박현수 Build up 영어교육론 Ⅲ ( 초판발행 : 2017 년 5 월 4 일 ) 정오표및보충자료 1. 정오표 Ÿ 443 페이지 3. Item analysis > 마지막줄에예시추가 Teacher A Teacher B Grammar Instruction Ex. disc

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박현수 Build up 영어교육론 Ⅲ ( 초판발행 : 2017 년 5 월 4 일 ) 정오표및보충자료 1. 정오표 443 페이지 3. Item analysis > 마지막줄에예시추가 Teacher A Teacher B Grammar Instruction Ex. discrete-point testing Ex. contextualized testing 445페이지 17. 문항분석 > 2. Focus > 마지막문장수정제시된수업에서는 reading text의일부만을제시하고나머지내용을학습자스스로예측하게하도록하는 predicting strategy에초점을맞추고있다. [ 수정 ] 제시된수업에서는 reading text의일부만을제시하고나머지내용을학습자스스로예측하여일관되고통일성있는텍스트구성을수업목적으로두고있다. 445 페이지 17. 문항분석 > 3. Item analysis > 내용일부삭제 Pre-reading activity ⑵ Reading strategies required in this lesson : scanning ( 이하삭제 ) 446 페이지 3. Activity types > 내용수정 Activity B 본활동은일종의 Consciousness-raising techniques이며, 학생들로하여금해당문법에관련한여러예문을맥락에맞추어제공하여시간을두고분석하게하고, 학생들스스로문법에대한규칙을찾아내게끔유도하는귀납적방식 (inductive approach) 을취하고있다. ( 이하동일 ) 1

447 페이지 19. 문항분석 > 2. Focus > 내용추가 2. Focus (Reflective teaching) 455페이지 4. Audiolinguals Language Teaching vs. Communicative Language Teaching > 내용수정즉, 주어진활동에서보면 ALM에서볼수있는개별음가를포함한단어쌍인 minimal pairs 형태의연습이아닌개별음가에대한차이를지도한다할지라도, CLT에서는맥락과문맥안에서의차이를볼수있도록하기위해각문장안에포함시켜의미에대한이해를바탕으로발음연습을하도록유도하는 meaningful minimal pairs를제안하고있다. [ 수정 ] 즉, ALM에서는개별음가를포함한단어쌍인 minimal pairs 형태의연습이이루어지고, CLT에서는맥락과문맥안에서의개별음가차이를볼수있도록하기위해각문장안에포함시켜의미에대한이해를바탕으로발음연습을하도록유도하는 meaningful minimal pairs를제안하고있다. 458페이지 01. 문항분석 > 3 In the Final paragraph > Tips > 마지막부분에문장추가그러나단락의길이가문제된다면우선적정보에따라 dictogloss의문법지도특징세가지를기술하도록한다. 460 페이지 15. 문항분석 > 3. The different viewpoint between Teacher A and Student A > 내용수정 Teacher A English-only class에대한옹호 : 영어를수업의주요의사소통의수단으로사용함으로써학생들에게영어의 natural communication 상황에서많은영어 input(comprehensible input) 을제공할수있다. Teacher B 460페이지 16. 문항분석 > 2. Focus > p를대문자로수정 Product-oriented syllabus 중하나인 Structural syllabus와 Process-oriented syllabus 중하나인 Task-based syllabus의차이를이해하고각각의특징들을기술할수있어야한다. 2

463페이지 19. 문항분석 > 2. Focus > 내용수정평가에관련한다양한유형들을인지하고각각의실질적인목적및특성등을이해할필요가있다. [ 수정 ] Norm-referenced testing 유형을인지하고표준평가의목적및특성등을이해할필요가 있다. 467 페이지 25. 문항분석 > 3. The characteristics of the given writing lesson > ⑶ Purpose > 내용추가 ⑶ Purpose : Focus on Form approach (grammar in context) 468 페이지 26. 문항분석 > 3. Types used in the writing lesson > ⑷ Computer-adaptive testing > 내용추가 ⑷ Computer-adaptive testing : The computer can instantly mark each answer, the following question can be tailored or adapted. 대규모평가가능, 즉각적인평가결과, 평가답안에대한 review 가어려움 479 페이지 19. 문항분석 > 3. The analysis of the lesson procedure > 내용추가 Pre-listening While-listening Post-listening 본격적으로식물에대한연설을들으면서 confirming, predicting, note-taking, listening for gist와같은여러가지듣기전략들을연습한다. 이미들었던듣기자료에대하여 listening script 안에 ~ 그룹별로의견을토의함으로써협동학습 (cooperative learning) 을촉진한다. critical comprehension level 481 페이지 21. 문항분석 > 3. The characteristics of this writing lesson > 내용추가 3. The characteristics of this writing lesson (A type of blended learning) 481페이지 22. 문항분석 > 2. Focus > 내용추가읽기활동중에 coherence에대한학습을시키기위하여 scramble sentences 활동을진행하고있다. Reader의 discourse competence(cohesion & coherence) 에대한읽기지도 3

484페이지 26. 문항분석 > 3. The characteristics of the given activity > 내용수정 Step 1에서는학생들이활동중에들은문장들을, 과거형을표기하는 -ed ending이있는지없는지에따라서과거에일어났던일혹은과거에일어나지않은일로분류하도록요구된다 (Form-meaning relationship). [ 수정 ] Step 1에서는학생들에게듣기활동을토대로민수가어제무엇을했는지에대한활동을듣고, 과거형을표기하는 -ed ending의유무에따라서과거에일어났던일이나일어나지않은일로분류하도록요구하고있다 (Form-meaning relationship). 487페이지 1-1. 문항분석 > 3. Direction analysis > ⑵ How much information? > 1 In One paragraph > Tips > 내용수정실생활의언어의특징인 spoken language의속성을기준으로파악하도록한다. [ 수정 ] 실생활언어의특징인 spoken language 의속성또는 typical News Format 에해당하는 rhetorical structure 를기준으로파악하도록한다. 489페이지 1-2. 문항분석 > 3. Direction analysis > ⑵ How much information? > 1 Write your answer In One paragraph > Tips > 내용수정 Ms. Kim은 Dictogloss 활동을수업에서처음으로사용해보는시도를하였는데, 여러가지문제점이발견된다. [ 수정 ] Ms. Kim 은 Dictogloss 활동을수업에서처음시도하였는데, 여러가지문제점이발견된다. 489 페이지 1-2. 문항분석 > 3. Direction analysis > ⑵ How much information? > 1 Write your answer In One paragraph > Key phrases & Information > 내용추가 - 3rd group leader : All students did not have equal opportunities to talk during the group discussion 4

536 페이지 2012 학년도 > 선택형 > 문제번호수정 문항번호 정답 문항번호 정답 15 23 16 24 17 25 18 26 19 27 20 28 22 29 ( 정답은동일 ) 538 페이지 2013 학년도 > 선택형 > 문제번호수정 문항번호 정답 문항번호 정답 15 22 16 23 17 24 18 25 19 26 20 27 21 28 ( 정답은동일 ) 540페이지 2014학년도 > 논술형 > 02. > 내용삭제 02. (Workshop 질문추가보완설명 ) In another paragraph, address the problems the lower-level students are experiencing by suggesting two possible solutions and supporting them with your rationales. 541 페이지 2014 학년도 > 논술형 > 02. > 내용이동 여기서언급하는학습자가 inappropriate grouping strategy for group activities에의해겪을수있는문제점들은 suggestions 와관련하여제시될수있다. 따라서교사의 inappropriate grouping strategies를통해일어날수있는 lower level students의어려움을 solutions 의 rationales 와관련해언급하면된다. 이문항에서는요구하는것은 inappropriate grouping strategy를어떻게보완할수있는것인지에대한 solution에초점을맞춰야할것이다. ( 답안참고 ) [ 수정 ] 498 페이지 모범답안 아래쪽으로내용이동 5

2. 보충자료 ( 해당페이지 pdf 파일첨부 ) 31페이지 - 하단에 Plus 삽입 (Speech Styles) 37페이지 - 2. Focus 아래로박스삽입 (Reflective teaching) 75페이지 - 4. Keyword list 아래로박스삽입 (learnability (teachability) hypothesis) 77페이지 - 4. Keyword list 아래로박스삽입 (Constructed-response item) 101페이지 - 4. Keyword list 아래로표삽입 (paradigmatic relation/syntagmatic relation) 134페이지 4. Keyword list 아래로박스삽입 (a passive vocabulary/an active vocabulary) 149페이지 - 4. Keyword list 아래로박스삽입 (item facility/item discrimination) 453페이지 - 5. Keyword list 아래로박스삽입 (Inquiry-based learning) 6

5. Keyword (concept) list ⑴ Collocations : ⑵ The demand for international English/the variety of English : ⑶ Grammar in context ⑷ Mnemonic device/ Word memorization Plus Speech Styles Formal Informal formality 1. Consultative : business transaction doctor-patient conversation 2. Casual : social barrier are moderately low. friends/colleagues 3. Intimate : complete absence of social inhibitions talk with family, loved ones very close friends Register occupational or socioeconomic group Section 01 2011 학년도기출문제 31

문항분석 1. Topic : How to teach grammar 2. Focus : Reflective teaching : means looking at what you do in the classroom, thinking about why you do it and thinking about if it works a process of selfobservation and self-evaluation cf. Reflective learning 3. Activity types Activity A Activity B 4. Keyword (concept) list : Section 01 2011 학년도기출문제 37

문항분석 1. Topic : Materials analysis (Textbook evaluation) 2. Focus : 3. The advantages or disadvantage of the candidate textbook ⑴ Advantages : ⑵ Disadvantages : 4. Keyword list : learnability (teachability) hypothesis : Stages of acquisition of morphosyntactic structures follows a set developmental order. Also, stages cannot be skipped as result of formal instruction and instruction will be beneficial only if it focuses on structures from the next stage. [Implications] Premature instruction may be harmful to learning. Section 02 2012 학년도기출문제 75

문항분석 1. Topic : Assessment 2. Focus : 3. The characteristics of the given test : 4. Keyword list : Constructed-response item : a type of open-ended essay question that demonstrates cognitive knowledge and reasoning. The answer must be provided using information that can be found in a particular text or other prompt. It shows how you are able to extract information and use this as the basis for forming a complete answer. Section 02 2012 학년도기출문제 77

Which of the following lists all and only correct statements in <B> about the activity in <A>? 1 a, b, c 2 a, b, e 3 a, c, d 4 a, c, e 5 b, d, e 문항분석 1. Topic : How to teach vocabulary (Lexical approach) 2. Focus : 3. The characteristics of the given lesson : 4. Keyword list : paradigmatic relation a relation that holds between elements of the same category, i.e., elements that can be substituted for each other. Ex. healthy diet unhealthy syntagmatic relation relation holding between elements that are combined with each other. Ex.unhealthy diet Section 02 2012 학년도기출문제 101

Build-up 2011~2017 학년도기출문항분석및 Worksheet 문항분석 1. Topic : How to teach the reading skills 2. Focus : 3. The analysis of each step in the reading lesson Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 4. Keyword list : a passive vocabulary : 이해 어휘 ( 뜻은 알지만 활용할 줄 모르는 어휘 ) an active vocabulary : 활용할 수 있는 어휘 134 Part 01 2011~2017 학년도기출문항분석및 Worksheet

B a. The test is criterion-referenced, assessing the extent to which the students achieved the goals of the class. b. Item 2 does not distinguish the upper level students from the lower level students. c. The ID values for Item 3 and Item 10 turned out to be the same. d. All 10 items have IF values which are greater than 0.4. Which of the following lists all and only the correct statements in <B> about the test and its results described in <A>? 1 a, b 2 a, d 3 b, c 4 b, c, d 5 b, d 문항분석 1. Topic : Assessment (Item facility & Item discrimination) 2. Focus : 3. Analysis of this testing : 4. Keyword list : item facility : 학습자들의 정답률 item discrimination : 상위 그룹과 하위 그룹의 변별도 Section 03 2013 학년도기출문제 149

5. Keyword (concept) list word map (web), thematically related words, visual aid, long-term memory 27. 문항분석 1. Topic : How to teach writing skills 2. Focus 주어진writing수업이취하고있는접근법과특성들을파악할수있어야한다. 3. Writing approaches Product-oriented writing approach Process-oriented writing approach focus on final product, the coherent error-free text (quality) sentence level grammar/imitate, copy, transform the models provided by the teacher reworking successive drafts of a text (quantity) getting feedback/sharing their work with others/revising 4. Computer-assisted Language Learning 주어진수업에서는computer-assistedlanguagelearning의일종인computer mediatedcommunication을학생들끼리피드백을주고받는방법으로활용하고 있다.예를들면,학생들은먼저자신이쓴글을온라인게시판에업로드하고, 다른학생의글에대한평가를코멘트로달면서asynchronous방식으로 소통하도록요구되고있다. 5. Keyword (concept) list Computer-assisted Language Learning, computer mediated communication, product-oriented writing approach, process-oriented writing approach Inquiry-based learning includes problem-based learning and is generally used in small scale investigations and projects. Also, it starts by pausing questions, problems and scenarios rather than simply presenting established facts or participating a smooth path to knowledge. The process is associated by a facilitator. Appendix 01 2011~2017 학년도문항분석 Worksheet 453