Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 Version 11 1
1 2 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 4 41 42 43 5 51 52 6 61 62 Appendix A (cross-over) IP 3
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 1 HelloDevice 1300 Starter's Kit HelloDevice 1300 1 5V (SMPS) 1 RS232 DSUB 1 HelloDevice 1 (http://wwwsenacom ) 1 - = 5 V DC ±10% - = 200mA - = 0 ~ 95% - = 0 ~ 50 137-130 210 : (02) 573-7772 : (02) 573-7710 Email : support@senacom http://wwwsenacom 1
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 2 HelloDevice, HelloDevice1x00 10 Base-T HelloDevice 1x00, (HelloDevice 1100) (HelloDevice 1200), (HelloDevice 1300) HelloDevice HelloDevice 1x00 21 HelloDevice 1100 HelloDevice 1200 HelloDevice 1300 CPU Scenix Sx52BD (8-Bit, 50 MIPS) 512 KB ( ) 10 Base-T (IEEE8023) 16 2 KB 16 HTTP 1 / SMTP / BOOTP TCP / UDP IP / ICMP / ARP (IEEE8023) 1 RS-232/485 38400 bps HelloDevice ( 95/98/NT/2000 ) : IP, 21 HelloDevice 1x00 1 HTTP 11 2
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 3 HelloDevice 1300 31 32 5 512 KB 3-1 10BaseT Ethernet controller 3-3 LED Power Collision Rx Tx 2 microprocessor 3-2 RJ-45 To Ethernet 4-2 (RS-232/485) 86 mm 1 ( 5V DC ) 53 mm 4-1 232/485 31 HelloDevice 1300 RJ45 connector to Ethernet 10 Base-T filter Ethernet controller (10 Base-T) Sx52BD microprocessor 512 KB Flash Memory Power supply 1 serial port (RS232/RS485) 32 HelloDevice 1300 3
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 31 = 5 V DC ±10% = 200mA 32 Scenix Sx52BD 8-bit 4 KByte 52 PQFP ( 31, [2] ) 33 HelloDevice RJ45, 100m 331,,, ( 31, [3-1] ) : RealTek Full-duplex : RTL8019AS IEEE8023 10 base-5, 10 base-2, 10 base-t 16 Kbyte SRAM NE2000 332 RJ45 AT&T258 Shield ( 31, [3-2] ) 4
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 1=Tx+ 2=Tx- 7=NC 8=NC Pin 1 Tx+ White with orange 2 Tx- Orange 3 Rx+ White with green 4 Not used Blue 5 Not used White with blue 6 Rx- Green 7 Not used White with brown 8 Not used Brown 3=Rx+ 6=Rx- 4=NC 5=NC 33 RJ45 333 LED LED Tx, Rx, Collision, Power LED 4 ( 31, [3-3] ), Power LED HelloDevice ON Rx LED, / Tx LED HelloDevice 1 /,, ping, PC / Collision LED, 5
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 34 RS232/485 RS232/RS485 DB9 150 ~ 38400 baud rate 34 HelloDevice DSUB 34, RS232 RS485, RS485/232 (SW2) 3=TxD 2=RxD 4=RS485-1=RS485+ 5=GND 6=NC 9=NC 7=RTS 8=CTS Pin 1 RS485+ RX485+ 485 Data line 2 RxD Receive Data Data Input 3 TxD Send Data Data Output 4 RS485- RX485-485 Data line 5 GND Signal Ground - 6 NC Not connected - 7 RTS Ready To Send Handshake Output (+12V=Ready to Rx, -12V=Not Ready to Rx) 8 CTS Clear To Send Data sent 9 NC Not connected Data sent only at +3V ~ 12V 34 HelloDevice DSUB 6
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 35 4 Mbit (512 Kbyte) 256 byte 2048 36 4 Kbyte, (OSI : Open System Interconnection) TCP/IP 32, OSI 7 HelloDevice 7 Application HTTP BOOTP 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network TCP UDP 2 Data link IP / ICMP ARP 1 Physical layer (IEEE8023) 31 OSI 7 HelloDevice 1300 7
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 4 HelloDevice 1300 (1) HelloDevice (2) HelloDevice (3) HelloDevice IP (4) HelloDevice 41 PC HelloDevice CD-ROM setup1x00exe Setup1x00exe 95/98, NT 2000 setup type [Complete] [Next] 41 HelloDevice 8
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 c:\program Files\HelloDevice utility 42 HelloDevice HelloDevice, HelloDevice 43 HelloDevice 9
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 42 (1) 5V HelloDevice 110/220 V 5V HelloDevice 44 HelloDevice 5V (2) RJ45 HelloDevice (HelloDevice RJ45 3 ) 110/220 V Ethernet backbone 5V HelloDevice 45 HelloDevice (3) HelloDevice LED Tx LED 1 / ( 31 [ LED] ) 10
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 43 HelloDevice, HelloDevice IP, IP 431 IP HelloDevice IP HelloDevice, RFC-951, RFC-1542 BOOTP (BOOTstrap Protocol) BOOTP BOOTP HelloDevice BOOTP HelloDevice IP 0000,, BOOTP IP, HelloDevice TxLED ( 31 [ LED] ) HelloDevice IP IP, HelloDevice MAC 2 -IP IP HelloDevice IP IP, IP HelloDevice IP 2 MAC,, 6 byte HelloDevice MAC MAC 00-01-95 xx-xx-xx ) 00-01-95-01-aa-08, 00-01-95-01-02-01 11
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 BOOTP database list BOOTP database record BOOTP IP / 46 HelloDevice IP HelloDevice IP (1) PC HelloDevice, [IP Set-up] [IP Set-up] BOOTP IP ([BootP Start], [BootP Stop]), IP ([IP Find]) ([IP Clear]) (2) [Add], BOOTP 12
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 47 BOOTP HelloDevice MAC IP H/W address type H/W address length HelloDevice, 1 6 MAC HelloDevice IC 47, MAC 00:01:95:04:02:03, HelloDevice IP 192168115, HelloDevice BOOTP (Broadcast message), IP (3) [Add], (2) IP (4) [BootP Start], BOOTP HelloDevice BOOTP [Status] Monitoring Listening BOOTP request BootP DB List HelloDevice BootP HelloDevice DB Setting for BootP BootP DB (5) HelloDevice TX LED HelloDevice IP, HelloDevice IP, [Status] BootP reply sent [ 192168 1 15 ] HelloDevice TX LED /, IP TX LED / 13
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 [BOOTP Stop] BOOTP (6) ping, HelloDevice IP ping Command prompt, ping >> ping 192168115 >> Pinging 192168115 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192168115: bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=251 Reply from 192168115: bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=251 Reply from 192168115: bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=251, IP, (4), (5), (6) (7) [IP Find], HelloDevice IP [IP Find], 48 HelloDevice MAC, [Find], Found IP IP 48 [IP Find] IP (8) HelloDevice, HelloDevice 404html, IP 49 14
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 49 HelloDevice 432 IP IP, IP 0000 431 IP, IP, IP 192168115 192168118, IP (1) IP IP Clear, PC HelloDevice IP/MAC [IP Clear] PC ARP, PC ARP, PC IP 1921681100 >>arp -a Interface: 1921681100 on Interface 2 Internet Address Physical Address Type 15
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 192168115 00-01-95-04-02-03 dynamic 192168123 01-a0-11-34-11-0d dynamic HelloDevice IP ARP >>arp d 192168115 IP [IP setup] [IP clear], IP IP 192168115 0000, IP, [OK], IP 192168115 HelloDevice IP 0000 410 IP Clear (2) IP HelloDevice TX LED IP, IP, HelloDevice TX LED / (3) IP IP 192168118, IP [Edit] IP /, 431 IP 16
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 411 IP [Edit] IP 5,, HelloDevice, HelloDevice HelloDevice Start kit, (1) (2) (3) (4) C 51, (1),, 52, (2) (3), (4) 6 17
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 (1) (2) (4) (3) 51 HelloDevice 51 HelloDevice, HTML,, HelloDevice 256 512 Kbyte HelloDevice, index table HelloDevice, Build Upload index table, HelloDevice HelloDevice Build Upload HelloDevice, (1) (2) HelloDevice, HelloDevice (3) HelloDevice (4),, FirstDemo, 18
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 indexhtml, HelloDevice, (1) [Web files] 52 HelloDevice (2) [Find] Build FirstDemo, [ ] 19
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 53 (3) Build Build, [ ], Build HelloDevice *hd, Build complete 54 Build (4) Build HelloDevice IP 20
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 55 Build IP (5) [Target file] Build 56 Build (6) [Upload] Build HelloDevice Progress bar, Flash download completed!! 21
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 (7) URL http://192168115/indexhtml, 57, IP 57 HelloDevice, FirstDemo,, HelloDevice 52 HelloDevice 1300 Starter's Kit, HelloDevice HelloDevice RS232, 22
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 PC RS232, PC TCP/IP HelloDevice, HelloDevice HelloDevice PC RS232 PC RS232, - HelloDevice - RS232 - - RS232 58 Ethernet backbone TCP/IP ( ) HelloDevice 192168115 192168114 TCP 6001 RS232 (COM1 COM2) RS232 58 521 HelloDevice HelloDevice HelloDevice HelloDevice, HelloDevice [Sys Set-up] 23
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 1) [Device] [Serial] 2) baud rate parity 150, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 2000, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 19200, 38400 None, Even, Odd Data bits 5, 6, 7, 8 bits Stop bits 1, 1½, 2 bit handshake None, H/W, X On/Off, IP 192168115, 9600 baud rate, Parity None, Data bit 8, Stop bit 1, Handshake None 59 3) [Send], HelloDevice 24
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 522 RS232 1) PC COM HelloDevice DSUB RS232 3 2) PC, COM2 3) COM2, HelloDevice 510 RS232 4) [ ], 25
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 523, RS232 HelloDevice SerialDemo 2 ( 51 ) indexhtml, Serialjar, 404html 1) SerialDemo indexhtml indexhtml IP HelloDevice IP, <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>telnet</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>telnet</H1> <APPLET CODE=telnetclass ARCHIVE=serialjar WIDTH=590 HEIGHT=190> <param name=address value="192168115"> <param name=port value=6001> <param name=emulation value=vt320> <param name=vtcolumns value=40> <param name=vtrows value=12> <param name=vtfont value=courier> <param name=vtfontsize value=24> <param name=vtbuffer value=8> <param name=vtscrollbar value=true> <param name=vtcharset value=ibm> </APPLET> </BODY> </HTML> 511 RS232 indexhtml 2) SerialDemo [Build] [Upload] 51 HelloDevice, FirstDemo SerialDemo 3),, http://192168115/indexhtml 26
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 2) Connected to xxxxxxxxxxxx, indexhtml IP, 2) 4),, Echo, Echo 512 HelloDevice / RS-232C Serial 1:1 A HelloDevice B Ethernet Serial Data 8 HelloDevice TCP 27
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 6 PC HelloDevice, PC HelloDevice TCP/IP HelloDevice,, PC, HelloDevice / / 61,, HelloDevice, HelloDevice 192168115 : TCP 6001 RS232/485 HelloDevice 192168123 192168121 PC PC 61 HelloDevice / 28
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 61 HelloDevice, RS232 RS485,, 62 RS232/485 SW2 SW2 RS232 RS485 62 RS232/485 611 RS232 HelloDevice RS232 RxD, TxD, RTS, CTS, 62 (a), (b) RS232 HelloDevice 3=TxD 2=RxD 5=GND 7=RTS 8=CTS HelloDevice HelloDevice RxD RxD RxD RxD TxD TxD TxD TxD GND GND GND GND RTS RTS CTS CTS (a) (b) 63 RS232 29
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 612 RS485 HelloDevice RS485 RS485+(Pin 1), RS485-(Pin 4), 64 HelloDevice 4=RS485 1=RS485+ HelloDevice RS485+ RS485+ RS485- RS485- RTS CTS 64 RS485 62, HelloDevice PC C, HelloDevice, TCP/IP, HelloDevice IP TCP 6001 HelloDevice HelloDevice, 30
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 621 C, HelloDevice TCP 6001 C, HelloDevice \Src\SerialDemo\C\serialdemoc //--------------------- // Process Serial data send //--------------------- void SerialSend() { char commandbuf[512]="" ; int commandlen ; int err ; // Re-Initialize TCP socket TCPSocketInit() ; // Read serial data // : just ASCII string excluding control characters // : Max size is limited to 512 bytes in this demo printf("\nenter serial data:") ; scanf("%s", commandbuf) ; // Calc serial data length commandlen = strlen(commandbuf) ; } // Send command to HelloDevice err = sendto ( sock, &commandbuf, commandlen, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&clientaddr, sizeof(clientaddr) ) ; if (err == -1 ) { perror("\nsend error\n"); exit (1); } 622 HelloDevice \Src\SerialDemo\java, Public domain Free telnet [socket], [display], HelloDevice CDROM 1300_telnet_documentation 31
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 Appendix A (cross-over) IP HelloDevice IP ( : 1721681xxx, HelloDevice IP 192167123 ), PC HelloDevice Rx-Rx, Tx-Tx (Straight), Rx-Tx, Tx-Rx Rx+ Rx+ Rx+ Tx- Rx- Rx- Rx- Tx+ Tx+ Tx+ Tx+ Rx- Tx- Tx- Tx- Rx+ PC HelloDevice, IP HelloDevice 1) PC 2) HelloDevice PC HelloDevice 5V RJ45 PC IP Ethernet 32
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 3), 1:1, PC HelloDevice TCP/IP IP Gateway HelloDevice ) HelloDevice IP 192168123, PC IP 172168122, 2552552550, PC TCP/IP HelloDevice IP 1 192168122 [ ], IP 192168123 HelloDevice, IP 4), ping, >> ping 192168123 >> Pinging 192168123 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192168123: bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=251 Reply from 192168123: bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=251 Reply from 192168123: bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=251 5) HelloDevice 33
Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 6) 432, IP, IP 34