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글로벌프로젝트관리방법론소개및국제적활용사례 ( 국제프로젝트계약과 PRINCE2) 김승철교수한양대학교경영대학 PMP, PRINCE2 Practitioner/Trainer

김승철 ( 국문프로파일 ) 성명 김승철 학력 ( 미국 ) 오레곤대학교경영학박사 (Ph.D.) ( 미국 ) 하와이대학교경영학석사 (MBA) ( 한국 ) 서울대학교외교학과학사 (B.A.) 자격 2012.3 PRINCE2 공인강사 (Approved Trainer by APMG, UK) PRINCE2 공인시험감독관 2010. 2 영국프로젝트실무전문가자격증 (PRINCE2 Practitioner) 2004. 4 미국프로젝트관리전문가자격증 (PMP) 2002. 7 ( 한국 ) 경영지도사자격증 < 경력 > 2002. 9 ~ 현재한양대학교경영대학교수 2000. 8 ~ 2002. 8 세종대학교경영대학교수 1991. 8 ~ 2000. 7 홍콩중문대학교경영대학교수 경력 < 참여학회및협회 > 2013. 1 ~ 2015. 12 한국프린스 2 포럼회장 2013. 1 ~ 2014. 12 한국프로젝트경영학회 (KSPM) 회장 2014. 1 ~ 현재, 한국프로젝트경영협회 (KPMA) 부회장 2011. 1 ~ 현재, 한국 SCM 학회공동회장 2

건설 / 플랜트 / 조선산업 - 현황과특징 - 3

건설 / 플랜트 / 조선산업 한국건설신화반세기 : 1. 1965 년첫해외건설수주 540 만 US$ 2. 단순수주에서기술형수주로 1960년대 : 플랜트 1,0 토목 49,2 건축 48,5 % 1990년대 : 35,3 29,1 32,8 2010년대 : 78,0 8,4 7,4 ~2014년 ) 3. 이젠대륙잇는해저터널건설까지 ( 유럽 - 아시아대륙연결하는보스포러스터널공사 -SK 건설 ) 4. 전기제품, 자동차에이어 3 대수출품목 2015.8.21 중앙일보

건설 / 플랜트 / 조선산업

건설 / 플랜트 / 조선산업 건설 엔지니어링업체실적쇼크일지 : 2013년 : 삼성엔지니어링 : 연간 1조280 억원영업손실 GS건설 : 9373억원 SK건설 : 4905억원 대우건설 : 2446억원 대림산업 : 4분기 3196억원 2014 년 대림산업 : 년간 2703 억원영업손실 2015 년 삼성엔지니어링 3 분기 1 조 5127 억원영업손실 삼성엔지니어링은 프로젝트의대형화와복잡화등에따라프로젝트수행역량이부족했고중동정세불안등예상치못한리스크가발생했다 며

건설 / 플랜트 / 조선산업

건설 / 플랜트 / 조선산업 What are the problems? 우리는 Positioning Trap에갇혀있다. 중국, 인도, 터키등후발주자들의맹추격이있으며, 미국, 프랑스, 독일, 일본, 이태리등은기술력을앞세우고있고, 국내업체간은과당경쟁으로수익률이저조하다 4 Constraints : - Plant Process Engineering-원천기술 - Procurement-key equipment의고부가가치 - Project Management-PM 성숙도 - Lack of English Skill

건설 / 플랜트 / 조선산업

산업별 PM 제도적용현황 건설 엔지니어링 (E&C) 산업 국내건설기업의미래필요한직무조사 10

PM 방법론은언제필요한가? 1. 특별한방법론은언제필요한가? 2. 세계적기업들의 PM practices 11

PM 방법론필요성 When you want to improve productivity or efficiency 생산성향상을위한최적방법론 (Best Practice) 적용의필요성 Yield production function Y2 = A2 * f(k, L) production function Y1 = A1 * f(k, L) Input K, L, production resource K = capital, L = labor Need to improve the efficiency coefficient A in order to produce more output (higher production efficiency) at the same level of input. 동일한투입물의수준에서더높은생산성을올리기위해서는생산함수의효율성계수 A 를개선해야한다.

When required by the changing Business Environment Globalization of Market Steep Competition Shortened Product Life Cycle Higher Customer Expectation need a way to secure Competitive Advantage Capability to develop and deliver the new products and services Capability to respond to the fast changing business environment 13

PM 방법론필요성 When required by law/regulation/contract 국제계약환경의요구 FIDIC (Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs Conseils) ( 국제건설표준계약 ) WB Standard Bidding for Procurement of Plant Design, Supply and Installation - General Conditions of Contract ( 세계은행표준계약조건 )

World top-class company's PM practices They adopt and use Singular Methodology PM founded : 1898 industry : Heavy construction, Engineering, Project Management. Revenue : $31,400 million USD (2008) founded : 1890 industry : Engineering, procurement, and construction, and Maintenance Services Revenue : $22,326 million USD (2008) founded : 1899 industry : Building, Civil engineering, Civil engineering, Hydraulic works, Facilities management Revenue: 33.93 billion founded : 1909 industry: Building, Rail Engineering and Services, Civil and Specialist Engineering and Services Revenue : 9,486 million (2008) 15

표준화된 PM 방법론 표준방법론 (Process) 구축의당위성 Best Practices / Good Practices 을개발하여프로젝트관리에적용 조직의문화 / 전략 / 역량을 Project Oriented로집중사업수행의국제표준화및체계화프로젝트관리의효율성및수익성확보지속가능한경쟁력우위를점유 / 유지 불완전한경험, 직감, 경험법칙에의해발생되는시행착오와불필요한비용발생억제. 시행착오로획득한경험이문서화되지못하고사라지기前, 체계적으로기록 Organizational Process Asset 로활용, 개선 We need a company wide standardized process for Project Management. 16

글로벌프로젝트관리 (PM) 방법론 1. 미국 PMBoK 2. 영국 PRINCE2 3. ISO 21500 17

글로벌프로젝트관리표준체계 18

글로벌프로젝트관리표준체계 세계적으로다양한프로젝트관리표준체계가존재하고있음. 특히선진국들은프로젝트관리표준이설정되어있음. 미국 ANSI/PMI-99-001-2004 PMBoK Guide 영국 BS6079-1:2010 Guide to Project Management Cabinet Office/APMG/AXELOS ( 영국정부 ) 의 PRINCE2 일본 P2M ISO 21500 19

Global PM Best Practices 영국 PRINCE2 (APMG) 체계 PRINCE2 (1975/1989/1996) MSP (1999) MoP (2010) P3O (2013) P3M3 (2006) 미국 PMBOK (PMI) 체계 PMBoK (1996) Program Mgmt (2006) Portfolio Mgmt (2005) OPM3 (2003) 20

미국의프로젝트관리체계 미국프로젝트관리협회 (PMI) PMBOK Guide - 프로젝트관리지식체계서 PMP - 프로젝트관리전문가자격증 21

PMBOK Guide 구성 (5 th ) 범위일정원가품질인적자원의사소통리스크조달 이해관계자 범위관리 일정관리 원가관리 품질관리 인적자원 의사소통 리스크관리 조달관리 이해관계자 계획수립 계획수립 계획수립 계획수립 관리계획수립 관리계획수립 계획수립 계획수립 식별 요구사항수집 활동정의 원가산정 품질보증수행 프로젝트팀확보 의사소통관리 리스크식별 조달수행 이해관계자관리계획수립 범위정의 활동순서배열 예산결정 품질통제 프로젝트팀개발 의사소통통제 정성적리스크분석수행 조달통제 이해관계자참여관리 WBS 작성 활동자원산정 원가통제 프로젝트팀관리 정량적리스크분석수행 조달종료 이해관계자참여통제 범위확인 활동기간산정 착수 기획 리스크대응계획수립 범위통제 일정개발 감시 / 통제 실행 리스크통제 일정통제 종료 프로젝트 프로젝트 프로젝트관리 프로젝트작업 프로젝트작업 통합변경 프로젝트나또는 통합관리 헌장개발 계획서개발 지시및관리 22 감시및통제 통제수행 단계종료

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 21500 Guidance on project management

Subject Groups Integration Stakeholder Scope Process groups Initiating Planning Implementing Controlling Closing 4.3.2 Develop project charter 4.3.9 Identify stakeholders 4.3.3 Develop project plan 4.3.11 Define scope 4.3.12 Create WBS 4.3.13 Define activities 4.3.4 Direct project work 4.3.10 Manage stakeholders 4.3.5 Control project work 4.3.6 Control change 4.3.14 Control scope 4.3.7 Close project phase or project 4.3.8 Collect lessons learned Resource 4.3.15 Establish project team 4.3.16 Estimate resources 4.3.17 define project organization 4.3.18 Develop project team 4.3.19 Control resources 4.3.20 Manage project team Time 4.3.21 Sequence activities 4.3.22 Estimate activity durations 4.3.23 Develop schedule 4.3.24 Control schedule Cost 4.3.25 Estimate costs 4.3.26 Develop budget 4.3.27 Control costs Risk 4.3.28 Identify risks 4.3.29 Assess risks Quality 4.3.32 Plan quality 4.3.33 Perform quality assurance procurement Communication 4.3.35 Plan procurement 4.3.38 Plan communications 4.3.30 treat risks 4.3.31 Control risks 4.3.34 Perform quality control 4.3.36 Select suppliers 4.3.37 Administer procurement 4.3.39 Distribute information 4.3.40 Manage communications 24

영국의프로젝트관리체계 영국정부 Cabinet Office 영국프로젝트관리협회 (APMG) 합작회사 AXELOS PRINCE2 manual - 프로젝트관리방법론 (Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2) PRINCE2 프로젝트실무전문가자격증 Foundation exam Practitioner exam 25

PRINCE2 란무엇인가? PRINCE2 (PRoject IN Controlled Environment) 는통제된환경에서의프로젝트란의미. 영국정부의 Cabinet Office ( 이전의 OGC, Office of Government Commerce) 에서실질적인정부표준으로채택하여사용하고있는프로젝트관리방식임. 효율적인프로젝트관리를위해프로세스에기반을둔최적방법 (best practice) 을실천하기위한지침을제공한다. PRINCE2 의내용은 public domain 에공개되어있으며원하는사람은누구나그방식을채택하여사용할수있다. 단 PRINCE2 라는명칭특허권은영국정부가소유함. 현재영국은실질적인정부표준으로사용하고있으며유럽전역과유럽의영향을받은많은국가들에서채택되어사용되고있고, 여러국가들에 APMG 의지부가개설되어있음. (2015 년현재 14 개국, 예, APMG- China) 26

PRINCE2 연혁 민간기업 (Simpact Systems Ltd.) 에의해 1975 년부터개발되어 PROMPT 라는명칭으로사용되다가 1979 년영국정부기관인 CCTA(Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency, OGC 의전신임 ) 에의해정보시스템개발프로젝트의표준으로채택이됨 1989 년들어내용수정과함께 PRINCE 명칭사용. 1996 년수정되어 PRINCE2 로명명됨. 2009 년최신수정판발간. 2013 년영국정부는민간기업 Capita 와합자하여 Joint Venture 회사인 AXELOS 를설립하고 Best Management Practices (PRINCE2, MSP, MoP, P3M3, P3O, ITIL 등 ) 의소유권이관함. AXELOS - develop, manage, operate qualifications in best practice APMG - Examination Institute, accreditation and certification 27

PRINCE2 사용자현황 PRINCE2 확산현황 150 여개국, 20,000 여조직에서사용중 14 개국언어지원 ( 시험출제 ), 3 개언어추가예정 매뉴얼번역 - 중국, 덴마크, 네덜란드, 프랑스, 독일, 노르웨이, 폴란드, 스페인 PRINCE2 Practitioner 자격보유자 : 300,000+ 만명 PRINCE 자격시험응시자의급속한증가 source: http://www.pm4success.com 28

PRINCE2 - Structure Project Environment 적용해야할프로젝트환경 7 Processes 따라야할 7 개의프로세스 7 Themes 알아야할 7 개의지식분야 7 Principles 지켜야할 7 개의기본원칙 29

PRINCE2 - The 7 Principles 1. Continued business justification ( 프로젝트를계속할사업적정당성이있는지지속적으로점검할것 ) 2. Learn from experience ( 경험에서배우고활용할것, 즉 Lessons learned 의활용강조 ) 3. Defined roles and responsibilities ( 역할과책임을명확히정할것 ) 4. Manage by stages ( 프로젝트는단계별로진행하고관리할것 ) 5. Manage by exception ( 예외관리의원칙을적용하여관리할것 ) 6. Focus on products ( 결과물에초점을맞출것 ) 7. Tailor to suit the project environment ( 프로젝트가수행되는환경에맞추어적용할것 ) 30

PRINCE2 - The 7 Themes The 7 themes describe aspects of project management that must be addressed continually. Theme Description Answers Business Case ( 사업타당성 ) Organization ( 조직 ) Quality ( 품질 ) Plans ( 계획 ) Risk ( 리스크 ) Change ( 변경관리 ) Progress ( 진도관리 ) address how the project idea is developed into a viable investment proposition. describes the roles and responsibilities of project management team. understand the quality attributes of the product to be delivered. describe the steps required to develop plans and the PRINCE2 techniques. address how to manage the uncertainties in the project describe how to assess and act upon issues which have potential impact on the baseline. address the ongoing viability of the plans, and describe decision-making, monitoring, and escalation process. 31 Why? Who? What? How?, How much?, When? What if? What's the impact? Where are we now? Where are we going? Should we carry on?

프로젝트의개시준비 Starting Up a Project PRINCE2 - The 7 Processes 프로젝트전단계 Pre-Project 착수단계 Initiation Stage 후속인도단계 Subsequent delivery stage(s) 최종인도단계 Final delivery stage 지휘 Directing 프로젝트의지휘 (Directing a Project) 관리 Managing 단계별경계관리 Managing a Stage Boundary 프로젝트착수 Initiating a Project 단계별경계관리 Managing a Stage Boundary 단계별관리통제 Controlling a Stage 단계별경계관리 Managing a Stage Boundary 단계별관리통제 Controlling a Stage 프로젝트종료 Closing a Project 단계별관리통제 Controlling a Stage 인도 Delivering 성과물관리 (Managing Product Delivery 성과물관리 (Managing Product Delivery 성과물관리 (Managing Product Delivery 32

국제계약과 PM 1. 건설 / 플랜트 / 조선산업과계약 2. FIDIC 3. 국제계약환경에적합한 PM 방법론 - PRINCE2 Overall framework Project Start and End Organization Role and Responsibility Managing changes Scope & Quality management Delegation & Escalation 33

건설 / 플랜트 / 조선산업 해외수주가많고국제계약환경의지배를받는다 주로영어로쓰여진다 영국과미국이국제관계를주도하면서,Anglo Saxon style 의계약이주를이룬다. 주로통용되는표준약관 (standard forms) 이존재한다 World Bank 등다국간거래 : FIDIC (Federation des Ingenieurs-Conseils/ International Federation of Consulting Engineers) 영국및영국영향하의국가 : JCT (Joint Contracts Tribuanl) 미국및미국영향하의국가 : AIA (American Institute of Architects) 등 외부사항 내부사항 항목 가중치 정치적안정성 0.1 시장규모 0.3 문화적거리 0.1 법규제약성 0.1 과실송금자유성 0.2 회사의영업경험 0.1 경영진전략결정 0.1 계 1.0 MLA: Multilateral Agencies : 국제연합 (UN), WORLD BANK, ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK 등의기관을총칭하는용어 Source : 송용민, 국제건설관리 [ 주 ] 본자료는 Sample 이며기관별로다름. 34

FIDIC Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs-Conseils [International Federation of Consulting Engineers] 설립 : 1913 본사 : Lausanne, Switzerland 설립목적 : 국제건설공사에적용될수있는표준계약조건작성 FIDIC Conditions of Contract FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 초판 (First Edition) 은 1957 년에발간되었다. 발간된초판은표지제목이붉은색으로돼있어 FIDIC Red Book 이라는이름으로통용됐으며, 영국의 Institution of Civil Engineers(ICE) 에서발간한계약조건을모태로하고있다. 계약조건의기본성격은다분히영국적이다. 35

FIDIC (1999 edition) Construction Contract (Red Book) 발주자가별도의설계자를고용하여설계의대부분을하는경우 ( 일부설계는시공자가할수도있음 ) Plant and Design-Build (Yellow Book) 시공자가대부분의설계를하나, 발주자가고용한별도설계자가발주자의요구사항 (Term of Reference) 에대한기초설계조건을작성하고계약을관리점검하는경우 EPC/Turnkey Contract (Silver Book) BOT project 와같이발주자가 financing 까지한민간투자사업으로시공자가공사의설계및시공과성능보장까지를총체적으로책임지는경우 Short Form Contract (Green Book) 계약액이작고 ( 예 : US$ 500,000 이내 ), 계약기간이짧으며 ( 예 : 6 개월이내 ) 공사성격이비교적단순하고반복적인경우사용. ( 예 ) 소규모준설공사등 MDB Harmonized Edition (Pink Book) 2005 년 World Bank 를주축으로한 MDB (Multilateral Development Banks) 발주공사에적합하도록 Red Book 의일부를조정한조건 ( 대체적으로 Red Book 과동일 ) 36

Contract - FIDIC Publication 1999 Red Book 1999 Yellow Book 1999 Silver Book 1999 Green Book 37

Why PRINCE2? What are the benefits? - 국제계약환경에적합한 PM 방법론 : PRINCE2 - PRINCE2 (1975/1989/1996) MSP (1999) MoP (2010) P3O (2013) P3M3 (2006) 38

PM Lifecycle by PRINCE2 PM Lifecycle by PRINCE2 vs. 일반적 PM Life Cycle - 일반적인 PM lifecycle은프로젝트시작부터끝까지 - PRINCE2는프로젝트시작전과종료후를포함한다. 제품수명주기 일상업무 Business as usual 사전준비단계 프로젝트 일상업무 (Business as usual) 프로젝트아이디어 프로젝트수명주기 편익구현단계 타당성조사 편익구현확인 39

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Overall framework: P2 - assume commercial Customer Supplier environment (manual 19.6) FIDIC - assume contractual relationship between Employer and Contractor (General Conditions) 일반조건 (General Conditions) 1. General Provisions 2. The Employer 3. The Engineer 4. The Contractor 5. Nominated Subcontractors 6. Staff and Labour 7. Plant, Materials and Workmanship 8. Commencement, Delays and Suspension 9. Tests on Completion 10. Employer's Taking Over 11. Defects Liability 12. Measurement and Evaluation 13. Variations and Adjustments 14. Contract Price and Payment 15. Termination By Employer 16. Suspension and Termination By Contractor 17. Risk and Responsibility 18. Insurance 19. Force Majeure 20. Claims, Disputes and Arbitration 40

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Process - When and How to start and end project? FIDIC - project start by NTP (Notice To Proceed from Employer) end by TOC (Taking Over Certificate from Employer) 입찰문서발급 입찰서제출 (Tender) 낙찰통지서발급 Letter of Acceptance 착수일자 Commencement Date (by NTP) 인수확인서발급 Taking Over Certificate 이행확인서발급 Performance Certificate 기준일자 (BaseDate) 준공기한 Time for completion 하자통지기간 28 일 <28 일 <21 일 시공자귀책지연 하자보수 입찰기간 이행보증서발급 Performance Security 준공시험 Test on Completion 이행보증서반환 41

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Process - When and How to start and end project? P2 DP process - project start by Authorize initiation by PB (Customer) end by Authorize project closure by PB (Customer) 42

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Scope & Quality Scope and Specifications (Quality management) are based on Employer s Requirements (MDB Contract) 2008 MDB Std Contract for Procurement 43

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Scope (Plans) & Quality Scope and Quality management are based on Customer s quality expectations (PPD of PRINCE2) Project Product Description (PPD, 프로젝트산출물기술서 ) 고객에게전달할프로젝트최종인도물 ( 산출물 ) 에대해규정한문서. 고객으로부터요구사항을파악하여프로젝트범위에대한동의를얻는데사용함. Project Product Description ( 프로젝트산출물기술서 ) A.21 1. Project title ( 프로젝트명칭 ) 2. Purpose ( 목적 ) 3. Composition ( 인도물구성 ) 4. Derivation ( 관련문건 ) 5. Development skills required ( 필요기술 ) 6. Customer's quality expectations ( 고객품질기대치 ) 7. Acceptance criteria ( 인수기준 ) 8. Project level quality tolerances ( 허용오차 ) 9. Acceptance method ( 인수방법 ) 10. Acceptance responsibilities ( 인수책임자 ) 출처 : APMG, 2009, Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2, Appendix A, p.256. 44

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Organization: P2 - defined role and responsibility (Principle 2.3) - Organization structure (Proj. Mgmt Team) - PM belongs to Customer 45

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Organization: FIDIC/MDB - PM is a representative of Customer (MDB Contract SC.17.1) 2008 MDB Std Contract for Procurement 46

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Organization: P2 - Project Assurance is appointed by PB (Customer) 47

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Organization: P2 - Project Assurance is appointed by PB (Customer) FIDIC - Project Engineer - appointed by Customer and takes care of Project Assurance (FIDIC C.3) 1999 Red Book 48

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Principle for role & responsibility: P2 - defined role and responsibility (Principle 2.3) 49

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Principle for role & responsibility: FIDIC - role and responsibility for every major entity are clearly defined 1999 Red Book 일반조건 (General Conditions) 1. General Provisions 2. The Employer 3. The Engineer 4. The Contractor 5. Nominated Subcontractors 6. Staff and Labour 7. Plant, Materials and Workmanship 8. Commencement, Delays and Suspension 9. Tests on Completion 10. Employer's Taking Over 11. Defects Liability 12. Measurement and Evaluation 13. Variations and Adjustments 14. Contract Price and Payment 15. Termination By Employer 16. Suspension and Termination By Contractor 17. Risk and Responsibility 18. Insurance 19. Force Majeure 20. Claims, Disputes and Arbitration 50

PRINCE2 and FIDIC How to manage changes? FIDIC - Variation and Adjustments (Red Book SC. 13) There should be guidelines on how to manage changes in executing a project (FIDIC SC.13), and PRINCE2 provides the guideline for that important aspect of PM. 1999 Red Book 51

PRINCE2 and FIDIC How to manage changes? P2 provides Change theme to identify, assess and control any potential and approved changes to the baseline. Issue and change control procedure Configuration management 52

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Delegation and Escalation FIDIC - clearly defines the procedure on how to delegate and how to escalate 53

PRINCE2 and FIDIC Delegation and Escalation P2 - by DP process by Principle 2.5 (Manage by Exception) by Progress theme 54

PRINCE2 and FIDIC P2 Progress Theme 10.3.1 Delegating authority Four levels of management set tolerance for each level PRINCE2 approach to Progress 1. Delegating authority 2. Use of management stages for control 3. Event-driven and time-driven controls 4. Raising exceptions Thank you for keeping me in the picture! 55

PM 적용사례 1. 국내 2. 해외 56

Examples of PM application 인천대교 ( 국내 ) 체계적인 PM 기법의적용 인천대교, 세계최우수프로젝트상수상황금천기자입력 2015-10-01 03:00:00 수정 2015-10-01 05:14:09 국제프로젝트경영협회선정 김수홍사장 국제벤치마킹사례 한국의인천대교는사업의기획부터건설과운영에이르기까지최고의프로젝트로진행됐다고평가합니다. 국내에서가장긴교량인인천대교 ( 총길이 21.38km) 가사업의우수성을세계적으로인정받았다. 국제프로젝트경영협회 (IPMA) 는설립 50 주년을맞아파나마에서 30 일열린세계대회에서초대형부문최우수프로젝트상에인천대교를선정하며이같이밝혔다.

Examples of PM application ( 국내 ) KT PRINCE2를기반으로하는전사적인프로젝트관리표준가이드라인구축. 58

Examples of PM application 체계적인프로젝트관리방법론의사용 UNOPS (United Nations Office of Project Services) 국제기구 UN 에서는 PRINCE2와같은최적방법론 (Best Practices) 을공식프로젝트관리표준으로채택하여세계적으로수행되는모든 UN 지원프로젝트에적용하고있다. 59

Examples of PM application PRINCE2 사용사례 The London 2012 Olympics used PRINCE2 PRINCE2 는오래전부터영국정부의프로젝트관리표준으로채택되어사용되어오고있으며, 최근에는런던올림픽준비에적용된것으로알려지고있다. 전세계적으로 PRINCE2 의사용자가비약적으로늘어나고있는데, 특히중동지역, 동남아, 중남미, 아프리카등우리나라기업들이활발하게진출하는지역은예전부터유럽의영향을많이받은지역으로 PRINCE2 를채택하여사용하는비율이높다. 60

맺음말 Concluding Remarks 61

Implications of PRINCE2 for PM Why PRINCE2 is desirable for International Contractual situation? 좋은 PM 방법론을사용하면프로젝트의성과를높여줄뿐만아니라, 계약 / 규정의준수에도긍정적효과를가져온다. Compatible with International Standard Contract It reflects the reality and is related to the context of international standard contracts that are recognized, accepted and used by international community. Practical It is practical method that can be used in the field as a manual. Covers wider PM lifecycle Often, project success depends on the activities carried out Before and After the project 영업, 계약, 파이낸싱, 운영및편익구현. Competitive advantage It helps us to gain competitive advantages. 62

PM 에대하여 프로젝트란리허설 (Rehearsal) 없는공연이다. " 프로젝트에는단한번의기회가있을뿐이다. 프로젝트는연습이나리허설없이바로본공연을하는것이다." 63

Contact numbers KIM, Seung-Chul Ph.D., PMP, PRINCE2 Practitioner & Trainer Professor of Operations & Service Management School of Business, Hanyang University 222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu Seoul, Korea (Tel) 02-2220-1069 (Fax) 02-2220-1169 (e-mail) sckim888@hanyang.ac.kr - End - 64