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초대의글 INVITATION 대한중환자의학회에서는제34차정기학술대회및제8차중환자의학기초과정연수교육을 2014년 4월 25일 ( 금 ) 4월 27일 ( 일 ) 에에서개최하기로하였습니다. 2014년제34차정기학술대회에서는현재이슈가되고있는정책적인내용을포함하여특별강연을진행할예정이며심포지엄, 연수강좌및워크숍등으로국 내외석학들을모시고환자치료에도움이될수있는실질적인주제를중심으로준비하고자합니다. 또한제8차중환자의학기초과정연수교육 (Basic Critical Care Review Course) 은중환자의학에입문하여실제임상에서환자를진료하기시작하는의사, 간호사선생님들의길잡이가될수있도록준비한 기초 프로그램이며매년가을에개최되는전문가과정중환자의학연수교육 (Multiprofessional Critical Care Review Course) 과더불어중환자의학세부전문의를취득하고자하는분은반드시이수해야하는프로그램중하나입니다. 중환자의학은외래나병실에서볼수있는일반적인환자들과는달리복합적인양상을자주보입니다. 이를치료하고관리하기위해서는중환자의학의기본적인병태생리는물론, 약물, 인공호흡기와같은의료기기, bedside procedure등에관한심도있는지식과술기가필요하며의료의여러분야중여러최신치료방법들이다각적으로시도되고있는영역이중환자의학의영역이기도합니다. 이에본학회는 BCCRC를통해우리나라중환자의학임상진료의표준을소개하고기본이되는진료지침을알리고자합니다. 중환자의학의목적은생명현상이위협을받는위중한환자를건강한삶으로돌아갈수있도록함에있습니다. 중환자치료를필요로하는환자에게최선의진료를제공하기에중환자치료를둘러싼우리의의료환경은열악하지만어려운여건속에서도중환자의학회는세부전문의를배출하고활발한학술활동, 연수교육, 국제교류를통하여보다발전된학술정보를회원여러분에게제공하고자노력하고있습니다. 이번학술대회에서도중환자치료에참여하는의사, 간호사, 약사및영양사등여러분야의전문가가치료과정에서부딪히는문제들을논의하고경험을나누고회원상호간의친목을도모하는유익한자리가되리라생각되오니회원여러분의많은성원과참여부탁드립니다. 2014년 3월 대한중환자의학회회장신증수 초음파워크숍 2014 년 4 월 24 일 ( 목 ) 세종대학교광개토관지하 1 층컨퍼런스룸 Lung ultrasound in the critically ill 08:30-08:50 Registration, welcome and course instructions 08:50-09:10 Ultrasound devoted to the critically ill Introduction () 09:10-09:35 Simple emergency cardiac sonography I ( ) Effusion, EF: pericardial tamponade, LV dysfunction 09:35-10:00 Simple emergency cardiac sonography II ( ) Equality: pulmonary embolism and RV dysfunction 10:00-10:50 The lung, introduction ( ) Standardization of the technique. The BLUE-points. TEN signs making lung ultrasound (from adult to neonate): Normal pattern - Pleural effusion - Lung consolidation - Interstitial syndrome Pneumothorax 10:50-11:10 Coffee Break 11:10-11:40 Lung ultrasound, main clinical uses I ( ) Introduction to the BLUE-protocol (immediate diagnosis of acute respiratory failure using lung and venous ultrasound) 11:40-12:10 Lung ultrasound, main clinical uses II ( ) The FALLS-protocol. Lung ultrasound in management of acute circulatory failure. A sequential fast protocol ruling out obstructive shock then cardiogenic shock then hypovolemic shock, for fast diagnosis (and immediate fluid therapy) of septic shock. 12:10-12:40 Lung ultrasound, main clinical uses III () SESAME protocol and monitoring A synthesis of lung, heart, venous, abdominal ultrasound in managing extremely severe shock, imminence of cardiac arrest. Works also in cardiac arrest. In this section, the inferior caval vein is dealt with, if needed. The superior caval vein assessed using external approach is also considered. 12:40-13:50 Lunch 13:50-14:00 Hands-on training course instructions 14:00-17:00 Hands-on training: all the faculties 14:00-15:30 1. Lung ultrasound and simple cardiac sonography (90min) 15:30-15:50 Coffee Break 15:50-17:20 2. BLUE-protocol, FALLS-protocol, and SESAME-protocol (90min) 17:20- End course & certificate distribution Director: () Faculties: ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ) 초대의글 / 프로그램 2 3

2014 년 4 월 25 일 ( 금 ) 2014 년 4 월 26 일 ( 토 ) Time Hall Convention Hall Hall A Hall B Hall C Time Hall Convention Hall Hall A Hall B Hall C 08:30-10:00 Opening Ceremony Plenary Lecture - ICU director and leader: what are the tools that you need To be successful? - My past experience of intensive care and the future direction of intensive care in Japan Oral Presentation 08:30-10:00 Oral Presentation Plenary Lecture - Changing ICU care to improve patient outcomes: the role of early rehabilitation - How to enhance Korean critical care medicine: full-time Intensivist Oral Presentation 프로그램 10:30-12:00 12:10-13:00 Refresher Course - Ventilator associated pneumonia - Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism - Dyskalemias in pediatric ICU [Roche Diagnostics Korea] Special Lecture - Multicentre research in asian intensive care - a new dawn - Cardiopulmonary interactions during mechanical ventilation [Edwards Lifesciences Korea] Best Abstract Prize Competition [ ] 10:30-12:00 Symposium 5 중환자의최신간호 - - - Special Lecture I - Autophagy in sepsis and ARDS - The new bird flu: what does it mean to intensivists? Oral Presentation 13:00-13:20 Coffee Break 13:20-14:50 Refresher Course - Difficult intubation in ICU or ward - Advanced neuromonitoring in critically ill patients - Neurogenic pulmonary edema in patient with increased ICP Symposium 1 ARDS - Lung fibrosis in patients with ARDS - Biomarkers in patients with ARDS - Treatments in patients with ARDS Symposium 2 AKI in the ICU - How to predict AKI in the ICU - Pharmacotherapy in the critically ill child with AKI - When and how much renal replacement therapy in ICU 12:10-13:00 13:00-13:50 [Hanlim Pharm] [Hospira] Special Lecture II - Practice critical care medicine: what is the destination? [Philips] 14:50-15:10 Coffee Break 13:00-14:00 Poster Oral Presentation (Conference Room) (Poster Exhibition 09:00-16:00) 15:10-16:40 Refresher Course - - Therapeutic hypothermia in critical illness except cardiac arrest - ECPR Symposium 3 Sepsis - Sepsis : learning from experience - Oxidative stresses during sepsis - antioxidant? - Ventilatory strategies for sepsis patients with ARDS 16:40-17:10 General Assembly Symposium 4 Fluid management in the ICU - The recent fluid trials; crystalloids or colloids? - Fluid responsiveness - Fluid balance and outcome : more fluid or early vasopressors 14:00-15:30 Symposium 6 RRT - Key elements of RRT - Overcoming barriers to successful RRT implementation - Policy, protocols, tools and education for RRT Symposium 7 Delirium in the ICU - Diagnosis, risk factors of delirium - Prevention, management of delirium - Cognitive dysfunction in ICU patients Symposium 8 ECMO in ICU - Trouble shooting of ECMO in ICU - Quick priming of ECMO in ICU (anyone in ICU can do it) - Inter-hospital transport under ECMO support (ICU to ICU) 4 5

2014 년 4 월 25 일 ( 금 ) The 34 th Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine Hall A 10:30-12:00 Refresher Course - Ventilator associated pneumonia ( ) - Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism ( ) - Dyskalemias in pediatric ICU ( ) 12:10-13:00 13:00-13:20 Coffee Break 13:20-14:50 Refresher Course - Difficult intubation in ICU or ward ( ) - Advanced neuromonitoring in critically ill patients ( ) - Neurogenic pulmonary edema in patient with increased ICP () 14:50-15:10 Coffee Break 15:10-16:40 Refresher Course - ( ) - Therapeutic hypothermia in critical illness except cardiac arrest ( ) - ECPR ( ) Hall B 08:30-08:40 Opening Ceremony 08:40-10:00 Plenary Lecture 좌장 : 신증수 (President of KSCCM) - ICU director and leader: what are the tools that you need to be successful? Chris Farmer (President of SCCM, Mayo Clinic) - My past experience of intensive care and the future direction of intensive care in Japan Yoshihito Ujike (President of JSICM, Okayama University) 10:30-12:00 Special Lecture 좌장 : 고신옥 ( 연세의대 ) - Multicentre research in asian intensive care - a new dawn Jason Phua(National University Hospital, Singapore) - Cardiopulmonary interactions during mechanical ventilation Jigi Divatia(Tata Memorial Hospital) 12:10-13:00 13:00-13:20 Coffee Break 13:20-14:50 Symposium 1 좌장 : 정성수 ( 전남의대 ) ARDS - Lung fibrosis in patients with ARDS ( ) - Biomarkers in patients with ARDS ( ) - Treatments in patients with ARDS ( ) 14:50-15:10 Coffee Break 15:10-16:40 Symposium 3 좌장 : 임채만 ( 울산의대 ) Sepsis - Sepsis : learning from experience ( ) - Oxidative stresses during sepsis - antioxidant? ( ) - Ventilatory strategies for sepsis patients with ARDS () 16:40-17:10 General Assembly Hall C 08:30-10:00 Oral Presentation 10:30-12:00 Best Abstract Prize Competition 좌장 : 곽상현 ( 전남의대 ) 12:10-13:00 좌장 : 신증수 (President of KSCCM) ( ) 13:00-13:20 Coffee Break 13:20-14:50 Symposium 2 좌장 : 전종헌 ( 한양의대 ) AKI in the ICU - How to predict AKI in the ICU ( ) - Pharmacotherapy in the critically ill child with AKI ( ) - When and how much renal replacement therapy in ICU ( ) 14:50-15:10 Coffee Break 15:10-16:40 Symposium 4 좌장 : 김동찬 ( 전북의대 ) Fluid management in the ICU - The recent fluid trials; crystalloids or colloids? ( ) - Fluid responsiveness ( ) - Fluid balance and outcome : more fluid or early vasopressors ( ) 프로그램 6 7

2014 년 4 월 26 일 ( 토 ) The 34th Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine Hall A 08:30-10:00 Oral Presentation 10:30-12:00 Symposium 5 좌장 : 권은옥 ( 중환자간호사회회장 ) 중환자의최신간호 - ( ) - () - () 12:10-13:00 13:00-14:00 Poster Oral Presentation (Conference room) (Poster Exhibition 09:00-16:00) 14:00-15:30 Symposium 6 좌장 : 권재영 ( 부산의대 ) Hall B RRT - Key elements of RRT ( ) - Overcoming barriers to successful RRT implementation ( ) - Policy, protocols, tools and education for RRT ( ) 08:30-10:00 Plenary Lecture 좌장 : 이국현 ( 서울의대 ) - Changing icu care to improve patient outcomes : the role of early rehabilitation Dale needham(johns Hopkins University) - How to enhance Korean critical care medicine: full-time intensivist (2015, WFSICCM ) 10:30-12:00 Specical Lecture I 좌장 : 김시오 ( 경북의대 ) Shinichi Nishi(Hyogo College of Medcine) - Autophagy in sepsis and ARDS Augustine Choi(Weill Cornell Medical College) - The new bird flu: what does it mean to intensivists? Du Bin(Peking Union Medical College Hospital) 12:10-13:00 13:00-13:50 Special Lecture II 좌장 : 서지영 ( 성균관의대 ) - Our evolving model of how we practice critical care medicine: what is the destination? Chris Farmer (President of SCCM, Mayo Clinic) 13:00-14:00 Poster Oral Presentation (Conference Room) (Poster Exhibition 09:00-16:00) 14:00-15:30 Symposium 7 좌장 : 김재열 ( 중앙의대 ) Hall C Delirium in the ICU - Diagnosis, risk factors of delirium ( ) - Prevention, management of delirium ( ) - Cognitive dysfunction in ICU patients ( ) 08:30-10:00 Oral Presentation 10:30-12:00 Oral Presentation 12:10-13:00 13:00-14:00 Poster Oral Presentation (Conference Room) (Poster Exhibition 09:00-16:00) 14:00-15:30 Symposium 8 좌장 : 하영록 ( 분당제생병원 ) ECMO in ICU - Trouble shooting of ECMO in ICU ( ) - Quick priming of ECMO in ICU (anyone in ICU can do it) (, ) - Inter-hospital transport under ECMO support (ICU to ICU) ( ) 프로그램 8 9

제 8 차중환자의학기초과정연수교육 2014 년 4 월 27 일 ( 일 ) 행사장안내 information The 8 th Basic Critical Care Review Course (BCCRC) Convention hall 의사, 간호사통합과정 (Hall B) 지하 2F 08:30-08:40 Welcome/Introduction 08:40-09:00 Sedation and analgesia in ICU ( ) 09:00-09:20 Infection and use of antibiotics in ICU ( ) 09:20-09:40 Management of septic shock ( ) 09:40-10:00 Prevention of complications ( ) 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break 10:20-10:40 DVT and pulmonary thromboembolism ( ) 10:40-11:10 Acute coronary syndrome and cardiogenic shock ( ) 11:10-11:40 Airway ( ) 11:40-12:10 Mechenical ventilation : basic principles ( ) 12:10-13:10 Lunch 의사과정 (Hall C) Hall C Hall B Hall A 프로그램 / 행사장안내 13:10-13:40 Acute respiratory distress syndrome () 13:40-14:10 Arrhythmia ( ) 14:10-14:40 Postcardiac arrest syndrome and therapeutic hypothermia ( ) 14:40-15:00 Coffee Break 지하 1F Conference room 15:00-15:30 Neurologic emergencies ( ) 15:30-16:00 Clinical feature and treatment of acute liver failure ( ) Room4 Room3 Room2 Room1 16:00-16:30 Oliguria and acute renal failure ( ) Room6 Room5 간호사과정 (Hall B) 13:10-13:40 Assessment of cardiovascular system () 13:40-14:10 IICP monitoring ( ) 14:10-14:40 Monitoring of hemodynamic functions ( ) 14:40-15:00 Coffee Break 15:00-15:30 Care of cardiogenic shock patients () 15:30-16:00 Humification during mechanical ventilation ( ) 16:00-16:30 Continuous renal replacement therapy ( ) 16:30-16:50 Electrolyte imbalance & fluid therapy ( ) 10. 11

사전등록안내 registration 사전등록마감 : 2014 년 4 월 18 일 ( 금 ) 까지 사전등록유의사항 -,, BCCRC. -,. -,. - [ ]. -.( ) -.( (: 3,000 )) - Q&A. 사전등록비 학술대회 BCCRC 등록비송금안내 구분 / / // / / / / // / - : 477437-01-001884 / : - : 2014 4 18 ( ) ( ) - : 2014 4 18 ( ) ( ] 등록비 사전등록당일등록 ( 카드결제불가 ) 100,000 ( 80,000 ) 50,000 90,000 ( 70,000 ) 50,000 120,000 ( 100,000 ) 70,000 110,000 ( 90,000 ) 70,000 30,000 50,000 워크샵 ( 18 ) 200,000 ( ) 평점발급예정 구분대한의사협회대한중환자의학회대한내과학회전공의스티커간호사보수교육전문영양사보수교육 학술대회 12 12 BCCRC 6 6 학술대회유의사항 - 2011. 2. - 2 KMA [edu.kma.org] BCCRC 유의사항 - 1 2 ( ).( ) -. -. 대한의사협회및중환자의학연수교육확인방법 - KMA(edu.kma.org) - - (www.ksccm.org) 초록접수안내 6 6 초록접수마감 : 2014 년 3 월 21 일 ( 금 ) 자정까지 ( 기한엄수 ) 2014 34 (event2.ksccm.org]. *. (2 :4) (1) Multiprofessional Critical Care Review Course 5.. E-mail. (E-mail, ). - - 간호협회에서보수교육불인정 워크샵 6 6 - - - - 1 - 사전등록안내 12 13

오시는길 Transportation 숙박안내 information 세종대학교광개토관 Guest House 예약안내 객실요금 I 79,200 원 ( 부가세포함 ) 객실타입 I 2 인 1 실 (2 층침대, 책상, 옷장, 화장실 ) * 세종대학교광개토관 Guest House 15 층식당 ( 조식불가 ) 이용가능합니다. ( 토요일저녁, 일요일이용불가 ) * 예약을원하시는경우세종호텔 (hyung0325@sejong.ac.kr) 또는대한중환자의학회사무국 (ksccm@ksccm.org) 으로 check in, out 일시와예약자성명 ( 연락처 ) 을보내주시기바랍니다. 결제방법등자세한사항은추후개별공지하여드리겠습니다. 주소 143-747 서울시광진구군자동 98 번지 전화 02-3408-3114 홈페이지 www.sejong.ac.kr 교통편 지하철 2호선건대입구역이나 5호선군자역에서환승후, 7호선세종대역 ( 어린이대공원역 ) 하차후 6번출구 버스 어린이대공원 파랑 ( 간선 ) 721 초록 ( 지선 ) 119, 3216, 4212 화양리 파랑 ( 간선 ) 240, 302 초록 ( 지선 ) 2222, 3217, 3220 빨강 ( 광역 ) 102 후문 ( 세종초 ) 파랑 ( 간선 ) 240 초록 ( 지선 ) 2012, 2013 주차장소광개토관정면우측지하주차장주차권행사당일등록데스크에서종일권 (3,000 원 ) 판매합니다. Room Type & Rate Classification 21%. ( 25,000 ) 예약방법 I 학술대회홈페이지에서 객실예약신청서 를다운로드받아작성하시어 E-mail 로발송 E-mail I room@seoulpalace.co.kr, Tel I 02-2186-6766~8, Fax I 02-535-4324 홈페이지 I www.seoulgarden.co.kr 호텔주소 I 서울시서초구반포동 63-1 ( 우 137-804) 대표전화 I 02-532-5000, 0101 팩스 I 02-532-0399 교통편 I 고속터미널역 (3/7/9 호선 ) 5 번출구 (7 호선방향 ) Special rate Business Twin KRW 150,000 행사장 / 숙박안내 14 15
