CHAPTER 1 SENTENCE STRUCTURE 문장의구조 Unit 1 : Main Components of the Sentence 문장의구성요소 Unit 2 : Phrases and Clauses 구와절

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7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

PART 01 문장의구성요소와문형의이해 G R A M M A R 단어가모여이루어진것을문장 (sentence) 이라고한다. 의미전달을위해반드시필요한주요성분과문장의주요성분을좀더꾸며주는수식어구가함께어우러져 문장을구성하게된다. 01. 문장의구성요소문장의주요성분 : 주어, 술어

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을


어법성 판단 문제

< FC1DF315FC1A631C8B85FB4EBBABB2E687770>

Unit1 4-5형식 동사 정리 of를 수반할 수 있는 동사: ask, require 등 ex ask: He asked me the way. He asked the way of me. 4 형식 동사 4형식 문형: S + V + I.O + D.O (V: 수여동사) 4형식



3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적



새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의

Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin

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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정



(016~037) Task1



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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck






When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no




_KF_Bulletin webcopy


I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien



CHAPTER 1 SENTENCE STRUCTURE 문장의구조 Unit 1 : Main Components of the Sentence 문장의구성요소 Unit 2 : Phrases and Clauses 구와절

UNIT 1 : Main Components of the Sentence 문장의구성요소 GRAMMAR POINT 문장의구성요소문장은 S + V를기본으로, 동사의성격에따라 O( 목적어 ) 나 C( 보어 ) 를갖는다. 수식어 형용사 ( 명사수식 ) 와부사 ( 문장전체, 동사, 형용사, 다른부사등수식 ) 연결사 전치사 ( 전치사 + 명사 ) 와접속사 ( 단어, 구, 절을연결 ) 주부와술부 주부 ( 주어와그수식어 ) 와술부 ( 서술어와그수식어 ) A: Have you heard about Amy? B: No. Did anything happen to her? A: Yes. She had a car accident last week. B: Oh, no! Was she hurt? A: No. It was a small accident and nobody was hurt. B: I m glad she s okay. 1. 문장의구성요소 1 주어 (Subject): 주로명사, 대명사가사용되며 ~ 은 / 는 / 이 / 가 로해석 King Sejong created an easily learnable alphabet, Hangul. < 주어 명사 > I didn t know you re interested in animals. < 주어 대명사 > 2 동사 (Verb): 주어의상태 동작을나타내는말로 ~ 하다 로해석 We are interested in volunteer work. < 상태 > I gave that book to Cindy yesterday. < 동작 > 3 목적어 (Object): 동작이나상태의대상으로주로명사, 대명사가사용되며 ~ 을 / 를 / 에게 로해석직접목적어와간접목적어로구분되기도함 She quit the job last month. < 목적어 명사 > I have to meet them at the airport. < 목적어 대명사 > 직접목적어 (Direct Object): 행위를당하는입장, 주로 ~ 을 / 를 로해석 The coach threw the ball. <D.O the ball> 간접목적어 (Indirect Object): 4 형식문형에서사용되며, 주로 ~ 에게 로해석 Peter asked Mr. Green a question. <I.O Mr. Green / D.O a question> 4 보어 (Complement): 주어나목적어를보충설명하는말로주로명사, 형용사가사용 Good looks can be an advantage. < 주어보충 명사보어 > To worry that you are not pretty enough is useless. < 주어보충 형용사보어 > We call her Baby. < 목적어보충 명사보어 > I found the building new. < 목적어보충 형용사보어 > 14 Whole GRAMMAR

2. 수식어 (Modifiers) 1 형용사 (Adjective): 명사와대명사를꾸며주는말 That brown-eyed girl is my sister. 명사수식 He is slow to learn. 2 형용사적수식어 : 형용사외명사를꾸며주는말 The girl with long hair is Jack s girlfriend. 전치사구 The man who lives next door works at the company. 관계사절 3 부사 (Adverb): 문장전체, 동사, 형용사, 다른부사등을꾸며주는말 Strangely, he was kind to everyone today. 문장전체수식 He can jump high. 동사수식 He got a very high score in English. 형용사수식 He can jump very high. 부사수식 3. 연결사 1 전치사 (Preposition): 명사 대명사앞에놓여시간, 장소, 방향등을나타냄 They kept shouting loudly at the police. 전치사 + 명사 Mike complained about her. 전치사 + 대명사 2 접속사 (Conjunction): 단어, 구, 절등을이어주는말 Food is more than calories and nutrients for the body. 단어연결 They need no protection from summer sun or winter cold. 구연결 Playing the games was for fun, but the results were educational. 절연결 4. 주부와술부 (The subject and predicate) 주부 : 주어와그수식어부분 I We The woman standing over there The legs of most reptiles 술부 : 서술어와그수식어부분 had a very scary experience. are proud of our products and services. is my teacher. are on the sides of their body. Exam TIPS 명사나대명사보어는부사가아닌형용사및그상당어구 I was happy to hear that. ( not I was happily to hear that.) 전치사뒤에는반드시명사나대명사혹은동명사 (V-ing) 가위치 Thank you for come here for blood donation. (X) Thank you for to come here for blood donation. (X) Thank you for coming here for blood donation. (O) <There / Here + V + S ~> 구조에서주어 동사의수일치에주의 There has been some mistake in the report. (not There have been ~.) Chapter 1 15

EXERCISE 점검및강화 A. Choose the correct one. 1. The genius dies (young / youth). 2. Would you (marry / marrying) me? 3. Jake (writes / writing) a letter to my family twice a month. 4. Lee (is / speaks) his native language at home. 5. The flight will (arriving / arrive at) Incheon International Airport soon. B. Fill in the blanks with the given words. bright / brightly easy / easily reasonable / reasonably different / differently 1. The walls are decorated with very colors. 2. She told us why she was late and it sounded very. 3. He had a opinion on the issue. So he responded. 4. Don t expect it to be. It cannot be answered. C. Choose the correct one. 1. They are famous for (be / to be / being) a lot of fun. 2. In spite of (she made efforts / her efforts), things went wrong. 3. My sister speaks English well, (and / to) my brother doesn t. 4. Thanks to (you help me / your help), all was done well. 5. He is cooking dinner and (talk / to talk / talking) on the phone at the same time. D. Find the errors and rewrite the correct sentences. 1. According to the brochure, the school near the downtown area. 2. They didn t remember clear what happened yesterday. 3. Here is some pictures of my son when he was little. 4. The man suffered from lack of sleep so he fell sleepy in the end. 1. Find the words appropriate for the blanks. There a lot of pictures on the wall. The pictures on the wall of my mother s family. 1 be - is 2 am to be 3 are - are 4 is - being 5 to be - be Exam SAMPLES 16 Whole GRAMMAR

All IN ONE 통합문제유형 A. Read the following conversation and complete the sentences with the given words. Change the word form if necessary. A: (1) do you want to have for dinner? B: I don t feel like cooking tonight. Let s (2) some pizza. A: Well, I had pizza (3) lunch already. I d like to order some Chinese food, if that s okay. B: (4) is my favorite, (5) their noodles. A: Great. I know the best place, Jade Chinese Restaurant. But I have to check the (6) phone number first. It was a wrong number when I called last week. B: Why don t you Google it? for order what present Chinese food especially B. Read the text below. Fill in the blanks rearranging the given words. As I woke up, I (1) (in the dark, see, barely, anything, could). It seemed like the middle of the night. However, someone was cooking dinner somewhere. I could smell chips. I licked my lips. I hadn t eaten all my dinner (2) (so, was, tired, I, because). I wondered who was cooking in the kitchen. I wondered (3) (the person, would, if, sharing, consider, a chip or two). I made my way downstairs and reached the door. I opened it and (4) (a, was, there, now, stronger, smell, much). (1) (2) (3) (4) Exam SAMPLES Read and complete the sentences putting the given words in the proper place. 1. Remember that the sun is shining behind the clouds. (brightly) 2. To collect coins my brother s hobby. (is) 3. He bought a very car. (beautiful). Chapter 1 17

PRACTICE 내신문제유형 밑줄친부분의쓰임이나머지넷과다른것을고르시오. (1 ~ 3) 1. 1 You are worthy of respect and love. 2 The whales fight in love battles during the breeding season. 3 Austin seems to love walking in the woods with her sister. 4 Look at the world with new eyes, with love and compassion. 5 You should know that true love isn t prejudicial. 2. 1 The weather forecast predicted rain for today. 2 Suddenly heavy bursts of rain began to fall on the tents and stages. 3 It is expected to rain nationwide evenly tomorrow. 4 The heavy rains will last on and off until next Monday. 5 The rain will weaken and clear up by Sunday. 3. 1 I wrote a column on high school sports for a local newspaper. 2 Aim high and just go for it! 3 Some students receive a high score on the test. 4 Prices are still high in spite of the government announcement. 5 My parents standards are too high to catch up with. 밑줄친부분의쓰임이나머지넷과다른것을고르시오. (4 ~ 5) 4. 1 People in that area were pretty friendly. 2 We ll never know what he s really thinking. 3 It feels very humid today. 4 How fast can you get the job done? 5 Be sure to drive safely. 5. 1 The children have been really noisy these days. 2 The chairperson has worked hard all her life. 3 We ve been very happy in this lovely house. 4 The man led a lonely life with few friends. 5 The kids read quite difficult books for their age. 주어진우리말과같은뜻이되도록, 괄호속의단어를활용해문장을완성하시오. (6 ~ 9) 6. 우리가논의해야할몇몇일들이있다. (a few, are, there, things) we need to discuss. 7. 그회사는그런큰주문을다룰능력이없다. (that large, an, handling, order) The company isn t capable of. 18 Whole GRAMMAR

8. 내가콘택트렌즈찾는것을도와주겠니? (my, look, contact, for, lens) Could you help me? 9. 그는아무말도없이사라졌다. (a word, saying, without) He disappeared. 다음중문법상틀리거나어색한부분을고르시오. (10 ~ 11) 10. The late 1 arrive of the President has 2 caused them 3 to 4 change the 5 previous schedule. 11. We 1 expecting 2 someone 3 to come in 4 a few minutes 5 later. 다음문장의빈칸에알맞지않은것을고르시오. (12 ~ 13) 12. The whole story very odd. 1 sounded 2 seemed 3 was 4 made 5 is 13. The girl looks. 1 happy 2 friendly 3 ugly 4 busy 5 hungrily 14. 밑줄친부분중에서문법상어색한것을고르시오. When I 1 was young, I loved reading a book. However, my father would force me 2 to come down and 3 watch TV with the rest of the family whenever I wasup in my room 4 happy reading a book. There 5 was no escape. 15. (A), (B), (C) 각네모안에서어법에맞는표현을골라짝지은것으로가장알맞은것을고르시오. I woke up and (A) stretch / stretched when the alarm on the table went off. I looked (B) myself / at myself in the mirror and nodded in (C) satisfaction / satisfactory. It was a baseball game day, and I was certain the only thing to answer my skill would be a storm of applause. I took a shower, humming my favorite song. (A) (B) (C) 1 stretch myself satisfaction 2 stretch myself satisfactory 3 stretched myself satisfaction 4 stretched at myself satisfaction 5 stretched at myself satisfactory Chapter 1 19

UNIT 2 : Phrases and Clauses 구와절 GRAMMAR POINT 구 2개이상의단어로구성되어있고, 문장에서하나의품사역할을담당. 명사구, 형용사구, 부사구절 [ 주어 + 동사 ] 의구성, 문장에서명사 형용사 부사의역할등위절 (and, but, or 등 ), 명사절, 형용사절, 부사절 ( 주절 + 종속절 ) A: Hey, Christine. It s me, Jennifer. B: Oh, sorry, Jennifer. I couldn t see you because I m not wearing contact lenses now. A: Why not? B: I tried to put them on this morning, but it really hurt, so I couldn t. A: You d better go see a doctor right away. Your eyes are a little red. B: Actually, I m on my way there. A: I see. Take care. 1. 구 (Phrases) 둘이상의단어가의미단위로결합하여문장에서하나의품사역할을하는것명사, 형용사, 부사의역할을하며, 구에는주어나동사가없다. 1 명사구 : 동명사구와부정사구로명사처럼주어, 목적어, 보어역할 Reading comic books is my hobby. < 동명사구 주어 > Would you mind opening the door for me? < 동명사구 목적어 > My hobby is surfing the Internet. < 동명사구 보어 > To finish the work within a week seems impossible. < 부정사구 주어 > I need to find another job. < 부정사구 목적어 > My job was to travel once or twice a month. < 부정사구 보어 > 2 형용사구 : 부정사구, 전치사구로형용사처럼명사수식, 보어역할 They need someone to talk with. < 부정사구 someone 수식 > They seem to have lots of luggage. < 부정사구 보어역할 > Look at the boy with the sunglasses on. < 전치사구 the boy 수식 > 3 부사구 : 부정사구, 분사구, 전치사구로부사처럼문장전체, 동사, 형용사, 다른부사를수식 To my disappointment, he deceived me again. < 전치사구 문장전체수식 > The lake is dangerous to swim in. < 부정사구 dangerous 수식 > Wounded seriously, he still tried to fight. < 분사구 문장전체수식 > Don t judge a book by its cover. < 전치사구 judge 수식 > 20 Whole GRAMMAR

2. 절 (Clauses) 주어와동사를포함하는구조이고, 문장에서명사, 형용사, 부사의역할을함 1 등위절 : 등위접속사 and, but, or 등으로문장과문장이연결된경우 He was listening to music and I was studying for my math exam. Will you come along or should I come to you? 2 명사절 : 접속사 (if / whether / that), 의문사 (what / how / where ), 관계대명사 (what ) 으로시작하며명사처럼주어, 목적어, 보어및동격의역할 I believe that we need to protect endangered species of animals. < 접속사 that 이이끄는명사절 > Alan can t decide if he should go or stay home. < 접속사 if가이끄는명사절 > It doesn t matter whether we win or lose. < 접속사 whether가이끄는명사절 > We know what he looks like. < 의문사가이끄는명사절 > He will do what you tell him to do. < 관계대명사 what이이끄는명사절 > 3 형용사절 : 관계사가이끄는절로명사를수식 I was talking to the woman who was sitting next to me. < 명사 the woman 을수식 > Friday is the day which I like the most. < 명사 the day를수식 > This is the house where my father grew up. < 명사 the house를수식 > 4 부사절 : 시간, 조건, 양보, 목적, 이유, 결과등의종속접속사와함께쓰여부사역할 When he was about eight years old, Brian climbed trees every day. 시간 Once the talk began, it took 7 hours to come up with an agreement. 조건 Though I explained my situation, they never believed in me. 양보 We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. 목적 As the weather is so cold, he is wearing a coat. 이유 We were so tired that we couldn t finish the project. 결과 Exam TIPS 명사구 / 명사절이주어로올경우주어 동사의수일치에주의 : 단수취급 To eat regular meals is important. (not To eat regular meals are ~.) 양보절 (as though/even though/if + 주어 + 동사 ~) 과양보구 (in spite of, despite + 명사 / 동명사구 ) 표현에주의 Despite he failed the exam, he will have another chance soon. (X) Although he failed the exam, he will have another chance soon. (O) 이유를나타내는부사절 (because + 주어 + 동사 ~) 과이유를나타내는부사구 (because of + 명사 / 동명사구 ) 표현에주의 Daniel was late again because of the traffic. (not...because the traffic.) if/whether 둘다명사절을이끌수있지만 if 는주어로쓰일수없다. If he likes me or not is really important. (X) Whether he likes me or not is really important. (O) Chapter 1 21

EXERCISE 점검및강화 A. Read the following and write P for a phrase and S for a sentence. 1. The fact that you are late again 2. Because of many masterpieces 3. Passing a national exam is difficult for him. 4. The girl wearing a purple vest 5. Close your book and answer these questions. B. Choose the correct one. 1. We (go / going) to the museum to do our homework. 2. To get a good grade, you d better review what you (to learn / learned). 3. (Because / Though) you are diligent, you re rich. 4. I need a pen or a pencil (write / to write) with. C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box. despite though because because of 1. his illness, he passed the exam. 2. We rely on the attorney many people recommended him. 3. she made many mistakes, you can t fire her. 4. the heavy storm, some bridges were broken down. D. Translate the following into English. Use the given words. 1. 비가많이와서그경기는연기되었다. (because, put off) 2. 그는어제큰생선을사서나를위해요리했다. (and) 3. 심한안개로비행기가출발하지않았다. (due to, dense, depart) 4. 비록그녀는어리지만현명하다. (though, smart). Choose the right one and complete the sentence. with your mouth full get up at the conference 1. Jerry met his students. 2. Generally speaking, talking is not a good manner. 3. They can t early in the morning. Exam SAMPLES 22 Whole GRAMMAR

All IN ONE 통합문제유형 A. Read the following conversation and underline phrases and clauses. Write them in the box below the passage. A: Did you hear about the car accident? I think it happened in your neighborhood. B: Actually it happened in front of my house. A: Really? Were you there when the accident happened? B: No. I don t know what exactly happened. My sister told me that a boy was hit by a motorcycle. A: That s right. Fortunately he was wearing a helmet, so he didn t get a serious injury from the accident. B: It s a good thing. Wearing helmets is extremely important. Phrases about the car accident Clauses when the accident happened B. Read the following and choose the right word according to the meaning. People around the world (1) have / has various food taboos and they avoid eating certain foods. The reasons for food taboos are different (2) depend / depending on the cultures or countries. One major reason is (3) because / due to the religious aspect. For example, people in India (4) don t kill / kill or eat cows. They also respect rats (5) unless / because they believe the animals are a form of God. Some taboos for pregnant women are also interesting. (6) In some countries / Some countries the women don t eat squid because they believe eating squid makes their babies be born with no bones. Exam SAMPLES Find the errors and rewrite the correct sentences. 1. To read many books are very important to young students. 2. The number of books in the library have been increased. Chapter 1 23

PRACTICE 내신문제유형 다음주어진문장의밑줄친부분과쓰임이같은것을고르시오. (1 ~ 3) 1. He finished painting the fence 30 minutes ago. 1 Walking for 10 minutes every morning is good for your health. 2 I don t know what to do after this class. 3 He threw away his old furniture when moving. 4 Jungin has lived in Seoul for 20 years. 5 My brother loves watching TV all day long. 2. I bought a piece of cheese cake. 1 Give me your studying plan before sleeping. 2 What do you think your school has to do for students? 3 Bring some food in the refrigerator. 4 Who is that girl wearing a blue coat? 5 People prefer small cars due to the high oil price. 3. My aunt took care of me instead of my mother. 1 Thanks to your help, we arrived in New York safely. 2 May I turn down the volume? 3 After graduation, he moved to the city. 4 The concert never starts on time. 5 It s time for you to leave for school. 다음주어진단어를우리말과같은뜻이되도록배열하시오. (4 ~ 6) 4. 그녀는오늘아침일찍오지못했다. (this morning, early, come) She didn t. 5. 비록그는어리지만많은사람들이그를존경한다. (young, respect, many people, is, him) Though he. 6. 그큰시계는학교가운데있다. (clock, tall, the, in the middle, stands) of the school. 다음빈칸에들어갈알맞은단어를고르시오. (7 ~ 9) 7. The princess is beautiful, (so / but) she is proud of herself. 8. I am fond of (singing / sing) at the singing room. 9. Take good care of both your family (and / or) mine too. 24 Whole GRAMMAR

다음중틀린부분을찾아바르게고치시오. (10 ~ 11) 10. I 1 will phone you 2 if I 3 can t come with you, 4 so please 5 giving me your phone number. 11. 1 Many current members of the club 2 has 3 fully 4 agreed with the 5 new policy. 다음문장의빈칸에알맞은것을고르시오. (12 ~ 13) 12. The team played two games, and they won one game lost the other. 1 but 2 or 3 though 4 as 5 so 13. Mary bought a gorgeous and car. 1 well 2 difference 3 terrible 4 fun 5 luxurious 14. 밑줄친부분중에서어법상어색한것을고르시오. Have you ever heard of 1 color therapy? 2 The origin of color healing is from ancient Egypt. 3 Nowadays many scientists have studied the relations of color and people s emotions. They say colors cause some emotional reactions in people 4 depending on their personalities 5 because of personalities differ from person to person. 15. (A), (B), (C) 각네모안에서어법에맞는표현을골라짝지은것으로가장알맞은것을고르시오. There are different school terms (A) in the world / the world. In Japan, students have 243 school days every year (B) include / including a half-day on Saturdays, but students from America have less than 180 school days a year. In Germany, students have to go to school for 220 days a year. If you want more information about other countries, just (C) click the button below / below click the button. (A) (B) (C) 1 in the world include click the button below 2 in the world including click the button below 3 in the world include below click the button 4 the world including below click the button 5 the world include click the button below Chapter 1 25