8 그림묘사 - 날씨, 인물, 사물 날씨및사람이나사물에대한설명을듣고내용과일치하는그림을찾는문제예요. 날 씨문제는현재의날씨나앞으로의날씨변화또는계절의변화에관한문제가출제되 지요. 인물묘사문제는주로키, 체형, 성별, 소지품등의외모나동작을나타내는표현 이제시되어요. 사물묘사문제에서는주로위치를나타내는표현이나오지요. 들을때날씨및사람이나사물을나타내는형용사에초점을맞춰서들어야겠지요. jeajtkgaurpeaufjc jrytruc hfj/fj3 다음을듣고, 내일의날씨에해당하는그림을고르시오. 1 2 3 4 답이보이는 S c r i p t M: Good evening. Tomorrow, you will have to wear a warm jacket. It will be very cold. It will also be windy and snowy. Be careful not to catch a cold. M: 안녕하세요. 여러분은내일따뜻한재킷을입어야할것입니다. 매우추울것입니다. 또한, 바람도불고눈도내릴것입니다. 감기에걸리지않도록조심하십시오. 정답 1 jryts lrnrib sjgyv hfj/fj3 다음을듣고, 내일의날씨에해당하는그림을고르시오. 듣고, 부산의오늘날씨로알맞은것을고르시오. 다음을듣고, 여자가설명하고있는사람이누구인지고르시오. 듣고, Cathy의여동생을그림에서고르시오. 다음을듣고, 지시된내용에맞는그림을고르시오.
유형 01 9 jrytruc pb wjt ;/fj3 1. 문제지시문에서요구하는사항을정확히파악한다. 2. 제시된그림을미리살펴본다. 3. 인물찾기는우선남자인지여자인지, 안경이나모자의착용여부를잘듣는다. 4. 일기예보는오늘의날씨에서내일의날씨로순서대로설명한다는것을염두에두고듣는다. 5. 사물의위치를나타내는표현을잘듣는다. nrwlts p3mesjgyv jrxmrncj3 rainy 비가오는 sunny 맑은 cloudy 구름낀 windy 바람부는 foggy 안개낀 cold 추운 hot 더운 warm 따뜻한 clear 맑은 stormy 폭풍우가치는 thunderstorm 천둥 [ 성별 ] Miss, Mrs., Ms., ma am 여자 Mr., sir 남자 [ 키 ] tall 키가큰 short 키가작은 [ 체형 ] fat 뚱뚱한 chubby 통통한 thin 마른 slender 날씬한 [ 머리 ] bald 대머리의 curly hair 곱슬머리 straight hair 직모 blond 금발의 gray hair 회색머리 blouse 블라우스 jeans 청바지 pants 바지 jacket 재킷 suit 정장 tie 넥타이 sweater 스웨터 coat 코트 cap ( 챙이달린 ) 모자 hat 모자 glasses 안경 sunglasses 선글라스 striped shirt 줄무늬셔츠 checked shirt 체크무늬셔츠 stand up 서다 sit down 앉다 raise 들어올리다 bend 구부리다 next to ~ 옆에 in the middle of ~ 의중간에 in front of ~ 앞에 around 주위에 behind ~ 뒤에 across from ~ 의건너편에 between A and B A와 B 사이에 near ~ 가까이에
01 Listening Test 1 듣고, 남자의아버지를그림에서고르시오. nrwltskg Aurpeauf 1 2 3 4 2 듣고, 남자가어제한일을고르시오. 1 2 3 4 3 듣고, 여자가있는곳의계절을그림에서고르시오. 1 2 3 4 4 듣고, 두사람의관계로알맞은것을고르시오. 1 비디오가게점원 - 손님 2 만화책가게점원 - 손님 3 표판매원 - 손님 4서점점원- 손님 5 34 듣고, 남자가청소를하는이유를고르시오. 1 친척들이오기때문에 2 어머니가아파서 3 깨끗한것을좋아하기때문에 4 여자를도와주려고
제01회 Listening Test 35 제 01 회실전듣기평가 6 듣고, 대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 소녀는햄버거를싫어한다. 2 소년은아직도배가고프다. 3 소녀는더이상배가고프지않다. 4 소년은이미햄버거를두개나먹었다. 7 듣고, 남자가 CD 를구입하기위해지불할가격을고르시오. 1 $15 2 $30 3 $50 4 $100 8 듣고, 여자가전화를건이유를고르시오. 1 치과진료예약을하려고 2 진료예약을취소하려고 3 콘서트시작시간을확인하려고 4 콘서트표를구하려고 9 듣고, 여자에대해서가장잘표현한것을고르시오. 1 헌신적이다 2 이기적이다 3 친절하다 4 덜렁댄다 10 듣고, 두사람이먹게될음식을고르시오. 1 비빔밥 2 햄버거 3 샐러드 4치킨
36 Listening Test 11 짝지어진듣고어색한것을고르시오. 1 2 3 4 12 듣고, 남자가현재하고있는것을고르시오. 1 앉을자리를찾고있다. 2 환불을받고있다. 3 표를구매하고있다. 4 식사예약을하고있다. 13 듣고, 남자가오늘학교에갈때이용한교통수단을고르시오. 1 on foot 2 by bus 3 by subway 4 by taxi 14 듣고, 남자가영화에대해느끼는심정을고르시오. 1 재미있다 2 무섭다 3 웃기다 4 비현실적이다 15 다음말을듣고, 말하는사람의의도를고르시오. 1사과 2칭찬 3소개 4조언
제01회 Listening Test 37 제 01 회실전듣기평가 16 듣고, 두사람이가장 먼저갈곳을고르시오. 1 도서관 2 집 3공원 4학교 17 듣고, 질문에알맞은답을고르시오. 1 수상스키를타러갈것이다. 2 수영하러갈것이다. 3 친척들을방문할것이다. 4 집에서공부를할것이다. 18 듣고, 여자의마지막말에이어질남자의응답으로가장알맞은것을고르시오. 1 You may have a window seat. 2 On the airplane. 3 Turn right. Then go straight. 4 Yes, it is. [19-20] 듣고, 남자의마지막말에이어질여자의응답으로가장알맞은것을고르시오. 19 1 You re welcome. 2 Please help yourself. 3 No thanks, I m full. 4 That s all right. 20 1 You d better get some rest! 2 Go see a doctor right away! 3 Just take a couple of aspirin. 4 Cheer up! You ll pass the test.
Dictation Test ;fajfngur 1 1) W: What a photo! It s a Halloween party! Is your father the monster? M: Really? The weather s 2) here in New York. W: Yes, it s cold there, isn t it? But it s hot here! M: Oh, that s my 2). My father is the funny doctor. W: And you re the dog. Look, Shrek 3)! Is he your brother? M: Yeah, that s him. 4 M: May I 1) you? W: Yes, I d like to get my dad a present. M: Hmm. 2) I, Robot? It s a new science fiction DVD. 2 W: Where were you yesterday, Pete? M: I went to the 1) W: Isn t that a book, too? M: Yes, it is. But we don t sell books 3). with my older brother. W: Cool! That 2) fun! M: Yes, I saw many different cars and 3) of them. 5 M: Hi, Karen. Please, 1). W: Thanks. What are you doing? M: Oh, I m 2) the house today. My 3 M: How is Australia? W: Just great. I m really 1) my vacation. 38 mom isn t 3) too well. W: That s too bad. May I help you? M: That would be nice.
제 01 회받아쓰기 6 W: 1)! I can t finish this hamburger. M: Give it to me then. I ll 2) for you. W: Aren t you full now? You already had two hamburgers! M: I know. But I m still hungry. Clinic. May I help you? W: Yes. I d like to 1). M: 2). How about 5 o clock today? W: I can t come then. I 3) to a concert tonight. M: Then how about the same time tomorrow? W: OK. Thanks. W: I think you have a very 3)! 9 M: 1) you lend me your pen? 7 M: I m 1) a Mother s Day gift. W: OK. Our CDs are 50% 2) today. Does she like jazz? W: No. M: Umm... Are you 2) it now? W: No, but I never 3) my things to anybody. M: But, last time you borrowed my pen. M: Sure. But 3) is this BoA CD? W: It s fifteen dollars with the discount. But I don t think that your mom will like it. M: Actually, she is a big fan of BoA. 10 W: Are you 1), Tom? M: Yes, I am. Let s get something to eat. W: OK. Do you like chicken? M: Yes, but I had a chicken salad 2) 8 (Telephone rings.) M: Hello. This is the Downtown Dental 3). W: Sounds good!. Let s have bibimbap, 제01회 Dictation Test 39
Dictation Test 11 11 1 M: Where are you from? W: I just came from school. 2 M: 1)? W: Fine. How about you? W: So how did you get here, then? M: I was going to take the subway. But the subway station was too far from the bus station. So I 3). 3 W: Do you have a dog? M: No, I don t. I have a pet snake. His name is Sam. 4 W: What are you doing, Jim? M: I m 2) a thank-you card to my uncle. 14 W: Let s go to the movies tonight. 1) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? M: No, thanks. I don t 2) 12 M: May I help you? W: Do you have 1) for the ice show? M: Yes. There are a few seats left. W: Great! 2) to buy two. W: Come on! It looks so exciting! M: I don t really like 3) movie. W: Why not? M: It s not realistic. tickets, please. M: OK. That s 3) dollars. 15 W: Class, I d like you meet a new student. 13 W: 1)! Class starts at 9:00, Bob. M: Sorry, but I 2) the bus this morning. 40 1) Tony Brown. He s 2) years old. He s from New York. He has just 3) our town. He likes soccer and swimming.
제 01 회받아쓰기 16 M: What do you want to do today? W: Let s go to the 1). flight leaves from Gate A22. W: Thanks. Oh, which way is that? M: Turn right. Then 3). M: No way! The weather s too nice. W: That s true. Let s go to the 2) first and then go to the library. M: Excellent! Let s go! 19 W: How s the dance party, Ron? M: It s great, Tina. Thanks for 1) 17 W: What season do you like best, John? M: I like summer 1). I 2) swim! W: I like summer, too. me. W: It s 2). Are you hungry? M: Yes, I am. This food looks delicious. W: Please 3). M: What do you like doing in summer, Susan? W: I love to go water skiing. 20 W: You don t 1). Are 18 W: Here s my ticket. M: Thank you. 1) a window seat? W: Yes, I would. M: OK. You re 2). The you okay? M: I 2) all night. W: What were you doing? M: I was doing my drawing homework. Uh, I feel so tired. W: You d better 3)! 제01회 Dictation Test 41