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44 4, 267 274 (2017) Korean J. Poult. Sci. Vol.44, No.4, 267 274 (2017) https://doi.org/10.5536/kjps.2017.44.4.267 267 1 1 2 3 1 Effects of Dietary Silicate Based Complex Mineral on Performance, Egg Quality and Immunological Competence in Laying Hens Chun Ik Lim 1, Jin Ern Park 1, Sang Eun Kim 2, Ho Sung Choe 3 and Kyeong Seon Ryu 1 1 Department of Animal Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Korea 2 Davistone, Co., Ltd., Busan 48242, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Animal Biotechnology, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Korea ABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding with dietary silicate based complex mineral (SCM) on the performance of laying hens. SCM at five levels (0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8%) was added to commercial diets, and fed to four hundred fifty Hy-Line Brown from fifty four to sixty five weeks of age. Egg production increased as the addition of dietary SCM to basal diets increased up to 0.6% (P<0.05). Furthermore, Feed intake increased in a manner similar to that of egg production (P<0.05). However, there was no difference in feed efficiency among the treatments. Eggshell thickness and breaking strength were significantly higher for the chickens fed with SCM than control from sixty weeks old to the end of experiment (P<0.05). Similarly, albumen height and Haugh unit were significantly higher for the chickens fed with SCM compared to those of control group (P<0.05). AST of birds fed SCM showed significantly higher than control (P<0.05). However, blood neutral fat level tended to increase in SCM treatments. Moreover, bone mineral density increased with SCM addition up to 0.4% (P<0.05). IL-2 (Interleukin-2) and IL-6 (Interleukin-6) levels appeared to be improved in the chickens fed with SCM addition diets, although not statistically different from all treatments. The results of this study indicated that the optimum SCM for improving the performance, egg quality and immunological competence of laying hens from 54 to 65 weeks of age was 0.6%. (Key words: egg quality, immunological competence, laying hens, performance, silicate complex mineral),, (zeolite), (bentonite), (kaolin) (biotite) (Safaeikatouli et al., 2011; Melegy et al., 2015; Yenice et al., 2015). (Kermanshahi et al., 2011), (Joo et al., 2007), (Melegy et al., 2015). (Mueller et al., 2004)., (Schwaller et al., 2016)., To whom correspondence should be addressed : seon@jbnu.ac.kr

268 :,. Table 2. Basal diet composition SiO 2 (73.2%) Al 2 O 3 (14.8%), CaO(1.37%) Fe 2 O 3 (0.61%),,,,. 54 Hy-Line 450 5, 5 18 12. 2.4 mm SiO 2 (73.2%) Al 2 O 3 (14.8%), CaO(1.37%) Fe 2 O 3 (0.61%) (Table 1) 0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% 0.8%,, 2,800 kcal/kg, 16% (Table 2). 3, Table 1. SCM composition Mineral chemical composition (%) Ingredient % SiO 2 73.200 Al 2 O 3 14.800 Fe 2 O 3 0.610 CaO 1.370 MgO 0.160 Na 2 O 4.570 K 2 O 4.260 Ignition loss 0.880 Calcium 0.600 Potassium 0.190 Sodium 0.071 Magnesium 0.020 Iron 0.280 Zinc 0.001 Phosphorus 0.010 Chemical composition Ingredient % Corn 67.23 Soybean meal 17.38 Corn gluten meal 4.24 Limestone 9.42 Calcium phosphate 0.94 Salt 0.38 L-Lysine 0.05 DL-Methionine 0.03 Vitamin premix 1 0.18 Mineral premix 2 0.15 Total 100.00 ME (kcal/kg) 2,800 CP (%) 16.00 Lysine (%) 0.74 Methionine (%) 0.32 Calcium (%) 3.80 Sodium (%) 0.17 Available phosphate (%) 0.32 1 Contains per kg: vitamin A, 5,500 IU; vitamin D 3 1,100 ICU; vitamin E, 11 mg; vitamin B 12, 0.0066 mg; vitamin K 3, 1.1 mg; riboflavin, 4.4 mg; pantothenic acid, 11 mg (calcium pantothenate: 1.96 mg); choline, 190.96 mg; folic acid, 0.55 mg; pyridoxine, 2.2 mg; biotin, 0.11 mg; thiamine, 2.2 mg; ethoxyquin, 125 mg. 2 Contains per kg; Cu, 10 mg; Fe, 60 mg; I, 0.46 mg; Mn, 120 mg; Zn, 100 mg., 16.,., 1.

Lim et al. : Effects of Dietary Silicate Based Complex Mineral on Performance, Egg Quality and Immunological Competence in Laying Hens 269,, 4 30 3. (QC-SPA; TSS, UK), (FHK, Japan), (QCM+; TSS, England). 10. 0.5 g methanol benzen 4:1 5. acetyl chloride 200 μl heating block 100 1 6% potassium carbonate hexane 2 ml. (3,000 rpm, 4, 15 ) 20. Flame ionization detector (FID) 100 m 0.25 mm 0.2 μm, split ratio 30:1 GC-MSD (6890N-5973, Agilent, US). 10 (3000 rpm, 4, 10 ), (Automatic Biochemical Analyser, Thermo Scientitic, Konelab 20, Finland). 10, (Bone Densitometer, Pdexa, USA). RNA RNAiso plus(takara, Japan), RNA BioSpec-nano(Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). RNA 500ng 65 5, Rever- Tra Ace qpcr RT kit(toyobo, Japan) cdna, IL-2 IL-6, SYBR green PCR kit(topreal qpcr 2X Premix, enzynomics) CFX Connect Real-Time System(Bio-rad) PCR (Table 3). SAS(Statistical Analysis System, 9.2 Version, Cary, NC, 2002) General Linear Model(GLM), Duncan(1955) 0.05.,, 1, Table 4. 0.6% 90.56% 87.74% (P<0.05), 1., 0.8% 128.79 g (P<0.05).. Jeon et al.(2005) Kim et al.(2005),. Son(2005) 0.4%, Kermanshahi et al.(2011)., 0.6%. Table 3. Primer used for the quantitative real-time PCR Cytokines Primer sequence IL-2 IL-6 Forward 5 -GCTAATGACTACAGCTTATGGAGCA-3 Reverse 5 -TGGGTCTCAGTTGGTGTGTAGAG-3 Forward 5 -AAATCCCTCCTCGCCAATCT-3 Reverse 5 -CCCTCACGGTCTTCTCCATAAA-3

270 :, Table 4. Effect of feeding SCM on performance of laying hens Treatment (%) Egg production (%) Egg weight (g) Daily egg mass (g) Feed intake (g) Feed conversion 0 87.74 c 65.29 57.28 126.64 b 2.210 0.2 88.28 bc 65.53 57.83 127.01 b 2.200 0.4 88.73 abc 64.46 57.20 126.37 b 2.210 0.6 90.56 a 64.53 58.43 127.75 ab 2.190 0.8 89.96 ab 64.90 58.39 128.79 a 2.210 SEM 0.32 0.29 0.16 0.22 0.006 P value 0.02 0.16 0.23 0.05 0.710 a c Value with the same letters in the row are significantly different at 5% level.,, Table 5. 0.4%, 0.6% 0.8% 0.2% (P<0.05), 0.6% 3.75 kg/cm 2 3.34 kg/cm 2 0.41 kg/cm 2. 0.6 0.8% (P< 0.05)., 0.6 0.8% (P<0.05). Fendri et al.(2012) 1.0% Table 5. Effect of feeding SCM on egg quality at 65 weeks of age Treatment (%) Shell breaking strength (kg/cm 2 ) Shell thickness (mm) Albumen height (mm) Haugh unit 0 3.34 b 0.307 b 7.97 c 86.80 c 0.2 3.50 ab 0.306 b 8.23 bc 88.95 bc 0.4 3.63 a 0.309 b 8.25 bc 88.51 bc 0.6 3.75 a 0.323 a 8.82 ab 91.70 ab 0.8 3.71 a 0.328 a 9.10 a 93.86 a SEM 0.04 0.002 0.10 0.58 P value 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 a c Value with the same letters in the row are significantly di- fferent at 5% level.,. Mızrak et al.(2014) SiO 2 MgO 1.5 3%,. Yenice et al.(2015) 1.0%. 0.6 0.8%. Table 6. Linoleic acid(c18:1 n-9), Palmitic acid(c16:0), Linoleic acid(c18:2 n- 6) Stearic acid(c18:0). Stearic acid(c18:0) Arachidonic acid(c20:4 n-6) 0.8 % (P< 0.05). Linoleic acid(c18:1 n-9) α-linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3) 0.8% 38.08 0.05% (P<0.05). (MUFA) (PUFA) (P<0.05), 0.8% 60.68% 64.29% (P<0.05). UFA/ SFA 0.8% 1.54 1.80 (P<0.05) (P< 0.05). Son(2005) SiO 2

Lim et al. : Effects of Dietary Silicate Based Complex Mineral on Performance, Egg Quality and Immunological Competence in Laying Hens 271 Table 6. Effect of feeding SCM on fatty acid composition of egg yolk in laying hens at 65 weeks of age Treatment (%) C14:0 C16:0 C16:1 (n-7) C18:0 C18:1 (n-9) C18:2 (n-6) C18:3 (n-3) C20:1 (n-9) C20:4 (n-6) C22:6 (n-3) MUFA 1) PUFA 2) UFA 3) SFA 4) UFA/ SFA 0 0.39 25.93 2.77 9.39 c 43.55 a 14.35 0.10 a 0.30 a 2.99 c 0.23 46.62 a 17.67 b 64.29 a 35.71 c 1.80 a 0.2 0.36 26.86 2.86 10.45 b 40.68 b 14.40 0.11 a 0.27 b 3.66 b 0.35 43.81 b 18.52 ab 62.33 b 37.67 b 1.65 b 0.4 0.40 27.28 3.03 10.15 bc 40.24 b 14.78 0.14 a 0.29 ab 3.43 b 0.26 43.56 b 18.61 ab 62.17 bc 37.83 ab 1.66 b 0.6 0.37 27.36 2.72 10.92 b 39.33 bc 14.83 0.07 bc 0.27 b 3.83 b 0.31 42.31 bc 19.04 ab 61.35 bc 38.65 ab 1.59 bc 0.8 0.34 27.17 2.35 11.80 a 38.08 c 14.82 0.05 c 0.26 b 4.55 a 0.58 40.68 c 20.00 a 60.68 c 39.32 a 1.54 c SEM 0.01 0.19 0.08 0.17 0.38 0.24 0.01 0.01 0.11 0.05 0.40 0.24 0.29 0.29 0.02 P value 0.11 0.11 0.07 <0.01 <0.01 0.94 0.01 0.03 <0.01 0.21 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 a c Value with the same letters in the row are significantly different at 5% level. 1) Monounsaturated fatty acid, 2) Polyunsaturated fatty acid, 3) Unsaturated fatty acid, 4) Saturated fatty acid. Fendri et al.(2012) 2%, MUFA PUFA. (Van, 1997).,, (Pond et al., 1988; Hagedorn et al., 1990; Kovar et al., 1990). Table 7., 0.8% (279.55 mg/dl) (257.33 mg/dl) 0.2% (249.24 mg/dl) (P<0.05). AST, ALT, HDL-,. 0.6 0.8% 2,294 2,358 mg/dl 0 0.4% 2,779 3,037 mg/dl. Lotfollahian et al.(2004) Safaeikatouli et al.(2011) Table 7. Effect of feeding SCM on blood composition of laying hens at 65 weeks of age Treatment (%) ALB 1) \ (g/dl) CHOL 2) (mg/dl) Glucose (mg/dl) AST 3) (IU/L) ALT 4) (IU/L) HDL 5) (mg/dl) Protein (g/dl) TG 6) (mg/dl) 0 2.14 177.20 257.33 c 161.58 0.77 15.01 6.31 2,808.00 0.2 2.07 169.77 249.24 c 166.57 0.33 16.93 6.32 2,779.00 0.4 2.21 193.52 258.82 bc 174.80 0.85 17.97 6.78 3,037.00 0.6 2.08 206.97 270.69 ab 187.34 0.46 13.76 6.27 2,358.00 0.8 2.06 180.95 279.55 a 194.54 0.69 13.60 6.28 2,294.00 SEM 0.02 5.45 2.54 4.96 0.20 0.72 0.08 115.62 P value 0.12 0.21 0.01 0.18 0.07 0.21 0.22 0.14 a c Value with the same letters in the row are significantly different at 5% level. 1) Albumin, 2) Cholesterol, 3) Aspartate amino transferase, 4) Alanine amino transaminase, 5) High density lipoprotein cholesterol, 6) Trigly- cerides.

272 :,,, Miles and Henry(2007)., 0.6 0.8%, 15%.,. Fig. 1. 0.4% 0.2% (P<0.05). Leach et al.(1990) Elliot et al.(1990) zeolite,. (Schreiweis et al., 2003; Hester et al., 2004), 0.4%. IL-2 IL-6 (Janeway et al., 1999), IL-2 natural killer, B T γ, IL-8 IL-5, IL-6 B B. Fig. 2. IL-2 IL-6, 0.6%. Huff et al.(1988) Kubana and Harvey(1991) zeolite Hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate(hscas). Lee et al.(2009),, Joo et al.(2007) B., 0.6%. Fig. 1. Effect of feeding SCM on bone mineral density of laying hens at 65 weeks of age. Fig. 2. Effect of feeding SCM on expression of IL-2 and IL-6 in blood of laying hens at 65 weeks of age.

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