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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

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2 - ABSTRACT The object of this study is to investigate the practical effects of Senior Employment Project, implemented by government as a part of sen



Get your target right with TARGET TEPS 600+ 링구아포럼연구소지음 주인영 정회진 READING


TABLE OF CONTENTS Target TEPS 600+ Reading Highlights 06 Microscoping TEPS: 시험소개 08 TEPS Reading Diagnostic Test 10 PART I CHAPTER 01 빈칸채우기 24 - 첫문장완성하기 CHAPTER 02 빈칸채우기 28 - 중간문장완성하기 CHAPTER 03 빈칸채우기 32 - 마지막문장완성하기 A CHAPTER 04 빈칸채우기 36 - 마지막문장완성하기 B CHAPTER 05 빈칸채우기 40 - 연결어 _ 첨가, 예시, 부연, 경과, 인과 CHAPTER 06 빈칸채우기 44 - 연결어 _ 대조, 전환, 요약

TARGET TEPS 600+ READING PART II CHAPTER 07 CHAPTER 08 제목찾기 50 중심내용찾기 54 CHAPTER 09 중심소재찾기 58 CHAPTER 10 글의목적찾기 62 CHAPTER 11 세부사항찾기 A 66 CHAPTER 12 세부사항찾기 B 70 CHAPTER 13 내용일치 A 74 CHAPTER 14 내용일치 B 78 CHAPTER 15 추론하기 A 82 CHAPTER 16 추론하기 B 86 PART III CHAPTER 17 CHAPTER 18 논리적흐름파악 A 92 논리적흐름파악 B 96 Actual Test 102 Answer Key A2



TEPS Reading TEPS reading 의 Part I 에서는총 16 문항이출제되며, 1~14 번의문제는빈칸에들어갈내용을찾는문항이, 15~16 번 에서는적절한연결어찾기가출제된다. 연결어든, 빈칸의내용이든전체적인내용의흐름을파악하고, 빈칸의앞 뒤문장 이갖는논리적관계를파악하는능력이공통적으로요구된다. 글의주제및전체적흐름을파악하고, 문단내에서이뤄지 는순접, 역접, 인과의논리관계를이해하는능력을 Part I 에서훈련하도록해보자.

CHAPTER 01 빈칸채우기 - 첫문장완성하기 PART CHAPTER 02 CHAPTER 03 빈칸채우기 - 중간문장완성하기빈칸채우기 - 마지막문장완성하기 A I CHAPTER 04 CHAPTER 05 CHAPTER 06 빈칸채우기 - 마지막문장완성하기 B 빈칸채우기 - 연결어 _ 첨가, 예시, 부연, 경과, 인과빈칸채우기 - 연결어 _ 대조, 전환, 요약

CHAPTER 빈칸채우기 - 첫문장완성하기 출제방식완결된글에는대부분주제문이있다. 평이한글에서는주제문이가장앞에나오는경우가많으며, 그렇기때문에빈칸이가장앞에있을경우선택지중에서글의주제문이나핵심사항을찾으라는얘기로보아도무방하다. 지문전체를축약한내용이빈칸으로출제될경우지문전체를모두읽어야문제를해결할수있다. 단, 첫문장이주제문과반대되는경우도있으니끝까지신중하게읽어야한다. Sample QUESTION Read the passage. Then choose the option that best completes the passage. Attention all residents of Broadside Apartments: Tomorrow the maintenance crews will. Winter is coming up soon, and we want to make sure everyone stays warm. The work will be done from 8 am until 6 pm tomorrow, and the workers will leave an invoice to show they finished the inspection. Broadside Apartments asks that you restrain any pets and take away anything blocking the heater so that the crews can reach it easily. This is for everyone s benefit, and we appreciate your cooperation. enter all of your apartments examine all pets in the building install new heaters in the apartments check if all heaters are working properly [ 정답 ] [ 해석 ] Broadside 아파트모든입주자께알립니다. 내일보수담당직원들이것입니다. 겨울이곧다가오므로저희들은모든입 주자가따뜻하게지낼수있도록하고싶습니다. 작업은내일오전 8 시부터오후 6 시까지진행될것이며, 작업자들이검사를끝냈다는표 시로청구서를남길것입니다. Broadside 아파트측에서는작업자들이난방기에쉽게접근할수있도록애완동물을묶어두고난방기를 막는물건은모두치워주시기를부탁드립니다. 이작업은모두를위한것이며, 입주자여러분들의협조에감사드립니다. 여러분모두의아파트에들어갈 건물내의모든애완동물을검사할 아파트에새로운난방기를설치할 모든난방기가제대로작동하는지확인할 [ 해설 ] 아파트의입주자를대상으로한공지다. 빈칸에는문맥상직원들이내일할일이들어가야하며, 따라서빈칸에들어갈내용이바로공지 의목적이된다. we want to make sure everyone stays warm 과 take away anything blocking the heater 를보면직원들 이할일은주민들이겨울철을따뜻하게날수있도록보일러의성능을확인하는일임을알수있다. 직원들이아파트에들어간다는사실을 추론할수는있으나공지의중심내용이아니므로 는오답이며, 새난방기를설치하는것이아니라기존의난방기가잘작동하는지점검 하는것이므로 도오답이다. [ 어휘 ] resident 거주자, 입주자 maintenance 보수, 유지관리 invoice 청구서, 송장 inspection 정밀조사, 점검 restrain 묶어두다, 감금하다 take away 치우다, 없애다 block 막다 benefit 이익, 이득 properly 적절히 install 설치하다 appreciate 고마워하다, 감사하다 cooperation 협조 24 TEPS READING

P R A C T I C E TEST 정답및해설 P.A2 Read the passage. Then choose the option that best completes the passage. 01 Christo and Jeanne-Claude s art project The Umbrellas was. The project aimed to place over a thousand blue umbrellas in Japan and over another thousand yellow umbrellas in California. The umbrellas themselves were huge, measuring 6 meters in height. It took 2,000 workers to bring the umbrellas to their sites, and some umbrellas were even transported by helicopter. Also, the artwork cost over twenty million dollars, and it was finally set up in the fall of 1991. Millions of people enjoyed the sight of the umbrellas, and some even used the exhibits as everything from picnic spots to wedding altars. their final work of art a waste of millions of dollars a unique and enormous project made to be used for various purposes 02 Dear Mr. Craig, It is with regret that I must inform you. I have loved working here for the past ten years. I have grown close to all of my coworkers here at Apex Tech. In fact, I consider them to be my second family. However, recently I ve been thinking about my career, and I ve decided that I need to explore my options. Specifically, I d like to return to school and eventually become a college professor. I will stay with the company for another month, and I can even help train my replacement. Again, I will always cherish my time here. Sincerely, Lisa Jennings of my resignation of how great this job is that I have a complaint that I was offered a better job PART I 25

P R A C T I C E TEST 03 Arguably the greatest musician ever, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His career and reputation took off only after he gave up a financially secure position with the Archbishop of Salzburg and moved to Vienna. Giving up such a stable job opened the door to his later financial problems. Furthermore, his decision to leave Salzburg strained his relationship with his father, who did not fully support Mozart s marriage, either. Finally, he was plagued by ill health during his final years, and he died at the young age of 35. nonetheless faced many troubles gave up financial security for fame died young due to financial problems had a complex relationship with his father 04 Next weekend, come experience the. Not to worry: it is not just eye candy for the kids. There is a little something for practically everyone in your family, young and old alike. For younger viewers, there are full-length feature films of popular cartoon shows like Fire Force Five and some amazing anime films. For adults, there are artistic pieces of animation from around the globe, lovable cartoon classics from the 30s and 40s, and brilliant shorts featuring computer graphics. Showings will begin on Friday morning at five. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for children, and all children must be accompanied by an adult. most cutting-edge anime of today city s annual animated film festival seminar of today s animation industry number-one movie across the country 26 TEPS READING

05 By the time the drilling of the Kola Super-Deep Borehole in Russia stopped in 1994, the hole. Not only is it the deepest hole drilled, at roughly 7.5 miles, but the revelations it provided about the Earth s crust also completely confounded scientific expectations. For example, scientists drilling the hole were surprised to find fossils of plankton at depths where the temperature and pressure should have made life impossible. The scientists even found water in the cracks of some rocks, which is an unusual discovery. was deeper than any other hole ever drilled had yielded interesting fossils for examination had contributed to the understanding of the Earth had proven that geologists were accurate in their beliefs 06 Dear Marie Linder, You are of Melisa Smith and James Hamm on Wednesday, June 6 th. The ceremony will be held in the First Lakeside Baptist Church in Hapeville at 4:30, with the reception held at 6:00. The reception will feature food and drinks, dancing, games, and live music. Please reply to this letter by calling Linda at 555-1583 if you plan to attend. You can bring your car, since there will be plenty of parking at the church. We hope to see you as we witness the union of this lovely couple. asked to come to the funeral cordially invited to the wedding summoned to witness at the trial welcome to attend the graduation TEPS 어휘정복 문화 문명 civilization 사회화 socialization 문화변용 acculturation 문화유산 cultural heritage 관습 custom 다양성 diversity 대중문화 pop culture 반문화 counterculture 규범 norm 자기민족중심주의 ethnocentrism 토착문화 indigenous culture PART I 27

CHAPTER 빈칸채우기 - 중간문장완성하기 출제방식빈칸이중간에오는경우역시주제문과관련해주제문의논리적흐름을이어갈수있는지를묻는경우가많다. 때문에, 빈칸을제외한전체글의내용을통해, 또는글의서두의내용을읽으면서주제문을밝혀야한다. 하지만첫번째문장이주제문을강조하기위해반박하는내용이나올수있으므로무조건시작부분을주제문으로생각하는것은바람직하지않으며, 글의중간에반전이있어서마지막에가서야주제문이등장한다면, 주어진빈칸이반전이있기전인지후인지를판단해야한다. Sample QUESTION Read the passage. Then choose the option that best completes the passage. Our solar system has a total of eight planets, including the Earth. The hottest planet is Mercury, as it is closest to the sun. Beyond that are Venus and Earth, whose sizes are about the same. Mars, considerably colder than Earth, is the last planet before the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt separates the inner planets from the outer planets. Jupiter is the largest planet, and it is. After Jupiter is Saturn, the second largest planet, followed by Uranus and Neptune. the outer planet closest to the sun the most gaseous among outer planets the last inner planet in our solar system the only outer planet in our solar system [ 정답 ] [ 해석 ] 우리의태양계는지구를포함하여총여덟개의행성으로이루어진다. 가장뜨거운행성은수성인데그것은이것이태양에가장가깝기때 문이다. 다음이금성과지구인데둘의크기는거의같다. 화성은지구에비해상당히춥고소행성대앞에있는마지막행성이다. 소행성대 는내행성과외행성을가른다. 목성은가장큰행성이고 해왕성이있다. 태양에가장가까운외행성 외행성가운데가장가스가많은행성 우리태양계의마지막내행성 우리태양계의유일한외행성 이다. 목성다음은토성인데두번째로큰행성이며다음에천왕성과 [ 해설 ] 태양계의행성에대한내용이다. 빈칸에는목성의특징이들어가야하는데, 앞문장을보면화성이내행성에속하는마지막행성이며, 소행성대후에첫번째로등장하는목성이후부터는외행성에속한다는사실을알수있다. 따라서빈칸에적절한답은 이며, 나머지,, 는모두틀린정보이다. [ 어휘 ] solar system 태양계 planet 행성 including ~ 을포함하여 asteroid belt 소행성대 beyond ~ 의저쪽 [ 너머 ] 에, ~ 을지나서 gaseous 가스의 separate A from B A 를 B 와분리하다 [ 가르다 ] 28 TEPS READING

P R A C T I C E TEST 정답및해설 P.A4 Read the passage. Then choose the option that best completes the passage. 01 Hank s Sports and Sorts has been this city s number one provider of sports equipment for the past twenty years. We specialize in every sport you can think of. Do you need hockey or football helmets? Gear for the outdoors? We have. From baseballs to pool tables and everything in between, you ll find it at Hank s Sports and Sorts. We also have equipment for both youth leagues and professional athletes. You name it, we got it. So come down to Hank s Sports and Sorts on Highway 17 for all of your sports and recreational needs. the lowest prices of any sports stores a special weekend sale on equipment a lot of equipment for outdoor sports the widest selection you have ever seen 02 In his autobiographical book The Last Lecture Randy Pausch, a computer science professor who was dying of cancer, delivers a carefully prepared lecture that contains his final words as a teacher. Like Pausch, many professors deliver a last lecture to reflect on their mortality. The author s final words, though. He uses his humor and intelligence to inspire people to seek out their childhood dreams, help others achieve their dreams, and gain the most out of every moment of life. That s why this wonderful book about how to live is so widely read and beloved. address his lifelong studies have failed to make an impact are about living instead of dying are about how to prepare for dying PART I 29

P R A C T I C E TEST 03 Dear Customer, We at SuperTech Computers appreciate you highly for being a longtime loyal customer. As a token of our gratitude, we would like to offer you a special 20% discount on any SuperTech product you purchase in the next two months. Use this special card at any of our stores, including our online store, to get great deals on all our products, including software, printers, accessories, drivers and more. This is, and we hope you take advantage of it. Once again, we are very grateful for all your business with us and hope to serve you again in the near future. Best Wishes, SuperTech Inc. our way of thanking you a great gift idea for friends to thank you for your last purchase to notify new customers of a discount 04 Communicative language teaching is a popular approach to teaching second languages in schools and universities. What separates this method from other methods is its emphasis on. Interactions in the second language are encouraged among students, as are the reading and discussing of materials written in the second language, like advertisements and newspapers. Study abroad programs are also very useful in supporting communicative language learning. In these programs, a student undergoing communicative language training gets to develop skills in everyday situations like ordering food at a restaurant, taking a taxi, and visiting a post office. using the second language in practical situations going abroad and studying with the native speakers teaching the second language in a classroom setting studying a variety of literature in the second language 30 TEPS READING

05 Walls and Floors Unlimited is once again having its big summer clearance sale. This will be the perfect chance to get your home decorations at a very affordable price. Save up to 20% on all living room tables, picture frames, and dining room decorations. But wait that is not even our main sale! This summer we also have. Get your towels and bathmats for 40% off! Plus, special scented soaps, hand soap dispensers, and shower curtains are all 30% off. Find the perfect look for your home and bathroom with our special summer bargains. beach towels discounted by 30% the most popular bathroom products brand new living room tables available special discounts on bathroom decorations 06 A people native to New Zealand, the Maori, have spread out throughout the world. Over several generations, many have naturally emigrated to Australia, as this country is close enough to allow them to return to New Zealand easily. Now, recent developments show that New Zealand. One of the main moves indicating this is a proposed law that would give Maoris in Australia a seat in New Zealand s parliament, essentially allowing them to participate in New Zealand politics from abroad. Moreover, many of the Maori believe that they should return from Australia and help their communities in New Zealand. is trying to develop its Maori tourism business makes it difficult for the Maori to leave the country wants the Maori in Australia to be more connected will pass a law that recognizes foreign Maori communities TEPS 어휘정복 예술 민속예술 folk art 종합예술 composite arts 전위예술 avant-garde art 공연예술 performance art 안무가 choreographer 작곡가 composer 수공예가 craftsman 감정전문가 connoisseur 조각 sculpture 회화 painting 서예 calligraphy PART I 31