System Engineering 2013-1 Critical Chain Project Management
This week Critical Chain Project Management Task-based DSM 2
관리자의고민 프로젝트매니저의고민 일정지연 자원확보 산정오류 프로젝트매니저의상식 A 작업 (10 일 ), B 작업 (10 일 ), C 작업 (20 일 ) A, B 완료, C 미착수 : 전체진척률 = 50%? 작업개개의일정계획을세밀히세우고지시해야납기달성에유리하다 어차피해야될일인데미리미리시작하자 프로젝트는일찍착수할수록빨리완료된다 각자가쉬지않고최대한노력해야프로젝트가잘된다 비상식 3
프로젝트의문제점 착수지연 ( 학생증후군 ) 단축시간낭비 ( 파킨슨법칙 ) 부분최적화 ( 멀티태스킹 ) 지연누적 ( 태스크별관리 ) 관리시간상실 ( 잦은변경 ) 4
Critical Chain Eliyahu M. Goldratt s Theory of Constraints 집중개선프로세스 1) What to change? 2) What to change to? 3) How to cause the change? 1) 제약을찾고, 2) 제약을최대한활용하며, 3) 비제약을제약에종속시키고 4) 제약을개선하며 5) 타성을버리고다시 1) 로 5
TOC (Theory Of Constraints) 기법 내용 적용분야 효과 DBR (Drum-Buffer-Rope) 생산의흐름의동기생산을통하여재고감축과납품서비스를좋게함. 생산 / 물류 - 결품감소 - 재고감축 - 제조리드타임감축 - 납기준수율향상 - 시장변화에대한대응속도증진 Throughput 회계 (TA) 현금창출율의증대에초점을맞춘회계시스템으로생산시스템에대한정확한정보를신속하게제공. 회계성과측정 / 평가 - 생산현장에정확한회계정보제공 - 현금수지와투자수익률과의동기화 - 재고감축 Critical Chain 프로젝트관리 (CCPM) 연구개발프로젝트의기획 / 관리를개선하여프로젝트의납기달성과예산절감 연구개발설계건설 - 프로젝트납기준수율향상 - 프로젝트일정관리의시스템화 - 제약관리를통한일정관리단순화 思考프로세스 (Thinking Process) 조직의만성적문제의근본원인을찾아이를극복할수있는혁신적인방안을도출하고그실천계획을논리적으로찾아냄 전분야 - 방침제약을찾아분석 - 조직구성원들의문제해결능력향상 - 경영혁신방안도출 - 목표에대한이해와공감대를넓히고의식의동기화를이룸 6
Critical Chain Traditional project estimation techniques ineffective Time and resource constraints usually violated PMs rely on padding of schedules and budgets Unknown nature of event interaction Fear, uncertainty, doubt Psychological, organizational, and physical 회사의생산성은각공정의생산성의합계가아닌 완제품의생산성으로측정해야한다 7
Critical Chain Bottleneck Management Activities with several predecessors and/or successors Add Time Buffers at Bottleneck Events Safety Stock Equivalent in Manufacturing Just-in-Time with Just-in-Case Statistically-derived Path Buffers Establish the Critical Chain for Scarce Resources Prioritization of Resources in Chain Events Communication of Walt Needs is Critical to Success 8
안전여유시간 개별 task 에각각안전여유시간을삽입 개별 task 를예정시각내에완료함으로써프로젝트납기관리 9
여유시간낭비 : Student syndrome 시작가능시점에 task 예상소요시간을추정 다른일을하다가납기가가까이오면예상소요시간전에 task 시작 Task 수행중에예상치못한문제 (Murphy) 를만나면납기를못맞춤 노력 X Murphy 시간 시작가능시점 납기 10
CCPM PERT/CPM 과는다른시각 CCPM (Critical chain project management) 일정관리를중심으로비용과범위를관리한다. 각작업의납기준수보다프로젝트의납기준수가목표이다. 핵심문제는각작업에삽입되는안전여유시간이다. 각작업의여유시간보다프로젝트의안전여유시간을관리한다. 핵심작업과핵심자원의관리에집중한다. 다중작업 을피하고, 현재맡은일에전념하는것이납기를앞당긴다. 11
CCPM 기본개념 Critical Chain 생성작업순서의존성 + 자원능력제약고려 개별작업의시작시간, 완료시간미정 오직프로젝트의납기에만관심 즉, 국지최적화가아닌전체최적화 버퍼를통한불확실성의관리 총괄적보호 : Project/Feeding/Resource 불확실성관리 / 프로젝트진행관리예방적 Feedback 장치 : 선행경고시스템 활동우선순위결정 보호기능총괄화 Buffer소진 tracking Project Buffer 각요소작업의안전여유 ( 덤 ) 를프로젝트 꼬리의한곳에집중 Feeding Buffer 비 Critical Chain 작업 Resource Buffer Critical Chain 작업을늦추는것방지 Critical Chain 작업시작전필요한자원준비 및예약 / 가용상태확인 12
장점 다수프로젝트의자원공유와부하를고려한현실적인스케줄링 프로젝트간불확실성에대비한유연한버퍼스케줄링 조직의전체쓰루풋을높이는시스템적접근방식 기존다중프로젝트스케줄링변동없이새프로젝트착수시기결정용이 고객에게신뢰할만한프로젝트납기약속가능 애로사슬로개별프로젝트스케쥴링의최적화 13
성공사례 회사 / 단체업종 / 부문효과 Air Force Operational Test & Evaluation Center 미공군무기성능평가 검사능력향상, Murphy 대응능력향상, 의사소통의증진, 자원예측정확도향상, 사기증진, 전략적계획에이용 Antarctic Support Associates 남극연구지원 지연된프로젝트를정시에완료 BAE Systems 비행시뮬레이터제작 / 훈련 18개월간적시인도율 100%, 사이클타임 2~4개월절감 Balfour Beatty 영국건설회사. 도로, 터널의건설및보수 프로젝트조기완료 Better On-Line Systems 소프트웨어개발 프로젝트조기완료 Cisco Systems (Switzerland) GmbH Routing, switching 제품개발 프로젝트기간을 27% 이상절감 Elbit Systems 전쟁무기 upgrade 프로젝트관리시스템구축, 조기달성 Etat de Vaud Telecom 프로젝트 40일조기완료 Habitat For Humanity 사랑의집짓기운동 적시에건축완료 Harris 반도체 미 Mountaintop소재반도체공장 공장확장프로젝트성공, 신제품개발속도 4배이상증가 Intel-Israel 네트워크설비제작 프로젝트관리시스템의표준화 Israeli Aircraft Industries 항공회사 비행기 Turn Around Time을 3개월에서 2주로 Lord Corporation 진동및소음제어시스템개발 / 제작 능력 60% 증대, 사이클타임 ½ 절감, 추가주문접수 Lucent Technologies 광섬유cable 설계, 제조, 판매 신제품도입기간 50% 감축 Seabridge-Israel Telecom 설비공급업체 프로젝트조기완료, 관리load 50% 감소 Seagate 디스크드라이브 고객납기만족 Synergis Technologies 공구, 금형설계, 제작 200개이상의프로젝트를동시에관리 US Marine Corps Maintenance Center 미해군수리센터 수리사이클타임 1/3화 14
Lessons Learned from CPM/PERT Advantages Focuses attention on a subset of critical tasks Determine effect of shortening/lengthening tasks Evaluate costs of a crash program Links task durations to schedule Limitations Doesn t capture task iterations, in fact Prohibits iterations = called cycle error However, iterations are one of the essential features of design and development projects 15
Introduction of DSM Interdependent Tasks Sometimes iterative tasks are referred to as chicken-and-egg problems in design Examples from your own design experience? How can iterations be represented? Design Structure Matrix (DSM) A two-dimensional matrix representation of the structural or functional interrelationships of objects, tasks or teams Synonyms Design Structure Matrix (DSM) N2-Diagram ( N-squared ) Dependency Structure Matrix others Types of DSMs Object-based, Task-based, Team-based 16
Types of DSM Object-based DSM Task-based DSM Team-Based DSMs 17
Concurrent Engineering (1/2) In small projects Projects are executed by a cross-disciplinary team (5 to 20 people). Teams feature high-bandwidth technical communication. Tradeoffs are resolved by mutual understanding. Design and production issues are considered simultaneously. In large projects Large projects are organized as a network of teams (100 to 1000 people). Large projects are decomposed into many smaller projects. Large projects may involve development activities dispersed over multiple sites. The essential challenge is to integrate the separate pieces into a system solution. The needs for integration depend upon the technical interactions among the sub-problems. 18
How to Create a Task-Based Design Structure Matrix Model Select a process or sub-process to model. Identify the tasks of the process, who is responsible for each one, and the outputs created by each task. Lay out the square matrix with the tasks in the order they are nominally executed. Ask the process experts what inputs are used for each task. Insert marks representing the information inputs to each task. Optional: Analyze the DSM model by re-sequencing the tasks to suggest a new process. Draw solid boxes around the coupled tasks representing the planned iterations. Draw dashed boxes around groups of parallel (uncoupled) tasks. Highlight the unplanned iterations. 19
HW03. Project planning Purpose Practice to develop a project plan Assignments (1) Please develop a WBS structure for your project. (2) Please develop a PERT/CPM for your project. You can estimate a project duration. Will it be possible to meet the deadline? Estimate a cost for each of your work. (Normal cost-normal time, Crash cost-crash time) If it is not easy to meet the deadline within the budget, how much would you need? (3) Please develop a Gantt chart for your project. You must use a MSProject. Please try as many functions of MSProject as possible. (4) Please develop a task-based DSM for your project. Please find coupled, parallel, sequential tasks. Expected time: 15 hours Due date: 5/31 20