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ETC Electrolytic Technologies Corporation Electrolytic Technologies Corporation (ETC) (High Strength Sodium Hypochlorite). ETC.,. ETC,,. - (Cl2) (NaOH

새김 글 건강하고 행복한 새해를 바라며 이재철(요셉) 신부 / 가톨릭중앙의료원 이념구현실장 좋든 싫든 한 해가 밝았다. 새해를 맞는 마음이 새로운 것에 대한 기 대와 불신으로 교차하며 이중적이라는 생각이 든다. 그래도 기쁘고 신 나는 일이 새해에는 두루 많았으면 한다.

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-, BSF BSF. - BSF BSF ( ),,. BSF -,,,. - BSF, BSF -, rrna, BSF.

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최종보고서_경기과학기술진흥원 김진규_ hwp


161.시장동향보고서_멸균 서비스 시장.hwp


1. 18 D-303 Tel : () 031-711-1560 Fax : 031-711-1563 e-mail : (organic reaction). (esterification) (hydrolysis of ester). Porous type (alkylation) system. ( gel type ). 1).. 1) CH CH 2 hydrolysis esterification, acetal/ketal formation () cyclization condensation dehydration SO 3 H decarboxylation hydrogenation amidation hydrolysis elimination of hydrogen halide condensation CH 3 CH3 N CH OH- hydration () cyclization esterification CH3 acylation () phase transfer catalyst

2.. 1) system 2) Column reactor 3) 4) 5) 1) 2) 3. DIAION matrix,, grade. DIAION grade system grade. system. 1) system (polarity of the reaction system) 2) (molecular weight of reacting substances) 3) (reaction temperature) 2) DIAION Type H (1,180 425 ) (%) (g/) (/g) (/g) SK104H 1.1 > 99% 63 69% 730 Gel SK1BH 1.6 52 56% 780 PK208H 1.0 65 71% 720 PK216H Porous 1.4 53 57% 750 PK228H HPK25H High porous 1.6 42 46% 780 1.2 44 50% 750 RCP145H 0.8 60 70% 3 0.05 RCP160H 1.5 45 55% 50 0.40

1) () selection of base matrix system factor. (1) Gel type resins - Gel type system (2) Porous type resins - Porous type system porous gel. (3) Highly porous type resins - Gel, Porous type system system. 3). 1). 3) system SK series PK series HPK/PK series 1) DIAION

4) (25) (/g-dry resin) water methanol ethanol 2-propanol acetone dioxane Ethylene dichloride toluene SK104H 4.1 3.3 3.2 3.2 2.5 1.2 1.2 1.1 SK1BH 2.8 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 PK208H 4.6 3.7 3.6 3.6 2.5 1.2 1.1 1.1 PK216H 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 PK228H 2.2 2.1 2.1 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 HPK25H 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.0 2.0 2) crosslinkage (micropore)..... 3) particle size.. system,, factor. 4) counter ion.( H-form) (). 5) commercial products. (). 2, 3)... 4 6).

2) 3) 4) (SK Series) SV=1 24 ph=6.30 0.06 / SK1BH SK110H ph --- conductivity

5) (SK Series) SV=1 24 ph=6.30 0.06 / SK104H (A) SK104H (B) SK104H (C) ph --- conductivity 6) (PK Series) SV=1 24 ph=6.30 0.06 / PK208H (A) PK208H (B) PK208H (C) ph --- conductivity 4....

1) mechanism 7) mechanism TEST FLOW Na (20 ) (%) (A)(B) (A) 100 H (A) 100 ( 20 180, 8hr autoclave) (B) 8) PK216H, 9,10)..

8) (PK216H, 180) 9) (180 in water) 10) (H, 180, 8 ) (mol%)so 3 H(mol)after test / initial SO 3 H(mol)100

2) 11). 11) N(CH 3 ) 4 OH, 120 in water DVB 3% DVB 5% DVB 8%

5. hydrolysis of methyl acetate..

12) SK104H PK208H. 8%. 13) () ki high porous. ki 14). 12) Methyl acetate : H 2 O/ester 20(mol), 0.1N as H 30, 200rpm, 590 840 13) Methyl acetate (ki) : H 2 O/ester 20(mol) 30, 590 840 gel type porous type high porous type 14) Methyl acetate (ki) : H 2 O/ester 20(mol) 30, 590 840 gel type porous type high porous type

6. esterification reaction acetic acid methyl esterification. 15). 16) ki. 200rpm ki. 17) ki. P system (500-600 ). 18) ki carboxylic acid carbon chain. chain carboxylic acid chain ki. 15) Acetic acid : alcohol/acid 5(mol ), 0.1N as H 80, 200rpm, 420 590

16) ki : SK1B alcohol/acid 5(mol ) 0.1N as H 80, 420 590 100 17) ki : alcohol/acid 5(mol ) 0.1N as H 80 200rpm 18) Carboxylic acid chain ki : SK1B butanol/carboxylic acid 5(mol ) 0.1N as H 80, 420 590 200rpm SK104 PK208 HPK25

7.Methyl methacrylate(mma) Synthesis of methyl methacrylate Methyl methacrylate ACH hydrogen cyanide isobutylene C4 distillate. isobutylene, tertiary butyl alcohol, methyl esterification. CH 2 C CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 OH CH 2 C H 2 O COOH COOCH 3 MMA methacrylic acid : 27g(0.31mol) methanol : 100g(3.1mol) : 10 : 60 : 6 DIAION () (g) (meq/g) ()(meq) (acid amount) PK208H 10 2.2 5.1 11 PK216H 10 3.3 5.1 17 PK228H 10 4.3 4.9 21 RCP160H 10 3.8 4.5 17 19) MMA : 10 60 710 850 () methanol : 100g methacrylic acid : 27g

8. alkylation of phenol () high porous. DIAION RCP145H. () : 94.1g : 115.5g : 10.0g : 110 : 2 DIAION RCP145H DIAION RCP150H LEWATIT SPC118 AMBERLYST 15 97 80 73 80 75 Tr 9 12 9 10

9.Methyl tertiary butyl ether(mtbe) MTBE FCC( ) BB(butane, butylene). 1) () spent BB : isobutene 49.0% methanol : : --------- 425 500 () --------- SV10 10 --------- 10BV -----------90 16 () () spent BB : 50g methanol : 19g total 100 : 1g methanol / isobutene : 1.2(mol /mol) : 200 autoclave (47mm) : : N 2 : 23 mm 2 1,000rpm : 60 : 6 : 15 40 : 60 10 / (%) methanol(mol) / (mol) 1methanol(mol) / MTBE(mol) 100 20). DIAION RCP160H.

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - 17-20) PK Series RCP160H : 1g(dry base) 425 500 (wet base) SBBmethanol76g methanol /isobutene1.2 60 21) : RCP160H 600 500 500 425 425 355 2) COLUMN : 12 300 ( 6 ) JACKET : RCP160H, 12.5 in MeOH : SPENT BB ( 51.6%) () : /1.2(mol/mol) : 50 /h up flow SV4 : 60(JACKET) : 20 / : 800 :,, 4 MeOH 80. : 1g : SPENT BB76g : /1.2(mol/mol) : 200 autoclave (20 ) : 600rpm : 60 : 10 / 22)

RCP160H, LOT No. 8F281 8J281 (%) 50.4 51.3 (meq/g) 4.50 4.65 (meq/) 1.64 1.67 (/g) 2.6 - (/g) 2.5 - (/g) 0.45 - (/g) 62-1,180 on 7.4 850 56.0 710 19.3 600 5.7 9.8 500 30.0 5.0 425 35.3 2.2 355 20.1 0.3 300 8.6 300 through 0.3 (mm) 0.46 0.93 (mm) 0.36 2.2 1.38 1.55 23) data.. control. 24)., control. 25). 23) ( : RCP160H)

24) : RCP160H( 0.46mm) : RCP160H( 0.93mm) 25) ( )

10.Bisphenol A synthesis of Bisphenol A bisphenol A(BPA). bisphenol A. 26) 27) 28). 4 6%.. 29), 30) 2-aminoethanethiol. H gel porous. H ( ) 31). H 98 99% 2%. 26) 27) SK104

28) Bisphenol A / 25(mol/mol) () / (H ) E 2.7 / 1() 60 1,000g/-R, 80 5. GEL 3%(SK103H) GEL 4%(SK104H) GEL 5%(SK105H) GEL 6%(SK106H) GEL 8%(SK1BH) POROUS 3%(PK206H) POROUS 4%(PK208H) POROUS 5%(PK210H)