How Deep the Father’s Love RSB

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

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2 동북아역사논총 50호 구권협정으로 해결됐다 는 일본 정부의 주장에 대해, 일본군 위안부 문제는 일 본 정부 군 등 국가권력이 관여한 반인도적 불법행위이므로 한일청구권협정 에 의해 해결된 것으로 볼 수 없다 는 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 또한 2011년 8월 헌 법재판소는

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고든 비 힝클리 대관장은 연차 대회의 마지막 모임에서 다음과 같이 말씀했다. 이 위대한 대회에 참여한 사람 모두가 선한 영향을 받았기를, 우리 개개인이 지난 이틀 간의 경험으로 인해 더 나은 남자와 여자가 되었기를 바랍니다. 우리 개개인이 주님께 더욱 가까이 다가가는

74 현대정치연구 2015년 봄호(제8권 제1호) Ⅰ. 서론 2015년 1월 7일, 프랑스 파리에서 총격 사건이 발생했다. 두 명의 남성이 풍자 잡지 주간 샤를리 의 본사에 침입하여 총기를 난사한 것이다. 이 사건으로 인해 열두 명의 사람이 목숨을 잃었다. 얼마 후에


어법성 판단 문제

CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior

킹제임스 성경 답변서



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2 시론 시 사 2016 지구촌, IS보다 무서운 위협들과 맞서 있다! 뉴스위크, 인류 생존과 연관된 지구촌 5가지 위협 소개 예수 미니멀리스트 (Jesus Minimalist) 평생 시계 만드는 일에 헌신한 사람이 있었습니 그는 아들의 성인식 날 손수 만든 시계를 선




킹제임스 성경의 역사


God Will Provide Alan Every December 3, 2017 Genesis 22 is one of the most remarkable chapters in the Old Testament. Abraham had been living in Beersheba, in the land of the Philistines (21:32-34). We re simply told that it was some time later that God tested Abraham (22:1). It may well have been quite a few years later. The account of Isaac s birth was in Genesis 21. Then we read in Genesis 22 that Isaac is old enough to carry the wood for the burnt offering (22:6). Isaac is now a young man. What makes Genesis 22 remarkable is that God tested Abraham (22:1). And there are times when He will test you and me. Testing is part of His providential care for us. That s what we read about in 1 Peter chapter one. The trials of life that we must endure are part of God s refining fire. But, like Abraham, we can t always understand what s happening. God was testing Abraham s faith. We know that, but he doesn t. He can only go on in faith. It s the same for you and me. 창세기 22 장은구약에서가장주목할만한챕터중하나입니다. 아브라함은블레셋사람의땅에있는브엘세바에살고있었습니다 (21:32-34). 그리고어느정도시간이지난후에하나님께서아브라함을시험하셨다고적혀있습니다 (22:1). 몇년뒤였을수도있습니다. 이삭이태어난것은창세기 21 장에기록되어있습니다. 그리고창세기 22 장에서이삭은번제에쓸나무를들수있을만큼자란것을보게됩니다 (22:6). 이삭은청년이되어있었습니다. 창세기 22 장이주목할만한것은하나님께서아브라함을시험하셨기때문입니다 (22:1). 그리고하나님께서는저와여러분도시험하실때가있습니다. 시험은우리를돌보시는하나님의섭리입니다. 베드로전서 1 장에이것에대해나와있습니다. 우리가견뎌내야하는인생의시험들은하나님께서불로연단하시는것입니다. 하지만아브라함처럼우리도무슨일이일어나고있는것인지항상이해할수는없습니다. 하나님께서는아브라함의믿음을시험하고계셨습니다. 우리는이것을알지만아브라함은알지못했습니다. 오직믿음으로행할수밖에없었습니다. 우리도마찬가지입니다. It s the test that astonishes us. Actually, it shocks us. 22:2, Then God said, Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about. Put yourself in Abraham s shoes for a moment. How would you feel if God were to ask this of you? This is a test of the highest degree. And, to help us see its significance, consider how God has been working in Abraham s life. God called Abraham to leave Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan (11:31). In 12:2, 3, God promised to make Abraham into a great nation and all the peoples of the earth will be blessed through you. But, on several occasions, Abraham threatened the fulfilment of God s promise. Two kings wanted to have Abraham s wife, Sarah, for themselves. In Egypt it was Pharaoh. Later, it was Abimelech king of Gerar (12:11-13; 20:1-5). Both times, Abraham claimed that Sarah was his sister. And on both occasions, God intervened and rescued Sarah. 이시험은우리에게굉장히충격적입니다. 22:2, 여호와께서이르시되 네아들네사랑하는독자이삭을데리고모리아땅으로가서내가네게일러준한산거기서그를번제로드리라. 아브라함의관점에서생각해보십시오. 하나님께서여러분에게이일을행하라고하신다면어떤느낌일까요? 이것은최고로어려운시험이었습니다. 이것의중요성을설명하기위해하나님께서아브라함의인생에어떻게일하고게셨는지를살펴봅시다. 하나님께서는아브라함에게우르를떠나가나안땅으로가라고하셨습니다 (11:31). 12:2,3 에서하나님께서는아브라함으로큰민족을이루고모든족속이너로말미암아복을얻을것이라는약속을하셨습니다. 하지만아브라함은여러번하나님의약속이이루어지는것을막을뻔했습니다. 두왕들이아브라함의아내, 사라를원했습니다. 이집트에서는파라오였고그뒤에는그랄왕아비멜렉이었습니다 (12:11-13; 20:1-5). 두번다아브라함은사라가자신의누이라고말했고, 두번다하나님께서개입하셔서사라를구해주셨습니다. In Genesis 15 God made a covenant with Abraham. Abraham had complained to the LORD that he was childless (15:2, 3). The LORD then affirmed His promise to Abraham. He would indeed have a son and he d have countless descendants (15:4, 5). Genesis 15:6 is a verse speaks into the life of Abraham and into our lives too. Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness. Again, Abraham took things into his own hands. Both he and Sarah were getting old. They had no children. With Sarah s prompting, he had a son with Sarah s maidservant, Hagar (Genesis 16). But this 1

son, Ishmael, was not the son of promise. Then, in chapter 17, God reaffirms His promise to Abraham. He and Sarah would finally have a son. They were to name him Isaac (17:19), which means, he laughs. 창세기 15 장에서하나님께서는아브라함과언약을맺습니다. 아브라함이자식이없다고여호와께불평을했었습니다 (15:2,3). 여호와께서아브라함에게그의약속을확인시켜주셨습니다. 그는아들을낳을것이고자손들이셀수없이많아질것입니다 (15:4,5). 창세기 15:6 은아브라함과우리의삶에하시는말씀입니다. 아브람이여호와를믿으니여호와께서이를그의의로여기시고. 다시한번아브라함은자신의힘으로해결하려고합니다. 아브라함과사라는둘다나이가점점많아지고있었습니다. 하지만자식이아직없었습니다. 사라가설득하여아브라함은사라의여종인하갈과아들을낳았습니다 ( 창세기 16 장 ). 하지만이아들, 이스마엘은언약의아들이아니었습니다. 그리고 17 장에서하나님께서는다시한번아브라함에게언약을확인시켜주십니다. 아브라함과사라는아들을낳을것이고그의이름은 웃다 라는뜻의이삭이라고지으라하십니다 (17:19). Sarah then urged Abraham to get rid of Hagar and her son from within the family. She wanted to be sure that Ishmael could never share in the inheritance with Isaac (21:10). And so we come to Genesis 22. Isaac is, then, Abraham s long-awaited son, the son whom God had promised to him and Sarah. Laughter filled Abraham s house. Abraham was 100 years old, Sarah was 90. In the fullness of time God s promised Son was born. When the angel brought the good news to Mary, she asked (Luke 1:34), How will this be since I am a virgin? The angel s answer was much the same one that Sarah had received, nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37, Genesis 18:14). 사라는하갈과그의아들을내쫓으라고합니다. 사라는이스마엘이이삭과함께기업을얻지못하게하고싶었습니다 (21:10). 그리고 22 장이시작됩니다. 이삭은아브라함이기다리고기다리던, 하나님께서그와사라에게약속하신아들입니다. 아브라함의집은웃음으로가득했습니다. 아브라함은 100 세였고사라는 90 세였습니다. 하나님께서정하신때에약속하신대로하나님의아들이태어났습니다. 천사들이마리아에게이좋은소식을알리자마리아는 나는남자를알지못하니어찌이일이있으리이까 라고묻습니다 ( 눅 1:34). 이때천사의대답은사라가받은답과동일합니다, 하나님의모든말씀은능하지못하심이없느니라 ( 눅 1:37, 창 18:14). We can see why the Lord Jesus could say John 8:56), Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad. Abraham rejoiced at the birth of his son, Isaac (Laughter). And he looked forward to the day when God s promise would be fulfilled in his Seed, Jesus. But now, God says (22:2), Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about. This was not Satan tempting Abraham, as he had tempted Job. God was testing him. Suddenly, God s many promises to Abraham are threatened again. But this time it s not Abraham or Sarah who endangers their fulfilment. It s God Himself. For, if Isaac were to die Abraham would have no descendants. There d be no blessing to all of the nations. Surely, Abraham would have thought of this as he took Isaac up to the mountains. The life of his son, his child of promise, was about to taken from him. 왜예수님께서요한복음 8:56 에서 너희조상아브라함은나의때볼것을즐거워하다가보고기뻐하였느니라 라고하셨는지알수있습니다. 아브라함은그의아들이삭 ( 웃음 ) 이태어날때에기뻐했습니다. 그리고그의후손인예수님을통해하나님의언약이이루어질것을기대했습니다. 하지만하나님께서 22:2 절에서이렇게말씀하십니다 네아들네사랑하는독자이삭을데리고모리아땅으로가서내가네게일러준한산거기서그를번제로드리라. 이것은사탄이욥에게했던것처럼아브라함을유혹하는것이아니었습니다. 하나님께서시험하고계신것이었습니다. 갑자기아브라함을향한하나님의많은언약들이이루어지지못할위기에처했습니다. 하지만이번에는아브라함이나사라가언약이이루어지는것을막은것이아닙니다. 바로하나님께서하신일입니다. 이삭이죽는다면아브라함에게는자손이남지않을것이기때문입니다. 모든족속이복을받지도못할것입니다. 아브라함도이삭을산위로데려가면서이생각을했을것입니다. 그의아들, 약속으로받은아들의생명을곧빼앗기게될것이었습니다. 2

How could God ask Abraham to take his one and only son whom he loved up a hill and offer him as a sacrifice? What kind of God would require anyone to be sacrificed in such a terrible way? God was opposed to killing, for we are made in His image (Genesis 9:6). You shall not murder will later be one of the Ten Commandments given to Israel (Exodus 20:13). Israel was to be separate from the pagan Canaanites among whom they lived. Abraham was now surrounded by people who sacrificed children to their god, Molech (Leviticus 18:21; Deuteronomy 12:29-31). Their method of sacrificing their children as a burnt offering was horrible. You and I would find it totally repulsive. And now, Abraham is being asked to sacrifice his son. 어떻게하나님께서아브라함이너무사랑하는독자이삭을산으로데리고가번제로드리라고할수있을까요? 어떤하나님이이렇게끔찍한방법으로사람을희생하길원하나요? 하나님께서는우리가그의형상대로지어졌기때문에죽임에대해반대하십니다 ( 창 9:6). 후에 살인하지말라 는이스라엘에게주신십계명중하나가됩니다 ( 출 20:13). 이스라엘은그들과함께살던이방인인가나안사람들과는구분되어야했습니다. 아브라함은지금자신의자녀들을신에게바치는사람들인몰렉사람들과함께살아가고있었습니다 ( 레위기 18:21; 신명기 12:29-31). 그들이자신의자녀들을번제로희생하는방식은끔찍했습니다. 저와여러분은모두역겹다고생각할것입니다. 그리고아브라함은지금그의아들을번제로드리라는명령을받았습니다. It was an enormous sacrifice that God was asking of Abraham. One writer notes, No more fiery crucible for faith can be imagined. The cost to Abraham was everything. Imagine what was going through Abraham s mind as he and Isaac walked to the region of Moriah. And yet, Abraham never questions God about this. As recorded in Genesis, he simply obeys God. The depth of his obedience is seen in the fact that he, Abraham, was to sacrifice his own son. This was Isaac, the son whom he loved (22:2). On the third day, they arrived at the place God had appointed for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac (22:4). Abraham had had three days during which time he could consider what God has asked him to do. Those three days gave him time to persevere, as his faith is sorely put to the test. 하나님께서아브라함에게엄청난희생을요구하고계신것입니다. 한저자는 더이상의혹독한믿음을위한시험은상상할수가없다. 아브라함에게있어서이대가는모든것이었다 라고했습니다. 아브라함이이삭을데리고모리아땅으로걸어갈때어떤생각이들었을까요? 그럼에도아브라함은하나님을의심하지않습니다. 창세기에기록되어있듯이그저하나님께순종합니다. 그의순종의깊이는아브라함이자신의아들을희생해야했다는것에서볼수있습니다. 그가너무사랑하는아들, 이삭을말입니다 (22:2). 3 일째에그들은하나님께서지정하신장소에도착했습니다. 이곳에서아브라함은이삭을바쳐야합니다 (22;4). 아브라함은이 3 일동안하나님께서그에게요구한것들에대해깊이생각할수있었습니다. 그의믿음이시험을당하는이 3 일동안아브라함은인내의시간을보내야했습니다. Abraham and Isaac left the servants who d come with them, telling them (22:5b), We will worship and then we will come back to you. Is this wishful thinking by Abraham? No! He trusts in the God who will provide. According to Hebrews 11:17-19, Abraham expresses a type of resurrection faith. By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him, It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned. Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from death. But very soon, Isaac noticed that something was missing. 22:7, Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, Father? Yes, my son? Abraham replied. The fire and wood are here, Isaac said, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering? 아브라함과이삭은함께동행했던종들에게 내가아이와함께저기가서예배하고우리가너희에게로돌아오리라 라고하며그들을남겨놓고갔습니다. 이것은아브라함의희망사항을말한것이었을까요? 아닙니다! 아브라함은공급하시는하나님을의지했습니다. 히브리서 11:17-19 에의하면아브라함은부활의믿음을나타내고있습니다. 아브라함은시험을받을때에믿음으로이삭을드렸으니그는약속들을받은자로되그외아들을드렸느니라그에게이미말씀하시기를네자손이라칭할자는이삭으로말미암으리라하셨으니그가하나님이능히이삭을죽은자가운데서다시살리실줄로 3

생각한지라비유컨대그를죽은자가운데서도로받은것이니라. 하지만얼마안돼이삭은무언가부족하다는것을깨닫습니다. 22:7, 이삭이그아버지아브라함에게말하여이르되내아버지여하니그가이르되내아들아내가여기있노라이삭이이르되불과나무는있거니와번제할어린양은어디있나이까 How could Abraham answer this question? Should he have told Isaac that he is the lamb for the burnt offering? In what is a key verse in this chapter, Abraham replies (22:8), God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son. And we re left wondering, Did Abraham really believe what he d said to Isaac? We can only note that Abraham believed God and is ready to obey Him. Come forward 2,000 years to the Lord Jesus, tempted by Satan in the wilderness (Matthew chapter 4). After fasting for 40 days, He was facing death from starvation, Satan tempted Jesus to doubt God. God might not deliver Him. Jesus ought to test God. There was no bread there for Him to eat, only stones. Turn the stones into bread, for God had turned from Him. But the Lord Jesus resisted Satan with God s Word. Matthew 4:4, It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. 아브라함은어떻게이질문에대답을할수있었을까요? 이삭에게그가번제로드려질어린양이라고말을해야됐을까요? 이장에서가장중요한 8 절에서아브라함은이렇게대답합니다 내아들아번제할어린양은하나님이자기를위하여친히준비하시리라. 우리는 아브라함이정말자신이한말을믿었을까? 라고생각하게됩니다. 하지만아브라함이하나님을믿었고하나님께순종할준비가되어있다는것만알수있습니다. 2000 년뒤에예수님께서는광야에서사탄에게유혹을당하고계셨습니다 ( 마태복음 4 장 ). 40 일동안금식을하신이후예수님께서아사직전에계실때사탄은예수님께하나님을의심하라는유혹을합니다. 하나님께서예수님을구원하지않으실수도있다. 예수님은하나님을시험해봐야한다. 예수님을위한떡은없고돌밖에없다. 이돌들로떡이되게해라, 하나님께서예수님을버리셨다. 하지만예수님은하나님의말씀으로사탄을이기십니다. 마태복음 4:4, 기록되었으되사람이떡으로만살것이아니요하나님의입으로부터나오는모든말씀으로살것이라. And so Abraham was tested when he was asked to give up his son. The apostle James notes that Abraham s obedience is the outworking of his faith. (2:21-23), Was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. And the scripture was fulfilled that says, Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness, and he was called God s friend. Note that Abraham s faith is demonstrated by his obedience. It is never the other way. Obedience to God does not lead to faith. Obedience cannot earn God s grace. James makes it clear, in 2:23, Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness, and he was called God s friend. In 22:9, 10 the narrator takes his time to tell us how Abraham prepared for the sacrifice. When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. 아브라함은아들을포기하라는명령을받았을때시험을받았습니다. 사도야고보는아브라함의순종이그의믿음이드러나는것이라고했습니다. (2:21-23), 우리조상아브라함이그아들이삭을제단에바칠때에행함으로의롭다하심을받은것이아니냐네가보거니와믿음이그의행함과함께일하고행함으로믿음이온전하게되었느니라이에성경에이른바아브라함이하나님을믿으니이것을의로여기셨다는말씀이이루어졌고그는하나님의벗이라칭함을받았나니. 아브라함의믿음이그의순종함으로인하여증명됨을보십시오. 하나님에대한순종이믿음으로이어지는것이아닙니다. 순종함으로는하나님의은혜를받을수없습니다. 야고보는 2:23 에서확실히말합니다, 아브라함이하나님을믿으니이것을의로여기셨다는말씀이이루어졌고그는하나님의벗이라칭함을받았나니. 22:9, 10 에서글쓴이는아브라함이번제를어떻게준비했는지자세히설명합니다. 하나님이그에게일러주신곳에이른지라이에아브라함이그곳에제단을쌓고나무를벌여놓고그의아들이삭을결박하여제단나무위에놓고손을내밀어칼을잡고그아들을잡으려하니. 4

The tension is rising. Abraham had his knife in his hand, ready to slaughter his only son. Suddenly, an angel gives an urgent cry from heaven. Abraham! Abraham?! (22:11). When Abraham responds to this cry, the angel continues (22:12), Do not lay a hand on the boy, he said. Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son. Abraham looked up and saw that God had provided a lamb, a ram caught in a thicket (22:13). He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. (22:13b) In 22:14a we read, So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. What a great word of faith. The name of the place is explained in 22:14b. And to this day it is said, On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided. 긴장감이고조되고있습니다. 아브라함은칼을손에쥐었고그의유일한아들을죽일준비를하고있었습니다. 갑자기여호와의사자가급하게그를부릅니다. 아브라함아아브라함아 (22:11). 아브라함이대답하자사자는그아이에게네손을대지말라그에게아무일도하지말라네가네아들네독자까지도내게아끼지아니하였으니내가이제야네가하나님을경외하는줄을아노라라고합니다. 아브라함이눈을들어하나님께서뿔이수풀에걸려있는숫양을공급하신것을보게됩니다 (22:13). 아브라함이가서그숫양을가져다가아들을대신하여번제로드렸더라 (22:13b). 22 장 14 절첫부분에서아브라함이그땅이름을여호와이레라하였더라라는것을볼수있습니다. 얼마나좋은믿음의말입니까. 그리고그장소의이름은 22 장 14 절뒷부분에서설명이되어있습니다. 오늘날까지사람들이이르기를여호와의산에서준비되리라하더라. The ram died. Isaac lived. And because Isaac lived, Israel would become a great nation. As one commentator notes, The ram instead of Isaac. The ram instead of Israel. And we can add, The ram instead of you. The ram instead of me. For, if Isaac (the son of promise) had died there would be no nation of Israel, no tribe of Judah, no King David and no promised Messiah, Jesus Christ. This account of Abraham and Isaac would be remembered when Israel recalled the first Passover feast in Egypt. God judged Egypt. The LORD struck down all the firstborn in Egypt (Exodus 12:29). But He passed over the Israelite s houses where the doorposts were covered with the blood of a spotless male lamb (Exodus 12:13, 5). A lamb died instead of the firstborn in Israel. They were saved by the blood of the lamb. And a lamb died instead of you and me. John the Baptizer, on seeing the Lord Jesus, said (John 1:29), Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb. 숫양은죽었습니다. 이삭은살았습니다. 그리고이삭이살았기때문에이스라엘은위대한나라가됩니다. 한해설자가말했듯이 이삭 대신 숫양. 이스라엘 대신 숫양. 그리고우리는 우리대신숫양. 나대신숫양. 이라고추가할수있습니다. 만약이삭 ( 약속의아들 ) 이죽었더라면이스라엘은없었을것이고유다민족도없었을것이고, 다윗왕도없었을것이며약속된메시아, 예수그리스도도없었을것이기때문입니다. 이아브라함과이삭의이야기는이스라엘이애굽에서의첫유월절을기억할때다시기억됩니다. 하나님께서애굽을심판하십니다. 여호와께서애굽땅에서모든처음난것을다치시매 ( 출 12:29). 하지만흠없고일년된수컷양의피를문에바른이스라엘사람들의집은넘어가셨습니다 ( 출 12:13, 5). 어린양이이스라엘의장자들을대신해죽었습니다. 어린양의피로인해구원을받은것입니다. 그리고여러분과저를대신해서어린양이죽었습니다. 세례요한이예수님을봤을때 보라세상죄를지고가는하나님의어린양이로다 라고말했습니다. 예수님께서우리의희생양이되십니다. Earlier, in this message, we asked: How could God ask Abraham to take his one and only son whom he loved up a mountain and offer him as a sacrifice? What kind of God would require anyone to be sacrificed in such a terrible way? The answer is: Our God, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. What He had asked of Abraham, He asked of Himself. He stopped Abraham from slaughtering Isaac. But He led His One and Only Son, the Son whom He loved, to be sacrificed on a Roman cross. On a hill outside of Jerusalem, not far from where Abraham very nearly sacrificed Isaac, the Lord Jesus paid the price for our sin. What kind of God is our God? Genesis 22:1 and 14a. God tested Abraham So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. The writer of Genesis is encouraging God s people as they are about to enter the Promised Land, Canaan. 5

앞에서우리는이런질문을했습니다 : 어떻게하나님께서아브라함이너무사랑하는독자이삭을산으로데리고가번제로드리라고할수있을까요? 어떤하나님이이렇게끔찍한방법으로사람을희생하길원하나요? 이질문들에대한답은이것입니다 : 우리의하나님입니다. 우리주예수그리스도의하나님이자아버지이십니다. 하나님께서아브라함에게요구하신것을자기자신에게도요구하셨습니다. 하나님께서아브라함은이삭을죽이지못하게막으셨습니다. 하지만하나님의독생자, 사랑하는아들은로마의십자가의죽음으로이끄셨습니다. 아브라함이이삭을희생시킬뻔한곳에서멀지않은예루살렘밖에있는언덕에서예수님께서는우리의죄값을치루셨습니다. 우리하나님이어떤하나님이시냐고요? 창세기 22:1, 14a 하나님이아브라함을시험하시고 아브라함이그땅이름을여호와이레라하였으므로. 창세기의저자는약속의땅가나안을들어가려고하는하나님의백성들을격려하고있는것입니다. Just as God provided for Abraham, so too He would provide for His people, Israel. We read in 22:14b, And to this day it is said, On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided. The day in this verse speaks to Israel, ready to enter Canaan. God tested Abraham. God provided for Abraham. The God who tests us is the same God who provides all that we need to endure. The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 10:13, God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. God has provided the way for us to be restored into a right relationship with Him: through the sacrifice of Jesus, His Son. John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Jesus, the Lamb of God was slain for you and for me. Because of sin we were once enemies of God. We read in Romans 5:6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 하나님께서아브라함에게공급하셨듯이하나님의백성인이스라엘에게도공급하십니다. 22:14b 에서오늘날까지사람들이이르기를여호와의산에서준비되리라하더라. 여기에서오늘날은가나안에들어갈준비를하고있는이스라엘에대해하는말입니다. 하나님께서아브라함을시험하셨습니다. 하나님께서아브라함에게공급하셨습니다. 우리를시험하시는하나님께서는우리가견디기위한모든것을공급하여주시는하나님과동일한분이십니다. 사도바울이고린도전서 10:13 에서말하기를오직하나님은미쁘사너희가감당하지못할시험당함을허락하지아니하시고시험당할즈음에또한피할길을내사너희로능히감당하게하시느니라. 하나님께서우리가그와올바른관계로회복될수있는길을허락하셨습니다 : 바로그의아들예수님의희생을통해서입니다. 요한복음 3:16, 하나님이세상을이처럼사랑하사독생자를주셨으니이는그를믿는자마다멸망하지않고영생을얻게하려하심이라. 하나님의어린양예수님은여러분과저를위하여죽임을당하셨습니다. 죄로인하여우리도한때는하나님의원수였었습니다. 로마서 5:6 우리가아직연약할때에기약대로그리스도께서경건하지않은자를위하여죽으셨도다. Recall again how James refers to Abraham in his letter. James 2:23b, Abraham was called God s friend. Can you and I be called a friend of God? Yes, we can! It s the same way for us as it was for Abraham. We are to trust in the Lord. But in our day, we trust that the Lord Jesus died in our place. When He rose from the dead, He rose to guarantee our new faith relationship with God through Him. The Lord Jesus commenced His ministry among us with these words (Mark 1:15), The time has come, he said. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news! The way of salvation, the way to get right with God is to confess that we have sinned. We confess that we fall short of God s standard of absolute perfection. And, having confessed our sins, we place our faith in Christ. 야고보가그의편지에서아브라함을어떻게설명하는지기억하십시오. 야고보서 2:23b, 아브라함 ( 은 ) 하나님의벗이라칭함을받았나니. 저와여러분도하나님의벗이라칭함을받을수있을까요? 네, 그렇습니다! 아브라함에게했던것과같은방법을통해서입니다. 우리는하나님을의지해야합니다. 하지만지금우리는예수님께서우리를대신하여돌아가셨다는것을믿습니다. 예수님을통해새로워진하나님과의믿음의관계를확실하게하기위해그는죽음에서부활하셨습니다. 예수님께서이말씀과함께그의사역을시작하셨습니다 ( 막 1:15), 때가찼고하나님의나라가가까이왔으니회개하고복음을믿으라. 구원에이르는방법, 그리고하나님과의관계를회복하는방법은우리가죄를지었다는것을고백하는것입니다. 하나님의기준인완벽함에이르지못한다는것을고백하는것입니다. 그리고우리의죄를고백한뒤우리의믿음을그리스도에게두는것입니다. 6

We read in Romans 5:9-11, Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God s wrath through him! For if, when we were God s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. God, not Abraham, provided the way for us to know God, to get right with God and be called God s friend. Only God could pay the price. He did that by providing His One and Only Son, His beloved Son, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. (John 1:29). For family devotions, Martin Luther once read this account of Abraham offering Isaac on the altar. His wife, Katie, said, I do not believe it. God would not have treated His Son like that! But, Katie, Luther replied, He did. 로마서 5:9-11, 그러면이제우리가그의피로말미암아의롭다하심을받았으니더욱그로말미암아진노하심에서구원을받을것이니곧우리가원수되었을때에그의아들의죽으심으로말미암아하나님과화목하게되었은즉화목하게된자로서는더욱그의살아나심으로말미암아구원을받을것이니라그뿐아니라이제우리도화목하게하신우리주예수그리스도로말미암아하나님안에서또한즐거워하느니라. 아브라함이아닌하나님께서우리에게하나님을알게되고, 하나님과관계를회복하고, 하나님의벗이라불리우게되는길을공급하신것입니다. 하나님만이그값을치루실수있으셨습니다. 그리고하나님께서는이것을그의독생자, 사랑하는아들, 세상죄를지고가는하나님의어린양 ( 요 1:29) 을허락하여주심으로이루셨습니다. 마틴루터가가정예배시간에아브라함이이삭을번제로드리는이야기를읽은적이있습니다. 그의아내케이티가 믿을수없어. 하나님께서는그의아들을그런식으로대하지않으셨을거야! 라고했습니다. 루터는이렇게답했습니다 : 하지만케이티, 하나님께서는그러셨는걸?. In Genesis 22:12 the angel said to Abraham, you have not withheld from me your son, your only son. This is the same language that the Apostle Paul uses in Romans 8:32. He [God] who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Dale Ralph Davis notes that what God stopped Abraham from doing, He Himself did. He did not hold back His own Son, but gave Him over for us all. God tests servants, but God gave His Son. How is God testing you today? We all have our trials in life. It may be the sickness of a relative or friend. Maybe you are enduring the pain and suffering of a broken friendship, the end of a relationship. You worry about your finances, your children, world peace, or, just simply your future. These trials are not signs that God has left you alone. Yet they test your faith, there s no question about that. It s not good enough for someone to say, Everything will look better tomorrow. That s just cold comfort. Nor is it enough to say, Keep your chin up, there are others who are worse off than you. Rather, our tests and trials are given to us to prove our faith. 1 Peter 1:7, These have come so that your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed. Amen 창세가 22:12 에서사자가아브라함에게말합니다 네가네아들네독자까지도내게아끼지아니하였으니. 이것은로마서 8:32 에서사도바울이사용했던언어와비슷합니다. 자기아들을아끼지아니하시고우리모든사람을위하여내주신이가어찌그아들과함께모든것을우리에게주시지아니하겠느냐. 데일랄프데이비스는이렇게말했습니다, 하나님께서아브라함이하려고하던것을막으신그것을자신은직접하셨다. 하나님의아들을아끼지않으시고우리모두를위해주셨다. 하나님께서는그의종들을시험하시지만그의아들을주셨다. 하나님께서오늘여러분을어떻게시험하고계십니까? 우리는살면서모두시험을경험합니다. 가족이나친구의병이될수도있습니다. 어쩌면여러분은깨진친구사이나끝난관계로인한고난과고통을견뎌내고있을수도있습니다. 경제적인부분, 자녀들, 세계평화, 또는여러분의미래에대해격정하실수도있습니다. 이모든시험은하나님께서여러분을혼자두셨다는것을보여주는것이아닙니다. 그러나이것들은모두여러분의믿음을시험합니다. 누가 내일이면모든것이괜찮아질거야 라고해서될일이아닙니다. 이것은그저 도움이안되는위로 일뿐입니다. 또한 기운내, 너보다좋지않은상황에있는사람들도있어 라고하는것도충분하지 7

않습니다. 그것보다우리에게오는시험들은우리의믿음을증명하기위한것들입니다. 베드로전서 1:7, 너희믿음의확실함은불로연단하여도없어질금보다더귀하여예수그리스도께서나타나실때에칭찬과영광과존귀를얻게할것이니라. 아멘 8