Sentence Writing Unit 1. I Can Kick Date :... 다음영어문장을소리내어읽으면서따라써보세요. 1. I have two eyes. 나는두눈이있어요. 2. I can see. 나는볼수있어요. 3. I have two hands. 나는두손이있어요. 4. I can catch. 나는잡을수있어요. 5. I have two legs. 나는두다리가있어요.
6. I can jump. 나는점프핛수있어요. 7. I have two feet. 나는두발이있어요. 8. I can kick. 나는찰수있어요. 9. Oh, no! I kicked too hard. 오, 이런! 내가너무세게찼어요.
Sentence Writing Unit 2. My Little Brother Date :... 다음영어문장을소리내어읽으면서따라써보세요. 1. This is my baby brother. 이애는나의아기남동생이에요. 2. I help him every day. 나는그애를매일도와줘요. 3. I help him drink. 나는그애가마시는것을도와줘요. 4. I help him eat. 나는그애가먹는것을도와줘요. 5. I help him walk. 나는그애가걷는것을도와줘요.
6. I help him sit down. 나는그애가앉는것을도와줘요. 7. Sometimes, I help him sleep. 나는가끔그애가자는것을도와줘요. 8. I love my little brother. 나는내남동생을사랑해요.
Sentence Writing Unit 3. This Is My Family Date :... 다음영어문장을소리내어읽으면서따라써보세요. 1. Look at this picture. 이사짂을보세요. 2. This is my family. 이것은우리가족이에요. 3. This is my father. 이분은우리아빠예요. 4. He is a cook. 그는요리사예요. 5. This is my mother. 이분은우리엄마예요.
6. She is a teacher. 그녀는선생님이에요. 7. This is my sister, Jane. 이애는우리여동생제인이에요. 8. Jane and I are students at this school. 제인과나는이학교의학생이에요. 9. And this is my dog, Doogie. 그리고이것은우리개, 두기예요.
Sentence Writing Unit 4. School Is Fun Date :... 다음영어문장을소리내어읽으면서따라써보세요. 1. This is my school. 여기는우리학교예요. 2. I have so much fun at school. 나는학교에서매우재미있어요. 3. I read books. 나는책을읽어요. 4. I write stories. 나는이야기를써요. 5. I draw pictures. 나는그림을그려요.
6. I sing songs. 나는노래를불러요. 7. I play with my friends. 나는내친구들과놀아요. 8. I eat my lunch. 나는점심을먹어요. 9. It s time to go home! 집에갈시갂이에요! 10. See you tomorrow! 내일만나요!
Sentence Writing Unit 5. Animals at Night Date :... 다음영어문장을소리내어읽으면서따라써보세요. 1. Some animals move at night. 어떤동물들은밤에활동해요. 2. Owls move at night. 올빼미들은밤에활동해요. 3. They catch mice in the dark. 그들은어둠속에서쥐들을잡아요. 4. Bats move at night. 박쥐들은밤에활동해요. 5. They eat fruits in the dark. 그들은어둠속에서과일들을먹어요.
6. Tigers move at night. 호랑이들은밤에활동해요. 7. They hunt deer in the dark. 그들은어둠속에서사슴들을사냥해요. 8. Do you move at night, too? 당신도밤에활동하나요?
Sentence Writing Unit 6. The Four Seasons Date :... 다음영어문장을소리내어읽으면서따라써보세요. 1. It is spring. 봄이에요. 2. The weather is warm. 날씨가따뜻해요. 3. I go fishing. 나는낚시를하러가요. 4. It is summer. 여름이에요. 5. The weather is hot. 날씨가더워요.
6. I go swimming. 나는수영을하러가요. 7. It is fall. 가을이에요. 8. The weather is cool. 날씨가시원해요. 9. I go camping. 나는캠핑을하러가요. 10. It is winter. 겨울이에요. 11. The weather is cold. 날씨가추워요.
12. I go skating. 나는스케이트를타러가요.
Sentence Writing Unit 7. What Flies in the Sky? Date :... 다음영어문장을소리내어읽으면서따라써보세요. 1. Can you see that? 저것이보이나요? 2. What flies in the sky? 하늘을나는것은무엇인가요? 3. A balloon flies in the sky. 풍선이하늘을날아요. 4. A bee flies in the sky. 벌이하늘을날아요. 5. A kite flies in the sky. 연이하늘을날아요.
6. A plane flies in the sky. 비행기가하늘을날아요. 7. I wish I could fly in the sky! 나도하늘을날수있으면좋겠어요!
Sentence Writing Unit 8. The Shape of Things Date :... 다음영어문장을소리내어읽으면서따라써보세요. 1. Shapes are everywhere. 모양은어디에나있어요. 2. Let s find them. 그것들을찾아봐요. 3. What is a circle? 무엇이동그라미인가요? 4. The pizza is a circle. 저피자가동그라미예요. 5. What is a square? 무엇이정사각형인가요?
6. The clock is a square. 저시계가정사각형이에요. 7. What is a rectangle? 무엇이직사각형인가요? 8. The gift box is a rectangle. 저선물상자가직사각형이에요. 9. What is a triangle? 무엇이세모인가요? 10. The party hat is a triangle. 저파티모자가세모예요.
Sentence Writing Unit 9. Too Big Date :... 다음영어문장을소리내어읽으면서따라써보세요. 1. I like these pants. 나는이바지가마음에들어요. 2. They will look good on me. 그것은나핚테잘어울릴거예요. 3. They have silver buttons. 그것은은단추들이있어요. 4. They have a yellow ribbon. 그것은노란리본이있어요. 5. They have big pockets. 그것은큰주머니들이있어요.
6. They have nice zippers. 그것은멋짂지퍼들이있어요. 7. They will be perfect for me. 그것은나에게완벽하게어울릴거예요. 8. Oh, no! They are too big! 오, 이런! 그것은너무커요!
Sentence Writing Unit 10. One Dark Night Date :... 다음영어문장을소리내어읽으면서따라써보세요. 1. It is a dark night. 깜깜핚밤이에요. 2. There are scary monsters in my room. 내방에무서운괴물들이있어요. 3. Sometimes, it s under the bed. 때로, 그것은침대아래에있어요. 4. Sometimes, it s on the chair. 때로, 그것은의자위에있어요. 5. Sometimes, it s in the closet. 때로, 그것은옷장안에있어요.
6. Sometimes, it s behind the door. 때로, 그것은문뒤에있어요. 7. Honey, don t be scared. 얘야, 무서워하지말거라. 8. There is no monster in your room. 네방에괴물은하나도없단다.
Sentence Writing Unit 11. What I Want to Be Date :... 다음영어문장을소리내어읽으면서따라써보세요. 1. I want to be a doctor. 나는의사가되고싶어요. 2. I want to be a baseball player, too. 나는야구선수도되고싶어요. 3. Can I be both? 둘다될수있을까요? 4. I want to be a police officer. 나는경찰관이되고싶어요. 5. I want to be a baker, too. 나는제빵사도되고싶어요.
6. Can I be both? 둘다될수있을까요? 7. Oh, I want to be many things! 오, 나는많은것들이되고싶어요!
Sentence Writing Unit 12. A Wonderful Museum Date :... 다음영어문장을소리내어읽으면서따라써보세요. 1. Today, we go to a museum. 오늘우리는박물관에가요. 2. What can we see? 우리는무엇을볼수있을까요? 3. We can see old cities. 우리는오래된도시들을볼수있어요. 4. We can see old castles. 우리는오래된성들을볼수있어요. 5. We can see kings. 우리는왕들을볼수있어요.
6. We can see queens. 우리는여왕들을볼수있어요. 7. We can see dinosaurs. 우리는공룡들을볼수있어요. 8. And we can see mummies. 그리고우리는미라들을볼수있어요. 9. The museum is a wonderful place. 박물관은아주멋짂곳이에요.