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1 Weed Turf. Sci. 3(4):276~283 Print ISSN , Online ISSN Research Article Weed & Turfgrass Science Weed & Turfgrass Science was renamed from both formerly Korean Journal of Weed Science from Volume 32 (3), 2012, and formerly Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science from Volume 25 (1), 2011 and Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science from Volume 26 (2), 2012 which were launched by The Korean Society of Weed Science and The Turfgrass Society of Korea found in 1981 and 1987, respectively. 경기북부밭잡초분포 오영주 1 이욱재 1 홍선희 2 이용호 3 나채선 3 이인용 4 김창석 4 * 1 ( 주 ) 미래환경생태연구소, 2 고려대학교환경생태연구소 3 고려대학교야생자원식물종자은행, 4 국립농업과학원작물보호과 Distribution of Weeds on Upland Crop Field in Northern Gyeonggi do Young-Ju Oh 1, Wook-Jae Lee 1, Sun-Hee Hong 2, Yong-Ho Lee 3, Chae-Sun Na 3, In-Yong Lee 4, and Chang-Seok Kim 4 * 1 Institute for Future Environmental Ecology Co., Ltd, Suwon , Korea 2 Institute of Environment and Ecology, Korea University, Seoul, , Korea 3 Seed Bank of Wild Resource Plants, Korea University, Seoul, , Korea 4 Crop Protection Division, National Academy of Science, RDA, Jeonju , Korea ABSTRACT. This study was conducted in order to investigate the distribution pattern of weeds on upland crop field in northern Gyeonggi-do. The weeds were summarized as 201 taxa including 42 families, 129 genera, 178 species, 1 subspecies, 21 varieties and 1 form. One hundred and thirty one species were classified to annual plants, accounting for 65.1% and 70 species were classified to perennials, accounting for the rest of 34.9%. Compositae was dominant family (21%), followed by Gramineae (12%), Polygonaceae (7%) and Brassicaceae (5%). Among the weeds appearing in the fields of northern Gyeonggi-do, the invasive weeds were classified to 62 species in18 families. The most dominant weed species in the fields were Portulaca oleracea, followed by Echinochloa crus-galli, Amaranthus lividus. Detrended correspondence analysis for investigation of occurrence pattern of weeds by crops revealed the occurrence pattern of weed species in adlay field were different from those in other crop fields. This information could be useful for establishment of weed control methods in northern Gyeonggi-do. Key words: Dominant weed, Northern Gyeonggi-do, Upland crop field Received on November 14, 2014; Revised on November 24, 2014; Accepted on December 8, 2014 *Corresponding author: Phone) , Fax) ; ) rdasckim@korea.kr 2014 The Korean Society of Weed Science and The Turfgrass Society of Korea This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License & #160; ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, & #160; and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 서론 잡초분포조사를통해서지역별발생잡초의현황을파악하는것은효과적인잡초방제를위해서는중요한일이다. 밭은지역별로다양한작물과영농형태가적용되며인간의간섭의정도에따라적응이강한생활형과번식력을가진잡초가우점하여여러유형의군락을형성한다 (Song, 1997). 오랜기간잡초와작물은주어진환경속에서적응하여다양한생태적지위를구축하고서로상호작용하며 발달한다 (Carroll et al., 1990). 최근에는기후변화에의한밭경작지잡초의변화가예측되고이에대응하기위한장기간의모니터링이요구되고있다. 밭에대한잡초조사는 1990년에시작되어 122종의잡초가분포하는것으로보고되어있고이후에도다양한작물별로잡초조사가이루어져왔다 (Chang et al., 1990; Kim et al., 1992). 2003년에는전국의밭을대상으로조사된자료를종합하여 33과 112 종이분포하고이중국화과가가장많은비중을차지하는것으로조사되었다 (Park et al., 2003). 호남지역의하작물 276

2 경기북부밭잡초분포 277 밭에발생하는잡초는 29과 102종이분포하고바랭이, 쇠비름, 방동사니등이우점종으로출현하였다 (Lim et al., 2008). 충청남북도지역의밭에서는 36과 124종이분포하는것으로알려져있다 (Choi et al., 2009). 밭은인간의간섭과관리가지속적으로이루어지는입지환경으로교란된환경속에서도균질성을지닌잡초군락을형성하고이러한잡초군락은입지의미세환경조건을반영하고있다 (Kim, 2004). 따라서본연구는경기북부지역밭을대상으로잡초의분포및발생피도등급을조사하여밭에발생하는잡초의종류와특징을밝혀내고문제잡초의향후변화양상에대비하고자수행하였다. 재료및방법 조사지역경기북부지역의가평군, 고양시, 김포시, 남양주시, 양주시, 연천군, 파주시, 포천시 8개시, 군에대하여현지조사를실시하였고현지조사는 2014년 5월부터 9월까지 143필지를선정하여진행하였다 (Fig. 1). 잡초분포조사잡초분포조사는경기북부 8개시, 군의밭위치를위성으로파악하여시군의밭이고루조사될수있도록선정하였고조사구의면적은 1필지를대상으로하여식물의피도를측정하였다. 식물의피도는 Braun-Blanquet (1964) 의방법으로 7개등급 (r, +, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 을기준으로조사하였고피도조사시식물층간높이를고려하여작은키의잡초 ( 초본 2층 ), 큰키의잡초 ( 초본 1층 ) 의피도가모두기록될수있도록하였다. 잡초분석잡초조사결과는국가표준식물목록 (KNA, 2014) 에의거하여목록을작성하였고외래잡초는한국의귀화식물원색도감 (Park, 2009) 에의해표기하였다. 출현한잡초종에대 Fig. 1. Weed species sampled 143 plots in the north area of Gyeonggi do. 해서는 Raunkiaer (1934) 의생활형을기준으로일년생과다년생을구분하였고과별분포비율을산정하였다. 잡초의우점순위를알아보기위하여중요치 (IV) 분석을실시하였다 (Curtes and Mc Intosh, 1950). Relative frequency (RF) (%) = Frequency of any species 100 Total cover of all species Relative cover (RC) (%) = Important value (IV) = (RF + RC) / 2 Cover of species A Total cover of all species 100 밭에서작물종류의의한잡초종의출현에따른차이를보기위하여 Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) 을수행하여생태학적관점에서지역과종과의상호관계를분석하였다 (Ter Braak, 1986). Table 1. Distribution ratio of annuals weeds and perennial weeds by different crops in northern Gyeonggi do. Survey area Red Papper Perilla Been Garlic Green onion Sweet potato Corn Rye Adlay Total No. of Weeds Summer annual weeds (%) Winter annual weeds (%) Perennial weeds (%) 39 (47.0) 26 (31.3) 18 (21.7) 48 (55.2) 26 (32.2) 18 (12.6) 116 (57.8) 67 (31.0) 13 (11.2) 72 (57.1) 37 (29.4) 17 (13.5) 75 (51.7) 45 (31.0) 25 (17.2) 54 (52.9) 33 (32.4) 15 (14.7) 50 (50.0) 31 (31.0) 19 (19.0) 45 (52.3) 27 (31.4) 27 (16.3) 30 (65.2) 11 (23.9) 5 (10.9) 105 (52.2) 26 (12.9) 70 (34.8)

3 278 오영주 이욱재 홍선희 이용호 나채선 이인용 김창석 결과및고찰 경기북부발생잡초경기북부 143개의밭에발생하는잡초는 42과 129속 178 종 1아종 21변종 1품종, 총 201분류군이출현하는것으로조사되었다. 조사된잡초의생활형은다년생이 34.9%, 동계일년생이 12.9%, 하계일년생이 52.2% 로일년생이 65.1% 많은비율을보여교란이심한밭의특성을보였다 (Table 1). 작물별로는파밭에서 145종으로가장많은수의잡초가조사되었고마늘, 콩, 옥수수순이었다. 작물별생활형은고추, 옥수수, 파순으로다년생잡초가많이발생하였고율무밭에서는하계일년생잡초가우점하였고동계일년생잡초는모든작물에서유사한경향으로분석되었다 (Table 1). 전북지역의밭잡초에대해 18과 44종이분포하며이중바랭이, 쇠비름, 명아주, 망초가우점하였다 (Ryang et al., 1984). 1990년에전국밭잡초조사결과에서는 32과 122종이발생하며동계작물재배지는뚝새풀, 명아주, 별꽃, 갈퀴덩굴, 냉이가높은빈도로출현하며하계작물재배지는바랭이, 쇠비름, 명아주, 바랭이가우점하는것으로조사되었다 (Chang et al., 1990). 이번조사에서경기북부의다양한작물을재배하는밭을대상으로거의모든잡초종을기록한경기북부조사결과가 1990년밭잡초조사결과보다많은잡초종이분포하는것으로조사되었다. 조사된 201분류군의과별비율은국화과가 21% 로가장많이출현하였고다음은벼과 12% 와마디풀과 7% 그리고십자화과 6% 순으로출현하였다 (Fig. 2). 경기북부의밭잡초의과별비율은국내발생밭잡초의과별비율인 22.3%, 벼과 12.5%, 마디풀과 0.8% 와거의유사한과별비율로조사되었다 (Park et al., 2003). 발생잡초별중요치분석경기북부밭에발생하는출현종의우점서열을판단하기위한중요치분석을하였다. 출현한발생잡초에대한분석결과쇠비름이가장많은밭에출현하여가장높은중요치를나타냈고돌피, 개비름, 바랭이, 명아주, 깨풀, 속속이풀, 환삼덩굴, 단풍잎돼지풀, 흰명아주, 쑥, 닭의장풀순으로분석되었다 (Appendix 1). 이러한결과는 1990년동작물재배지의바랭이, 쇠비름, 명아주, 방동사니, 깨풀이우점하는것과유사하였다 (Chang et al., 1990). 2003년의밭잡초조사결과에서우점종으로조사되었던망초, 개망초, 쑥, 바랭이, 강아지풀, 여뀌, 소리쟁이, 큰메꽃, 메꽃, 애기메꽃, 냉이, 황새냉이, 꽃다지등과는일부종이차이가있는데이는조사시기와지역간의차이로인한것으로판단되었다 (Park et al., 2003). 경기북부밭에출현한잡초중에서외래잡초은 18과 62종이분포하고있는것으로조사되었다. 이중생태계교란생물은가시박, 가시상추, 단풍잎돼지풀, 돼지풀, 도깨비가지, 미국쑥부쟁이, 서양등골나물이출현하였다 (Appendix 1). 이중단풍잎돼지풀은밭을경운한후초기에주로출현하고있어관리가미흡할경우생산량에영향을많이미칠것으로판단되어지속적으로관리하여제거해야하는외래잡초로판단되었다. 경기북부작물별중요치를분석을한결과고추에서는돌피, 바랭이, 쇠비름, 들깨에서는쇠비름, 개비름, 돌피, 콩에서는쇠비름, 깨풀, 돌피, 마늘에서는쇠비름, 돌피, 깨풀, 파에서는쇠비름, 명아주, 돌피, 고구마에서는쇠비름, 바랭이, 돌피, 옥수수에서는쇠비름, 명아주, 돌피, 호밀에서는환삼덩굴, 흰명아주, 명아주, 율무에서는돼지풀, 쇠비름, 단풍잎돼지풀등이우점하는것으로분석되었다 (Table 2). 경기북부의지역별중요치는 7개의시군에서모두쇠비름이우점하였고양주시는돌피가중요치가높은것으로조사되었다 (Table 3). Fig. 2. Occurrence ratio of family of upland crop weeds in northern Gyeonggi do. 작물별출현잡초의상관관계작물별밭에출현한우점하는상위 20종의잡초종을중심으로작물별차이를알아보기위해 DCA분석을실시하여지역의분포패턴을잡초종의기여도의정보를이용하여분석하였다 (Fig. 3). DCA분석결과고추, 들깨, 콩, 마늘, 파, 고구마, 옥수수, 호밀작물재배지의발생하는잡초에의해서하나의그룹이형성되었고율무는다른작물과다르게별도의그룹을형성하였다. 1축과 2축에서대부분의밭에서우점하는쇠비름, 깨풀, 가는털비름, 속속이풀등에의해그

4 경기북부밭잡초분포 279 Table 2. Important value (IV) of weed species by different crops in northern Gyeonggi do. Scientific name Crops Red Papper Perilla Been Garlic Green onion Sweetpotato Corn Rye Adlay Portulaca oleracea Echinochloa crus-galli Amaranthus lividus Digitaria sanguinalis Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum Acalypha australis Rorippa islandica Humulus japonicus Ambrosia trifida Chenopodium album Artemisia princeps var. orientalis Commelina communis Equisetum arvense Bidens frondosa Persicaria hydropiper Erigeron canadensis Chenopodium ficifolium Abutilon avicennae Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis Erigeron annuus Amaranthus patulus Lactuca indica var. laciniata Capsella bursa-pastoris Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior Galinsoga ciliata Centipeda minima Ipomoea hederacea Table 3. Important value (IV) of weed species by different cities in northern Gyeonggi do. Scientific name GP Z GPO NYJ YC GY YJ PJ PC Portulaca oleracea Echinochloa crus-galli Amaranthus lividus Digitaria sanguinalis Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum Acalypha australis Rorippa islandica Humulus japonicas Ambrosia trifida Chenopodium album Artemisia princeps var. orientalis

5 280 오영주 이욱재 홍선희 이용호 나채선 이인용 김창석 Table 3. Important value (IV) of weed species by different cities in northern Gyeonggi do (continued). Commelina communis Equisetum arvense Bidens frondosa Persicaria hydropiper Erigeron Canadensis Chenopodium ficifolium Abutilon avicennae Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis Erigeron annuus Z GP: Gapyeong gun; GPO: Gimpo si; NYJ: Namyangju si; YC: Yeoncheon gun; GY: Goyang si; YJ: Yangju si; PJ: Paju si; PC: Pocheon si. Fig. 3. Ordination diagram by detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of the sampling plots on the cover value of top 20 weeds by important value and crops. 룹이형성되었고환삼덩굴, 어저귀, 단풍잎돼지풀, 망초에의해율무가다른작물과다르게그룹되었다. 율무밭이다른작물과구별되는이유는조사시기가경운한이후식재한율무가대부분유식물인시점에조사가진행되어율무밭에침입한외래잡초의출현이빈번하여다른작물에출현한잡초종의분포패턴과구별되었다. 따라서경기북부지역에서의밭은초기에단풍잎돼지풀과같은외래잡초의관리가작물의성장을위해서매우중요하였다. 요약 경기북부밭경작지에서발생하는잡초의분포현황을파 악하기위하여본조사를수행하였다. 조사결과 42과 129 속 178종 1아종 21변종 1품종, 총 201분류군이조사되었고생활형은전체식물중에다년생은 70종으로 34.9%, 일년생은 131종으로 65.1% 로분석되었다. 이중국화과가 21% 로가장많이출현하였고다음은벼과 12% 와마디풀과 7% 그리고십자화과 5% 순으로출현하였다. 밭에출현한잡초중에서외래잡초는 18과 62종이분포하고있는것으로조사되었다. 밭잡초의우점종을판단하기위한중요치분석에서는쇠비름이가장높았으며돌피, 개비름순으로조사되었다. 작물별로잡초의상관관계를살펴보기위한 DCA 분석결과율무밭의잡초종이다른밭의잡초종과차이가있는것으로분석되었다. 이러한발생정보는경기북부밭

6 경기북부밭잡초분포 281 잡초의효율적인관리방안을수립하는데기여할것으로판단되었다. 주요어 : 우점잡초, 경기북부, 밭 Acknowledgement This study was carried out with the support of Research Program for Agricultural Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ), National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. References Braun-Blanquet, J Pflanzensoziologie, Grundzfige der Vegetationskunde, 3rd ed. Springer, Wien-New York. USA. p Carroll, C.R., Vandermeer, J.H. and Rosset, P.M Agroecology, p In: Weiner, J. (Eds.). Plant Population Ecology in agriculture. Mcgraw-Hill Inc., NY, USA. Chang, Y.H., Kim, C.S. and Youn, K.B Weed occurrence in upland crop fields of Korea. Korean J. Weed Sci. 10(4): (In Korean) Choi, B.S., Song, D.Y., Roh, J.H., Ku, Y.C., Lee, C.W., et al Distributional occurrence of weed species on different upland fields in chungcheong region. Korean J. Weed Sci. 29(2): (In Korean) Curtis, J.T. and McIntosch, R.P The interrrelations of certain analytic and synthetic phytosociological characters. Ecol. 31: Kim, J.W Vegetation ecology, Worldscience, Seoul, Korea. pp Kim, S.C., Oh, Y.J. and Kwon, Y.W Weed flora of agricultural area in Korea. Korean J. Weed Sci. 12(4): (In Korean) KNA (Korea National Arboretum) A synonymic list of vascular plants in Korea. Pochen, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. (In Korean) Lim, I.B., Kim, S. and Ahn, S.H Weed emergence in upland field of summer crop cultivation in Honam area. Korean J. Weed Sci. 28(1): (In Korean) Park, J.E., Lee, I.Y., Park, T.S., Lim, S.T., Moon, B.C., et al Occurrence characteristics of weed flora in upland field in Korea. Korean J. Weed Sci. 23(3): (In Korean) Park, S.H New illustrations and photographs of naturalized plants of Korea. Ilchokak Inc., Seoul, Korea. (In Korean) Raunkiaer, C Plant life forms. Clarendon press. Oxford, UK. Ryang, H.S., Chun, J.C. and Hwang, I.T Change in weed flora with season and cultivated crop and land. Korean J. Weed Sci. 4(1):4-10. (In Korean) Song, J.S A phytosociological study on the weed communities in the cultivated and abandonced fields of Korea. Korean J. Ecol. 20: (In Korean) Ter Braak, C.J.F Canonical correspondence analysis: a new eigenvector technique for multivariate direct gradient analysis. Ecology 67: Appendix 1. Importance value of different upland crop field weeds in northern Gyeonggi-do, decreasingly ordered by IV. Family name Scientific name Korean name N v IV w RF x RC y IP z Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea 쇠비름 Gramineae Echinochloa crus-galli 돌피 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus lividus 개비름 * Gramineae Digitaria sanguinalis 바랭이 Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum 명아주 Euphorbiaceae Acalypha australis 깨풀 Cruciferae Rorippa islandica 속속이풀 Cannabaceae Humulus japonicus 환삼덩굴 Compositae Ambrosia trifida 단풍잎돼지풀 * Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium album 흰명아주 * Compositae Artemisia princeps var. orientalis 쑥 Commelinaceae Commelina communis 닭의장풀 Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense 쇠뜨기 Compositae Bidens frondosa 미국가막사리 * Polygonaceae Persicaria hydropiper 여뀌 Compositae Erigeron canadensis 망초 *

7 282 오영주 이욱재 홍선희 이용호 나채선 이인용 김창석 Appendix 1. Importance value of different upland crop field weeds in northern Gyeonggi do, decreasingly ordered by IV (continued). Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium ficifolium 좀명아주 * Malvaceae Abutilon avicennae 어저귀 * Gramineae Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis 뚝새풀 Compositae Erigeron annuus 개망초 * Amaranthaceae Amaranthus patulus 가는털비름 * Compositae Lactuca indica var. laciniata 왕고들빼기 Cruciferae Capsella bursa-pastoris 냉이 Compositae Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior 돼지풀 * Compositae Galinsoga ciliata 털별꽃아재비 * Compositae Centipeda minima 중대가리풀 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea hederacea 미국나팔꽃 * Asclepiadaceae Metaplexis japonica 박주가리 Compositae Eclipta prostrata 한련초 Gramineae Eleusine indica 왕바랭이 Caryophyllaceae Stellaria aquatica 쇠별꽃 Papaveraceae Chelidonium majus var. asiaticum 애기똥풀 Convolvulaceae Calystegia japonica 메꽃 Leguminosae Glycine soja 돌콩 Solanaceae Solanum carolinense 도깨비가지 * Oxalidaceae Oxalis corniculata 괭이밥 Polygonaceae Rumex crispus 소리쟁이 * Molluginaceae Mollugo verticillata 큰석류풀 * Cyperaceae Cyperus microiria 금방동사니 Onagraceae Oenothera odorata 달맞이꽃 * Solanaceae Solanum nigrum 까마중 Cyperaceae Cyperus iria 참방동사니 Compositae Hemistepta lyrata 지칭개 Convolvulaceae Quamoclit angulata 둥근잎유홍초 * Gramineae Setaria viridis 강아지풀 Violaceae Viola mandshurica 제비꽃 Rosaceae Potentilla paradoxa 개소시랑개비 * Plantaginaceae Plantago asiatica 질경이 Polygonaceae Rumex obtusifolius 돌소리쟁이 * Compositae Helianthus tuberosus 뚱딴지 * Compositae Galinsoga parviflora 별꽃아재비 * Leguminosae Cassiamimosoides var. nomame 차풀 Scrophulariaceae Mazus pumilus 주름잎 Rubiaceae Galium spurium 갈퀴덩굴 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea purpurea 둥근잎나팔꽃 * Compositae Siegesbeckia glabrescens 진득찰 Leguminosae Trifolium repens 토끼풀 * Boraginaceae Trigonotis peduncularis 꽃마리 Caryophyllaceae Stellaria media 별꽃 Compositae Aster pilosus 미국쑥부쟁이 * Caryophyllaceae Arenaria serpyllifolia 벼룩이자리

8 경기북부밭잡초분포 283 Appendix 1. Importance value of different upland crop field weeds in northern Gyeonggi do, decreasingly ordered by IV (continued). Gramineae Bromus richardsonii 빕새귀리 Compositae Carduus crispus 지느러미엉겅퀴 * Cruciferae Lepidium apetalum 다닥냉이 * Compositae Taraxacum officinale 서양민들레 * v N: number of sampling units in which the species was accounted. w IV: importance value. x RF: relative frequency. y RC: relative cover. z IP: Invasive plants.

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