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J. Fd Hyg. Safety 20(1), 53 57 (2005) Ÿ w y, w s z w Á½ xá Á Á yá v w t œw Antioxidative, Antimutagenic and Cytotoxic Effects of the Mineral Water Seung-shi Ham, Soo-hyun Kim, Seon-young Moon, Mi-Sun Jeon, Deog-Hwan Oh and Cheng-Bi Cui 4DIPPMPG#JPUFDIOPMPHZBOE#JPFOHJOFFSJOH,BOHXPO/BUJPOBM6OJWFSTJUZ$IVODIPO,PSFB ABSTRACT This study was performed to observe the components, antioxidative, antimutagenic and cytotoxic effects of the mineral water using AOAC method, DPPH free radical donating method, Ames test and SRB assay. Mineral water contained eleven kinds of minerals among the total seventeen components and sodium and potassium ion were main components. Mineral water showed electron donating activities (175.9 µg). The inhibition rate of mineral water (200 µg/plate) in the Sallmonella typhimurium TA98 strain showed 54% against the mutagenesis induced by Trp-P-1. In addition, same concentration of mineral water the Sallmonella typhimurium TA100 strain showed highest 67%, 65.8% and 63% inhibition against B(a)P, 4NQO and Trp-P-1, respectively. The cytotoxic effects of mineral water against the cell lines with Human lung carcinoma (A549), Human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7), Human stomach adenocarcinoma (AGS) and Human cervical adenocarcinoma (Hela) were inhibited with the increase of the mineral water. The treatment of 50 µg/well of mineral water showed cytotoxicities of 66%, 47.6%, 37.7% and 45.6% against A549, MCF-7, AGS and Hela. Key words: Antimutagenicity, cytotoxicity, mineral water w w w» w».», m,, w wš ƒ wwš y w» w š» swwš ƒ s wwš. w» O 2, N 2, CO 2, H 2 S, CH 4 H 2 ƒ y» He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe š Rnƒ. w w 1) l 25 o C w w ³ ù l e w wù. w w x w ƒ w k wš. 398-1 Ÿ w w ƒ y mw sƒw v w š. Ÿ w ùp, e, Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. e,, p, p p, ³,, w» š. ù,,, y w» e w ùkû. p» w» w ƒ ùp (Na) e (K) s w s» w w w. (Mg) w w g l» x y w» w. e (Ca) w w öe e w šx». ³ (SiO 2 ) ³ e y w g. š p(li) v w w w w p w ùe w Ÿ k. (Fe) w w» s z y w. (Zn) w v v š ù ƒ. p p(sr) 99%ƒ x 53

54 4FVOHTIJ)BNFUBM e š. p p e q w. Ÿ w. Ÿ l e w wù f j p v w Ÿ w 1) š Ÿ yw sƒ, w 2) Ÿ s k w 3) Ÿ w x w ƒ w k. Ÿ y» w sƒ ƒ ³ w w š. x w 398-1 Ÿ w 943 m(3yœ) w millipore filter(0.45 µm) w z þ š w x w. s v w RPMI 1640 Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium(DMEM), Hepes buffer(gibco), Fetal bovine serum(fbs), Trypsin-EDTA Gibco (U.S.A.) l w. š w x v w 4-Nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) N-methyl-N'- nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine(mnng) Sigmaz l w 3-amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido- (4,3-b)indole(Trp-P-1), benzo(a)pyrene(b(a)p), L-histidine dimethyl sulfoxide(dmso) z p w. s x³ x w s s s A549(Lung carcinoma, Human), s MCF-7(Breast adenocarcinoma, pleural effusion, Human), s AGS(stomach adenocarcinoma, Human), ª s HeLa (Cervical adenocarcinoma, Human) š s 293(transformedprimary human embryonal kidney) Korea Cell Line Bank(KCLB) l w w Salmonella typhimurium LT-2 histidine (auxotroph) TA98, TA100, Califonia w B.N. Ames l œ. Ÿ» AOAC 10) w. œ (electron donating ability) w w y y Ÿ Choi 11) w œ w w y y d w. 4 ml 1.5 10-4 M 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl solution(in methanol) 1 ml ƒw z, 30 ew z 517 nm Ÿ d w. œ ƒ x 3z w RC 50 ƒ Ÿ 1/2 j t w, œ (standard curve) mw w. s d s w s ù d w SRB(sulforhodamine B) assay 12) w. 10% fetal bovine serum ƒƒ s s s(a549), s(mcf-7), s (AGS), ª s(hela), s(293) w w RPMI 1640 DMEM 5 10 4 cells/ml 100 µl ƒ well ƒw 24 (37 o C, 5% CO 2 )w z 12.5, 25, 37.5, 50 µg/ well 100 µl ƒw 48 w. z aspirator wš þ w 10%(w/v) TCA 100 µl ƒw z 1 4C ew z o x. plate» k z 1% (v/v) acetic acid 0.4%(w/v) SRB 100 µl ƒw 30 g. ww SRB w» w 1%(v/ v) acetic acid w.» plate 10 mm Tris buffer 100 µl z 540 nm microplate reader Ÿ d w. w x(antimutagenicity test) Ames test w preincubation 13) w x w š x w 4NQO, MNNG B(a)P Trp-P- 1 w. ³ k glass cap tube

"OUJPYJEBUJWF"OUJNVUBHFOJDBOE$ZUPUPYJD&GGFDUTPGUIF.JOFSBM8BUFS 55 50, 100, 150, 200 µg/plate ƒwš ƒƒ 50 µl ƒw. 10% S-9 mix 250 µl ƒƒ ƒw.» k Salmonella typhimurium ³ 100 µl w z 0.2 M sodium phosphate buffer ƒw vƒ 700 µlƒ w. 37 C 20 k w o histidine/biotin ƒ top agar(45 C) o 2 ml ƒw yww z w minimal glucose agar plate wš sqš y g 37 C 48 o w (his+ revertant colony) d w w q w. ƒ x mw w w y y w (inhibition, %) ùkü. 3z x w s³ e ùkü. Inhibition(%) = [(M S 1 )/(M S 0 )] 100, M: w, S 0 :, S 1 : ƒw š Ÿ Ÿ w 943 m(3 yœ) l w w ƒ?» w Table 1 17.» 11 ƒ» ùp e w p. š, û, k ƒ y. Table 2. Antioxidant effect of Kyung-san mineral water Sample RC 50 * (µg) mineral water 1Ü(0.1%) 897.6 2Ü(0.2%) 763.3 4Ü(0.4%) 652.1 6Ü(0.6%) 542.8 8Ü(0.8%) 237.5 10Ü(1.0%) 175.9 BHT** 12.4 α-tocopherol 14.6 *Amount required for 50% inhibition of DPPH after 30 min. **Dibutyl hydroxy toluene w y y Ÿ w w w yz ƒ ³ w» w Ÿ w DPPH free radical y d w w y y sƒw. x Table 2 Ÿ w y z 10 (1.0%) RC 50 175.9 µg α-tocopherol(rc 50 =14.6 µg) w w y y ùkü. w z Ÿ y mw» w S. typhimurium TA98 ³ w 4NQO B(α)P Trp-P-1 y ³ w. x Fig. 1 ƒ y ùkü 200 µg/plate ƒ Trp-P-1 w 54.2% ƒ y ùkü B(α)P 43.1% y ùkü. š 4NQO w 40% û y ùkü. Table 1. Analysis of mineral water Item Hole NO Hole NO Item 1 2 3 1 2 3 Depth(m) 694 1,200 943 Free CO 2 7.3 34.32 27.46 Temperature( o C) 27.0 30.0 29.5 Cl 217 254 175 ph 7.75 7.50 7.63 SO 4 8,487 6,125 147 Total solid 8,084 8,362 8.434 F 5.2 ND 1.4 Na 2,320 1,502 1,982 SiO 2 3.28 11.6 13.1 K 30.0 56.3 52.9 Fe 0.23 0.27 0.01 Ca 377.0 158.8 257.2 Zn 0.88 0.94 0.57 Mg 95.5 42.4 51.4 Cu 0.003 ND ND Sr 0.25 9.81 9.80 Pb 0.003 ND ND Li 21.0 ND 16.1 H 2 S ND ND ND HCO 3 181.1 235.4 210.0 Mn 0.083 0.07 0.11 CO 2 ND ND ND Al 0.01 0.02 0.02 (unit : %)

56 4FVOHTIJ)BNFUBM Fig. 1. The Antimutagenic effects of mineral water against each mutagen on Salmonella typhimurium TA98. Fig. 3. Inhibitory effects of growth of human cancer cells in adding the mineral water. Fig. 2. The Antimutagenic effects of mineral water against each mutagen on Salmonella typhimurium TA100. wr, S. typhimurium TA100 ³ w 4NQO MNNG, B(α)P Trp-P-1 y xw S. typhimurium TA98 ³ ƒ ƒ y ùkü 200 ml/plate ƒ ƒƒ 65.8%, 58.6%, 67.0% 63.1% MNNG w š 60% y ùkü. w y r ù Ÿ y ùkü sƒ (Fig. 2). s z Fig. 4. Inhibitory effects of growth of mineral water on human transfomed primary embryonal kindney (293). x ƒ s w Ÿ s ³ w» w s A549, Hela, AGS MCF-7 s 293 w SRB assay ww. Ÿ w A549, Hela, AGS MCF-7 s w wz mw Fig. 3 Ÿ 50 µg/well ƒ ƒƒ 66%, 45.6%, 37.7% 47.6% z ùkü. w z ùkù Trp-P-1, B(α)P, MNNG 4NQO w z w y ù kü. w s 293 w Ÿ s z 20% w û Ÿ ƒ s w û z ùký (Fig. 4).

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