Weed Turf. Sci. 3(1):6~12 http://dx.doi.org/10.5660/wts.2014.3.1.6 Print ISSN 22877924, Online ISSN 22883312 Research Article Weed & Turfgrass Science Weed & Turfgrass Science was renamed from formerly both Korean Journal of Weed Science from Volume 32(3), 2012, Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science from Volume 25(1), 2011 and Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science from Volume 26(2), 2012 which were launched by The Korean Society of Weed Science and The Turfgrass Society of Korea found in 1981 and 1987, respectively. 경북지역논잡초발생분포조사 김상국 1 김학윤 2 * 1 경상북도농업기술원작물육종과, 2 계명대학교지구환경학과 A Survey of Weeds Occurrence on Paddy Fields in Gyeongbuk Province in Korea Sang Kuk Kim 1 and Hak Yoon Kim 2 * 1 Divion of Crop Breeding, Gyeongsangbukdo Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Daegu 720708, Korea 2 Department of Global Environment, Keimyung University, Daegu 704701, Korea ABSTRACT. The survey of weed occurrence was conducted to identify problem weed species in the paddy field. The 320 sites of the 13 regions in Gyeongbuk Province were investigated from June to July, 2013. In the whole region, 51 weed species were identified including 34 s and 17 s. The highest importance value of weed and was dominant 88.4 and 48.7%, in Gumi region, respectively. The most dominant weed species in paddy fields of Gyeongbuk Province were Monochoria vaginalis var. plantaginea (10.80%), followed by Lemna paucicostata (10.74%), Bidens tripartite (8.77%), hinochloa oryzoides (7.17%), and Scirpus juncoides (6.20%). The similarity of paddy weeds in 13 regions observed through TWINSPAN analysis was distinguished by Ludwigia prostrata, Scirpus juncoides, Lindernia dubia, Polygonum aviculare, and Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis. The weed species, Ludwigia prostrata, was divided into the four regions, Gyeongju, Gumi(direct seeding cultivation), Youngcheon and Euiseong and ten regions, Gumi, Bonghwa, Sanju, Goryung, Youngdeog, Pohang, Sanju, Andong, Yecheon, and Cheongdo. Key words: Gyeongbuk Province, Paddy field weeds, Weed occurrence Received on Feb. 20, 2014; Revised on Mar. 06, 2014; Accepted on Mar. 26, 2014 *Corresponding author: one) +82535805918, Fax) +82535800494; Email) hykim@kmu.ac.kr 2014 The Korean Society of Weed Science and The Turfgrass Society of Korea This is an OpenAccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License & #160; (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/bync/3.0) which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, & #160; and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 서론 우리나라농경지에발생하는잡초는 1972년한국산잡초목록 ( 국립농업자재연구소 ) 이발간됨으로써 453종이처음으로알려졌다 (Lee et al., 2012). 논잡초발생양상에관한연구 는 1971년에처음으로농촌진흥청작물시험장주관으로실시되었으며, 그후 10년주기로현재까지총네번의조사가이루어졌다 (Kim, 1983; Park et al., 1995; Park et al., 2001; Park et al., 2002). 네번에걸친논잡초발생조사에서우점잡초의순위에많은변화가있었고, 경지이용형태의변화, 토지기반정비에의한입지조건의변 화, 경종법, 재배관리, 특히경운정지나잡초방제법의변화등이농경지에서발생하는잡초군락천이의주요요인으로작용한것으로나타났다 (Kim et al., 2012). 손제초에의존하던 1970년대의발생잡초의비율을보면화본과 12%, 광엽잡초 50%, 방동사니과 19%, 기타 19% 등으로나타났으며, 일년생과다년생잡초의분포비율이 7:3으로일년생잡초의분포비율이높았고, 마디꽃, 쇠털골, 물달개비, 알방동사니, 피, 밭뚝외풀, 가래, 사마귀풀, 올방개순으로우점하는것으로조사되었다. 뷰타클로르입제와같은일년생잡초방제용제초제의사용이증가된 1981년에는화본과 7.4%, 광엽잡초 66.7%, 방동사니과 6
경북지역논잡초발생분포조사 7 25.9% 로관찰되었고, 일년생과다년생잡초의분포비율이 4.6:5.4로오히려다년생잡초의분포가많은것으로조사되었다. 초종별로는물달개비, 올미, 가래, 벗풀, 너도방동사니, 마디꽃, 사마귀풀, 밭뚝외풀, 올방개, 여뀌바늘순으로우점하였고, 그중에서특히올방개, 올미, 너도방동사니, 가래, 벗풀등다년생잡초의발생이뚜렷하였다 (Oh et al., 1981). 1988년부터다년생잡초에방제효과가뛰어난 sulfonylurea (SU) 계제초제인 bensulfuronmethyl과 pyrazosulfuronehyl의혼합제초제즉, 일발처리제 ( 일년생과다년생잡초동시방제용제초제 ) 가국내에개발 보급되기시작하면서 1991년도에수행된잡초조사에서일년생과다년생잡초의비율이 3.3:6.7로일년생잡초의분포비율은감소한반면, 다년생잡초는 13% 정도증가한것으로조사되었다. 주요발생잡초는올방개, 벗풀, 피, 물달개비, 올미, 너도방동사니, 여뀌바늘, 가래, 사마귀풀, 올챙이고랭이순으로우점도가높은것으로조사되었고, 다년생잡초인올방개와벗풀의분포비율이가장높은것으로나타났다 (Park et al., 1995). 한편일발처리제에서피를방제할수있는제초제유효성분의함량이줄어든관계로피가주요잡초로다시등장하였다. 혼합제초제가많았던 1991 부터 2000년까지 SU계제초제저항성잡초인물달개비의발생과피와미국가막사리등의일년생잡초가다시증가하는양상을보였다 (Lee et al., 2012). 이와같이잡초방제법중제초제사용의변화는논생태계내잡초종의다양성, 발생량및우점잡초종변화의주된원인이며 (Kim and Shin, 2007), 제초제사용중에서도동일제초제의연용이논잡초의초종변화에가장직접적인영향을미치는것으로나타났다 (Kim et al., 2012). 최근에는이상기온으로인해제초제사용과함께기후변화가논발생잡초종의변화에새로운요인으로부각되고있다. 기후변화로인한기온, 강수량, 일사량등의변화는식물의생육및분포에변화를초래할수있기때문에보다체계적인잡초방제법이요구되는실정이다. 작물을재배하는데있어잡초의발생분포와잡초종변화를미리파악하여제초제를적절하게사용한다면작물의수량과품질향상및노동력절감의효과도기대할수있을것이다 (Hwang et al., 2013). 따라서주기적으로농경지에서발생하고있는문제잡초종을파악하여국가적인차원에서안정된수확량확보를위한효율적인잡초방제의체계를개발할필요성이있다. 따라서본연구는농촌진흥청에서 10년주기로진행하는전국논잡초정밀분포조사의일환으로경상북도 13개시 군에서논 320지점을선정하여잡초의발생분포양상을파악하여효과적이면서생력적인잡초관리를위한기초자료를얻기위하여수행되었다. Fig. 1. The location of 320 survey sites in Gyeongbuk Province. 재료및방법 본연구는경북지역논에발생하는잡초의분포를알아보기위하여 2013년 6월부터 7월까지경상북도의구미시, 안동시, 영덕군등 13개시 군의읍 면 리를대상으로잡초조사가수행되었다. 대상지역은 3개리를임의로선정하여총 320지점의논을대상으로잡초발생정도를조사하였다 (Fig. 1). 잡초조사가이루어진논포장의위치를알기위하여스마트폰어플리케이션 (Tmap, 4.1 version) 을이용하여주소를기록하였고, GPS (ICE GPS 100c) 를이용하여위도와경도를기록하였다. 논에발생한잡초의조사면적은가장자리를제외하고 0.3 5m를기준으로하여모든초종과본수를확인하였다. 아울러잡초발생밀도가상대적으로낮은논포장에서는발생한잡초종본수를조사하였고, 잡초발생밀도가높은논포장에서는평균적으로발생된지점에서 0.3 2m로하여잡초종과본수를전수로조사하였다. 지역별논포장에발생된잡초의피도는 BraunBranquet (1964) 에의해우점도 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, +, r의 7단계로세분화하여판정하였다 (Table 1). 위의조사결과를기준으로빈도 (F i ), 상대빈도 (Rf i ), 피도 (C i ), 상대피도 (RC i ), 중요치 (IV) 를계산하였다. 빈도는전체방형구수에대한특정종이출현한표본의백분율로, 특정종이출현한조사구수 (J i ) 를총조사구수 (P i ) 로나눈값이며, 상대빈도는빈도를출현한모든종의피도총합 ( F) 으로나눈값에 100을곱
8 김상국 김학윤 Table 1. BraunBraunquet s coverabundance scale for weeds cover estimation. BraunBraunquet scale Coverage ratio (%) 5 >75 4 5075 3 2550 2 2510 1 <10, numerous individuals + <10, a few individuals r <10, few or no individuals 하여구하였다. 중요치는상대빈도와상대피도를더한후 200으로나누어값을구하였다. F i J i = P i F i FR i = 100 ΣF C i a i = A C i RC i = 100 ΣC IV RF i + RC i = 100 200 경북시군별논잡초의피도와논면적에따른잡초발생량과우점도를조사하였고잡초조사는한국잡초도감 (Kim and Park, 2009) 을이용하여잡초의식별및특성을확인하였고, 잡초조사결과는국가표준식물목록 (KNA, 2007) 에의거하여목록을작성하였다. 아울러논에발생한잡초종에대해서는 Raunkiaer(1937) 의생활형을기준으로일년생과다년생을구분하였고동시에과별분포비율을산정하였다. 지역간잡초종의출현에따른차이를보기위하여 Hill(1973) 의의한 Twoway indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) 을이용하여분석을수행하였다 (Community analysis package 4.0). 결과및고찰 경북지역 320지점의논에발생하는잡초는 27개과 (family) 51초종 (species) 이었으며초종이많은순은강피, 물피, 나도겨풀등의벼과 (family) 9초종, 올방개, 올챙이고랭이, 알방동사니등의사초과 (family) 5초종, 여뀌, 고마리등의마디풀과 (family) 4초종, 한련초, 미국가막사리등의국화과 (family) 4초종순이었다. 발생잡초종의생활형태에따른차이는일년생잡초가 34종 (66.7%), 다년생잡초가 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Table 2. Dominant weed family identified from paddy fields in Gyeongbuk Province. Family Scientific name Life cycle Umbelliferae Oenanthe javanica Typhaceae Typha orientalis Sphagnaceae Sphagnum palustre Scrophulariaceae Lindernia procumbens Lindernia dubia Linderia attenuate Rubiaceae Galium linearifolium Ranunculaceae Ranunculus sceleratus Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton distinctus Portulaceae Portulaca oleracea Pontederiaceae Monochoria vaginalis var. plantaginea Polygonaceae Persicaria hydropiper Polygonum aviculare Persicaria thunbergii Persicaria trigonocarpa Onagraceae Ludwigia prostrata Najadaceae Najas minor Lythaceae Ammannia multiflora Lemnaceae Lemna paucicostata Spirodela polyrhiza Leguminosae Aeschynomene indica Amphicarpaea bracteata subsp. edgeworthii Hydrocharitaceae Blyxa aubertii Ottelia alismoides Gramineae hinochloa oryzoides hinochloa crusgalli var. echinata Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis Pseudoraphis ukishiba Leersia japonica Arthraxon hispidus ragmites communis hinochloa crusgalli Eragrostis ferruginea Euphorbiaceae Acalypha austrais Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense Elatinaceae Elatine triandra Cyperaceae Scirpus juncoides Eleocharis kuroguwai Cyperus amuricus Cyperus serotinus Cyperus difformis Compositae Bidens tripartita Bidens frondosa Centipeda minima lipta prostrata Commlinaceae Aneilema keisak Commelinaceae Commelina communis Campanulaceae Lobelia chinensis Callitrichaceae Callitriche verna Alismataceae Sagittaria trifolia var. typica Sagittaria pygmaea
경북지역논잡초발생분포조사 9 Table 3. Relative frequency (RF), relative cover (RC), and importance value (IV) of different paddy weeds species in Gyeongbuk Province, decreasingly sorted by IV. Family (Korean name) Scientific name (Korean name) RF RC IV (%) Pontederiaceae Monochoria vaginalis var. plantaginea 9.69 11.92 10.80 Lemnaceae Lemna paucicostata 10.24 11.23 10.74 Compositae Bidens tripartite 9.24 8.29 8.77 Gramineae hinochloa oryzoides 7.16 7.18 7.17 Cyperaceae Scirpus juncoides 5.62 6.78 6.20 Cyperaceae Eleocharis kuroguwai 5.43 6.82 6.13 Alismataceae Sagittaria trifolia var. typical 5.53 6.17 5.85 Gramineae hinochloa crusgalli var. echinata 5.34 5.24 5.29 Scrophulariaceae Lindernia procumbens 4.08 4.67 4.37 Onagraceae Ludwigia prostrata 3.80 4.59 4.20 Leguminosae Aeschynomene indica 4.71 3.19 3.95 Commlinaceae Aneilema keisak 3.99 3.05 3.52 Polygonaceae Persicaria hydropiper 3.53 3.09 3.31 Compositae Bidens frondosa 3.44 2.87 3.16 Scrophulariaceae Lindernia dubia 2.45 2.69 2.57 Gramineae Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis 2.45 1.26 1.85 Compositae Centipeda minima 1.72 0.75 1.24 Compositae lipta prostrata 1.36 0.90 1.13 Elatinaceae Elatine triandra 0.91 1.04 0.97 Polygonaceae Polygonum aviculare 1.00 0.90 0.95 Gramineae Pseudoraphis ukishiba 0.82 0.68 0.75 Cyperaceae Cyperus amuricus 0.63 0.75 0.69 Cyperaceae Cyperus serotinus 0.54 0.50 0.52 Campanulaceae Lobelia chinensis 0.54 0.39 0.47 Umbelliferae Oenanthe javanica 0.63 0.25 0.44 Lemnaceae Spirodela polyrhiza 0.45 0.36 0.41 Sphagnaceae Sphagnum palustre 0.27 0.47 0.37 Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton distinctus 0.36 0.36 0.36 Cyperaceae Cyperus difformis 0.36 0.32 0.34 Gramineae Leersia japonica 0.36 0.29 0.32 Euphorbiaceae Acalypha austrais 0.36 0.29 0.32 Polygonaceae Persicaria thunbergii 0.36 0.29 0.32 Hydrocharitaceae Blyxa aubertii 0.27 0.22 0.24 Hydrocharitaceae Ottelia alismoides 0.27 0.22 0.24 Ranunculaceae Ranunculus sceleratus 0.27 0.22 0.24 Alismataceae Sagittaria pygmaea 0.27 0.18 0.23 Callitrichaceae Callitriche verna 0.18 0.25 0.22 Polygonaceae Persicaria trigonocarpa 0.18 0.18 0.18 Lythaceae Ammannia multiflora 0.18 0.14 0.16 Najadaceae Najas minor 0.09 0.14 0.12 Gramineae Arthraxon hispidus 0.09 0.11 0.10 Commelinaceae Commelina communis 0.09 0.11 0.10 Gramineae ragmites communis 0.09 0.11 0.10 Leguminosae Amphicarpaea bracteata subsp. edgeworthii 0.09 0.11 0.10 Typhaceae Typha orientalis 0.09 0.11 0.10 Rubiaceae Galium linearifolium 0.09 0.11 0.10 Scrophulariaceae Linderia attenuate 0.09 0.07 0.08 Gramineae hinochloa crusgalli 0.09 0.04 0.06 Gramineae Eragrostis ferruginea 0.09 0.04 0.06 Portulaceae Portulaca oleracea 0.09 0.04 0.06 Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense 0.09 0.04 0.06 RF = relative frequency; RC = relative cover; IV = importance value. 17(33.3%) 종으로경북지역의논에발생한잡초종의대부분이일년생잡초로조사되었다 (Table 2). 우리나라농경지에발생하는 433종에대한과별분류에서국화과, 화본과, 마디풀과, 사초과순인데비하여 (Lee
10 김상국 김학윤 et al., 2007) 논에서만조사된이번결과에서는광엽잡초에서가장우점하는것으로나타나도별차이가상이한것으로나타났다. 경북지역의논에발생하는잡초의우점도를조사한결과 (Table 3), 발생초종중에서물달개비의발생비율이 10.80% 로경북지역논에서가장우점하는잡초로조사되었고, 다음으로좀개구리밥 10.74%, 가막사리 8.77%, 강피 7.17%, 올챙이고랭이 6.20%, 올방개 6.13%, 벗풀 5.85% 순으로나타났다. 상위 7개초종 ( 물달개비, 좀개구리밥, 가막사리, 강피, 올챙이고랭이, 올방개, 벗풀 ) 이차지하는발생비율이전체의 50% 이상으로높게나타났으며, 상위 18 개초종 ( 물달개비, 좀개구리밥, 가막사리, 강피, 올챙이고랭이, 올방개, 벗풀, 물피, 밭뚝외풀, 여뀌바늘, 자귀풀, 사마귀풀, 여뀌, 미국가막사리, 미국외풀, 뚝새풀, 중대가리풀, 한련초 ) 이전체의 90% 이상을차지하고있어경북지역에서논잡초방제시고려해야할주요문제초종으로나타났다 (Table 3). 경북지역의시 군별생활사에따른잡초발생은상주지역의경우일년생잡초 24초종, 다년생잡초 6초종으로가장다양하였고, 그다음이포항지역으로일년생잡초 19초종, 다년생잡초 10초종으로나타났다. 특히구미와상주지역의경우관행재배와직파재배에따른일년생잡초와다년생잡초의초종수는관행재배에서많이발생되는것으로나타났다. 지역별일년생잡초의우점도 ( 중요치 ) 는상주 ( 직 Table 4. Distribution ratio and importance value by life cycle of paddy weeds in the 13 regions of Gyeongbuk Province. Region No. of weed species Importance value (%) Gyeongju 8 3 60.2 39.8 Goryung 14 5 75.3 24.7 Gumi 12 3 88.4 11.6 Gumi(ds ) 2 2 51.3 48.7 Gunwi 18 7 82.3 17.7 Bonghwa 16 5 79.4 20.6 Sangju 24 6 75.5 24.5 Sanju(ds) 14 3 90.9 9.1 Andong 15 2 79.3 20.7 Youngdeog 18 6 85.4 14.6 Youngcheon 14 2 86.9 13.1 Yecheon 18 6 78.6 21.4 Euiseong 10 1 85.6 14.4 Cheongdo 12 3 68.7 31.3 Pohang 19 10 68.4 31.6 ds: direct seeding. 파재배논 ) 에서 90.9% 로가장높았고, 다음으로구미 88.4% > 영천 86.9% > 의성 85.6% > 영덕 85.4% 순이었다. 다년생잡초의우점도는군위 ( 직파재배논 ) 에서 48.7% 로가장높았고, 다음으로경주 39.8% > 포항 31.6% > 청도 31.3% > 고령 24.7% 순이었다. 경북지역논잡초의잎형태별초종은지역과는무관하게광엽잡초 > 화본과잡초 > 사초과잡초순이었고, 광엽잡초는상주와포항에서각각 21초종으로가장많았고그다음이예천 18종 > 군위 17종 > 봉화, 영덕 16종순이었다. 화본과 (grasses) 는군위, 영덕, 포항에서 5초종으로가장많았고사초과는상주에서 5초종으로가장많은발생비율을보이는것으로나타났다. 잎형태에따른지역별우점도는구미의직파재배논을제외하면모든지역에서광엽잡초가높았으며이들지역가운데상주의직파재배논, 봉화, 경주에서각각 88.7%, 82.3%, 81.8% 로다른지역보다높은우점도를보이는것으로나타났으며화본과와사초과의우점도는지역간에일정한경향을보이지않았다. 지역별상위 10개논잡초의발생비율을보면좀개구리밥이군위, 봉화, 영덕, 청도지역에서가장많이발생하는잡초로조사되었으며 (Table 6), 이들지역에서좀개구리밥의우점도는 20% 이하로낮은수준으로분포하였다. 아울 러가장높은우점도를보인지역과잡초종은구미의직 Table 5. Distribution ratio and importance value by leaves shapes of paddy weeds in the 13 regions of Gyeongbuk Province. Region No. of weed species grasses broadleaves Importance value by species (%) sedges grasses broadleaves sedges Gyeongju 2 7 2 13.0 81.8 5.4 Goryung 3 12 4 23.7 59.8 16.6 Gumi 3 10 2 12.4 77.9 9.6 Gumi(ds ) 1 2 1 39.6 35.1 25.3 Gunwi 5 17 3 15.0 74.8 10.2 Bonghwa 2 16 3 5.2 82.3 12.5 Sangju 4 21 5 14.3 64.1 21.7 Sanju(ds) 2 15 1 8.8 88.7 2.5 Andong 3 11 4 13.2 71.4 15.4 Youngdeog 5 16 3 16.3 74.8 9.0 Youngcheon 3 11 2 28.2 58.2 13.6 Yecheon 3 18 3 15.1 70.3 14.6 Euiseong 3 7 1 27.3 58.3 14.4 Cheongdo 2 11 2 8.4 62.9 23.7 Pohang 5 21 2 13.3 72.4 13.3 ds: direct seeding.
경북지역논잡초발생분포조사 11 Table 6. Importance value of major weed species occurred in 13 regions of Gyeongbuk Province. Region Importance value by species (%) Gyeongju Goryung Gumi Gumi(ds ) Gunwi Bonghwa Sangju Sanju(ds) Andong Youngdeog Youngcheon Yecheon Euiseong Cheongdo Pohang (35.8) (17.3) (22.0) (39.6) (13.0) (17.5) (11.5) (12.1) (15.6) (13.5) (17.3) (12.2) (17.4) (17.2) (15.4) (21.5) (10.1) (10.4) (25.3) r (10.4) (11.1) (9.5) (10.6) (11.6) (9.8) (15.9) (12.2) (15.2) (16.7) (9.6) (11.2) (10.0) (9.0) (23.4) (10.1) (10.1) (7.4) Ep (9.1) (11.1) (8.1) (12.2) (11.7) (14.4) (14.2) (7.9) (8.9) (9.0) (9.0) (11.7) (9.1) (9.7) (7.0) (8.0) (10.0) r (6.9) (10.8) (11.7) (9.7) (9.5) (7.6) (8.0) (7.6) Pa (8.4) (8.7) (7.4) (6.7) r (8.0) (8.7) (9.7) (8.2) (9.4) (7.9) r Ca (3.1) (7.4) (7.6) (6.9) r (6.7) Aau (6.6) (8.4) Aa (6.5) (5.9) (8.1) (7.0) (5.7) (3.1) (6.3) (5.3) (6.4) (7.3) (5.4) (5.3) (5.5) (6.6) (6.3) (5.4) (2.7) Aa (4.2) (5.4) (4.4) r (4.7) (6.2) Sp (5.0) (2.2) (4.6) (4.2) (4.1) r (3.5) (5.0) (4.3) (4.5) (5.5) (3.0) (1.8) (4.0) r (3.8) (3.9) (4.1) (3.9) (4.0) Cv (3.4) Ep (4.6) (3.5) (3.8) Aa (3.6) ro (2.6) (4.1) (1.7) (17.6) (13.7) (0.0) (23.5) (21.9) (29.6) (27.0) (14.9) (29.7) (9.9) (19.5) (3.7) (10.7) (28.8) ds: direct seeding; : Sagittaria trifolia var. typica; : Bidens tripartita; : hinochloa crusgalli var. echinata; : Aneilema keisak; : Monochoria vaginalis var. plantaginea; Ca: Cyperus amuricus; : Lemna paucicostata; : Bidens frondosa; : Eleocharis kuroguwai; : Persicaria hydropiper; : hinochloa oryzoides; : Ludwigia prostrata; : Scirpus juncoides; : Lindernia dubia; : Aeschynomene indica; Pa: Polygonum aviculare; : hinochloa crusgalli var. echinata; r: Lindernia procumbens; Aa: Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis; Ep: lipta prostrata; Aau: Acalypha austrais; Cv: Callitriche verna; Sp: Sphagnum palustre; ro: Ludwigia prostrata. 파재배논의물피로 39.6% 였다. 이러한잡초군락의변동요인으로서는동일제초제의연용, 경운과정지법의변화, 재배시기의이동및시비량등에서제초제의종류및처리방법이잡초발생양상을주도적으로변화시킨것으로나타났으며, 특히 1991년이후전국적으로발생량이증가하고있는저항성잡초방제를위하여 benzobicyclon과 carfentrazoneethyl을포함하는혼합제의사용량이크게늘어났다 (Kim et al., 2012). 이번조사에서물달개비, 강피등의우점도가높게나타난것은제초제저항성으로인한방제문제가일부반영되었을것으로판단되었고, 전국적으로제초제저항성문제초종인올챙이고랭이의발생비율도증가하였다. 논에발생된잡초종을중심으로지역간잡초발생의차이를보기위하여 TWINSPAN 분석을실시한결과 (Fig. 2), 여 Fig. 2. Twinspan analysis diagram obtained for the 320 sampling plots described by important value of weed species. Ludwigia prostrata, Scirpus juncoides, Lindernia dubia, Polygonum aviculare, and Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis were divided into 13 region of investigation. DS: direct seeding.
12 김상국 김학윤 뀌바늘 (Ludwigia prostrata) 과올챙이고랭이 (Scirpus juncoides) 초종의출현유무에따라경주, 구미 ( 직파재배논 ), 영천, 의성 4개지역이다른 9개지역과구별되었고, 미국외풀 (Lindernia dubia) 의출현유무에따라구미, 상주, 안동, 예천, 청도 5개지역이다른 8개지역과구별되었고, 마디풀 (Polygonum aviculare) 의출현유무에따라고령, 영덕, 포항 3개지역이다른 10개지역과구별되었고, 뚝새풀 (Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis) 의출현유무에따라구미, 상주, 안동, 예천 4 개지역이청도지역과구별되는지표잡초종으로영향을미쳐잡초종의출현을통해지역간논잡초발생의유사성을비교할수있었다. 요약 본조사는 2013년에경북지역 13개시 군의 320지점에서논잡초발생현황을파악하기위하여수행되었다. 경북지역의논잡초조사결과, 27개과 (family) 51초종 (species) 이었고과별로는벼과 (family) 9초종, 사초과 (family) 5초종, 마디풀과 (family) 4초종, 국화과 (family) 4초종순으로나타났다. 발생잡초종의생활형태는일년생잡초 34종, 다년생잡초 17종으로대부분일년생잡초였다. 경북지역의우점잡초는물달개비 (10.80%) > 좀개구리밥 (10.74%) > 가막사리 (8.77%) > 강피 (7.17%) > 올챙이고랭이 (6.20%) > 올방개 (6.13%) > 벗풀 (5.85%) 순이었다. 물달개비, 좀개구리밥, 가막사리, 강피, 올챙이고랭이, 올방개, 벗풀의우점도는전체잡초종의 50% 이상차지하였고 TWINSPAN 분석을통한지역별잡초종의유사성은여뀌바늘, 올챙이고랭이, 미국외풀, 마디풀, 뚝새풀에의해구분되어추후경북지역논잡초의발생양상을예측하며잡초군락의변화를파악함으로써체계적인논잡초관리방안을마련할수있을것으로판단되었다. 주요어 : 경북지역, 논잡초, 잡초발생 Acknowledgement This study was supported by grant of the Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea (Project No. PJ00931911). References Vegetationskunde. 3rd Springer, WienNew York. p. 865. Hill, M.O. 1973. Reciprocal averaging; an eigenvector method of ordination. J. ecology 61: 237249. Hwang, K.S., Won, O.J., Park, S.H., m, M.Y., Suh, S.J. et al. 2013. A survey of weeds occurrence on paddy fields in Chungnam Province in Korea. Weed Turf. Sci. 2(4): 341347. (In Kim, C.S., Lee, J.R., Won, T.J., Seo, Y.H., Kim, E.J. et al. 2012. Factfinding survey on occurrence of paddy field weed and the use of paddy field herbicide at farmer s level in Korea. Weed Turf. Sci. 2(1): 612. (In Kim, D.S. and Park, S.H. 2009. Weed of Korea second edition revised and enlarged. Rijeon Agricultural Resources Publications. Seoul, Korea. Kim, K.U. and Shin, D.H. 2007. The principles of weed science. Kyungpook National University Press. Daegu, Korea. pp. 80 81. KNA (Korea National Arboretum). 2007. A synonymic list of vascular plant in Korea. Korea National Arboretum, Pochen, Korea. Kim, S.C. 1983. atus of paddy weed flora and community dynamics in Korea. Korean J. Weed Sci. 3(2):223245. (In Lee, I.Y., Lee, H.K., Kim, C.S and Lee, J. 2012. Special lecture of weed and herbicide. Korean J. Weed Sci. 32(2):2425. (In Oh, Y.J., Ku, Y.C., Lee, J.H and Ham, Y.S. 1981. Distribution of weed population in the paddy field in Korea. 1981. Korean J. Weed Sci. 1(1):2129. (In Park, J.E., Lee, I.Y., Moon, B.C., Kim, C.S., Park, T.S. et al. 2002. Occurrence characteristics and dynamics of weed flora in paddy rice field. Korean J. Weed Sci. 22(3):272279. (In Park, J.E., Lee, I.Y., Moon, B.C., Kim, C.S., Park, T.S. et al. 2001. The occurrence characteristics and dynamics of weed flora in paddy rice field. Korean J. Weed Sci. 21(4):327334. (In Park, K.H., Oh, Y.J., Ku, Y.C., Kim, H.D., Sa, J.K. et al. 1995. Changes of weed community in lowland rice field in Korea. Korean J. Weed Sci. 15(4):254261. (In Raunkiaer, C. 1937. Plant life forms. Clarendon press. Oxford. UK. BraunBlanquet, J. 1964. Pflanzensoziologie, Grundzfige der