차례 1. 미국의료서비스시장 / 1 2. 미국해외의료서비스시장 / 5 3. 미국해외의료서비스시장전망 / 15 4. 해외의료서비스유치업서비스개요 / 20
5. 한국내미국인환자유치현황 / 25 6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 / 27 참고문헌 / 49
1. 미국의료서비스시장 1 1. 미국의료서비스시장 1) 의료비용지출규모 그림 1-1 OECD 가입국별의료비용 자료 : LA Times, June 20,2011 More employersconsider dropping health coverage, report says
2 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 표 1-1 미국내총의료비용 자료 : US Census Bereau 그림 1-2 의료비용전망 자료 : Kaiser Health News July 10, 2010
1. 미국의료서비스시장 3 자료 :Center for Medicare&Medicaid 그림 1-3 미국총의료비용분석 2) 의료서비스시장규모 표 1-2 의료서비스기관별점유율 (2007 년 ) 자료 : US Census Bureau
4 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 표 1-3 의료서비스기관별매출액 자료 : US Census Bureau
2. 미국해외의료서비스시장 5 2. 미국해외의료서비스시장 2.1 해외의료서비스시장규모 1) 해외의료서비스이용환자수 표 2-1 해외의료서비스이용자수 (2009 년 ) 자료 : Deloitte Center for Health Solution Medical Tourism: Update and Implications
6 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 그림 2-1 해외의료서비스이용자수 (2008 년 ) 자료 : Deloitte Center for Health Solution Medical Tourism Consumers in Search of Value 2) 해외의료서비스지출동향
2. 미국해외의료서비스시장 7 표 2-2 해외의료서비스지출액 자료 : Deloitte Center for Health Solution Medical Tourism Consumers in Search of Value 2.2 해외의료서비스시장분석 1) 해외의료서비스선호도 그림 2-2 해외의료서비스선호도 (2009) 자료 : Deloitte Center for Health Solution Medical Tourism: Update and Implications
8 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 그림 2-3 해외의료서비스선호도 (2011) 자료 :Deloitte Center for Health Solution 2011 Survey of Health Care Consumers in the U.S 2) 해외의료서비스이용자분석 자료 :Medical Tourism Research Center 그림 2-4 해외의료서비스이용이유
2. 미국해외의료서비스시장 9 그림 2-5 자료 : Deloitte 해외의료서비스희망자분석 3) 해외의료서비스이용경로
10 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 그림 2-5 해외의료서비스이용경로 자료 :Medical Tourism Research Center Pattents of srvice differentiation among medical Tourism Facilitators 4) 해외의료서비스정보이용경로 그림 2-7 자료 : Center for Medical Tourisn Research 해외의료서비스정보이용방법
2. 미국해외의료서비스시장 11 5) 해외의료서비스선호국가 자료 : Center for Medical Tourism Research 그림 2-8 해외의료서비스이용국가 6) 해외의료서비스선호분야
12 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 그림 2-9 희망해외의료서비스분야 자료 :Gallop Americans Consider Crossing Borders for Medical Care 그림 2-10 의료보험자 vs 비의료보험자선호의료서비스 자료 : Gallup Americans Consider Crossing Borders for Medical Care
2. 미국해외의료서비스시장 13 자료 :Center for Medical Tourism Research 그림 2-11 분야별해외의료서비스선호도 7) 국가별의료서비스비용
14 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 자료 : www. Globalbenefitoptions.com 그림 2-12 국가별의료서비스비용 그림 2-12 국가별의료서비스가격경쟁력 자료 :Medical Tourism : Profit from Global Health Care
3. 미국해외의료서비스시장전망 15 3. 미국해외의료서비스시장전망 1) 베이비부머의고령화 표 3-1 미국내베이비부머수 (55 세이상 ) 자료 : U.S Census Bureau
16 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 자료 : Healthcare Intelligence Network 그림 3-1 베이비부머의질병종류 2) 미국경기침체 그림 3-2 미국내의료보험가입자수의변화 자료 :Gallop In U.S., Employer-Based Health Insurance Declines Further
3. 미국해외의료서비스시장전망 17 그림 3-3 미국내의료서비스문제점 자료 : Gallop Healthcare Access, Cost Are Top Health Concerns 3) 미국의료보험개혁
18 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 4) 미국인의비만
3. 미국해외의료서비스시장전망 19 그림 3-4 미국인의연간비만율 자료 :USA Today 2010/09/21 Obesity s yearly costs:$4,879 for a woman $2,646 for a man 그림 3-5 미국인의과체중, 비만율 자료 :Gallop In U.S Obdsity Levels Remain High but Stable in 2010
20 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 4. 해외의료서비스유치업서비스개요 1) 해외의료서비스유치업체수 표 4-1 연도별신생유치업자수 자료 :Society of General Interal Medicine 2010 Medical Tourism Services Available to US Residents
4. 해외의료서비스유치업서비스개요 21 2) 업체광고방법 표 4-2 광고방법 자료 :Society of General Interal Medicine 2010 3) 사업상관행 (Business Practice)
22 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 표 4-3 유치업자들의사업관행 자료 :Society of General Interal Medicine 2010 Medical Tourism Services Available to US Residents 4) 서비스비용 표 4-4 업체별서비스비용부과대상 자료 :Society of General Interal Medicine 2010 Medical Tourism Services Available to US Residents
4. 해외의료서비스유치업서비스개요 23 5) 의료서비스유치국가 그림 4-1 해외의료서비스이용국가 자료 :Society of General Interal Medicine 2010 Medical Tourism Services Available to US Residents 6) 이용한해외의료서비스
24 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 표 4-5 환자들이이용한해의의료서비스 자료 :Society of General Interal Medicine 2010 Medical Tourism Services Available to US Residents
5. 한국내미국인환자유치현황 25 5. 한국내미국인환자유치현황 1) 한국의료서비스에관한미국인의인식 표 5-1 각국가간비행거리 자료 : Google
26 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 2) 미국인환자유치실적 표 5-2 미국인환자유치실적 자료 : 보건복지부 5 월 27 일보도자료 &2009 외국인환자유치실적통계
6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 27 6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 1) Cambria Healthcare Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
28 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 2) Companion Global Healthcare, Inc. Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 29 3) Global Medtours, LLC. Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
30 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 4) Happy Holidays Inc. Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 31 5) Healthbase Online Inc. Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
32 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 6) Health Options Worldwide Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 33 7) HealthGlobe Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
34 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 8) INFOTOUR, INC Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 35 9) International-Triage, LLC Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
36 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 10) Minerva Journeys Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 37 11) Koreana Pacific Tour Inc. Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
38 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 12) Orbicare, LLC Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 39 13) PlacidWay Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
40 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 14) Planet Hospital Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 41 15) Prime Medical Solutions, Inc. Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
42 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 16) SJ MEDICAL, INC. Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 43 17) SEJONG MEDICAL TOUR, INC. Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
44 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 18) Surgical Trip Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 45 19) TMCI (Total Medicare Connection Institute) Inc Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
46 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 20) THE FACE Laser Clinic Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
6. 환자송출업체디렉토리 47 21) US 아주투어 Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Year of Establishment Number of Employees Accreditation / Certification / Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
48 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리 22) WorldMediTours Company Name Office Address Website Office Phone Company Email Fax Accreditation / Year of Establishment Number of Certification / Employees Association Membership Introduction of Company Service Provided Number of Patients arranged Procedures or Specialties focused Current Destination Countries Requirements to be in your network How to charge fee to hospitals and patients (Please describe) Current Business Network in Korea Contact Information (Person in charge of network development, business development or contracting) Name Title Email Direct Phone
참고문헌 49 참고문헌
50 미국인의해외의료서비스이용현황및환자송출업체디렉토리