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1 Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture Korean J Environ Agric. 2015;34(2): Korean Online ISSN: Published online 2015 March Print ISSN: Research Article Open Access 밭경작지주변부의식물종조성및특성 김명현 1, 최순군 1, 김민경 1, 최락중 1, 홍성창 1, 정구복 1, 조광진 2, 한동욱 2, 오영주 3, 이욱재 3, 양동우 4, 박상규 4, 나영은 5* 1 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원, 2 국립생태원, 3 ( 주 ) 미래환경생태연구소, 4 아주대학교자연과학대학, 5 농촌진흥청연구운영과 Characteristics of Flora on Dry Field Margins in Korean Peninsula Myung-Hyun Kim 1, Soon-Kun Choi 1, Min-Kyeong Kim 1, Lak-Jung Choe 1, Seong-Chang Hong 1, Goo-Bok Jung 1, Kwang-Jin Cho 2, Donguk Han 2, Young-Ju Oh 3, Wook-Jae Lee 3, Dongwoo Yang 4, Sangkyu Park 5 and Young-Eun Na 5 * ( 1 National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development of Administration, Wanju-gun , Korea, 2 Ecological Conservation Research Office, National Institute of Ecology, Seocheon-gun, , Korea, 3 Institute for Future Environmental Ecology Co., Ltd, Jeonju, , Korea, 4 Department of Life Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Ajou University, Suwon, , Korea, 5 Climate Change Team, Rural Development of Administration, Jeonju, , Korea) Received: 26 February 2015 / Revised: 20 March 2015 / Accepted: 23 March 2015 Copyright c 2015 The Korean Society of Environmental Agriculture This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract BACKGROUND: The field margins, which are uncultivated area of permanent vegetation located adjacent to field, play an important role in enhancing biodiversity in the agricultural ecosystem. This study focused on floristic characteristics on dry field margins in Korea Peninsula. METHODS AND RESULTS: This study was conducted at margins of 196 dry fields in 32 areas in 8 provinces in May and September The vascular plants of the dry field margins were listed 347 which contain 73 families, 219 genera, 311 species, 1 subspecies, 30 varieties and 5 forms. Of these 347, 48 were woody plants and 299 were herbaceous plants. Among total 73 families, Compositae (17.6%) was the most dominant family, and followed Gramineae (15.9%), Polygonaceae (5.8%), Leguminosae (4.9%) and Cyperaceae (3.8%). Based on relative frequency values of survey fields, the appearance *Corresponding author: Young-Eun Na Phone: ; Fax: ; youngman99@korea.kr frequency of Digitaria ciliaris (89.8%) was the highest, and followed Acalypha australis (86.2%), Artemisia princeps (82.1%), Commelina communis (80.6%) and Portulaca oleracea (80.6%). Disturbance index of dry field margins was 55.0% at national level, and Gangwon region was the highest among the 8 regions at regional level. Life form spectrum was determined to be Th-R 5 -D 4 -etype. CONCLUSION: These results will be used fundamental data for studies to improve or even stabilize the current state of plant biodiversity in agricultural environments. Key words: Disturbance index, Dry field margin, Flora, Life forme 서론 인간의지속적인관리가이루어지고있는경작지에는상대적으로생활력이강하고번식력이뛰어난식물이주로생육한다. 일반적으로잡초라불리는이러한식물들은포복형, 분지형의생육형을통한빠른번식과탈립성이강한다량의종자생산및분산을통해경작지주변부에우점한다 (Song, 77

2 78 Kim et al. Region Latitude(N)/Longitude(E) fields Sudong-myeon, Namyangju-si N E Seolseong-myeon, Icheon-si N E Gyeonggi-do Jeokseong-myeon, Paju-si N E Bibong-myeon, Hwaseong-si N E Namsan-myeon, Chuncheon-si N E Dong-myeon, Hongcheon-gun N E Gangwon-do Hojeo-myeon, Wonju-si N E Bongpyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun N E Gammul-myeon, Goesan-gun N E Chungcheon Annam-myeon, Okcheon-gun N E gbuk-do Nangseong-myeon, Cheongwon-gun N E Geumga-myeon, Chungju-si N E Chungcheon gnam-do Banpo-myeon, Gongju-si N E Yeonsan-myeon, Nonsan-si N E Jeongmi-myeon, Dangjin-si N E Janggok-myeon, Hongseong-gun N E Daesan-myeon, Gochang-gun N E Geumgu-myeon, Gimje-si N E Jeollabuk-do Sindeok-myeon, Imsil-gun N E Gamgok-myeon, Jeongeup-si N E Gunseo-myeon, Yeonggwang-gun N E Miam-myeon, Yeongam-gun N E Jeollanam-do Gunnae-myeon, Jindo-gun N E Hwawon-myeon, Haenam-gun N E Maseong-myeon, Mungyeong-si N E Gyeongsang Nongso-myeon, Gimcheon-si N E buk-do Gasan-myeon, Chilgok-gun N E Iljik-myeon, Andong-si N E Gyeongsang nam-do Bugok-myeon, Changnyeong-gun N E Chilseo-myeon, Haman-gun, N E Saengnim-myeon, Gimhae-si N E Sangnam-myeon, Miryang-si N E Fig. 1. Location of survey sites. 1997). 잡초와작물은경쟁관계에있으며잡초의발생과작물의수량과는밀접한관계를가지고있어국내에서는잡초의효과적인방제및관리를위한조사연구가주로수행되어져왔다 (Kim, 1970; Park et al., 2003; Lee et al., 2007). 국외에서는경작지주변부에서식하는식물이작물의생육에영향을미치는생태적기능에대한관심이늘어나고있으며 (Van Emden, 1990; Wiens, 1992; Bennet et al., 1994; Boatman 1994; Halley et al., 1996) 방풍 (Forman and Baudry, 1984), 침식방지 (Tim and Jolly, 1994), 천적과화분매개체의양적증가 (Banaszak, 1983, 1992) 에기여하는것으로보고되고있다. 또한이러한경작지주변부는동 식물의먹이원, 서식처및월동처등의다양한기능을수행하고있다 (Potts, 1986; Kaule and Krebs 1989; Bunce et al., 1994; Tew et al., 1994; Marshall and Moonen 2002). 그러나최근수십년동안경작지주변부의식물다양성은크게감소하고있으며 (David and Marein, 2000), 이로인해농업시스템에서제공되는생태계서비스기능 ( 미세기후조절, 수문과정, 해충제어, 유해물질제거등 ) 이축소되고있다 (Altieri, 1999). 국내에서는잡초방제를위한재배작물별현황조사 (Kim, et al., 1987; Kim, 1998; No et al., 2004; Choi et al., 2009, Lee et al., 2014a, 2014b) 와식물에서분비되는천연물을제초제로활용하기위한연구 (Shim et al., 1991; Chon and Kim, 2005) 가수행되고있지만생태적측면에서의식물다양성에대한연구는수행되고있지않다. 국내경작지에대한생태학적연구는논, 밭에분포하는식물군락에대한군락분류및군락생태 (Song, 1997; Kim and Nam, 1998; Lee, 1999; Oh et al., 2008), 전라도의밭경작지에분포하는식물상의생태적특성 (Cho et al., 2014), 농경지유형별 C4식물의분포양상등에관한연구 (Cho et al., 2013) 가수행되어있다. 본연구는국내밭경작지주변부에서식하는식물의다양성을확인하고생태적특성을밝혀향후국내경작지생태계의기능적연구와인위적인관리로인해나타나는식물상변화예측및농경지생물다양성증진을위한기초자료를제공하고자수행하였다. 재료및방법 식물조사조사지역은경기도 ( 남양주시, 이천시, 파주시, 화성시 ), 강원도 ( 춘천시, 홍천군, 원주시, 평창군 ), 충청북도 ( 괴산군, 옥천군, 청원군, 충주시 ), 충청남도 ( 공주시, 논산시, 당진시, 홍성군 ), 전라북도 ( 고창군, 김제시, 임실군, 정읍시 ), 전라남도 ( 영광군, 영암군, 진도군, 해남군 ), 경상북도 ( 문경시, 김천시, 칠곡군, 안동시 ), 경상남도 ( 창녕군, 함안군, 김해시, 밀양시 ) 에분포하고있는밭경작지의주변부를대상으로하였다 (Fig. 1). 각도별 4지역을대상으로총 32개시 군에서 196 밭필지의주변부에서식하는식물종이조사되었다. 각지역의조사지는밭경작지의특성을나타낼수있도록최소한 5필지가연속적으로연결된곳을임의로선정하였다. 식물상조사는 2013년 5월및 9월에 2차례수행하였으며, 밭필지와접하고있는밭둑과밭둑경사면을조사범위로설정

3 Characteristics of Flora on Dry Field Margins in Korean Peninsula 79 하여조사하였다 (Cho et al., 2014). 조사지역에서미동정된식물은채집하여실험실에서식물도감 (Lee, 1996a; Lee, 2003; Park, 2009) 을이용하여동정하였고식물명은국가표준식물목록 (Korea National Arboretum and The Plant Taxonomic Society of Korea, 2007) 을기준으로하였다. 또한각도별식물종의출현빈도는상대빈도 (n i/n 100, 여기서 n i 는 i종이출현한조사지점수이며 N은전체조사지점수 ) 를통하여나타냈다. 생활형분석조사된식물의생태적특성을확인하고자생활형 (life form) 을분석하였다. 생활형은 Raunkiaer(1934) 와 Numata (1969) 의방법으로국내식물종에적용하여 Lee(1996b) 가제시한휴면형, 번식형 ( 지하기관형, 산포기관형 ), 생육형으로구분하여정리하였다. 그리고휴면형을이용한교란지수 (Di; Disturbance index, Benabdelmoumence et al., 2014) 를산출하였다. 교란지수는서식처의안정성에대한상대적평가를가능하게하는값으로서높을수록서식처가불안정하다는것을의미한다. 교란지수의산출방법은 (Ch i+th i)/s i 100으로 Ch i 는 i지역의지표식물 (Chamaephyte) 종수이고 Th i 는 i지역의일년생식물 (Therophyte) 종수이며 S i 는 i지역의전체출현식물종수이다. Table 1. The main families of vascular plants on dry field margins in Korean Peninsula Ranking Family name No. of species 1 Compositae Gramineae Polygonaceae Leguminosae Cyperaceae Cruciferae Convolvulaceae Liliaceae Caryophyllaceae Labiatae Rosaceae Scrophulariaceae 결과및고찰 종조성국내밭경작지주변부에서식하는식물종은 73과 219속 311종 1아종 30변종 5품종으로총 347분류군이었다 (Table 1). 이중목본식물 (woody plant) 이 48분류군 (13.83%), 초본식물 (herbaceous plant) 이 299분류군 (86.17%) 으로나타났고목본식물의 25.00% (12분류군 ) 는산지임연부에서주로관찰되는호광성의덩굴식물 ( 댕댕이덩굴, 청미래덩굴, 개머루, 으름덩굴, 인동덩굴등 ) 이었다 (Appendix 1). 본조사에서조사된 299분류군의초본식물은최근조사된밭잡초 112분류군 (Lee et al, 2007) 보다 187분류군많은것이며, 우리나라에서발생하는잡초 1,448분류군 (Kang, 1999) 의 20.65% 를차지한다. 과별발생현황을살펴보면, 국화과 (Compositae) 가 61분류군으로전체식물종가운데 17.58% 를차지하였다. 다음으로는벼과 (Gramineae) 55분류군 (15.85%), 마디풀과 (Polygonaceae) 20분류군 (5.76%), 콩과 (Leguminosae) 17분류군 (4.90%), 사초과 (Cyperaceae) 13분류군 (3.75%) 등으로확인되었다. 상위 10개과에포함되는식물종은 229분류군으로전체출현식물종의 65.99% 를차지하는것으로분석되었고출현식물종이일부과에편중되는양상을보였다. 이는 Lee et al. (2007) 이보고한우리나라농경지잡초의과별발생현황과유사한것으로확인되었다. 식물분류체계별로는양치식물 (Pteridophyta) 2과 3분류군 (0.86%), 나자식물 (Gymnospermae) 1과 2분류군 (0.58%), 피자식물 (Angiospermae) 70과 342분류군 (98.56%) 이었으며, 이중쌍자엽식물 (Dicotyledoneae) 257분류군 (74.06%), 단자엽식물 (Monocotyledoneae) 85분류군 (24.50%) 이었다. 밭경작지주변부에는양치식물과나자식물의서식빈도가매우낮은것으로분석되었다 (Table 2). 지역별출현현황을살펴보면, 경기도에서가장많은 51과 191분류군의식물종이관찰되었으며, 다음으로충청남도 56 과 190분류군, 전라남도 51과 175분류군등의순이었다. 지역별출현식물종의상대빈도를활용하여집괴분석 (cluster analysis) 에의한지역별유사성을분석한결과, 3개의그룹으로구분 ( 경기도와충청도, 전라도, 강원도와경상도 ) 되었다 (Fig. 2). 경기도와충청도에는흰명아주, 청비름모시물통이, 봄망초, 푸른방동사니가특징적으로출현하고있었으며, 전라 Table 2. The number of vascular plants by the taxonomic category on dry field margins in Korean Peninsula Category Family Genus Species Subsp. Variety Forma Total Pteridophyta Gymnospermae Dicotyledoneae Angiospermae Monocotyledoneae Subtotal Taxa

4 80 Kim et al. Fig. 2. The taxonomic category of vascular plants and cluster analysis dendrogram(upgma) of the 8 regions. Region Family Genus Taxa Gyeonggi-do Gangwon-do Chungcheongbuk-do Chungcheongnam-do Jeollabuk-do Jeollanam-do Gyeongsangbuk-do Gyeongsangnam-do Table 3. Relative frequency of the vascular main plants on dry field margins in Korean Peninsula Family Scientific name Relative frequency occurrence points Gramineae Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koel Euphorbiaceae Acalypha australis L Compositae Artemisia princeps Pamp Commelinaceae Commelina communis L Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea L Compositae Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers Compositae Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist Cannabaceae Humulus japonicus Sieboid & Zucc Gramineae Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv Cruciferae Rorippa palustris (Leyss.) Besser Cyperaceae Cyperus microiria Steud Compositae Lactuca indica L Gramineae Setaria viridis (L.) P.Beauv Compositae Eclipta prostrata (L.) L Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum Makino Polygonaceae Persicaria longiseta (Bruijn) Kitag Compositae Centipeda minima (L.) A.Br. & Asch Scrophulariaceae Mazus pumilus (Burm.f.) Steenis Asclepiadaceae Metaplexis japonica (Thunb.) Makino Polygonaceae Rumex crispus L Oxalidaceae Oxalis corniculata L Compositae Youngia japonica (L.) DC Gramineae Agropyron ciliare (Trin.) Franch Gramineae Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn Compositae Taraxacum officinale Weber Cruciferae Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) L.W.Medicus Amaranthaceae Amaranthus lividus L Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium ficifolium Smith Gramineae Alopecurus aequalis Sobol Compositae Bidens frondosa L 도에는살갈퀴, 큰메꽃, 실망초, 민바랭이가타지역보다높은출현빈도를보였다. 강원도와경상도를구분짓는특이식물종은관찰되지않았지만타지역에비해출현종수가낮은것이특징적이었다 (Appendix 1). 이는재배작물에따른제초관리와조사경작지의위치적인차이때문일것으로생각된다. 식물종의출현빈도를살펴보면, 총 196필지에서벼과인바랭이의출현빈도 89.80%(176필지 ) 가가장높았다. 다음으로깨풀 (86.22%), 쑥 (82.14%), 닭의장풀 (80.61%), 쇠비름 (80.61%), 개망초 (78.57%), 망초 (78.57%) 등의순이었다 (Table 3). Kim et al.(1992) 은전국밭잡초조사에서바랭이, 쇠비름, 깨풀, 강아지풀, 방동사니등을우점종으로기재하고있으며, Cho et al.(2013) 은쑥, 개망초, 한삼덩굴, 망초, 명아주, 바랭이, 닭의장풀등이고빈도로출현한다고하였다. 또한 Choi et al.(2009) 은충남북지역의잡초발생연구에서바랭이, 깨풀, 주름잎, 참방동사니, 개망초, 쇠비름, 중대가리풀, 뽀리뱅이등의순으로출현빈도가높게나타난다고보고하였다. 본연구가밭경작지주변부를대상으로조사지역을한정한것을고려했을때출현빈도의순위는다소차이가있

5 Characteristics of Flora on Dry Field Margins in Korean Peninsula 81 Table 4. Dormancy form of Raunkiaer and Disturbance index of the 8 regions Gyeonggi-do Gangwon-do Chungcheong buk-do Chungcheong nam-do Region Jeollabuk-do Jeollanam-do Gyeongsang buk-do Gyeongsang nam-do Ch G H HH M MM N Th Di Ch : Chamaephyte, G : Geophyte, H : Hemicryptophyte, HH: Hydatophyte, M : Microphanerophyte, N : Nanophanerophyte, MM : Megaphanerophyte, Th : Therophyte, Di : Disturbance index Total Table 5. Propagation form of 347 vascular plants on dry field margins in Korean Peninsula Propagation form species Radicoid form* R R R2-3(b) R R3(b) R3(o) R3(s) R3(v) R R R5(b) R5(c) R5(o) R5(s) D D 1, D 1, D D 2, Disseminule form** D D 3, D D 4, D 4, D 5, ** R 1: widest extent of rhizomatous growth, R 2: moderate extent of rhizomatous growth, R 3: narrowest extent of rhizomatous growth, R 4: clonal growth by stolons and struck roots, R 5: non-clonal growth (monophyte), R 1-2 or R 2-3: plant with rhizomatous mutation of R 1 and R 2 or R 2 and R 3, R (b): bulb, R (c): corm, R (o): oblique type, R (s): succulent type, R (v): vertical type. ** D 1: disseminated widely by wind or water, D 2: disseminated attaching with or eaten by animals and man, D 3: disseminated by mechanical propulsion of dehiscence of fruits, D 4: having no special modification for dissemination, D 5: not producing seeds, D 1,2, D 1,4, D 2,4, D 3,2, D 4,1, D 4,2 or D 5,4: plant with D 1 and D 2, D 1 and D 4, D 2 and D 4, D 3 and D 2, D 4 and D 1, D 4 and D 2 or D 5 and D 4. 긴하지만주요출현식물종은유사한것으로나타났다. 지역적으로도 Table 3의 30종내에서고빈도출현종이대부분포함되는것으로분석되었다. 생활형조사지역에서확인된 347분류군의 Raunkiaer의휴면형분석결과, 일년생식물 (Th) 이 176분류군 (50.72%) 으로가장많이조사되었으며다음으로반지중식물 (H, 20.17%), 지중식물 (G, 8.93%) 순으로나타났다 (Table 4). 경작지주변은답압, 예취, 제초등의인위적인교란이빈번하기때문에다년생식물보다는교란지역에대한적응력이상대적으로뛰어난일년생식물이생육하기에더적합한것으로여겨진다. 일년생식물과반지중식물의높은출현은밭경작지잡초연구에서도유사하게나타났다 (Ishimine, 1987; Takaesu, 1991). 그리고밭경작지주변부는해발고도가낮은산지와인접하고있는곳이많기때문에목본성식물도일부공유하는것으로나타났다. 지역별휴면형양상도전국적인출현양상과큰차이는없는것으로분석되었다. 휴면형을활용하여분석된전국밭경작지주변부의교란지수는 55.04% 로분석되었고지역별로강원이 72.53% 으로가장높았고다음으로경남, 충북, 전북등의순으로서식입지가불안정하였으며전남이 60.57% 로가장낮았다 (Table 4). 향후밭둑의제초관리및교란에대한추가적인조사를병행하여연관성을밝혀야할것으로생각되었다. 전체 347분류군의식물종의번식형중지하기관형은지하나지상에연결체를만들지않고단립하는 R 5 의식물이 67.72%(235분류군 ) 로가장많이출현하였고근경이옆으로넓게또는좁게벋는 R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4 그리고이들의조합형도총 32.28%(112분류군 ) 으로많이출현하였다 (Table 5). 밭둑이인위적인답압, 제초관리의영향을주기적으로받는입지이기때문에영양번식이양호한식물종들이타식물과의경쟁에서우세했을것으로생각된다. 산포방법은특별한산포기

6 82 Kim et al. Table 6. Growth form of 347 vascular plants on dry field margins in Korean Peninsula Growth form* species Growth form species b p-b b,e p-e b-l p-l b-p p-ps b-pr pr b-ps ps e ps-b e,b r e,p t l t,e l-b t-p p * b: branched form, e: erect form, p: procumbent form, pr: partial-rosette form, ps: pseudo-rosette form, r: rosette form, t: tussock form, l: liane form, b,e: branched or erect form, e,b: erect or branched form, e,p: erect or procumbent form, t,e: tussock or erect form, b-l: b form with liane stem, b-p: b form with procumbent stem, b-pr: b form with partial-rosette, b-ps: b form with pseudo-rosette, l-b: l form with branched stem, p-b: p form with branched stem, p-e: p form with erect stem, p-l: p form with liane stem, p-ps: p form with pseudo-rosette, ps-b: ps form with branched stem, t-p: t form with procumbent stem. 관이없이중력에의해모체주변에종자가떨어져번식하는중력산포형 (D 4) 이 51.87%(180분류군 ) 로가장많았고다음으로종자가가볍고관모와같은부속체를가지고있어바람에의해쉽게종자가산포되는풍수산포형 (D 1) 이 18.16%(63분류군 ) 를차지하는것으로확인되었다 (Table 5). 풍수산포형식물은개망초, 망초, 뽀리뱅이, 서양민들레등과같은국화과식물이여기에포함되는데총 61분류군가운데 41분류군이속하였다. 또한 2종류의산포형을모두가지는조합형의산포형도 14.41%(50분류군 ) 로다수관찰되었는데산림 (8.05%, Kang et al., 2006) 과같은안정된식생보다는보다는노상식생 (11.90%, Ahn and Kim, 2005), 해안사구 (11.76%, Park et al., 2009) 등과같이간섭과교란이빈번한불안정한서식처에서높게나타나는생태적특성으로생각된다. 생육형은직립형 (e) 과총생형 (t) 이각각 94분류군 (27.09%) 과 54분류군 (15.56%) 으로높게나타났으며 (Table 6), 식물이다른물체를감거나기어올라가는넌출형 (l) 과넌출형을포함하는조합형 (b-l, l-b, p-l) 의출현빈도도 13.26%(46분류군 ) 로높게나타났다. 이는전술한바와같이밭경작지주변부는구릉성산지와인접해있어임연부에서주로관찰되는덩굴성식물들이다수혼생하고있었기때문이다. 또한산림 (Kang et al., 2006) 과달리로제트형 (r, pr, ps) 과로제트형을포함하는조합형 (b-pr, b-ps, p-ps, ps-b) 의출현빈도도 24.20% (84분류군 ) 로높게나타났다. 따라서밭경작지주변부식물의생활형은 Th-R 5-D 4-e로특징지어지며이러한생활형의조합은건조한토양수분조건, 빈번한교란, 산림과인접한위치적요소등의환경조건이반영된생태적특성으로고려된다. 요약경작지내부와구별되는경작지주변부는작물이외의식 물과동물에게생육, 월동및은신등을위한중요한장소이다. 특히, 밭경작지내에출현하는대부분의식물종은이러한밭경작지주변부에서주로생육한다. 따라서본연구에서는농경지생물다양성보전에중요한역할을하는밭경작지주변부에생육하는식물종의종조성및그특성을밝히고자하였다. 식물조사는전국을대상으로 2013년 5월과 9월에 8개지역의밭경작지 196 필지에속하는주변부를대상으로수행되었다. 그결과, 총 73과 219속 311종 1아종 30변종 5품종을포함하는 347분류군의식물종이확인되었고이중 48분류군이목본이었으며 299분류군이초본식물이었다. 과별로국화과 (17.6%) 가가장높은빈도로출현하였고다음으로벼과 (15.9%), 마디풀과 (5.8%), 콩과 (4.9%), 사초과 (3.8%) 순이었다. 조사지점에대한상대빈도는바랭이가 89.8% 로가장높았고다음으로깨풀 (86.2%), 쑥 (82.1%), 닭의장풀 (80.6%), 쇠비름 (80.6%), 개망초 (78.6%), 망초 (78.6%) 등의순이었다. 조사된 8 개지역은종조성에의해서 3개의그룹으로구분되었다. 전체 347분류군을대상으로한교란지수는 55.0% 로산출되었고지역별로는강원지역이 72.5% 로가장높았다. 생활형조성은 Th-R 5-D 4-e로나타났다. 이러한생활형특성은건조한토양수분조건, 빈번한교란, 산림과인접한위치적요소등의환경조건을반영한것으로향후경작지주변부의생태적기능및종조성변화에대한연구에도움이될것으로기대된다. Acknowledgment This study was carried out with the support of Research Program for Agricultural Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ008608), National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.

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9 Characteristics of Flora on Dry Field Margins in Korean Peninsula 85 Appendix 1. The list of vascular plants on dry field margins in Korean Peninsula (value : relative frequency) Solanaceae Ebenaceae Juncaceae Oxalidaceae Compositae Aspleniaceae Species Life form * Region ** DoF GF RF DF GG GW CB CN GB GN GB GN Physalis angulata L. Th b R5 D Solanum americanum Mill. Th b R5 D Solanum nigrum L. Th b R5 D Diospyros lotus L. MM e R5 D Luzula capitata (Miq. ex Franch. & Sav.) Kom. H t R5 D Oxalis corniculata L. Ch p-b R4 D3, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Th e R5 D Ambrosia trifida L. Th e R5 D Artemisia feddei H.Lév. & Vaniot H e R2-3 D Artemisia gmelinii Weber Stechm. N e R5 D Artemisia japonica Thunb. H pr R3 D Artemisia princeps Pamp. Ch pr R2-3 D Aster pilosus Willd. H e R3 D Aster scaber Thunb. G e R3 D Aster subulatus var. sandwicensis A.G.Jones Th e R3 D Aster yomena (Kitam.) Honda Ch pr R3 D Bidens bipinnata L. Th e R5 D Bidens frondosa L. Th e R5 D1, Bidens tripartita L. Th e R5 D1, Breea segeta (Willd.) Kitam. f. segeta H pr R3 D Carpesium rosulatum Miq. G ps R3 D Centipeda minima (L.) A.Br. & Asch. Th b-p R5 D Cirsium japonicum var. maackii (Maxim.) Matsum. H ps R5 D Cirsium pendulum Fisch. ex DC. H pr R5 D Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist Th pr R5 D Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist Th pr R5 D Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S.Moore Th e R5 D Crepidiastrum denticulatum (Houtt.) Pak & Kawano Th pr R5 D Crepidiastrum sonchifolium (Maxim.) Pak & Kawano Th ps R5 D Dendranthema boreale (Makino) Ling ex Kitam. H e R2-3 D Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. Th e R5 D1, Erechtites hieracifolia Raf. Th e R5 D Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. Th pr R5 D Erigeron philadelphicus L. T pr R5 D Erigeron strigosus Muhl. Willd. Th pr R5 D Galinsoga ciliata (Raf.) S.F.Blake Th e R5 D Gnaphalium affine D.Don Ch ps-b R5 D Gnaphalium japonicum Thunb. Ch ps R4 D Helianthus tuberosus L. G e R3(S) D Hemistepta lyrata Bunge Th pr R5 D Hypochaeris radicata L. H pr R5 D Ixeridium dentatum (Thunb.) Tzvelev H ps R5 D Ixeris chinensis (Thunb.) Nakai H ps R5 D Ixeris debilis (Thunb.) A.Gray H p-ps R4 D Ixeris polycephala Cass. H e R5 D Ixeris stolonifera A.Gray Ch ps R4 D Ixeris strigosa (H.Lév. & Vaniot) J.H.Pak & Kawano H ps R5 D Lactuca indica f. indivisa (Makino) Hara Th pr R5 D Lactuca indica L. Th pr R5 D Lactuca scariola L. Th pr R5 D Petasites japonicus (Siebold & Zucc.) Maxim. H ps R2-3 D Rhaponticum uniflorum (L.) DC. H ps R5 D Senecio vulgaris L. Th e,b R5 D Sigesbeckia glabrescens (Makino) Makino Th e R5 D Sigesbeckia pubescens (Makino) Makino Th e R5 D Solidago altissima L. H pr R3 D Sonchus asper (L.) Hill Th pr R5 D Sonchus brachyotus DC. H pr R2-3 D Sonchus oleraceus L. Th pr R5 D Tagetes minuta L. Th e R5 D Taraxacum coreanum Nakai H r R3(V) D Taraxacum laevigatum DC. H r R3(V) D Taraxacum officinale Weber H r R3(V) D Taraxacum platycarpum Dahlst. H r R3(V) D Xanthium canadense Mill. Th e R5 D Xanthium strumarium L. Th e R5 D Youngia japonica (L.) DC. Th ps R5 D Athyrium niponicum (Mett.) Hance G t R2-3 D

10 86 Kim et al. Appendix 1. (continued) Rubiaceae Labiatae Symplocaceae Celastraceae Ulmaceae Aceraceae Santalaceae Commelinaceae Euphorbiaceae Crassulaceae Araliaceae Dioscoreaceae Polygonaceae Verbenaceae Meliaceae Convolvulaceae Species Life form * Region ** DoF GF RF DF GG GW CB CN GB GN GB GN Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum (Desv.) Underw. A.Heller G e R1-2 D Galium spurium var. echinospermon (Wallr.) Hayek Th b-l R5 D Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr. var. scandens Ch l-b R3 D Rubia akane Nakai G b-l R3 D Rubia cordifolia var. pratensis Maxim. G b-l R3 D Agastache rugosa (Fisch. & Mey.) Kuntze H e R5 D Ajuga decumbens Thunb. H b-ps R5 D Lamium amplexicaule L. Th b R5 D Leonurus japonicus Houtt. Th pr R5 D Mosla dianthera (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Maxim. Th e,p R5 D Mosla punctulata (J.F.Gmelin) Nakai Th e R5 D Salvia plebeia R.Br. Th ps R5 D Stachys japonica Miq. H e R2-3 D Symplocos tanakana Nakai N e R5 D Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. M l R5 D2, Euonymus japonicus Thunb. N e R5 D2, Ulmus davidiana var. japonica (Rehder) Nakai MM e R5 D Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala (Maxim.) Wesm. M e R5 D Thesium chinense Turcz. H b R5 D Aneilema keisak (Hassk.) Hand.-Mazz. Th b-p R4 D1, Commelina communis L. Th b-p R5 D Commelina communis var. angustifolia f. leucantha Nakai Th b-p R5 D Commelina communis var. angustifolia Nakai Th b-p R5 D Acalypha australis L. Th e R5 D Euphorbia humifusa Willd. Schltdl. Th e,b R5 D Euphorbia supina Raf. Th b-p R5 D Mallotus japonicus (L.f.) Müll.Arg. MM e R5 D Phyllanthus ussuriensis Rupr. & Maxim. Th e R5 D Sedum sarmentosum Bunge H b-p R4 D Aralia cordata var. continentalis (Kitag.) Y.C.Chu G e R3 D2, Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem. M e R5 D2, Dioscorea batatas Decne. G l R5(S) D Dioscorea tokoro Makino Miyabe G l R3(S) D Fallopia dumetorum (L.) Holub Th l R5 D Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Delarbre Th e,b R4 D4, Persicaria japonica (Meisn.) H.Gross ex Nakai HH e R2-3 D4, Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) Delarbre Th e,b R5 D Persicaria longiseta (Bruijn) Kitag. Th e,b R5 D Persicaria nepalensis (Meisn.) H.Gross Th b-p R4 D4, Persicaria nodosa (Pers.) Opiz Th e R5 D Persicaria orientalis (L.) Spach Th e R5 D Persicaria perfoliata (L.) H.Gross Th b-l R5 D Persicaria senticosa (Meisn.) H.Gross ex Nakai Th b-l R5 D Persicaria thunbergii (Siebold & Zucc.) H.Gross Th b-p R4 D4, Persicaria vulgaris Webb & Moq. Th e R5 D Polygonum aviculare L. Th b,e R5 D Rumex acetosa L. H ps R5 D Rumex acetosella L. H pr R2-3 D Rumex conglomeratus Murray H ps R5 D Rumex crispus L. H ps R5 D Rumex japonicus Houtt. H ps R5 D Rumex nipponicus Franch. & Sav. H ps R5 D Rumex obtusifolius L. H ps R5 D Clerodendrum trichotomum Thunb. MM e R5 D2, Melia azedarach L. MM e R5 D Calystegia hederacea Wall. G l R2-3 D5, Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. G l R2-3 D5, Calystegia sepium var. japonicum (Choisy) Makino G l R2-3 D5,

11 Characteristics of Flora on Dry Field Margins in Korean Peninsula 87 Appendix 1. (continued) Species Life form * Region ** DoF GF RF DF GG GW CB CN GB GN GB GN Cuscuta pentagona Engelm. Th l R5 D Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. Th l R5 D Ipomoea hederacea var. integriuscula A.Gray Th l R5 D Ipomoea lacunosa L. Th l R5 D Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth Th l R5 D Pharbitis nil (L.) Choisy Th l R5 D Quamoclit coccinea Moench Th l R5 D Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium album L. Th e,b R5 D Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum Makino Th e R5 D Chenopodium ficifolium Smith Th e R5 D Chenopodium glaucum L. Th b R5 D Guttiferae Hypericum laxum (Blume) Koidz. Th e R5 D Oleaceae Ligustrum obtusifolium Siebold & Zucc. M e R5 D Ranunculaceae Clematis apiifolia DC. N l R4 D Onagraceae Ludwigia prostrata Roxb. Th e R5 D1, Oenothera biennis L. Th pr R5 D4, Cucurbitaceae Melothria japonica (Thunb.) Maxim. ex Cogn. Th l R5 D2, Sicyos angulatus L. Th l R5 D Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. G l R5(O) D2, Asclepiadaceae Metaplexis japonica (Thunb.) Makino G l R2-3 D Menispermaceae Cocculus trilobus (Thunb.) DC. N l R2-3 D Menispermum dauricum DC. N l R2-3 D Liliaceae Allium macrostemon Bunge G r R3(B) D Allium monanthum Maxim. G r R2-3(B) D Allium senescens L. G r R3(B) D Liriope platyphylla F.T.Wang & T.Tang G r R3(S) D Liriope spicata (Thunb.) Lour. G r R3 D Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum (Miq.) Ohwi G e R3 D2, Scilla scilloides (Lindl.) Druce G t R5(B) D Smilax china L. N l R3(S) D2, Smilax sieboldii Miq. N l R5 D Salicaceae Salix gracilistyla Miq. N b R5 D Gramineae Agropyron ciliare (Trin.) Franch. Th t R5 D Agropyron tsukushiense var. transiens (Hack.) Ohwi Th t R5 D Agrostis clavata var. nukabo Ohwi Th t R3 D Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. Th t R5 D1, Alopecurus japonicus Steud. Th t R5 D1, Arthraxon hispidus (Thunb.) Makino Th b-p R4 D Arundinella hirta (Thunb.) Tanaka H t R2-3 D Avena fatua L. Th t R5 D Beckmannia syzigachne (Steud.) Fernald Th t R5 D1, Bromus japonicus Thunb. Th t R5 D Bromus secalinus L. Th t R5 D Bromus unioloides Kunth Th t R5 D Cleistogenes hackelii (Honda) Honda H t R3 D Cymbopogon tortilis var. goeringii (Steud.) Hand.-Mazz. H t R5 D Dactylis glomerata L. H t R3 D Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koel. Th t-p R4 D Digitaria radicosa (Presl) Miq. Th t-p R4 D Digitaria violascens Link Th t R5 D Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv. Th t-p R5 D1, Echinochloa crusgalli var. oryzicola (Vasinger) Ohwi H t R3 D Echinochloa oryzoides (Ard.) Fritsch Th t-p R5 D1, Echinochloa utilis Ohwi & Yabuno Th t-p R5 D1, Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Th t R5 D Eragrostis ferruginea (Thunb.) P.Beauv. H t R3 D Eragrostis multicaulis Steud. Th t R5 D Festuca arundinacea Schreb. H t R5 D Festuca myuros L. Th t R5 D Festuca ovina L. H t R3 D Festuca parvigluma Steud. H t R3 D Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii (Retz.) Pilg. G e R1-2 D1, Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees H t R3 D

12 88 Kim et al. Appendix 1. (continued) Species Life form * Region ** DoF GF RF DF GG GW CB CN GB GN GB GN Lolium multiflorum Lam. Th t R5 D Lolium perenne L. Th t R5 D Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A.Camus Th b-p R5 D Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Benth. H t R2-3 D Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens (Andersson) Rendle H t R3 D Oplismenus undulatifolius (Ard.) P.Beauv. H p R4 D Panicum bisulcatum Thunb. Th b-p R5 D Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. Th b-p R5 D Paspalum thunbergii Kunth ex Steud. H t R3 D Pennisetum alopecuroides (L.) Spreng. H t R3 D Phalaris arundinacea L. HH e R2-3 D1, Phragmites communis Trin. HH e R1-2 D Phragmites japonica Steud. HH e R4 D Poa annua L. Th t R5 D Poa pratensis L. H t R2-3 D Poa sphondylodes Trin. H t R5 D Pseudosasa japonica (Siebold & Zucc. ex Steud.) Makino Nakai M e R1-2 D Setaria pycnocoma (Steud.) Henrard ex Nakai Th t R5 D Setaria faberii Herrm. Th t R5 D Setaria glauca (L.) P.Beauv. Th t R5 D Setaria viridis (L.) P.Beauv. Th t R5 D Themeda triandra var. japonica (Willd.) Makino H t R3 D Trisetum bifidum (Thunb.) Ohwi H t R3 D Zoysia japonica Steud. H t-p R1-2 D Sterculiaceae Corchoropsis tomentosa (Thunb.) Makino Th e R5 D Elaeagnaceae Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb. M e R5 D Balsaminaceae Impatiens textori Miq. Th e R4 D Lythraceae Ammannia multiflora Roxb. Th e,b R5 D Rotala indica (Willd.) Koehne Th p-b R4 D1, Rotala pusilla Tul. Th p-b R4 D1, Amaranthaceae Achyranthes japonica (Miq.) Nakai H e R5 D Amaranthus lividus L. Th e R5 D Amaranthus mangostanus L. Th e R5 D Amaranthus patulus Bertol. Th e R5 D Amaranthus viridis L. Th e R5 D Moraceae Morus alba L. MM e R5 D Morus bombycis Koidz. MM e R5 D Cyperaceae Carex breviculmis R.Br. H t R3 D Carex neurocarpa Maxim. H t R3 D Cyperus amuricus Maxim. Th t R5 D Cyperus difformis L. Th t R5 D1, Cyperus iria L. Th t R5 D Cyperus microiria Steud. Th t R5 D Cyperus nipponicus Franch. & Sav. Th t R5 D1, Cyperus orthostachyus Franch. & Sav. Th t R5 D1, Eleocharis acicularis f. longiseta (Svenson) T.Koyama HH t R3 D1, Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl Th t R5 D1, Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl Th t R5 D1, Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. HH t,e R3 D1, Lipocarpha microcephala (R.Br.) Kunth Th t R5 D Umbelliferae Anthriscus caucalis M.Bieb. Th ps R5 D Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. H ps R5(S) D Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cusson Th ps R5 D Hydrocotyle maritima Honda Ch p R4 D Oenanthe javanica (Blume) DC. HH p-ps R4 D1, Torilis japonica (Houtt.) DC. Th ps R5 D Cannabaceae Humulus japonicus Sieboid & Zucc. Th l R5 D Molluginaceae Mollugo pentaphylla L. Th b-ps R5 D Caryophyllaceae Arenaria serpyllifolia L. Th b R5 D Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. Th b R5 D Cerastium holosteoides var. hallaisanense (Nakai) Mizush. H b R5 D Sagina japonica (Sw.) Ohwi Th b R5 D Silene armeria L. Th b R5 D

13 Characteristics of Flora on Dry Field Margins in Korean Peninsula 89 Appendix 1. (continued) Species Life form * Region ** DoF GF RF DF GG GW CB CN GB GN GB GN Silene firma Siebold & Zucc. H e,b R5 D Stellaria alsine var. undulata (Thunb.) Ohwi Th b R5 D Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. Th b R5 D Stellaria media (L.) Vill. Th b R4 D Pinaceae Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc. MM e R5 D Pinus thunbergii Parl. MM e R5 D Simaroubaceae Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle MM e R5 D Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense L. G e R2-3 D Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea L. Th b R5 D Cruciferae Arabis glabra Bernh. Th pr R5 D Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. Th ps R5 D Brassica napus L. Th pr R5 D Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) L.W.Medicus Th ps R5 D Cardamine flexuosa With. Th ps R5 D Draba nemorosa L. Th ps R5 D Lepidium apetalum Willd. Th ps R5 D Lepidium virginicum L. Th ps R5 D Rorippa indica (L.) Hiern Th pr R5 D Rorippa palustris (Leyss.) Besser Th ps R5 D Thlaspi arvense L. Th pr R5 D Urticaceae Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. Ch e R3 D Boehmeria spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. Ch e R3 D Boehmeria tricuspis (Hance) Makino Ch e R3 D Pilea mongolica Wedd. Th e R5 D Urtica angustifolia Fisch. ex Hornem. G e R3 D Urtica thunbergiana Siebold & Zucc. G e R3 D Malvaceae Abutilon theophrasti Medicus Th e R5 D Malva neglecta Wallr. Th e R5 D Primulaceae Androsace filiformis Retz. Th r R5 D Androsace umbellata (Lour.) Merr. Th r R5 D Papaveraceae Chelidonium majus var. asiaticum (H. Hara) Ohwi Th e R5 D4, Anacardiaceae Rhus javanica L. M e R5 D Rutaceae Zanthoxylum schinifolium Siebold & Zucc. M e R5 D Lardizabalaceae Akebia quinata (Houtt.) Decne. N l R3 D Caprifoliaceae Lonicera japonica Thunb. M l-b R3 D2, Lonicera japonica var. repens (Siebold) Rehder M l-b R3 D2, Viburnum carlesii Hemsl. N e R5 D Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca americana L. G e R5 D Betulaceae Carpinus laxiflora (Siebold & Zucc.) Blume MM e R5 D Rosaceae Duchesnea indica (Andr.) Focke Ch p-ps R4 D Potentilla amurensis Maxim. Th p-ps R4 D Potentilla supina L. Ch b-ps R5 D Rosa maximowicziana Regel N e R5 D Rosa multiflora Thunb. N e R3 D Rubus crataegifolius Bunge N e R5 D Rubus parvifolius L. N p-l R5 D Spiraea prunifolia f. simpliciflora Nakai N e,b R5 D Violaceae Viola mandshurica W.Becker H r R3(V) D Viola yedoensis Makino H r R3(V) D Acanthaceae Justicia procumbens L. Th b-p R5 D Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia contorta Bunge H l R5 D Geraniaceae Geranium thunbergii Siebold & Zucc. H ps-b R5 D Geranium wilfordii Maxim. H ps-b R5 D Boraginaceae


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