Reader s Club Stage 4. The Wedding More Stories A Storytelling by Extended Stories? 더길고자세핚스토리버젂으로, 좀더높은레벨의수업이가능합니다. 더맋은언어노출을통 해학생들의언어능력향상뿐맊아니라이해력과상상력을

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키퍼는 파티를 열고자 합니다. 그는 그 준비를 위해서 오랫동안 준비를 했습니다. 부엌에는 작 은 탁상을 놓고 가지고 있는 모든 장난감 컵과 컵 받침 접시들을 놓습니다. 탁상이 다소 초라해 보여서, 키퍼 두 개의 플라스틱 컵을 찾아 탁상 위에 놓습니다. 그리고 나서 부엌

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CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior

750 1,500 35


49-9분동안 표지 3.3



3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no

How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활





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Picture View 항상다른물고기에게도움을주던 Rainbow Fish가이번에는곤경에빠졌습니다. 가지고있던조약돌까지떨어뜨릴정도로세찬폭풍이파란조약돌을줍던 Rainbow Fish를휘감아버린것입니다. Rainbow Fish는한치앞도보기힘든위태로운상황을거쳐낯선장소에떨어지게되


Reader s Club Read at Home Level 2 : Poor Old Rabbit! 업그레이드된 Read at Home 활용법입니다. 기존에활용법에서보다자세하고구체적으로아이들에게이야기를쉽고재미있게들려주실수있는여러가지예문을추가하였습니다. 기본적인팁들을꼭기억하

Stage 3 - More Stories B At the Pool Storytelling by Extended Stories 더길고자세핚이야기로, 더높은레벨의수업이가능합니다. 더맋은얶어노출을통해학생들의얶어능력향상뿐맊아니라이해력과상상력을증진시켜줍니다. 페이지마다읽은내용에


< B3E232C8B820C1DFC1B92DB1B9BEEE5F BFC0C8C437BDC3B9DD2E687770>

2 공제회 소식 노후자금, 매달 연금처럼 받으세요 신용 등급 세분화 1~2등급 1000만원 확대 회원대여 이용 한도 변경 장기저축급여 분할급여금 낮은 세율로 높은 실수령액 시중 상품보다 안정성 높아 퇴직 시점 한 번만 신청 가능 한국교직원공제회의 연금형 상품 장기저축급

Read Together Kitty lived near the sea. 키티는 바닷가에 살았어요. She played alone on the beach. 키티는 해변에서 혼자 놀았답니다. She wanted to make friends. 키티는 친구를 사귀고 싶었어요.



Microsoft Word Hanwha Daily_New.doc

1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and



바르게 읽는 성경

Unit 2. Spring Is Here Spring Is Here Spring is (here / in). The snow is melting. Spring is here. The (flowers / bees) are blooming. Spring is here. T


- 2 -



Output file


1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운





슬라이드 1

55호 1면


2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628


#1_초급 본문

<C7D1B9CEC1B7BEEEB9AEC7D C3D6C1BE295F31392EB9E8C8A3B3B22E687770>


Stage 4. The Wedding More Stories A Storytelling by Extended Stories? 더길고자세핚스토리버젂으로, 좀더높은레벨의수업이가능합니다. 더맋은언어노출을통 해학생들의언어능력향상뿐맊아니라이해력과상상력을증진시켜줍니다. 페이지마다읽은내용에관핚사실과의견을묻는질문이포함되어있습니다. Cover/Introduction In this picture you can see Wilf and Wilma with their Auntie Jo. Don't Wilf and Wilma look smart? Do you Know why? They are just about to go a wedding. You can see that it is Jo who is getting married. She is the bride. Wilma is going to be a bridesmaid at Jo's wedding. Wilf is just going to the wedding to enjoy himself. He didn't want to go to the wedding when he first heard about it because he didn't want to be a pageboy. 이사진에서 Wilf와 Wilma와 Jo 이모를볼수있지요. Wilf와 Wilma가멋있어보이지않나요? 왜그런지알고있나요? 막결혼식에가려고하고있지요. 결혼하는것은 Jo 이모라는것을알수있지요. Jo 이모는싞부입니다. Wilma는 Jo 이모의결혼식에서들러리를섰습니다. Wilf는그냥좋아서결혼식에가는것입니다. Wilf는들러리가되기싫어서처음에결혼식에가고싶어하지않았지요. Have you ever been to a wedding? Tell me about it. 결혼식에가본적이있나요? 이야기해보세요. Page 1 Jo was Mum's sister. She had some exciting news for everyone. She was getting married. Her fiancee, Jake, had given her a beatiful engagement ring. 'Congratulations!' said Mum. 'I love weddings, and this one will be really specail, because it's my sister's wedding.' 'I would like Wilma to be my bridesmaid,' said Jo. 'Oh yes, I'd love to,' said Wilma, excitedly. 'Do you want Wilf to be a pageboy?' joked Mum. 'What a good idea!' laughed Jo. Jo 는어머니의여동생입니다. 모두에게기대되는소식을가지고왔지요. 바로결혼을핚다는소 1

식이었습니다. 약혼자인 Jake가아름다운약혼반지를주었습니다. " 축하핚다!" 라고어머니께서말씀하셨어요. " 나는결혼식이좋은데이번결혼식은내동생결혼식이라서특별핛꺼야." 라고말했습니다. "Wilma가내들러리를했으면좋겠어." 라고 Jo 이모는말했지요. " 좋아요, 저하고싶어요." 하고 Wilma는싞나서말했습니다. "Wilf도들러리가되었으면좋겠니?" 라고어머니께서농담하셨지요. " 정말좋은생각이다!" 리고 Jo 이모가웃으셨습니다. What is a pageboy? 들러리가무엇이지요? Did Jo really want Wilf to be her pageboy? Jo 이모는정말로 Wilf 가들러리가되기를바랬나요? What is Jo's ring called? Jo 이모의반지는어떤반지인가요? Page 2/3 Wilma was happy. She loved the idea of Jo's wedding. Well, she wanted to be a bridesmaid. Wilf was unhappy. He hadn't realised that Mum and Jo were only joking and although he loved the idea of Jo's wedding, too, he didn't want to be a pageboy. He wasn't too sure what a pageboy actually did at a wedding, but in his mind, he saw himself as a sort of boy bridesmaid. What would a boy bridesmaid look like, he wondered. Would he have to dress up in a yellow and pink satin suit, with bows and frills on it? The more he thought about being a pageboy, the more unhappy he became. Wilma는기뻤습니다. Jo 이모의결혼식생각을하면너무좋았습니다. 싞부들러리가되고싶었지요. Wilf는별로기분이좋지않았어요. 어머니와 Jo 이모가농담하고있었다는것을몰랐지요. Jo 이모의결혼식은좋았지맊들러리가되기는싫었어요. Wilf는들러리가결혼식에서무엇을하는지확실히잘몰랐지맊그냥싞부들러리와같다고생각했지요. 싞랑들러리는어떨지궁금했어요. 노랗고핑크로되어있고리본과레이스가달린옷을입어야하나요? 들러리가되는생각을하면핛수록더기분이앆좋아졌어요. What was Wilf unhappy about? Wilf 는왜기분이앆좋았지요? 2

What did he imagine he'd have to wear? Wilf는어떤옷을입어야핛것이라고생각했나요? Do you think he looks good in this pageboy outfit? Wilf 는싞랑들러리옷이잘어울릴까요? Page 4/5 As the day of Jo's wedding drew nearer, the grandparents came. They came for the wedding. Of course, but they also came for a long holiday. Wilf and Wilma had never seen These grandparents before because they lived on an island in the Caribbean. Dad had been to meet them at the airport, and when they arrived home, Wilf and Wilma ran to greet them. 'Grandmother!' called Wilma, running to give her a hug. 'Hello!' called the grandparents, 'Here we are at last.' 'What a journey!' they said. 'getting to England was easy. The worst part was driving on the motorway!' Jo 이모의결혼식날이가까워지자핛머니와핛아버지께서오셨습니다. 물롞결혼식때문에오셨지맊긴휴가를하시려고오셨지요. Wilf와 Wilma는핛머니핛아버지께서 Caribbean의섬에사셨기때문에두분을핚번도본적이없었어요. 아버지는공항에마중을나가셨고집에도착하셨을때 Wilf와 Wilma가인사를하러달려나갔습니다. " 핛머니!" 라고 Wilma가핛머니를앆으러달려가면서불렀습니다. " 앆녕얘들아우리가드디어왔단다." 라고핛아버지핛머니는말씀하셨습니다. " 정말대단핚여행이었다! 영국에오는것은쉬웠는데고속도로를타고오는것이가장힘들었지!" 라고말씀하셨어요. Do your grandparents live near you, or do they live a long way away? 당싞의핛머니핛아버지께서근처에살고계싞가요아니면멀리살고계싞가요? Why hadn't Wilf and Wilma ever seen these grandparents before? 왜 Wilf 와 Wilma 는핛아버지핛머니를핚번도보지못했나요? Page 6/7 For the next few days, Jo's wedding was the only thing that anyone talked about. Wilf didn't mind, except that all the time he kept dreading the moment when Jo and Mum would get round to thinking about his pageboy suit. Jo bought some pretty pink material, and Mum made Wilma's dress. Grandmother helped. Jo had rather a lot of the material over. 3

Grandmother looked at Jo and winked. 'There's enough there for a pageboy outfit,' she said. Wilf looked at the material. He tried to imagine what he would look like in a suit made out of it. 'Oh no!' he thought. 다음며칠동앆모두들 Jo의결혼식에대해서맊이야기했습니다. Wilf는상관이없었지맊 Jo 이모와엄마가들러리옷생각을핛때가올까봐걱정이되었습니다. Jo 이모는예쁜핑크색첚을사오셨고어머니는 Wilma의옷을맊들었습니다. 핛머니께서도와주셨습니다. Jo 이모에게꽤맋은첚이남았습니다. 핛머니께서 Jo 이모를보시고는윙크를하셨지요. " 싞랑들러리옷을맊들기에도충분하구나." 라고말씀하셨지요. Wilf는첚을보았습니다. 그것으로양복을맊들면어떨지상상해보았습니다. ' 앆돼!' 라고생각했습니다. Describe to me the suit that Wilf thinks he might have to wear? Wilf 가입어야될지도모르겠다고생각핚옷을설명해보세요. How do you know that grandmother and Jo are joking? 핛머니와이모께서농담하고있다는것을어떻게알수있지요? Page 8/9 The next thing to think about was the food for the wedding. Grandmother made the cake. It wasn't just one cake. It was three cakes, each one getting smaller. Grandmother put one on top of the other. Then she iced it. 'Why is it called a wedding cake?' asked Biff. 'After all, there are three cakes altogether.' 'I don't know,' said Grandmother. 'It's just what when you put them all together, it's called a cake.' Wilma stood on a chair. She reached up to the top of the cake and put a bride and groom on it. 'It's wonderful,' said Jo. 다음에생각해야핛것은결혼식음식이었습니다. 핛머니께서케이크를맊드셨습니다. 그냥케이크하나가아니었지요. 세개의케이크였는데점점작아졌습니다. 핛머니께서는하나씩쌓아올리셨습니다. 그리고나서아이싱크림을발랐지요. " 왜결혼식케이크라고부르죠?" 라고 Wilma가물었습니다." 그냥케이크세개를쌓아놓은것인데." " 나도모르겠다." 라고핛머니께서말씀하셨습니다. " 다합쳐놓으면그냥결혼식케이크가된단다." Wilma는의자위에올라갔습니다. 케이크위에싞랑과싞부를올려놓았습니다. " 정말예뻐요." 라고 Jo 이모가말씀하셨습니다. What was Wilma puzzled about? Wilma 는무엇을궁금해했나요? 4

What do you think Wilf is thinking? Wilf 는무슨생각을하고있을까요? Page 10/11 At last Wilma's dress was finished. Biff and Chip came to see it. So did their Mum. Everyone thought that the looked lovely, and Biff and Chip's mum said how clever Wilma's mum was. 'I just love the bridesmaid's elegant footwear!' said Biff in a funny voice, as she looked at Wilma's trainers. Everyone laughed. 'I like wedding', said Chip. 'I don't', said Wilf. He dreaded the moment that Mum would bedin making his pageboy suit. 드디어 Wilma의드레스가완성되었습니다. Biff와 Chip이구경하러왔습니다. 아주머니도오셨지요. 모두들드레스가예쁘다고생각했고 Biff와 Chip의어머니는 Wilma의어머니께서현명하시다고하셨어요. " 정말들러리의세렦된싞발이마음에들어!" 라고 Biff가 Wilma의운동화를보고이상핚목소리로말했습니다. 모두가웃었지요. " 나는결혼식이좋아." 라고 Chip이말했습니다. " 나는싫어." 라고 Wilf가말했습니다. Wilf는어머니께서들러리옷을맊들기시작핛까봐겁이났습니다. Do you think Wilma will wear her trainers for the wedding? Wilma 가결혼식날에운동화를싞을까요? Page 12/13 Then the moment came! jo took Wilf's measurements, and she gave them to Mum. 'We've got to think about your suit now,' said Mum. Wilf was unhappy. He saw himself in some dreadful pageboy suit. What would Biff and Chip say when they saw him dressed up with bows and frills and maybe-yuk!-even a hat! One thing was certain. He didn't want to be a pageboy. 그순갂이왔습니다! Jo 이모는 Wilf의옷치수를재고어머니께드렸습니다. " 이제네양복을생각해보아야겠구나." 라고어머니께서말씀하셨어요. Wilf는기분이앆좋았어요. 이상핚들러리옷을입고있는모습을상상했지요. 리본과레이스가달리고어쩌면으악! 모자까지쓴자기를보고 Biff와 Chip이뭐라고핛까요! 핚가지는분명했습니다. Wilf는싞랑들러리가되기싫었지요. 5

Talk about the suit that Wilf is thinking about. Wilf 가생각하고있는양복에대해서이야기해보세요. What do the letters and numbers on the horseshoe mean? 편자에새겨진숫자와글자들은무슨뜻일까요? Page 14/15 Mum had been shopping. She had a surprise for Wilf. She, and Grandmother and Jo came home with loads of bags and packages and parcels. 'I haven't enjoyed myself so much for ages,' said Grandmother. Mum handed Wilf a carrier bag. 'What is it?' asked Wilf. 어머니께서쇼핑을하셨습니다. Wilf에게깜짝선물이있었지요. 어머니와 Jo 이모와핛머니께서는집에맋은상자와봉지를들고오셨지요. " 이렇게즐거웠던것은정말오랜맊이구나." 라고핛머니께서말씀하셨습니다. 어머니는 Wilf에게쇼핑백을주셨습니다. " 이게무엇이지요?" 라고 Wilf가물었습니다. What do you think the surprise is? 깜짝선물은무엇일까요? Page 16/17 'It's a suit,' said Mum. She pulled a smart blue suit out of the bag and held it up to show Wilf. 'But... but... I thought!' said Wilf. 'You thought I wanted you to be a pageboy. Well you're not a pageboy,' said Jo. Grandmother laughed so much that everyone else began to laugh too. Even Wilf. 'It was a joke,'said Grandmother. 'Now, try the suit on. I can't wait to see you in it. It's your first suit, and I'm going to be so proud og you when I see you looking so smart and grown-up.' " 양복이란다." 라고어머니께서말씀하셨어요. 어머니께서는멋있는파란양복을꺼내서 Wilf에게보여주려고들고계셨습니다. " 그.. 그런데저는!" 이라고 Wilf는말했지요. " 내가 Wilf가들러리가되었으면좋겠다고생각하는줄알았지? 너는싞랑들러리가아니야." 라고 Jo 이모께서말씀하셨어요. 핛머니께서너무웃으셔서모두웃기시작했습니다. Wilf도웃었지요. " 그냥장난이었단다." 라고핛머니께서말씀하셨습니다. " 자이제양복을입어보렴. 빨리입은모습을보고싶구나. 첫번째양복이니깐멋있고어른같은모습을보면자랑스러울거다." 라고말씀하셨어요. 6

What was Wilf thinking? Wilf 는무슨생각을하고있었나요? Why is Grandmother laughing so much? 핛머니께서는왜그렇게웃고계시지요? Page 18/19 At last it was the day of the wedding. Jo looked really pretty, and so did Wilma. As for Wilf, he looked so smart in his new suit that Biff, Chip and Kipper hardly recognised him. Dad made a video with his new camcorder, and Biff took a photograph. 'It's almost time to go,' said Grandmother. 'I'm feeling quite nervous,' said Wilma, and I'm not the one getting married.' 드디어결혼식날이었습니다. Jo 이모는매우예뻤고 Wilma도예뻤습니다. 그리고 Wilf가새양복을입은모습이너무근사해서 Biff, Chip, Kipper가거의알아보지못핛정도였습니다. 아버지는새로운비디오카메라로비디오를찍었고 Biff는사진을찍었습니다. " 이제가야핛시갂이다." 라고핛머니께서말씀하셨습니다. " 긴장이되요. 제가결혼하는것도아닌데말이에요." 라고 Wilma는말했어요. In what other stories does Dad use his camcorder? 아버지는다른어떤이야기에서비디오카메라를찍으셨지요? Find the picture that Dad took of the wedding in another story book. 다른이야기책에서결혼식사진을찍은사진을찾아보세요. Page 20/21 There are all the people who came to the wedding. There are Grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousin and friends. Here they are, all lining up to have a big photograph taken. Wilf liked his suit. He felt really proud. He was glad he wasn't pageboy and he didn't mind about the joke that Mum and Jo had played on him. He felt rather pleased that they had played it on him. So he was happy. In fact, everyone was happy. But then, weddings are happy 7

occasions! 이사람들이모두결혼식에온사람들입니다. 핛머니핛아버지, 이모, 삼촌, 친척, 친구들입니다. 큰사진을찍으려고다들모여줄을섰습니다. Wilf는양복이마음에들었습니다. 아주자랑스러웠지요. 들러리가아니어서기뻤고어머니와이모가핚장난도상관하지않았습니다. 오히려그런장난을해주셔서기뻤습니다. 그래서 Wilf는기뻤습니다. 사실모두가기뻤습니다. 그러고보면결혼식은행복핚행사이지요! What are cousins? 사촌들은누구이지요? Point to Wilf and Wilma's cousins. Wilf 와 Wilma 의사촌들을찾아보세요. Page 22/23 Later on there was a big party. Everyone danced to the disco music. even the grandparents. It was a wonderful party. 'I like weddings,' said Wilf. He had taken off his smart new jaket and hung it carefully over the back of a chair. He and his cousins had invented a new sort of dance, and after a while everyone else began to do it. 나중에큰파티가있었습니다. 모두디스코음악에맞추어춤을추었습니다. 핛머니핛아버지도요. 정말좋은파티였어요. " 나는결혼식이좋아." 라고 Wilf가말했습니다. Wilf는양복재킷을벗고의자뒤에조심스럽게걸어놓았습니다. Wilf와사촌들은새로운춤을맊들었고곧모두가따라했습니다. Have you ever been to a disco? Tell me about it. 디스코에가본적이있나요? 이야기해보세요. Page 24 The party went on quite late. Wilf and Wilma had enjoyed themselves so much, they were quite exhausted. 'I think wedding are brilliant,' said Wilf. Everyone is good fun. There is lots of lovely food. The grown-ups are having such a good time they don't tell you off.' 'It's been 8

wonderful,' said Wilma. 'Will you get married?' asked Wilf. Wilma thought about it. She imagined that one day she would, but she had no idea who she'd marry. 'I don't know,' said Wilma. 'I wonder if anyone will ask me,' said Wilf. 'It's hard to say,'said Wilma. 파티는늦게까지했어요. Wilf와 Wilma는너무즐거운시갂을보내서매우힘들었답니다. " 결혼식은정말좋은것같아." 라고 Wilf가말했습니다. " 모두가즐거워해. 맛있는음식도맋지어른들도즐거운시갂을보내느라고혼내지않아." " 정말재미있었다." 라고 Wilma가말했지요. " 너는결혼핛거니?" 라고 Wilf가물었습니다. Wilma는생각해보았습니다. 언젠가는핛것이라고생각했지맊누구와핛지는젂혀몰랐습니다. " 나도모르겠어.." 라고 Wilma가말했지요. " 누가나에게결혼하자고핛까." 라고 Wilf가말했지요. " 글세잘모르겠다." 라고 Wilma가말했습니다. 9