TOEIC LC 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서제이드김

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TOEIC LC 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서제이드김


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TOEIC LC 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서제이드김

TOEIC LC 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서제이드김

Contents TOEIC Part 1, 2 Lesson 01 Lesson 02 Lesson 03 Lesson 04 Lesson 05 Lesson 06 Lesson 07 Lesson 08 Part 1 _ 답을결정하는동사 Part 1 _ 완벽한위치파악 Part 2 _ 오답 OUT Part 2 _ 정해진오답패턴 Part 2 _ 정해진정답패턴 Part 2 _ Yes/No 대답표현 Part 2 _ 고난이도문제정복 Part 1, 2 _ 실전문제 006 018 030 040 052 064 074 086 TOEIC Part 3, 4 Lesson 09 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16 Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Part 3, 4 _ 문제풀이전략 Part 3 _ 꼭맞춰야하는문제 Part 3 _ 문제가답을말한다 Part 3 _ 상황별문제풀이 Part 3 _ 업무상황이해하기 Part 4 _ 안내 & 견학 Part 4 _ 광고 & 소개 Part 4 _ 비즈니스 & 일기예보 Part 4 _ 전화메시지 & 방송 Part 3, 4 _ 실전문제 100 106 116 126 136 146 158 168 178 188 TOEIC Part 1-4 Lesson 19 Part 1-4 _ 실전문제 204 Part 1, 2

Lesson 01 답을결정하는동사 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서 Preview Part 1 은동사를잘들어야합니다. Lesson 1 에서는 Part 1 의보기문장을정확하게이해하는데필요한시제와태의핵심을정리하겠습 니다. 또한시험에자주나오는동사를상황별로구분하여알아보고, 이것을문제풀이에적용하는전략을학습하겠습니다. LC 사용설명서 I. Part 1 사용설명서 1. 소거법으로풀이 사진과정확하게맞는보기하나를고르는것이아니라, 보기 4개중에서가장적절한보기하나를정답으로선택한다. 오답을우선제거하고남은것을정답으로선택하는연습이중요! 2. Part 1 은단어중심으로듣기 문장중심의전체해석을요하는문제라기보다는각각의단어가가지고있는오답을소거하면서문제를풀어야한다. 3. 받아쓰기 (Dictation) 내용어 ( 동사, 명사 ) 위주로들어야한다. 듣고의미를파악하는것도중요하지만, 그보다문장속각단어의뜻이오답과정답을 결정하는핵심이되므로정확한받아쓰기연습이단문인보기를듣는데효율적인학습방법이다. 4. 출제된표현을정리 시험에자주등장하는표현은정해져있다. 자주나오는표현을기억해두어야한다. 006

II. 시제정복하기 1. 인물중심사진의 97% 는현재진행형이정답 Lesson 01 사진에사람이있으면대부분사람의동작표현이핵심이된다. 단, 수동태를사용하는다음두가지경우를기억하자. A. Be seated Boys are seated on the sofa. = The boys are sitting on the sofa. B. Be involved in a conversation They are involved in a conversation = They are having a conversation. 2. 수동태와완료시제는상태를표현 수동태 (be+p.p.), 현재완료 (have+p.p.) 의문장은모두 ~ 한상태 라고해석하자. - The trees are planted on both sides of the road. 나무들이길양쪽으로심어진상태이다. - Buildings are reflected in the water. 건물들이물위에비춰지는상태이다. - A plane has landed on the runway. 비행기가착륙한상태이다. 007

Lesson 01 답을결정하는동사 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서 3. 진행형수동태는동작을표현 수동현재진행형 (be+being+p.p.) A. The trees are being planted in the park. ( ) B. The trees are planted in the park. ( ) 비교 A. Some bags are being displayed on the shelf. ( ) B. Some bags are displayed on the shelf. ( ) III. 상황별핵심동사정복하기 A. 대표동작동사 putting on / trying on picking up turning on entering taking off / removing putting down turning off leaving 008

B. 손동작핵심표현 Lesson 01 The man is pointing at a painting. They are shaking hands. He is raising her hand. The man is writing on the board. He is working on the car. The woman is reaching for an item. She is waving her hand. She is holding a book. (folding) The woman is drawing a picture. She is working on a document. C. 발표하다, 대화하다, 전화하다 A man is making a presentation. He is addressing to an audience. They re chatting each other. She is talking on the phone. The woman is giving a speech. They re having a discussion. The man is conducting an interview. The man is calling from a public phone. He is holding a (phone)receiver by his ear. D. 진열하다 ( 진열되어있다 ), 걸다 ( 걸려있다 ) ( 물건들이 ) + are + 진열되다 동사의 p.p. + ( 전치사 ) + ( 장소 ) a. Books are displayed in the store. b. Books are on display in the shop. c. Books have been arranged on the shelves. A plant is put in front of the door. Some chairs are placed around the tables. Tables and chairs are set up outdoors. The light is hanging from the ceiling. A plant has been hung in the corner. 009

Lesson 01 답을결정하는동사 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서 IV. Exercise 기초 Check Up 아래문장을듣고, 우리말해석과내용이동일하면 T, 틀리면 F 를표기하세요. ( 음성두번반복 ) 1. The couple is walking close to the water s edge. 커플이물가를걷고있다. ( ) 2. The band members are dressed formally. 밴드멤버들이정장을입고있다. ( ) 3. The road is crowded with people. 길이사람들로붐빈다. ( ) 4. The cakes are being sliced. 케이크가진열되고있다. ( ) 5. An airplane is about to take off. 비행기가착륙하려고한다. ( ) 실력 Up 음성을들으면서각보기마다정답 (O) 과오답 (X) 을표시하세요. ( 음성두번반복 ) 1. 3. (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (C) 2. 4. (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (C) 010

실전 Master Lesson 01 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. 011

Lesson 01 답을결정하는동사 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서 7. 9. 8. 10. 012

실전 Master 스크립트완성하기 실전 Master 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. Lesson 01 1. (A) The woman is. (B) The woman is. (C) The woman is. (D) The woman is. 2. (A) They are. (B) They are. (C) They are. (D) They are. 3. (A) Some people are. (B) A man is. (C) Customers are in a shopping cart. (D) A salesperson is. 4. (A) A man is. (B) A man is. (C) A man is. (D) A man is. 5. (A) A man a paint can. (B) A man is. (C) Some workers are. (D) Some paint brushes are. 013

Lesson 01 답을결정하는동사 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서 6. (A) He is. (B) He is. (C) He is. (D) He is. 7. (A) One of the women her eyes. (B) A woman is. (C) One of the women is. (D) A stylist is to a woman s face. 8. (A) Tiles are. (B) Lights are. (C) Plants are. (D) Lamps are. 9. (A) Mailboxes are. (B) Vehicles are. (C) A wire fence. (D) Trucks are some cargo. 10. (A) A picture frame is. (B) A light fixture is on the wall. (C) Decorative fabric is. (D) Food is in a dining room. 014

정답과해석 Lesson 01 Exercise 기초 Check Up 1. The couple is walking close to the water s edge. 커플이물가를걷고있다. ( T ) 2. The band members are dressed formally. 밴드멤버들이정장을입고있다. ( T ) 3. The road is crowded with people. 길이사람들로붐빈다. ( T ) 4. The cakes are being sliced. 케이크가진열되고있다. ( F ) 5. An airplane is about to take off. 비행기가착륙하려고한다. ( F ) 실력 Up 1. (A) They re gathered in a group. 사람들이그룹으로모여있다. (O) (B) A man is giving a presentation. 남자가발표를하고있다. (X) (C) They re having a discussion. 사람들이토론을하고있다. (O) 한그룹이테이블근처에서있다. (C) They re shaking hands. 사람들이악수를하고있다. 실전 Master 1. 정답 (A) (A) The woman is pouring tea into a cup. (B) The woman is sitting on a bench. (C) The woman is stirring a liquid with a spoon. (D) The woman is drinking from a glass. (A) 여자가잔에차를따르고있다. (B) 여자가벤치에앉아있다. (C) 여자가수저로액체를젓고있다. (D) 여자가유리잔으로음료를마시고있다. 2. 정답 (B) (A) They are pushing in the chairs. (B) They are sitting in a circle. (C) They are setting the table. (D) They are signing papers. (A) 사람들이의자를밀고있다. (B) 사람들이원형으로앉아있다. (C) 사람들이탁자를설치하고있다. (D) 사람들이종이에서명하고있다. (O) (O) 2. (A) Some people are swimming in the water. 사람들이물속에서수영을하고있다. (B) They re strolling on the sand. 사람들이모래사장을산책하고있다. (C) A couple is walking on the beach. 커플이해변을걷고있다. 3. (A) They re carrying a ladder. 사람들이사다리를나르고있다. (B) One of the men is hanging a hat on the rack. 남자한명이걸이에모자를걸고있다. (C) They re working outdoors. 사람들이야외에서일하고있다. 4. (A) They re greeting each other. 사람들이서로인사하고있다. (B) A group is standing near a table. (X) (O) (O) (O) (X) (O) (O) 3. 정답 (D) (A) Some people are filling plates at a buffet. (B) A man is paying for groceries. (C) Customers are putting merchandise in a shopping cart. (D) A salesperson is showing an item to customers. (A) 사람들이뷔페에서접시를채우고있다. (B) 남자가식료품가격을지불하고있다. (C) 고객들이상품을쇼핑카트에넣고있다. (D) 판매원이상품을고객들에게보여주고있다. 4. 정답 (D) (A) A man is watching a garden show. (B) A man is mowing the grass. (C) A man is watering a tree. (D) A man is trimming a bush. (A) 남자가조경박람회를관람하고있다. 015

Lesson 01 답을결정하는동사 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서 (B) 남자가잔디를깎고있다. (C) 남자가나무에물을주고있다. (D) 남자가관목을다듬고있다. 5. 정답 (B) (A) A man is taking a lid off a paint can. (B) A man is standing on a short ladder. (C) Some workers are installing flooring. (D) Some paint brushes are lying on the ground. (A) 남자가페인트통의뚜껑을열고있다. (B) 남자가짧은사다리에서있다. (C) 작업자들이바닥재를설치하고있다. (D) 페인트붓이바닥에놓여있다. 6. 정답 (B) (A) He is sipping from a cup. (B) He is seated in front of a laptop. (C) He is turning on the computer. (D) He is holding a menu. (A) 그가잔으로홀짝홀짝마시고있다. (B) 그가노트북앞에앉아있다. (C) 그가컴퓨터를켜고있다. (D) 그가메뉴를들고있다. 7. 정답 (D) (A) One of the women has closed her eyes. (B) A woman is styling another woman s hair. (C) One of the women is trying on a dress. (D) A stylist is applying makeup to a woman s face. (A) 여자들중한명이눈을감았다. (B) 여자가다른여자의머리스타일을만들고있다. (C) 여자들중한명이드레스를입어보고있다. (D) 스타일리스트가한여자의얼굴에화장을하고있다. 8. 정답 (D) (A) Tiles are stacked on the sidewalk. (B) Lights are being turned on. (C) Plants are growing in pots. (D) Lamps are attached to the wall. (A) 통로에타일들이쌓여있다. (B) 불이켜지고있다. (C) 화분에식물이자라고있다. (D) 벽에램프가달려있다. 9. 정답 (A) (A) Mailboxes are lined up on the plain. (B) Vehicles are parked along a highway. (C) A wire fence surrounds a lake. (D) Trucks are transporting some cargo. (A) 우체함이평야에줄지어있다. (B) 차량들이고속도로에세워져있다. (C) 철조망이호수를둘러싸고있다. (D) 트럭들이화물을수송하고있다. 10. 정답 (A) (A) A picture frame is reflected in a mirror. (B) A light fixture is being mounted on the wall. (C) Decorative fabric is covering a sofa. (D) Food is being served in a dining room. (A) 액자가거울에반사되었다. (B) 조명기구가벽에고정되고있다. (C) 장식이있는천이소파를덮고있다. (D) 식당에서음식이제공되고있다. 실전 Master 스크립트완성하기 1. (A) The woman is pouring tea into a cup. (B) The woman is sitting on a bench. (C) The woman is stirring a liquid with a spoon. (D) The woman is drinking from a glass. 2. (A) They are pushing in the chairs. (B) They are sitting in a circle. (C) They are setting the table. (D) They are signing papers. 3. (A) Some people are filling plates at a buffet. (B) A man is paying for groceries. (C) Customers are putting merchandise in a shopping cart. (D) A salesperson is showing an item to customers. 4. (A) A man is watching a garden show. (B) A man is mowing the grass. (C) A man is watering a tree. (D) A man is trimming a bush. 5. (A) A man is taking a lid off a paint can. (B) A man is standing on a short ladder. 016

(C) Some workers are installing flooring. (D) Some paint brushes are lying on the ground. Lesson 01 6. (A) He is sipping from a cup. (B) He is seated in front of a laptop. (C) He is turning on the computer. (D) He is holding a menu. 7. (A) One of the women has closed her eyes. (B) A woman is styling another woman s hair. (C) One of the women is trying on a dress. (D) A stylist is applying makeup to a woman s face. 8. (A) Tiles are stacked on the sidewalk. (B) Lights are being turned on. (C) Plants are growing in pots. (D) Lamps are attached to the wall. 9. (A) Mailboxes are lined up on the plain. (B) Vehicles are parked along a highway. (C) A wire fence surrounds a lake. (D) Trucks are transporting some cargo. 10. (A) A picture frame is reflected in a mirror. (B) A light fixture is being mounted on the wall. (C) Decorative fabric is covering a sofa. (D) Food is being served in a dining room. 017

Lesson 02 완벽한위치파악 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서 Preview Part 1 은사진안의사물의위치를파악하는문제가많이출제됩니다. Lesson 2 에서는시험에자주나오는 위치확인 문제풀이를위 한주요표현과장소별핵심어휘를정리하겠습니다. LC 사용설명서 I. 사물위치파악 1. 사물만있는사진은전치사와함께나오는명사의위치가중요 빈출도높은전치사 ( 구 ) in front of behind by = next to = beside = near side by side along across from between / among in a circle on both sides of on one side of in a row in rows / in lines above over ~ 앞에 ~ 뒤에 ~ 옆에나란히 ~ 을따라건너편에 ~ 사이에둥글게, 원형으로 ~ 의양쪽에 (= on either side of) ~ 의한쪽에한줄로여러줄로 ~ 의위에 ~ 의 ( 직각으로, 덮듯이 ) 위로 There is a picture hanging above the bed. = A picture is hanging above the bed. There is a gap between the tables. A lamp is next to a television. Some items are lying on the counter. The airplane is flying over the water. Boats are passing under the bridge. 018

2. 좌석이보이면사람이있는지없는지확인 Lesson 02 The seats are empty. The seats are available. The seats are unoccupied. The seats are not being used. Some of the seats are occupied. Some of the seats are being used. 사용중 사용중이아님 occupied taken unavailable being used unoccupied empty, vacant available not being used at the moment 019

Lesson 02 완벽한위치파악 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서 II. 실내 / 외사물사진어휘정복하기 1. Indoor There is a pile of papers on the desk. Some documents are stacked up. The chairs at the table are occupied. There are instruments standing against the wall. The drawer is full of pencils. The table has been set for a meal. Some lights have been turned on. 2. Outdoor Cars are lined up on either side of the street. Buildings have many windows. Many vehicles are parked near the building. The cars are waiting at the railroad crossing. A door at the back of the truck is open. Some bicycles have been left outside the building. Some suitcases have been placed on the ground. The ground is covered with leaves. The boat are docked at the pier. III. Exercise 기초 Check Up 아래문장을듣고, 우리말해석과내용이동일하면 T, 틀리면 F를표기하세요. ( 음성두번반복 ) 1. All of the chairs in the office are occupied. 사무실의모든의자는비어있다. ( ) 2. Cartons are piled by the fence. 상자들이울타리옆에쌓여있다. ( ) 3. They are near a display board. 그들은게시판근처에있다. ( ) 4. There are watches on the showcase. 진열대위에손목시계가있다. ( ) 5. There is a trail through the park. 공원을지나는전차가있다. ( ) 020

실력 Up 음성을들으면서각보기마다정답 (O) 과오답 (X) 을표시하세요. ( 음성두번반복 ) 1. 3. Lesson 02 (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (C) 2. 4. (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (C) 021

Lesson 02 완벽한위치파악 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서 실전 Master 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. 022

7. 9. Lesson 02 8. 10. 023

Lesson 02 완벽한위치파악 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서 실전 Master 스크립트완성하기 실전 Master 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 1. (A) He is. (B) He is. (C) He is. (D) He is. 2. (A) A man is. (B) A man is. (C) A man is. (D) A man is. 3. (A) They re. (B) They re. (C) They re. (D) They re. 4. (A) He s. (B) He s. (C) He s. (D) He s. 5. (A) A man is. (B) A man is. (C) A man is. (D) A man is. 024

6. (A) A man is. (B) A man is. Lesson 02 (C) A man is (D) A man is into a board. the wood panel. 7. (A) They are. (B) A sales person is. (C) One of the women is. (D) The flowers on the glass table. 8. (A) The trucks are. (B) A truck is. (C) A work crew is. (D) An airplane is. 9. (A) Desks are. (B) A keyboard is. (C) A computer chair is. (D) A mobile phone is. 10. (A) A pond is. (B) People are. (C) Vehicles are. (D) Flowers are on the ground. 025

Lesson 02 완벽한위치파악 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서 정답과해석 Exercise 기초 Check Up 1. All of the chairs in the office are occupied. 사무실의모든의자는비어있다. ( F ) 2. Cartons are piled by the fence. 상자들이울타리옆에쌓여있다. ( T ) 3. They are near a display board. 그들은게시판근처에있다. ( T ) 4. There are watches on the showcase. 진열대위에손목시계가있다. ( T ) 5. There is a trail through the park. 공원을지나는전차가있다. ( F ) 실력 Up 1. (A) A statue sits on a pedestal. 조각상이받침대위에놓여있다. (O) (B) A statue is surrounded by trees. 조각상이나무에둘러싸여있다. (X) (C) A piece of artwork is being polished. 조각품하나를닦고있다. (X) 실전 Master 1. 정답 (D) (A) He is carrying a briefcase. (B) He is leaning against the wall. (C) He is using the copy machine. (D) He is holding some files. (A) 남자가서류가방을들고있다. (B) 남자가벽에기대어있다. (C) 남자가복사기를사용하고있다. (D) 남자가서류철들을들고있다. 2. 정답 (D) (A) A man is taking a phone from his jacket. (B) A man is putting on a suit. (C) A man is hanging up a calendar. (D) A man is pulling down a window shade. (A) 남자가재킷에서전화기를꺼내고있다. (B) 남자가정장을입고있는중이다. (C) 남자가달력을걸고있다. (D) 남자가블라인드를내리고있다. 2. (A) A table is being set between two chairs. 테이블이의자두개사이에놓여있다. (B) Sofas are positioned on opposite side of the room. 소파가방의맞은편에자리잡고있다. (C) A lamp is sitting on a table. 전등이테이블위에놓여있다. 3. (A) Passengers are boarding an airplane. 승객들이비행기에탑승하고있다. (B) Some luggage has been screened by a receptionist. 담당자가몇몇수하물을검색하고있다. (C) An airplane is on the ground. 비행기가지상에있다. 4. (A) Chairs have been unoccupied. 의자들이비어있다. (B) The table has been set. 테이블이차려져있다. (C) Food is being served to customers. 고객들에게음식을제공하고있다. (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (O) (O) (O) (X) 3. 정답 (A) (A) They re standing in front of a door. (B) They re unpacking their suitcases. (C) They re leaning on the railing. (D) They re walking up the stairs. (A) 사람들이문앞에서있다. (B) 사람들이여행가방을풀고있다. (C) 사람들이난간에기대어있다. (D) 사람들이계단을오르고있다. 4. 정답 (A) (A) He s examining a patient. (B) He s cleaning a microscope. (C) He s walking to a clinic. (D) He s performing an eye exam. (A) 남자가환자를검사하고있다. (B) 남자가현미경을닦고있다. (C) 남자가병원으로걸어가고있다. (D) 남자가시력검사를실시하고있다. 026

5. 정답 (A) (A) A man is sheltered by an umbrella. (B) A man is grasping a car door. (C) A man is driving down a street. (D) A man is putting on a coat. (A) 남자가우산으로비를막고있다. (B) 남자가자동차문을잡고있다. (C) 남자가도로아래를운전하고있다. (D) 남자가코트를입고있다. 6. 정답 (C) (A) A man is putting on protective gear. (B) A man is repairing a piece of furniture. (C) A man is hammering a nail into a board. (D) A man is measuring the wood panel. (A) 남자가보호장비를착용하고있다. (B) 남자가가구한점을수리하고있다. (C) 남자가망치로판자에못을박고있다. (D) 남자가나무판을측정하고있다. (B) 자판의먼지가털리고있다. (C) 컴퓨터의자가비어있다. (D) 휴대전화가충전중이다. 10. 정답 (C) (A) A pond is surrounded by a fence. (B) People are walking down a pathway. (C) Vehicles are lined up near the cabins. (D) Flowers are being planted on the ground. (A) 연못에담장이쳐져있다. (B) 사람들이오솔길을걷고있다. (C) 차량들이오두막부근에줄지어있다. (D) 땅에꽃들이심겨지고있다. 실전 Master 스크립트완성하기 1. (A) He is carrying a briefcase. (B) He is leaning against the wall. (C) He is using the copy machine. (D) He is holding some files. Lesson 02 7. 정답 (A) (A) They are surrounded by flowers. (B) A sales person is wrapping flowers. (C) One of the women is watering flowers. (D) The flowers have been laid on the glass table. (A) 그들이꽃들에둘러싸여있다. (B) 판매원이꽃들을포장하고있다. (C) 여자들한명이꽃에물을주고있다. (D) 꽃들이유리탁자위에놓여있다. 2. (A) A man is taking a phone from his jacket. (B) A man is putting on a suit. (C) A man is hanging up a calendar. (D) A man is pulling down a window shade. 3. (A) They re standing in front of a door. (B) They re unpacking their suitcases. (C) They re leaning on the railing. (D) They re walking up the stairs. 8. 정답 (A) (A) The trucks are facing the same direction. (B) A truck is surrounded by people. (C) A work crew is clearing snow from a runway. (D) An airplane is flying over an airport. (A) 트럭들이동일한방향을향하고있다. (B) 트럭이사람들에게둘러싸여있다. (C) 작업자가활주로의눈을치우고있다. (D) 비행기가공항위를날고있다. 4. (A) He s examining a patient. (B) He s cleaning a microscope. (C) He s walking to a clinic. (D) He s performing an eye exam. 5. (A) A man is sheltered by an umbrella. (B) A man is grasping a car door. (C) A man is driving down a street. (D) A man is putting on a coat. 9. 정답 (C) (A) Desks are lined up in a room. (B) A keyboard is being dusted. (C) A computer chair is unoccupied. (D) A mobile phone is charging. (A) 책상들이방에일렬로놓여있다. 6. (A) A man is putting on protective gear. (B) A man is repairing a piece of furniture. (C) A man is hammering a nail into a board. (D) A man is measuring the wood panel. 027

Lesson 02 완벽한위치파악 650 문풀 LC 사용설명서 7. (A) They are surrounded by flowers. (B) A sales person is wrapping flowers. (C) One of the women is watering flowers. (D) The flowers have been laid on the glass table. 8. (A) The trucks are facing the same direction. (B) A truck is surrounded by people. (C) A work crew is clearing snow from a runway. (D) An airplane is flying over an airport. 9. (A) Desks are lined up in a room. (B) A keyboard is being dusted. (C) A computer chair is unoccupied. (D) A mobile phone is charging. 10. (A) A pond is surrounded by a fence. (B) People are walking down a pathway. (C) Vehicles are lined up near the cabins. (D) Flowers are being planted on the ground. 028