9Korea in the World GET REDY 다음 Thomas의 한국여행기를듣고, Thomas가 방문한 곳에 모두 표를 해 봅시다. 이 단원에서는 무엇을 학습하게 됩니까? 듣기 & 말하기 의사소통 기능 - 약속 제안하기 What time will we meet? - 제안에 답하기 I d love to, but I can t. 읽기& 쓰기언어형식 - Some students are going to visit Korea. - Students enjoy studying Korean. I love eating bibimbap. 10년 후, 한국의 문화가 세계에서 주목 받을 것이라는 기대 아래 상상하여 쓴 글을 읽고 이해해 봅시다. 학습활동책 공통 058쪽
Look and Listen 다음을 듣고, 각 대화의 상황에 알맞은 그림을 골라 번호를 써 봅시다. 3 Listen and Do 다음을 듣고, Emily와 Richard가 가고 싶어하는 곳에 표를 해 봅시다. 3 Korean Folk Museum Listen and Think 다음을 듣고, 두 사람의 약속 시간과 계획이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 골라 봅시다. 3 2시에만나기 영화보기 식사하기 12시에 만나기 식사하기 영화 보기 12시에 만나기 영화 보기 식사하기 Dongdaemun (Great East Gate) Gyeongbok Palace 위 의 대화에 이어지는 다음 대화를 듣고, Emily의 마지막 말에 대한 Richard의 응답을 완성해 봅시다. 3 ll right. That s good. We ll meet at the school o clock next at and then go to the museum to 단어장 history culture 다음을 듣고, 질문에 답해 봅시다. learn more about Korean history and. 1 대화의 내용으로 알 수 없는 것은 무엇입니까? Tina는 서점에 갈 것이다. Mike는 서점에 가고 싶어한다. 지호는 서점에 가는 것을 좋아하지 않는다. 2 친구와 약속이 있는 사람은 누구입니까? Mike Tina Jiho 학습활동책 Hop 116쪽 Step 168쪽 Jump 220쪽 130 one hundred and thirty one hundred and thirty-one 131
Listen and Speak 다음을 듣고, 따라 말해 봅시다. 그리고 역할극을 해 봅시다. Jiho elle Jiho elle Jiho elle elle, are you doing anything on Saturday night? Not really. Let s watch a movie together. I d love to. What time will we meet? Let s get together at 6 o clock. Why don t we have dinner first? That s a good idea. What time will Jiho and elle meet? Work Together Plans <How to> 1 아래의 각 항목에서 자신이 원하는 곳에 표를 합니다. 2 같은 계획을 가진 친구를 찾습니다. Let s go shopping this Saturday afternoon, Mike. I d love to. / I d love to, but I can t. 3 다음과 같이 항목의 질문을 물어 약속을 정합니다. What time will we meet? Let s meet at 2 o clock. Sure. Where will we meet? How about the bus stop? OK. Sound It Right 다음을 듣고, 억양, 연결, 단어 강세 표시에 유의하며 따라 읽어 봅시다. 학습활동책 Hop 117쪽 Step 169쪽 Jump 221쪽 Go shopping this Saturday morning this Saturday afternoon Play sports after school tomorrow Study for the math test tomorrow the day after tomorrow When will we go to the muse um? How abo ut the fifte enth? No. The fifte enth is Fri day. I have a Kore an class. What about Su nday? OK. What time will we meet? Let s meet at the scho ol gate at 8 a.m. What time will we meet? Where will we meet? Have a party next Friday night next Saturday night What sport will we play? What time will we meet? Go to a concert tonight this Saturday night Where will we study? What time will we meet? Visit a famous place this Sunday next Sunday 빨간색 철자의 소리가 fifteenth와다른것에 표를해봅시다. toothache third healthy either Who else will we invite? What time will we start? What band will we see? What time will we meet? Where will we visit? What time will we meet? 132 one hundred and thirty-two one hundred and thirty-three 133
Read and Think Korea in the World 단어장 someday take a look at Hangeul (Korean Language) School in Sydney 자신이 알고 있는 한글의 특성 및 우수성은 무엇입니까? I teach at a Hangeul school in Sydney. Many people are coming to learn Korean. Why do they enjoy learning Korean so much? 5 Some students are going to visit Korea. Other students love watching Korean movies and listening to Korean music. Others are going to work in Korea. Students enjoy studying Korean. Someday they are going to speak Korean well. 1 What language do students want to learn? Let s take a look at Korean culture in the next ten years. How are Korean people, food, and other things doing in the world? 학습활동책 공통 062쪽 134 one hundred and thirty-four one hundred and thirty-five 135
단어장 popular taste heating system heat up change from ~ to... Korean Food Catches French Taste 외국인에게 소개하고 싶은 우리나라 음식은 무엇입니까? This fall, traditional Korean bibimbap is going to become one of the most popular dishes in France. Why do people enjoy eating it so much? 5 One French woman, Ms. urelia, said, I love eating bibimbap. It s delicious and it s good for my health. My parents and I are big fans of Korean food. It tastes amazing and our stomachs are full. 2 Why does Ms. urelia love eating bibimbap? Ondol (a Korean Heating System) Comes to Canada 한국의 온돌 문화와 서양의 카펫 문화의 장 단점은 무엇이라고 생각합니까? This winter, many people in Canada are going to use ondol. Ondol is a Korean heating system. It heats up the floor. Why are people going to change from carpets to ondol? 5 Well, an ondol floor is healthier and less dirty than a carpet. You don t wear shoes on it. During the winter, Koreans love sleeping and sitting down on it. Try a Korean ondol floor this winter. You will love it. 3 What are many Canadians going to use this winter? 136 one hundred and thirty-six one hundred and thirty-seven 137
학습활동책 Hop 118쪽 Step 170쪽 Jump 222쪽 Read and Check 본문에 대한 설명으로 알맞은 것을 골라 봅시다. 1 현재의 사실을 객관적으로 쓴 글이다. 2 미래에 있을 법한 일을 상상하여 쓴 글이다. 3 과거의 사실을 마치 현재의 사실처럼 쓴 글이다. 4 과거와 현재의 사실을 비교하여 쓴 글이다. Fun with Grammar I What is he going to do? He is going to wash his car. 다음 문장을 [보기]와 같이 바꿔 써 봅시다. 보기 I visited my grandmother every winter. 본문의 내용과 일치하는 것을 골라 봅시다. I am going to visit my grandmother next winter. 1 2 3 4 There is a Hangeul school in Sydney. ibimbap is very popular in Canada. Many people in Seoul enjoy learning Korean. Many people in France love ondol. 1 I do my homework before dinner. I my homework before dinner tomorrow. 2 She goes to the library every Sunday. She to the library this Sunday. C 본문의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸을 채우고, 짝과 함께 대화해 봅시다. Let s take a look at Korean culture in the next ten years. In Sydney, many people enjoy l K. How about in France? p is going to become one of the most dishes. How about in Canada? Many people are going to change from c to o. II I enjoy watching movies. I love eating (= love to eat) pizza. 다음 표를 확장하고, 문장의 빈칸에 자신의 생각을 써 봅시다. soccer milk play watch drink love/enjoy cook study pizza 1 I enjoy playing soccer. 2 I love watching. 3 My friends and I enjoy together. 학습활동책 Hop 119쪽 Step 171쪽 Jump 223쪽 138 one hundred and thirty-eight one hundred and thirty-nine 139
Write Right Step 1 자신이 좋아하거나 즐겨 하는 것을 쓰고, 짝과 함께 [보기]와 같이 대화하여 나머지 부분을 채워 봅시다. Project Introduce Chuseok playing badminton 준비물: 컴퓨터, 전지, 색종이, 매직펜, 색연필, 사인펜, 가위, 풀 보기 네 명이 한 모둠이 되어, 하나의 주제를 선택합니다. I love/enjoy swimming. I don t. I love/enjoy playing badminton. I do, too. Step 2 위 Step 1의 내용을 참고하여 글을 완성해 봅시다. Our Plans for This Weekend 정보를 수집하고 의견을 모아 포스터를 만듭니다. Songpyeon, the Traditional I love/enjoy. My friend, loves/enjoys. We love/enjoy. So we are going to this weekend. Food of Chuseok During Chuseok, Korean people enjoy making and eating songpyeon.... 모둠별로 발표합니다. 140 one hundred and forty one hundred and forty-one 141
TEST Yourself 다음을 듣고, 대화에 알맞은 그림을 골라 번호를 쓰시오. E 다음 글을 읽고, 질문에 답하시오. Hello, students, 다음을 듣고, 질문에 답하시오. 1 What are they going to do? 2 What time will they meet and where? The school library needed new books. So on the 2nd Sunday of last month, we held a school yard sale to buy new books. () We raised money and we gave the money to the library. () ut they still need more books and music CDs. (C) The library bought new books with the money. Please send your old books and music CDs to the library. Thank you. C 1 2 자연스러운 대화가 되도록 안에 순서대로 번호를 쓰시오. May I help you? It s 5 dollars. What do you think of this one? Yes, I m looking for a gift for my sister. Okay, I ll take it. Oh, I like it. How much is it? 1 위 글의 순서로 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 1 (C)-()-() 2 ()-()-(C) 3 ()-(C)-() 2 위 글의 목적으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 1 알림과 요청 2 칭찬과 격려 3 불평과 요구 F 다음 글을 빠르게 읽으면서, ( ) 안의 단어를 빈칸에 알맞은 형태로 바꿔 쓰시오. D 다음 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰고, 짝과 대화해 보시오. 1 You know? I won the game. It was 3 to 1. That s great. 2 Congratulations! You are the fastest runner. I believe it! 3 Would you like to play soccer now? I d to. Last night, I watched TV. little girl was sick and she (open) a lemonade stand (help) sick children. fter that show, I (watch) a show about Korea in the world today. This winter, Canadians are (go) to use ondol. nd traditional Korean bibimbap is going (become) the favorite dish in France. Why do people enjoy (eat) it so much? 4 Would you like to go to a CD shop with me today? I d to, but I m very busy today. G 인터넷에 접속하여 세계 속의 한국 음식과 문화에 대해 조사해 보시오. 142 one hundred and forty-two one hundred and forty-three 143