books. Most of all, there was Alice. She had the worst time last year because of the rumor that I had started. Considering all these, I was really on the hot seat. Could any of them think of even one good thing to write about me? 1 Dave noticed the writer cheat on a math test. 2 Amy helped the writer start the rumor about Alice. 3 Alice had the worst time because of the writer. 4 The writer didn t expect anyone to write one good thing about her or him. 5 The writer bought new shoes with the money his or her mother gave for some books. 16. 다음글의밑줄친 a-e 중문법적으로어색한기호 2개를찾고, 올바르게고치시오. After reading all my friends' comments, I looked down at a what I had written about myself: "I would be prettier if my nose were smaller. I'm a good swimmer but I wish b I were faster." I hadn't been able to think of any nice things about myself. c Be more exact, I hadn't even dared to think about the question, "Is there anything good about me?" My friends had made much nicer comments about me. Thanks to them, I realized that I was a better person than I thought. d Since then, I've been trying to see the good in myself, too. I hope that I can see someone that e I'd like to be friends next time I look in the mirror. 틀린부분기호 올바르게고쳐쓰기 [ ] [ ]

17. 아래글에드러난 I 의심정으로가장적절한것은? After everyone had taken their turns to speak, Mr. Roberts collected every note.this time, we were told to write down what we think about ourselves. Then he gave us the notes back to let us see what we had written about each other. I didn't dare to see what Mr. Roberts had handed me at first. As I finally read them, however, I couldn't believe my eyes! The notes were full of glowing comments about me. Two said I'm very friendly. One said I have nice eyes. Three said I'm funny. One said I have a nice smile. Two said I'm a good listener. One even said I'm the prettiest girl in the class. My face turned red as I read this. I'd never heard such a thing before. 1 calm and indifferent 2 nervous and surprised 3 regretful and ashamed 4 jealous and pessimistic 5 disappointed and unsatisfied 18. 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? (1과) After reading all my friends' comments, I looked down at what I had written about myself: I would be prettier if my nose were smaller. I'm a good swimmer but I wish I were faster. I hadn't been able to think of any nice things about myself. To be more exact, I hadn't even dared to think about the question, "Is there anything good about me?" My friends had made much nicer comments about me. Thanks to them, I realized that I was a better person than I thought. Since then, I've been trying to see the good in myself, too. I hope that I can see someone that I'd like to be friends with next time when I look in the mirror. Finding out that I had been (A) myself, I decided to build (B). 1 overconfident in 2 overconfident in 3 underestimating 4 underestimating 5 distrusting self-esteem self-control self-control self-esteem self-control

다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. And then, there was Alice's note. It said that I was a perfect friend and always supported her.reading what she had written about me, I recalled the time when we were close friends. 1 She was always there for me when I was going through hard times.2 She listened to my problems and tried to encourage me with friendly words. 3 Whenever I needed a shoulder (a) to cry on, she used to be the last person I could depend on. 4 I felt very sorry for what I had done to her. 5 I realized how badly I had treated her. 19. 위글의 1~5 중, 글의흐름상어색한것은? 20. 밑줄친 to부정사 (a) 와그쓰임이같은것을 < 보기 > 에서모두고른것은? < 보기 > a I have a lot of work to do today. b She went back home to get her homework. c Would you like to order something to drink? d My dream is to become a teacher. e It is not easy for us to open a can without an opener. 1 a, b 2 a, c 3 b, d 4 b, c, e 5 a, c, d, e 21. 밑줄친 she[her] 가가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? "Samantha is a perfect friend. 1 She always supports her friends," Alice wrote about me. I was shocked when I read this. Was 2 she really talking about me?i couldn't believe anyone would write such a positive thing about me especially Alice! We have had a lot of arguments since we became friends. Surely, 3 she must know all my faults! Last year, I caused some problems between Alice and 4 her boyfriend, Danny.I started a rumor that 5 she had gone on a date with another boy. However, this wasn't true. I secretly liked Danny and was jealous that he wanted to go out with Alice, not me. Alice never found out that I had started the rumor. Looking back on what I had done, I felt guilty.

22. [ 서술형 ] 밑줄친 1~5에서어법상틀린것을두개골라바르게고치시오. When it was my turn to speak, I felt very nervous thinking about 1 what my friends would write about me.there was Amy, who knew that I 2 has started the rumor about Alice, and Dave, who caught me 3 cheating on a math test earlier that week.lauren was in the class, too, who once asked me where I got the money for my new shoes. I told her that I had lied to my mother 4 who I needed money to buy some books. Most of all, there was Alice. She had the worst time last year because of the rumor 5 that I had started. Considering all these, I was really on the hot seat. Could any of them think of even one good thing to write about me? ⑴ ⑵ 23. 밑줄친부분이가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? "Samantha is a perfect friend. 1 She always supports her friends," Alice wrote about me. I was shocked when 2 I read this. Was she really talking about 3 me? I couldn't believe anyone would write such a positive thing about meespecially Alice! We have had a lot of arguments since we became friends. Surely, 4 she must know all my faults! When I look in the mirror, it's hard for me to see anything positive in 5 myself. Rather, there are many things that I don't like about myself. 24. 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A) 와 (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? The Pygmalion effect is named after the man and means one's high expectations of or belief in someone creates a positive influence on the person and brings satisfying results. This occurs because people feel proud of themselves when they are respected and try to meet the expectations. In 1968, Professor Robert Rosenthal from Harvard University and Lenore Jacobson, who had been an elementary school teacher, carried out an experiment. They first gave an IQ test to students and then chose some of them. They gave the list of the students to teachers, saying that those students were most likely to show the biggest improvement. Eight months later, they tested all the students again and found out that those who were in the list had improved a lot on the test. The teachers' expectations of those students had played a major role in this change. Encouraging someone has (A) effects on his or her ability and (B) that person to success. 1 positive 2 positive 3neutral 4negative 5 negative afford leads brings inspires identifies

25. 글의흐름을보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳은? My friends had made much nicer comments about me. After reading all my friends' comments, I looked down at what I had written about myself: "I would be prettier if my nose were smaller. I'm a good swimmer but I wish I were faster." ( 1 ) I hadn't been able to think of any nice things about myself. ( 2 ) To be more exact, I hadn't even dared to think about the question, "Is there anything good about me?" ( 3 ) Thanks to them, I realized that I was a better person than I thought. ( 4 ) Since then, I've been trying to see the good in myself, too. ( 5 ) I hope that I can see someone that I'd like to be friends with next time I look in the mirror. 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. (A) Last year, I caused some problems between Alice and her boyfriend, Danny. I started a rumor that she had gone on a date with another boy. However, this wasn't true. I secretly liked Danny and was jealous that he wanted to go out with Alice, not me. Alice never found out that I had started the rumor. Looking back on what I had done, I felt guilty. (B) After everyone had taken their turns to speak, Mr. Roberts collected every note. This time, we were told to write down what we think about ourselves. Then he gave us the notes back 1 to let us see which we had written about each other. I didn't dare to see what Mr. Roberts had handed me at first. As I finally read them, however, I couldn't believe my eyes! The notes 2 were full of glowing comments about me. (C) One day, my homeroom teacher, Mr. Roberts, 3 had our class do a special activity. He made each of us stand in front of the class one by one, and talk about ourselves our interests, family, friends, and future dreams. While the person was speaking, the rest of the students were asked to write down one or more positive things about him or her. (D) When it was my turn to speak, I felt very nervous 4 thinking about what my friends would write about me. There was Amy, who knew that I had started the rumor about Alice, and Dave, who caught me cheating on a math test earlier that week. Lauren was in the class, too, who once asked me where I got the money for my new shoes. I told her 5 that I had lied to my mother that I needed money to buy some books. 26. 위글 (A) 에이어질내용을순서에맞게배열한것으로가장적절한것은? 1 (B)-(C)-(D) 2 (B)-(D)-(C) 3 (C)-(B)-(D) 4 (C)-(D)-(B) 5 (D)-(C)-(B) 27. 윗글의밑줄친부분중, 어법상틀린것은? 1 to let us see which we had written 2 were full of glowing comments about me. 3 had our class do a special activity. 4 thinking about what my friends would write 5 that I had lied to my mother

문맥상빈칸에들어갈말을주어진단어를재배열하여완벽한하나의문장으로만드세요. After reading all my friends' comments, 28. (I, I, myself, had written, looked down, what, about, at) 나는내가나에대해쓴것을내려다보았다. : "I would be prettier if my nose were smaller. I'm a good swimmer but I wish I were faster." I hadn't been able to think of any nice things about myself. To be more exact, I hadn't even dared to think about the question, "Is there anything good about me?" My friends had made much nicer comments about me. Thanks to them, I realized that I was a better person than I thought. Since then, I've been trying to see the good in myself, too. I hope that 29. (I, I'd like, can see, next time, someone, to be friends, with, that.) 내가다음에거울을볼때는내가친구로삼고싶은사람을볼수있기를바란다. 28. ( 서술형 ) 답 : 29. ( 서술형 ) 답 : 30.( 서술형 ) 다음글을읽고글의흐름상어색한문장을하나찾아그문장을바르게고치시오. ( 틀린부분은 1곳, 완벽한하나의문장으로작성하세요 ) There was Alice's note. It said that I was a perfect friend and always supported her. Reading what she had written about me, I recalled the time when we were close friends. She was always there for me when I was going through hard times. She listened to my problems and tried to encourage me with friendly words. Whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on, she used to be the first person I could depend on. I felt very sorry for what I have done to her. I realized how badly I had treated her. At the same time, I was grateful to her for always being a good friend to me.

기출문제정답 01. 5 02. 4 03. 4 04. 4, 5 05. 5 06. 1 07. 4 08. 5 09. 3 10. 2 11. Compared, turned, positive 12. we were told to write down what we think about ourselves 13. (a) is were (b) become become (c) satisfy satisfying (d) meet to meet (e) have has 14. 4 15. 2 16. (C) Be more exact... To be more exact (E) I d like to be friends... I d like to be friends with 17. 2 18. 4 19. 3 20. 2 21. 1 22. 2. has started... had started 4. who... that 23. 4 24. 2 25. 3 26. 4 27. 1 28. I looked down at what I had written about myself. 29. I can see someone that I'd like to be friends with next time I look in the mirror. 30. I felt very sorry for what I have done to her. I felt very sorry for what I had done to her.