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1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운


Lesson 8 A Hero Among Us What is it about? Speaking of heroes, who s your hero? He quickly decided that he would land the plane on the Hudson River. If there had been any fear in his voice, the passengers would have been very scared. among article ex. The article was made the headlines. award basically calmly captain career ex. I took a career preparation education for a year. crew deeply deep disappear appear ex. The sun disappeared slowly below the horizon. emergency engine essay experience fear fearful ex. I have a fear of cats. firefighter fly flight happen hero cf. heroine impossible possible include inclusion ex. Please include me in the list. inside outside land ex. They managed to land the helicopter safely. license ex. Do you have the driver s license? loud passenger practice 90 realize return right wrong scared scene ex. I can imagine the scene clearly. shake simply simple trouble truly whole ex. He ate a whole bag of sweets. a little all of a sudden suddenly be different from be proud of break down ex. Our truck broke down on the highway. find out give a hand help A with B A B left behind make sure ex. Make sure your names are on your papers. on fire one another one by one ex. I put an apple into a basket one by one. prepare for put out extinguish some day take off

01 career 02 emergency 03 fear 04 scene 05 return 06 fly 07 essay 08 loud 09 experience 10 engine 11 land 12 passenger 13 scared 14 happen 15 realize 16 license 17 truly 18 whole 19 simply 20 shake 21 right 22 trouble 23 inside 24 practice 25 include 26 captain 27 deeply 28 award 29 hero 30 calmly 31 article 32 basically 33 firefighter 34 impossible 35 among 36 disappear 37 crew 38 on fire 39 make sure 40 one by one 41 some day 42 give a hand 43 put out 44 all of a sudden 45 one another 46 find out 47 left behind 48 a little 49 take off 50 break down 51 prepare for 52 be proud of 53 help A with B 54 be different from p.196 Lesson 8 91 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 92 p.196 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 A B 51 52 53 54

1 pride : proud = fear : 2 fly : flight = include : 3 inside : outside = wrong : 4 possible : impossible = appear : 5 The staff collected the money for her present. 6 Rainforests are at a frightening speed. 7 They escaped through a(n) exit and called the police. 8 The lion attacked wolves and soon killed all four. land license article make 9 How do I apply for a driver s? 10 sure you cover yourself with the blanket. 11 It s most dangerous when the plane takes off and. 12 He wrote a(n) about the 2018 Pyeong Chang Winter Olympics. help calmly break down extinguish 13 Firefighters tried to put out the fire. 14 She was seated and reading a fashion magazine quietly. 15 The air conditioner was out of order, and we got very warm. p.196 staff collect rainforest frightening speed escape exit attack apply for blanket dangerous take off try to seat air conditioner Lesson 8 93 A: Hey, what are you reading? B: I m reading a book called Little Women. A: What is it about? B: It s about four beautiful sisters. What is it about? about It is about ~. / It says (that) ~. What is it about? What does it say? What is she talking about? It is about a hero. It says that we should help each other. 1 A: Hey, reading? B: I m reading a book Little Women. A: I think I ve heard of it. is it? B: It s about four sisters who are very one another. A: Oh, that story! I also saw the movie. 2 A: Hey, what are you? B: to a song called We Are the World. A: Really? What is? B: It s a better world. A: Sounds great. Tell me. B: we have to give a helping hand to each other. 94

p.196 A: Do you like watching movies? B: Of course! Speaking of movies, who s your favorite actor? A: I love Audrey Hepburn. speaking of regarding as forconcerningwhen it comes to Speaking of songs, what s your favorite song? Speaking of hobbies, I like collecting coins. Speaking of food, he likes Italian food. As for scenery, there is no country like Korea. 3 A: Hey, what you? B: I m writing the heroes in our lives. A: the heroes in our lives? B: Well,, your teacher, your mom, even your friend can be a hero. A: Hmm... heroes, who s your hero? B: Actually, it s my dad. He always. 4 A: last night? B: Well, I watched a movie Becoming Jane. Jane A: Becoming Jane?? Jane B: It s about Jane Austen, the famous writer. Jane Austen A: Sounds interesting., who s your favorite writer? B: J.K. Rowling. She wrote Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling Harry Potter Lesson 8 95 p.196 Minjun: Hey, what are you 1.? Jenny: I m listening to 2. Hero. Minjun: What is it 3.? Jenny: 4. the hero inside all of us. Minjun: 5. the hero inside us? Jenny: Well, we can all 6.. Minjun: I don t get it. 7. explain more? Jenny: For example, a firefighter, a teacher... anyone that 8. is a hero. Minjun: I see. 9., who s your hero? Jenny: My hero is my mom. She 10. for the family. (A) It s about his life story. He practiced really hard. (B) So, working hard is important. (C) Hey, what are you reading? (D) A basketball player wrote a book? What is it about? (E) I m reading a book written by a famous basketball player. 96

1 (1) A: movie is Haeundae. B: What is? A: the Tsunami disaster. (2) A: last weekend? B: I went to see a baseball game. sports, your favorite sport? A: Well, soccer most. [2~3] 2 A: I like this song, Skaterboi. B: A: It s about a boy who rides a skate board. He used to like a ballerina. Who is he? What is it about? Where did you buy it? Why do you like? Can you lend me the CD? 3 A: Hey, do you know the movie called Roman Holiday? B: Yeah, I saw it. It s a good movie. A:, what s your favorite movie? B: Well, my favorite movie is Spider-Man. I m sorry So to speak Frankly speaking Speaking of movies Although it may sound strange 4 A: What are you listening to? B: I m listening to ABBA. A: ABBA? Weren t they famous long time ago? B: Yes. But their songs are special. Speaking of ABBA, what s your favorite song? A: My favorite singer is Anni Frid Lyngstad. tsunami disaster used to holiday famous special Lesson 8 97 5 A: What kind of pets do you like? B: I love cats and dogs. A: I m watching a movie called Shrek. B: Sounds interesting. What is it about? A: Hey, what are you watching? B: I m planning to watch a drama called Coffee Prince. A: What is the show about? B: It s about young people wanting to be famous singers. A: Speaking of songs, what s your favorite song? B: Well, my favorite song is Nobody. [6~8] Minjun: Hey, what are you listening to? Jenny: I m listening to a song called Hero. Minjun: What is it? Jenny: It s the hero inside all of us. Minjun: What do you mean the hero inside us? Jenny: Well, we can all be heroes. Minjun: I don t get it. Can you explain more? Jenny: For example, a firefighter, a teacher... anyone that tries their best is a hero. Minjun: I see. Speaking of heroes, who s your hero? Jenny: My hero is my mom. She always does her best for the family. 6 7 8 2 Jenny s hero is her mom. Minjun s hero is his father. Minjun is listening to music. Hero is about the hero inside all of us. Jenny wants to be a firefighter or a teacher. 98 p.196 pet show hero inside mean explain firefighter trydoone s best

He thought that it would rain. I wanted to make sure that everyone was safe. Tom said that he jogs every morning. 1. I think that he is kind. I know that he was rich. He says that he has been to Canada. I think that Tom will accept the job. He said that he was going to be a movie star. She said that she had read that magazine. 2. (1) (2) She said that she goes jogging every morning. The teacher said that the sun rises in the east. I learned that World War ended in 1945. cf. When he comes back, I will tell him about my problem. 1 The teacher said that the earth ( is / was) round. 2 I knew that my brother (breaks / broke ) my glasses. 3 We learned that King Sejong ( invented / had invented) hangeul in 1443. 4 I turn off the tap while I wash my face. I off the tap while I my face. 5 He says that he lived in Seoul. He that he in Seoul. Lesson 8 99 p.196 If the weather had been better, I could have gone on a picnic. ( As the weather wasn t good, I couldn t go on a picnic.) If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam. ( I didn t study harder, so I didn t pass the exam.) (1) If were If it snowed, we could make a snowman. cf. If I knew her address, I would send her a cake. As I don t know her address, I don t send her a cake. (2) If had have If I hadn t have the umbrella, I would have got wet. cf. If she hadn t spread the rumor, I would not have been angry. As she spread the rumor, I was angry. 6 If I (am / were ) a fish, I could swim to you. 7 If I hadn t lost his number, I could (call / have called ) him. 8 As I m not a superman, I can t help you. If I a superman, I you. 9 If it had not snowed yesterday, we could have climbed the mountain. As it yesterday, we the mountain. 100

1 (1) Did you notice Susan (isn t / wasn t ) in class yesterday? (2) If he weren t busy, he ( would call / would have called) you now. (3) If Bill (worked / had worked ) hard, he could have earned lots of money. [2~3] 2 As he wasn t over 65 years old, he couldn t take the subway for free. If he over 65 years old, he the subway for free. 3 He doesn t find his glasses, so he can t read the book. If he his glasses, he the book. 4 I learned that we unique fingerprints. Last night I dreamed I at my aunt s house. have is have was had is had was had have were 5 As I wasn t here yesterday, I couldn t see you. If I were here yesterday, I could see you. If I wasn t here yesterday, I couldn t see you. If I had been here yesterday, I could see you. If I had been here yesterday, I could have seen you. If I hadn t been here yesterday, I could have seen you. notice earn for free unique fingerprint Lesson 8 101 [6~7] 6 We often went to Stanley Park when we in Vancouver. live lived will live have lived have been lived 7 If we by car, we would have saved time. went would go have gone had gone would have gone 8 He said that walls had ears. She thought her husband was very angry. I was sure that our soccer team would win. He was reading a book when the phone rang. We learned that the Korean War broke out in 1950. 9 As you don t come, I am not happy. If you came, I would be happy. As it isn t hot, I can take a walk. If it were hot, I could not take a walk. As he wasn t married, he had no child. If he had been married, he wouldn t have had a child. As you didn t clean your room, it was dirty. If you had cleaned your room, it wouldn t have been dirty. As I didn t have a car, I couldn t pick you up. If I had had a car, I could have picked you up. 10 She found that he had already left. I think that most people have kind hearts. I thought that she didn t want to meet you. If I were you, I would have worn a short skirt. If you had asked for my opinion, I would have given it to you. 102 p.196 save wall ring break out marry pick up opinion

A Hero Among Us On January 15, 2009, a plane took off from LaGuardia Airport in New on take off land York at 3:26 p.m. Captain Chesley Sullenberger was flying US Airways Flight 1549 with 150 passengers and 5 crew members including him. All of a sudden, the people on the plane heard a loud sound, and the plane Suddenly shook a little. Captain Sullenberger realized that both engines did not work because a group of birds just hit them. He saw that the left engine was on fire. It was truly an emergency. The pilot knew that returning to LaGuardia or finding another airport was impossible. The lives of 154 people were in his hands. He quickly decided that he would land the plane on the Hudson River. He spoke to the passengers only once. He said very calmly, Prepare for an emergency landing. waswere-ing realized because cf. because of both engines saw Aor B be in one s hands Later, one of the passengers said, The captain said it in a calm voice. If there had been any fear in his voice, the passengers would have been very scared. one of the If had ~ have... 1 The ( left / right) engine of the plane was burning. 2 There were (154 / 155 ) people on the plane. 3 The engines broke down because of ( birds / weather). 4 Sullenberger decided to (take off / land ) the plane on the Hudson River. captain passenger crew include all of a sudden loud shake a little realize engine on fire truly emergency impossible land calmly prepare for fear scared Lesson 8 103 At that moment, the passengers thought that they were all going to die. They worried that they were going to hit some buildings in New York. But the plane safely landed on the Hudson River. It was only 3:31 p.m. Sullenberger saved the lives of 154 people. Later, he checked the plane twice after everyone was out. He wanted to make sure that no one was left behind. Chesley Sullenberger spent his whole life preparing for this moment. He got his pilot s license at the age of 14. He was named the best pilot in his class at the Air Force Academy. He flew fighter planes and studied accidents in the air. He even wrote a book about how crews should act in an emergency. Sullenberger is not someone who just flies airplanes. He gets very deeply into what he does, said Robert Bea, one of his friends. be going to nobody spend -ing who People call him a hero, but Sullenberger said, My crew and I were simply call A BA B A and B doing our jobs. He may be right, but he became a hero because he was well be prepared. Sullenberger was about your age when he began training for his career. No matter what your future career may be, always try your best and be prepared. Who knows? You may be the next hero among us! every- Whatever) try one s best do one s best T F 5 Sullenberger went to the Air Force Academy. ( T / F ) 6 Sullenberger got his pilot s license when he was fourteen. ( T / F ) 7 Sullenberger wrote a book about how people should act in the fire. ( T / F ) 8 Sullenberger worried that the plane would hit some buildings in ( T / F ) New York. 104 at that moment worry safely make sure left behind whole moment license at the age of accident get into deeply simply career no matter what among

After You Read Subin: Hello. I m Subin Kim from the Hana Middle School Newspaper. I d like to ask you a few questions about Flight 1549. would like to Captain: What would you like to know? a few cf. a little Subin: What happened to the engines? Captain: A group of birds hit them and the left engine was on fire. = the engines Subin: So what did you do? Captain: I landed the plane on the Hudson River. Subin: What did you say to the passengers? Captain: I said, Prepare for an emergency landing. Subin: That s incredible. You re a true hero. Think and Write A B Hi, my name is Jinyeong Kim, and I want to be a firefighter. In order to be want to a firefighter, there are many things that I should prepare for. First, I need to practice putting out fires. Second, I have to read many books about fires. put out must Lastly, I need to exercise every day to be strong. I want to be a mountain climber. In order to be a mountain climber, there are many things that I have to prepare for. First, I need to exercise to be must So as to So as to to strong. Second, I have to learn about weather changes. Lastly, I need to learn about what to do in the mountain. I know I can be a mountain climber if I what I should do am well prepared. be p.197 would like to emergency landing incredible in order to put out strong mountain climber weather change A B Lesson 8 105 9 Subin thinks Captain is a true. 10 Jinyeong wants to be a(n), and he thinks he has to every day. 11 If you want to be a(n), you have to learn about changes. Listen & Speak Plus Yellow B: I m reading a newspaper article about heroes. 1 A: Hey, Jane, what are you doing? B: I m reading a magazine. A: What is it about? B: It s about new movies. 2 A: What are you listening to? listen to B: I m listening to a song called To My Mother. A: Really? What is it about? B: It s about love for one s mother. A: Heroes? Do you mean heroes like Superman? B: No, not that kind of hero. A: Then what is it about? B: It s about common people who try their best every day. A: I ve never thought of heroes in that way. B: Speaking of heroes, who s your hero? A: Hmm... Then, my hero is my dad. 2 A: What are you watching? Plus Green Listen & Speak 1 A: Hey, what are you listening to? B: I m listening to a song called A Dream of a Little Bird. A: What is it about? B: It s about having a dream of your own. have a dream A: Really? Tell me more. tell B: If you have a dream, you should try your best. 2 A: What are you doing, Jane? trydoone s best B: I m watching a movie called Becoming Jane. A: What is it about? B: It s about Jane Austen, the famous writer. A: Oh, isn t she a British writer? B: That s right. Speaking of Jane Austen, did you know she never got married? A: Really? I didn t know that. get married B: I m reading a book. A: What is it about? the book My name is Miley and I m 15 years old. I was a B: It s about six people in a house. They disappear passenger on your airplane. Thank you for saving my life one by one. and other people s lives. From the newspaper, I learned A: Wooo, sounds scary. Do you like this kind of sound that you got your pilot s license at the age of 14. I also story? learned that you flew fighter planes. You even wrote a B: Yes, I do. You should read it someday. book about how crews should act in an emergency. In Plus Purple Listen & Speak about the future, I want to be just like you. I m going to study 1 A: Hey, what are you up to? hard. Thank you again for saving my life. what are you doing 106

1. On January 15, 2009, a plane from LaGuardia Airport in New York at 3:26 p.m. 2. Captain Chesley Sullenberger US Airways Flight 1549 with 150 passengers and 5 crew members. 3., the people on the plane heard a loud sound, and the plane shook. 4. Captain Sullenberger realized that both engines because a group of birds just hit them. 5. He saw that the left engine was. 6. It was truly. 7. The pilot knew that returning to LaGuardia or finding another airport. 8. The lives of 154 people. 9. He quickly decided that he the plane the Hudson River. 10. He spoke to the passengers. 11. He said very calmly, an emergency landing. 12. Later, one of the passengers said, The captain said it. 13. If there any fear in his voice, the passengers very scared. 14., the passengers thought that they were all going to die. 15. They worried that they some buildings in New York. 16. But the plane safely the Hudson River. 17. only 3:31 p.m. 18. Sullenberger the lives of 154 people. 19. Later, he the plane after everyone was out. 20. He wanted to that no one was 1. 2009 1 15 3 26 2. Chesley Sullenberger 150 5 US Airways 1549 3. 4. Sullenberger 5. 6. 7. 8. 154 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 3 3118. Sullenberger 154 19. 20. Lesson 8 107 21. Chesley Sullenberger for this moment. 22. He at the age of 14. 23. He the best pilot in his class at the Air Force Academy. 24. He flew fighter planes and studied. 25. He even wrote a book about in an emergency. 26. Sullenberger is not just flies airplanes. 27. He gets very deeply into, said Robert Bea, one of his friends. 28. People, but Sullenberger said, My crew and I were simply doing our jobs. 29. He, but he became a hero because he well. 30. Sullenberger was when he began training for his career. 31. your future career may be, always and be prepared. 32.? 33. You the next hero! Think and Write A 34. Hi, my name is Jinyeong Kim, and I. 35. be a firefighter, there are many things I should. 36. First, I need to practice fires. 37. Second, I have to read many books. 38. Lastly, I every day to be strong. 39. I a mountain climber. B 40. be a mountain climber, many things that I have to prepare for. 41. First, I need to exercise. 42. Second, I have to learn. 43. Lastly, I need to learn about in the mountain. 44. I know I can be a mountain climber well. 108 p.197 21. Chesley Sullenberger 22. 14 23. 24. 25. 26.Sullenberger 27. Robert Bea 28. Sullenberger 29. 30. Sullenberger 31. 32. 33. Think and Write 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44..

2009 1 15 3 26 Sullenberger Lesson 8 109 Chesley Sullenberger 14 Sullenberger 110 p.197

Listen & Speak Plus Yellow 1 A: Hey, Jane, 1.? B: I m reading a magazine. A: 2.? B: It s about new movies. 2 A: What are you 3.? B: I m listening to 4. To My Mother. A: Really? What is it about? B: 5. love for one s mother. Listen & Speak Plus Green 1 A: Hey, what are you listening to? B: 6. a song called A Dream of a Little Bird. A: What is it about? B: It s about 7. of your own. A: Really? Tell me more. B: If you have a dream, you should 8. 2 A: What are you doing, Jane? B: I m 9.. A: What is it about? B: It s about six people in a house. They disappear 10.. A: Wooo, 11.. Do you like this kind p.197 of story? B: Yes, I do. You should read it someday. Listen & Speak Plus Purple 1 A: Hey, what are you up to? B: I m reading 12. about heroes. A: Heroes? 13. heroes like Superman? B: No, not that kind of hero. A: Then what is it about? B: It s about 14. who try their best every day. A: I ve never thought of heroes 15. B: 16., who s your hero? A: Hmm... Then, my hero is my dad. 2 A: What are you watching? B: I m watching 17. Becoming Jane. A: What is it about? B: It s about Jane Austen, the famous writer. A: Oh, isn t she a British writer? B: 18.. Speaking of Jane Austen, did you know she never 19.? A: Really? I didn t know that. Lesson 8 111.. Words + Reading disappear 1 : to become impossible to see : 2 : to make something ready : 3 : making a great sound; not quiet : 4 : a person whose job is to put out fires : 5 : all the people working on a ship, plane, etc. : 6 : including everything and/or everyone; complete : 7 : a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine : 8 : to come or bring to rest on the ground or water, after flight through the air: 9 : to go or come back, as to an earlier condition or place : 10 : official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing : 11 : an unexpected, especially dangerous happening or situation : 12 : a short piece of writing on one particular subject : 13 : a job or profession that someone does for a long period of their life : 14 : (a) feeling of great worry or anxiety caused by the awareness of danger : 15 : a person who travels in any vehicle, boat, airplane, etc. (not the driver or anyone working there) : whole license passenger prepare essay loud firefighter article land crew return fear career emergency (A)(B)(C) I read a news article about a pilot who saved the lives of 150 passengers and 5 (A) crow / crew members including himself. On January 15, 2009, Captain Sullenberger was flying an airplane as usual. With a loud sound, a group of birds hit the engines. The engines broke down and the (B) plan / plane was going down. He said very calmly to the passengers, Prepare for an emergency landing. And he safely landed on the Hudson River. What a(n) (C) credible / incredible story! (A) (B) (C) crow plane credible crow plan incredible crew plane credible crew plan credible crew plane incredible 112

pp.197~198 Grammar + Reading 1 1 He was flying US Airways Flight 1549 with 150 passengers and 5 crew members included him. 2 He realized that both engines did not work because of a group of birds just hit them. 3 The pilot knew that returning to LaGuardia or finding another airport were impossible. 4 He quickly decided that he will land the plane on the Hudson River. 5 If there had been any fear in his voice, the passengers would be very scared. 6 He wanted to make sure that no one was leaving behind. 7 Chesley Sullenberger spent his whole life to prepare for this moment. 8 He named the best pilot in his class at the Air Force Academy. 9 He even wrote a book about how should crews act in an emergency. 10 He gets very deeply into that he does, said Robert Bea, one of his friends. 11 At that moment, the passengers thought what they were all going to die. 12 Later, he checked the plane twice after everyone were out. People call him a hero, but Sullenberger said, My crew and I were simply doing our jobs. He may be right, but he became a hero because he was well prepared. Sullenberger was about your age when he begins training for his career. No matter what your future career may be, always try your best and be prepared. Who knows? You may be the next hero among us! Lesson 8 113 1 possible : impossible = appear : 2 Is that the right answer to the question? fair free wrong correct honest 3 The fire had already been out before the fire engine reached the scene. got put fallen taken broken 4 The pilot will fly the plane across the sea. (of time) to pass quickly to travel by airplane to move more quickly than walking to operate an aircraft or spacecraft to move through the air using wings 5 The left wing of the plane was fire. All a sudden she found herself in a dark forest. to at on of on with to from out of out 114 (6~7) 6 A: I m listening to a song called To My Mother. B: A: It s about love for one s mother. Who sang it? What is it about? Who did you bought it for? Do you want to listen to it? How did you know about it? 7 A: Do you like watching movies? B: Of course! Speaking of movies, A: My favorite movie star is Harrison Ford. what s your favorite movie? who s your favorite movie star? why don t we go to the movies? what kind of movies do you like? why do you enjoy watching movies? 8 A: Hey, what are you reading? I think I ve heard of it. What is it about? I m reading a book called Little Women. It s about four sisters who are very different from one another. Oh, I know that story! I also saw the movie.

9 A: Hey, what are you listening to? B: I m looking for a song called A Dream of a Little Bird. A: What is it about? B: It s about having a dream of your own. A: Really? Tell me more. B: If you have a dream, you should try your best. (10~12) Minjun: Hey, what are you listening to? Jenny: I m listening to a song called Hero. Minjun: What is it about? Jenny: It s about the hero inside all of us. Minjun: do you mean the hero inside us? Jenny: Well, we can all be heroes. Minjun: I don t get it. Can you explain more? Jenny: For example, a firefighter, a teacher... anyone that tries their best is a hero. Minjun: I see. Speaking of heroes, is your hero? Jenny: My hero is my mom. She always does her best for the family. 10 How what What who How who What what Why what 11 I don t buy it. I don t think so. Beg your pardon? I don t understand it. I don t agree with you. 12 Who is a hero according to the song called Hero? Answer in Korean. (13~14) 13 If all of us had worn sneakers, we jogging together yesterday. went have gone had gone could go could have gone 14 I was sure that my sister the piano contest. wins will win is winning would win has won 15 Do you know she bought a new bag? I wouldn t have gone to the museum I had known it was closed. so as if when whether 16 We learned that water at 100. Susan told Mike that she to go with him. boils wants boiled wants boils wanted boiled wanted would boil had wanted Lesson 8 115 17 be (1) Sally would answer the phone if she in her office right now. (2) If she taller, she would have become a volleyball player. 18 If he had invited us, we would have gone to his party. He invited us, so we went to his party. He didn t invite us, so we didn t go to his party. He doesn t invite us, so we doesn t go to his party. He hadn t invited us, because we didn t go to his party. He didn t invite us, but we would go to his party. 19 She thought he was angry. He said that the sun is a star. People said that no news was good news. I told him that I take a walk every morning. We learned that William conquered England in 1066. 20 If it rained, we won t go on a picnic. I thought I had told you about it before. If I had been you, I d have seen a doctor. I saw that they were swimming in the river. If Jane hadn t been sick, she could go to the club meeting. 116 (21~23) On January 15, 2009, a plane took off from LaGuardia Airport in New York at 3:26 p.m. Captain Chesley Sullenberger was flying US Airways Flight 1549 with 150 passengers and 5 crew members (A) including / included him. All of a sudden, the people on the plane heard a loud sound, and the plane shook a little. Captain Sullenberger realized that (B) both / every engines did not work because a group of birds just hit them. He saw that the left engine was on fire. It was truly an emergency. The pilot knew that returning to LaGuardia or finding another airport (C) was / were impossible. The lives of 154 people were in his hands. He quickly decided that he would land the plane on the Hudson River. 21 took off 22 (A)(B)(C) including both were including every was including both was included every were included both was 23 When did the plane take off? Who was the plane s captain? Why did the plane break down? How many passengers were there on the plane? When did Sullenberger land the plane on the Hudson River?

(24~26) He spoke to the passengers only once. He said very calmly, Prepare for an emergency landing. ( ) Later, one of the passengers said, The captain said it in a calm voice. ( ) If there had been any fear in his voice, the passengers would have been very scared. At that moment, the passengers thought that they were all going to die. ( ) But the plane safely landed on the Hudson River. It was only 3:31 p.m. Sullenberger saved the lives of 154 people. ( ) Later, he checked the plane twice after everyone was out. ( ) He wanted to that no one was left behind. 24 They worried that they were going to hit some buildings in New York. 25 There is some fear in his voice. There isn t any fear in his voice. There was some fear in his voice. There wasn t any fear in his voice. There haven t been any fear in his voice. 26 hide put off look for give up make sure (27~29) Chesley Sullenberger spent his whole life (prepare) for this moment. He got his pilot s license at the age of 14. He (name) the best pilot in his class at the Air Force Academy. He flew fighter planes and studied accidents in the air. He even wrote a book about crews should act in an emergency. Sullenberger is not someone just flies airplanes. He gets very deeply into what he does, said Robert Bea, one of his friends. 27 28 how who how which what that what which when who 29 Chesley Sullenberger 14 Lesson 8 117 (30~32) People call a hero him, but Sullenberger said, My crew and I were simply doing our jobs. He may be right, but he became a hero because he was well prepared. Sullenberger was about your age when he began training for his career. No matter what your future career may be, always try your best and be prepared. Who knows? You may be the next hero among us! 30 31 may It may snow tomorrow. You may go home now. May I speak to Harry? You may use my computer. May I go to the market with you? 32 2 Sullenberger Sullenberger Sullenberger 118 p.198 (33~35) (a woman, is, my, Peggy Farr, hero, named) She was one of my middle school teachers. I lived in a small town, and she taught me to experience the world as much as possible. She also told me, Don t be afraid of trying new things. She had been to many different countries. She told us some incredible stories. I think I learned so much from her. If I meet her again, I want to tell her that she is my hero. 33 Peggy Farr 34 can could I can I could you could 35 What is Peggy Farr s job?

1 crew pilot captain career firefighter 2 your coat and make yourself at home. They said the plane couldn t, due to a heavy storm. land put on put off take off make sure (3~4) 3 A: I m reading a magazine. B: What is it about? A: I bought it yesterday. It s about new movies. I got it from the library. It s the latest magazine. I like an article about movies. 4 A: Do you like watching movies? B: Of course! Speaking of movies, what kind of movies do you like? A: I love comedy. I often go to the movies. I love songs from a movie. I have ever seen the movie. The special effects are great. (5~6) A: Hey, what are you up to? B: I m reading a newspaper article about heroes. A: Heroes? Do you mean heroes like Superman? B: No, not that kind hero. A: Then what is it about? B: It s about common people who try their best every day. A: I ve never thought heroes in that way. B: Speaking of heroes, who s your hero? A: Hmm... Then, my hero is my dad. 5 what do you do? what are you doing? what are you looking for? are you reading a newspaper? what is the newspaper about? 6 at in of to about 7 If (1) As she has an allergy to kiwis, she can t eat kiwis. If she an allergy to kiwis, she kiwis. (2) He had a cold, so he couldn t win a prize. If he a cold, he a prize. 8 Mary told me that she to go to Paris. The teacher said that three-fourths of the earth s surface water. wants is wants was wanted is wanted was has wanted has been Lesson 8 119 9 Mr. Brown taught us history last year. We learned about American history. He said that Columbus had discovered America in 1492. 10 If she sang well, she could be a singer. If I were an invisible man, I would rob the bank. If Peter were here, we would have played board games. could have If I had had enough money, I all I want. bought If I had found a dead mouse in the kitchen, I would have run away. (11~13) He spoke to the passengers only once. He said very calm, Prepare for an emergency landing. Later, one of the passengers said, The captain said it in a calm voice. If there had been any fear in his voice, the passengers would have been very. At that moment, the passengers thought that they were all going to. They worried that they were going to hit some buildings in New York. But the plane safely landed on the Hudson River. It was only 3:31 p.m. Sullenberger saved the lives of 154 people. Later, he checked the plane twice after everyone was out. He wanted to make sure that no one was left behind. 11 120 p.199 12 calm die scared die calm be rescued scared survive disappointed survive 13 I have no house to live in. The concert was a live performance. We are contented with our present lives. After my parents divorce, I live with my mom. They risked their lives to save children from the fire. (14~15) Dear Captain Sullenberger, My name is Miley and I m 15 years old. I was a passenger on your airplane. Thank you for saving my life and other people s lives. From the newspaper, I learned that you got your pilot s license at the age of 14. I also learned that you flew fighter planes. You even wrote a book about how crews should act in an emergency. In the future, I want to be just like you. I m going to study hard. Thank you again for saving my life. Your fan, Miley 14 What is the purpose of the passage above? to ask to thank to inform to complain to advertise 15 Who wrote the letter? How old is Sullenberger? What does Miley want to be in the future? When did Sullenberger get his pilot s license? What is a book written by Sullenberger about?

1 deep depth fly flight include inclusion realize realization appear appearance 2 On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 landed on the moon. put off put down got off took off fell down 3 Please move a little to the right. Do you want to call and find out? I was proud of winning an honor prize. The couple are so different from one another. I ll backpack all around the world some day. 4 A: I m watching a movie called Harry Potter. B: Sound interesting. What s it about? A: It s about a boy with magical powers. 5 A: What are you doing, Jane? B: I m reading a book. A: Who wrote the book? B: It s about six people in a house. They disappear one by one. A: Wooo, sounds scary. Do you like this kind of story? B: Yes, I do. You should read it someday. 6 A: Hey, what are you doing? B: I m drawing cartoons. A: What did you do last night? B: Well, I read a book called Justice. A: What are you listening to? B: I m listening to a song called Yesterday. A: What is the drama about? B: It s about a doctor. He fixes all kinds of disease. A: Speaking of writers, who s your favorite writer? B: I want to be a writer like J.K. Rowling who wrote Harry Potter. (7~9) A: What are you reading, Tom? B: ( ) I m reading a book written by a famous singer. A: Huh? A singer wrote a book? What is it about? B: ( ) At first, he was a terrible singer. But he practiced every day. A: ( ) That s interesting. B: Yeah. ( ) So basically, it s not only about talent. Working hard is very important, too. A: That s right. ( ) B: A: It s hard to say. I like so many books. Lesson 8 121 7 It s about his life story. 8 How many books do you have? Frankly speaking, can you lend it to me? Frankly speaking, who s your favorite singer? Speaking of books, what s your favorite book? Speaking of books, how often do you read books? 9 Tom is reading a book, which wrote. 10 He said to me that my dog his computer. In math class, I learned that ten divided by two five. breaks is breaks was broke is broke was has broken had been 122 11 As the weather wasn t nice last weekend, we didn t go fishing. If the weather nice last weekend, we fishing. 12 (1) He tells me that he will take me to the zoo. He me that he me to the zoo. (2) Mr. Kim says that the sun rises in the east. Mr. Kim that the sun in the east. (13~14) 13 If you, I would have been surprised. (come)

14 Sora thought that she the most popular student in her class. (be) 15 As I m not a superman, I can t help you. If I were a superman, I could help you. As Linda is sick, she can t go to school today. If Linda weren t sick, she could go to school today. Jane didn t come on her usual train, so I didn t see her. If Jane had come on her usual train, I would have seen her. As I don t have a time machine, I can t travel to the future. If I had a time machine, I could travel to the future. You didn t tell me about the problem, so I didn t help you. If you had told me about the problem, I would help you. 16 She has said that she was happy. Mr. Kim told me that he will visit me. Henry said that he gets up at 7 every day. If I were you, I wouldn t do such a thing. If you had gotten up earlier, you wouldn t have been late. (17~19) On January 15, 2009, a plane took off from LaGuardia Airport in New York at 3:26 p.m. Captain Chesley Sullenberger was flying US Airways Flight 1549 with 150 passengers and 5 crew members including him. All of a sudden, the people on the plane heard a loud sound, and the plane shook little. Captain Sullenberger realized that both engines did not work because a group of birds just hit them. He saw that the left engine was on fire. It was truly an emergency. The pilot knew that returning to LaGuardia or finding another airport was impossible. The lives of 154 people were in his hands. He quickly decided that he would land the plane on the Hudson River. a 17 18 them 19 Which one is NOT true about the passage above? There were 155 people on the plane. The plane took off on January 15, 2009. The plane s captain was Chesley Sullenberger. A fire broke out because of a passenger s mistake on the plane. It was impossible for Sullenberger to land the plane on LaGuardia Airport. Lesson 8 123 (20~22) People call him a hero, Sullenberger said, My crew and I were simply doing our jobs. He may be right, he became a hero (A) because / because of he was well prepared. Sullenberger was about your age when he began training for his career. No matter (B) how / what your future career may be, always try your best and be prepared. Who knows? You may be the next hero (C) between / among us! 20 and but though since whether 21 (A)(B)(C) because what between because what among because how among because of what among because of how between 22 Sullenberger cheerful modest sociable pessimistic cold-hearted 124 p.199 (23~25) I read a news article about a pilot (who / which) saved the lives of 150 passengers and 5 crew members including himself. (A) With a loud sound, a group of birds hit the engines. (B) On January 15, 2009, Captain Sullenberger was flying an airplane as usual. (C) The engines broke down and the plane was going down. He said very calmly to the passengers, Prepare for an emergency landing. And he safely landed on the Hudson River. (How / What) an incredible story! 23 (A)(C) (A)(B)(C) (A)(C)(B) (B)(A)(C) (B)(C)(A) (C)(A)(B) 24 25 Which one is NOT true about the passage above? Sullenberger 5 Hudson

1 5 About 50,000 species of animals and plants are every year. dying changing increasing being exported disappearing 2 The bus broke down and I had to walk. exploded put out broke out was fallen away was out of order 3 a thing or an object: This shop sells (e)s of all kinds. a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine: He is writing the of K-pop. letter article good report product 4 What s wrong? What did he do? What is it about? What are you up to? A: Hi, Brian. B: I m reading a story in the newspaper. A: B: It s about a pilot who saved the lives of a lot of people. A: B: Well, he landed an airplane on a river during an emergency. 5 I know. Speaking of actors, who s your favorite actor? Well, I love Audrey Hepburn. I saw all of her movies. No, I missed it. I had to study for today s exam. Did you watch the Academy Awards last night? Too bad. It was a good chance to see famous actors. (6~7) A: Hey, what are you watching? B: I m watching a new drama (calling / called) Brothers and Sisters. A: What is it about? It looks (interesting / interested). B: It s about three brothers and two sisters living in New York. A: Can you tell me more about it? B: Well, why don t we watch it together? 6 7 you d better watch it. shall we watch it together? you should watch it together. do you want to watch it together? how about watching it by yourself? Lesson 8 125 (8~9) Jane: Hey, what are you listening to? Bill: I m listening to a song called Hero by Mariah Carey. Jane: I think ( ) I ve heard that song before. What is it about? Bill: Well, it s about the hero inside all of us. Jane: What do you mean? Bill: Um... It means you can be a hero. All ( ) you have to do is to do your best. Jane: I see. 8 9 Which is NOT true according to the conversation? Bill is listening to music now. Jane has heard the song Hero. Hero was sung by Mariah Carey. Hero is about the hero inside all of us. Bill wants to be a hero like Mariah Carey. 10 If As ocean water is salty, we can t drink it. If ocean water salty, we it. 126 11 (discover) The teacher said that Newton the law of gravitation. 12 If you had come to my party yesterday, I happy. was have been had been would be would have been 13 If she had run a little faster, she would have won the race. As she a little faster, she the race. runs wins ran won didn t run didn t win doesn t run doesn t win had run had won

14 I knew that he told a lie. She said the student was not quiet. She said her husband worked at a bank. We hope that your parents are well. The doctor told me that I will get well soon. 15 As she didn t work harder, she was fired. If she worked harder, she would not be fired. If she didn t work harder, she would be fired. If she had worked harder, she hadn t been fired. If she had worked harder, she would not have been fired. If she has worked harder, she would not have been fired. 16 She thought she heard something. If I were a fish, I could swim to you. Ancient people didn t believe that the earth was round. If I had become a model, I d have been happier. If I had been more diligent, I would have succeeded in life. 17 Hi, my name is Jinyeong Kim, and I want to be a firefighter. In order to be a firefighter, there are many things that I should prepare for. First, I need to practice putting out fires. Second, I have to read many books about fires. I also have to learn about weather changes. Lastly, I need to exercise every day to be strong. (18~20) Chesley Sullenberger spent his whole life preparing for this moment. He got his pilot s license the age of 14. He was named the best pilot in his class at the Air Force Academy. He flew fighter planes and studied accidents in the air. He even wrote a book about how crews should act in an emergency. Sullenberger is not someone who just flies airplanes. He gets very deeply what he does, said Robert Bea, one of his friends. 18 in to in into at into at over of to 19 I don t know what to do. What a wonderful day it is! What I need is a good friend. Do you know what her name is? What do you want to become when you grow up? Lesson 8 127 20 What was the subject of the book which Sullenberger wrote? what the pilots do people who fly airplanes various accidents in the air how to become the best pilot how crews should act in an emergency (21~22) Later, one of the passengers said, The captain said it in a calm voice. If there had been any fear in his voice, the passengers (be) very scared. At that moment, the passengers thought that they were all going to die. They worried that they were going to hit some buildings in New York. But the plane safely landed on the Hudson River. It was only 3:31 p.m. Sullenberger saved the lives of 154 people. Later, he checked the plane twice after everyone was out. He wanted to make sure that no one was left behind. 21 22 Which one is NOT true about the passage above? 3 31 Sullenberger 128 p.199 (23~25) Today, I read a news article about Captain Sullenberger. I was surprised to know that he got his pilot s license at the age of 14. Sullenberger was named the best pilot in his class at the Air Force Academy. He studied accidents in the air and wrote a book about how crews should act in an emergency. Sullenberger began training for his career when he was about my age. I haven t decided what I am going to do in the future. But one thing is for sure. Whatever I do, I ll try my best. 23 He promised to go on a diet. This map is difficult to understand. She was pleased to meet her teacher. He asked me how to use the machine. Please give me something cold to drink. 24 25

1 A: What s your favorite book? B: My favorite book is. A: What is it about? B: It s about. (2~4) A: Hey, what are you reading? B: I m reading a book written by a famous singer. A: Huh? A singer wrote a book? B: It s about his life story. At first, he was a terrible singer. But he practiced every day. A: That s interesting. B: Yeah. So basically, it s not only about talent. Working hard is very important, too. A: That s right. B: (speaking, favorite) A: It s hard to say. I like so many books. 2 4 3 4 How did he become a famous singer? Answer in English. (5~6) 5 (made in German) If I enough money, 6 (go out, have a cold) If I yesterday, (7~8) 7 (a satellite) In science class. 8 (the smartest) Minsu thought that (9~10) 9 If I have been you, I would have worn sunglasses that day. 10 She said Julius Caesar had invaded England in 55 B.C. Lesson 8 129 p.200 (11~12) 13 On January 15, 2009, a plane took off from LaGuardia Airport in New York at 3:26 p.m. Captain Chesley Sullenberger was flying US Airways Flight 1549 with 150 passengers and 5 crew members including him. All of a sudden, the people on the plane heard a loud sound, and the plane shook a little. Captain Sullenberger realized that both engines did not work because a group of birds just hit them. He saw that the left engine was on fire. It was truly an emergency. The pilot knew that returning to LaGuardia or finding another airport was impossible. The lives of 154 people were in his hands. He quickly decides that he will land the plane on the Hudson River. 14 11 15-1 If he had gone there by subway, he earlier. (arrive) 12 (1) How many people were there on the plane? (2) Why did the plane break down? 15-2 (13~14) As he did not take my advice, he failed. If he my advice, he Sullenberger spoke to the passengers only once. He said very calmly, Prepare for an emergency landing. Later, one of the passengers said, The captain said it in a calm voice. If there had been any fear in his voice, the passengers would have been very scared. At that moment, the passengers thought that they were all going to die. They worried that they were going to hit some buildings in New York. But the plane safely landed on the Hudson River. 15-3 if As she didn t tell the secret to me, I couldn t help her. 130....

Lesson 8 A Hero Among Us p. 91 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 A B 54 p. 92 01 disappear 02 scared 03 deeply 04 include 05 firefighter 06 basically 07 license 08 crew 09 land 10 experience 11 captain 12 emergency 13 essay 14 right 15 passenger 16 trouble 17 simply 18 whole 19 truly 20 shake 21 inside 22 return 23 scene 24 realize 25 impossible 26 practice 27 loud 28 hero 29 award 30 career 31 happen 32 fear 33 among 34 fly 35 engine 36 article 37 calmly 38 prepare for 39 give a hand 40 a little 41 one by one 42 left behind 43 be different from 44 take off 45 all of a sudden 46 be proud of 47 put out 48 one another 49 make sure 50 help A with B 51 find out 52 some day 53 break down 54 on fire p. 93 1 fearful 2 inclusion 3 right 4 disappear 5 whole 6 disappearing 7 emergency 8 one by one 9 license 10 Make 11 lands 12 article 13 extinguish 14 calmly 15 broke down 196 pp. 94~95 1 what are you called What about different from I know 2 listening to I m listening it about about making, more, It says 3 are doing an essay about What do you mean for example Speaking of tries his best 4 What did you do called What s it about Speaking of writers p. 96 1 listening to 2 a song called 3 about 4 It s about 5 What do you mean 6 be heroes 7 Can you 8 tries their best 9 Speaking of heroes 10 always does her best (C) (E) (D) (A) (B) pp. 97~98 1 (1) My favorite it about It s about (2) What did you do Speaking of what s I like 2 3 4 5 6 about 7 8 2 A Skaterboi What is it about? 3 4 A what s your favorite song who s your favorite singer 5 Coffee Prince 6 about pp. 99~100 1 is 2 broke 3 invented 4 turned, washed 5 saidhad lived 6 were 7 have called 8 were could help 9 snowed couldn t climb pp. 101~102 1 (1) wasn t (2) would call (3) had worked 2 had been could have taken 3 found could read 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 if 2 If had have 4 8 Walls have ears. 9 wouldn t have had would have had 10 if pp. 103~105 1 left 2 155 3 birds 4 land 5 T 6 T 7 F 8 F 9 hero 10 firefighter exercise 11 mountain climber weather pp. 107~108 1 took off 2 was flying, including him 3 All of a sudden a little 4 did not work 5 on fire 6 an emergency 7 was impossible 8 were in his hands 9 would land on 10 only once 11 Prepare for 12 in a calm voice 13 had been would have been 14 At that moment 15 were going to hit 16 landed on 17 It was 18 saved 19 checked twice 20 make sure left behind 21 spent his whole life preparing 22 got his pilot s license 23 was named 24 accidents in the air 25 how crews should act 26 someone who 27 what he does 28 call him a hero 29 may be right was, prepared 30 about your age 31 No matter what try your best 32 Who knows 33 may be, among us 34 want to be a firefighter 35 In order to that prepare for 36 putting out 37 about fires 38 need to exercise 39 want to be 40 In order to there are 41 to be strong 42 about weather changes 43 what to do 44 if I am prepared pp. 109~110 1 On January 15, 2009, a plane took off from LaGuardia Airport in New York at 3:26 p.m. 2 All of a sudden, the people on the plane heard a loud sound, and the plane shook a little. 3 Captain Sullenberger realized that both engines did not work because a group of birds just hit them. 4 He saw that the left engine was on fire. It was truly an emergency. 5 The pilot knew that returning to LaGuardia or finding another airport was impossible. 6 He quickly decided that he would land the plane on the Hudson River. 7 He said very calmly, Prepare for an emergency landing. 8 If there had been any fear in his voice, the passengers would have been very scared. 9 At that moment, the passengers thought that they were all going to die. 10 They worried that they were going to hit some buildings in New York. 11 The plane safely landed on the Hudson River. 12 Later, he checked the plane twice after everyone was out. 13 He wanted to make sure that no one was left behind. 14 Chesley Sullenberger spent his whole life preparing for this moment. 15 He got his pilot s license at the age of 14. 16 He was named the best pilot in his class at the Air Force Academy. 17 He flew fighter planes and studied accidents in the air. 18 He even wrote a book about how crews should act in an emergency. 19 He gets very deeply into what he does. 20 My crew and I were simply doing our jobs. 21 He may be right, but he became a hero because he was well prepared. 22 Sullenberger was about your age when he began training for his career. 23 No matter what your future career may be, always try your best and be prepared. 24 You may be the next hero among us! p. 111 1 what are you doing 2 What is it about 3 listening to 4 a song called 5 It s about 6 I m listening to 7 having a dream 8 try your best 9 reading a book 10 one by one 11 sounds scary 12 a newspaper article 13 Do you mean 14 common people 15 in that way 16 Speaking of heroes 17 a movie called 18 That s right 19 got married pp. 112~113 Words + Reading 2 prepare 3 loud 197