초등영문법 3800 제 8 정답과해설
Chapter 01 수동태 Unit 01 격변화와수동태에쓰이는불규칙동사 Check and Write 본문 p.9 A 2. The cat, the cat 3. They, them B 2. told - told 3. wrote - written 4. took - taken 5. sent - sent 6. caught - caught 7. ate - eaten 8. did - done 9. hid(ed) - hid(den) 10. won - won 11. felt - felt 12. hit - hit Unit 02 수동태만드는법 Check and Write 본문 p.11 2. I made this airplane 나는이비행기를만들었어. 3. Many people use the subway 많은사람들이지하철을이용해. 4. My computer was fixed by my dad 내컴퓨터는우리아빠에의해서고쳐졌어. Practice 1 본문 p.12 2. I, Sihu 3. The meeting, him 4. I, the news 5. A present, him 6. She, the news 7. It, him 8. They, many people 9. A book, you 10. He, me 12. born 13. taught 14. known 15. found 16. heard 17. read 18. sold 19. planted 20. eaten Practice 2 본문 p.14 2. He was scolded 3. She is sent to her room 그녀는그녀의방으로보내져. 4. She was sent home from school 5. Junwoo is called a trouble maker 준우는사고뭉치로불려. 6. was broken by Junwoo 7. You are grounded 8. Justin was surprised at that Justin 은그것에깜짝놀랐어. 9. You are loved by your parents 너는너의부모님에게사랑받아. 10. I was sent by the prince 11. today is called the present 12. is introduced by her 13. Happiness is found in the darkness 행복은어둠속에서발견된다. 14. They are remembered by us 그들은우리에의해기억된다. 15. We were raised 16. Clara is invited by grandma 17. The letter is written by Sihu 그편지는시후에의해쓰여진다. 18. The fish was cooked by my mother 그생선은나의어머니에의해요리되었어. 19. This picture was painted by her 이그림은그녀에의해그려졌어. 20. This box was opened by me 이상자는나에의해열렸다. Practice 3 본문 p.17 2. The dog was treated by the vet 그개는수의사에게치료받았어. 3. A dog was hit by a car 개한마리가차에치였어. 4. His toys were hid(den) by Mori 그의장난감들은모리에의해서숨겨졌어. 5. The skirt was made by my mother 그치마는우리엄마에의해만들어졌어. 6. A new restaurant was opened by them 새로운식당이그들에의해열렸다. 7. The thief was seen by some people 도둑은몇몇사람들에게목격되었어. 8. The thief was caught by the police 도둑은경찰에게잡혔어. 9. The wall is painted by her 그벽은그녀에의해서페인트칠되어져. 10. A secret was kept by them 비밀은그들에의해지켜졌어. 11. The story was told by me 그이야기는나에의해서말해졌어. 12. The window was broken by Junwoo 그창문은준우에의해서깨졌어. 13. He is scolded by his mom 그는그의엄마에게야단맞아. 14. The work was finished by me 그일은나에의해마무리되었어. 15. My bike was stolen by someone 내자전거는누군가에게도둑맞았다. 16. My shoes are chewed by my dog 내신발은내강아지에의해서물어뜯어져. 17. The flowerpot was broken by Kevin 화분은 Kevin 에의해서깨졌다. 18. This house was built by my grandfather 이집은나의할아버지에의해지어졌어. 19. The question is answered by the teacher 질문은선생님에의해답변되어져. 20. A chocolate cake was baked by mom 초콜릿케이크는엄마에의해서구워졌어. Set 01 본문 p.20 02. He 03. You 04. me 2 초등영문법 3800 제 8 권
05. me 06. her 07. her 08. me 09. We 10. She 11. You 12. me Set 02 본문 p.21 02. introduced 03. found 04. remembered 05. raised 06. invited 07. hit 08. called 09. cooked 10. painted 11. opened 12. surprised 13. broken 14. sent Set 03 본문 p.22 02. 능 03. 능 04. 수 05. 능 06. 수 07. 수 08. 능 09. 수 10. 능 11. 수 12. 능 13. 능 14. 수 Set 04 본문 p.23 02. 알려져있다 03. 발견되다 04. 심어지다 05. 읽히다 06. 태어났다 07. 보내지다 08. 불리다 09. 깨졌다 10. 놀랐다 11. 길러졌다 12. 초대되다 Set 05 본문 p.24 02. by Sihu 03. by my mother 04. by her 05. by me 06. by them 07. by the police 08. by someone 09. by grandma 10. by her 11. by him 12. by us 13. by you 14. by me Set 06 본문 p.25 02. remembered 03. heard 04. raised 05. written 06. planted 07. read 08. grounded 09. kept 10. told 11. sent 12. broken 13. called 14. chewed Set 07 본문 p.26 02. surprised 03. 04. 05. 06. sent 07. 08. written 09. born 10. 11. eaten 12. sold 13. 14. called 15. broken 16. 17. grounded 18. 19. hit 20. Set 08 본문 p.28 02. Stamps are collected by me 우표는나에의해서수집된다. 03. I clean the room 나는그방을청소한다. 04. His toys were hid(den) by Mori 그의장난감들은모리에의해서숨겨졌어. 05. He teaches us 그는우리들을가르치셔. 06. The skirt was made by my mother 그치마는우리엄마에의해만들어졌어. 07. A new restaurant was opened by them 새로운식당이그들에의해열렸다. 08. Your parents love you 너의부모님은너를사랑하셔. 09. The prince sent me to save you 왕자님은너를구하기위해나를보내셨어. 10. My mother cooked the fish 나의어머니는그생선을요리하셨어. 11. Kevin broke the flowerpot Kevin 은꽃병을깨뜨렸어. 12. Junwoo broke the window 준우가그창문을깼어. 13. Someone stole my bike 누군가가내자전거를훔쳤어. 14. The thief was caught by the police 도둑은경찰에게잡혔어. 15. The thief was seen by some people 도둑은몇몇사람들에게목격되었어. 16. A secret was kept by them 비밀은그들에의해지켜졌어. 17. The story was told by me 그이야기는나에의해서말해졌어. 18. My grandfather built this house 나의할아버지가이집을지으셨어. 19. The teacher answers the question 선생님은질문에대답하셔. 20. My shoes are chewed by my dog 내신발은내강아지에의해서물어뜯어져. Unit 03 수동태의부정문 Check and Write 본문 p.31 2. These cookies were not made by me, These cookies weren t made by me 이쿠키들은나에의해서만들어지지않았어. 3. The candy was not eaten by Cathy, The candy wasn t eaten by Cathy 그사탕은 Cathy 에의해먹어지지않았어. 4. These shoes were not made for me, These shoes weren t made for me 이신발은나를위해만들어진게아니었어. Unit 04 수동태의의문문 Check and Write 본문 p.33 2. Are tomatoes grown by your grandmother 토마토는너의할머니에의해서키워지니? 3. Was the diary written by Nayeon 그일기는나연이에의해서쓰였니? 4. Were these pictures taken by you 이사진들은너에의해서찍힌거니? Practice 1 본문 p.34 2. am not 3. was not 4. is not 5. was not 6. is not 7. was not 8. were not 9. was not 10. was not 12. Were those books 13. Was this bread 14. Is it 15. Was this picture 16. Was the meeting 17. Was the building 18. Was the memo 19. Were the dishes 20. Was the bathroom 정답과해설 3
Practice 2 본문 p.36 2. written 3. cancelled 4. delayed 5. broken 6. bitten 7. attacked 8. was 9. played 10. was invented 12. Are you excited 너신나니? 13. The museum is visited by many people 그박물관은많은사람들에의해서방문된다. 14. Are you grounded 너외출금지된거야? 15. I am not grounded 나는외출금지된게아니야. 16. His room was cleaned 그의방이청소되었어! 17. They are loved by many fans 그들은많은팬들로부터사랑받아. 18. Was the computer fixed by him 컴퓨터가그에의해서고쳐졌나요? 19. It is not fixed 20. The school picnic was not cancelled 학교소풍은취소되지않았어. Practice 3 본문 p.39 2. This building was not[wasn t] built in 1989 이건물은 1989년에지어지지않았어. 3. My cell phone was not[wasn t] lost 나의핸드폰은분실되지않았어. 4. This seat is not[isn t] taken 이자리는주인이없어. 5. Her grades were not[weren t] raised 그녀의성적은오르지않았어. 6. I am[i m] not bored 나는심심하지않아요. 7. I am[i m] not interested in mobile games 나는모바일게임에관심이없어요. 8. This bench was not[wasn t] made of wood 이벤치는나무로만들어지지않았어. 9. I was not[wasn t] fired 나는해고되지않았어. 10. My allowance was not[wasn t] spent on buying snacks 내용돈은군것질거리를사는데쓰이지않았어. 12. Is he disappointed 그는실망했니? 13. Are we sent to the haunted house 우리는유령의집으로보내지니? 14. Was your smart phone stolen 너의스마트폰은도난당했니? 15. Was this soup cooked by mom 이스프는엄마가요리하셨니? 16. Was this party planned by Jane 이파티는 Jane에의해계획되었니? 17. Is Spanish spoken in many countries 스페인어는많은나라에서말해지니 ( 쓰이니 )? 18. Was the ship made in Greece 그배는그리스에서만들어졌니? 19. Is this seat taken 이자리는주인이있니? 20. Was she born in Korea 그녀는한국에서태어났니? Set 01 본문 p.42 02. am not 03. not taken 04. not played 05. was not 06. is not 07. not invited 08. were not 09. not prepared 10. was not 11. not saved 12. were not Set 02 본문 p.43 02. I was not[wasn t] bitten by a dog 나는개에게물리지않았어. 03. The dress was not[wasn t] designed by a young designer 그드레스는젊은디자이너에의해서디자인되지않았어. 04. The piano is not[isn t] played by my father 그피아노는나의아버지에의해서연주되지않아. 05. The airplane was not[wasn t] invented by him 그비행기는그에의해발명되지않았어. 06. The park is not[isn t] cleaned by us 그공원은우리에의해청소되지않아. 07. The museum is not[isn t] visited by many people 그박물관은많은사람들에의해서방문되지않아. 08. I am[i m] not grounded 나는외출금지된게아니야. 09. His room was not[wasn t] cleaned 그의방이청소되지않았어! 10. They are not[they re not / They aren t] loved by many fans 그들은많은팬들로부터사랑받지않아. 11. It is not[it s not / It isn t] fixed 그건고쳐지지않았어. 12. The school picnic was not[wasn t] cancelled 학교소풍은취소되지않았어. 13. These cookies were not[weren t] baked yesterday 이쿠키들은어제구워지지않았어. 14. This building was not[wasn t] built in 1989 이건물은 1989년에지어지지않았어. Set 03 본문 p.44 02. Was the soccer game cancelled because of heavy rain 축구경기가폭우때문에취소됐어? 03. Was it delayed 그건미뤄졌어? 04. Is your leg broken 너의다리가부러진거니? 05. Were you attacked by Mina s dog 너는미나의개에의해서공격당했니? 06. Is this seat taken 이자리는주인이있니? 07. Were those books borrowed by Jane 저책들은 Jane에의해빌려졌니? 08. Was this bread baked by Paul 이빵은 Paul에의해서구워졌니? 09. Is it filled with butter cream 그것은버터크림으로채워져있니? 4 초등영문법 3800 제 8 권
10. Was this picture painted by him 이그림은그에의해서그려졌니? 11. Was the meeting cancelled by her 그회의는그녀에의해서취소되었니? 12. Was the building built by them 그건물은그들에의해서지어졌니? 13. Was the memo written by Dana 그메모는다나에의해서쓰여졌니? 14. Are you excited 너신나니? Set 04 본문 p.45 02. Is 03. sent 04. Was 05. made 06. planned 07. spoken 08. Was 09. Is 10. Was 11. cleaned 12. Are Set 05 본문 p.46 02. isn t 03. weren t 04. aren t 05. wasn t 06. wasn t 07. isn t 08. wasn t 09. isn t 10. wasn t 11. aren t 12. wasn t 13. weren t 14. wasn t Set 06 본문 p47 02. taken 03. 04. 05. saved 06. written 07. 08. 09. filled 10. played 11. invented 12. 13. prepared 14. Set 07 본문 p.48 02. ls 03. 04. 05. designed 06. 07. 08. 09. grounded 10. 11. visited 12. 13. 14. was 15. loved 16. Was 17. written 18. washed 19. 20. made Set 08 본문 p.50 02. planned 03. built 04. raised 05. disappointed 06. lost 07. sent 08. taken 09. stolen 10. bored 11. raised 12. cooked 13. baked 14. taken 15. interested 16. made 17. born 18. fired 19. spent 20. fixed Chapter 01 실전테스트 분문 p.52 01. 1 02. 현재분사 : breaking, running 과거분사 : broken, run, closed 03. My purse was stolen by him. 내지갑은그에의해도난당했다. 04. 4 05. 3 06. 1 07. 2 08. 2 09. 3 10. (1) 능동태 (2) 수동태 (3) 능동태 (4) 수동태 11. 3 12. stolen, 훔쳐진, 과거분사 13. 수 14. 능 15. 수 16. 능 17. 능 18. A plan was made by us. 계획은우리에의해만들어졌다. 19. The bottle was filled by them. 그병은그들에의해채워졌다. 20. The notebooks were found by Susan. 그공책들은 Susan에의해발견되었다. 21. The light bulb is changed by him. 그전구는그에의해교체된다. 22. The door was locked by us. 그문은우리에의해잠겼다. 23. My glasses were broken by him. 내안경은그에의해부러졌다. 24. Read the book if you re interested. 만약에네가관심이있다면그책을읽어. 25. He is playing tennis now. 그는지금테니스를치고있다. 26. Sushi is eaten in Japan. 초밥은일본에서먹어진다. 27. Was it made by the carpenters? 그것은그목수들에의해만들어졌니? 28. Is this table moved by my classmates? 이탁자는내반친구들에의해옮겨지니? 29. Were the chairs fixed by him? 그의자들은그에의해수리되었니? 30. Are chopsticks used by many Asians? 젓가락은많은아시아인들에의해사용되니? 정답과해설 5
Chapter 02 관계대명사 Unit 01 관계대명사 Check and Write 본문 p.59 2. which 3. who 4. who 5. which Unit 02 관계대명사의종류 Check and Write 본문 p.61 2. who 3. that 4. who 5. which 6. that Practice 1 본문 p.62 A 2. which 3. who 4. which 5. who B 1. who 2. which 3. who 4. which 5. which C 1. which 2. who 3. who 4. who 5. who D 1. who 2. who 3. which 4. which 5. which Practice 2 본문 p.64 2. The girl 3. movies 4. the friend 5. dogs 6. the skirt 7. a doctor 8. the student 9. a man 10. a man 12. that 13. who 14. which 15. which 16. who 17. which 18. who 19. who 20. who Practice 3 본문 p.67 2. Look at the dog which[that] is biting his finger 그의손가락을물고있는그개를봐. 3. The teacher praised the boy who[that] helped the poor 선생님은가난한사람들을도와준그소년을칭찬하셨어. 4. He likes the girl who[that] has curly hair 그는곱슬머리를가진그여자아이를좋아해. 5. It was Minwoo who[that] won first place 우승한건민우였어. 6. I found the candies which[that] were on the table 나는테이블에있던사탕을찾았어. 7. I saw the man who[that] was helping an old man 나는한노인을도와드리고있는그남자를봤어. 8. She is the teacher who[that] teaches us English 그녀는우리에게영어를가르쳐주시는선생님이셔. 9. She has a son who[that] raised a turtle 그녀에게는거북이를길렀던아들이한명있어. 10. This is the book which[that] is about World War II 이건 2차세계대전에대한책이야. 12. which she gave to me 13. That is my younger brother who 14. people who help others 15. which was eating carrots 16. a healthy boy who enjoys palying football 17. The kid who is over there 18. the girl who likes David 19. This is the puppy that 20. Dana has some photos that Set 01 본문 p.70 02. which 03. who 04. that 05. who 06. that 07. that 08. which 09. which 10. who 11. who 12. which Set 02 본문 p.71 02. the razor 03. the dog 04. a tree 05. a girl 06. a dog 07. the cookies 08. the friend 09. the skirt 10. a man 11. the flowers 12. That girl 13. a carnation 14. an American Set 03 본문 p.72 02. which 03. who 04. who 05. who 06. which 07. who 08. that 09. which 10. who 11. which 12. who 13. which 14. who Set 04 본문 p.73 02. 03. which[that] 04. 05. 06. 07. who[that] 08. which[that] 09. who[that] 10. 11. who[that] 12. who[that] Set 05 본문 p.74 02. that 03. who, that 04. who 05. which 06. which, that 07. who, that 08. who 09. which 10. which, that 11. which 12. who, that 13. who 14. who, that Set 06 본문 p.75 02. who[that] 03. who[that] 04. which[that] 05. which[that] 06. who[that] 07. who[that] 08. who[that] 09. who[that] 10. who[that] 11. who[that] 12. which[that] 13. which[that] 14. which[that] Set 07 본문 p.76 02. I bought the candies that I like 나는내가좋아하는그사탕들을샀어. 03. Mom is pleased with the present which dad gave to her 엄마는아빠가주신선물에기뻐하셔. 04. My grandmother is a French who comes from Lyon 나의할머니는 Lyon에서오신프랑스인이셔. 05. I like the dress that Rebecca is wearing 나는 Rebecca가입고있는그드레스가마음에들어. 06. People like dogs which are friendly with them 사람들은그들과친하게지내는개들을좋아해. 07. I know a lawyer who can help you 6 초등영문법 3800 제 8 권
나는당신을도와줄수있는변호사한명을알아요. 08. You can t marry a man that you just met 너는방금만난남자와결혼할수없어! 09. Dad gave mom the flowers that she likes 아빠는엄마에게그녀가좋아하는꽃을주셨어. 10. I gave my mom a carnation which I made 나는엄마께내가만든카네이션을드렸어. 11. This is the dog which helped the police catch the thief 이것은경찰이도둑을잡는것을도운개야! 12. Dad was using the razor which mom gave him 아빠는엄마가주신면도기를사용하고계셨어. 13. He was watching a movie that I like 그는내가좋아하는영화를보고있었어. 14. The thief who broke into Mina s house was caught by the police 미나의집에침입했던도둑은경찰에의해서잡혔어. 15. The tall man who moved to another city returned here 다른도시로이사갔던그키가큰남자는여기로돌아왔어. 16. Minwoo found the watch which I lost yesterday 민우는내가어제잃어버린시계를찾았어. 17. Uncle Jack fell in love with Sarah who was kind to him Jack 삼촌은그에게친절했던 Sarah에게반하셨어. 18. The girl who is writing a letter is Jane 편지를쓰고있는그소녀는 Jane이야. 19. I am eating the cookies that my mom baked 나는엄마가구우신쿠키를먹고있어. 20. My younger brother was reading a book which dad gave to him 내남동생은아빠가그에게주신책을읽고있었어. Set 08 본문 p.78 02. Mina has a dog which[that] is brave 미나는용감한개한마리를가지고있어. 03. My little brother was playing with his friends who[that] live next door 내남동생은옆집에사는그의친구들과놀고있었어. 04. I saw Mina who[that] was playing with her dog in the yard 나는마당에서그녀의개와놀고있는미나를봤어. 05. It was all thanks to the dog which[that] Mina raises 그것은모두미나가기르는개덕분이었어. 06. I am a tree which[that] has lived here for 50 years 나는이곳에 50년동안살았던나무야. 07. All his friends like Minwoo who[that] is always smiling 그의모든친구들은항상웃고있는민우를좋아해. 08. Christian is a boy who[that] comes from Germany Christian은독일에서온소년이다. 09. There is a girl who[that] has long hair 긴머리를가진소녀가있다. 10. Sophie likes her dog which[that] came from Japan Sophie는일본에서온그녀의개를좋아한다. 11. I don t like movies which[that] have sad endings 나는슬픈결말을가진영화들을좋아하지않아. 12. He is the friend who[that] makes me happy 그는나를행복하게만들어주는친구야. 13. That girl who[that] is on the playground is Charlotte 운동장에있는저소녀는 Charlotte이야 14. Those are my parents who[that] are sitting on the bench 벤치에앉아있는저분들은나의부모님이셔. 15. I found the man who[that] stole my key 나는내열쇠를훔쳐간남자를찾았다. 16. I am eating the cake which[that] my mom baked 나는엄마가구우신케이크를먹고있어. 17. The man who[that] is writing a letter is Vincent 편지를쓰고있는남자는 Vincent야. 18. Kate had lunch with a man who[that] has blue hair Kate는파란머리를가진한남자와점심을먹었어. 19. We bought the candies which[that] you like 우리는네가좋아하는사탕을샀어. 20. The boy who[that] often teases Charlotte is Charlie Charlotte을자주놀리는그남자아이는 Charlie야. Chapter 03 관계대명사의종류 Unit 01 주격관계대명사 (1) Check and Write 본문 p.83 2. is 3. are 4. are 5. is Unit 02 주격관계대명사 (2) Check and Write 본문 p.85 2. who 3. which 4. who 5. who Practice 1 본문 p.86 A 2. who 3. who 4. who 5. which B 1. who 2. who 3. which 4. who 5. who C 1. who 2. who 3. which 4. which 5. which D 1. who 2. which 3. which 4. who 5. who Practice 2 본문 p.88 2. the fruit which is popular in spring 3. my allowance which is little even now 4. something that might save you some money 5. two coupons which can be used 6. a story which might interest me 7. who gives us presents 8. which are on the table 9. the actress who is famous 10. an oasis which reenergizes us 11. people who lived exciting lives 12. There s something that matters even more 13. a friend who won t run away 정답과해설 7
14. She is the girl who 15. It is fear that 16. the one who is lucky 17. who is good at finding things 18. Those who are willing to die 19. those who help themselves 20. The man who chases two rabbits Practice 3 본문 p.91 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Set 01 본문 p.94 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. Set 02 본문 p.95 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Set 03 본문 p.96 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Set 04 본문 p.97 02. that 03. that, who 04. that, who 05. that 06. that, who 07. that, which 08. that, which 09. that, who 10. that, which 11. that 12. who 13. that 14. that, who Set 05 본문 p.98 02. 03. 04. 05. who[that] 06. who[that] 07. 08. 09. 10. which[that] 11. 12. 13. who[that] 14. Set 06 본문 p.99 02. is 03. are 04. live 05. harm 06. is 07. gives 08. matters 09. speaks 10. was 11. make 12. is 13. have 14. are Set 07 본문 p.100 02. 03. helps 04. 05. 06. is 07. 08. is 09. 10. is 11. is 12. has 13. harm 14. is 15. 16. 17. 18. need 19. live 20. Set 08 본문 p.102 02. was 03. lives 04. that[which] 05. that[which] 06. make 07. like 08. which[that] 09. which[that] 10. is 11. who[that] 12. which[that] 13. help 14. who[that] 15. were 16. who[that] 17. is 18. which[that] 19. chases 20. share Unit 03 목적격관계대명사 (1) Check and Write 본문 p.105 2. 주격 3. 목적격 4. 주격 5. 목적격 Unit 04 목적격관계대명사 (2) Check and Write 본문 p.107 2. that 3. which 4. who 5. that Practice 1 본문 p.108 A 2. which 3. whom 4. whom 5. which B 1. which 2. which 3. whom 4. whom 5. whom C 1. whom 2. which 3. which 4. whom D 1. which 2. which 3. which 4. which 5. which 6. which Practice 2 본문 p.110 2. the friends 3. the textbook 4. a dark side 5. something 6. the only weapon 7. the scene 8. the funniest thing 9. the ball 10. a secret 12. that 13. that 14. that 15. which 16. that 17. that 18. that 19. whom 20. that Practice 3 본문 p.113 2. Look at the mess which[that] my dog made 내개가만든엉망진창인상태를봐! 3. Do you remember the boy whom[that] we met at the pool 너우리가수영장에서만났던그소년을기억하니? 4. This is the camera which[that] my father gave me 이건우리아빠가나에게준카메라야. 5. This is the story which[that] my father read to me 이건나의아버지께서나에게읽어주신이야기야. 6. These are the photos which[that] I like 이것들은내가좋아하는사진들이야. 7. My dog tore up the photo which[that] I love 나의개가내가아주좋아하는사진을찢어놨어. 8. They drew a picture of a tiger which[that] they saw at the zoo 그들은그들이동물원에서보았던호랑이의그림을그렸어. 9. I like the candies which[that] I bought at the market 나는시장에서구입한그사탕들이좋아. 10. The boy whom[that] I don t like always tells lies 내가좋아하지않는그소년은항상거짓말을한다. 12. the exam that we have to pass 8 초등영문법 3800 제 8 권
13. Every dream that you wish 14. no one I can talk to 15. the nicest teacher we have 16. The one thing that I wanted 17. The girl whom I met yesterday 18. The man whom I talked to 19. Going to the market was the bravest thing that 20. The tofu which he bought Set 01 본문 p.116 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. Set 02 본문 p.117 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Set 03 본문 p.118 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. Set 04 본문 p.119 02. 목 03. 목 04. 목 05. 주 06. 목 07. 주 08. 목 09. 주 10. 주 11. 목 12. 목 Set 05 본문 p.120 02. which 03. that 04. that 05. which 06. which 07. that 08. whom 09. that 10. whom 11. that 12. which 13. that 14. that Set 06 본문 p.121 02. which[that] 03. 04. whom[that] 05. which[that] 06. 07. 08. which[that] 09. 10. which[that] 11. 12. 13. 14. which[that] Set 07 본문 p.122 02. like 03. plays 04. like 05. sees 06. are 07. show 08. have 09. love 10. was 11. want 12. have 13. respect 14. tells 15. is 16. was 17. share 18. has 19. was 20. like Set 08 본문 p.124 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Chapter 04 관계대명사 what / 관계부사 Unit 01 관계대명사 what Check and Write 본문 p.129 2. what 3. which 4. What 5. which Unit 02 관계부사 Check and Write 본문 p.131 2. how 3. when 4. why 5. where Practice 1 본문 p.132 A 2. where 3. why 4. how 5. What B 1. why 2. when 3. where 4. what 5. the way C 1. the way 2. why 3. what 4. where 5. the way 6. what D 1. where 2. where 3. what 4. why Practice 2 본문 p.134 2. when 3. the way 4. where 5. when 6. why 7. what 8. what, what 9. what 10. when 12. when 13. how 14. where 15. why 16. how 17. why 18. where 19. why 20. how Practice 3 본문 p.137 2. how I can get there 3. What we can do with computers 4. show you what I ve learned 5. what I want to do now 6. what I lost yesterday 7. what I wanted to tell you 8. What they bought 9. only eats what she likes 10. That s what I do 11. I felt bad about what I did 나는내가한것에대해기분이좋지않았어. 12. what she heard 13. the place where we first met 14. where she studies 15. the moment when she hugged me 16. the reason why they got married 17. What she said 18. the day when they will be together 19. the reason why you like those pants 20. what they said 정답과해설 9
Set 01 본문 p.140 02. which 03. which 04. what 05. which 06. what 07. what, what 08. what 09. which 10. what 11. what 12. which Set 02 본문 p.141 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Set 03 본문 p.142 02. 내가좋아하는것 03. 내가했던것 04. 내가구운 05. 네가말한것 06. 그가필요했던것 07. 네가믿는것 08. 그녀가할수있는것 09. 내가산 10. 내가필요한것 11. 그가사랑했던 12. 내가찍은 13. 그가말한것 14. 내가들은것 Set 04 본문 p.143 02. when 03. why 04. where 05. when 06. why 07. when 08. when 09. where 10. why 11. when 12. where 10. I felt bad about what I did 나는내가한것에대해기분이좋지않았어. 11. She pretends she didn t hear what she heard 그녀는그녀가들은것을못들은척해. 12. We can t believe what they said 우리는그들이말한것을믿을수없어. 13. He gave her what she likes 그는그녀에게그녀가좋아하는것을주었어. 14. Today s meeting was what I ve waited for 오늘의회의는내가기다려왔던것이었다. 15. She also felt sorry about what she did 그녀도그녀가했던것에대해미안하게생각했어. 16. Mom cooks us what we want 엄마는우리에게우리가원하는것을요리해주셔. 17. Collecting stamps is what he does in his free time 우표수집이그가여가시간에하는일이야. 18. That s not what I meant 그것은내가의도한것이아니야. 19. Think about what you should do first 당신이첫번째로해야할것을생각해봐라. 20. The 9 o clock news is what I usually watch 9시뉴스는내가보통보는것이다. Set 05 본문 p.144 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Set 06 본문 p.145 02. 03. 04. how[the way] 05. 06. how[the way] 07. 08. where 09. 10. when 11. why 12. how[the way] 13. 14. (the reason) why Set 07 본문 p.146 02. when 03. where 04. when 05. where 06. why 07. how 08. when 09. how 10. when 11. where 12. how 13. why 14. where 15. when 16. why 17. how 18. where 19. where 20. when Set 08 본문 p.148 02. I would like to show you what I ve learned 나는내가배운것을너에게보여주고싶어. 03. Running is what I want to do now 달리기가내가지금하고싶은거야. 04. I m looking for what I lost yesterday 나는어제내가잃어버린것을찾고있어. 05. That s what I wanted to tell you 그게내가너에게말하고싶었던거야. 06. Mina only eats what she likes 미나는그녀가좋아하는것만먹어. 07. That s what I do to end the day 그게내가하루를마무리하기위해하는거야. 08. This is what we were looking for 이게우리가찾고있던거야. 09. You become what you believe 당신은당신이믿는것이 ( 믿는대로 ) 된다. Chapter 02~04 실전테스트 분문 p.150 01. when 02. where 03. why 04. 2 05. 2 06. 3 07. 2 08. 1 09. He likes the teacher who[that] teaches English in his school. 그는그의학교에서영어를가르치는선생님을좋아한다. 10. She keeps a cat which[that] jumps a lot. 그녀는많이점프하는고양이를기른다. 11. A man who[that] was sitting next to me was reading a book. 내옆에앉아있었던남자는책을읽고있었다. 12. A truck which[that] was carrying food stopped at a gas station. 음식을나르고있었던한트럭이주유소에멈췄다. 13. We should remember the people who[that] clean the building for us. 우리는우리를위해건물을청소해주시는분들을기억해야한다. 14. This is the movie which[that] we watched three times. 이것은우리가세번봤던영화이다. 15. 1 16. 4 17. 2 18. 2 19. 1 20. 3 21. 4 22. what[what] 23. who[that] 24. 3, 4 25. how 26. when 27. who[whom / that] 28. where 29. What I need is water. 내게필요한것은물이다. 30. What he has to do is his homework. 그가해야하는것은그의숙제이다. 10 초등영문법 3800 제 8 권