브레멘의음악가 옛날에한남자가살고있었습니다. 그남자는당나귀를가지고있었습니다. 당나귀는몇년동안열심히일했습니다. 그당나귀가늙고쇠약해지자, 남자는당나귀를죽이기로결심했습니다. 당나귀는이사실을알고브레멘마을로도망치기로결심했습니다. 당나귀는브레멘마을의음악가가되기를원했습니다. 길을가는도중에짖고있는개를우연히만났습니다. 그개는상당히슬프고불안해보였습니다. 개야, 왜너는짖고있니? 나는늙어가고있어. 매일같이점점쇠약해지고있지. 개가말했습니다. 나는더이상사냥을할수가없어. 우리주인은내가쓸모가없다고나를죽이려고해. 나는도망가고싶은데, 어떻게먹고살지? 내가도와줄게. 당나귀가말했습니다. 나는부레멘으로가서음악대에들어가려고해. 나와함께가는게어때? 내가류트를연주하고네가드럼을치면되겠군. 개는당나귀와같이가기로하였습니다. 조금더가다가그들은슬픈표정의고양이를만났습니다. 고양이는아주화가나있었습니다. 고양이야, 왜너는그렇게슬프니? 당나귀가물었습니다. 곧죽게될건데누가행복할수있겠니? 고양이가말했습니다. 나는이제늙었어. 나는그저불옆에서자고싶을뿐이야. 내이빨은무뎌서더이상은쥐도못잡아. 그래서내주인이나를죽이려고해. 나는내주인이나를죽이려고하는이야기를하는것을들었어. 그렇지만나는어디로가야할지를모르겠어. 우리하고같이브레멘으로가자 당나귀가말했습니다. 너는노래를잘하니음악가가될수있어. 고양이는당나귀와같이가는것이좋은생각이라고생각했습니다. 곧그들은농장에왔습니다. 수닭이가능한한큰소리로문앞에서울고있었습니다. 네가우는큰소리때문에내귀가아프구나. 당나귀가말했습니다. 뭐가잘못됐어? 내일밤일요일저녁식사를위해손님들이올거야. 수탉이말했습니다. 내주인이요리사에게나를넣고수프를만들라고했어. 그래서내가우는거야. 오늘이나에게는마지막날이야. 수탉아, 잘들어 당나귀가말했습니다. 너는아름다운목소리를가졌어. 우리와같이브레멘으로가서연극을하는게좋지않겠니? 수탉은그렇게하기로하고모두들같이갔습니다.
그들은하루만에그마을에도착할수없었습니다. 그래서그들은숲속에서밤을보내기로결정했습니다. 당나귀는큰나무아래에누웠습니다. 고양이와수탉은나무위로올라갔습니다. 수탉은심지어나뭇가지꼭대기까지날아올라갔습니다. 잠이들기전에, 수탉은사방을둘러보았습니다. 수탉은멀리떨어진곳에서불빛을보았습니다. 수탉은그것이어느집으로부터나온것임에틀림없다고말하면서그의친구들에게외쳤습니다. 당나귀가말했습니다. 그러면거기로가보자. 그곳은좋은곳일거야. 그래서그들은불빛을향해서출발했습니다. 불빛은점점더밝아졌습니다. 곧그들은도둑들의집앞에도착했습니다. 당나귀는가장키가컸습니다. 당나귀는창문을들여다보았습니다. 당나귀야, 뭐가보이니? 수탉이물었습니다. 아주좋은음식과마실것이놓여있는탁자가보여. 당나귀가대답했습니다. 탁자에앉아서즐거운시간을보내고있는도둑들이몇명있어. 저것이바로우리가필요로하는것이야. 수탉이말했습니다. 그래. 당나귀가대답했습니다. 만일우리가저안에있다면 > 동물들은도둑들은어떻게몰아낼지에대해함께얘기했습니다. 마침내그들은계획을세웠습니다. 먼저당나귀가창턱에앞발을올려놓았습니다. 개가당나귀의등에올라탔습니다. 그리고고양이는개의등에올라타고수탉은고양이의머리위에앉았습니다. 세을세자마자, 그들은음악소리를내기시작했습니다. 당나귀가울고, 개는짖고, 고양이는야옹거리고, 수탉이울었습니다. 그들은유리창을깨고들어갔습니다. 유리가집안전체에흩날렸습니다. 도둑들은끔찍한소리에벌떡일어났습니다. 그들은너무무서워서숲속으로도망을갔습니다. 음악가넷은식탁에앉아서음식을모두먹었습니다. 그들이저녁을다먹자마자그들은잠잘곳을찾았습니다. 당나귀는바로문밖에있는짚단더미에누었습니다. 개는문옆에웅크리고잤습니다. 고양이는불옆에누웠고수탉은대들보중의하나로날아올라갔습니다. 그리고그들은불을끄고곧잠이들었습니다. 숲속에서도둑들은자기들집에서불빛이꺼지는것을보았습니다. 집은고요했습니다. 우리는그렇게쉽게겁먹지말았어야했는데 도둑대장이말했습니다. 도둑대장은집에서무슨일이일어났는가를보고오라고도둑한명을보냈습니다. 도둑이집에갔더니집안은조용했습니다. 집안이깜깜해서그는부엌으로촛불을가지러갔습니다. 고양이가불옆에있었습니다. 도둑은고양이의눈을활활타고있는석탄으로생각했습니다. 그리고나서그는그것이성냥에불을붙여줄것이라고생각하며, 고양이눈가까이로성냥을가져갔습니다. 어쨋든고양이는
그냥있을수가없었습니다. 고양이는뛰어올라도둑의얼굴을때리고할퀴었습니다. 도둑은겁에질려달아나려고했습니다. 그는문쪽으로도망가려고했습니다. 그러나개가뛰어서도둑의다리를물었습니다. 그는집앞근처에있는짚단더미를가로질러뛰었습니다. 거기서당나귀는그를힘차고멋지게걷어찼습니다. 이시끄러운소리에수탉이잠에서깼습니다. 수탉은잠깐잠을잔뒤라서기분이상당히좋았습니다. 수탉은꼬끼오 ~ 하고울었습니다. 도둑은가능한한빨리두목에게달려갔습니다. 아니, 이럴수가. 간신히나왔네. 그는큰소리로울면서말했어요. 그집안에는무시무시한마귀할멈이있어요. 마귀할멈이내게날아왔어요. 마귀할멈은그긴손톱으로내얼굴을할퀴었어요. 문옆에는칼을든남자가있었어요. 그는내다리를찔렀어요. 밖에는검은괴물이있었어요. 그는나를곤봉으로때렸어요. 대들보위에는사악한재판관이있었어요. 그재판관은 도둑을여기로잡아들여라 라고했어요. 도둑들은다시는그집에돌아가지않았어요. 어쨋든브레멘의네음악가는아주편안한곳을찾았어요. 그들은절대로이집을떠나고싶지않았어요. The Town Musicians of Bremen Once there was a man. He had a donkey. The donkey worked hard for many years. When the animal became old and weak, the man decided to kill it. The donkey knew this so he decided to run become one of town s musicians. On the way he came across a dog barking. The dog looked quite sad and troubled. What are you barking, Dog? asked the donkey. I am getting old. Every day I feel weak, said the dog, I cannot hunt anymore. My owner thinks that I am useless so he has decided to kill me. Now I have run away, but how will I make my living? I know how, said the donkey. I am going to Bremen to become a musician. Why don t you come with me? I can play the lute, and you can play the drum. The dog agreed and they went on together. A little further along they saw a sad looking cat. The cat looked very upset. Why are you so sad, Cat? asked the donkey. Who can be happy when they are about to die? said the cat. I am old now. All I want to do is sit by the fire and sleep. I can t hunt mice anymore because my teeth are not sharp. Because of that, my owner wants to kill me. I heard her talking about it so I ran away. But now I don t where to go. Come with us to Bremen, said the donkey.
You are good at singing and you can become a musician. The cat thought this was a good idea and joined them. Soon the three came to a farm. A rooster was at the gate crowing as loud as he could. Your loud crowing is hurting my ears, said the donkey. What s wrong? Tomorrow night guests are coming for Sunday dinner, replied the rooster. My owner told the cook to make me into soup. I am to be killed this evening so I am crowing now. This is my last day. Listen, Rooster, said the donkey, you have a good voice. Come with us to Bremen and we can play together. It will be very good. The rooster agreed and they all went on together. They couldn t reach the town in one day so they decided to spend the night in the forest. The donkey and the day lay down under a big tree. The cat and the rooster climbed up into the tree. The rooster even flew up to the top branch. Before going to sleep the rooster looked all around. He saw a light far away. He called out to his friends, saying that it had to be from a house. Then, said the donkey, let s go there. This place isn t very good. The dog agreed, so they set off toward the light. The light became brighter and brighter. Soon they were in front of a house of robbers. The donkey was the tallest. He walked up to the window and looked in. What do you see, Donkey? asked the rooster. I see a table with very good food and drink on it, replied the donkey. There are some robbers sitting at the table enjoying themselves. That s just what we need! cried the rooster. Yes, replied what we need! cried the rooster. Yes, replied the donkey, If only we were inside. The animals talked together about how to drive the robbers out. At last they thought of a plan. First the donkey put his front feet on the windowsill. The dog climbed up onto the donkey s back. Then the cat climbed on the dog s back. And the rooster sat on the cat s head. At the count of three, they began to make music. The donkey brayed, the dag barked, the cat meowed and the rooster crowed. Then they broke through the window. The glass flew all over the inside of the house. The robbers jumped up at th horrible noise. They were very afraid and ran off into the forest. The four musicians sat down at the table and ate all the food. When they had finished dinner, they looked for good places to sleep. The donkey lay down on the pile of straw just outside the door. The dog curled up inside, beside the door. The cat lay down next to the fire and the rooster flew up to one of the beams. Then they turned out the light. Soon they fell asleep. From the forest the robbers saw the lights in their house go out. Everything at the house was quiet. We shouldn t have been so easily frightened, said the leader of the robbers. He sent one of his men to see what was happening at the house.
At the house the robber found everything was quiet. It was very dark inside the house, so he went to the kitchen to light a candle. The cat was there beside the fire. The robber thought the cat s eyes were glowing coals. He then held a match close to the cat s eyes, thinking it would light the match. The cat, however, wouldn t stand for this! He flew at the robber s face and spat and scratched. The robber was frightened and tried to get away. He tried to run to the door, but the dog jumped up and bit his leg. He ran across the pile of straw near the front of the house. There the donkey gave him a good, hard kick. This noise woke up the rooster. He was feeling very good after from his short sleep. He crowed out, Cock a-doodle-doo! The robber ran back to his leader as fast as he could. Thank goodness I m safe! he cried loudly, There is a horrible witch in the house. She flew at me. She scratched my face with her long fingernails. By the door there is a man with a knife. He stabbed my leg. Outside there is a black monster. He hit me with a club. Up in the beams there is an evil judge. He cried out, Bring the robber here! The robber never went back to their house. The four musicians of Bremen, however, found it very comfortable. They never wanted to leave the house again.