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한수지 49(5), 620-627, 2016 Originl Article Koren J Fish Aqut Sci 49(5),620-627,2016 여름철참돔 (Pgrus mjor) 의절식에따른생존과생리적반응 이정용 * 이정환 1 허준욱 1 국립수산과학원양식관리과, 1 ( 주 ) 생물모니터링센터 Effect of Strvtion on Survivl nd Physiologicl Response in Red Se Brem Pgrus mjor in Summer Jeong Yong Lee*, Jung Hwn Lee 1 nd Jun Wook Hur 1 Aquculture Mngement Division, Ntionl Institute of Fisheries Science, Busn 46083, Kore 1 Bio-Monitoring Center, Dejeon 34576, Kore A 60-dy experiment ws conducted to determine the effect of feeding nd strvtion on the survivl, growth, nd blood prmeters of red se brem Pgrus mjor. The strved group ws not fed during the first 32 dys of the experiment nd ws then fed for 28 dys. The growth rte of the strved fish group ws significntly lower thn tht of the fed fish group. Strvtion resulted in growth retrdtion nd reductions in finl body weight, growth rte, specific growth rte, nd condition fctor, wheres the fed fish group grew well nd mintined good condition. The growth rte of the strved group tht ws refed ws higher thn tht of the fed group. Red blood cells, hemtocrit, nd hemoglobin showed no significnt differences between the fed nd strved groups. The cortisol nd glucose levels of the fed group of juveniles were higher thn those of the strved group. The cortisol levels of the strved group of dults were higher thn those of the fed group, wheres the glucose levels of the strved group were lower thn those of the fed group. These results suggest tht the survivl, growth, nd hemtologicl prmeters used to reflect strvtion nd feeding in this study provide useful index of physiologicl response nd survivl rte in red se brem. Key words: Red se brem, Strvtion, Survivl, Growth, Blood prmeter 서론 (wintering), (spwning migrtion) (strvtion), (Love, 1970; Wetherley nd Gill, 1987).,, (endogenous), (degrowth), (Wetherley nd Gill, 1987; Prk, 2004). (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Prlichthys olivceus),,,,,, (Wetherley nd Gill, 1981; Woo, 2005)., glucose Atlntic cod (Gdus morhu), Europen eel (Anguill nguill), (Esox lucius) (Ince nd Thorpe, 1976; Lrsson nd Lewnder, 1973; Krm, 1966), (Opsnus tu), goldfish (Crssins urtus) Americn eel Anguill rostrt (Tshim nd Chill, 1968; Chvin nd Young, 1970; Moon, 1983). red blood cell (RBC), hemtocrit (Ht), hemoglobin (Hb), glucose, cortisol (N +, Cl -, K + ) (Woo, 2005). http://dx.doi.org/10.5657/kfas.2016.0620 Koren J Fish Aqut Sci 49(5) 620-627, October 2016 This is n Open Access rticle distributed under the terms of the Cretive Commons Attribution Non-Commercil Licens (http://cretivecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercil use, distribution, nd reproduction in ny medium, provided the originl work is properly cited. Received 26 My 2016; Revised 9 September 2016; Accepted 21 September 2016 *Corresponding uthor: Tel: +82. 51. 720. 2430 Fx: +82. 51. 720. 2439 E-mil ddress: ljy1968@kore.kr Copyright 2016 The Koren Society of Fisheries nd Aqutic Science 620 pissn:0374-8111, eissn:2287-8815

여름철참돔의절식에따른생존과생리적반응 621 Europen eel, Americn eel (Lrsson nd Lewnder, 1973; Moon, 1983), O. mykiss E. lucius (Wetherley nd Gill, 1981; Ince nd Thorpe, 1976) O. tu (Tshim nd Chill, 1968). O. mykiss E. lucius (Kwtsu, 1966; Ince nd Thorpe, 1976) Ht, Love (1970) Ht. Lrsson nd Lewnder (1973) Europen eel Ht. 25,. 실험어류 재료및방법 (Pgrus mjor) 2015 7., 2. digitl vernier cliper (CD-20CP, Jpn) (JW-1, Kore), 0.1 cm 0.1 g. 실험조건및사육관리 3 (120 130 200 cm) 100 (fed group) (strved group), 40 2. 2 2 cm. 21.3-25.7, dissolved oxygen 7.3-9.8 mg/l ph 7.9-8.1. crude protein 50%, crude ft 10%, crude fiber 5%, sh 18%, clcium 1% phosphorus 2.7% (Cj CheilJedng Corp., Kore). 2 (9:00 18:00).., 4, 8, 16 32 10. 32 60 10.. 생존율및성장분석., 10, digitl vernier cliper 0.1 cm 0.1 g. 32 60 (growth rte for totl length, GRL) (growth rte for body weight, GRW) (%)=( ) 100/, (%)=( ) 100/. (specific growth rte, %) =( )/, (condition fctor) = 100/ 3. (feed intke) = /( ), (specific feeding rte) (%)=( 100)/[( + + )/2], (feed conversion rte, %) =( 100)/ ). 혈액채취및성분분석 4, 8, 16, 32 60 10. 20 IU/mL heprin sodium (Choongwe Phrmcy Corportion, Kore) (23 G) 1. RBC, Ht, Hb, (14,000 g, 4, 10 ) -80. RBC, Ht, Hb Auto Hemtology Anlyzer BC-2800 Vet (MINDRAY, Chin). cortisol Donldson (1981) Cot-A-Count TKCO Cortisol RIA Kit (DPC, USA), 1470 WIZ- ARD Automtic Gmm Counter (Cobr, Pckrd Co., USA) rdioimmunossy (RIA)

622 이정용ㆍ이정환ㆍ허준욱 Survivl (%) 100 98 96 94 92. Glucose (Johnson & Johnson Medicl Kore Ltd., Kore), N +, K + Cl - electrolyte nlyzer i-smrt 30 vet (i-sens Inc., Kore). 통계처리 SPSS- (SPSS 18.0, SPSS Inc., USA) ANOVA Duncn's multiple rnge test. 결과 Juvenile fed Juvenile Strved Adult fed Adult strved 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Rering dys Fig. 1.Survivl rte of red se brem Pgrus mjor fed nd strved for 60 dys. Strved groups were strved for 32 dys nd then refed until 60 dys. 생존율및성장분석 23 94.0%,, 24 95.0%. 23 96.2%. 100% (Fig. 1). 32 Tle 1. Tle 1. The chnge of growth of red se brem Pgrus mjor fed nd strved for 60 dys TL (mm) BW (g) GRL (%) GRW (%) Items Specific growth rte (%) Condition fctor Feed intke (%) Specific feeding rte (%) Rering dys Juvenile Adult Fed Strved Fed strved 0 72.6±3.2 72.6±3.2 204.8±17.3 204.8±17.3 32 91.2±8.6 75.5±3.9 225.0±17.3 206.0±20.5 60 107.8±21.4 95.4±3.0 242.4±15.1 221.0±15.8 0 7.0±0.9 7.0±0.9 147.5±33.4 147.5±33.4 32 11.6±2.7 5.2±1.2 201.1±50.0 129.5±40.8 60 20.3±8.4 12.5±3.2 271.2±18.2 180.5±34.2 32 25.6±10.9 4.0±1.0 9.9±2.9 0.6±4.4 60 18.2±5.7 26.4±1.9 7.7±4.5 7.3±2.0 32 65.0±32.2-26.0±8.1 36.3±6.4-12.2±7.4 60 75.0±17.4 139.6±7.1 34.8±11.2 39.4±7.8 32 0.1±0.1-0.1±0.0 1.7±0.3-0.6±0.3 60 0.3±0.2 0.2±0.2 2.2±0.1 1.6±0.3 32 1.5±0.1 1.2±0.2 1.8±0.1 1.5±0.1 60 1.6±0.1 1.4±0.2 1.9±0.1 1.7±0.0 32 1.4±0.1-3.3±0.1-60 1.1±0.1 1.2±0.2 3.1±0.5 3.1±0.4 32 73.2±1.7-57.8±1.4-60 71.2±3.0 69.6±3.1 43.0±6.6 58.3±9.4 32 0.3±0.1-3.3±0.6 - Feed conversion rte (%) 60 0.5±0.3 0.7±0.1 5.2±1.5 2.9±1.1 The vlues re men±sd (Fed: n=10, Strved: n=10). Strved groups were strved for 32 dys nd then refed until 60 dys. TL, Totl length; BW, Body weight; GRL, Growth rte for totl length; GRW, Growth rte for body weight.

여름철참돔의절식에따른생존과생리적반응 623 4 200 Initil Fed Strved (A) d Initil Fed Strved (B) Cortisol (ng/ml) 3 2 1 b c Cortisol (ng/ml) 150 100 50 bc c c b 0 0 4 8 16 32 60 0 0 4 8 16 32 60 200 200 Initil Fed Strved e (C) Initil Fed Strved (D) f 150 150 Glucose (mg/dl) 100 50 bc cd cd cd d bcd cb bc Glucose (mg/dl) 100 50 bcd c de bcd cd e de 0 0 4 8 16 32 60 0 0 4 8 16 32 60 Rering dys Rering dys Fig. 2.Vritions of cortisol nd glucose levels in plsm of fed nd strved groups in red se brem Pgrus mjor for 60 dys (n=10). Strved groups were strved for 32 dys nd then refed until 60 dys. Different lphetic letters on the brs mens significntly different (P>0.05). (A): dult red se brem, (B) : juvenile red se brem, (C) : dult red se brem, (D) : juvenile red se brem. 32 91.2 8.6 mm (72.6 3.2 mm) 1.3, 75.5 3.9 mm, 60 107.8 21.4 mm 95.4 3.0 mm. 32, 60 11.6 2.7 g 20.3 8.4 g (5.2 1.2 g, 12.5 3.2 g). (, ) 32, 60. 32, 60 1.5 0.1, 1.6 0.1. (60 ),. 32 225.0 17.3 mm (204.8 17.3 mm) 1.1, 206.0 20.5 mm, 60 242.4 15.1 mm 221.0 15.8 mm. 32, 60 201.1 50.0 g 271.2 18.2 g (129.5 40.8 g, 180.5 34.2 g). 32, 60 32 (36.3 6.4), 60 (39.4 7.8). 1.8-1.9. (60 ) 3.1 0.5 3.1 0.4 (58.3 9.4), (5.2 1.5). 혈액 prmeter 변화 Cortisol 0.6 0.4 ng/ml, (2.1 0.9 ng/ml) (3.2 0.2 ng/ml) 60 (Fig. 2A). 93.3 33.7 ng/ml, 32 (103.0 25.2 ng/ml), 4 (111.7 12.9 ng/ml)

624 이정용ㆍ이정환ㆍ허준욱 (Fig. 2B). Glucose 62.5 10.9 mg/dl, 4 137.7 20.0 mg/ dl 77.5 14.4 mg/dl (Fig. 2C). 48.5 7.8 mg/dl, 32 (116.3 41.2 mg/dl), 4 60 77.5 mg/dl (Fig. 2D). RBC, Hb, Ht (N +, K +, Cl - ) Tle 2 Tle 3. RBC 0 1.7 0.1 10 6 cell/ L, 60 3.4 0.8 10 6 cell/ L 3.2 0.6 10 6 cell/ L (P 0.05). 0 3.5 0.6 10 6 cell/ L, 60 3.3 0.6 10 6 cell/ L 2.8 0.3 10 6 cell/ L (P 0.05). Hb 0 3.7 0.9 g/dl, 60 10.1 2.2 g/dl 8.7 1.9 g/dl. 0 11.1 1.2 g/dl, 32 Tle 2. Chnges of red blood cell, hemoglobin, hemtocrit of red se brem Pgrus mjor fed nd strved for 60 dys Group Juvenile Adult Rering Red blood cell ( 10 6 cell/μl) Hemoglobin (g/dl) Hemtocrit (%) Dys Fed Strved Fed Strved Fed Strved 0 1.7±0.1 1.7±0.1 3.7±0.9 3.7±0.1 23.9±1.5 23.9±0.1 4 1.6±0.4 2.1±0.2 3.2±0.7 5.4±0.1 c 22.1±5.7 29.3±6.8 8 2.1±0.4 2.5±0.9 bc 4.1±1.1 5.0±0.1 23.7±7.7 25.5±9.5 16 2.2±0.3 2.6±0.5 bc 4.5±0.8 5.9±0.1 bc 30.4±4.4 28.7±7.0 32 2.7±0.6 b 2.8±0.5 bc 7.4±1.5 b 6.9±0.1 c 37.3±10.0 b 27.3±8.0 60 3.4±0.8 c 3.2±0.6 c 10.1±2.2 c 8.7±0.1 d 48.2±9.8 c 39.0±10.8 b 0 3.5±0.6 c 3.5±0.6 c 11.1±1.2 c 11.1±0.1 c 47.9±3.7 b 47.9±3.7 bc 4 3.2±0.3 bc 2.7±1.0 8.4±0.9 7.1±0.1 41.4±5.9 31.9±13.9 8 2.6±1.0 3.5±0.4 b 8.0±2.7 9.8±0.1 bc 39.4±12.3 48.4±8.5 c 16 3.3±0.5 bc 3.0±0.5 10.0±0.8 bc 8.9±0.1 b 46.8±4.0 b 41.3±7.5 c 32 2.1±0.4 2.7±0.3 8.3±1.9 8.6±0.1 33.5±7.6 38.3±4.3 60 3.3±0.6 bc 2.8±0.3 9.9±0.6 bc 9.7±0.1 bc 40.8±7.7 45.1±2.8 bc The vlues re men±sd (Fed: n=10, strved: n=10). Strved groups were strved for 32 dys nd then refed until 60 dys. Vlues (men±sd) in the sme row men not shring common superscript re significntly different (P<0.05). Tle 3. Chnges of N +, K + nd Cl - of red se brem Pgrus mjor fed nd strved for 60 dys Group Juvenile Adult Rering N + (mmol/l) K + (mmol/l) Cl - (mmol/l) Dys Fed Strved Fed Strved Fed Strved 0 144.5±0.7 144.5±0.7 7.9±0.2 cd 7.9±0.2 b 120.0±2.8 120.0±2.8 4 151.4±18.0 154.8±13.8 4.2±1.3 7.7±1.7 b 126.8±14.5 130.3±9.8 8 157.6±12.6 163.0±13.7 bc 5.9±1.5 bc 6.2±1.8 138.2±8.7 bc 135.6±11.1 16 166.7±16.1 bc 149.2±8.8 9.6±2.8 d 8.2±3.6 b 136.7±10.3 bc 126.9±15.4 32 179.9±13.3 cd 150.9±15.4 8.0±2.5 cd 8.6±2.3 b 149.5±11.0 cd 132.7±11.5 60 196.1±7.6 d 177.3±5.9 c 3.1±0.8 4.4±1.0 b 155.4±3.9 d 145.0±9.2 b 0 187.6±2.7 bc 187.6±2.7 b 0.6±0.1 0.6±0.1 155.6±2.9 155.6±2.9 4 194.4±7.1 cd 189.1±12.9 b 0.6±0.2 0.5±0.2 154.6±4.6 153.3±9.0 8 184.9±9.7 b 160.8±3.3 0.6±0.4 0.6±0.2 156.9±5.9 158.4±2.2 c 16 191.7±6.0 bcd 192.2±4.8 b 0.8±0.4 0.7±0.5 156.0±3.2 160.9±4.4 bc 32 196.7±9.5 d 185.5±5.1 b 0.6±0.2 0.9±0.5 160.1±6.3 158.9±5.0 bc 60 157.1±8.8 208.3±4.6 c 2.1±0.8 b 2.1±0.8 b 157.6±10.6 162.4±3.6 c The vlues re men±sd (Fed: n=10, strved: n=10). Strved groups were strved for 32 dys nd then refed until 60 dys. Vlues (men±sd) in the sme row men not shring common superscript re significntly different (P<0.05).

여름철참돔의절식에따른생존과생리적반응 625 8.3 1.9 g/dl 8.6 0.8 g/dl. 60 Hb 9.9 0.6 g/ dl 9.7 0.6 g/dl. Ht 0 23.9 1.5%, 32 37.3 10.0%, 27.3 8.0%. 60 Ht 48.2 9.8% 39.0 10.8% (P 0.05). Ht 0 47.9 3.7% 32 33.5 7.6% (P 0.05). N + 0 144.5 0.7 mmol/l. 32 179.9 13.3 mmol/l, 150.9 15.4 mmol/l, 60 196.1 7.6 mmol/l 177.3 5.9 mmol/l. N + 0 187.6 2.7 mmol/l. 32 196.7 9.5 mmol/l, 60 208.3 4.6 mmol/l. K + 0 7.9 0.2 mmol/l, 16, 32. 0 0.6 0.1 mmol/l, 60 2.1 0.8 mmol/l. Cl - 0 120.0 2.8 mmol/l, 60 155.4 3.9 mmol/l, 145.0 9.2 mmol/l. 0 155.6 2.9 mmol/l, 60 162.4 3.6 mmol/l. 고찰,., (Wetherley nd Gill, 1981; Lee et l., 1998; Prk et l., 1998; Prk et l., 2001). 94%. 4 (Prk et l., 2006) 9 (Prk et l., 2002) 93.8% 96.4%, 80 (Lee et l., 2008) 80.2% 32., 32-26.0 8.1% -12.2 7.4%., Slmo girdneri 3 13 14.5% 32.5% (Wetherley nd Gill, 1981), 32,, 1 4 6 (Sumpteret l., 1991). 32,, (Seo et l., 2009). 32 28. 28, 60., Ictlurus puncttus (Gylord nd Grtlin, 2000), Crssius urtus (Xie et l., 2001) hybrid tilpi (Wng et l., 2000). Cortisol, glucose, RBC, Ht, Hb (Brton et l., 1985; Thoms nd Robertson, 1991). Cortisol Glucose (Brton nd Iwm, 1991). Bisws et l. (2006) cortisol glucose 7-15 ng/ml 68-80 mg/dl., 0, 4, 32 93.3-103.0 ng/ml. cortisol. cortisol cortisol, corticotropin-relesing hormone (Pepels et l., 2004). Glucose 4 32 116.3-137.7 mg/dl 90 mg/dl 32. glucose cortisol gluconeogenesis cortisol

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