Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Reading Solutions A 2권 BEFL Note의일부내용이수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2종의정답이제공되고있습니다. 수정이반영된정답은앞에, 기존내용의정답은뒤에있습니다. (12쪽 Let s Practice 2의 1번문장이수

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야쿠르트2010 9월재출

여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적



( ) ) ( )3) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4) 1915 ( ) ( ) ) 3) 4) 285

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

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Book 11 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표소유격과소유형용사의쓰임을익히고, 다양한형식의글을쓰는연습을한다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매

<C7D1B9CEC1B7BEEEB9AEC7D C3D6C1BE295F31392EB9E8C8A3B3B22E687770>

Yoon s BEFL Note Yujin s Writing Camp Book 5 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.

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CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior

_KF_Bulletin webcopy

2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628



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KIM Sook Young : Lee Jungsook, a Korean Independence Activist and a Nurse during the 이며 나름 의식이 깨어있던 지식인들이라 할 수 있을 것이다. 교육을 받은 간 호부들은 환자를 돌보는 그들의 직업적 소






중학영어듣기 2학년

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< C7CFB9DDB1E22028C6EDC1FD292E687770>

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Microsoft Word Hanwha Daily_New.doc


Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Reading Solutions A 2권 BEFL Note의일부내용이수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2종의정답이제공되고있습니다. 수정이반영된정답은앞에, 기존내용의정답은뒤에있습니다. (12쪽 Let s Practice 2의 1번문장이수정되었으니, 내용을비교해보시면쉽게아실수있습니다.) Yoon s Reading Solutions A Book 2 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1

Book 2 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표다양한주제와형식의글을읽고듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기능력을향상시킨다. 날짜 Story Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2

Yoon s Reading Solutions A Book 2 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 개최하다 hold 경축하다 celebrate 신전, 사원 temple 계속되다 last 1A 염소 추가하다 goat add 받다 운동선수, 육상선수 receive athlete ~ 와같은 such as ~ 하도록 허락되다 변화 be allowed to change 발명하다 invent 기계 machine 솜, 목화 cotton 1B 처음으로 증기 for the first time steam 전기 electricity 의학의 medical A 와 B 모두 both A and B 꽤많은 quite a few 3

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 합계의 total 인구 population 남쪽 ( 의 ) south 북쪽 ( 의 ) north 2A 평범한 실제의 ordinary real 사라지다 disappear 포로 prisoner 언젠가 someday A 를 B 로나누다 divide A into B 고대의 ancient 조상 ancestor 미래 future 뼈 bone 2B 용 거북 dragon turtle 알아내다 find out 점술가 fortuneteller 금가게하다, 금 crack 날씨 weather 4

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 자유 freedom 상 statue 계획 project 끝내다 finish 3A 자유 손상을입히다 liberty damage 대통령 president 수리 ( 하다 ) repair 백만 million ~ 에위치하다 stand on 교육을받은 educated 보통의 ordinary 몇몇의 several 창조하다 create 3B 오랜전에 ~ 에대해유감스럽게생각하다 마침내, 결국 a long time ago feel sorry for in the end 출판하다 publish 설명하다 explain 그당시에 at that time 5

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 절반 half 눈먼 blind 시력 sight 병이나다 get sick 4A 되찾다 손가락 get back finger 대학 college 귀먹은 deaf 성공 success ~ 덕택에 thanks to 여장부 heroine 중앙의 central 평원 plain 전설 legend 4B 군대 용감한 army brave 상 prize 시 poem 그림 painting 오페라 opera 6

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 오두막 cabin 10 대의소년 [ 소녀 ] teenager ( 씨를 ) 뿌리다 plant 대통령 president 5A ~ 동안에 while 경작하다 plow 들판, 밭자연스러운조금씩 가 ~ 하는것을막다발명가실험하다전신기사 field natural little by little keep... from ~ inventor experiment telegrapher ~ 의수 the number of 5B 최선을다하다 축음기 do one s best phonograph 전구 light bulb 선택 choice 성공하다 succeed 끊어지다 fall apart 7

1A Book 2 Unit 1 Historical Events <Story 1> The Olympic Games Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 athlete 운동선수, 육상선수 11 개최하다 hold 2 last 계속되다 12 경축하다 celebrate 3 temple 신전, 사원 13 신전, 사원 temple 4 receive 받다 14 계속되다 last 5 goat 염소 15 염소 goat 6 add 추가하다 16 추가하다 add 7 celebrate 경축하다 17 받다 receive 8 hold 개최하다 18 운동선수, 육상선수 athlete 9 be allowed to ~ 하도록허락하다 19 ~ 와같은 such as 10 such as ~ 와같은 20 ~ 하도록허락되다 be allowed to 20 개중 개정답 8

Key Points [before 와 after] before + 주어 + 동사 : ~ 하기전에 after + 주어 + 동사 : ~ 한후에 People took off their shoes. They entered the living room. People took off their shoes before they entered the living room. = Before they entered the living room, people took off their shoes. ( 거실로들어가기전에사람들은신발을벗었다.) Let s Practice 1 다음주어진두문장을 before 나 after 을이용해서한문장으로만들어보세요. 1 Turn off the light. Turn off the light before you go out. You go out. 2 John began to study. John began to study after he finished his homework. He finished his homework. 3 I always brush my teeth. I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. I go to bed. 4 They used machines. It took them a long time to make cloth. Before they used machines, it took them a long time to make cloth. Let s Practice 2 괄호안에서알맞은말을골라동그라미하세요. 1. What do you do (before/ after) you get up? 2. (After/ Before) they started, people had to give gifts to the gods on that day. 3. We had a party (before/ after) the concert was over. 4. (Before/ After) the war ended, Mulan received a horse as a prize from the king. 9

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 단지하나의종목만이있었다. There was only one event. 2. 멀리뛰기와같은다른종목들은후에추가되었다. Other events such as the long jump were added later. 3. 처음에, 여자들은올림픽경기에참가하는것이허락되지않았다. In the beginning, women were not allowed to be in the Olympic Games. 4. 사람들은위대한선수들에대한시를쓰기도했다. People also wrote poems about the great athletes. 5. 그들은그들의여생동안살수있는충분한돈을받았다. They received enough money to live on for the rest of their lives. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. People celebrated the Olympic Games in summer at the temple of Zeus at Olympia. 2. The first Olympic Games lasted for only one day. 3. Other events such as the long jump were added later. 4. In the beginning, women were not allowed to be in the Olympic Games. 5. The winners in the Olympic Games received crowns of wild olive leaves. 선생님확인 10

1B Book 2 Unit 1 Historical Events <Story 2> A Revolution without Fighting Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 medical 의학의 11 변화 change 2 machine 기계 12 발명하다 invent 3 electricity 전기 13 기계 machine 4 invent 발명하다 14 솜, 목화 cotton 5 cotton 솜, 목화 15 처음으로 for the first time 6 steam 증기 16 증기 steam 7 for the first time 처음으로 17 전기 electricity 8 change 변화 18 의학의 medical 9 quite a few 꽤많은 19 A 와 B 모두 both A and B 10 both A and B A 와 B 모두 20 꽤많은 quite a few 20 개중 개정답 11

Key Points [ 전치사 during / for] * during + 일정기간을나타내는명사 : ~ 동안에 ~ 동안 [ 내내 ], ~ 하는중에 During the Industrial Revolutions, scientists also discovered X-rays. ( 산업혁명기간동안과학자들은또한엑스레이를발견했다.) ~ 에 [ 때 ] ( 특정기간중의어느한시점을가리킨다 ) He was taken to the hospital during my stay in Rome. ( 그는내가로마에머무는동안병원으로실려갔다.) * for + 수사 + 명사 : ~ 동안에전치사 for는 how long~? 과같이기간에대한답을나타낸다. I stayed in London for a week. ( 나는한주동안런던에머물렀다.) I stayed in London during a week. (X) Let s Practice 1 알맞은문장이되도록빈칸에 during 또는 for 를써넣으세요. 1. During this time, machines began to make things for the first time. 2. I m going away for a couple of weeks. 3. The first Olympic Games lasted for only one day. 4. A lot of people also disappeared during the war. 5. For about two months, it made noise and let out smoke. Let s Practice 2 틀린곳을바로잡아문장을다시써보세요. 1. We played in the pool during an hour. We played in the pool for an hour. 2. For a contest, the referee says sijak to start the fight. During a contest, the referee says sijak to start the fight. 3. For the war, she fought very well. During the war, she fought very well. 12

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 이시기동안, 기계는처음으로물건들을만들기시작했다. During this time, machines began to make things for the first time. 2. 그들이기계를사용하기전에, 그들이천을만드는데는오랜시간이걸렸다. Before they used machines, it took them a long time to make cloth. 3. 과학자들은증기기관이라고불리는기계를발명했다. Scientists invented a machine called the steam engine. 4. 다음으로, 과학자들은전기를발명했다. Next, scientists invented electricity. 5. 그것들은의사들이의학적인문제들을쉽게알아낼수있도록도와주었다. They helped doctors see medical problems easily. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. The Industrial Revolution was a time of big change. 2. Scientists invented and discovered many useful things. 3. During this time, machines began to make things for the first time. 4. People could go a long way in a short time both on land and water. 5. Electricity helped people in quite a few ways. 선생님확인 13

2A Book 2 Unit 1 Historical Events <Story 3> The Korean War Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 real 실제의 11 합계의 total 2 disappear 사라지다 12 인구 population 3 prisoner 포로 13 남쪽 ( 의 ) south 4 north 북쪽 ( 의 ) 14 북쪽 ( 의 ) north 5 divide A into B A 를 B 로나누다 15 평범한 ordinary 6 total 합계의 16 실제의 real 7 population 인구 17 사라지다 disappear 8 south 남쪽 ( 의 ) 18 포로 prisoner 9 someday 언젠가 19 언젠가 someday 10 ordinary 평범한 20 A 를 B 로나누다 divide A into B 20 개중 개정답 14

Key Points [both A and B] 의미 : A 와 B 모두 Both the South and the North took people prisoner. ( 남과북모두사람들을포로로잡았다.) 문장제일앞에와주어가될때에는복수취급한다. Both his brother and sister are still single. ( 그의남동생과여동생모두여전히미혼이다.) both 와 not 을함께사용하면부분부정이된다. He was not a success both as a violinist and a pianist. ( 그는바이올린연주자와피아노연주자로모두성공한것은아니었다.) Let s Practice 1 우리말뜻과같도록단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 승자와패자모두파티를즐겼다. (the/ enjoyed/ the/ losers/ and/ the/ Both/ party/ winners/.) Both the winners and the losers enjoyed the party. 2. 그는불어와이탈리아어둘다잘한다. (good/ He/ both/ Italian/ is/ French/ and/ at/.) He is good at both French and Italian. 3. 남과북모두두나라사이경계선에군인들을배치했다. (South/ countries/ Both/ the/ and/ soldiers/ the/ put/ the/ at/ the/ line/ between/ two/. / North) Both the South and the North put soldiers at the line between the two countries. Let s Practice 2 괄호안의단어를주어진조건에맞게변형하여빈칸에써넣으세요. 1. Both a man and a woman are French. ( 현재시제 ) (be) 2. Both his mother and his father will be there. ( 미래시제 ) (be) 3. Both history books and legends tell her story. ( 현재시제 ) (tell) 15

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 유엔은전쟁에서남한을도왔다. The United Nations helped South Korea in the war. 2. 전쟁에서죽은대부분의사람들은군인이아니었다. Most of the people who died in the war were not soldiers. 3. 그때, 정부는한국을두나라로나눴다. At that time, the governments divided Korea into two countries. 4. 아무도그경계선을넘을수없었다. No one could cross the line. 5. 거의모든한국인은그경계선이언젠가사라지기를바란다. Almost all Koreans hope that the line will disappear someday. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. The United Nations helped South Korea in the war. 2. They were ordinary people in Korea. 3. Nobody knows the real number of people who died in the war. 4. A lot of people also disappeared during the war. 5. Both the South and the North took people prisoner. 선생님확인 16

2B Book 2 Unit 1 Historical Events <Story 4> Dragon Bones Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 dragon 용 11 고대의 ancient 2 bone 뼈 12 조상 ancestor 3 ancient 고대의 13 미래 future 4 ancestor 조상 14 뼈 bone 5 future 미래 15 용 dragon 6 weather 날씨 16 거북 turtle 7 find out 알아내다 17 알아내다 find out 8 fortuneteller 점술가 18 점술가 fortuneteller 9 turtle 거북 19 금가게하다, 금 crack 10 crack 금가게하다, 금 20 날씨 weather 20 개중 개정답 17

Key Points [ 불규칙동사의과거형 ] 불규칙동사란동사의과거형에규칙적으로 ed 나 d 가붙는것이아니라일정한규칙없이 그형태가변하는동사를말한다. 규칙동사 불규칙동사 원형 과거형 원형 과거형 ask( 묻다 ) asked write( 쓰다 ) wrote want( 원하다 ) wanted think( 생각하다 ) thought crack( 금이가다 ) cracked find ( 발견하다 ) found Let s Practice 1 다음뜻을가진동사들의원형과과거형을빈칸에써넣어보세요. 생각하다금이가다쓰다발견하다말하다 원형 1think 3crack 5write 7find 9speak 과거형 2thought 4cracked 6wrote 8found 10spoke Let s Practice 2 괄호안의동사를필요할경우알맞게변형하여빈칸에써넣으세요. 1 A: How did fortunetellers use(use) dragon bones? B: They studied(study) cracks to find(find) the answer to the question. 2 A: What happened(happen) to the window yesterday? B: A ball hit the window and cracked(crack) it. 3 A: What did kings in ancient China use(use) to talk(talk) to their ancestors? B: They used bones to talk to their ancestors. They called(call) these bones dragon bones. 18

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 그들은그들의조상들과이야기하기위해뼈를사용했다. They used bones to talk to their ancestors. 2. 그들의조상들과이야기하기위해, 왕들은질문을했다. To talk to their ancestors, the kings asked a question. 3. 그런다음점술인은뜨거운핀을그뼈속으로밀어넣었다. Then the fortuneteller pushed a hot pin into the bone. 4. 이뼈들은왕들이그때물었던질문들을보여준다. These bones show the questions the kings asked at that time. 5. 그들은모든것에대해질문하는데용의뼈를사용했다! They used dragon bones to ask about everything! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Kings in ancient China talked to their ancestors. 2. They tried to find out about the future or find answers to other questions. 3. They used bones to talk to their ancestors. 4. A fortuneteller wrote the question on a bone. 5. Other kings just wanted to know about the weather. 19 선생님확인

3A Book 2 Unit 1 Historical Events <Story 5> The Statue of Liberty Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 statue 상 11 자유 liberty(or freedom) 2 damage 손상을입히다 12 상 statue 3 stand on ~ 에위치하다 13 계획 project 4 finish 끝내다 14 끝내다 finish 5 freedom 자유 15 자유 freedom(or liberty) 6 liberty 자유 16 손상을입히다 damage 7 million 백만 17 대통령 president 8 repair 수리 ( 하다 ) 18 수리 ( 하다 ) repair 9 president 대통령 19 백만 million 10 project 계획 20 ~ 에위치하다 stand on 20 개중 개정답 20

Key Points [It takes + 시간 (+ to + 동사 ) : ~ 하는데시간이걸리다 ] It took ten years to finish building the statue. ( 동상을세우는것을완성하는데 10 년이걸렸다.) It takes about five years for a case to be resolved. ( 사건이해결되는데는약 5 년이걸린다.) [It takes + 사람또는사물 + to + 동사 : ~ 하는데사람또는사물이필요하다 ] It takes two to make a quarrel. ( 두손뼉이맞아야소리가난다.) Let s Practice 1 다음비행시간표를보고, < 보기 > 와같이문장을작성해보세요. Time of Departure Time of Arrival Seoul to Busan 11:40 a.m. 12:20 p.m. Seoul to Jeju 11:55 a.m. 12: 55 p.m. Daejeon to Busan 11:25 a.m. 11: 50 a.m. Busan to Jeju 12:15 p.m. 12: 50 p.m. < 보기 > It takes forty minutes to fly from Seoul to Busan. 1. It takes one hour to fly from Seoul to Jeju. 2. It takes 35 minutes to fly from Busan to Jeju. 3. It takes only 25 minutes to fly from Daejeon to Busan. Let s Practice 2 주어진정보를잘활용하여문장을완성해보세요. 1 40 minutes A: Where do you live? B: I live on Mason Street. It takes about forty minutes by bike. 2 20 minutes A: How long does it take to get to the airport? B: It takes about twenty minutes by bus. 3 one and a half A: How long does it take to get to Daejeon from Seoul Station? B: It takes about one and a half hours by KTX. 21

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 1876년에, 프랑스와미국은함께축하하기위해무언가를하고싶었다. In 1876, France and the United States wanted to do something to celebrate together. 2. 미국은그동상을세울자리를만들기만하면되었다. The United States only had to build the place for the statue. 3. 동상을세우는것을완성하는데 10 년이걸렸다. It took ten years to finish building the statue. 4. 그가섬을폐쇄해서, 아무도그상안으로갈수없었다. He closed the island, so no one could go into the statue. 5. 그녀 ( 동상 ) 는새것처럼훌륭해보였다! She looked as good as new! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. France helped the United States fight for its freedom in 1776. 2. France decided to make a big statue for the United States. 3. In 1886, the Statue of Liberty was finally finished. 4. Wind and rain damaged the statue. 5. In 1982, the president of the United States made a plan to repair the statue. 22 선생님확인

3B Book 2 Unit 2 Historical People <Story 1> King Sejong Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 at that time 그당시에 11 교육을받은 educated 2 create 창조하다 12 보통의 ordinary 3 ordinary 보통의 13 몇몇의 several 4 several 몇몇의 14 창조하다 create 5 a long time ago 오래전에 15 오랜전에 a long time ago 6 publish 출판하다 16 ~ 에대해유감스럽 게생각하다 feel sorry for 7 educated 교육을받은 17 마침내, 결국 in the end 8 feel sorry for ~ 에대해 유감스럽게 생각하다 18 출판하다 publish 9 explain 설명하다 19 설명하다 explain 10 in the end 마침내, 결국 20 그당시에 at that time 23 20 개중 개정답

Key Points [have to 의의미와용법 ] 형태 : have[has] to + 동사의원형 의미 : ~ 해야한다 (= must) We must eat breakfast. ( 우리는아침을먹어야한다.) = We have to eat breakfast. He must do it at once. ( 그는당장그것을해야한다.) = He has to do it at once. < 과거 > He had to be careful then. ( 그는그때조심했어야했다.) < 미래 > She will have to do her best for this exam. ( 그녀는이시험을위해최선을다해야할것이다.) 부정문 : 주어 + don t[doesn t] have to + 동사의원형 ~ 의문문 : Do[Does] + 주어 + have to + 동사의원형 ~? You don t have to work on Sunday. ( 너는일요일에일할필요가없다.) Do I have to get up early tomorrow? ( 나는내일일찍일어나야만합니까?) Let s Practice 다음문장을괄호안의지시대로바꿔써보세요. 1. You must wait in line for buses. ( 미래형으로 ) You will have to wait in line for buses. 2. He must come to school by eight. ( 과거형으로 ) He had to come to school by eight. 3. Tom has to wear a swimming cap. ( 의문문으로 ) Does Tom have to wear a swimming cap? 4. Must Sumi finish her homework now? (No로대답 ) No, Sumi doesn t have to finish her homework now. 24

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 오래전한국에서, 사람들은한자를읽고써야했다. A long time ago in Korea, people had to read and write Chinese. 2. 교육을받은사람들만이이것을잘할수있었다. Only educated people could do this well. 3. 농부와같은평민들은한자를읽고쓰는법을몰랐다. Ordinary people like farmers did not know how to read and write Chinese. 4. 그들은쓰는새로운방법을연구하기시작했다. They began working on a new way to write. 5. 그들은세종대왕에게한글을사용하지않을것을요청했다. They asked King Sejong not to use Hangeul. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Only educated people could do this well. 2. Ordinary people like farmers did not know how to read and write Chinese. 3. He worked together with these scholars for several years. 4. In the end, King Sejong and these scholars created Hangeul. 5. This book explained Hangeul to people. 선생님확인 25

4A Book 2 Unit 2 Historical People <Story 2> Hellen Keller and Anne Sullivan Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 college 대학 11 절반 half 2 success 성공 12 눈먼 blind 3 get back 되찾다 13 시력 sight 4 get sick 병이나다 14 병이나다 get sick 5 blind 눈먼 15 되찾다 get back 6 thanks to ~ 덕택에 16 손가락 finger 7 half 절반 17 대학 college 8 deaf 귀먹은 18 귀먹은 deaf 9 sight 시력 19 성공 success 10 finger 손가락 20 ~ 덕택에 thanks to 20 개중 개정답 26

Key Points [ 동명사와 to 부정사를쓸때뜻이달라지는경우 ] stop + ~ing : ~ 하는것을그치다, 그만두다 stop + to부정사 : ~ 하기위해서멈추다 remember[forget] + ~ing : ( 과거에 ) ~ 한것을기억하다 [ 잊다 ] remember[forget] + to부정사 : ( 미래에 ) ~ 할것을기억하다 [ 잊다 ] He stopped watching television. ( 그는텔레비전보는것을중단했다.) stopped 의목적어 목적을나타나는부사적용법의 to 부정사 He stopped to watch television. ( 그는텔레비전을보기위해서걸음을멈추었다.) I forgot going there. ( 나는거기에갔던것을잊어버렸다.) ---------------------------------< 과거 > I sometimes forget to go there. ( 나는가끔거기에가야한다는것을잊어버려.) ---------< 미래 > Let s Practice 괄호안에서알맞은말을골라동그라미하세요. 1. I remember (to see/ seeing) you somewhere before. 난전에널어디선가본것을기억한다. 2. It stopped (to rain/ raining) in the afternoon. 오후에비내리는것이그쳤다. 3. I couldn t stop (to sneeze/ sneezing). 난재채기하는것을멈출수가없었다. 4. Please stop (to bother/ bothering). I can t concentrate on my study. 제발방해하지마. 내연구에집중할수가없잖아. 27

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 그녀는그이후로아무것도보거나들을수없었다. She could not see or hear anything after that. 2. 그녀는말하는것도멈췄다. She also stopped talking. 3. 그녀는눈먼사람으로서헬렌의심정을이해할수있었다. She could understand Helen s feelings as a blind person. 4. 헬렌은그소리를느끼기위해앤의목을만졌다. Helen touched Anne s throat to feel the sound. 5. 앤이말했고, 그러고나서헬렌은앤의목이움직이는것을느낄수있었다. Anne would speak, and then Helen could feel Anne s throat moving. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Helen Keller got very sick when she was one and a half years old. 2. Anne was also blind as a child, but she got a little of her sight back. 3. Anne taught Helen how to read using her fingers. 4. Many years later, Helen went to college. 5. She also did a lot of work to help other blind and deaf people. 28 선생님확인

4B Book 2 Unit 2 Historical People <Story 3> Mulan Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 legend 전설 11 여장부 heroine 2 painting 그림 12 중앙의 central 3 plain 평원 13 평원 plain 4 opera 오페라 14 전설 legend 5 poem 시 15 군대 army 6 heroine 여장부 16 용감한 brave 7 brave 용감한 17 상 prize 8 army 군대 18 시 poem 9 central 중앙의 19 그림 painting 10 prize 상 20 오페라 opera 20 개중 개정답 29

Key Points [ 간접의문문 ] * 간접의문문의형태의문사로시작하는의문문이다른문장의일부가될때이것을간접의문문이라하며, [ 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 ] 의형태를취한다. < 직접의문문 > Who is he? 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 < 간접의문문 > I don t know who he is. ( 나는그가누구인지모른다. ) * 간접의문문의용법주로 know, tell, see, ask 등과같은동사의목적어로쓰인다. Do you know + Where is the bank? 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 Do you know where the bank is? ( 너은행이어디에있는지아니?) Let s Practice 빈칸에알맞은표현이나문장을써넣으세요. A: What year was she born? 1 B: I don t know what year she was born. A: Please tell me. Who broke the vase? 2 B: I don t know who broke the vase. A: What did she buy yesterday? 3 B: Well, I don t know what she bought yesterday. Do you know (happened, what, her, to)? 4 ( 그녀에게무슨일이일어났는지아니?) Do you know what happened to her? Can you tell me (why, saying, people, that, are)? 5 ( 사람들이왜그런말을하는지말해줄래?) Can you tell me why people are saying that? 30

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 뮬란은중국에서유명한여장부다. Mulan is a famous heroine in China. 2. 사람들은그녀가몇년에태어났는지를확신하지못한다. People are not sure about what year she was born. 3. 뮬란은그녀의아버지를잃고싶지않아서, 그녀의머리를자르고남자옷을입었다. Mulan didn t want to lose her father, so she cut her hair and put on men s clothes. 4. 전쟁동안, 그녀는매우잘싸웠다. During the war, she fought very well. 5. 뮬란의이야기는아주잘알려져있다. Mulan s story is very well-known. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Mulan is a famous heroine in China. 2. Both history books and legends tell her story. 3. One day Mulan s father had to go into the army. 4. She was very brave. 5. After the war, Mulan received a horse as a prize from the king. 선생님확인 31

5A Book 2 Unit 2 Historical People <Story 4> Young Abraham Lincoln Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 plant ( 씨를 ) 뿌리다 11 오두막 cabin 2 little by little 조금씩 12 10 대의소년 [ 소녀 ] teenager 3 while ~ 동안에 13 ( 씨를 ) 뿌리다 plant 4 president 대통령 14 대통령 president 5 cabin 오두막 15 ~ 동안에 while 6 natural 자연스러운 16 경작하다 plow 7 keep... from ~ 가 ~ 하는것을 막다 17 들판, 밭 field 8 plow 경작하다 18 자연스러운 natural 9 teenager 10대의소년 [ 소녀 ] 19 조금씩 little by little 10 field 들판, 밭 20 가 ~ 하는것을막다 keep from ~ 20 개중 개정답 32

Key Points L stop/keep + 사람 + from + ~ing : 가 ~ 하는것을막다 [~ 하지못하게하다 ] Nothing could stop him from being a novelist. ( 어떤것도그가소설가가되는것을막지못했다.) She tried to stop him from going fishing. ( 그녀는그가낚시하러가는것을막으려고노력했다.) Work did not keep him from reading. ( 그는일때문에책읽는것을멈추지는않았다.) Isn t there a way to keep him from asking me many questions? ( 그사람이내게자꾸물어보지못하게하는방법이뭐가없을까요?) Let s Practice 1 틀린곳을바로잡아문장을다시써보세요. 1. She tried to keep her kids on playing video games more than one hour. She tried to keep her kids from playing video games more than one hour. 2. He has no idea to stop his wife snoring all through the night. He has no idea to stop his wife from snoring all through the night. 3. The sailors dropped anchor to keep the boat from move. The sailors dropped anchor to keep the boat from moving. 4. That did not stop him to become the president of the United States. That did not stop him from becoming the president of the United States. Let s Practice 2 우리말뜻과같도록단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 그누구도그가학교가는것을막지못했다. (to / No / going / one / from / school /. / him / stopped) No one stopped him from going to school. 2. 그녀는그녀의아이가장난을못하도록했다. (She / her / kid / from / doing / kept / mischief /.) She kept her kid from doing mischief. 33

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 에이브러햄링컨은십대였을때작은오두막에살았다. Abraham Lincoln lived in a small cabin as a teenager. 2. 때때로그는 25 센트를받고그의이웃을위해일했다. Sometimes he worked for his neighbors for twenty-five cents. 3. 그것은그가미국대통령이되는것을막지못했다. That did not stop him from becoming the president of the United States. 4. 매년겨울, 어린에이브러햄은학교에서단지몇주동안공부했다. Each winter, young Abraham studied in school for only a few weeks. 5. 일은그가책읽는것을막지못했다. Work did not keep him from reading. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Abraham Lincoln lived in a small cabin as a teenager. 2. That did not stop him from becoming the president of the United States. 3. Abraham Lincoln said, I learned little by little. 4. Work did not keep him from reading. 5. He read while the horses rested after plowing the fields. 34 선생님확인

5B Book 2 Unit 2 Historical People <Story 5> The Right Choice Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 the number of ~ 의수 11 발명가 inventor 2 do one s best 최선을다하다 12 실험하다 experiment 3 telegrapher 전신기사 13 전신기사 telegrapher 4 phonograph 축음기 14 ~ 의수 the number of 5 fall apart 끊어지다 15 최선을다하다 do one s best 6 succeed 성공하다 16 축음기 phonograph 7 light bulb 전구 17 전구 light bulb 8 choice 선택 18 선택 choice 9 experiment 실험하다 19 성공하다 succeed 10 inventor 발명가 20 끊어지다 fall apart 20 개중 개정답 35

Key Points [ 주의해야할비교표현 ] one of the + 최상급 + 복수명사 : 가장 ~ 한것중의하나 Football is one of the most popular sports in the U.S.A. ( 축구는미국에서가장인기있는운동중의하나이다.) Einstein was one of the greatest scientists in the world. ( 아인슈타인은세상에서가장위대한과학자중의한명이었다.) Let s Practice 1 괄호안의단어중알맞은것을고르고, 문장의우리말뜻을적어보세요. 1 2 3 4 She is one of the (most / best) famous (singer / singers) in America. [ 우리말뜻 ] 그녀는미국에서가장유명한가수중의한명이다. The light bulb was one of my most difficult (invention / inventions). [ 우리말뜻 ] 전구는나의가장어려운발명품중의하나였다. English is one of (more / the most) important (language / languages) in the world. [ 우리말뜻 ] 영어는세계에서가장중요한언어중의하나이다. Basketball is one of the (most fast / fastest) growing (sport / sports) in China. [ 우리말뜻 ] 농구는중국에서가장빠르게성장하고있는운동중의하나이다. Let s Practice 2 틀린곳을찾아밑줄에바르게고쳐써보세요. 1. Soccer is one of the most old sports in the world. most old oldest 2. Lee Joonseop is one of the most famous artist in Korea. artist artists 36

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 사람들은항상내가발명한물건들의수에놀란다. People are always surprised by the number of things I invented. 2. 발명하는것은쉽다. Inventing is easy. 3. 나는거기서많은것들을실험했다. I experimented with a lot of things there. 4. 전구안에서탈만한적절한물질을찾아내는것은힘들었다. It was hard to find the right thing to burn inside the light bulb. 5. 많은연구후, 나는마침내성공했다. After a lot of work, I finally succeeded. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I am an inventor. 2. I experimented with a lot of things there. 3. In my first job, I worked as a telegrapher. 4. The light bulb was one of my most difficult inventions. 5. It burned well and did not fall apart easily. 37 선생님확인

BEFLY Speaking 유형 연계질문에답하기 1. Do you know anything about Helen Keller? 문제 2. If you do, why is she famous? If you do not, who do you think she is? 3. Do you have a friend with a disability? If you do, Why is the friend disabled? 출처 p. 45~50 힌트 답안 (1) know ~ about (2) become blind and deaf / do a lot of work (3) because of a car accident (1) Yes, I know something about Helen Keller. / No, I don't know anything about Helen Keller. (2) She became blind and deaf as a child. But she did a lot of work to help other blind and deaf people. / She might do a lot to help other disabled people. (3) Yes, my friend Mijoo has a disability. She uses a wheelchair because of a car accident. / No, I don t have a friend with a disability. 38

BEFLY Writing different 유형 상황에맞는짧은글쓰기 출처 p. 5, 12, 29 힌트 답안 (1) I decide to study (2) give a presentation (3) am going to study (1) I decide to study the Statue of Liberty. I wonder which country it was built in. (2) I want to give a presentation about the first Olympic Games. They were different from today's Olympic Games. (3) The Industrial Revolution was a time of big change. I am going to study it thoroughly. 39

Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Reading Solutions A Book 2 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1

Book 2 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표다양한주제와형식의글을읽고듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기능력을향상시킨다. 날짜 Story Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2

Yoon s Reading Solutions A Book 2 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 개최하다 hold 경축하다 celebrate 신전, 사원 temple 계속되다 last 1A 염소 추가하다 goat add 받다 운동선수, 육상선수 receive athlete ~ 와같은 such as ~ 하도록 허락되다 변화 be allowed to change 발명하다 invent 기계 machine 솜, 목화 cotton 1B 처음으로 증기 for the first time steam 전기 electricity 의학의 medical A 와 B 모두 both A and B 꽤많은 quite a few 3

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 합계의 total 인구 population 남쪽 ( 의 ) south 북쪽 ( 의 ) north 2A 평범한 실제의 ordinary real 사라지다 disappear 포로 prisoner 언젠가 someday A 를 B 로나누다 divide A into B 고대의 ancient 조상 ancestor 미래 future 뼈 bone 2B 용 거북 dragon turtle 알아내다 find out 점술가 fortuneteller 금가게하다, 금 crack 날씨 weather 4

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 자유 freedom 상 statue 계획 project 끝내다 finish 3A 자유 손상을입히다 liberty damage 대통령 president 수리 ( 하다 ) repair 백만 million ~ 에위치하다 stand on 교육을받은 educated 보통의 ordinary 몇몇의 several 창조하다 create 3B 오랜전에 ~ 에대해유감스럽게생각하다 마침내, 결국 a long time ago feel sorry for in the end 출판하다 publish 설명하다 explain 그당시에 at that time 5

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 절반 half 눈먼 blind 시력 sight 병이나다 get sick 4A 되찾다 손가락 get back finger 대학 college 귀먹은 deaf 성공 success ~ 덕택에 thanks to 여장부 heroine 중앙의 central 평원 plain 전설 legend 4B 군대 용감한 army brave 상 prize 시 poem 그림 painting 오페라 opera 6

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 오두막 cabin 10 대의소년 [ 소녀 ] teenager ( 씨를 ) 뿌리다 plant 대통령 president 5A ~ 동안에 while 경작하다 plow 들판, 밭자연스러운조금씩 가 ~ 하는것을막다발명가실험하다전신기사 field natural little by little keep... from ~ inventor experiment telegrapher ~ 의수 the number of 5B 최선을다하다 축음기 do one s best phonograph 전구 light bulb 선택 choice 성공하다 succeed 끊어지다 fall apart 7

1A Book 2 Unit 1 Historical Events <Story 1> The Olympic Games Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 athlete 운동선수, 육상선수 11 개최하다 hold 2 last 계속되다 12 경축하다 celebrate 3 temple 신전, 사원 13 신전, 사원 temple 4 receive 받다 14 계속되다 last 5 goat 염소 15 염소 goat 6 add 추가하다 16 추가하다 add 7 celebrate 경축하다 17 받다 receive 8 hold 개최하다 18 운동선수, 육상선수 athlete 9 be allowed to ~ 하도록허락하다 19 ~ 와같은 such as 10 such as ~ 와같은 20 ~ 하도록허락되다 be allowed to 20 개중 개정답 8

Key Points [before 와 after] before + 주어 + 동사 : ~ 하기전에 after + 주어 + 동사 : ~ 한후에 People took off their shoes. They entered the living room. People took off their shoes before they entered the living room. = Before they entered the living room, people took off their shoes. ( 거실로들어가기전에사람들은신발을벗었다.) Let s Practice 1 다음주어진두문장을 before 나 after 을이용해서한문장으로만들어보세요. 1 Turn off the light. Turn off the light before you go out. You go out. 2 John began to study. John began to study after he finished his homework. He finished his homework. 3 I always brush my teeth. I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. I go to bed. 4 They used machines. It took them a long time to make cloth. Before they used machines, it took them a long time to make cloth. Let s Practice 2 괄호안에서알맞은말을골라동그라미하세요. 1. What do you do (before/ after) you get up? 2. (After/ Before) they started, people had to give gifts to the gods on that day. 3. We had a party (before/ after) the concert was over. 4. (Before/ After) the war ended, Mulan received a horse as a prize from the king. 9

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 단지하나의종목만이있었다. There was only one event. 2. 멀리뛰기와같은다른종목들은후에추가되었다. Other events such as the long jump were added later. 3. 처음에, 여자들은올림픽경기에참가하는것이허락되지않았다. In the beginning, women were not allowed to be in the Olympic Games. 4. 사람들은위대한선수들에대한시를쓰기도했다. People also wrote poems about the great athletes. 5. 그들은그들의여생동안살수있는충분한돈을받았다. They received enough money to live on for the rest of their lives. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. People celebrated the Olympic Games in summer at the temple of Zeus at Olympia. 2. The first Olympic Games lasted for only one day. 3. Other events such as the long jump were added later. 4. In the beginning, women were not allowed to be in the Olympic Games. 5. The winners in the Olympic Games received crowns of wild olive leaves. 선생님확인 10

1B Book 2 Unit 1 Historical Events <Story 2> A Revolution without Fighting Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 medical 의학의 11 변화 change 2 machine 기계 12 발명하다 invent 3 electricity 전기 13 기계 machine 4 invent 발명하다 14 솜, 목화 cotton 5 cotton 솜, 목화 15 처음으로 for the first time 6 steam 증기 16 증기 steam 7 for the first time 처음으로 17 전기 electricity 8 change 변화 18 의학의 medical 9 quite a few 꽤많은 19 A 와 B 모두 both A and B 10 both A and B A 와 B 모두 20 꽤많은 quite a few 20 개중 개정답 11

Key Points [ 전치사 during / for] * during + 일정기간을나타내는명사 : ~ 동안에 ~ 동안 [ 내내 ], ~ 하는중에 During the Industrial Revolutions, scientists also discovered X-rays. ( 산업혁명기간동안과학자들은또한엑스레이를발견했다.) ~ 에 [ 때 ] ( 특정기간중의어느한시점을가리킨다 ) He was taken to the hospital during my stay in Rome. ( 그는내가로마에머무는동안병원으로실려갔다.) * for + 수사 + 명사 : ~ 동안에전치사 for는 how long~? 과같이기간에대한답을나타낸다. I stayed in London for a week. ( 나는한주동안런던에머물렀다.) I stayed in London during a week. (X) Let s Practice 1 알맞은문장이되도록빈칸에 during 또는 for 를써넣으세요. 1. During this time, machines began to make things for the first time. 2. I m going away for a couple of weeks. 3. The first Olympic Games lasted for only one day. 4. A lot of people also disappeared during the war. 5. For about two months, it made noise and let out smoke. Let s Practice 2 틀린곳을바로잡아문장을다시써보세요. 1. That s all the news there is during now. That s all the news there is for now. 2. For a contest, the referee says sijak to start the fight. During a contest, the referee says sijak to start the fight. 3. For the war, she fought very well. During the war, she fought very well. 12

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 이시기동안, 기계는처음으로물건들을만들기시작했다. During this time, machines began to make things for the first time. 2. 그들이기계를사용하기전에, 그들이천을만드는데는오랜시간이걸렸다. Before they used machines, it took them a long time to make cloth. 3. 과학자들은증기기관이라고불리는기계를발명했다. Scientists invented a machine called the steam engine. 4. 다음으로, 과학자들은전기를발명했다. Next, scientists invented electricity. 5. 그것들은의사들이의학적인문제들을쉽게알아낼수있도록도와주었다. They helped doctors see medical problems easily. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. The Industrial Revolution was a time of big change. 2. Scientists invented and discovered many useful things. 3. During this time, machines began to make things for the first time. 4. People could go a long way in a short time both on land and water. 5. Electricity helped people in quite a few ways. 선생님확인 13

2A Book 2 Unit 1 Historical Events <Story 3> The Korean War Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 real 실제의 11 합계의 total 2 disappear 사라지다 12 인구 population 3 prisoner 포로 13 남쪽 ( 의 ) south 4 north 북쪽 ( 의 ) 14 북쪽 ( 의 ) north 5 divide A into B A 를 B 로나누다 15 평범한 ordinary 6 total 합계의 16 실제의 real 7 population 인구 17 사라지다 disappear 8 south 남쪽 ( 의 ) 18 포로 prisoner 9 someday 언젠가 19 언젠가 someday 10 ordinary 평범한 20 A 를 B 로나누다 divide A into B 20 개중 개정답 14

Key Points [both A and B] 의미 : A 와 B 모두 Both the South and the North took people prisoner. ( 남과북모두사람들을포로로잡았다.) 문장제일앞에와주어가될때에는복수취급한다. Both his brother and sister are still single. ( 그의남동생과여동생모두여전히미혼이다.) both 와 not 을함께사용하면부분부정이된다. He was not a success both as a violinist and a pianist. ( 그는바이올린연주자와피아노연주자로모두성공한것은아니었다.) Let s Practice 1 우리말뜻과같도록단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 승자와패자모두파티를즐겼다. (the/ enjoyed/ the/ losers/ and/ the/ Both/ party/ winners/.) Both the winners and the losers enjoyed the party. 2. 그는불어와이탈리아어둘다잘한다. (good/ He/ both/ Italian/ is/ French/ and/ at/.) He is good at both French and Italian. 3. 남과북모두두나라사이경계선에군인들을배치했다. (South/ countries/ Both/ the/ and/ soldiers/ the/ put/ the/ at/ the/ line/ between/ two/. / North) Both the South and the North put soldiers at the line between the two countries. Let s Practice 2 괄호안의단어를주어진조건에맞게변형하여빈칸에써넣으세요. 1. Both a man and a woman are French. ( 현재시제 ) (be) 2. Both his mother and his father will be there. ( 미래시제 ) (be) 3. Both history books and legends tell her story. ( 현재시제 ) (tell) 15

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 유엔은전쟁에서남한을도왔다. The United Nations helped South Korea in the war. 2. 전쟁에서죽은대부분의사람들은군인이아니었다. Most of the people who died in the war were not soldiers. 3. 그때, 정부는한국을두나라로나눴다. At that time, the governments divided Korea into two countries. 4. 아무도그경계선을넘을수없었다. No one could cross the line. 5. 거의모든한국인은그경계선이언젠가사라지기를바란다. Almost all Koreans hope that the line will disappear someday. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. The United Nations helped South Korea in the war. 2. They were ordinary people in Korea. 3. Nobody knows the real number of people who died in the war. 4. A lot of people also disappeared during the war. 5. Both the South and the North took people prisoner. 선생님확인 16

2B Book 2 Unit 1 Historical Events <Story 4> Dragon Bones Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 dragon 용 11 고대의 ancient 2 bone 뼈 12 조상 ancestor 3 ancient 고대의 13 미래 future 4 ancestor 조상 14 뼈 bone 5 future 미래 15 용 dragon 6 weather 날씨 16 거북 turtle 7 find out 알아내다 17 알아내다 find out 8 fortuneteller 점술가 18 점술가 fortuneteller 9 turtle 거북 19 금가게하다, 금 crack 10 crack 금가게하다, 금 20 날씨 weather 20 개중 개정답 17

Key Points [ 불규칙동사의과거형 ] 불규칙동사란동사의과거형에규칙적으로 ed 나 d 가붙는것이아니라일정한규칙없이 그형태가변하는동사를말한다. 규칙동사 불규칙동사 원형 과거형 원형 과거형 ask( 묻다 ) asked write( 쓰다 ) wrote want( 원하다 ) wanted think( 생각하다 ) thought crack( 금이가다 ) cracked find ( 발견하다 ) found Let s Practice 1 다음뜻을가진동사들의원형과과거형을빈칸에써넣어보세요. 생각하다금이가다쓰다발견하다말하다 원형 1think 3crack 5write 7find 9speak 과거형 2thought 4cracked 6wrote 8found 10spoke Let s Practice 2 괄호안의동사를필요할경우알맞게변형하여빈칸에써넣으세요. 1 A: How did fortunetellers use(use) dragon bones? B: They studied(study) cracks to find(find) the answer to the question. 2 A: What happened(happen) to the window yesterday? B: A ball hit the window and cracked(crack) it. 3 A: What did kings in ancient China use(use) to talk(talk) to their ancestors? B: They used bones to talk to their ancestors. They called(call) these bones dragon bones. 18

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 그들은그들의조상들과이야기하기위해뼈를사용했다. They used bones to talk to their ancestors. 2. 그들의조상들과이야기하기위해, 왕들은질문을했다. To talk to their ancestors, the kings asked a question. 3. 그런다음점술인은뜨거운핀을그뼈속으로밀어넣었다. Then the fortuneteller pushed a hot pin into the bone. 4. 이뼈들은왕들이그때물었던질문들을보여준다. These bones show the questions the kings asked at that time. 5. 그들은모든것에대해질문하는데용의뼈를사용했다! They used dragon bones to ask about everything! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Kings in ancient China talked to their ancestors. 2. They tried to find out about the future or find answers to other questions. 3. They used bones to talk to their ancestors. 4. A fortuneteller wrote the question on a bone. 5. Other kings just wanted to know about the weather. 19 선생님확인

3A Book 2 Unit 1 Historical Events <Story 5> The Statue of Liberty Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 statue 상 11 자유 liberty(or freedom) 2 damage 손상을입히다 12 상 statue 3 stand on ~ 에위치하다 13 계획 project 4 finish 끝내다 14 끝내다 finish 5 freedom 자유 15 자유 freedom(or liberty) 6 liberty 자유 16 손상을입히다 damage 7 million 백만 17 대통령 president 8 repair 수리 ( 하다 ) 18 수리 ( 하다 ) repair 9 president 대통령 19 백만 million 10 project 계획 20 ~ 에위치하다 stand on 20 개중 개정답 20

Key Points [It takes + 시간 (+ to + 동사 ) : ~ 하는데시간이걸리다 ] It took ten years to finish building the statue. ( 동상을세우는것을완성하는데 10 년이걸렸다.) It takes about five years for a case to be resolved. ( 사건이해결되는데는약 5 년이걸린다.) [It takes + 사람또는사물 + to + 동사 : ~ 하는데사람또는사물이필요하다 ] It takes two to make a quarrel. ( 두손뼉이맞아야소리가난다.) Let s Practice 1 다음비행시간표를보고, < 보기 > 와같이문장을작성해보세요. Time of Departure Time of Arrival Seoul to Busan 11:40 a.m. 12:20 p.m. Seoul to Jeju 11:55 a.m. 12: 55 p.m. Daejeon to Busan 11:25 a.m. 11: 50 a.m. Busan to Jeju 12:15 p.m. 12: 50 p.m. < 보기 > It takes forty minutes to fly from Seoul to Busan. 1. It takes one hour to fly from Seoul to Jeju. 2. It takes 35 minutes to fly from Busan to Jeju. 3. It takes only 25 minutes to fly from Daejeon to Busan. Let s Practice 2 주어진정보를잘활용하여문장을완성해보세요. 1 40 minutes A: Where do you live? B: I live on Mason Street. It takes about forty minutes by bike. 2 20 minutes A: How long does it take to get to the airport? B: It takes about twenty minutes by bus. 3 one and a half A: How long does it take to get to Daejeon from Seoul Station? B: It takes about one and a half hours by KTX. 21

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 1876년에, 프랑스와미국은함께축하하기위해무언가를하고싶었다. In 1876, France and the United States wanted to do something to celebrate together. 2. 미국은그동상을세울자리를만들기만하면되었다. The United States only had to build the place for the statue. 3. 동상을세우는것을완성하는데 10 년이걸렸다. It took ten years to finish building the statue. 4. 그가섬을폐쇄해서, 아무도그상안으로갈수없었다. He closed the island, so no one could go into the statue. 5. 그녀 ( 동상 ) 는새것처럼훌륭해보였다! She looked as good as new! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. France helped the United States fight for its freedom in 1776. 2. France decided to make a big statue for the United States. 3. In 1886, the Statue of Liberty was finally finished. 4. Wind and rain damaged the statue. 5. In 1982, the president of the United States made a plan to repair the statue. 22 선생님확인

3B Book 2 Unit 2 Historical People <Story 1> King Sejong Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 at that time 그당시에 11 교육을받은 educated 2 create 창조하다 12 보통의 ordinary 3 ordinary 보통의 13 몇몇의 several 4 several 몇몇의 14 창조하다 create 5 a long time ago 오래전에 15 오랜전에 a long time ago 6 publish 출판하다 16 ~ 에대해유감스럽 게생각하다 feel sorry for 7 educated 교육을받은 17 마침내, 결국 in the end 8 feel sorry for ~ 에대해 유감스럽게 생각하다 18 출판하다 publish 9 explain 설명하다 19 설명하다 explain 10 in the end 마침내, 결국 20 그당시에 at that time 23 20 개중 개정답

Key Points [have to 의의미와용법 ] 형태 : have[has] to + 동사의원형 의미 : ~ 해야한다 (= must) We must eat breakfast. ( 우리는아침을먹어야한다.) = We have to eat breakfast. He must do it at once. ( 그는당장그것을해야한다.) = He has to do it at once. < 과거 > He had to be careful then. ( 그는그때조심했어야했다.) < 미래 > She will have to do her best for this exam. ( 그녀는이시험을위해최선을다해야할것이다.) 부정문 : 주어 + don t[doesn t] have to + 동사의원형 ~ 의문문 : Do[Does] + 주어 + have to + 동사의원형 ~? You don t have to work on Sunday. ( 너는일요일에일할필요가없다.) Do I have to get up early tomorrow? ( 나는내일일찍일어나야만합니까?) Let s Practice 다음문장을괄호안의지시대로바꿔써보세요. 1. You must wait in line for buses. ( 미래형으로 ) You will have to wait in line for buses. 2. He must come to school by eight. ( 과거형으로 ) He had to come to school by eight. 3. Tom has to wear a swimming cap. ( 의문문으로 ) Does Tom have to wear a swimming cap? 4. Must Sumi finish her homework now? (No로대답 ) No, Sumi doesn t have to finish her homework now. 24

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 오래전한국에서, 사람들은한자를읽고써야했다. A long time ago in Korea, people had to read and write Chinese. 2. 교육을받은사람들만이이것을잘할수있었다. Only educated people could do this well. 3. 농부와같은평민들은한자를읽고쓰는법을몰랐다. Ordinary people like farmers did not know how to read and write Chinese. 4. 그들은쓰는새로운방법을연구하기시작했다. They began working on a new way to write. 5. 그들은세종대왕에게한글을사용하지않을것을요청했다. They asked King Sejong not to use Hangeul. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Only educated people could do this well. 2. Ordinary people like farmers did not know how to read and write Chinese. 3. He worked together with these scholars for several years. 4. In the end, King Sejong and these scholars created Hangeul. 5. This book explained Hangeul to people. 선생님확인 25

4A Book 2 Unit 2 Historical People <Story 2> Hellen Keller and Anne Sullivan Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 college 대학 11 절반 half 2 success 성공 12 눈먼 blind 3 get back 되찾다 13 시력 sight 4 get sick 병이나다 14 병이나다 get sick 5 blind 눈먼 15 되찾다 get back 6 thanks to ~ 덕택에 16 손가락 finger 7 half 절반 17 대학 college 8 deaf 귀먹은 18 귀먹은 deaf 9 sight 시력 19 성공 success 10 finger 손가락 20 ~ 덕택에 thanks to 20 개중 개정답 26

Key Points [ 동명사와 to 부정사를쓸때뜻이달라지는경우 ] stop + ~ing : ~ 하는것을그치다, 그만두다 stop + to부정사 : ~ 하기위해서멈추다 remember[forget] + ~ing : ( 과거에 ) ~ 한것을기억하다 [ 잊다 ] remember[forget] + to부정사 : ( 미래에 ) ~ 할것을기억하다 [ 잊다 ] He stopped watching television. ( 그는텔레비전보는것을중단했다.) stopped 의목적어 목적을나타나는부사적용법의 to 부정사 He stopped to watch television. ( 그는텔레비전을보기위해서걸음을멈추었다.) I forgot going there. ( 나는거기에갔던것을잊어버렸다.) ---------------------------------< 과거 > I sometimes forget to go there. ( 나는가끔거기에가야한다는것을잊어버려.) ---------< 미래 > Let s Practice 괄호안에서알맞은말을골라동그라미하세요. 1. I remember (to see/ seeing) you somewhere before. 난전에널어디선가본것을기억한다. 2. It stopped (to rain/ raining) in the afternoon. 오후에비내리는것이그쳤다. 3. I couldn t stop (to sneeze/ sneezing). 난재채기하는것을멈출수가없었다. 4. Please stop (to bother/ bothering). I can t concentrate on my study. 제발방해하지마. 내연구에집중할수가없잖아. 27

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 그녀는그이후로아무것도보거나들을수없었다. She could not see or hear anything after that. 2. 그녀는말하는것도멈췄다. She also stopped talking. 3. 그녀는눈먼사람으로서헬렌의심정을이해할수있었다. She could understand Helen s feelings as a blind person. 4. 헬렌은그소리를느끼기위해앤의목을만졌다. Helen touched Anne s throat to feel the sound. 5. 앤이말했고, 그러고나서헬렌은앤의목이움직이는것을느낄수있었다. Anne would speak, and then Helen could feel Anne s throat moving. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Helen Keller got very sick when she was one and a half years old. 2. Anne was also blind as a child, but she got a little of her sight back. 3. Anne taught Helen how to read using her fingers. 4. Many years later, Helen went to college. 5. She also did a lot of work to help other blind and deaf people. 28 선생님확인

4B Book 2 Unit 2 Historical People <Story 3> Mulan Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 legend 전설 11 여장부 heroine 2 painting 그림 12 중앙의 central 3 plain 평원 13 평원 plain 4 opera 오페라 14 전설 legend 5 poem 시 15 군대 army 6 heroine 여장부 16 용감한 brave 7 brave 용감한 17 상 prize 8 army 군대 18 시 poem 9 central 중앙의 19 그림 painting 10 prize 상 20 오페라 opera 20 개중 개정답 29

Key Points [ 간접의문문 ] * 간접의문문의형태의문사로시작하는의문문이다른문장의일부가될때이것을간접의문문이라하며, [ 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 ] 의형태를취한다. < 직접의문문 > Who is he? 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 < 간접의문문 > I don t know who he is. ( 나는그가누구인지모른다. ) * 간접의문문의용법주로 know, tell, see, ask 등과같은동사의목적어로쓰인다. Do you know + Where is the bank? 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 Do you know where the bank is? ( 너은행이어디에있는지아니?) Let s Practice 빈칸에알맞은표현이나문장을써넣으세요. A: What year was she born? 1 B: I don t know what year she was born. A: Please tell me. Who broke the vase? 2 B: I don t know who broke the vase. A: What did she buy yesterday? 3 B: Well, I don t know what she bought yesterday. Do you know (happened, what, her, to)? 4 ( 그녀에게무슨일이일어났는지아니?) Do you know what happened to her? Can you tell me (why, saying, people, that, are)? 5 ( 사람들이왜그런말을하는지말해줄래?) Can you tell me why people are saying that? 30

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 뮬란은중국에서유명한여장부다. Mulan is a famous heroine in China. 2. 사람들은그녀가몇년에태어났는지를확신하지못한다. People are not sure about what year she was born. 3. 뮬란은그녀의아버지를잃고싶지않아서, 그녀의머리를자르고남자옷을입었다. Mulan didn t want to lose her father, so she cut her hair and put on men s clothes. 4. 전쟁동안, 그녀는매우잘싸웠다. During the war, she fought very well. 5. 뮬란의이야기는아주잘알려져있다. Mulan s story is very well-known. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Mulan is a famous heroine in China. 2. Both history books and legends tell her story. 3. One day Mulan s father had to go into the army. 4. She was very brave. 5. After the war, Mulan received a horse as a prize from the king. 선생님확인 31

5A Book 2 Unit 2 Historical People <Story 4> Young Abraham Lincoln Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 plant ( 씨를 ) 뿌리다 11 오두막 cabin 2 little by little 조금씩 12 10 대의소년 [ 소녀 ] teenager 3 while ~ 동안에 13 ( 씨를 ) 뿌리다 plant 4 president 대통령 14 대통령 president 5 cabin 오두막 15 ~ 동안에 while 6 natural 자연스러운 16 경작하다 plow 7 keep... from ~ 가 ~ 하는것을 막다 17 들판, 밭 field 8 plow 경작하다 18 자연스러운 natural 9 teenager 10대의소년 [ 소녀 ] 19 조금씩 little by little 10 field 들판, 밭 20 가 ~ 하는것을막다 keep from ~ 20 개중 개정답 32

Key Points L stop/keep + 사람 + from + ~ing : 가 ~ 하는것을막다 [~ 하지못하게하다 ] Nothing could stop him from being a novelist. ( 어떤것도그가소설가가되는것을막지못했다.) She tried to stop him from going fishing. ( 그녀는그가낚시하러가는것을막으려고노력했다.) Work did not keep him from reading. ( 그는일때문에책읽는것을멈추지는않았다.) Isn t there a way to keep him from asking me many questions? ( 그사람이내게자꾸물어보지못하게하는방법이뭐가없을까요?) Let s Practice 1 틀린곳을바로잡아문장을다시써보세요. 1. She tried to keep her kids on playing video games more than one hour. She tried to keep her kids from playing video games more than one hour. 2. He has no idea to stop his wife snoring all through the night. He has no idea to stop his wife from snoring all through the night. 3. The sailors dropped anchor to keep the boat from move. The sailors dropped anchor to keep the boat from moving. 4. That did not stop him to become the president of the United States. That did not stop him from becoming the president of the United States. Let s Practice 2 우리말뜻과같도록단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성해보세요. 1. 그누구도그가학교가는것을막지못했다. (to / No / going / one / from / school /. / him / stopped) No one stopped him from going to school. 2. 그녀는그녀의아이가장난을못하도록했다. (She / her / kid / from / doing / kept / mischief /.) She kept her kid from doing mischief. 33

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 에이브러햄링컨은십대였을때작은오두막에살았다. Abraham Lincoln lived in a small cabin as a teenager. 2. 때때로그는 25 센트를받고그의이웃을위해일했다. Sometimes he worked for his neighbors for twenty-five cents. 3. 그것은그가미국대통령이되는것을막지못했다. That did not stop him from becoming the president of the United States. 4. 매년겨울, 어린에이브러햄은학교에서단지몇주동안공부했다. Each winter, young Abraham studied in school for only a few weeks. 5. 일은그가책읽는것을막지못했다. Work did not keep him from reading. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Abraham Lincoln lived in a small cabin as a teenager. 2. That did not stop him from becoming the president of the United States. 3. Abraham Lincoln said, I learned little by little. 4. Work did not keep him from reading. 5. He read while the horses rested after plowing the fields. 34 선생님확인

5B Book 2 Unit 2 Historical People <Story 5> The Right Choice Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No Word Meaning No Meaning Word 1 the number of ~ 의수 11 발명가 inventor 2 do one s best 최선을다하다 12 실험하다 experiment 3 telegrapher 전신기사 13 전신기사 telegrapher 4 phonograph 축음기 14 ~ 의수 the number of 5 fall apart 끊어지다 15 최선을다하다 do one s best 6 succeed 성공하다 16 축음기 phonograph 7 light bulb 전구 17 전구 light bulb 8 choice 선택 18 선택 choice 9 experiment 실험하다 19 성공하다 succeed 10 inventor 발명가 20 끊어지다 fall apart 20 개중 개정답 35

Key Points [ 주의해야할비교표현 ] one of the + 최상급 + 복수명사 : 가장 ~ 한것중의하나 Football is one of the most popular sports in the U.S.A. ( 축구는미국에서가장인기있는운동중의하나이다.) Einstein was one of the greatest scientists in the world. ( 아인슈타인은세상에서가장위대한과학자중의한명이었다.) Let s Practice 1 괄호안의단어중알맞은것을고르고, 문장의우리말뜻을적어보세요. 1 2 3 4 She is one of the (most / best) famous (singer / singers) in America. [ 우리말뜻 ] 그녀는미국에서가장유명한가수중의한명이다. The light bulb was one of my most difficult (invention / inventions). [ 우리말뜻 ] 전구는나의가장어려운발명품중의하나였다. English is one of (more / the most) important (language / languages) in the world. [ 우리말뜻 ] 영어는세계에서가장중요한언어중의하나이다. Basketball is one of the (most fast / fastest) growing (sport / sports) in China. [ 우리말뜻 ] 농구는중국에서가장빠르게성장하고있는운동중의하나이다. Let s Practice 2 틀린곳을찾아밑줄에바르게고쳐써보세요. 1. Soccer is one of the most old sports in the world. most old oldest 2. Lee Joonseop is one of the most famous artist in Korea. artist artists 36

Sentence Master 주어진우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 사람들은항상내가발명한물건들의수에놀란다. People are always surprised by the number of things I invented. 2. 발명하는것은쉽다. Inventing is easy. 3. 나는거기서많은것들을실험했다. I experimented with a lot of things there. 4. 전구안에서탈만한적절한물질을찾아내는것은힘들었다. It was hard to find the right thing to burn inside the light bulb. 5. 많은연구후, 나는마침내성공했다. After a lot of work, I finally succeeded. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I am an inventor. 2. I experimented with a lot of things there. 3. In my first job, I worked as a telegrapher. 4. The light bulb was one of my most difficult inventions. 5. It burned well and did not fall apart easily. 37 선생님확인

BEFLY Speaking 유형 연계질문에답하기 1. Do you know anything about Helen Keller? 문제 2. If you do, why is she famous? If you do not, who do you think she is? 3. Do you have a friend with a disability? If you do, Why is the friend disabled? 출처 p. 45~50 힌트 답안 (1) know ~ about (2) become blind and deaf / do a lot of work (3) because of a car accident (1) Yes, I know something about Helen Keller. / No, I don't know anything about Helen Keller. (2) She became blind and deaf as a child. But she did a lot of work to help other blind and deaf people. / She might do a lot to help other disabled people. (3) Yes, my friend Mijoo has a disability. She uses a wheelchair because of a car accident. / No, I don t have a friend with a disability. 38

BEFLY Writing different 유형 상황에맞는짧은글쓰기 출처 p. 5, 12, 29 힌트 답안 (1) I decide to study (2) give a presentation (3) am going to study (1) I decide to study the Statue of Liberty. I wonder which country it was built in. (2) I want to give a presentation about the first Olympic Games. They were different from today's Olympic Games. (3) The Industrial Revolution was a time of big change. I am going to study it thoroughly. 39