박남규 교수 서울대학교경영대학
Agenda 1. 스마트시대를만드는스마트혁명 2. 컴퓨팅의진화와경영환경의변화 3. 스마트시대의경쟁전략프레임워크 4. 시사점 Professor Namgyoo Park
1. 스마트혁명이란?
Thinking Machine?
Thinking Machine?
전화 + Thinking Capability
자동차 + Thinking Capability
승강기 + Thinking Capability
의자 + Thinking Capability
스마트혁명이란무엇인가? 다양한제품과서비스에 Thinking Capability가결합됨으로써경제전반의생산성이획기적으로달라지는현상!
은행 + Thinking Capability
신용카드 + Thinking Capability
보험 건축 조선 / 중공업 전자부품 패션 화학
스마트혁명의전개방향은? 스마트혁명이가능한대상은? Computer의소형화속도! Network의진화속도! 기업의전략변화속도! 잠재적으로가능한대상 스마트 TV! 스마트오디오! 거의모든물품!
스마트혁명과스마트시대의특징 획기적인생산성의변화 Real-time access to computers No delays in information exchange Real-time planning & execution Smart products & services 잠재적으로모든것이가능한세상! 불가능이가능으로! 새로운제품과서비스의출현! Recombination & Rearrangement가가능!
2. 컴퓨팅의진화와 경영환경의변화
Pascaline, 1642
Stepped Reckoner By Leibniz, 1694
Difference Engine, 1822 Charles Babbage cast iron, bronze and steel, consisted of 4,000 components, weighed three tons, and was 10 feet wide and 6 feet tall Analytical Engine Punch cards Ada Lovelace 1822
Herman Hollerith, 1887
Konrad Zuse, Z3 1941 Zuse s Father, Z1 1936 Rebuilt 1960s Z3 1941 w/ Binary Cards
Harvard Mark I by Aiken, 1944 - 부품숫자 : 약 750,000 개, 길이 15 미터, 높이 2.4 미터, 무게약 5 톤 - 곱셈시간 ; 약 3~5 초 - 자동계산방식으로매우복잡한계산을수행할수있었음 - 1939 에제작을시작해서 1944 년에완성
ENIAC, First Electrical Computer, 1945 Mechanical Calculator Vacuum Tube Punch Cards Needs for Speed Electronic Machine 30 Separate Units 30+ Tons 19,000 Vacuum tubes 200KW of Electricity Calculation by miliseconds
Von Neumann s Memo Burks, Goldstine, & von Neumann (BGV) Note in 1946 To rationalize the design with a single, generic sequence Put instructions and data in Store instructions and data Fetch and decode instructions Execute arithmetic operations Store temporary results Communicate results
Conceptual Structures of Computer Control Storage Input/ Output Memory RAM Computer A L U EDVAC 1947 Design hierarchy of the Institute for Advanced Studies(IAS) machine. ALU, Arithmetic logic unit ( arithmetic organ ) Baldwin & Clark, 2000 (p.157)
1964 April 7th
IBM System/360 1964
Altair 8800, 1975
컴퓨팅의진화과정 1950-1960s: Mainframe 컴퓨터 1970s: 미니컴퓨터 1980s: PC 1990s: 네트워크컴퓨터 2000s: Smart Devices 2010s: Cloud Computing
Sudden Change?
Product Modularity 아날로그방식으로통합된시스템이아니라, 상호보완적이면서도독립적인부분이모여서하나의제품이되는현상 (Baldwin & Clark, 2000) 디자인과생산이분리되는현상 모듈의혁신속에시스템과의호환성이유지되는현상 시스템과모듈간의선순환적상호발전
Product Modularity의효과 기술혁신의속도향상 단독제품 vs. 다양한제품간의호환성문제 가격대비성능의혁신적발전 다양한산업간의통합현상 제품의소형화및간편화현상 HW & SW에공통적으로발생하는현상
Product Modularity의 Collaboration 현상 단일솔루션 vs. 특정모듈의유효성 보다효율적인모듈을위한협업필요성 협업을통한모듈경쟁력개선현상 모듈의경쟁력이제품의경쟁력 SW & 신약개발산업역시모듈화대상
3. PC 시장과스마트혁명시대 의경쟁전략의차이
PC 시장에서의네트워크경쟁
Platforms & 네트워크경쟁구도 : Ecosystem 응용프로그램의숫자 IBM Mac 사용자의숫자
선순환시스템 (Positive Feedback) 선순환 고객기반 악순환 고객기반 + + - - 네트워크가치 네트워크가치
선순환과 Winner-Take-All Process 시장점유율 (Percent) 100 승자 50 Battle Zone 0 패자 시간
PC 시장의네트워크경쟁구조 IBM vs. Mac 탑재 SW 평균 : 10~20 개 USER 1 USER 2 호환성이중요함
소수기업의주도적역할 10-20 개의핵심 S/W 개발경쟁
스마트디바이스 시장에서의네트워크경쟁
예 : PC 시장과스마트폰시장의네트워크 IBM vs. Mac 탑재 SW 평균 : 10~20 개 ios vs. Android 탑재 SW 평균 : 60~70 개 USER 1 USER 2 호환성이중요함 USER 1 USER 2 호환성이중요하지않음
선순환시스템 (Positive Feedback) 선순환 App 숫자 악순환 App 숫자 + + - - 네트워크가치 네트워크가치
Application Counts: Apple vs. Android 600000 550000 500000 425000 500000 450000 400000 319000 300000 250000 271000 250000 200000 171000 189000 100000 0 46000 75000 115000 4900 10000 16000 2009 JUN 2009 SEP 2009 DEC 2010 MAR 30000 38000 80000 100000 2010 APR 2010 SEP 2010 OCT 2011 JUL 2011 OCT 2012 FEB Apple Android
Apple vs. Android Apple sold more ios devices in Q4 2011 than all Android devices combined. Google recently reported that 60 million new Android devices were activated during the quarter. But Apple sold 62 million ios units during the same period. So one company, with exactly six products on the market (the iphone 4S, iphone 4, iphone 3 GS, ipad, ipad 2, and ipod touch), managed to outsell the myriad of companies selling dozens (if not hundreds) of different Android gadgets. Apple has kept its lead over Android in the overall sales category, having sold 315 million ios devices since the original iphone was introduced in 2007. Google recently reported that it has activated just 250 million Android devices so far. http://www.unwiredview.com/2012/01/24/apple-sold-more-ios-devices-in-q4-2011-than-allandroids-combined-reclaims-no-1-smartphone-maker-spot/
수백만개의 Apps 개발경쟁 누구도혼자할수없는경쟁!
애플과구글의성공은 과연누가창조하고있는가?
Cisco 의 Collaboration 전략 Professor Namgyoo Park
Professor Namgyoo Park
Professor Namgyoo Park
Crescendo Communications 와의협업 1993 년 Lan-switching 회사인 Crescendo 와주식교환을통한협업 협업시작당시매출액 : $10 million 1996 년매출액 : $500 million 시너지 : Cisco 의유통망을활용하여사업가치 50 배뻥튀기 Professor Namgyoo Park
건전한 Eco-system 을위한역할 플랫폼리더 Platform 리더의수익 = 전체네트워크의가치 (cooperation- 제휴를통한효용가치증대 ) X Platform 리더의점유율 (competition 경쟁을통한파이확보 ) Contents/App Providers Best CP or AP through collaboration with Platforms or other CP or AP
5. 경영자에게주는시사점은?
과거와는전혀다른미래 과거의경쟁전략 Doing better than competitors 미래의경쟁전략 Doing something creative than others Implications for managers Creativity as Object of Management! Creativity as a new source of Competitive advantages!
Collaboration 을통한 Creative Ecosystem 을 Design 하자! System perspective! 단일제품을생각하는것이아님 전체적인 Eco-system 을고려함 Creative Rearrangement 새로운 Process or method 를창조 Goal of Design 새로운 Consumer Life or Behavior 를창조함 Aspiration Level 불가능한목표를설정함
Collaboration 에대한필요성 플랫폼과 CP 의관계및경쟁 새로운미래를창조하는임무 Doing something creative than others 혼자서실행하기어려운미션 모듈의경쟁력이곧플랫폼의경쟁력 단일제품혹은솔루션이아닌협업을통한창조적모듈을개발 협업을통한 Speed of Innovation 관리
Creative Invention through Collaboration! Professor Namgyoo Park