장석정 (, ) I. 1),. 2) 1),.. 2). C. Wright, God s People in God s Land: Family, Land, and Property in the Old Testament (Grand Rapid: Eerdmans Publishing

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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil


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장석정 (, ) I. 1),. 2) 1),.. 2). C. Wright, God s People in God s Land: Family, Land, and Property in the Old Testament (Grand Rapid: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1990); S. Boorer, The Promise of the Land as Oath. BZAW 205 (New York: de Gruyter, 1992); M. Weinfeld, The Promise of the Land: The Inheritance of the Land of Canaan by the Israelites (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993); N. Habel, The Land is Mine: Six Biblical Land Ideologies Overtures to Biblical Theology (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995); I. Gafni, Land, Center and Diaspora: Jewish Constructs in Late Antiquity

,. (ideal).,.,.. 3),,.,,,. 4). JSPSup 21 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997); W. Brueggemann, The Land: Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2002); G. Galil, M. Geller and A. Millard, ed. Homeland and Exile: Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Bustenary Oded (Leiden: Brill, 2009); J. Van Ruiten and J. C. de Vos, The Land of Israel in Bible, History, and Theology: Studies in Honour of Ed Noort (Leiden: Brill, 2009). 3) (Brueggemann). It will no longer do to talk about Yahweh and his people but we must speak about Yahweh and his people and his land. Brueggemann, (2002), 5. 4) (narrative).,.

,.,,,., ( 23:32 33; 34:12 13), ( 33:51 56).,..,,. 18, (the book of the law). (W. de Wette), (cultic reform). 5) 1 4 43 5) Willhelm Martin L. de Wette, Beiträge zur Einleitung in das Alte Testament (2 vols.; Halle: Schimmelpfennig, 1806, 1807), 1:168 179 (repr., Hildesheim/New

(Dtr) (M. Noth), Dtr 4 44 30 22.,,. 6),..,.,. ( 17 ).,,,.,,, York:G. Olms, 1971). Nadav Na aman, The Discovered Book and the Legitimation of Josiah s Reform, JBL 130 (2011), 47. 6).,, 18(2010), 171.

. II.. 32 10,. 33 3 5.,... 7) 7). 90., ( :, 2004); D. L. Christensen, Deuteronomy 1 11, WBC (Dallas, TX: Word, 1991); Deuteronomy 12 17, WBC (Dallas, TX: Word, 2001); Deuteronomy 18 34, WBC (Dallas, TX: Word, 2001); T. W. Mann, Deuteronomy (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1995); J. G. McConville, Deuteronomy, Apollos Old Testament Commentary 5 (London: InterVasity Press, 2002); P. D. Miller, Deuteronomy. Interpretation (Louisville: John Knox, 1990); R. Nelson, Deuteronomy, OTL (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002); A. Rofé,

18 (priority),. 1. 레위기 18 21 30, 21 23,,,. 24.. 8). 25,. 27 28,. Deuteronomy: Issues and Interpretation, Old Testament Studies (London: T & T Clark, 2002); J. H. Tigay, Deuteronomy (Jerusalem: Jewish Publication Society, 1996); M. Weinfeld, Deuteronomy 1 11, AB (New York: Doubleday, 1991). 8) 4 10., ( 4:1 5:32), 6(2004), 146.

.. 가나안거주민들 이스라엘 1. 우상숭배 + 가증한일들 1. 우상숭배 + 가증한일들 2. 거주민들이더러워짐 2. 이스라엘이더러워짐 3. 땅이더러워짐 3. 땅이더러워짐 4. 땅이거주민들을토해냄 4. 땅이이스라엘을토해냄.,. (narrative),... 9),., 9),. Gerstenberger, Leviticus, OTL (Louisville, Westminster John Knox Press, 1996), 256.

.,.., ( 25:23).,,.,.,..,..,..,,.,.. (priority).

(status).,,.,,.,,,., (status). 10)...,. 2. 신명기 10) (ideal)..,. (1996), 256.

(Noth) (1:1 4:43, 31 34 ) (4:44 30:20). 11),.. 1) 이스라엘의멸절을경고한본문들, (= ) ( 4:44 30:22) 12),. 6 8 11,. 6 10 15,,,. 15, 11),,. McConville, Deuteronomy(2002), 37. 12) (Noth) (Weinfeld) 4:44 28:68. Weinfeld, Deuteronomy 1 11(1991), 10.

(ה ) י.,.,.,. (Targum Jonathan ben Uziel) 15. 13).,. 7 1 4, 2.,. (requirement). 14) 3.,,. 4, (ד ). 4 13) Weinfeld, Deuteronomy 1 11(1991), 336. 14) McConville, Deuteronomy(2002), 153.

. 7 1,,.,. 8 19 20, (אָ ד).,,. 19 אָ ד (emphatic form), 20.... 15) 20.. 11 16 17 (אָ ד). 6 8,. 11. 15), 172.

,,.. 16), 6 8...,. 30 17 18, תּ א דוּן) (אָ ד, ( ל ה)..,..,.. 16),.. Weinfeld, Deuteronomy 1-11(1991), 448.

.,,.,.,.,..,. (priority),. 2) 이스라엘의멸절과포로사건을함께경고한본문들, 4. 17) 15

., (shape). 18) 16 18..,. 18 24 30. 19,,,...,. 19) 25 28 20) (utterly) (25 26 ). 21) 17) (Dtr) 1:1 4:40, (Noth) 4 1 40 (tone), 1 3. M. Noth, The Deuteronomistic History, JSOTSup 15 (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991), 29, n.1. 18) Nelson, Deuteronomy(2002), 66. 19) McConville, Deuteronomy(2002), 109. 20) (Noth) 25 28 Dtr, Dtr 1 3,. 4 1 2, 5 8, 10 14, 22 23a. Noth, The Deuteronomistic History(1991), 58 59. 21) NRSV 26 utterly (אָ ד) perish and

, (27 28 ). 22) 26 27,.,.,.,. 28,.,. 23) 25 28.., 'be utterly destroyed'(ד ). 22), (audience) (R. Nelson),,,. Nelson, Deuteronomy(2002), 68. 23), 68.

,.. 29 31,,,.,... 4..,,.. 28, 24) (21, 48 ), 25) (24, 51 ). (36 ) (63 64 ), 24) ה ד.. אָ ד ד 25)

..,. 64 26), 4 27 28. 27) 28 4,. 4 28. 28 4,., 28. 28,., 4.,, 28. 30 26) ( 28:64). 27) McConville, Deuteronomy(2002), 408.

1 5. 4 29 31. 30 4. 4 (29 31 ), 30 (1 5 ). 4, 30,.,,., 30 1 5..,., (4 ) (30 ). 28.,

.,. III., 18,. 18,,,....,. 6 8 11, 30 17 18,,.,

.,.,,.,,.. 4 28, 30 1 5. 4 28.. (4 ) (30 1 5 ),,. 28,.,,,

.,... < 멸망만경고된본문들 > < 멸망과포로사건, 회복이경고된본문들 > 1. 멸망전 : 땅 + 이스라엘 1. 포로기전 : 땅 + 이스라엘 2. 멸망후 : 땅 2. 포로기 : 땅 땅 (+ 다른민족 ) 28) 3. 회복기 : 땅 + 이스라엘,.,.. (priority)., 28).,.

,..,,. 주제어,,,,,, Land, Annihilation, Exile, Restoration, Israel, Leviticus, Deuteronomy * : 2012. 08. 29. : 2012. 10. 19. : 2012. 10. 19.

.. :, 2004... 18(2010), 171 198.. ( 4:1 5:32). 6(2004), 146 184.. 10 12 11 32. 34 (2009) 51 68... 18(2005), 145 170... 59(2008), 27 48... 30(2008), 167 184. Boorer, S. The Promise of the Land as Oath. BZAW 205. New York: de Gruyter, 1992. Brueggemann, W. The Land: Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith Overtures to Biblical Theology. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2002. Christensen, D. L. Deuteronomy 1 11. WBC. Dallas, TX: Word, 1991.. Deuteronomy 12 17. WBC. Dallas, TX: Word, 2001.. Deuteronomy 18 34. WBC. Dallas, TX: Word, 2001. De Wette, W. M. L. Beiträge zur Einleitung in das Alte Testament. 2 vols.; Halle: Schimmelpfennig, 1806, 1807, 1:168 179. repr., Hildesheim/New York: G. Olms, 1971. Gafni, I. Land, Center and Diaspora: Jewish Constructs in Late Antiquity JSPSup 21. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997. Gerstenberger, E. Leviticus. OTL. Louisville: Westminster John Knox

Press, 1996. Habel, N. The Land is Mine: Six Biblical Land Ideologies Overtures to Biblical Theology. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995. Haring, B. and de Maaijer, R. ed., Landless and Hungry?: Access to Land in Early and Traditional Societies. Leiden: Ridderprint, 1998. McConville, J. G. Deuteronomy. Apollos Old Testament Commentary 5. London: InterVasity Press, 2002. Miller, P. D. Deuteronomy. Interpretation. Louisville: John Knox, 1990. Na'aman, N. The Discovered Book and the Legitimation of Josiah's Reform. JBL 130 (2011), 47. Nelson, R. Deuteronomy. OTL. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002. Noth, M. The Deuteronomistic History. 2nd ed., JSOTSup 15. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991. Rofé, A. Deuteronomy: Issues and Interpretation. Old Testament Studies. London: T & T Clark, 2002. Tigay, J. H. Deuteronomy. Jerusalem: Jewish Publication Society, 1996. Weinfeld, M. The Promise of the Land: The Inheritance of the Land of Canaan by the Israelites. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.. Deuteronomy 1 11. AB. New York: Doubleday, 1991. Wright, C. God's People in God's Land: Family, Land, and Property in the Old Testament. Grand Rapid: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1990.

Abstract The Land and Israel Sok Chung Chang Professor Kwandong University (Gangneung, Korea) This study is to analyze the selected texts where the warnings against Israel's idolatry are pronounced in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Israel was supposed to worship YHWH only when they entered the promised land as she made a covenant with YHWH. If Israel worshipped other gods whom the Canaanites served in the land, in some cases she should be punished with total and quick annihilation in the land and with the exile from the land. Therefore, I divide the warning texts into two categories. First, there are warning texts where only Israel's total destruction in the land was announced. Second, some warning texts indicate that Israel would be exiled from the land and/or could be returned to the land. The texts in these two categories are analyzed and compared in order to identify the relationship between the land and Israel. Lev. 18 says that the land will vomit Israel out as it vomited out the nation that was before Israel. The concept of the land plays the main role here because it can vomit Israel out and Israel will be one of those nations who lived in it. The priority

of the land over Israel reveals in Lev. 18. Several warning texts in Deuteronomy also show this kind of the land's priority. According to Deut 6 8 and 11, Israel is warned with total destruction in the land if they follow other gods when they enter the promised land. Of course, this warning has never been realized in history but it was a possibility that could have been realized. Once Israel was destroyed in the land, the land would remain alone. Some other nations could have immigrated to live in the land. The concept of the land controls its residents. On the other hand, Deut 4 and 28 announce that Israel would be destroyed and exiled to the foreign nations. They also indicate the possibility of Israel's return to the land. In this case, the land would remain as it is and wait for Israel's return. Israel is the only nation who can reside in the land. The concept of the land and Israel interrelated each other. The priority of the land over Israel is not plausible in these warning texts.

한글초록..,,.,. (priority)., (priority).