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253 ABSTRACT Dogmatic Attitude and the Attitude Recognizing the Potential for Error in the Debate of Embryo Cloning You, Hojong Should embryo cloning be permitted? Current discussions about this issue has been focused on examining the moral status of the embryo. However, through past debates it becomes clear that the moral status of an embryo cannot be establish objectively. This leads us to conclude that it is meaningless to prove the moral status of an embryo to persuade those who have different views about embryo cloning. In such situation, there are some who dogmatically assert their views about the moral status of an embryo. They further affirm their views of embryo cloning on the basis of those dogmatic views. But, such approach cannot be persuasive but rather brings about conflict. Therefore we must start by accepting the fact that our views of moral status can be incorrect. When we accept this possibility, there are four ways to decide whether or not to permit embryo cloning. They are, 1) to accept the view that would bring about the most desirable results, 2) to follow the views of the majority, 3) to accept eclecticism, 4) to decide from the view of pluralism. I investigate these four ways and their
254 implications on embryo cloning. Keywords: embryo cloning, moral status, moral attitude, critical self-reflection 19) : 2005. 9. 22 / : 2005. 10. 25