5 학년 2 학기기말학력평가 _ 천재 ( 윤 ) 5 학년영어 범위 : 8~13 단원 Lesson 8 1. 다음대화의밑줄친부분을각각알맞은형태로바꾸어쓰시오. A: How was your vacation? B: It is great! I visit my grandma. I play with her dogs. I make cookies with my grandma, too. (,,, ) Lesson 8 2. 다음글을읽고, 글쓴이가오늘한일을순서대로나열한것을고르시오. ( ) Today was busy day. I took a cooking lesson in the morning. I rode my bike in the afternoon. I studied Chinese in the evening. I made a toy at night. 1 자전거타기, 요리수업듣기, 중국어공부, 장난감만들기 2 요리수업듣기, 중국어공부, 자전거타기, 장난감만들기 3 요리수업듣기, 자전거타기, 중국어공부, 장난감만들기 4 장난감만들기, 자전거타기, 중국어공부, 요리수업듣기 5 장난감만들기, 중국어공부, 자전거타기, 요리수업듣기 3 Jina는책을사고싶어한다. 4 Bomi는책을사고싶어한다. 5 두사람은서점에갈것이다. 4. 다음글을읽고, 각활동에알맞은계절을우리말로쓰시오. It is spring. I want to ride my bike in the morning. It is summer. I want to swim in the sea. It is fall. I want to play soccer on the playground. It is winter. Let's fly a kite together. 1) 연날리기 : ( ) 2) 수영하기 : ( ) 3) 축구하기 : ( ) 4) 자전거타기 : ( ) 5. 다음중표현과그림이일치하지않는것은어느것입니까? ( ) 1 take a picture 2 see animals 3 play soccer 4 eat a sandwich 3. 다음대화의내용과일치하는것을모두고르시오. ( ) A: Hello. Is Jina there? B: This is Jina speaking. A: Hi, Jina. This is Bomi. I want to buy a book. B: Okay, let's go to the bookstore. 5 buy a computer 1 Jina가전화를걸었다. 2 Bomi가전화를걸었다. 1 영어 5 학년
6. 다음대화의빈칸에알맞은말은어느것입니까? ( ) A: What will you do tomorrow? B: I'll pick up apples. Can you join me? A: I'll join you. 1 Sorry, I can't. 3 No problem. 5 Of course, I am. 2 No, thanks. 4 Yes, I do. 7. 다음표를보고, 대화의빈칸에알맞은말을고르시오. ( ) 18 일요일 독서하기 19 월요일 개목욕시키기 20 화요일 새모이주기 21 수요일 영화감상과자전거타기 22 목요일 개산책시키기 23 금요일 공원청소하기 A: What will you do this Monday? B: I will. 1 read books at the library. 2 walk the dogs with the club 3 feed the birds with my family 4 watch movies and ride my bike 5 wash the dogs at the Animals' Home 8. 다음대화를읽고, Mr. Johnes, Andy, Kevin이각각오후에할일을바르게나타낸것을고르시오. ( ) Mr. Johnes: Do you want some bread? Kevin: No, thanks. I'm full. Andy: What will you do this afternoon? Mr. Johnes: I will clean the park. Andy: I will join you. Mr. Johnes: Can you help me, Kevin? Kevin: Sorry, I can't. I have to join the guitar club. Mr. Johnes: It's okay. Have a great time! Mr. Jones Andy Kevin 1 공원청소 공원청소 빵먹기 2 공원청소 기타동아리참석 공원청소 3 기타동아리 기타동아리 공원청소 참석 참석 4 공원청소 공원청소 기타동아리참석 5 공원청소 공원청소 공원청소 9. 다음글을읽고, 행사의날짜가빠른순서대로나열하시오. The drawing contest is April 2nd. The school festival is December 10th. The sports day is September 14th. The flee market day is July 5th. ( ) - ( ) - ( ) - ( ) 10. 다음글을읽고, 나라별어린이날이알맞지않은것을고르시오. ( ) Hi, I'm Minsu. May 5th is Children's Day in Korea. Hello. I'm Chang. I am from China. We have Children's Day, too. It is June 1st. In Egypt, Children's Day is November 20th. Children's Day in Turkey is April 23rd. November 20th is Children's Day in Canada. 1 한국 - 5월 5일 2 중국 7월 1일 3 이집트 - 11월 20일 4 터키 - 4월 23일 5 캐나다 - 11월 20일 11. 다음중단어의표기가바른것은어느것입니까? ( ) 1 My birthday is March 1th. 2 The math test is June 22nd. 3 The english test is January 3th. 4 May 8th is Parents' Day in korea. 5 The festival is february fourteenth. 2 영어 5 학년
12. 다음대화를읽고, 오늘날짜를쓰시오. ( ) A: What are you doing? B: I'm making a robot. It's for the science festival this week. A: Great! When is the science festival? B: It's October 8th. It's Thursday. A: What day is it today? B: It's Monday. A: Pardon? B: Today is Monday. 15. 다음그림에대한설명이알맞지않은것은어느것입니까? ( ) 13. 다음글을읽고, 내용과일치하지않는것은어느것입니까? ( ) Look! There is a picture on the wall. There is a ladybug on the leaf. There are butterflies in the tree. There is a bee on the flower. There are ants under the rock. 1 벌이꽃위에있다. 2 그림이벽에걸려있다. 3 나비가나무안에있다. 4 개미가바위아래에있다. 5 무당벌레가바위위에있다. 14. 다음그림을보고빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 1) 1 The books are on the bag. 2 There are pictures on the wall. 3 There is a sofa in the living room. 4 The soccer ball is under the table. 5 There are two cookies on the plate. 16. 다음그림을보고, 대화의빈칸에알맞은말이바르게나열된것을고르시오. ( ) 2) There a bee the flower. There the tree. A: a b ladybugs under the rock? B: No, there c. d e ants under the rocks. a b c d e 1 Is there is There is 2 Is there isn't There is 3 Are there are There are 4 Are there aren't There are 5 Are there aren't There aren't 3 영어 5 학년
17. 다음대화를읽고, Namsu 가쇼핑을갈수없는 이유를고르시오. ( ) 20. 다음그림을보고, 빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 1) Jina: Would you like to go shopping with me? Namsu: I'd love to, but I can't. I have a violin lesson. Jina: That's all right. 1 숙제를해야해서 2 바이올린수업이있어서 3 쇼핑을좋아하지않아서 4 친구를만나기로약속해서 5 바이올린을사러가야해서 2) Would you like to my concert? 18. 다음대화의내용과일치하지않는것은어느것입니까? ( ) Amy: Would you like to come to my birthday party? Cindy: I'd love to, but I can't. Amy: That's all right. Judy: What will you do at the party? Amy: We will eat pizza and watch a movie. Would you like to come to the party, Judy? Judy: Sure. Amy: See you on Saturday. Would you like to? 1 Amy는생일에친구들을초대하려고한다. 2 Cindy는 Amy의생일파티에갈수없다. 3 Amy는자신에생일에피자를만들것이다. 4 Judy는 Amy의생일파티에갈것이다. 5 Amy의생일파티는토요일이다. 19. 다음대화의빈칸에알맞은물음은어느것입니까? ( ) A: B: Don't worry. I will help you clean the room. 1 Would you like to help me? 2 Would you like to go hiking? 3 Would you like to sing with me? 4 Would you like to go play with me? 5 Would you like to come to my house? 4 영어 5 학년
5 학년 2 학기기말학력평가천재 ( 윤 )_ 정답과 1. was, visited, played, made 2. 3 3. 2, 4, 5 4. 1) 겨울 2) 여름 3) 가을 4) 봄 5. 5 6. 3 7. 5 8. 4 9. drawing contest, flee market day, sports day, school festival 10. 2 11. 2 12. 10월 5일 13. 5 14. 1) is, on 2) are, ladybugs, under 15. 1 16. 4 17. 2 18. 3 19. 4 20. 1) come to 2) go skating Lesson 8 1. A: How was your vacation? ( 네방학은어땠니?) B: It was great! ( 아주좋았어!) I visited my grandma. ( 나는할머니를방문했어.) I played with her dogs. ( 나는그녀의개들과함께놀았어.) I made cookies with my grandma, too. ( 나는할머니와함께쿠키도만들었어.) 방학에있었던일에대해말할때에는과거형으로표현해야합니다. is, visit, play, make의과거형은각각 was, visited, played, made입니다. Lesson 8 2. Today was busy day. ( 오늘은바쁜날이었습니다.) I took a cooking lesson in the morning. ( 나는오전에요리수업을들었습니다.) I rode my bike in the afternoon. ( 나는오후에는자전거를탔습니다.) I studied Chinese in the evening. ( 나는저녁에는중국어를공부했습니다.) I made a toy at night. ( 나는밤에는장난감을만들었습니다.) 글쓴이는오늘오전에는요리수업을들었고, 오후에는자전거를탔으며, 저녁에는중국어를공부했고, 밤에는장난감을만들었습니다. 3. A: Hello. Is Jina there? ( 여보세요. Jina 있나요?) B: This is Jina speaking. ( 내가 Jina야.) A: Hi, Jina. This is Bomi. ( 안녕, Jina야. 나는 Bomi야.) I want to buy a book. ( 나는책한권을사고싶어.) B: Okay, let's go to the bookstore. ( 알겠어, 서점에가자.) Bomi가 Jina에게전화를걸어서책을사고싶다고말하자, Jina가같이서점에가자고말하는내용의전화대화입니다. 4. It is spring. ( 봄이다.) I want to ride my bike in the morning. ( 나는오전에자전거를타고싶다.) It is summer. ( 여름이다.) I want to swim in the sea. ( 나는바다에서수영하고싶다.) It is fall. ( 가을이다.) I want to play soccer on the playground. ( 나는운동장에서축구하고싶다.) It is winter. ( 겨울이다.) Let's fly a kite together. ( 함께연을날리자.) 봄에는자전거타기, 여름에는수영하기, 가을에는축구, 겨울에는연을날리고싶다고말하고있습니다. 5. 1 take a picture : 사진을찍다 2 see animals : 동물들을보다 3 play soccer : 축구하다 4 eat a sandwich : 샌드위치를먹다 5 buy a computer : 컴퓨터를사다 5 영어 5 학년
5 그림은컴퓨터를사용하여무언가를하고있으므로 use a computer로표현할수있습니다. 6. A: What will you do tomorrow? ( 너는내일무엇을할거니?) B: I'll pick up apples. Can you join me? ( 나는사과를딸거야. 나와함께할래?) A: No problem. I'll join you. ( 그래. 내가너와함께할게.) 1 Sorry, I can't. ( 미안하지만, 안돼.) 2 No, thanks. ( 아니, 괜찮아.) 3 No problem. ( 그래.) 4 Yes, I do. ( 응, 나는그래.) 5 Of course, I am. ( 물론, 나는그래.) 빈칸에는 Can you ~? 에대한긍정의대답이들어가야하므로, No, problem. 이나 Yes, I can. 으로답해야합니다. 8. Mr. Jones: Do you want some bread? ( 너는빵을좀원하니?) Kevin: No, thanks. I'm full. ( 아니요, 괜찮아요. 저는배불러요.) Andy: What will you do this afternoon? ( 선생님은오늘오후에무엇을하실거예요?) Mr. Jones: I will clean the park. ( 나는공원을청소할거야.) Andy: I will join you. ( 제가함께할게요.) Mr. Jones: Can you help me, Kevin? ( 나를좀도와줄래, Kevin?) Kevin: Sorry, I can't. I have to join the guitar club. ( 죄송하지만, 할수없어요. 저는기타동아리에참석해야해요.) Mr. Jones: It's okay. Have a great time! ( 괜찮아. 즐거운시간보내렴!) Jones 선생님이오후에공원을청소할거라는말에 Andy가자기가함께하겠다고했으므로, Andy 역시공원을청소할것이고, Kevin은기타동아리에참석해서도울수없다고말했습니다. 7. A: What will you do this Monday? ( 너는이번월요일에무엇을할거니?) B: I will wash the dogs at the Animals' Home. ( 나는동물의집에서개들을목욕시킬거야.) 1 read books at the library ( 도서관에서책을읽다 ) 2 walk the dogs with the club ( 단체와함께개들을산책시킨다 ) 3 feed the birds with my family ( 나의가족과함께새들에게모이를준다 ) 4 watch movies and ride my bike ( 영화를보고나의자전거를탄다 ) 5 wash the dogs at the Animals' Home ( 동물의집에서개들을목욕시킨다 ) 월요일에는개를목욕시킬거라고했으므로, 빈칸에는 wash the dogs라는말이들어가야합니다. 9. The drawing contest is April 2nd. ( 그림그리기대회는 4월 2일입니다.) The school festival is December 10th. ( 학교축제는 12월 10일입니다.) The sports day is September 14th. ( 운동회는 9월 14일입니다.) The flee market day is July 5th. ( 벼룩시장날은 7월 5일입니다.) April은 4월, December는 12월, September는 9월, July는 7월입니다. 10. Hi, I'm Minsu. May 5th is Children's Day in Korea. ( 안녕, 나는 Minsu야. 한국에서는 5월 5일이어린이날이야.) 6 영어 5 학년
Hello. I'm Chang. I am from China. We have Children's Day, too. It is June 1st. ( 안녕. 나는 Chang이야. 나는중국에서왔어. 우리도어린이날이있어. 6월 1일이야.) In Egypt, Children's Day is November 20th. ( 이집트에서는어린이날이 11월 20일이야.) Children's Day in Turkey is April 23rd. ( 터키에서는어린이날이 4월 23일이야.) November 20th is Children's Day in Canada. ( 캐나다에서는어린이날이 11월 20일이야.) June 1st 는 6 월 1 일 입니다. 11. 1 My birthday is March 1st. ( 내생일은 3월 1일입니다.) 2 The math test is June 22nd. ( 수학시험은 6월 22일입니다.) 3 The English test is January 3th. ( 영어시험은 1월 3일입니다.) 4 May 8th is Parents' Day in Korea. ( 한국에서 5월 8일은어버이날입니다.) 5 The festival is February fourteenth. ( 축제는 2월 14일입니다.) 달, 외국어, 나라이름을나타내는단어는첫글자를대문자로씁니다. 그리고, 서수를나타낼때, 첫번째는 1st, 두번째는 2nd, 3번째는 3rd로쓰고, 4번째부터 th를써서표현합니다. 12. A: What are you doing? ( 너뭐하고있니?) B: I'm making a robot. It's for the science festival this week. ( 나는로봇을만들고있어. 그것은이번주에있을과학축제를위한거야.) A: Great! When is the science festival? ( 멋지다! 과학축제가언제니?) B: It's October 8th. It's Thursday. (10월 8일이야. 목요일이지.) A: What day is it today? ( 오늘은무슨요일이니?) B: It's Monday. ( 월요일이야.) A: Pardon? ( 뭐라고?) B: Today is Monday. ( 오늘은월요일이야.) 10월 8일은목요일인데, 오늘은월요일이므로 10월 5일이라는것을알수있습니다. 13. Look! There is a picture on the wall. ( 봐! 벽에그림이있어.) There is a ladybug on the leaf. ( 나뭇잎위에무당벌레가있어.) There are butterflies in the tree. ( 나무에나비들이있어.) There is a bee on the flower. ( 꽃위에벌이있어.) There are ants under the rock. ( 바위아래에개미들이있어.) 무당벌레가있는곳은나뭇잎위입니다. 14. 1) There is a bee on the flower. ( 꽃위에벌한마리가있다.) 2) There are ladybugs under the tree. ( 나무아래에무당벌레들이있다.) 1) 벌한마리가꽃위에있으므로, There is a bee on the flower. 라고말합니다. 2) 무당벌레두마리가나무아래에있으므로, There are ladybugs under the tree. 라고말해야합니다. 15. 1 The books are on the bag. ( 책들이가방위에있습니다.) 2 There are pictures on the wall. ( 벽에그림들이있습니다.) 3 There is a sofa in the living room. ( 거실에소파가있습니다.) 4 A soccer ball is under the table. ( 탁자아래에는축구공이한개있습니다.) 7 영어 5 학년
5 There are two cookies on the plate. ( 접시위에두개의쿠키가있습니다.) 그림에서책들은가방안에있으므로, 1은 The books are in the bag. 으로표현해야합니다. 16. A: a Are b there ladybugs under the rock? ( 돌아래에무당벌레들이있니?) B: No, there c aren't. ( 아니, 그렇지않아.) d There e are ants under the rocks. ( 돌아래에개미들이있어.) ~ 이있니? 라고물을때뒤에이어지는대상이복수형이면 Are there ~? 로묻습니다. 이때, 부정으로대답할경우에는 No, there aren't. 로답하고, There are ~. 으로설명합니다. 17. Jina: Would you like to go shopping with me? ( 나와함께쇼핑하러갈래?) Namsu: I'd love to, but I can't. ( 그러고싶지만, 그럴수없어.) I have a violin lesson. ( 나는바이올린수업이있어.) Jina: That's all right. ( 괜찮아.) Namsu의말 I have a violin lesson. 에서 Namsu가바이올린수업이있어서쇼핑을갈수없다는것을알수있습니다. 18. Amy: Would you like to come to my birthday party? ( 너내생일파티에올래?) Cindy: I'd love to, but I can't. ( 그러고싶지만, 그럴수없어.) Amy: That's all right. ( 괜찮아.) Judy: What will you do at the party? ( 너는파티에서무엇을할거니?) Amy: We will eat pizza and watch a movie. ( 우리는피자를먹고영화를볼거야.) Would you like to come to the party, Judy? ( 파티에올수있니, Judy야?) Judy: Sure. ( 물론이지.) Amy: See you on Saturday. ( 토요일에보자.) Amy는자신의생일에피자를먹고영화를볼것이라고말했습니다. 19. A: Would you like to help me? ( 나를좀도와줄래?) B: Don't worry. I will help you clean the room. ( 걱정하지마. 내가방청소하는것을도와줄게.) 1 Would you like to go play with me? ( 나와함께놀래?) 2 Would you like to go hiking? ( 하이킹갈래?) 3 Would you like to come to my house? ( 우리집에올래?) 4 Would you like to help me? ( 나를좀도와줄래?) 5 Would you like to sing with me? ( 나와함께노래할래?) 대답이방을청소하는것을도와줄테니걱정하지말라는말이므로, 이에알맞은물음은도와줄수있는지를묻는내용이어야자연스럽습니다. 20. 1) Would you like to come to my concert? ( 내콘서트에올래?) 2) Would you like to go skating? ( 스케이트타러갈래?) 1) 은자신의콘서트에초대하려는그림이고, 2) 는스케이트를타러가자고하는그림이므로, 빈칸에는각각 come to와, go skating이들어가야합니다. 8 영어 5 학년