제 11 주건축, 도시, 미술
Lousiana 미술관, 덴마크쟈코메티갤러리
Parthenon 신전
West facade, Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Reims, France, 1225-90
심우도 ( 尋牛圖 )
도시속의미술 : 기념조형물 기념조형물 : 국가의문화적정체성
베트남 : 국가의자율성 베트남군주의稱帝 아들, 上皇, 假名 응우엔왕조의수도 Hue 의궁성
중국과의관계투쟁과독립 NGÔ QUYỀN ( 吳權 ) Battle of Bạch Đằng (938 년 ) 중국의원정군에게대승리를거둔응오꾸엔이이듬해인 939 년에스스로왕위에올라처음으로중국의지배에서벗어난최초의왕조인응오왕조 베트남최초의독립왕조
1887. 프랑스베트남분할통치 - 코친차이나, 안남, 통킹라오스, 캄보디아를포함한 5 개지역을프랑스식민지
제국주의의도시공간 베트남의공간에서제국의공간으로 : 부지의역사적컨텍스트
1940. 9. 일본군북부인도차이나점령 1945. 8 2차대전종전 1946. 1. 영국군프랑스군에북위 16도선이 남의전권을이양 2. 중국군철수, 프랑스군북부지역으 로들어감 12. 제1차인도차이나전쟁본격발발
1954. 5. 디엔비엔푸전투승리
제국주의의기념비 Monuments of imperialism Statue of Paul Bert Monument in Hoa Con Coc Park
하노이 ( 河內 ) 탕롱 (Thang Long 昇龍 ) (Ascending Dragon)
1965. 2. 미군베트남서첫교전 - 제 2 차인도차이나전쟁 1973. 1. 27 파리평화 ( 정전 ) 협정조인 3. 29 미군철수완료 1975. 4. 30 사이공함락,( 남 ) 베트남공화국정권붕괴 1979. 2. 17 중국베트남전쟁
Cass Gilbert U.S. Custom House, New York City, 1902-1907 공공조형물 Daniel Chester French "Continents 1903 1907 Asia, America, Europe and Africa
"Asia" shows the continent sitting motionless, representing the place where so many religions were born. She holds a scepter of a poppy bloom (at the time, parts of Asia were well known for their opium trade) and a statue of an eastern diety/idol in her lap. Behind her right shoulder, a cross is emerging, representing the beginning of the Christian missionary effort in Asia. "Asia's" feet rest upon a stool which sits on human skulls, indicative of the many people killed in slavery and through forced labor. 오른편 : "the hordes of India, and the hopelessness of the life of so many of the inhabitants." Daniel Chester French "Asia"
"Africa" shows the continent to be mysterious, shrouded in unknowns and a rich past. "Africa" is seen as the only nude of the four continents, in keeping with the stereotype of tribal peoples who did not wear much clothing. The "sleeping continent" was a common way of referring to Africa. "Africa's" right arm rests upon Sphinx of Egypt, her left arm on a sleeping African lion. Daniel Chester French Africa"
"Europe" shows both its ancient history, noble past and colonial conquests. "Europe" strikes a noble pose, her left hand supported by a globe signifying the colonial conquests of many European countries. Daniel Chester French Europe"
The right side view of "Europe" shows more of the Parthenon frieze on the throne. The shrouded figure behind the throne represents "Ancient History" which is reading a scroll and holding a skull crowned with a laurel wreath. Daniel Chester French Europe"
The striking figure of "America" is the most active of French's "Continents," seeming ready to leap out of her chair, hair blowing in the wind. A torch in hand, her left arm is pulling her cloak over an image of "Labor" which is rolling a wheel of progress. Peering over "America's" right shoulder is an American Indian in head dress, and sheaves of corn, symbolizing, in French's words, "the American idea of Plenty," are across "America's" right knee. Daniel Chester French America"
부마항쟁 [ 釜馬抗爭 ] : 1979.10.16 일과 17 일이틀동안부산대와동아대학생 5000 여명이거리로쏟아져나와격렬한항의시위 10.26 : 박정희대통령시해, 유신체제의종말
1979. 12.12 사태신군부세력 ( 전두환, 노태우등 ) 이제 2 군사쿠데타
1980. 5.18 광주민주화운동
Message 독재권력의갑작스런종말 = 국가의혼란 = 쿠데타 = 신군부 ( 전두환 ) = 군인 전쟁 = 국가의위기 = 참전 / 희생 = 무명용사 = 군인
민주공원 : 신군부 ( 전두환 ) 의군사독재에맞서싸운민주화운동기념
부마항쟁 : 1979.10.16 일과 17 일 6 월항쟁 : 1987
< 민주의횃불 >, 부산민주공원 기념조형물 : 이념 (ideology) 이라는알맹이를예술 (art) 의껍질로씌운것 사회적갈등 / 역사의은폐 역사와선택 선택된과거가전체대변