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Unit1 4-5형식 동사 정리 of를 수반할 수 있는 동사: ask, require 등 ex ask: He asked me the way. He asked the way of me. 4 형식 동사 4형식 문형: S + V + I.O + D.O (V: 수여동사) 4형식

<C0CEBBEA2035BFF92D DB4DCC7C72E706466>

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정

1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운

I&IRC5 TG_03,04권


1 1 2 3 Mike scored six Her bottom: the lowest part of anything popular: liked or enjoyed by most people lie: to have confidence or faith to believe mix: to put or blend together to form one mass article: a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine trust lie My car broke down on the highway. Let s take a break for ten minutes. Please enter the room one by one. We will be at the concert hall in no time. All of a sudden it became cloudy and began to rain. in no timesoon (e)s today. in life is to become a chef. hit goal point dream purpose goal Mike 6 5 6 Who is she? What is it about? Who is the movie s director? How did you know about it? Do you want to watch it together? A: We almost missed the plane. B: There were so many cars on the road. A: It was a good thing that the police of ficer told us a quicker way. B: We have to take a taxi. Don t forget to hurry next time. We shouldn t have asked him to help. We couldn t have made it with his help. We couldn t have made it without his help. A B A B [~] A: What are you watching? B: I m watching a movie called Becoming Jane. A: B: It s about Jane Austen, the famous writer. A: Oh, isn t she a British writer? B: That s right. Speaking of Jane Austen, did you know she never got married? A: Really? I didn t know that. B Becoming Jane What is it about? 4 A: Wow, look at these paper birds. They look great. B: Thanks. I made them myself. A: How did you make them? B: I just learned from my mom and practiced a lot. How amazing! What a surprise! That s incredible! That s all right. I can t believe it. B 3 7 A BJane A B Jane Austen A BJane Austen A Jane Austen B Becoming Jane Becoming Jane Jane Austen

1 [~] Brian: Hi, Subin. are you doing? Subin: I m searching for a good online shopping mall. Brian: What do you need to buy? Subin: I need to buy a pair of sneakers. Brian: So are you going to buy them? Subin: I don t know. All the shopping malls advertise that they are the best. Brian: Yeah. You can t trust them all. Subin: Do you have any ideas? Brian: Well, I d read other people s reviews. Subin: You re right. That s a smart way to shop. 8 How what Where when How where What when What where What where Brian Brian Brian Brian 9 you d better other people s reviews. shall we read other people s reviews? I like to read other people s reviews. I d rather read other people s reviews. do you mind if I read other people s reviews? l d I would you d betteryou should 11 If I free, I could have gone for a drive to Chicago. 12 am was been had been was have been have if had He looks as if he were tired now. In fact, he is tired. In fact, he isn t tired. In fact, he was tired. In fact, he wasn t tired. In fact, he hadn t been tired. as if [~] 10 Her ambition is a chef. 13 I study a lot so that I can make my dreams come true. = I study a lot make my dreams come true. become becomes became to have become to become be to 4 enough so as that in order that such that in order to so that in order that in order to so as to

1 14 I don t know There is no reason what how which when why she is so angry. you can t come. why reason why 17 Which is NOT true about Amy in the passage above? She wants to live in Korea. Her job is a writer. She has some Korean friends. She likes to cook Korean food. She is much interested in Korean culture. Amy 15 She said that two and three Jack told me that he makes can t made can t had made couldn t five. go with me. makes couldn t made couldn t Amy Amy [~] [~] I called my Korean friends over to my house again. I started to cook tteongmandutguk. I put some anchovies (A) with / without! their heads on into the boiling water. At first, they looked fine. After a while, however, they looked alive. They went up and down the water as if they (B) are / were swimming. Some of them seemed to stare at me with blank eyes. I didn t feel like (C) to eat / eating them. So I threw the soup away. 18 with were to eat with are eating with were eating without were eating without are to eat (A) with (B) as (C) feel like + -ing Amy is a writer. She lives in New York City and is really into Korean culture. She goes to Korean restaurants, meets Korean friends, and watches Korean dramas. These days, she enjoys making Korean favorites such as kimchi and tteongmandutguk. It wasn t easy of her to learn to make those dishes. However, that didn t stop her. Amy tells us about her first try at cooking Korean food. 16 to for cf of 5 19 Why did I throw the soup away? The soup smelled bad. The soup tasted too terrible. My friends didn t like the soup. I forgot to put anchovies into it. I didn t want to eat the anchovies.

1 [~] [~] On January 15, 2009, a plane took of f from LaGuardia Airport in New Y ork at 3:26 p.m. Captain Chesley Sullenberger was flying US Airways Flight 1549 with 150 passengers and 5 crew members including him. All of a sudden, the people on the plane heard a loud sound, and the plane shook a little. Captain Sullenberger realized that both engines did not work because a group of birds just hit them. He saw that the left engine was on fire. It was truly an emer gency. The pilot knew that returning to LaGuardia or finding another airport were impossible. The lives of 154 people were in his hands. He quickly decided that he would land the plane on the Hudson River. 20 21 or was land to depart from the ground the solid ground of the earth to rise into the air or begin flight to come from the sea on the land to bring a plane down to the ground or water land Ads often promise the quality of a product., no one would want to spend money for it. This is why we see phrases like The Best or Number One very often in ads. For the same reason, we trust a Gold Medal Winner or a First Prize W inner product more easily. Low prices also draw the attention of shoppers, and free deals are always welcome. For many people, Buy One and Get One Free sounds cheaper than 50% Off. Many smart shoppers wait for Rock Bottom Prices or Clearance Sales. 23 24 Low prices Low prices Low prices 1 50% If a product is cheaper If a product has good looks If a product isn t a famous brand If ads promise the quality of a product If a product does not have good quality 22 3 26 155 LaGuardia LaGuardia 6 25 what because the way in which the reason the reason why the reason the reason why why

2 1 alive dead bottom top quality quantity possible impossible famous well-known 5 Of course! Speaking of movies, who s your favorite actor? Hey, what are you doing? I m watching a movie. I love Audrey Hepburn. Do you like watching movies? 2 3 cut boil chop She bought some own house. The pilot tried to land set off throw away land mix clap cutmixboilchop clap put on take off and built her the plane safely. 6 A: I lost my bag. What should I do? B: Well, I d go to the lost and found. A: How are you going to fix the computer? B: I don t know. Do you have any ideas? A: I passed the driving test. Audrey Hepburn B: That s too bad! You must be so happy. A: Hey, what are you listening to? B: I m listening to a song called We Are the World. A: Speaking of writers, who s your favorite writer? B: J.K. Rowling. She wrote Harry Potter. That s too bad. 4 A: I m reading a book called Romeo and Juliet. B: What is it about? A: You should read it someday. I think their love is very beautiful. It s about two young people in love. I have to return it to Subin tomorrow. I bought it at the bookstore yesterday. What is it about Romeo and Juliet 7 [~] Subin: Hey, Brian. Come on in. Brian: Thanks for inviting me to dinner, Subin. Subin: I made some Korean dishes for you. ( ) Brian: This is incredible! ( ) Subin: I followed a cookbook, and my mom helped. ( )

2 Brian: You re a wonderful cook! Subin: Thanks. But I couldn t have done it without her help. ( ) Brian: Say thanks to your mom for me. ( ) Subin: I will. Now, are you ready to eat? Brian: Of course. I can t wait. 7 How did you make all this food? [~] 10 My sister is not a baby but she acts as if she is were had been a baby. being has been as if as if be were 8 I followed a cookbook, ~. Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian Not at all. My pleasure. Of course not. You re welcome. Don t mention it. Brian Of course not. 11 He fell asleep while he the movie. 12 watches is watching has watched will watch was watching (need, this job, do, you, that, experience, you, so, a lot of, can) You need a lot of experience so that you can do this job. so that 9 if I were her if I hadn t help her if she had done it if it were not for her help if it had not been for her help without if if it had not been for her without 8 13 If we had had a rope, we could have saved him. As we don t have a rope, we can t save him. As we had a rope, we could save him. As we didn t have a rope, we couldn t save him. We had had a rope, so we could have saved him. We hadn t have a rope, so we couldn t have save him.

2 14 15 My goal is to be wise as an owl. I don t have anything to wear. His job is to wipe the window. We decided to buy a new car. To see a shooting star is good luck. She grew up to be a famous movie star. This is the house where Tom lived. This is the office when they work. Will you tell me the reason why she left? Monday is the day when the traffic is heavy. This is the way I explain the purpose of my work. the office when where [~] My first experience of making kimchi became almost a drama. First of all, I bought a Korean cookbook. That was easy. After that, however, everything turned out different from my plan. I had to buy Korean cabbages, not head cabbages, and other vegetables, but I didn t know. It took for me three days to find a supermarket that sold those vegetables. Next, I had to salt the cabbages. It took me all morning. Then I had to mix them with red pepper, other vegetables, and fish sauce. In no time, cabbages, hot pepper, garlic, salt, and fish sauce was all over my kitchen. The fish sauce smelled terribly. The salt and hot pepper made my hands to burn. I learned why people in dramas wore red plastic gloves when they made kimchi. 17 when to go why to make how to make what to buy where to go 3 18 melt takesto It takesforto wereand terrible smell burn make why the reason 16 John s dream is to get rich. I remember the day when I won the prize. Mom said that the movie was very boring. If it hadn t rained, we could have gone on a picnic. I bought some deter gent in order to I could wash my clothes. in order +toin order that ++ in order to in order that in order to (in order to wash ~) in ++: ~ (= in order to / so as to) 9 19 I 3

2 [~] [~] He spoke to the passengers only once. ( ) He said very calmly, Prepare for an emer gency landing. ( ) Later, one of the passengers said, The captain said it in a calm voice. If there had been any fear in his voice, the passengers would have been very scared. ( ) At that moment, the passengers thought that they were all going to die. ( ) They worried that they were going to hit some buildings in New Y ork. ( ) It was only 3:31 p.m. Sullenber ger saved the lives of 154 people. Later, he checked the plane twice after everyone was out. He wanted to make sure that no one was left behind. 20 21 But the plane safely landed on the Hudson River. But 3 31Sullenberger 154 There wasn t passengers very weren t any fear in his voice, so the scared. Advertising is a message that tries to sell something. However, it does not say to your face, Buy our product! Instead, ads make us want to buy their products through less direct messages. They say good things about the products to make us become interested in them. They make us want to know more about them and want to try them. They even make us feel that we need them and have to buy them. Let s look at how ads do their jobs in different ways. 23 24 Are you sure that this is your bag? This is the boy that solved the puzzle. The month that comes after July is August. The present that Sam sent was a story book. The movie that we saw last night was very funny. something ads advertising ads something people advertising products a message products Advertising ads 22 Why did Sullenberger check the plane twice? Answer in Korean. Sullenberger He wanted to make sure that no one was left behind. 10 25 Which one is the best title? Kinds of Advertisements The Effects of Advertisements What is the First Advertisement? The Way Advertisement Does Its Jobs What is the Purpose of Advertisements?

3 1 2 3 direct indirect healthy health realize realization appear disappear different differently v. to strike someone or something n. something which is popular or successful hit hot beat attention success hit It took the firefighters three hours to put out the forest fire. blow extinguish disappear break out turn off put outextinguish 3 choose choice 5 6 A: Are you okay? You don t look well. B: I have a terrible headache. What should I do? A: B: Okay. I will do that. I d go home and sleep. I d take some medicine. I d like to take the day off. You d better go see a doctor. You should get some rest. I d like to ~. [~] A: Finally! We re here! B: I m happy. ( ) A: Me, too. ( ) B: Yeah. It happened all of a sudden. ( ) A: We were lucky that the nice man helped us fix it. ( ) B: Right. ( ) We couldn t have gotten here without him. I can t believe our car broke down. 4 when where what why how B It happened all of a sudden. It our car broke down A A B A B A: Amy, where are you going? B: I m going to the city library. We are going to have final exams next week. A: I see. So what are you going to study first? B: I m going to start with math. That s my favorite. to the city library where math what AAmyB 11 A B 7 as such too so very happy soverytoo so that so

3 [~] Minjun: Hey, what are you listening to? Jenny: I m listening to a song called Hero. Minjun: What is it about? Jenny: It s about the hero inside all of us. Minjun: What do you mean the hero inside us? Jenny: Well, we can all be heroes. Minjun: I don t get it. Can you explain more? Jenny: For example, a firefighter, a teacher... anyone that tries their best is a hero. Minjun: I see. who s your hero? Jenny: My hero is my mom. She always does her best for the family. 8 9 Speaking of heroes speaking of Who is Jenny s hero? What is Jenny listening to? What is a song Hero about? What are they talking about? Who is Minjun s favorite song? 11 He said Edison the light bulb. The stone was so heavy that I lift it. 12 invents can t invented couldn t had invented couldn t He arrived see the actors. Birds are caged off anywhere. invents couldn t invented can t as such enough late that he couldn t that they can t fly so ~ thatcan t so that so too [~] 10 He speaks as if he a foreigner. In fact, he isn t a foreigner. Mary looks as if she In fact, she didn t see the movie. is saw were saw had been sees is had seen were had seen the movie. as if as if 12 13 Her plan is get a driver s license after graduation. be to getting to get

3 14 I visited the city Gogh was born. The room I study is full of books. The hotel we stayed was very good. Tell me the time you have to leave. This is the farm workers are very diligent. when where 17 If After While Even though Because Since 15 I didn t remember to take an umbrella, I got wet. If I had remembered to take an umbrella, I wouldn t have gotten wet. If had have [~] The next day, I returned to the Korean market. This time, my goal was tteongmandutguk. I thought cooking tteongmandutguk would be (very / much) easier than making kimchi. I could buy rice cakes and dumplings at the supermarket. The only problem was the soup. Tteongmandutguk uses beef and dried anchovies. Beef is (very / much) popular in American cooking but anchovies are not. However, I wasn t worried. Since I learned how to make wonderful chicken soup from my grandmother, I thought it would be easy to make tteongmandutguk with beef and anchovies. All I had to do was to use beef and anchovies instead of chicken. 16 much very easier much very 13 18 What was the writer going to make? What did the writer buy at the supermarket? Where did the writer buy beef and anchovies? How did the writer learn to make chicken soup? Why wasn t the writer worried about making tteongmandutguk? Chesley Sullenberger 14 Robert BeaSullenberger [~] Chesley Sullenberger spent his whole life preparing for this moment. He got his pilot s license at the age 14. He was named the best pilot in his class at the Air Force Academy. He flew fighter planes and studied accidents in the air. He even wrote a book about (A) why / how crews should act in an emer gency. Sullenberger is not someone (B) who / which just flies airplanes. He gets very deeply into (C) what / that he does, said Robert Bea, one his friends. 19 crews role in an emergency Sullenberger s career as a pilot how to treat accidents in the air work as the fighter planes pilots the necessity of the Air Force Academy Sullenberger

3 20 of at the age of one of 23 21 why who what why which that how who that how which what how who what (A) how (B) someone who (C) what [~] It s Bigger and Better Here was once a hit ad for a famous hamburger restaurant. (A) It also gives us a good reason why we should buy their product. (B) Such an ad helps us compare the product in the ad with other leading brands. (C) Smart shoppers always compare products before they choose one. For them, phrases like 20% More, W orks Faster, or 1/3 Less Sugar always catch their attention. [~] We live in a world where hundreds and thousands of new ads are created every day. All ads are ; however, they have a common goal. They want to open our wallets so that we buy their products. This is the reason why we need to shop smart. Are you a smart shopper? 24 same different expensive difficult common different 22 (A)(B)(C) (B)(A)(C) (C)(B)(A) (A)(C)(B) (B)(C)(A) (B) (A) (C) 14 25 They want to open our wallets so that we buy their products.