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/ KEIT PD / KEIT PD / SUMMARY, (CFRP) / CFRP Laminate( ), 50%, Vanwees, IHI /,, Herzog braiding, Compositence fiber direct pre-forming, / AFP /ATL CFRP / BMW i3 90% braiding,., /, CFRP, ( ) CFRP CFRP, CFRP,,,, / /

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT OCTOBER 2015 VOL 15-10 1.,, RTM(Resin Transfer Molding, ) (trimming)/, CFRP, edge trimming CFRP RTM, / *, spread fabric,, (preform) 3, RTM(Resin Transfer Molding) (Preform),. 2, braided fabric, knitted fabric, tow prepreg 3 98 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 6 탄소섬유강화복합재 (CFRP) 생산장비및자동화기술동향 (Preform) CFRP, - * HP-RTM, PCM 1-2 cycle time Key-Issue, (Needs), BMW (CFRP) ( ) CFRP,, 3D CFRP, /, Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 99

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT OCTOBER 2015 VOL 15-10, 3 dry fiber ( ) Cost 75%. 50% 50 % Cost Fabric (roving) /braiding (fabric), (Cutting)-. (Fiber Direct preforming) (Roving) 100 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 6 탄소섬유강화복합재 (CFRP) 생산장비및자동화기술동향 Preform (Fabric preform) New-Preform (Fiber preform) Fiber Orientation : Load optimized Waste : minimized Fiber direct preforming CFRP, HP- RTM, PCM(Prepreg Compression Molding), (burr) edge trimming, Finishing 10 2. CFRP (UD, Uni-directional) UD prepreg,,, /, Cross-ply machine NCF(Non-Crimp Fabric) (multi-roving) 1 m UD forming, braiding, AFP(Automated Fiber Placement), ATL(Automated Tape Lay-up), embroidery( ) Forming 40 Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 101

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT OCTOBER 2015 VOL 15-10 Forming braiding (roving), ply (inter-locking). (mandrel) Braiding ; SGL ( ) (Embroidery) (loss), - (multi-head) 102 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 6 탄소섬유강화복합재 (CFRP) 생산장비및자동화기술동향 Direct preforming Load oriented fiber layup Binder Dry fiber Net-shape Spool creel Fiber guiding system Turning table on linear axis Application head (exchangeable) (Compositence ( )) 3. CFRP Vanwees ( ) Cross-ply machine /. 2-3, (UD, Uni-Directional) Cross-ply machine (Vanwees ( )) Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 103

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT OCTOBER 2015 VOL 15-10 IHI ( ) Multi-layer Preform Producing Equipment Clicker roller pressed cutter net shape Multi-layer Preform Producing Equipment ; IHI KARL MAYER Malitronic Multi-axial type, Bi-axial type, 2,, HDPE., Layering Process for Non-Crimp Fabric(NCF) 104 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 6 탄소섬유강화복합재 (CFRP) 생산장비및자동화기술동향, 2014, 2 % 5 / 5 ( :( ) ) 5 /5 ; Dry Fiber Preform DIEFFENBACHER, HP-RTM. HP-RTM line 1),, 2D 3D, 2) & (Injection), 3),. Near-net-shape draping net shape 3D preform (drape), 4,000X2,500 mm. dry carbon fiber preform 40 HP-RTM Line - Preform Center Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 105

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT OCTOBER 2015 VOL 15-10 Preform of Trunk Lid CFRP Trunk Lid Fill 2D 3D, 1 Preform-liner ; Fill Broetje Automation RTM near-net- shape-preform Preforming Cell(CPC) Danobat Composites (Infusion) (Automated Dry Material Placement). Woven/Non crimp UD/Multidirectional FAW(Fabric Areal Weight) 100 g/m² 1,800 g/m² Compositence 2D 3D near net shape RoboMAG. 1.5 m/s (tow) waste 106 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 6 탄소섬유강화복합재 (CFRP) 생산장비및자동화기술동향 Composite Preforming Cell ; Broetje Automation Preforming Machine ; Compositence Tow/Tape prepreg Preform Automated Tape Laying(ATL) Automated Fiber Placement(AFP) UD (Advanced composite laminates) ATL ply backing, AFP ATL ATL 1966, 1970. 1971 (Computer Numeric Control), 1974 76 mm ATL Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 107

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT OCTOBER 2015 VOL 15-10 1980, 60 m/min. (head). 1990 tacky ATL tail plane, wing skin A380 center wing box, ATL MAGCincinnati ( ), MTorres ( ), Forest Liné ( ). GFM ( ), Mikrosam ( ), Entec ( ) ATK ( ) ATL, Ingersoll ( ) ATL, AFP ATL head 75, 150 300 mm. head ATL (Gantry) ATL Female tool Vertical tool 300mm tape Gantry type ATL Column tyle ATL AFP 1980. AFP, AFP 2000, 108 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 6 탄소섬유강화복합재 (CFRP) 생산장비및자동화기술동향 AFP head AFP Automated Dynamics ( ), Accudyne ( ), MAGCincinatti ( ), Coriolis ( ), Electroimpact( ), Foster Miller /ATK ( ), Ingersoll ( ), Mikrosam ( ) MTorres ( ). Automated Dynamics, Accudyne, Coriolis Electroimpact gantry, MAGCincinatti, Foster Miller, Ingersoll, Mikrosam MTorres gantry., gantry-type head AFP ATL 3.2 mm, 6.4 mm 12.7 mm tow prepreg, 32 ATL AFP,, 33%. AFP/ATL ATL 29.2 kg/h, AFP 41.3 kg/h, 45.4 kg/h 80% 8.6 kg/h, - - ATL AFP 9, KAI. ATL 4, AFP 3, AFP 1, ATL 1,, AFP/ATL, 2015, 50% ( : ) AFP Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 109

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT OCTOBER 2015 VOL 15-10 / 6 DMU AFP ; Braided preform (braiding) (braiding) HERZOG 2 Radial braiding machine type RF 1/128-100 128 carriers Bobbin 55 x 170 x 130 mm = 265 ccm Motor power: 4 x 0,55 kw Speed: 150 r. p. m. Radial braiding machine type RF 1/144-100 144 carriers Bobbin 55 x 170 x 130 mm = 265 ccm Motor power: 4 x 0,55 kw Speed: 150 r. p. m. Braiding system for Composites (HERZOG ) 110 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 6 탄소섬유강화복합재 (CFRP) 생산장비및자동화기술동향 (braiding), Tri-axial braiding machine, Circular Braiding Machine Carrier No. 120 ea(braid), 60 ea(axial) Speed 200 RPM Take-up Roll to Roll Type Option Over Braiding Device Tri-axial Braiding system (, ) Circular type 4-step braid machine Axial yarn 336 ea Braid yarn 384 ea Total yarn 720 ea Machine Size 4,530 2,500 3,360 mm Weight 13 ton Circular Ring 9 Set / 7.5 ø 2,900 mm Circular Braiding system (, ) Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 111

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT OCTOBER 2015 VOL 15-10 CFRP Autonational Composites BV t-joint, elbow, specific tank, cone - Automatic Filament Winding Production Line HYM LFT-D Automatic LFT-D production line MIKROSAM. 30,000 1,000,000 3. 3D Top Level Control Robot Handling 5-Spindle Winding Painting and Coating Curing Oven Automated Filament Winding Line 112 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 6 탄소섬유강화복합재 (CFRP) 생산장비및자동화기술동향 Composite Technology Center AFP(Automated Fiber Placement), DFP(Dry Fiber Placement) AutoRTM. AutoRTM RTM, 1), 2) RTM, 3) Auto-RTM BMW i3/i8 BMW CFRP., ; BMW,, Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 113

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT OCTOBER 2015 VOL 15-10 ~ CFRP RTM insert Resin Injection Demolding Trimming / Hole Body Assembly CFRP Body CFRP ; BMW HP-RTM, edge trimming., CFRP CFRP / / / BMW i3/i8 RTM CFRP Monocoque Cabin 114 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 6 탄소섬유강화복합재 (CFRP) 생산장비및자동화기술동향, BMW, MAI Carbon, Compositence, Fraunhofer Institute, Karl Mayer, P3 Automotive Preform 2.0 Fiber direct performing RTM 4. CFRP (CFRP) 2014 268 (79,000 ), 10 8.2%, 10.6%, 2024 595 CFRP * : CFRP Composites market forecast 2014~2024, Visiongain, 2014, Composites market report 2014 CFRP,,, CFRP, JEC Europe 2014 CFRP Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 115

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT OCTOBER 2015 VOL 15-10 CFRP * : CFRP Composites market forecast 2014~2024, Visiongain, 2014,, (CFRP), CFRP, CFRP * : Toyota technical review, Toyota, 2002 Weight reduction activity for vehicle,, KEIT, 2015 116 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 6 탄소섬유강화복합재 (CFRP) 생산장비및자동화기술동향 CFRP M&A Value Chain - BMW SGL SGL i3, i8 CFRP CFRP, 2025 CFRP 250 - CFRP 180, 55, 25, 2013 CFRP 16 16 CFRP * : CFRP, 2014. 11$/kg 50% CFRP,,, - (CFRP), CFRP - CFRP Cost Down CFRP Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 117

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT OCTOBER 2015 VOL 15-10 CFRP CFRP, -, CFRP 5. CFRP CFRP AFP, CFRP, -,, CFRP.,,,,, Laminate( ), 75%,, CFRP CFRP, HP-RTM. CFRP Pre-forming -, 118 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 6 탄소섬유강화복합재 (CFRP) 생산장비및자동화기술동향 ( ) 1. Dirk H.J.A. Lukaszewicz, Carwyn Ward, Kevin D. Potter, The Engineering aspects of automated prepreg layup: History, present and future, Composites:Part B, 43, 2012, pp. 997-1009. 2. JEC Europe 2014 CFRP, KEIT PD Issue Report 3. CFRP, KEIT PD Issue Report 4. Moter Fan illustrated Vol. 12, 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., ED&C 15., KISTI 16., 17., LG 18. CFRP, 19., KISTI, 18. 3D, 2014 Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 119