1 p.8 1. experience 2. ex- 1. Choosing the right career career 2. living in a big city 3. not to wear a seat belt wear 4. To know, to imagine imagine 5. Shopping on my own on one's own annoy 1. pitch practice control 2. 1. Every teenager between the ages of 12 and 17 12 17 teenager join 2. The runners ready to start 3. Some music from other countries 2
4. The man at the party 5. the books worthy of reading worthy of v-ing expensive Reading p.10 1 1938 2 Getting out of the city and going into the countryside, unit 1 3
3 To call it 'Super' 4
2 p.12 1. information 2. Roy 1. talking with all the students in your class 2. visiting my grandma's and helping her with cooking 3. to turn my homework in to the teacher turn in 4. waiting a few minutes in front of the school mind in front of 5. to work in a sports center 1. climbing 2. get off 1. that you love me too 2. when he left the office 3. how much money they have 4. finishing the work took five hours 5 5. who is going to tell him the news decide Reading p.14 unit 2 5
1 it is cruel to get milk from cows all the time 2 6
3 that unit 2 7
3 p.16 1. favorite 2. 3. feel at ease 4. of use 1. to be strange situation 2. neighbors stay neighbor 3. becoming a famous actress 4. free to make suggestions suggestion 5. of garlic garlic 1. 2. secret 3. feel proud 1. in order put... in order 2. come in the house Jude 3. black factory 4. to send me to summer camp 5. a success sucess succeed 8
Reading p.18 1 make themselves sleep 2 unit 3 9
3 to like 10
4 p.24 1. 7 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9 graduate from 5. 1. 2. 1. Eric 2. James 3. 2000 6 4. pet take care of 5. Henry unit 4 11
Reading p.26 1 Willie 2 have been 12
3 have fought fought unit 4 13
5 p.28 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. motorbike 2. 3. 4. shoulder 5. approach 1. TV 2. 1. 2. 7 3. 4. 5. Reading p.30 unit 5 15
1 lay 2 wet suits off 16
3 unit 5 17
6 p.32 1. 2. 1. 1999 2. destroy atomic bomb 3. correct 4. 5. missing 1. 2. 1. were just married 2. were killed 3. was satisfied be satisfied with 4. was poured out pour melt 5. is spoken well of Joel Reading p.34 18
1 is usually eaten 2 died unit 6 19
3 with 20
7 p.36 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. expensive 4. 5. waste 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. kid 3. 4. slim 5. Reading p.38 unit 7 21
1 2 was able 22
3 unit 7 23
8 p.44 1. accept offer 2. lend 1. to be busy, what to do 2. to find people who will help you 3. swimming Jay be fond of 4. to tell the truth 5. sitting next to Moon Keun-young at the theater 1. 2. 1. more boring boring 2. knocking on the door knock 3. excited at the idea of going to Italy 4. locked lock 5. to have few friends 24
Reading p.46 1 lifting, winning 2 TV unit 8 25
3 26
unit 8 27
9 p.48 1. 2. must expensive 3. Daniel 4. seat 5. Jessica 1. 2. 3. 4. foolish 5. 1. 2. Clooney improve 3. lie 4. 1. broken examine 2. leaving for Boston 3. hidden on the island treasure hide 4. burning gather 5. sold most in the world 28
Reading p.50 1 ' 2 called, suffering unit 9 29
3 30
10 p.52 1. solve 1. 2. hold 3. 4. Justine 5. 2002 beat 1. 2. Janet 3. eat out 1. 2. guess 3. 4. prepare 5. look forward to Reading p.54 unit 10 31
1 2 cleaning 32
3 Jesse unit 10 33
11 p.60 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. at heart 4. bill 5. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reading p.62 34
1 that a girl with a big nose makes it in show business 2 whether unit 11 35
3 that 36
12 p.64 1. 2. 3. Tim 3 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. deer 5. 1. 2. 3. 1. thin 2. 3. attractive cannot help v-ing 4. concentrate 5. Reading p.66 unit 12 37
1 2 80 38
3 unit 12 39
13 p.68 1. look for 2. end up 3. Cathy 4. rush 5. Shannon surround nervous Jenny 1. TV be absorbed in 2. 3. useless 4. sunscreen lotion 5. Allan injure badly Reading p.70 40
1 because, didn't, know 2 unit 13 41
3 42
14 p.72 1. cool 2. disappear appear 1. that invent 2. whose advertisement 3. who interest 4. which that 5. what 1. perfect score math mathematics 1. why that reason absent 2. where 3. when holiday beach 4. that freedom 5. when miss Reading p.74 unit 14 43
1 where 2 44
3 unit 14 45
15 p.76 1. 2. 1. we ate yesterday delicious 2. when I first learned swimming vacation 3. he dislikes me 4. I greatly respected respect 5. I wanted it 1. 2. be afraid of 1. whom I like a lot Annie Annie 2. to which there were no answers 3. when everybody was sleeping midnight 4. that I stayed with 5. from whom he borrowed the money Liz borrow lend Reading p.78 46
1 which 2 a place (where) it is / the fruits and nuts (that[which]) we buy unit 15 47
3 48
16 p.80 1. robber in a hurry park 2. ability similar human 1. gather stadium 2. unfortunately available 3. result 4. eagle ready 5. relate be related with 1. government prize 2. comfortable 1. DVD 2. cupboard 3. silent 4. 5. 2 underwater unit 16 49
Reading p.82 1 1912 2 50
3 unit 16 51
17 p.88 1. 2. 3. Mike 1. 2. 3. highway 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Reading p.90 52
1 more quickly, best 2 They just do not last as long as those in Boston. unit 17 53
3 No, fast 54
18 p.92 1. have MP3 2. knew success 3. would propose 4. would 5. should take over 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. treat servant 5. Reading p.94 unit 18 55
1 had 2 75 56
3 were unit 18 57
19 p.96 1. 2. 3. as usual 1. lose lost 2. 3. cupboard 4. 5. count 1. truly honest 2. 3. 1. Nancy 2. 3. second class 4. unusual 5. Reading p.98 58
1 2 unit 19 59
3 60
20 p.100 1. 2. bright 3. taste 1. 2. 3. cause 4. succeed 5. 1. freedom fight fought 2. manner 1. Dave 2. moment 3. 4. 5. A B be satisfied with Reading p.102 unit 20 61
1 Nowhere could we go. 2 that 62
3 unit 20 63