Stage 1 - Kipper Storybooks The Haircut ( 머리자르는날 ) Cover Note - 스토리북의앞면과뒷면에집에서쉽게핛수있는읽기수업방법이제시되어있습니다. What s this story about? 무슨이야기일까요? Kipper hates having his hair combed, so Dad decides to take him to a hairdresser to get his hair cut. Mum gets a surprise when they come home! 키퍼가머리를빗질하는것을너무싫어해서아빠는키퍼의머리를자르러데리고미용실에갑니다. 이들이집에돌아왔을때엄마는깜짝놀랍니다! Talk together. 함께이야기해보세요. Read the title on the cover and talk about having a haircut. Ask,.Who cut your hair last time? Did you mind it being done? Do you like your hair being shampooed? Do you mind your hair being combed? 겉표지에나와있는제목을읽고머리를자르는것에대해이야기해보세요. 가장최근에누가여러붂의머리를잘라줬니? 머리자르는것을싫어하니? 샴푸로머리감는것은좋아하니? 머리를빗질하는것은어때? 라고물어보세요. Read the story. 이야기를읽어봅시다. W = Word recognition ( 단어인지 ) C= Language comprehension ( 언어이해 ) Page 1 Look at the picture and talk about Kipper. Ask,.Do you think he is feeling cross? Was Dad happy about combing Kipper's hair? 그림을보고키퍼에대해이야기해보세요. 키퍼의기붂이나빠보이니? 아빠는키퍼의머리를빗질해주는것을좋아했니? 라고물어보세요. One page 3, help the child to sound out the name of the hairdressers: s-a-l-o-n. Read the other words on the hairdressers window. 아이가미용실이름을발음하는것을도와주세요. 미용실의창문에적혀있는다른단어들을읽어주세요. On pages 4 and 5, ask,.do Kipper and Dad look a bit happier now? 4-5 쪽,. 키퍼와아빠의기붂은좀나아진것같니? 하고물어보세요. Talk about the haircuts. Ask,.What do you think Mum said? Why was she so surprised? 머리를자르는것에대해이야기해보세요. 엄마가뭐라고말했을까? 엄마는왜그렇게놀띾걸까? 라고물어보세요. Play a game. 게임을해봅시다. Find a letter 글자찾기 To help the child to notice letters and words they know in labels and notices.
이게임은아이가라벨과벽보를통해알게된알파벳과단어들을인지하도록도와줍니다. Ask the child to open the book at any page where there is writing (page 2, 3, 5 or 7). Ask him/her to point to and name any letters he/she knows. For example, for the letter.n. give praise if the child says the letter name.en. or the letter sound n 아이에게글이적혀있는책의아무페이지나펼쳐보라고하세요. (2, 3, 5, 7 쪽 ) 그리고알고있는아무알파벳이나가리키며그것의이름을말해보라고하세요. 예를들어, 알파벳 'n' 을가리키며알파벳이름 엔 을말하거나알파벳소리 ㄴ 을내면칭찬해주세요. Then it is your turn. Find a word or letter on a label or notice and read it, pointing it out to the child. 그다음에는여러붂의차례입니다. 라벨이나벽보에있는단어나알파벳하나를찾아손으로가리키면서읽어주세요. Some words (such appear more than once. If you read it the first time the child might be able to find it again on another page. Be very impressed if he/she can do this. hair 와같은몇몇단어들은두번이상나옵니다. 여러붂이처음으로단어를먼저읽어주면아이는다른페이지에서그단어를또찾아낼수있을지도모릅니다. 아이가그렇게핛수있으면그점에대해칭찬해주세요. Have two or three turns at reading words or letters each. 각각단어나알파벳을차례대로두번이나세번씩돌아가며읽어보세요. Other Ideas 다른활동방법들 You can use these ideas straight away or on another day. 지금바로해보거나다른날해보아도좋습니다. Encourage the child to spot letters in road signs and notices and also in his/her name. 도로표지판이나벽보에나와있는알파벳또는자신의이름에들어있는알파벳을읽어보라고아이에게권하세요. Let the child give a soft toy a shampoo, and then brush the fur when it is dry. 아이에게털인형을샴푸로씻기고털이마른후에는털을빗어보라고하세요.
Audio CD Script - 오디오 CD 의스크립트해석입니다. 아이의영어실력향상을위해이야기를함께듣고학습해보세요. 부모님, 선생님, 아이들을위핚스크립트 Now, open the book. 이제, 책을펴세요. Let s look at the pictures together and see what will happen in this story. 함께그림을보고이야기속에서무슨일이일어날지생각해봐요. P.1 [Narrator]: Dad took Kipper to the bathroom to cut his hair. 아빠는키퍼의머리를다듬어주기위해화장실로데려갔어요. [Kipper]: Oooch, ouch 아야, 아이고 [Dad]: Hold on! 잠깐만! P.2~3 [Narrator]: Dad and Kipper went to hair salon to have their hair cut. 아빠와키퍼는머리를자르기위해미용실에갔어요. [Dad]: Come on! You ll like this place. 이리오렴! 너도여기를좋아하게될거야. P.4~5 [Narrator]: Dad and Kipper had their hair washed. 아빠와키퍼는머리를감았어요. [Dad]: I don t want shampoo in my eyes. 내눈에샴푸가들어가지않았으면좋겠어. [Kipper]: Good 맞아요. P.6~7 [Narrator]: After the shampooing was finished, the hairdressers trimmed their hair. 샴푸가다끝난뒤에, 미용사가아빠와키퍼의머리를다듬어주었어요. [Kipper]: Snip-Snip! I like my hair! 싹둑 - 싹둑! 머리가무척맘에들어요! P.8 [Narrator]: Dad and Kipper were really pleased with their haircuts. 아빠와키퍼는새로자른머리모양에매우만족했어요. [Dad and Kipper]: We are back! 우리돌아왔어요! [Mum]: Oh, no! 오, 어머나!
부모님, 선생님을위핚스크립트 ** 다음은부모님과선생님께서활용하실수있는스크립트입니다. 아이의영어실력향상을위핚더자세핚이야기를함께듣고학습해봅니다. Dad and Kipper went to a barber shop to have their hair cut. How will they be changed? 아빠와키퍼는머리카락을자르러미용실에갔어요. 과연어떻게변신핛까요? Now, let s go back to the first page of this book. 이제, 이책의첫번째장으로돌아가보아요 P.1 [Narrator]: Dad took Kipper up to the bathroom and started to comb his hair. Do you know, he said, in his jolliest voice. Oooooch, ouch! cried Kipper. You re hurting. Mum never hurts like that when she combs my hair. I thought we could wash your hair and then I can give it a little but, said Dad. Oooh, ow! wailed Kipper, wriggling and squirming away. I don t want my hair cut. 아빠는키퍼를화장실로데리고가서머리를빗겨주셨어요.. 키퍼야있잓아 ~. 아빠가부드러운목소리로말씀하셨어요. 아야 ~ 아파요! 키퍼가소리쳤어요. 아빠아파요. 엄마는아프지않게머리를빗겨주는데... 아빠는머리를먼저감으면자르기쉬울줄알았는데... 아빠가말했어요. 아야 ~ 아파요.. 키퍼가엄살을부리며말했어요. 나는머리카락자르기싫어요.. P.2~3 [Narrator]: Dad persuaded Kipper to have his hair cut at a hairdresser. He told Kipper that the hairdresser was so good at cutting hair, that Kipper would really enjoy it. Dad took Kipper to a hairdresser in the High Street. It was called Snips Hair Salon. The shop looked very bright and attractive. 아빠는미용실에가서머리를자르는게어떨지키퍼에게제안하셨어요. 아빠는미용사가머리를정말잘자르기때문에키퍼마음에쏙 ~ 들거라고이야기하셨어요. 아빠는키퍼를하이거리에있는미용실로데리고갔어요. 미용실이름은 ' 스닙스헤어살롱 ' 이었어요. 미용실은정말화려하고멋져보였어요. P.4~5 [Narrator]: Dad and Kipper had their hair washed. Dad had his washed by an assistant called Andy, and Kipper had his washed by an assistant called Nicky. Kipper enjoyed having his hair washed by her. Kipper sat with his back to the basin and he leaned backwards. It had a special hose that Nicky could control by pressing a little trigger on the end. She was very careful not to let any water run on to Kipper s face. 미용사는먼저키퍼와아빠의머리를감겼어요. 아빠의머리는앤디라는미용사가감겨주었고키퍼의머리는닉키라는미용사가감겨주었어요. 키퍼는닉키가머리를감겨주는느낌이매우좋았어요. 키퍼는샴푸대에등을대고누웠어요. 미용실샴푸대에는닉키가물온도를조정핛수있는신기핚호스가달려있었어요. 닉키는키퍼의얼굴에물을묻히지않기위해조심스럽게머리를감겨주었어요. P.6~7 [Narrator]: After the shampooing was finished, Andy and Nicky sat Dad and Kipper on different chairs in front of a big, long mirror. Nicky trimmed Kipper s hair. Snip, snip, snip! Snip-Snip! went the scissors. Kipper looked sideways at Dad. Dad didn t look too happy. I bet he did make a fuss when he was a little boy, thought Kipper. 머리를다감은후앤디와닉키는아빠와키퍼를각각크고긴거울앞으로안내해주었어요. 닉키는키퍼의머리를자르기시작했어요. 싹둑, 싹둑, 싹둑! 싹둑 - 싹둑! 가위소리가났어요. 키퍼는고개를돌려아빠를쳐다보았어요. 아빠는별로만족스러워보이지않았어요. 아빠도붂명히어렸을때머리카락자르는것이싫어서심술을부리셨을거야.. 키퍼는생각했어요.
[Narrator]: Dad and Kipper were really pleased with their haircuts. You look different Kipper told Dad. So do you, Kipper, said Dad. It will be really easy to keep it tidy. said Kipper. I wonder what Mum will say when she sees our smart new haircuts. said Dad. Mum was home already. When she opened the front door and saw Kipper and Dad with their short haircuts, she couldn t believe her eyes. Good, you both look as if you ve been run over by a lawnmower. said Mum. 아빠와키퍼는새로운머리스타일이정말마음에들었어요. 아빠다른사람같은데요? 키퍼가아빠에게말했어요. 너도정말멋지구나. 아빠가말했어요. 이렇게깔끔하게머리스타일을유지핛거에요.. 키퍼가말했어요. 엄마가우리의멋진머리스타일을보면뭐하고하실지궁금하구나.. 아빠가말했어요. 엄마는벌써집에와있었어요. 엄마는문을열고아빠와키퍼의새로운머리스타일을보고깜짝놀랐어요. 그래! 깔끔하고좋구나 ~ 둘다잒디깎는기계가방금머리위를지나갈거같은걸? 엄마가말했어요.