750+ 목표 Vocabulary <Voca test 한세트씩암기하세요, 매강의시작부분에서해당 Test 의주요단어를학습합니다 > VOCA TEST -1 VOCA TEST -2 1. be set on the pedestal 받침대위에놓여있다 2. disembark from a plane 비행기에서내리다 3. exiting a train 기차에서내리다 4. emptying a trashcan 휴지통을비우다 5. applauding a performer 공연자에게박수치다 6. moving some dirt 흙을나르다 7. strolling along the shore 해변가를걷다 8. be seated outside 야외에앉아있다 9. digging a hole 구덩이를파다 10. handing a customer some change 손님에게잔돈을건네주다 11. pouring water into a glass 컵에물을붓다 12. climbing onto a roof 지붕에오르다 13. stocking products 상품들을채우다 14. shelving books 책을선반에올리다 15. greeting each other 서로에게인사하다 16. utensils are hanging 주방기구가걸려있다 17. floating on the water 물에떠있다 18. be suspended in the air 공중에매달려있다 19. taxiing down the runway 활주로를따라이동하고있다. 20. be erected 세워지다 1. Who bought ~ 누가샀니? 2. Who will be giving a speech 누가발표하니? 3. Who s going to help~ 누가도와줄거니? 4. head of departments 부장들 5. How did you get to~ 어떻게갔니? 6. How can I contact~ 어떻게연락하니? 7. How was the interview? 면접어땠니? 8. How did you like the movie? 영화어땠니? 9. How did the meeting go? 미팅어땠니? 10. every other day 격일로, 이틀에한번 11. launched a product 제품을출시했다 12. attending a training session 연수에참석하다 13. learn about ~ ~ 에대해알게되다. 14. lead a discussion 토론을이끌다 15. keep on file 파일로보관하다 16. spend money on ~ ~ 에돈을쓰다 17. take a day off 하루휴가를내다 18. hold a workshop 워크숍을개최하다 19. sign up 등록하다 20. at the bottom of the page 페이지맨아래 2
750+ 목표 Vocabulary <Voca test 한세트씩암기하세요, 매강의시작부분에서해당 Test 의주요단어를학습합니다 > VOCA TEST -3 VOCA TEST -4 1. keep up with 쳐지지않고따라가다 2. drop off 가져다주다, 맡기다 3. get it work 작동하게하다 4. in good condition 온전한상태의 5. take long 오래걸리다 6. at no charge 무료로 7. have trouble with 문제를겪다 8. as usual 늘그렇듯이 9. the following week 그다음주 10. Would you rather~? 차라리 ~ 하고싶어요? 11. leave it on 켜두다 12. have a moment 시간이있다 13. associate 동료 14. regional office 지역사무실 15. make changes 수정하다, 변경하다 16. come up with ~ 을제안하다 17. bring along ~ 을데리고오다 18. restricted area 제한된구역 19. authorization to enter 들어갈허가 20. follow the instructions 지시를따르다 1. fill me in 내게알려주다 2. product demonstration 제품시연 3. get in touch with 연락하다 4. contact a candidate 지원자와연락하다 5. do me a favor 부탁하다 6. rush the shipment 배송을서두르다 7. extend a deadline. 기한을연장하다 8. put aside 따로떼어놓다 9. look up ( 정보를 ) 찾아보다 10. at the latest 늦어도 11. in the meantime 그동안에 12. be willing to 흔쾌히 ~ 하다 13. take him out 그를밖에데리고가다 14. entertain a visitor 방문객을접대하다 15. run errands 심부름하다 16. ahead of time 예정보다빨리, 미리 17. to stay within our budget 예산을벗어나지않는것 18. round trip 왕복여행 19. floor plan 평면도 20. the flight is full 비행편이매진이다 3
750+ 목표 Vocabulary <Voca test 한세트씩암기하세요, 매강의시작부분에서해당 Test 의주요단어를학습합니다 > VOCA TEST -5 VOCA TEST -6 1. stage performance 무대공연 2. a bit confusing 좀혼란스럽다 3. When I get back 내가돌아오면 4. conducting surveys 조사를실시하다 5. available for rent 임대할수있는 6. fill a prescription 약을조제하다 7. for the first time 최초로 8. inquire about an apartment 아파트에대해문의하다 9. in particular 특별히 10. hard to follow the story 이야기를이해하기어렵다 11. consult a colleague 동료와상의하다 12. next to each other 서로의옆에, 나란히 13. return another day 다른날에돌아오다 14. a five minute walk 걸어서 5 분거리 15. arrive on time 제시간에도착하다 16. as scheduled 예정대로 17. at the end of the hallway 복도끝에 18. at the last minute 마지막순간에 19. be caught in traffic 교통체증에걸렸다 20. be covered ( 비용을 ) 처리하다 1. I m concerned about ~ ~ 을걱정하다 2. I m not familiar with this. 이것에익숙하지않다 3. I m eager to go. 가고싶어요 4. released to the market 시장에출시되다 5. be similar to ~ 와유사하다 6. best of all 무엇보다도, 특히 7. bring it back 다시가지고오다 8. We are short staffed. 직원이부족하다 9. check in 수속을밟다 10. qualified for the position 직위에잘맞다 11. come close to 버금가다 12. cut the budget 예산을줄이다 13. dispose of ~ ~ 을없애다 14. double sided copies 양면복사 15. get rid of ~ ~ 을없애다 16. give an estimate 견적을내다 17. make it to 장소 ( 장소 ) 에가다 18. to learn about ~ ~ 에대해알다 19. in order 순서대로, 정돈된 20. in addition to ~ 뿐만아니라 4
750+ 목표 Vocabulary <Voca test 한세트씩암기하세요, 매강의시작부분에서해당 Test 의주요단어를학습합니다 > VOCA TEST -7 VOCA TEST -8 1. go over 살펴보다 2. get involved 관계가있다 3. get 10% off 10% 할인받다. 4. give it a try 한번시도해보다 5. find out what happened. 무슨일이있었는지알아보다 6. keep track of ~ 을파악하다, 알다 7. top priority 우선사항 8. narrow down 좁히다, 줄이다 9. on behalf of ~ ~ 을대신하여 10. on my way out 나가는길에 11. on short notice 갑작스럽게 12. out of the office 외근중인 13. pay in advance 선불로지급하다 14. set up an appointment 약속잡다. 15. put in extra hours 야근하다 16. scheduling conflict 일정이겹침 17. stop on my way home 집에오는길에들르다 18. take apart 분해하다 19. take over 인수하다 20. cooling system 냉방시스템 1. employment opportunities 고용기회 2. reduced admission fee 할인된입장료 3. a price reduction 가격인하 4. pass on a message 메시지를건네주다 5. read an article 기사를읽다 6. allow additional time 추가시간을허락하다 7. billing error 청구서의오류 8. let me call her 내가그녀에게전화할게 9. waiting list 대기자명단 10. stay off the road 그도로를피해가다 11. support for education 교육을지원하다 12. to reduce cost 비용을줄임 13. to cut expenses 비용을절감함 14. board member 이사회회원 15. review the credentials 자격을검토하다 16. interacting with client 고객과의상호작용 17. it doesn t work 작동을하지않는다 18. no extra charge 추가비용이없다 19. large enough to accommodate 수용하기충분히큰 20. bring the receipt 영수증을가져오다 5
토익 LC 750+ Unit 1 PART 1 < 파트 1 사용설명서 : 오답을찾아야정답을고른다 > 1. 사진에없는단어가나오는보기. 2. 주관적또는추상적어휘를포함한보기. 3. 인물이두명이상의사진일때동일행동표현주의. 4. 동작표현과상태표현주의. 5. 진행형수동태는동작을포함- 수동현재진행형 (be being p.p) 주의. 자주출제되는인물동작관련표현정리 보다 Staring into the distance Gazing at a painting Admiring a picture Inspecting an item Reviewing some documents Checking information Browsing among the displays 식사하다, 마시다 Having a meal Helping himself to some food Tasting the soup Sipping from a mug Taking a bite 가리키다, 팔을뻗다, 손짓하다, 다루다 토론하다, 회의하다 Pointing at the map Reaching for a book Gesturing with her hand Raising his hand Handling a box Taking care of some documents 연설하다, 발표하다 Giving (delivering, making) a speech Speaking to an audience Doing a presentation Having a meeting Involved in a discussion Leading a group discussion Engaged in a conversation 건설작업하다 Working at the construction site Building a fence Digging a hole Using a shovel Doing construction work 분류하다, 정리하다, 놓다 Sorting, tidying, organizing Placing, putting 일하다, 작업하다 Working on some paperwork Concentrating on the task 7
EXERCISE 1 인물관련빈출표현익히기 음성을듣고빈칸을채운후, 우리말해석과내용이동일하면괄호안에 O, 틀리면 X 표시하세요. 1. The woman s the automobile 여자가차에서내리고있다. ( ) 2. People are a piece of jewelry. 사람들이보석을착용해보고있다. ( ) 3. A sales person is a necklace. 상점의점원이선물을포장하고있다. ( ) 4. The man is folders in a drawer. 남자가폴더를선반에꽂고있다. ( ) 5. A man has placed his on the wall. 남자가소지품을담위에놓았다. ( ) 6. A worker is moving in a warehouse. 인부가창고에서나무상자를옮기고있다. ( ) 7. Customers are outside a cafe. 손님들이카페앞에앉아있다. ( ) 8. A worker is a wooden board. 인부가나무판자를톱질하고있다. ( ) 9. A man is an umbrella. 남자가우산을고르고있다. ( ) 10. A worker is a bag of soil into a container. 인부가흙이담긴자루를용기에붓고있다. ( ) EXERCISE 2 실전연습 1 1. 3. 2. 4. 8
5. 8. 6. 9. 7. 10. 9
EXERCISE 3 실전연습 1 - 스크립트완성하기 Ex. 2 실전연습 1 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 1. (A) The people are (B) The woman is closing the door. (C) The people are (D) The man is 5. (A) A woman is a chart. (B) One of the men is his cup. (C) Documents are being (D) All of the people are facing the 2. (A) The women are some clothes. (B) A woman is on the cash register. (C) The women are shopping in a store. (D) A woman is to the cashier. 6. (A) A man is a package on a shelf. (B) Some boxes are on a conveyor belt. (C) A man is changing the lights (D) Some packages are onto a cart. 3. (A) A woman is looking into her bag. (B) Both women are wearing pants. (C) The women are next to each other. (D) A briefcase has been on the ground. 7. (A) She s (B) She s in the garden. (C) She s a bucket. (D) She s a package closed. 4. (A) They re preparing to a client. (B) They re some paper. (C) They re equipment from a presentation. (D) They re around a table. 8. (A) She s writing a letter. (B) She s holding a camera. (C) She s flower. (D) She s painting a picture. 10
9. (A) They re a tire. (B) They re setting up equipment. (C) They re a vehicle. (D) They re riding in a car. 10. (A) She s using a (B) She s putting a shirt on a hand. (C) She s closing a (D) She s 11
EXERCISE 4 실전연습 2 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. 12
7. 9. 8. 10. 13
EXERCISE 5 실전연습 2 - 스크립트완성하기 Ex.4 실전연습 2 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 1. (A) They are a window. (B) They are some shelves. (C) They are leaving the room. (D) They are the floor. 5. (A) Fish are inside a container. (B) The man has a hook. (C) are against a wall. (D) The man is gathering fish 2. (A) He s working with some wood. (B) He s walking through a (C) He s carrying a toolbox. (D) He s some items in a drawer. 6. (A) She s plants. (B) She s plants. (C) She s some flowers. (D) She s cutting the grass. 3. (A) They re in the of an open field. (B) They re in the of an office complex. (C) They re at the of a construction project. 7. (A) The women are some cups. (B) One woman is cooking. (C) The women are a bowl. (D) The women are working. (D) They re on the of a bank. 4. (A) Instruments are in a market place. (B) A crowd for an outdoor concert. (C) Some performers are playing a guitar. 8. (A) They are working (B) Both of them are the house. (C) They are some paintings. (D) The paint is (D) There are facing the stage. 14
9. (A) They re wearing. (B) They re both wearing long sleeved jackets. (C) They re looking at the document. (D) The colleagues are their tasks. 10. (A) The products are on the shelves. (B) The woman is a product. (C) The woman is paying for some products. (D) The products are stacked on. 15