초등영문법 3800제 1 정답과 해설

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2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직

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1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

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1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운

#1_초급 본문



October 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.8 울긋불긋 가을이야기 목차 From Editor 앉아서 떠나는 여행 Guidance 그림책 읽어주는 기술 Homeschool 다양한 세계문화 알아보기 Study Trip 올 가을!풍요로운 낭만축

FAQ. 리스트 구분 No. Questions Possible Responses* Greetings Daily life How are you? 어떻게 지내니? 11 I am great. Thank you. 좋아요. 감사합니다 No



1.13 (cont.) Time (시간) today (오늘) yesterday (어제) tomorrow (내일) breakfast (아침밥) lunch (점심) dinner (저녁밥) week (주) month (달) year (해/년) clock (시계) before

_KF_Bulletin webcopy

Unit 의문문 I

How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활

3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습




StorypalintrotoPenPaling - Korean


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[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

Read Together Kitty lived near the sea. 키티는 바닷가에 살았어요. She played alone on the beach. 키티는 해변에서 혼자 놀았답니다. She wanted to make friends. 키티는 친구를 사귀고 싶었어요.

1. 청소년의 이해

2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628



71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370



현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~ 두 갑 두 갑 이상 5. Ho


49-9분동안 표지 3.3


초등영문법 3800제 1 정답과 해설

Chapter 01 명사 Unit 01 셀수있는명사 Check and Write 본문 p.9 A 2. pencil I have a pencil. 나는연필한자루를가지고있다. B 2. an, umbrella You need an umbrella when it rains. 비가올때너는우산이필요하다. C 2. an, apple Unit 02 명사의복수형 Check and Write 본문 p.11 2. dishes They are washing the dishes. 그들은설거지를하고있다. 3. potatoes The baby has many potatoes. 아기는감자를많이갖고있다. Practice 1 본문 p.12 A 2. an, eraser 3. scissors 4. a, computer 5. a, book B 1. an, egg 2. apples 3. bananas 4. an, onion 5. tomatoes C 1. a, table 2. flowers 3. a, sofa 4. a, cat 5. a, clock D 1. students 2. glasses 3. fish 4. buses 5. friends Practice 2 본문 p.14 2. Dad ate an apple this morning 아빠는오늘아침에사과한개를드셨다. 3. It has snowed for three days 3 일동안눈이내렸다. 4. There are many children on the playground for a snowball fight 눈싸움을하기위해운동장에많은아이들이있다. 5. His feet sank into the snow 그의두발이눈속에빠졌다. 6. I have two umbrellas in the classroom 나교실에우산두개있어! 7. Do you want me to lend you an umbrella 내가우산한개빌려줄까? 8. My socks are wet 내양말이젖었어! 9. There are seven days in a week 한주에는 7 일이있다. 10. I sleep for 10 hours a day on weekends 나는주말엔하루에 10 시간동안자. 11. Will you run an errand for me, please 나를위해심부름하나해주겠니? 12. Would you put these two boxes out 이상자두개를밖에버려줄래? 13. Can you sweep the fallen leaves in the yard 마당에있는낙엽들을쓸어줄래? 14. Please tell me some fun stories 나에게재미있는이야기들을들려줘. 15. Brush your teeth after eating chocolate 초콜릿을먹고나서이를닦아! 16. All men must choose between two paths 모든사람들은두가지길중에하나를골라야해. 17. Fish are friends 18. We all make mistakes 우리는모두실수 ( 들 ) 를한다. 19. All children are born artists 모든아이들은타고난예술가이다. 20. All our dreams can come true Practice 3 본문 p.17 2. They are twins 그들은쌍둥이야. 3. I see two wolves at the zoo 나는동물원에서늑대두마리를본다. 4. They are two foxes, not wolves 그것들은여우두마리지, 늑대들이아니야. 5. I saw three mice 나쥐세마리봤어! 6. There are five deer in the forest 숲에사슴다섯마리가있어. 7. I see many butterflies in the countryside 나는시골에서많은나비들을본다. 8. Look at the two babies 저기아기두명좀봐! 9. Children run in the park 공원에서아이들이뛴다. 10. There are three women in my house 11. I have a present for you 너를위한선물하나가있어. 12. It has really short legs 그것은진짜짧은다리를가졌어! 13. There is an orange in the refrigerator 냉장고에오렌지하나가있어. 14. Close your eyes 눈을감아봐. 15. I don t feel my toes 내발가락들이느껴지지않아 ( 내발가락들에감각이없어 ). 16. I finally got a cat 나결국고양이한마리생겼어! 17. It peed on my pants 그게내바지위에오줌쌌어. 18. I need a pair of pants and two pairs of shoes 저는바지한벌과신발두켤레가필요해요. 19. Captain America and Iron Man are my favorite heroes 캡틴아메리카와아이언맨은내가가장좋아하는영웅들이야! 20. I wear glasses 나는안경을쓴다. 2 초등영문법 3800 제 1 권

SET 01 본문 p.20 02. a, computer 03. a, book 04. an, eraser 05. a, banana 06. a, table 07. a, tomato 08. a, flower 09. an, egg 10. a, cat 11. a, sofa 12. a, clock SET 02 본문 p.21 02. a, student 03. a, fish 04. a, bus 05. an, errand 06. a, wolf 07. a, good, day 08. an, umbrella 09. a, box 10. a, story 11. a, bad, tooth 12. a, mistake 13. a, gift 14. an, onion SET 03 본문 p.22 02. a, hero 03. a, mouse 04. an, older, sister 05. a, butterfly 06. a, woman 07. an, orange 08. a, present 09. a, kid 10. a, baby 11. a, police, officer 12. a, dream 13. an, hour 14. an, eye SET 04 본문 p.23 02. (m)ice 03. (b)ooks 04. (f)lowers 05. (g)lasses 06. (b)uses 07. (f)riends 08. (s)cissors 09. (s)tudents 10. (d)ays 11. (c)hildren 12. (a)pples SET 05 본문 p.24 02. (u)mbrellas 03. (s)ocks 04. (c)hildren 05. (d)ays 06. (h)ours 07. (b)oxes 08. (s)tories 09. (l)eaves 10. (t)eeth 11. (m)istakes 12. (d)reams 13. (w)olves 14. (f)oxes SET 06 본문 p.25 02. (b)utterflies 03. (b)abies 04. (t)wins 05. (C)hildren 06. (w)omen 07. (o)ranges 08. (e)yes 09. (t)oes 10. (l)egs 11. (f)igures 12. (k)nives 13. (c)ats 14. (h)eroes SET 07 본문 p.26 02. A, monkey, banana 03. a, hero 04. babies, twins 05. leaves 06. three, cats 07. deer 08. a, pencil 09. scissors 10. an, onion 11. many, flowers 12. five, students 13. a, kid[child] 14. a, friend 15. eight, hours 16. feet 17. an, umbrella 18. days, a 19. two, fish 20. stories SET 08 본문 p.28 02. children 03. two, oranges 04. butterflies 05. toes 06. two, apples 07. an, eraser 08. teeth 09. mistakes 10. dreams 11. two, wolves 12. Three, mice 13. hours, a 14. a, present[gift] 15. a, box, cats 16. short, legs 17. three, pencils 18. a, sofa 19. four, dogs 20. an, errand Unit 03 셀수없는명사 Check and Write 본문 p.31 A paper, water B Busan, London, December, Korea Unit 04 셀수없는명사의수량표현 Check and Write 본문 p.33 two glasses of, two slices of, a cup of, a bar of, a piece of Practice 1 본문 p.34 A 2. English 3. math 4. Monday, Sihu 5. Love B 1. soccer 2. water 3. water 4. juice 5. glasses C 1. apple 2. bread 3. chocolate 4. pizza 5. pig D 1. furniture 2. pants 3. money 4. paper 5. work Practice 2 본문 p.36 2. My birthday is in March 내생일은 3 월이야. 3. My birthday is in February 내생일은 2 월이야. 4. I like Saturday best 나는토요일을가장좋아해. 5. play basketball on Saturday 6. interest in student government 7. with mom on Sunday 8. desire knowledge 9. We need a lot of sugar 10. Look at the smoke 11. Your mom burned the food 12. more oil in the pan 13. spilled water on your smartphone 14. It is not water 그거물아니야. 15. listen to music on Sunday 16. flour and milk 17. They play soccer 18. Success is the sum 19. Money is not everything 돈이전부인것은아니야. 20. I sense much fear Practice 3 본문 p.39 2. juice Three bottles of juice are on the table 세병의주스가탁자위에있어. 3. Bread Bread comes from plants 빵은식물들에서유래한다. 4. Milk 정답과해설 3

Milk comes from animals 우유는동물들에서유래한다. 5. Meat Meat comes from animals 고기는동물들에서유래한다. 6. snow We had snow in April this year 올해에는 4 월에눈이왔었다. 7. shade Let s make some shade for the baby 아기를위해그늘을만들자! 8. sun The sun rises in the east 태양은동쪽에서뜬다. 9. love Romeo and Juliet is a story about love 로미오와줄리엣 은사랑에대한이야기야. 10. homework I have a lot of homework to do 나는해야할숙제가많아. 11. help Good friends will give you help in bad situations 좋은친구는나쁜상황에서너에게도움을줄것이다. 12. hope but there is still hope 13. information That is totally new information 그것은완전히새로운정보구나! 14. paper Wasn t there just a sheet of paper 그저종이한장만있지않았어? 15. health Drinking much soft drink is not good for your health 탄산음료를많이마시는것은너의건강에좋지않아. 16. plastic We should recycle plastic to save the environment 우리는환경을구하기위해플라스틱을재활용해야해. 17. Friendship Friendship is important to me 우정은나에게중요해. 18. sheets The test was made up of two sheets of paper 시험은종이두장으로이루어져있었어. 19. loaves, cup[glass] I eat two loaves of bread and drink a cup[glass] of milk for breakfast 나는아침식사로빵두덩어리와우유한컵을마셔. SET 01 본문 p.42 02. love 03. juice 04. English, math 05. bread 06. work 07. hair 08. Monday 09. April 10. cheese, flour 11. money 12. success SET 02 본문 p.43 02. Mina, America 03. oil 04. Junwoo, Saturday 05. milk 06. Money 07. sugar, salt 08. furniture 09. interest 10. Friendship 11. (The) sun, (the) east 12. snow 13. courage 14. homework SET 03 본문 p.44 02. Sunshine 03. confidence 04. paper 05. advice 06. information 07. hope, success 08. health 09. smoke 10. bread, milk 11. Meat 12. February 13. peace 14. paper SET 04 본문 p.45 02. (l)oaf 03. (g)lass 04. (s)heets 05. (g)lasses 06. (p)iece 07. (b)ottles 08. (p)iece 09. (s)lices 10. (b)ottle 11. (b)ars 12. (l)oaves SET 05 본문 p.46 02. (c)up 03. (b)ar 04. (g)lass 05. (l)oaves 06. (s)heets 07. (p)ieces 08. (b)ars 09. (s)heet 10. (l)oaf 11. (b)ottles 12. (p)ieces 13. (g)lasses 14. (c)ups SET 06 본문 p.47 02. (g)lasses 03. (b)ottles 04. (b)ar 05. (c)ups 06. (s)heets 07. (g)lasses 08. (b)ottles 09. (p)ieces 10. (p)iece 11. (l)oaf 12. (g)lass 13. (p)ieces 14. (c)up SET 07 본문 p.48 02. pieces[slices], pizza 03. Friendship 04. glass[cup], water 05. Money 06. piece[slice], cheese 07. money 08. bottles, juice 09. glass, milk 10. work 11. bars, chocolate 12. information 13. flour, milk 14. March 15. bottle, juice 16. sheets, paper 17. water 18. loaves, bread 19. English, math 20. glasses, juice SET 08 본문 p.50 02. cup, coffee 03. bottle, oil 04. sheets, paper 05. pieces[slices], cake 06. math 07. piece[slice], cheese 08. oil 09. bar, chocolate 10. bottles, wine 11. bars, soap 12. glass, wine 13. love 14. loaf, bread 15. birthday 16. interest 17. sugar 18. pieces[slices], cheese 19. health 20. bars, chocolate 4 초등영문법 3800 제 1 권

Chapter 02 관사 Unit 01 부정관사 Check and Write 본문 p.55 2. a 3. an 4. an 5. a 6. a 7. x 8. an 9. x 10. an 11. a 12. x Unit 02 정관사 Check and Write 본문 p.57 2. The 3. a 4. The 5. the 6. x 7. x 8. The Practice 1 본문 p.58 A 2. The, picture 3. a, student 4. x, math, x, English 5. the, piano B 1. a, dog 2. The, dog 3. a, cat 4. The, cat 5. x, family C 1. a, cake 2. a, doll 3. The, doll 4. a, necklace 5. a, hair, clip D 1. an, umbrella 2. an, umbrella 3. the, umbrella 4. a, muffler, a, coat 5. x, muffler Practice 2 본문 p.60 2. the sky 3. the sun, the moon 4. home 5. school 6. breakfast 7. a bat 8. The hat 9. a girl, The girl 10. the left 11. chocolate 12. Busan 13. an apple, The apple 14. The sky 15. A pet 16. A hero, the world 17. A dog 18. A dream, a wish 19. an artist 20. A good neighbor Practice 3 본문 p.63 2. the piano You cannot play the piano 너피아노칠줄모르잖아. 3. the window Look out the window 창문밖을봐. 4. an umbrella I don t have an umbrella 나우산없는데! 5. an umbrella Do you have an umbrella 너우산있니? 6. The sun The sun does not shine 해가빛나지않아. 7. school I run to school 8. an accident There was an accident at the crosswalk 횡단보도에서어떤사고가났다. 9. the violin Can you play the violin 너바이올린을연주할수있니? 10. a problem I have a problem with my computer 내컴퓨터에어떤문제가있어. 11. a joke I heard a joke today 나오늘농담하나를들었어. 12. The joke The joke was very funny 그농담은매우재미있었어. 13. lunch I had lunch yesterday 어제나는점심을먹었다. 14. soccer He often plays soccer 그는종종축구를한다. 15. home Mina goes home early because she has a cold 미나는감기에걸렸기때문에일찍집에간다. 16. A dog A dog doesn t try to give advice or judge you 개는너에게조언을하거나너를판단하려고하지않아. 17. A pet A pet is a good friend 애완동물은좋은친구이다. 18. The bike The bike is really cool 그자전거는정말멋지다. 19. a present[gift] I have a present[gift] for you 나너한테줄선물이하나있어. 20. The gloves The gloves are very warm 그장갑은매우따뜻하다. SET 01 본문 p.66 02. an 03. x 04. an 05. an 06. a 07. a 08. a 09. x 10. A 11. x 12. a SET 02 본문 p.67 02. A 03. an 04. an 05. an 06. An 07. a 08. an 09. x 10. a 11. an 12. a 13. an 14. a, a SET 03 본문 p.68 02. A 03. a 04. an 05. a 정답과해설 5

06. x 07. a 08. a 09. A 10. x 11. an 12. x 13. an 14. a SET 04 본문 p.69 02. The 03. x 04. x 05. The 06. the 07. The 08. x 09. The 10. x 11. the 12. x SET 05 본문 p.70 02. the 03. The 04. x 05. The 06. the 07. The 08. the 09. the 10. x 11. the 12. the 13. The 14. The SET 06 본문 p.71 02. the, the 03. x 04. The 05. x 06. The 07. x 08. the 09. x 10. The 11. x 12. the 13. The 14. the SET 07 본문 p.72 02. A, good, friend 03. lunch 04. the, piano 05. an, honest, boy 06. The, book 07. A, dog 08. home 09. The, trip 10. The, computer 11. the 12. an, accident 13. the, sun, the, moon 14. a, joke 15. money 16. friend 17. an, umbrella 18. a, doctor 19. the, west 20. school SET 08 본문 p.74 02. The, boy 03. books 04. a, picture 05. the, picture 06. a, muffler 07. an, eraser 08. the, umbrella 09. a, present 10. The, present 11. A, dream 12. the, dream 13. an, umbrella 14. An, apple 15. The, apple 16. an, artist 17. The, artist 18. a, student 19. a, dog 20. The, dog Chapter 01~02 실전테스트 분문 p.76 01. pen, tree 02. s, h 03. e, e 04. v, e, s 05. bar 06. loaf 07. piece 08. cup 09. sheets 10. love ( 추상명사 ) 11. apple ( 가산명사 ) 12. 셀수있는명사 - family, team, tree 셀수없는명사 - milk, love, USA, bread 13. 셀수있는명사 - flower, egg 셀수없는명사 - water, hope, juice 14. He has five dishes. 15. I want three boxes. 16. Children hold their hands. 17. an 18. the 19. a 20. a 21. the 22. The 23. an 24. James reads a[the] book. 25. She has two children. 26. I play the piano on Monday. 27. My father eats three tomatoes. 28. Do you like fish? 29. 잘못쓴부분 : 3 고쳐쓰기 : the 30. 잘못쓴부분 : 1 고쳐쓰기 : The Chapter 03 인칭대명사 Unit 01 주격인칭대명사 Check and Write 분문 p.83 2. She 3. They 4. I 5. You 6. We 7. You Unit 02 목적격인칭대명사 Check and Write 분문 p.85 2. her 3. them 4. us 5. you 6. me Practice 1 본문 p.86 A 2. I 3. They 4. We 5. me 6. it B 1. me 2. he, them 3. them, him 4. him 5. it 6. He C 1. she 2. She, it 3. She, it 4. her 5. she, them D 1. you 2. I 3. Me Practice 2 본문 p.88 2. I envy her 난그녀가부러워. 3. I am turning thirteen 나는 13 살이된다! 4. They are my best friends 그들은나의가장친한친구들이다. 5. Jinho gives me a stuffed cat 진호는나에게고양이인형을준다. 6. It was so fluffy 그것은매우보송보송했다. 7. I named it Meow 나는그것에게 야옹이 라고이름을지어주었다. 6 초등영문법 3800 제 1 권

8. Sihu gives me colored pencils 시후는나에게색연필들을준다. 9. I will draw Meow with them 나는그것들로 야옹이 를그릴것이다. 10. we had a chocolate cake 11. It was really delicious 그것은정말맛있었다. 12. eat it again tomorrow 13. They are not really your friends 그들은진짜너의친구들이아니야. 14. It is out there 그건저밖에있어. 15. you must do it yourself 16. they know everything 17. the world will speak for him 18. we go beyond them 19. Get used to it 그것에익숙해져라. 20. We have the courage to pursue it 우린그것을좇으려는용기가있다. Practice 3 본문 p.91 2. I want to be like her 나는그녀처럼되고싶어. 3. I want to get something special for him 나는그를위해특별한무언가를주고싶다. 4. He loves Kung Fu Panda 그는 쿵푸팬더 를정말좋아한다. 5. I will give him a stuffed panda [I will give a stuffed panda to him] 나는그에게판다인형을줄것이다. 6. he likes it 7. My mom bakes cookies for me 우리엄마는나를위해쿠키를구우신다. 8. I called my best friend, Mina 나는나의가장친한친구인미나에게전화했다. 9. They smell delicious 그것들은맛있는냄새가난다. 10. Share them with me 나랑그것들을나눠먹자. 11. We have them together 우리는함께그것들을먹는다. 12. I packed them for her brother 나는그녀의남동생을위해그것들을싸주었다. 13. She does not allow me to play mobile games 그녀는내가모바일게임을하지못하게한다. 14. it is fair 15. I will play with my smartphone 16. Suho treats me differently 수호는나를다르게대한다. 17. She watches a TV series every night 그녀는매일밤텔레비전연속물을본다. 18. he loves me 19. the world will speak for him 20. we have the courage to pursue them SET 01 본문 p.94 02. I 03. We 04. We 05. I 06. We 07. I 08. I 09. We 10. We 11. I 12. I SET 02 본문 p.95 02. 단수 03. 복수 04. 단수 05. 복수 06. 복수 07. 단수 08. 복수 09. 단수 10. 단수 11. 복수 12. 단수 13. 복수 14. 단수 SET 03 본문 p.96 02. She 03. It 04. He 05. They 06. She 07. It 08. He 09. She 10. They 11. He 12. It 13. She 14. They SET 04 본문 p.97 02. me 03. me 04. us 05. me 06. us 07. me 08. us 09. us 10. me 11. me 12. us SET 05 본문 p.98 02. 복수 03. 단수 04. 복수 05. 단수 06. 단수 07. 단수 08. 복수 09. 단수 10. 복수 11. 복수 12. 복수 13. 단수 14. 복수 SET 06 본문 p.99 02. it 03. her 04. them 05. her 06. him 07. it 08. it 09. them 10. her 11. him 12. them 13. it 14. her SET 07 본문 p.100 02. She 03. me 04. I, them 05. He 06. We, her 07. They 08. I, her 09. him 10. They, they 11. He, them 12. She 13. It 14. She, us 15. It 16. We, you 17. You 18. They, me 19. I, it 20. He, us SET 08 본문 p.101 02. I, you 03. I, he 04. They 05. She 06. They 07. them, me 08. He 09. You, they 10. We, them 11. I, it 12. she 13. He, us 14. They, you 15. me 16. It 17. We 18. her 19. She 20. us Unit 03 소유격인칭대명사 Check and Write 본문 p.103 2. their 3. my 4. our 5. Its 6. his 정답과해설 7

Unit 04 소유대명사 Check and Write 본문 p.105 2. yours 3. hers 4. Theirs 5. yours 6. his Practice 1 본문 p.106 A 2. Yours 3. yours 4. mine 5. my 6. yours 7. mine B 1. my 2. his 3. his 4. his 5. Its C 1. her 2. his 3. her 4. hers D 1. your 2. our 3. your, your 4. our Practice 2 본문 p.108 2. his 3. your 4. yours 5. Mine 6. his 7. my 8. yours 9. our 10. your 11. your 12. their 13. my 14. her 15. yours 16. Our 17. my 18. hers 19. our 20. her Practice 3 본문 p.111 2. check my ticket 3. My seat number is 7B 4. your car number is 5. borrow your scissors 6. What s wrong with yours 네것은뭔가잘못됐니? 7. My brother took mine 내형이내것을가져갔어. 8. like your new look 9. my hairdresser cut it too short 10. It is better than mine 그건내것보다나아. 11. My sister and I went shopping 내여동생과나는쇼핑을갔다. 12. check her shopping list 13. liked her Hello Kitty ruler 14. mine is longer than hers 15. she always borrows mine 16. bought our notebooks 17. are different from mine 18. taking a nap in his room 19. someone else s needs before yours 20. Their teacher teaches math 그들의선생님은수학을가르치신다. 05. your 06. our 07. My 08. their 09. his 10. your 11. her 12. their 13. your 14. Their SET 03 본문 p.116 02. her 03. Our 04. Your 05. my 06. my 07. my 08. Your 09. Its 10. my 11. her 12. his 13. our 14. his SET 04 본문 p.117 02. his 03. yours 04. ours 05. his 06. mine 07. his 08. theirs 09. Ours 10. Hers 11. his 12. Theirs SET 05 본문 p.118 02. hers 03. mine 04. his 05. ours 06. mine 07. yours 08. hers 09. mine 10. Ours 11. Yours 12. his 13. hers 14. yours SET 06 본문 p.119 02. hers 03. hers 04. yours 05. Yours 06. yours 07. ours 08. hers 09. ours 10. Theirs 11. Yours 12. his 13. hers 14. theirs SET 07 본문 p.120 02. A 03. A 04. A 05. B 06. A 07. B 08. A 09. A 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. A SET 08 본문 p.122 02. your, scissors 03. His, notebooks 04. theirs 05. my, seat 06. Your 07. hers 08. his 09. our 10. my, new, haircut 11. ours 12. hers 13. Your, seat, number 14. our 15. yours 16. Your 17. Our 18. Yours 19. Theirs 20. his, hair SET 01 본문 p.114 02. our 03. our 04. their 05. your 06. their 07. My 08. Our 09. her 10. her 11. our 12. her SET 02 본문 p.115 02. your 03. his 04. her 8 초등영문법 3800 제 1 권

Chapter 04 지시대명사와비인칭주어 it Unit 01 지시대명사 this, these / that, those / it Check and Write 본문 p.127 2. it 3. This 4. That 5. these 6. Those 7. it Unit 02 지시형용사 / 비인칭주어 it Check and Write 본문 p.129 2. These 3. It 4. It 5. that 6. those 7. It Practice 1 본문 p.130 A 2. It 3. It 4. That 5. those 6. that 7. it 8. It 9. those B 1. this, this 2. That 3. that C 1. this 2. It 3. It 4. it D 1. it 2. It 3. it 4. it Practice 2 본문 p.132 2. the name of that star 3. It is so bright 그건정말밝아요. 4. That is called Sirius 저것은시리우스라고불려. 5. It is a bright star 그것은밝은별이야. 6. It is Christmas Eve 크리스마스이브다. 7. It is six thirty 여섯시삼십분이다. 8. It is already dark 벌써어둡다. 9. These books are mine 이책들은내것이다. 10. It would be a white Christmas 화이트크리스마스가될거야.( 크리스마스에눈이올거야.) 11. Let it snow 눈이내리게해주세요! 12. It snowed yesterday 어제는눈이내렸다. 13. It is cloudy 날씨가흐리다. 14. all these things 15. When it rains 16. This is the real world 이건실제세상이야! 17. It is dark and rainy 어둡고비가내리고있다. 18. That s another thing 19. That s a bad choice 그것은나쁜선택이다. 20. It is too late 너무늦었어. Practice 3 본문 p.134 2. It looks old 그건낡아보여요. 3. That is your father s diary 저건네아버지의일기장이야. 4. Where did you find it 그것을어디에서찾았니? 5. It was between those books 저책들사이에있었어요. 6. What time is it 몇시예요? 7. It is 7 o clock 일곱시정각이야. 8. Is it cold today 오늘추워요? 9. It is cold and windy 춥고바람이불어. 10. it snows this Christmas 11. it is sunny 12. That is why I am sad 그것이내가슬픈이유이다. 13. Let it snow 눈이내리게해주세요! 14. it is broken 15. It is very hot today 오늘은매우더워. 16. It will be fixed 17. We will play soccer this weekend 우리는이번주말에축구를할것이다. 18. I agree with that idea 나는저생각에동의한다. 19. It snowed yesterday 어제는눈이왔다. 20. This is the real world 이건실제세상이야! SET 01 본문 p.136 02. That 03. That 04. This 05. That 06. That 07. That 08. This 09. This 10. That 11. This 12. That SET 02 본문 p.137 02. This 03. These 04. This 05. This 06. These 07. This 08. These 09. This 10. These 11. These 12. This 13. These 14. This SET 03 본문 p.138 02. That 03. Those 04. That 05. Those 06. That 07. That 08. Those 09. Those 10. That 11. Those 12. That 13. Those 14. Those 정답과해설 9

SET 04 본문 p.139 02. this 03. these 04. These 05. this 06. these 07. This 08. this 09. these 10. this 11. This 12. this SET 05 본문 p.140 02. that 03. those 04. That 05. that 06. those 07. that 08. That 09. those 10. That 11. That 12. that 13. Those 14. that SET 06 본문 p.141 02. 형 03. 대 04. 대 05. 형 06. 대 07. 형 08. 대 09. 형 10. 대 11. 형 12. 형 13. 대 14. 대 SET 07 본문 p.142 02. 비 03. 지 04. 비 05. 비 06. 지 07. 지 08. 지 09. 비 10. 지 11. 지 12. 비 13. 비 14. 지 15. 지 16. 비 17. 비 18. 비 19. 지 20. 비 SET 08 본문 p.144 02. It 03. It 04. Those 05. That 06. that 07. These 08. those 09. this 10. it 11. That 12. It 13. this 14. These 15. These 16. those 17. That 18. These 19. This 20. these Chapter 05 be 동사 Unit 01 주어에따라다른 be 동사 Check and Write 본문 p.149 2. are 3. is 4. am 5. are 6. is Unit 02 be 동사의우리말뜻 Check and Write 본문 p.151 A 2. ~ 에있다 3. ~ 이다 4. ~ 에있다 B 2. She s shy. 3. They re in the amusement park. Practice 1 본문 p.152 A 2. is 3. is 4. am 5. are 6. are 7. are B 1. is 2. is 3. am 4. are 5. is 6. am C 1. is 2. is 3. is 4. is 5. are 6. are 7. are Practice 2 본문 p.154 2. I am thirsty 나목말라. 3. Today s dinner is curry 오늘저녁은카레야. 4. The dessert is in the fridge 디저트는냉장고에있어. 5. I am full 나배불러요. 6. The cafe is on the first floor 그카페는 1 층에있어. 7. My computer is old 내컴퓨터는낡았어. 8. This mobile phone is brand new 이휴대폰은신상품이야. 9. Superman and Batman are cartoon characters 슈퍼맨과배트맨은만화캐릭터야. 10. Zootopia is the best movie ever 주토피아 는역대최고의영화야. 11. Shrek is the best movie 12. Iron Man is my hero 아이언맨은내영웅이야. 13. I am better off alone 나는혼자있는게나아. 14. They are mad or scared 그들은화나있거나두려워하고있다. 15. Your dad is so stressed 너의아빠는몹시스트레스를받으셨어. 16. You are my best friend 네가나의최고의친구야. 17. These penguins are so cute 이펭귄들은정말귀엽다. 18. I am a slow walker Practice 3 본문 p.156 2. Dad is in a meeting 아빠는회의중이야. 3. I am at home now 나지금집에있어. 4. I am two hours late 난 2 시간늦었어. 5. I am a visitor 난방문자야. 6. I am a stranger here 나는여기가처음이야. 7. The line is busy 통화중입니다. 8. She is a teacher 10 초등영문법 3800 제 1 권

그녀는선생님이야. 9. He is short 그는키가작아. 10. My mother[mom] is in the kitchen 내어머니는부엌에계셔. 11. The kids are in the pool 아이들은수영장에있어. 12. The final test is around the corner 기말시험이다가왔어. 13. The holiday is on Friday 휴일은금요일이야. 14. You are clever 넌똑똑해. 15. You are a liar 넌거짓말쟁이야! 16. We are Korean 우리는한국인이다. 17. My hobby is reading webcomics 내취미는웹툰보는거야. 18. He is the best basketball player 그는최고의농구선수야. 19. She is my favorite singer 그녀는내가가장좋아하는가수야. SET 01 본문 p.158 02. are 03. am 04. is 05. are 06. am 07. are 08. is 09. am 10. is 11. is 12. are SET 02 본문 p.159 02. are 03. are 04. is 05. are 06. is 07. is 08. are 09. is 10. are 11. is 12. is 13. are 14. is SET 03 본문 p.160 02. is 03. am 04. are 05. is 06. is 07. are 08. is 09. are 10. is 11. are 12. is 13. am 14. are SET 04 본문 p.161 SET 06 본문 p.163 02. He s 03. She s 04. We re 05. They re 06. She s 07. You re 08. I m 09. They re 10. He s 11. They re 12. We re 13. I m 14. It s SET 07 본문 p.164 02. ~ 에있다 03. ~ 이다 04. ~ 이다 05. ~ 이다 06. ~ 이다 07. ~ 에있다 08. ~ 이다 09. ~ 에있다 10. ~ 이다 11. ~ 에있다 12. ~ 에있다 13. ~ 이다 14. ~ 에있다 15. ~ 이다 16. ~ 이다 17. ~ 에있다 18. ~ 이다 19. ~ 이다 20. ~ 에있다 SET 08 본문 p.165 02. He, is, best 03. They, are, parents 04. dessert, is 05. He, is 06. We, are 07. cafe, is, first 08. I, am, late 09. You, are 10. She, is 11. These, are, cute 12. That, cat, is 13. My, dad[father], is 14. cat, is 15. Vegetables, are 16. I, am 17. He, is 18. They, are 19. She, is 20. kids[children], are Chapter 03~05 실전테스트 분문 p.166 01. They 02. her 03. us 04. him 05. 3 06. 1 07. 1 08. 1 09. 2 10. (m)ine 11. These 12. Those 13. These 14. That 15. It is hot summer. 16. It is Sunday morning. 17. It is April 13th. 18. 인칭대명사 : her, us 지시대명사 : this, those 19. 2 20. 1 21. We go to school together. 22. They are on the street. 23. am 24. are 25. is 26. 1 27. 1 28. 2 29. My sister is pretty. 30. You are tall. 02. You 03. She 04. I 05. He 06. We 07. They 08. He 09. I 10. You 11. They 12. He SET 05 본문 p.162 02. She, is 03. He, is 04. They, are 05. She, is 06. I, am 07. You, are 08. It, is 09. He, is 10. We, are 11. They, are 12. I, am 13. It, is 14. He, is 정답과해설 11