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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil



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2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승

2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628

328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유


004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik

7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

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step 1-1



2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을


- 2 -


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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구

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2 동북아역사논총 50호 구권협정으로 해결됐다 는 일본 정부의 주장에 대해, 일본군 위안부 문제는 일 본 정부 군 등 국가권력이 관여한 반인도적 불법행위이므로 한일청구권협정 에 의해 해결된 것으로 볼 수 없다 는 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 또한 2011년 8월 헌 법재판소는









3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해


June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'

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49-9분동안 표지 3.3

3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and


[ 영어영문학 ] 제 55 권 4 호 (2010) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1) Kyuchul Yoon, Ji-Yeon Oh & Sang-Cheol Ahn. Teaching English prosody through English poems with clon

소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


6단계 08권 TG

2 佛敎學報 第 48 輯 서도 이 목적을 준수하였다. 즉 석문의범 에는 승가의 일상의례 보다는 각종의 재 의식에 역점을 두었다. 재의식은 승가와 재가가 함께 호흡하는 공동의 場이므로 포 교와 대중화에 무엇보다 중요한 역할을 수행할 수 있다는 믿음을 지니고 있었다. 둘째



캡틴 버니/Captain Bunny


,,,,,, ),,, (Euripides) 2),, (Seneca, LA) 3), 1) )

수능 CAT

철학탐구 1. 들어가는말,. (pathos),,..,.,.,,. (ethos), (logos) (enthymema). 1).... 1,,... (pistis). 2) 1) G. A. Kennedy, Aristotle on Rhetoric, 1356a(New York :

여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장




Lesson 4 Soccer, the World's Most Popular Sport Focus on Communication 1 의견묻고답기 Which team do you think will win the game? / I think Korea will win 2 이유묻기 What makes you say so? Grammar 관계부사 1 where, when China is the country where the oldest record of a soccer like game was found 2 too ~ to Soccer was 비교급 That was the year when modern soccer started 단수명사 too popular to stop 3 +than+any other+ Pele had scored more goals than any other soccer player at that time Words & Phrases against [əɡénst] She won the last two games against Sora 그녀는소라와의마지막두경기에서이겼다 among [əmʌ ŋ] The most popular sport among them is soccer 그들사이에서가장인기있는스포츠는축구이다 association [əsòusiéi ən] ʃ Some people began to call the game association football 일부사람들은그경기를협회축구라고부르기시작했다 coin [kɔ in] Some English university students coined the name soccer 일부영국대학생들이 ː compete [kəmpí t] Chicago and Busan are competing 시카고와부산이겨루고있다 soccer 라는이름을만들어냈다 defense [diféns] It has a good defense and the best goalkeeper 여기는수비가좋고최고의골키퍼를가지고있다 develop [divéləp] These schools developed their own rules 이학교들은자신들만의규칙을개발였다 emperor [émpərər] It was also played at emperors' birthday parties 이것은또한황제들의생일파티에서도경기되었다 experienced [ikspíəriənst] It has lots of experienced players 여기는능숙한선수들이많다 fact [fǽkt] There are some important facts about soccer 축구에대한몇가지요한사실이있다 female [fíːmeil] The female student raised her voice in the meeting 그여학생은회의에서목소리를높였다 found [fáund] Ten schools founded the Football Association of England 열개의학교가영국의축구협회를세웠다 host [hóust] When did Korea host the World Cup? 한국은언제월드컵을주체했습니까? hurt [həː rt] Many people were hurt or even died 많은사람들이다치거나심지어는죽었다 last [lǽst] A game sometimes lasted all day 한경기가때로는루종일계속되기도했다 Mayan [m ɑ ː jən] The Mayans developed their own calendar 마야사람들은그들나름의달력을개발했다 ː ː medieval [mì dií vəl] In medieval England, soccer games were often played 세영국에서는종종축구경기가열렸다 modern [mɑ dərn] The English started to play the modern form of soccer 영국사람들이근대형의축구를기시작했다 public [pʌ blik] Soccer was a regular subject in many public schools 축구는많은공립학교에서정규과목이었다 record [rikɔ ːrd] He finally broke the world record 그는마침내세계기록을깨뜨렸다 두산김 1 ( ) 4 과

rk] responsibility [rispɑ nsəbíləti] Kids can learn responsibility 아이들은책임감을배울수있다 retire [ritáiər] When I retire, I'd like to live in the countryside 은퇴면나는시골에서살고싶다 rival [ráivəl] Soccer games were often played between rival villages 축구경기가경쟁마을들사이에서종종행해졌다 score [skɔ ːr] By the time he retired, Pele had scored 1,281 goals 펠레가은퇴할무렵에, 그는 1,281 개의골을득점했다 standard [stǽndərd] Ten schools made a set of standard rules in 1863 1863 년열개의학교는일련의규칙을정했다 teamwork [tí ː ː mwə Kids can learn teamwork 아이들은팀워크를배울수있다 train [tréin] The game was usually played to train soldiers 그경기는주로군사들을훈련시키기위해행해졌다 violent [váiələnt] Animals usually become violent when they are hungry 동물들은배가고프면보통난폭해진다 allow A to B Rugby School allowed the players to use their hands 럭비학교는선수들이손을사용는것을허락했다 be about to I was about to watch the baseball game 나는막야구경기를보려던참이었다 be different from Game rules were quite different from today's rules 경기규칙은오늘날의규칙과꽤달랐다 be known as Pele is known as the King of Soccer 펠레는축구의왕으로알려져있다 be similar to The Mayans enjoyed games that were similar to soccer 마야사람들은축구와비슷한경기를즐겼다 by+ ing They coined the name soccer by adding er to soc 그들은 er을 soc에더함으로써 soccer( 축구) 라는이름을만들어냈다 either A or B You can call it either soccer or football 당신은그것( 축구) 을 soccer 이나 football 로부를수있다 hundreds of Hundreds of people took part in a game 수백명의사람들이한경기에참가했다 in addition In addition, he is the only player that has been on three World Cup winning teams 게다가, 그는세번의월드컵우승팀에있었던유일한선수이다 keep+ ing The turtle keeps going without stopping 거북이는쉼없이계속해서간다 stop A from Bing Several kings tried to stop people from playing soccer 몇몇의왕은사람들이축구를는것을막으려고했다 try out In addition, he always tried out new ideas 덧붙여, 그는항상새로운아이디어를테스트해보았다 Quick Check 1 영어는우리말로, 우리말은영어로쓰시오 (1) experienced 경험있는 (2) rival (3) found 세우다, 설립다 (4) hurt (5) public 공공의 (6) develop (7) train 훈련다 (8) medieval 2 괄호안의우리말에맞도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오 (1) Is this against the law? (2) The word was coined in 1950s (3) It lasted a little less than an hour ( (4) He just scored another goal 3 우리말과같도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오 (1) (2) (3) (4) He was known as a poet, not a writer He was different from his brother My mom stopped me from watching TV late at night Kevin is goodlooking In addition, he is thoughtful 4 괄호안의지시대로단어를알맞은형태로쓰시오 (1) male female (2) defend defense (3) retire retired (4) hurt hurt Lesson 4 Soccer, the World's Most Popular Sport 2

Dialog Review 의견묻고답기 / 이유묻기 Sejun: Anna, over here Anna: Hi, Sejun I'm sorry I'm late Sejun: That's okay The game starts at seven, so we still have 15 minutes to go Anna: Oh, good! I'm really excited to watch this match between Korea and Japan Sejun: It will be an interesting match because they are big rivals Anna: Which team do you think will win today? Sejun: I think the Korean team will win Anna: What makes you say so? Sejun: The players are very fast and play well as a team Anna: I agree =I'm sorry that I'm late, I'm sorry for being late to 부정사의부사적용법이유: ~ 해서 =the match between Korea and Japan =Korea and Japan 의문사 가있는간접의문문 : 의문사+ 주어+ 동사 에서 think라는동사의특성상의문사가문두로도치 =In my opinion, ~ make( 사역동사 )+ 목적어+ 동사원형=Why do you say so? =That's right, You can say that again, You're right 등 세준: Anna, 이리로와 Anna: 안녕, 세준아 늦어서미안 세준: 괜찮아 경기는 7시에시작니까 아직 15 분이나남았어 Anna: 잘됐다 나는정말한국과일본의 이경기를본다는데들떠있어 세준: 그들은치열한경쟁자들이라서재 미있는경기가될거야 Anna: 너는오늘어느팀이이길거라고 생각니? 세준: 나는한국팀이이길거라고생각 해 Anna: 왜그렇게말는데? 세준: 선수들이매우빠르고팀플레이를 잘해 Anna: 맞아 01 지금은몇시인지쓰시오 6시 45분 02 세준과 Anna가관람는경기종목과팀 을쓰시오 한국과일본의축구경기 03 세준이이길거라고예상는팀및그 이유를쓰시오 한국팀으로선수들이매우빠르고팀플 레이를잘기때문이다 Quick Check 1 의견묻고답기 1 다음우리말에맞도록주어진단어들을알맞게나열시오 A: Who do you think will win? (you, win, do, will, think) B: I think Karen will win 2 이유묻기 2 다음대화의괄호안에알맞은표현을고르시오 A: I think soccer is a good sport for kids B: (Why / What) makes you say so? A: They can learn teamwork by playing it Lesson 4 Soccer, the World's Most Popular Sport 3

Q&As About Soccer Facts Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world However, there are one of the+ 최상급 + 복수명사 : 가장 ~ 한것들나 some important facts about soccer that many people do not know A: The English started to play the modern form of soccer about 200 years ago, 국민전체를가리킴 but people around the world had played soccerlike games long before For example, the Japanese, the Romans, the Greeks, the Vikings, and the Mayans =for instance all enjoyed games that were similar to soccer However, China is the country where the oldest record of a soccerlike game was found The Chinese played a game called tsu chu over 2,000 years ago The game was usually played to train soldiers It was also played at emperors' birthday parties A: Yes In medieval England, soccer games were often played between rival villages Game rules were quite different from today's rules Hundreds of people took part in a game, which sometimes lasted all day The game usually became so violent that many people were hurt or even died Several kings tried to stop people from playing soccer, but it was too popular to stop A: Soccer was a regular subject in many public schools in England in the early 1800s These schools developed their own rules, which were different from school to school For example, Rugby School allowed the players to use their hands, but Eton School didn't To solve this problem, ten schools founded the Football Association of England and made a set of standard rules in 1863 That was the year when modern soccer started A: You can call it either soccer or football After the Football Association was founded, some people began to call the game association football Several years later, some English university students coined the name soccer by adding er to soc taken from association Today, the word football is used more widely However, the game is called soccer in the US, Canada, and Australia A: There have been many great soccer players, but Pele, a retired Brazilian player, is known as the King of Soccer By the time he retired, Pele had scored 1,281 goals scored more =started playing 목적격관계대명사 생략가능( 선행사는 facts 이다) 과거완료시제 200년전보다더먼저일어난일 장소의관계부사 where=in which 수동태: be+ 과거분사 to 부정사의부사적용법목적 과거분사의후위수식 =which was called =tsu chu =participated in 관계대명사의계속적용법 =and it =all day long so ~ that : 너무 ~ 해서 다수동태: be+ 과거분사 try to V ~ 려고노력다 stop A from Bing: A가 B 는것을막다 =soccer too ~ to : 너무 ~ 해서 할수없다 =1863 주격관계대명사 =tsu chu 관계대명사의계속적용법 =so they allow A to B: A가 B 는것을허락다 =let the players use ~ to 부정사의부사적용법목적 축구 (=the game) either A or B: A나 B, 둘의나 =began calling 시간의관계부사 =in which add A to B: A를 B 에더다, 보태다 =which is taken: 과거분사의후위수식 Reading Review =Rules are different from school to school 과거완료시제: retired 보다더이전부터득점해옴 by+ing: ing 함으로써 He had goals than any other soccer player at that time No one has broken his record 비교급+than+ any other+ 단수명사 최상급 =By the time he retired yet In addition, he is the only player that has been on three World Cup winning teams 축구실상에관한질의응답 축구는세계에서가장인기있는스포츠의나다 그러나축구에관해많은사람들이모르고있는몇가지요한사실이있다 Q: 누가처음으로축구를했는가? A: 약 200년전에영국인들이근대형의축구를기시작했지만, 전세계사람들이오래전에축구와같은경기를했다 예를들어, 일본인, 로마인, 그리스인, 바이킹들및마야인들모두축구와비슷한게임을즐겼다 그러나축구와같은경기에대한가장오래된기록이발견된나라는국이다 국인들은 2,000 년도훨씬전에 tsu chu( 추슈) 라는경기를했다 그경기는주로군사들을훈련시키기위해행해졌다 그것은또한황제의생일파티에도행해졌다 Q: 영국의일부왕들이국민들이축구는것을막았다는것이사실인가? A: 그렇다 세영국에서축구경기는종종경쟁마을들사이에서행해졌다 경기규칙은오늘날의규칙과꽤달랐다 수백명의사람들이한경기에참가했고, 그것은루종일지속되기도했다 경기는보통너무난폭해져서많은사람들이다치거나죽기까지했다 몇몇왕들은국민들이축구는것을막으려고했으나그것은너무인기가좋아서막을수가없었다 Q: 근대축구는어떻게시작되었 나? A: 1800 년대초, 영국의많은공 립학교에서 축구는 정규과목이었 다 이학교들은자신들만의규칙 을개발했고, 그것은학교마다달 랐다 예를들어, 럭비학교는선수 들이손을사용는것을허락했 으나이튼학교는그렇지않았다 이문제를해결기위해, 열개의 학교가 1863 년영국의축구협회 를설립했고일련의기준규칙을 만들었다 그때가근대축구가시 작된해다 Q: 어떤이는 soccer, 다른이는 football 이라고한다 차이가무엇 인가? A: soccer 나 football 둘어떤 것으로도부를수있다 축구협회 가설립된후, 일부사람들은경기 를협회축구라고부르기시작했다 몇년후, 일부영국대학생들이 er을 association 의 soc에덧붙임 으로써 soccer 라는이름을만들어 냈다 오늘날, football 이라는단어 가더널리사용되고있다 그러나 미국, 캐나다및오스트레일리아에 서는 soccer 라고부르고있다 Q: 누가가장훌륭한축구선수인 가? A: 훌륭한축구선수들은많이있 어왔지만, 은퇴한브라질선수인 Pele 는축구의왕으로알려져있 다 그가은퇴할때까지, Pele 는 1,281 골을넣었다 그당시그는 다른어느축구선수보다더많은골을넣었다 아직아무도그의기록을깨뜨리지못했다 게다가그는세번이나월드컵우승팀에있었던유일한선수이다 Lesson 4 Soccer, the World's Most Popular Sport 4

Quick Check 1 장소의관계부사 where: China is the country where the oldest record of a soccerlike game was found 1 다음괄호안에서알맞은것을고 르시오 ㆍ A bookstore is a place (which, where, when) people buy books ㆍ A bookstore is a place (which, where, when) people buy books in 장소를나타내는관계부사는 where 를사용며 전치사 + 관계대명사 로바꿀수있다 2 too ~ to : it was too popular to stop 2 다음우리말에맞게주어진단어를배열시오 ㆍ This book is too difficult to read (to, too, read, difficult) too ~ to ~ 는너무해서 할수없다 라는뜻이다 3 시간의관계부사 when: That was the year when modern soccer started 3 다음두문장의의미가같도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오 ㆍMarch 2nd is the day on which school begins in Korea = March 2nd is the day when school begins in Korea 관계부사 when은시간을나타내는선행사 뒤에서 전치사 + 관계대명사 의역할로쓰인다 4 비교급 +than+any other+ 단수명사 : He had scored more goals than any other soccer player at that time 4 다음어법상어색한부분을바르게고치시오 ㆍThis is cheaper than any other bags in this shop bags bag 비교급+than+any other+ 단수명사 로최상급의의미를지닌다 5 두산( 김)4과

학교시험예상문제 다음이설명는것을 오 retire r로시작는단어로쓰시 Which team do you think will win 뒤의응답이 I think ~ 이므로상대방의생각을묻는표현이어야한다 think 의특성상의문사는앞으로도치된다 요 to stop working, usually because you have reached a certain age 보통일정나이에다다르기때문에일을그만두는것= 은퇴다 다음대화의빈칸에알맞은것은? A: This movie will be a big hit B: A: It has great special effects What did you say? Why did you hit it? Why don't you see it? What makes you say so? Why does it have special effects? 크게히트를칠이유를묻는표현이들어가야한다 요 위대화의빈칸 b에밑줄친 c와관련여알맞 은것은? very experienced good at team play good at scoring goals good at controlling the ball well trained by the best coach in the world teamwork 와관견된것은 2이다 What time is it now? 6:15 7 7:15 6:45 7:45 경기가 7시에시작는데 15분이아직남아있으므로 6:45 이다 [03~06] 다음대화를읽고, 물음에답시오 위대화의내용으로알수없는것은? 요 Sejun: Anna, over here Anna: Hi, Sejun I'm sorry I'm late Sejun: That's okay The game starts at seven, so we still have 15 minutes to go Anna: Oh, good! I'm really excited to watch this soccer match between Korea and Japan Sejun: It will be an interesting match Anna: because they are big rivals today? Sejun: I think the Korean team will win Anna: Why? Sejun: The players are very fast and Anna: I agree Their teamwork is good 위대화의빈칸 a에알맞은것은? Do you know which team will win Which team do you know will win Do you think will which team win Do you think which team will win 요 1 soccer 2 7시 3 한국과일본 4 한국팀의장점만나와있음 5 excited ( 시합이재미있을거라는말에서세준의심정도알수있음 ) 다음우리말을영어로바르게표현한것은? Mina has read many books than any students in her school Mina has read many books than any other student in her school Mina has read more books than any other student in her school Mina has read more books than any other students in her school Mina has read most books than any other students in her school 비교급+than+any other+ 단수명사 로최상급의의미를지닌다 Lesson 4 Soccer, the World's Most Popular Sport 6

[08~10] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 The English started to play the modern form of soccer about 200 years ago, but people around the world had played soccerlike games long before For example, the Japanese, the Romans, the Greeces, the Vikings, and the Mayans all enjoyed games that were similar to soccer However, China is the country the oldest record of a soccerlike game was found The Chinese played a game called tsu chu over 2,000 years ago The game was usually played to train soldiers It was also played at emperors' birthday parties 요 요 요 위글의밑줄친 1~ 5, 잘못된것은? 3 국민전체를일컫는말이잘못된것을고른다 3 위글의빈칸 a에알맞은것은? the Greeks where which how when why the country가장소를나타내므로관계부사 where 가알맞다 위글의밑줄친 아쓰시오 tsu chu b가가리키는바를본문에서찾 it는 the game을가리키고있지만 the game이가리키는것이 tsu chu 이므로정확한명칭을쓴다 [11~13] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 In medieval England, soccer games were often played between rival villages Game rules were quite different today's rules Hundreds of people took part in a game, which sometimes lasted all day The game usually became so violent that many people were hurt or even died Several kings tried to stop people playing soccer, but it was so popular that they couldn't stop it 요 위글의빈칸 a에공통으로알맞은것은? for from of in than be different from ~: ~ 과다르다 stop A from B ing: A가 B 는것을막다 요 상 위글의밑줄친 b와같은의미가되도록아래 문장의빈칸에알맞은네단어를쓰시오 it was so popular that they couldn't stop it = it was too popular to stop too ~ to 는 너무 ~ 해서 할수없다 라는뜻이다 위글의밑줄친 1~ 5가답이되는질문잘 못된것은? What did rival villages often play in medieval England? How many people took part in a game? How long did a game last sometimes? What happened during the game? Who tried not to play soccer? 5 누가축구를지않으려고노력했는가? 라는질문이되므 로옳지않다 Who tried to stop people from playing soccer? 가되어야한다 [14~15] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 You can call it either soccer or football After the Football Association was founded, some people began to call the game association football Several years later, some English university students coined the name soccer by adding er to soc taken from association Today, the word football is used more widely the game is called soccer in the US, Canada, and Australia 위글의빈칸 a에알맞은것은? Therefore, Since However, Although Then, football 이좀더널리쓰이고있지만, 미국, 캐나다, 호주에서는 soccer로쓰인다는내용이되므로 however 이가장알맞다 위글의내용과일치는것은? There is no difference between soccer and football At first, the game was called soccer The Football Association made the word soccer More countries use the word soccer The English call the game soccer 2, 4, 5 soccer football 3 The Football Association Some English university students 7 두산( 김)4과

내신만점예상문제 1회 다음빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오 위대화를나누는장소로가장알맞은것은? add : addition = defend : 동사 : 명사 의관계이다 defense school hospital street clothing shop restaurant 옷가게에서점원(sales clerk) 과손님(customer) 의대화이다 요 다음밑줄친부분의해석이바르지않은것은? Either you or he is wrong The students kept talking in class I was about to cook dinner He is known as a painter They can learn teamwork by playing soccer be about to+ 동사원형 : 막 ~ 려고다 [03~05] 다음대화를읽고, 물음에답시오 요 Which one do you think will look better on your dad? Excuse me, I'm looking for a shirt for my dad How about this red one? I think the yellow one will look better I'll take it It looks nice, but I like the yellow one over there, too 위대화의순서를바르게배열한것은? 실례지만아버지께드릴셔츠를찾고있는데요 이빨간색셔츠는어떤가요? 좋지만, 저쪽에있는노란색셔츠도마음에드네요 어느것이당신아버지께더잘어울린다고생각시나요? 노란색셔츠가더잘어울릴것같아요 이걸로할게요 위대화의밑줄친 a의의도로알맞은것은? do you think ~? 에서알수있듯이상대방의견해를묻는표현이다 [06~08] 다음대화를읽고, 물음에답시오 Bomi: Ted, the basketball game is going to start in 10 minutes Ted: Yeah, I'm so excited Bomi: It will be an exciting game because the Dreams and the High Flyers are big competitors Both of them are great teams Ted: Which team do you think will win the game today, Bomi? Bomi: Well, I think the Dreams will win Ted: Why do you say so? Bomi: They have many star players They are all very tall and fast Ted: I agree 요 위대화의밑줄친않은것은? 5 star players 를말한다 위대화의밑줄친 의빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오 What makes you say so? 이유를묻는표현이다 1~ 5에대한설명알맞지 a와의미가같도록아래문장 Who thinks the Dreams will win, and why? Ted They are a great team Ted They have good teamwork Ted The players are tall and fast Bomi They are a great team Bomi The players are tall and fast 보미는 the Dreams 가이길거라고생각는데왜냐면스타선수들이많고, 그들은모두키가크고빠르기때문이다 Lesson 4 Soccer, the World's Most Popular Sport 8

요 상 다음어법상알맞은것은? Sokcho is a place where we can enjoy the beauty of nature in This is the restaurant which I often go with my friends They wanted to move quickly to the area when they could find gold This is the park where I used to take a walk Chuseok is the day when Koreans celebrate the harvest on 1 where which[that] 혹은 in은 삭제 2 which where 3 when where 5 when which(that) 혹은 on을삭제 [10~12] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 The English started to play the modern form of soccer about 200 years ago, but people around the world had played soccerlike games long before However, the oldest record of a soccerlike game was found in China The Chinese played a game called tsu chu over 2,000 years ago The game was usually played to train soldiers It was also played at emperors' birthday parties 요 위글의 1~ 5, 다음문장이들어가기에알맞 은곳은? 1 For example, the Japanese, the Romans, the Greeks, the Vikings, and the Mayans all enjoyed games that were similar to soccer 축구와같은경기들을한국민들의예이므로 1이가장알맞다 요 위글의제목이되는질문으로가장알맞은것은? How did soccer start? Who played soccer first? Why was tsu chu played? Who played soccerlike games? How different was tsu chu from modern soccer? 글의내용을모두포괄할수있는것을제목으로해야한다 위글의내용과일치지않는것은? 국인들이최초로 tsu chu 라는축구와유사한경기를했다 [13~15] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 Soccer was a regular subject in many public schools in England in the early 1800s These schools developed their own rules, which were different from school to school For example, Rugby School allowed the players (A) use their hands, but Eton School didn't To solve this problem, ten schools (B) the Football Association of England and made a set of standard rules in 1863 That was the year when modern soccer started 요 요 위글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에차례로알맞은것은? for found to found for find to founded as founded (A) allow A to B: A가 B 는것을허락다 (B) findfoundfound: 찾다, foundfoundedfounded: 설립다 위글의밑줄친 a로알맞은것은? Soccer was a regular subject in schools Each school had its own rules of soccer Rugby School allowed using hands in soccer Eton School didn't allow using hands in soccer Ten schools made a set of standard rules this problem 이가리키고있는것은학교마다축구규칙이다르 다는것이다 요 위글의밑줄친 b에대한설명으로알맞은것은? 4 1863 년에시작되었다 다음우리말에알맞게주어진단어를알맞게나열시오 9 두산( 김)4과 This box is too heavy to move (move, heavy, is, too, to) too ~ to 는 너무 ~ 해서 할수없다 라는뜻이다

[17~19] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 In medieval England, soccer games were often played between villages Game rules were quite different from today's rules Hundreds of people took part in a game, which sometimes lasted all day All of them enjoyed it and had a great time The game usually became so violent that many people were hurt or even died Several kings tried to stop people from playing soccer, but it was so popular that they couldn't stop it 요 요 위글의빈칸 오 rival a에아래설명에알맞은말을쓰시 스포츠, 사업, 싸움등에서경쟁는사람, 그룹, 혹은조직 위글의밑줄친 3 1~ 5, 글의흐름상어색한것은? 축구를금지시키는내용에서 모두축구를즐기고좋은시간을보냈다 라는문장은어색다 위글에서왕들이축구경기를금지려고한이 유는? The game became ~ even died 라는문장이답이다 [20~22] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight etc You can call it either soccer or football After the Football Association was founded, some people began to call the game association football Several years later, some English university students coined the name by adding er to soc taken from Today, the word is used more widely However, the game is called soccer in the US, Canada, and Australia 위글의종류는? 요 soccer와 football 에대해설명고있다 위글의밑줄친은? a에대한대답으로알맞은것 They are the same They have different rules Europeans use the word soccer Soccer is more popular than football They are totally different sports 차이점이없다 그저불리는이름이두가지일뿐이다 위글의빈칸 b~ d에차례로알맞은것은? football soccer soccer soccer soccer football soccer association soccer soccer association football football association soccer b, c는 soccer 라는이름의유래를설명고있다 d는뒤에 However, ~ 이의 soccer와비교되고있는단어가나와야므로 football 이알맞다 [23~25] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 There have been many great soccer players, but Pele, a retired Brazilian player, is known the King of Soccer the time he retired, Pele had scored 1,281 goals He had scored at that time No one has broken his record yet he is the only player that has been on three World Cup winning teams 요 위글의빈칸 a, b에차례로알맞은것은? for At for By for On as By as On be known as ~: ~ by the time + :~ 로서알려지다주어동사할때까지, ~ 할무렵 cf be known for ~=be famous for ~: ~ 로잘알려지다, 유명다 상 위글의밑줄친 c의우리말에알맞은영어를쓰 시오 more goals than any other soccer player 비교급+than+any other+ 단수명사 위글의빈칸 d에가장알맞은것은? However, As for Therefore, In addition, According to 앞의내용에부가적으로덧붙여설명고있으므로 in addition ( 덧붙여, 게다가) 이가장알맞다 2, 5 다음에는명사( 구) 가온다 as for: ~ 에대해서라면 Lesson 4 Soccer, the World's Most Popular Sport 10

내신만점예상문제 2회 요 다음밑줄친부분이잘못된것은? Yoko is from Japan She is Japanese Maria is from Greece She is Greek Brian and Jane are from England They are English Yvette is from France She is Franch Juan is from Spain He is Spanish 나라명 국적 에서 France French 이다 [02~03] 다음대화를읽고, 물음에답시오 A: Some of my American friends want to eat Korean food (should, you, cook, what food, do, I, think) for them? B: I think bibimbap will be good A: What makes you say so? B: It's easy to cook, and it's delicious 요 요 위대화의빈칸 a에주어진단어를알맞게나열 시오 What food do you think I should cook 의문사+do you think+ 주어+ 동사 ~? 의순서를취한다 위대화의밑줄친 b가묻고있는것은? 무엇이너로여금그렇게말도록만드니? 라는직역에서알수있듯이이유를묻고있다 [04~06] 다음대화를읽고, 물음에답시오 Min: I'm excited to watch the tennis match between Sora and Karen Sue: Me, too Do you think who will win? Min: Well, I think Karen will win Sue: Karen? What makes you say so? Min: 요 위대화의밑줄친 알맞은문장으로고쳐쓰시오 a의한단어를다시배열해 Who do you think will win? think 가있는문장의간접의문문은의문사가앞으로도치된다 요 위대화의빈칸 b에알맞은것은? I think Sora will win I think Karen will win She won the last two games against Sora She plays much better than Karen I think Sora will win because she is very skillful 4 Karen이이길거라고말한이유를묻고있으므로말이안 된다 위대화의내용과일치지않은것은? Min and Sue are talking about their tennis match Min is looking forward to watching the tennis match Sora will take Karen on at tennis Min thinks Karen will win the match The tennis match didn't start, yet 1 자신들의테니스시합이아닌 Karen과소라의테니스시합에대해이야기고있다 3 take somebody on at tennis: ~ 와테니스시합을다 요 다음우리말을영어로바르게표현한것은? This hat is too expensive to buy This hat is too expensive not to buy it This hat is too expensive not to buy This hat is too expensive to buy it This hat is too expensive to not buy it too ~ to 는 너무 ~ 해서 할수없다 라는뜻이다 요 상 다음우리말의뜻과다른나는? My brother is the tallest boy in his class My brother is taller than any other boy in his class My brother is taller than all the other boys in his class My brother is as tall as any other boy in his class My brother is as tall as other boys in his class 5는 우리오빠의키는반의다른소년들만다 라는의미가된다 11 두산( 김)4과

[09~12] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 Soccer is one of the most popular sport in the world However, there are some important facts about soccer that many people do not know A: The English started to play the modern form of soccer about 200 years ago, but people around the world played soccerlike games long before For example, the Japanese, the Romans, the Greeks, the Vikings, and the Mayans all enjoyed games that were similar to soccer However, China is the country The oldest record of a soccerlike game was found in it The Chinese played a game called tsu chu over 2,000 years ago The game was usually played to train soldiers It was also played at emperors' birthday parties 위글의밑줄친 1~ 5에대한설명잘못된것은? people took part in a game, which sometimes lasted all day The game usually became violent many people were hurt or even died Several kings tried to stop people from (A) However, soccer was popular stop 위글의빈칸 (A) 에본문에나와있는단어를적절히 변형시켜알맞은두단어로쓰시오 playing soccer 요 stop A from Bing: A가 B는것을막다 위글의빈칸 a~ d에차례로알맞은것은? sothattotoo sothattooto sototooto toothattooto toothattotoo so ~ that 는 너무 ~ 해서 다 이고 too ~ to 는 너무 ~ 해서 할수없다 이다 요 Which one is wrong about the soccer game in medieval England? Some kings stopped it It usually became very violent Many players died during the game More players took part in it than today It lasted longer than today's soccer game However 에서알수있듯이, 막으려고했으나막을수없었다 [16~19] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 요 영국국민을일컫는다 위글의밑줄친 a의답을쓰시오 국국민을가리키는 the Chinese the Chinese 라고써야한다 위글의밑줄친 b를아래와같이바꿀때빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오 China is the country where the oldest record of a soccerlike game was found 장소를나타내는관계부사 where 를쓴다 the country in which 도맞다 위글의밑줄친 c에대한설명으로잘못된것은? It means tsu chu It was recorded as the oldest soccerlike game It was played about 2,000 years ago The main reason to play it was to amuse emperors It was played at Chinese kings' birthday parties 4 amuse emperors train soldiers [13~15] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 In medieval England, soccer games were often played between rival villages Game rules were quite different from today's rules Hundreds of Soccer was a regular subject in many public schools in England in the early 1800s These schools developed their own rules, which were different from school to school For example, Rugby School allowed the players to use their hands, but Eton School didn't To solve this problem, ten schools founded the Football Association of England and made a set of standard rules in 1863 That was the year ( ) modern soccer started 위글의밑줄친 1~ 5, 흐름상생략해도되는것은? 3 예시문장은앞의문장의내용을부가설명할때사용되므로생략해도글을전개해나가는데무리가없다 요 위글은어떤질문에대한답으로가장알맞은가? Why was soccer a regular subject? How did modern soccer start? What was the difference between Rugby School and Eton School? When was the Football Association of England founded? What were the ten schools which founded the Football Association of England? 근대축구가어떻게시작되었는지에대한배경을설명고있다 Lesson 4 Soccer, the World's Most Popular Sport 12

요 위글의빈칸 a에알맞은것은? who how which where when the year이시간을나타내므로관계부사 when 을쓴다 Which one is not related to the year 1863? Each soccer team started to follow their own rules The Football Association of England was founded Modern soccer started A set of standard rules was made Ten schools tried to solve the problem in which their game rules were different 1863 년과관계없는것은? 1 각축구팀이자신들의규칙을따르기시작했다 일련의기준이되는규칙을마련했다 5 열개의학교가경기규칙이다르다는문제를해결려고노력했다 [20~21] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 You can call it either soccer or football After the Football Association was founded, some people began to call the game association football Several years later, some English university students the name soccer by adding er to soc taken from association Today, the word football is used more widely However, the game is called soccer in the US, Canada, and Australia 위글의밑줄친 1~ 5가답이되도록는질문 잘못된것은? When did some people begin to call the game association football? Who made the name soccer? Why did the students make the name soccer? Which word is used more widely, football or soccer? Where is the game called soccer? by + ing 는 ~ 함으로써 라는의미로 How 로물을때의답이다 상 위글의빈칸 a에아래정의및글의흐름에알맞게 c 로시작는영어한단어를쓰시오 coined to invent a new word or expression, especially one that many people start to use 새단어나표현을만들어내다, 특히많은사람들이사용기시작는것, 과거에일어난일이므로과거시제를사용한다 [22~24] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 There have been many great soccer players, but Pele, a retired Brazilian player, is known as the King of Soccer By the time he retired, Pele had scored 1,281 goals He had scored more goals than any other soccer player at that time No one has broken his record yet In addition, he is the only player that has been on three World Cup winning teams 요 위글의밑줄친 a에대해알수없는것은? 1 Brazilian 3 1,281 4 3번 5 the King of Soccer 위글의밑줄친 b가가리키는것은? his retirement his music record the King of Soccer 1,281 goals the greatest soccer player 그의기록 이란득점한골수를말한다 위글의내용과일치는것은? Pele still plays soccer as a professional soccer player The King of Soccer also knows Pele Other soccer players scored as many goals as Pele did People say that Pele is the greatest soccer player There is a soccer player who scored more than 1,281 goals 축구의왕이라고불릴만큼가장위대한축구선수다 3 다른축 구선수들은 Pele 만큼득점했다 다음준수네반학생들사이에인기있는운동에대한설문조사결과표와일치는것은? 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Soccer Baseball Basketball Others The most popular sport in the class is basketball Seven students say baseball is their favorite Thirteen students say they like soccer most Basketball is the second most popular Eleven students say they like basketball more than any other sport 축구를가장좋아한다고말한사람은 13 명이다 13 두산( 김)4과

서술형 논술형평가 [01~02] 다음경기직전에보미가 Ted 와전화통화한내용을읽고, 물음에답시오 Ted: Hi, Bomi What are you doing? Bomi: I was about to watch the basketball game between the Dreams and the High Flyers Ted: Really? It'll be fun Bomi: I think the Dreams will win Ted: Why do you say so? Bomi: They have many star players They are all tall and fast 위대화의밑줄친 b에서사용된영어세단어를적절히이용여빈칸 a에알맞은질문을시오 Which team do you think will win? 상대방의의견을묻는표현으로 think의목적어절인간접의문문에서의문사는문장앞으로도치된다 어느팀이이길거라고생각니? 위대화의밑줄친 c와같이 이유 를묻는다른표현의완벽한영어문장으로질문을시오 What makes you say so? 상대방이말한이유를묻는표현으로사역동사 make 를사용여표현한다 무엇이너로여금그렇게말도록만드니? make+ 목적어 + 동사원형 다음을읽고, 빈칸에미나가했을말을 to부정사를이용여쓰시오 Mina has to take care of her two younger brothers today It is very cold, but Min wants to play outside Mina says to Min, "Don't go outside It's too cold to go outside " Her threeyearold brother is about to hold the knife beside him She says to him, "Don't play with the knife It's too dangerous to play with " too ~ to 는 너무 ~ 해서 할수없다이다 위대답이외에도 "The weather is too cold to go out / play outside" "The knife ~" 도맞는답으로한다 다음글을읽고, 알수있는세영국의축구경기규칙을우리말로쓰시오 In medieval England, soccer games were often played between rival villages Game rules were quite different from today's rules Hundreds of people took part in a game, which sometimes lasted all day The game usually became so violent that many people were hurt or even died 수백명이나경기에참가할수있었고, 때로는경기가루종일지속되었다 Hundreds of people ~ all day 부분이다 뒤의 The game usually ~ died 는 경기규칙 이라기보다는진행되었던 경기양상이다 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 Soccer was a regular subject in many public schools in England in the early 1800s These schools developed their own rules, which were different from school to school For example, Rugby School allowed the players to use their hands, but Eton School didn't To solve (1)this problem, ten schools founded the Football Association of England and made a set of standard rules in 1863 (2)That was the year Modern soccer started in the year And (3)England is the country Modern soccer started in the country (1) (2) (3) These schools developed their own rules, which were different from school to school 학교마다규칙이다르다는것이문제점이다 단순히예를든 Rugby School과 Eton School 이있는문장을쓰지않도록한다 That was the year when modern soccer started 시간을나타내는관계부사 when 을쓴다 England is the country where modern soccer started 장소를나타내는관계부사 where 를쓴다 다음글을읽고, 물음에답시오 Q: Some say soccer, and others say football What is the difference? A: You can call it either soccer or football After the Football Association was founded, some people began to call the game association football Several years later, some English university students coined the name soccer by adding er to soc taken from association Today, the word football is used more widely However, the game is called soccer in the US, Canada, and Australia Q: Who is the greatest soccer player ever? A: There have been many great soccer players, but Pele, a retired Brazilian player, is know as the King of Soccer By the time he retired, Pele had scored 1,281 goals (Had, than, more, he, soccer, goals, any, scored, player, other) at that time No one has broken his record yet In addition, he is the only player that has been on three World Cup winning teams (1) Who created the word soccer, and how? Some English university students created it by adding er to soc taken from assoc soc sociation 물론본문에나와있는문장을그대로써도정답이다 (2) He had scored more goals than any other soccer player 비교급+than+any other+ 단수명사 의형태이다 Lesson 4 Soccer, the World's Most Popular Sport 14

Vocabulary Test A 영어는우리말로, 우리말은영어로쓰시오 1 fact 사실 2 responsibility 책임감 3 record 기록 4 association 협회 5 violent 폭력적인, 난폭한 6 emperor 7 standard 8 compete 9 host 10 score B 괄호안에서알맞은것을고르시오 1 Kevin will compete with Mike for the gold medal They are (friends, rivals) 2 A tigress is a (male, female) tiger 3 Air pollution is a serious problem in a (modern, medieval) society 4 We should think about others in (private, public) places 5 Nobel Prize was (founded, found) in 1900 D 다음빈칸에공통으로알맞은단어를쓰시오 1 Guess which hand holds a coin The word 'aromatherapy' was coin ed in the 1920s 2 His lecture last ed two hours What did you do during last summer vacation? When was the last time you saw her? 3 As a student, he broke the Scottish record for the 100 meters My dad's got a huge record collection 1 coin: 동전, 주화; ( 새로운낱말, 어구를) 만들다 aromatherapy: 방향요법 2 last: 지속다; 지난; 마지막 lecture: 강의 3 record: 기록; 레코드, 음반 huge: 거대한, 막대한 E 다음단어의관계가같도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오 1 defend : defense = associate : association 2 thoughtful : considerate = competitor : rival 3 true : false = private : public F 다음우리말에맞는단어를써서퍼즐을완성시오 1 m e 2 d i e 3 v a l 4 c o e i 5 f o u n d v o 6 h C 우리말과같도록빈칸에알맞은것을쓰시오 1 His opinion is similar to mine 2 He was about to say something 3 By using computers, we enjoy websites 4 I think she is either Russian or Polish 5 In addition, the servers there were very kind i e e l n r l Across 1 medieval 5 found 8 emperor 9 train 10 compete 7 r u 8 e m p e r o r n o n t t p 9 t r a i n 10 c o m p e t e Down 1 modern 2 develop 3 violent 4 coin 6 hurt 7 retire r 15 두산( 김)4과