Table Manners/ 즐거운식사예절 / (O.S) <Slurping, gulping, sounds of eating very loudly and messily> <Add-lip: complaining about certain foods> ( 쩝쩝, 후루룩후루룩시끄럽게식사하는소리애드립 ) ( 음식투정하는소리애드립 ) <very LOUD chewing, swallowing> Mmm..Mmmmm..<gulp, slurp, smack> ( 요란하게씹고삼키는소리 ; 음.. 음 꿀꺽, 후루룩, 쩝쩝 ) OLIVER Ah! 아! <very LOUD chewing, swallowing> Mmm..Mmmmm..<gulp, slurp, smack> ( 요란하게씹고삼키는소리 ; 음.. 음 꿀꺽, 후루룩, 쩝쩝 ) Mmm... 음 Mmm... 음 Oh! 어! <Slurp> < 후루룩 > Hmm... 흠 1
Umm Is everything all right, Bunny? 음식이입에맞니, 버니? Oh, it s great, Annie. Except... I don t eat that. Or that. Mmm...Nope. Not that either. Yuck! I never eat that. Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope. 뭐, 괜찮아, 애니. 근데... 이건싫어, 요것도. 아니, 저것도아냐. 웩... 저건절대싫어! 싫고, 싫고, 싫어! Hmm... 흠 (OS) Tsk, tsk. 쯧쯧, Huh? 어? Oh, you really should eat everything, Bunny. You should not pick at your food. 뭐든잘먹어야지. 저렇게편식하면안되는데 ~ / Oh! Oh! 아! 어! Well, you shouldn t drip your food like that, either! 넌흘리지나말아, 크로! <Laughter> Cro drips more than he eats! <Laughter> < 웃음 > 크로는먹는것보다흘리는게더많네. 하하하 ~ 2
Oh~~~! Yuck! Elo!!! 꺅 ~~ 지저분해엘로!!! (CONT D) Don't you have any manners? I refuse to eat with such uncouth? 너희들매너도없니? 이렇게 Oh... 어 (CONT D)...messy, uh, uh... eaters! 지저분한애들이랑은 같이먹기싫어! Bunny! 버니야 Sorry, Bunny, I didn't mean to spray you with my... Umm 미안해, 버니. 음식을네게튀길생각은 Elo! 엘로! (CONT D) <Chomp> (with mouth full) Bunny~Bunny!! ( 덥썩 입에빵을가득물고 ) 버니 ~ 버니!! Elo... Wait! 엘로야 기다려 (O.S) Oh!!! 아!!!! 3
That s it! What a wonderful idea for a new invention! 그래, 그거야! 좋은발명아이디어가떠올랐어! Wait... 기다려 What a mess. I wish my friends got along better at the table and had better table manners. 식사시간이엉망이됐네. 모두사이좋게, 식사예절을지키면서먹을수있다면정말좋을텐데! (O.S.) Oooh-Hoo! Did somebody say WISH? 오호호호 ~ 누군가 WISH 라고한것같은데? Huh? Dibo!? 디보!? When you have a wish, just say the magic words! 선물주는용에게소원을말하면, 소원이이루어져요! Yay! OK. Dibo. Diding, Boding, dibodiboding! 야호! 알겠어. 디딩, 보딩, 디보디보딩! Time for the Gift Dance! 선물춤출시간이다! (ALT)(CONT'D) I wish my friends would have better table manners. 내친구들에게더나은식탁매너가생기는게소원이야. 4
There you go! What you always wanted! 여기있어! 네가필요로하던것! <Gasp> Thank you, Dibo! < 하 > 고마워디보! Open it and see! 열어봐! Wow... 우와 TABLE SETS (SONG) We re the dancing table sets. 우리는춤추는식기셋트들이라네. TABLE MAT (SONG) I'm the table mat, 나는테이블매트 PLATE Plate, 접시 FORK Fork 포크 Oh! 오! SPOON Spoon 스푼 5
CUP Cup 컵 NAPKIN Napkin 냅킨 TABLE SETS (SONG) When you eat with us, the mealtime is always fun~. 우리와같이식사를하면, 식사시간이즐거워져요 ~. Oh, wow! They re all so pretty, Dibo! But I wished for manners. 와! 너무예쁘다디보! 근데내소원은식사예절이었는데 This is it! 이게바로그거야! Huh? 응? Make a fantastic, delicious, special feast and leave the rest to me. Hmm-hmm. 맛있는음식으로가득한멋진특별만찬을준비해. 나머지는내게맡겨두라고. 흐흠. (O.S.) One hundred one, one hundred two, one hundred three... 백하나, 백둘, 백셋... I m sorry, Bunny! 미안해버니! 6
Hmph! 흥! Now where did I see it? I really need it for my invention... 어떤책에서봤더라? 발명에꼭필요한건데 Bunny... Bunny... 버니 버니 (O.S) Hey, everybody! 얘들아 ~ Huh? 어? // Urrrg!/Wah!/Oh! 으으!/ 으아!/ 악! Uhhh,,, 아이구 Huh? (To Elo) Sorry. 어? ( 엘로에게 ) 미안해. / / Hi, Dibo! 안녕디보! I have great news! 내가좋은소식을가져왔어! 7
/ / What? What news? 뭔데? 뭔데? Annie is having a special feast! 애니가 ~~ 특별만찬을연대! Oh, goody! 와, 좋아라! And she wants you all to come! 그리고너희들모두를초대했어! Yum... Yum... Yum! 냠 냠 냠! ( 맛있겠다!) I wonder what she'll serve! 애니가뭘만들지궁금해! // (ad lib chatter) ( 재잘거림 ) The feast will be at the Fantastic Fruit Farm. Annie said she is making doubly-delicious food! <Chuckles> 만찬은과일농장에서야. 정말맛있는요리를준비한댔어! / / Yay!!! 야!! Hmm...Hmm. 흠 흠. 8
ALL Wow! 와! You look great Dibo! 디보야, 정말멋져보인다! (O.S.) <Chuckles> Everyone, welcome to Annie s Special feast! < 웃음 > 모두들애니네잔치에온걸환영해! <Smile Reaction> < 웃음 > / / Wow! 우와! Annie! That looks amazing! 애니! 정말굉장해보인다! Ooh, ooh, ooh! Everything looks so pretty and delicious! 우와, 와, 와! 정말맛있어보여애니! Interesting, this one has planets on it! 재미있네, 이건우주행성무늬가있어! Mine has pink hearts. 내접시엔핑크색하트무늬가있어. And I have firetrucks on mine! 그리고불자동차무늬가있는건내꺼지! 9
You guys like it? 너희들마음에드니? / / We love it! 물론이지!! Ladies and gentlemen! 신사숙녀여러분! Please be seated. 자리에앉아주십시오. Miss Annie, would you do the honors. 애니아가씨, 진행하시겠어요. Oh, yes. Let's eat! 아, 그래. 먹자! // Yay! 야호! <Hmm hmm~><food taking effort> Oh! I want some of that! Hhhhh... Oh And this! Hhhhh And that too!! Yes. < 흠흠 > < 음식가져가는소리 > 나이것도먹을래! 이것도, 이것도! <Hmm?!> Huh?!! < 흐음?!> 어?!! 10
<Gasp> Huh? < 헉 > 어? S PLATE Oh! It s too heavy~! 아이 ~ 무거워 ~ Huh? My plate talks?! 어?!! 접시가말을? Hmmm, sounds like he's in pain. 흐으음, 접시가아파하는듯한데. Elo, maybe you shouldn't put so much food on your plate at one time? 엘로, 한번에그렇게많이담으면안될것같아. Um...Okay~. Sorry, Mr. Plate. 아 알았어 ~ 미안해, 접시씨. S PLATE Ah, that's better. 아, 좀낫네. Ah, hmm, hmm. Mmm-hm... OH~! 아, 흠 으흠 ~. 아이참 ~ (CONT D) Uh, Hmm. Oh, forget it! 흥, 흠. 에이, 됐어! 11
FORK Using your hands is unacceptable! 손으로먹는건안돼. offense, but you don't work so well at picking up food. 에 미안하지만, 넌음식을제대로집지못하잖아. FORK That s because you try to pick up TOO MUCH at once! 그건네가한꺼번에너무많이집으니까그렇지! SPOON Try a smaller amount! 조금씩집어봐! (chewing) Mm~mmm! That s good! ( 씹으며 ) 냠냠 ~ 맛있어! (Satisfied)Hmm (looking at Cro) Huh? ( 만족한듯 ) 흠 ~ ( 크로를보며 ) 응? S CUP Hey, book bird. 어이, 책새 ( 책벌레 ). Huh?! 어?! S CUP Get your head out of your book and pay attention. 책에서눈좀떼고여기에집중하라고 12
To a cup? 컵한테? S CUP Yeah, smart guy, do you even know what you're eating? 그래, 똑똑한친구, 네가지금먹고있는게어떤건지알고나있어? Food? 음식아냐? S CUP Yes but what kind of food. 맞아, 하지만무슨종류의음식이냔말이야. CUP (CONT D) First, pea soup. It offers many of the nutritional benefits typical of foods in the bean family, such as high protein, high fiber, and it is low fat. 먼저, 완두콩스프. 콩종류에있는만큼아주많은영양이있지, 단백질이나, 섬유질같은것말야, 그리고지방은적고. (Reactions) <Hmm. Ah...Ha!> ( 컵에반응 ) < 흠 아 하!> My, that's fascinating? 호오, 흥미로운데. (CONT D) <slurpping> ~<smack smack> And delicious. 맛있기도하고. 13
S CUP Next, you got your Broccoli. It is high in vitamin C and soluble fiber! 다음은브로콜리. 비타민 C 가많고잘스며드는섬유질이포함되지. 내가더이야기를해줄께. (CRUNCHING) Really?. I did not know that. <Hmm> <Ah~><Munch munch> 정말? 그건몰랐는데 ~ < 흠 > < 아 ~> < 오물오물 > S CUP And this is made from potatoes which gives you 50 percent of the vitamins C and B6 you are gonna need everyday (mumbling) So potato really keeps you healthy, and doesn t it also taste really good? 요건감자로만든거야, 네가매일필요한비타민 C 의 50% 와 B6 를주고또 ( 중얼중얼 ) 감자는정말건강한음식이고 맛또한좋지? (O.S) Hmm... Ahhhhh...Ah~ 흠 호오 ~ Cro isn t reading anymore. 크로가이제책을안보네? What fine table manners. 좋은테이블매너지? 14
<Nodding effort> ( 끄덕이기 ) 흣 (O.S.) Ah-ha! 아 - 하! <Hesitant reaction> < 머뭇거림 > That looks delicious! Eat up, Bunny! 맛있겠다 ~ 많이먹어버니! Um, I like this, but I don't like this... Oh, and I'm not eating this any more. 에, 이건좋은데, 이건싫어 아, 그리고이건이제안먹어 S FORK Ehem. Wait, Bunny! < 기침 > 잠깐만버니! Oh! 어머! S SPOON We have prepared a show for the lovely and gracious Bunny. 착하고사랑스런버니양을위해멋진쇼를준비했습니다 ~ Oh, my, of course. 우와, 에, 응. 그래. (CONT D) (Excited effort) <Ah~> ( 감탄 >< 아 ~> 15
(CONT D) (Excited effort) <Wow~> ( 감탄 >< 우와 ~> (CONT D) Hmmm~ that looks pretty, and delicious, too. Maybe, I ll try it. <Ah> <Yum yum> 흠 ~ 예쁘니까 맛있어보이는데? 한번먹어볼까? (CONT D) Mmm, yummy. 으음, 맛있다. (CONT D) And so is that. (Chewing) And this. (Chewing)Oh, and that too! 그리고저것도, 이것도, 또저것도! You re such a good eater, Bunny, 정말다잘먹는구나, 버니. Oh, Annie! This is the best meal ever! 와, 애니! 이렇게맛있는음식처음먹어봐. Thank you, Bunny. 고마워, 버니. Well, what do you think? Isn t this the most fun and delicious meal you ve ever had? 어때? 얘들아, 정말재미있고맛있는식사시간이지? / / Sure is/absolutely/yes, oh yes. 정말로! / 응, 정말그래 / 응, 응! 16
<Chuckles>Uh, oh. I feel a song coming on! < 웃음 > 어라, 노래하고싶은기분이드는데! / / / Yeah! <Laughter> 좋아! < 웃음 > Polite, polite,/ use your fork and spoon. 얌전히, 얌전히포크와스푼을써요. (singing) Your napkin, too./ And always chew. ( 노래하며 ) 흘려서도안되요. / 꼭꼭씹어먹구요. When you eat, try a few of these, Thank you.welcome. If you please. 음식을먹을땐이렇게말해요. 고맙습니다 별말씀을요 해주실래요 You can have good manners. If you follow all my plans. 멋진식사예절을가져봐요.. 내얘길잘들어봐요. Or if you just remember this... Eat all of your food! Yum! 그리고, 꼭기억해야할게있어! 남기지말고다먹기! 냠! Polite, polite,/ use your fork and knife./ Your napkin, too./ And always chew. 17
When you eat, try a few of these,/ Thank you. Welcome. If you please. 얌전히, 얌전히, / 포크와스푼을사용해요. 냅킨도잊지말구요./ 꼭꼭씹어먹어요. 음식을먹을땐이렇게말해요, 고맙습니다 별말씀을요 해주실래요 / / / <Eating effort><smile reaction><slurp> < 먹는소리 >< 웃음 >< 후루룩마심 > Hey, kids. When you want to have good manners just say the magic words. 이봐, 친구들. 좋은식사예절을갖고싶으면이렇게만말해봐. Thank you! 고맙습니다, You re welcome. 별말씀을요, And please. 해주실래요. Yahooooo! 야후 -! Thank you. Thank you If you please-y. Makes good manners, really easy. Pass the food and soon you ll find, you re good mannered in no time! 식사예절보여주긴정말쉬워요. 음식도나눠먹으면알게될거예요. 식사예절이몸에배었다는걸! 18
/ / / <Eating effort> < 먹기 > (speaking) Now you ve done it! You ve got the fun-of-it! <Chuckles> ( 말하듯이 ) 이제다알겠죠! 식사예절도재밌죠! 다들자랑하세요! 식사예절이몸에뱄다고! 후우-후! <Chuckles> Your table manners are flawless! < 웃음 > 너희들식탁예절이너무훌륭한걸! / / Thank you so much~. 감사합니다 ~ / / / <LAUGHTER> 하하하하 ~ This is the best wish yet. (looking at camera)<smile reaction> 정말소원이다이루어졌어. ( 카메라를보며 ) < 웃음 > THE END 19