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Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이


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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil

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Network Village in Yeoncheon

연천군관광안내도 Tourist Guide Map of Yeoncheon-gun 연천군관광안내도 Tourist Guide Map of Yeoncheon-gun 즐거운 여행의 발걸음이 가득한 ~ 살아있는 자연박물관, 연천입니다. 테 마 관 광 코 스 자연관광 고대산 동막골유원지 한탄강관광지 열두개울 재인폭포 임진강유원지 백학저수지 문화유적관광 전곡리 선사유적지 연천 은대리성 연천 당포성 숭의전지 연천 호로고루 신라 경순왕릉 안보관광 경원선 철도 중단점 열쇠전망대 태풍전망대 상승OP, 제1땅굴 1.21 무장공비침투로 연천군 관광안내 연천군청 문화관광과 (031)839-2061~6 상승OP 제1땅굴 신라경순왕릉 승전OP 1.21무장공비침투로 호로고루성지

연천군관광안내도 Tourist Guide Map of Yeoncheon-gun 열쇠전망대 경원선 철도중단점 고대산 대광골유원지 팔효문 심원사지부도군 태풍전망대 연천역급수탑 풍혈 연천향교 임진강유원지 동막골유원지 재인폭포 물거미서식지 연천은대리성 전곡리선사유적지 숭의전지 연천당포성 한탄강관광지 한탄강유원지 열두개울 남순하효자문

The 38th Parallel Village in Yeoncheon The 38th Parallel Village in Yeoncheon Since the 38th Parallel Village in Yeoncheon is located in the northernmost area of Gyeonggi-do and has been off-limits to others since the Korean War, it is cited as the cleanest area. For this reason, rice, beans and its specialties such as bottle pears and bottle grapes produced in the area have been highly recognized nationwide in terms of taste and quality. There are cultural assets such as Sung-ui-jeon and security tourism sites where visitors feel the reality of a divided nation in neighboring areas, and an agricultural experience program is being offered to visitors from cities.

http://38seon.invil.org local Specialties The 38th Parallel Village in Yeoncheon Bottle pears and grapes Bottle pears and grapes are specialties Baekhak rice The 38th Parallel Village in Yeoncheon that The 38th parallel grape Grapes produced in the 38th Parallel Village produced in Yeoncheon. They are is located in the northernmost area of in Yeoncheon are sweeter and juicier. cultivated inside a bottle when they bear Gyeonggi-do preserving the cleanliness of Yeoncheon can produce these quality fruits, and Soju, distilled liquor, is added to the nature is famous for environmentally grapes because of drastic differences in make fruit liquor. Since they are cultivated friendly Baekhak Rice. Its quality was so temperature in the morning and in the inside a glass bottle, they are free from highly recognized that it was served to the evening during the harvest season compared damages by blight and harmful insects and king in the past. Since it was cultivated to southern areas. Thanks to this favorable environmentally friendly non-chemical through the use of clean Imjin River water environment, pears and grapes produced in products gaining a lot of popularity. source, it tastes better. Yeoncheon are very popular in the market. Experiences Bottle pear farm experience A pear inside a glass bottle. Bottle pears are innovative products found only in Yeoncheon area where the clean nature is still alive. For this reason, the bottle pear farm experience is popular among many wanting to have a unique experience. Agricultural experience The 38th Parallel Village in Yeoncheon offers various experience programs enabling visitors to experience agricultural life along with their family. They include duck farming experience for environmentally friendly cultivation of rice, rice planning experience, agricultural harvest experience and traditional sauce-making experience.

Baekhak Information network Village in Yeoncheon Baekhak Information network Village in Yeoncheon Baekhak Information network Village in Yeoncheon borders with Imjin River cited as the cleanest water in Korea and the cease-fire line well demonstrating the painful reality of a divided nation. Since it is located close to the truce line, visitors can feel the pain of a divided nation and the hope of reunification the strongest. It boasts beautiful scenery, and its residents are using environmentally friendly farming technology. Since there are time-honored cultural assets such as Sung-ui-jeon and King Gyeong-sun Øs Tomb in neighboring areas, visitors can appreciate ancient history, traditional culture and beautiful environment.

http://baekhak.invil.org local Specialties Imjin River river crabs preserved in soy sauce Clean river crabs from Imjin River, the cleanest river in Korea, are nutritional healthy foods rich in protein and glutamic acid. Since Imjin River river crabs preserved in soy sauce were famous for good taste and unique scent, they were served to kings in the past. Natural river crabs preserved in soy sauce are sold in this area. Clean Baekhak rice Since the rice is cultivated in the northernmost clean area, it tastes very good. Its quality was so highly recognized that it was served to kings in the past. The more one chews it, the better it tastes. Experiences Air dried red peppers Baekhak air dried red peppers produced in Fermented soybean powder It is manufactured through drying and the northernmost clean area are processing of beans produced in Baekhak, manufactured through natural drying of one of the cleanest areas in Korea. only tasty and quality red peppers. Baekhak Information network Village in Yeoncheon Agricultural village experience It offers various programs including agricultural experiences in rice seedbeds, rice-planting, wild-ediblegreens picking and sowing in addition to operation of rice-planting machinery and ATV. These programs are also full of traditional cultural experiences featuring study of the nature enabling participants to feel oneness with the nature, traditional food making and traditional plays helping appreciate the wisdom of ancestors. Security area sightseeing Since it is located in the northernmost area, many security tourism sites are found in and around villages in Yeoncheon. Security area sightseeing enabling visitors to experience the history of a divided nation and a demilitarized zone (DMZ) is particularly gaining popularity. Visitors will be able to experience the reality of the history of a divided nation and the current state of the Korean peninsular by touring Sangseung OP, 1.21 Sin-jo Kim Underground Tunnel and Underground Tunnel No. 1. Inquiry) Baekhak-myeon Office 031-839-2605

Goryeo Village in Yeoncheon Goryeo Village is the birthplace of Korean people and where those whose surname is Goryeo Wang, the descendants of King Taejo Wang Geon, gathered together. Since the village keeps Sunguijeon where King Taejo Wang Geon Øs memorial tablet is enshrined in addition to Dangposeongji and other time-honored historic remains, it provided children with a good opportunity to explore history. In addition, diversified experience programs including straw art experience and agricultural experience help visitors make unforgettable memories. Goryeo Village in Yeoncheon

http://corea.invil.org local Specialties Bottle pears and grapes Bottle pears and grapes are specialties produced in Yeoncheon. They are cultivated inside a bottle when they bear fruits, and Soju, distilled liquor, is added to make fruit liquor. Since they are cultivated inside a glass bottle, they are free from damages by blight and harmful insects and environmentally friendly non-chemical products gaining a lot of popularity. Polished rice-like brown rice Polished rice-like brown rice produced in the village is rice in the stage between non-glutinous rice and glutinous rice. It is famous for being sticky and soft. Edible shoots of a fatsia in clean Yeoncheon Goryeo Village located in a gently-sloped sunny place where water is well drained has been famous for tasty wild edible greens. A fatsia cultivation complex was established to produce quality edible shoots of a fatsia in clean Yeoncheon. Experiences Straw art experience Visitors are able to have a unique experience in straw arts in Goryeo Village. A straw rope is made through the use of straw, and the fantastic necessities of life are made through the weaving of the straw ropes. Even a beginner can make a straw shoe by following village people Øs instructions. Agricultural experience Goryeo Village well known for kindheartedness and clean environment offers unique seasonal experience programs. The village offers diversified experiences in sowing, seedling and spring edible greens picking in spring when plants push out new shoots. In summer, it provides exciting experiences in potato and corn harvesting, fish catching and fond snail gathering. In the meantime, visitors are allowed to have experience in rice harvesting in the gold-colored field in fall while having interesting experiences in various traditional plays in winter. Goryeo Village in Yeoncheon

Tiger Navel Village in Yeoncheon Tiger Navel Village located in the navel of a tiger-shaped map of Korea is full of joy generated by the clean nature all the year round. It is a beautiful place where one can appreciate the forsythia and the azalea to the fullest in spring and make fond memories catching crawfishes and mudfishes in summer. As the fall season matures, golden colored fields are filled with locusts, the product of clean environment. Well-preserved eco-system and various experience sites linked with local cultural remains give another pleasure to many visitors. Tiger Navel Village in Yeoncheon

http://sanchae.invil.org local Specialties Paprika Paprika that is so colorful and nutritional that many even consider it as the Jewel of Vegetables, and it is not spicy and rich in nutrients of a red pepper. Tiger navel rice It is quality rice produced in clean paddy fields where mudfishes and locusts enjoy themselves. Thanks to clean air on the back of clear Imjin River water source, fertile land, long sunshine duration and drastic differences in temperature in the morning and in the evening, the rice taste much better on the strength of accumulated sugar content. Ginseng Tiger Navel Village in Yeoncheon is famous for the Gaeseong Ginseng, and it is the nearest place from Gaeseong more than any other places to produce ginseng. It has appropriate natural evironment to produce ginseng such as climate and soil and located at 38. Experiences Acorn festival Acorn festival held every October enables visitors to taste various foods such as acorn pancake, acorn-starch jelly, bean curd and wild edible greens and to experience acorn-picking, chestnutgathering, traditional-medicinal-liquor-making and potato-andsweet-potato-baking. Agricultural experience It is full of experiencing programs including medicinalherb-picking and wild-ediblegreens-gathering in spring, mudfish-catching and water plays in summer, acorn-andchestnut-picking and ginsenggathering in fall and potato-and-sweet-potato-baking, sledgeriding and wooden-doll-making in winter. Tiger Navel Village in Yeoncheon

Network Village in Yeoncheon