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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구

_KF_Bulletin webcopy

Microsoft Word - Westpac Korean Handouts.doc




1 Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends!

Preface Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! Preface As foreigners develop close friendships with Koreans through pen-pal or online chatting, they may become interested in Korean, the native language of their friends. Also, Koreans are often eager to teach their language to those foreign friends who want to learn Korean. However, when foreigners try to learn Korean by themselves without any tutor or instructor, they are often perplexed at the unfamiliar language. Koreans also encounter unexpected difficulties in teaching the language, even though they use it fluently everyday. To assist these foreigners and Koreans, V@NK has published this Korean penmanship book, Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! This book will help teach and learn basic Korean vocabulary and sentences. The book is different from previous Korean penmanship books. The objectives of its contents are to help foreigners learn vocabulary and expressions that are frequently used in pen-pal writings, and to allow the learner to practice through writing them. Section 1 consists of a brief introduction to Han-geul, the Korean Alphabet, and subsections for the learner to practice writing vowels and consonants, followed by the practice of basic dialogue sentences. The last part of the book includes a glossary that lists the vocabulary used throughout the text along with their English translation. With this book, Koreans can teach foreigners the Korean language more easily and more systematically, and foreigners can learn it by themselves without too much difficulty. The contents of this book are provided on the English version of the V@NK website (www.prkorea.com). You can also download a PDF file of the contents from the website, and learn how to pronounce sample vocabulary words and sentences through an audio service. We hope that this book becomes a seed for the 21-century King Sejongs, who would like to promote Korea and teach their foreign friends Hangeul, and for foreigners, who encounter the Korean language for the first time. On the day of Han-geul, October 9, 20 V@NK Section 2 presents sentences that use vocabulary and expressions that are frequently used in pen pal exchanges for such topics as self-introduction, greetings, daily life, hobbies, dreams and so forth. In addition, it provides extended examples of vocabulary and expressions so that foreigners can make new sentences by replacing only specific vocabulary words. Section 3 provides essential information about Korea, including the location & geography, cultural heritage, history, tourist attractions, food, and currency of Korea. While reading this information, foreigners can learn more vocabulary related to Korea. Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! began as a V@NK Program to Cultivate 21-Century King Sejongs.

04 Preface Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! The Voluntary Agency Network of Korea is a non-governmental organization operating the official Internet site for its campaigns. Its members play the roles of cyber tour guides and goodwill ambassadors for Korea to give people around the world better information about Korea by e-mail. Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches. [Matthew] The Vision of V@NK Hub of Asia, Gateway to Northeast Asia, a country where you can share dreams and friendships with people around the world-korea! Project to Cultivate 21st Century King Sejongs Now we are launching this 'Project to Cultivate 21st Century King Sejongs', an international campaign to promote Korea and to teach foreigners Han-geul, the Korean alphabet, and Korean language. King Sejong was one of greatest kings in the history of Korea, who created Han-geul to help ordinary people.

07 Pen pal letters Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! Korean characters in pen pal letters 한글이 있는 펜팔 편지 Letters from abroad Can you see Korean letters on the next page? Some are hard to guess what the letters are, and some are very nicely drawn. As you can see, some foreign friends of Koreans have already tried to write Han-geul in their letters. There are some errors in their writing. However, such foreign friends encouraged us to make this book. Please study hard and show us Hangeul in your letters. There are praiseworthy friends who write Korean vowels and consonants for themselves and attach them on their keyboard. Aren t they cute? Hearing these stories, V@NK also included Korean letter stickers for your keyboard as a supplement to spare you trouble. We wish you practice a lot so that we can see more letters in Korean. 오른쪽 편지에 있는 한글이 보이시나요? 이게 무슨 글자지? 싶은 것들도 있고 아 주 예쁘게 잘 그린(?) 것도 있네요. 이처럼 반크의 한국인 회원들이 외국인 친구들과 주 고받은 편지 속에는 이미 한글이 있었습니다. 틀린 것도 있지만 이렇게 시도해 본 친구 들이 있기 때문에 이 책도 나온 것이랍니다. 그런가 하면 한글 자음, 모음 글자를 직접 써서 자 신의 영어 자판 위에 붙인 기특한 친구도 있었어 요. 정말 귀엽지요? 이것을 보고 반크에서 여러분 의 수고를 덜어줄 한글 자판 스티커도 만들어서 부 록으로 넣었습니다. 열심히 연습해서 여러분의 이 메일에서도 한글을 볼 수 있기를 기대합니다.

09 08 Han-geul characters Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! Beautiful & various Han-geul characters 아름답고 다양한 한글 모양 Because Han-geul is not very well-known around the world, it is unfamiliar to many foreigners. Now, let us show you a letter carefully written by However, Han-geul characters have very pretty shapes. Here various shapes of Korean vowels and combining Han-geul vowels and consonants. When consonants are shown. In the beginning they may look like drawings rather than letters, but you will you look at this, you will sense the feel of Han-geul. soon get used to them while frequently looking at them in this book. We expect that you can also write one like this soon. 한글은 아직 세계에 많이 알려지지 않았기 때문에 많은 외국인들이 한글을 보는 것만으로도 매우 낯설 거 이번에는 한글 자 모음 글자를 조합해서 정성스럽게 예요. 하지만 한글은 그 모양도 아주 예쁘답니다. 여기에서 한글 자 모음 글자의 다양한 모양을 보여 드릴 쓴 편지글을 보여 드릴게요. 이것을 보면 한글이 어떤 게요. 처음에는 글자가 아니라 그림 같고 낯설겠지만 이 책을 통해서 자주 보다 보면 곧 익숙해질 거예요. 느낌인지 알 수 있을 거예요. 여러분도 곧 이렇게 쓸 수 How to download Korean font 있으리라 기대합니다. _ Go to this site: www.microsoft.com/ downloads _ Type this Global IME and click Go button. _ Find IME(Korean) right version for your windows and download program. After you download this, set up IME in your PC. Consonants ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎㄲㄸㅃㅆㅉ ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎㄲㄸㅃㅆㅉ Vowels ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡㅣㅐㅒㅔㅖㅘㅙㅚㅝㅞㅟㅢ ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡㅣㅐㅒㅔㅖㅘㅙㅚㅝㅞㅟㅢ Let's practice the Korean alphabet in your PC using Korean Keyboard Stickers!

Contents Preface Korean characters in pen pal letters Beautiful and various Han-geul characters 08 How to download Korean font 09 Han-geul Vocabulary & Expressions for e-pen pal Introduction to Korea Han-geul consists of a brief introduction to Han-geul, the Korean Alphabet, and subsections for the learner to practice writing vowels and consonants, followed by the practice of basic dialogue sentences. Introduction to Han-geul 12 Vowels 1 15 Consonants 1 16 Vowels 2 19 Consonants 2 21 Final Consonants(Batchim)1 22 Final Consonants(Batchim)2 24 Basic Structure of Korean Sentences 26 Basic Korean Conversation 28 Self-introduction 38 Greetings & Sending Regards 40 Daily Life 42 Hobbies 44 Dream & Hope Celebration, Thanks & Comfort 46 48 Time, Age & Date 50 Location & Geography 54 Cultural Heritage 56 History 58 Geography 60 Tourist Attraction 62 Food 64 Currency 66 Glossary 68 Supplements - Korean Keyboard - Korean Alphabet stickers Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! Publisher V@NK www.prkorea.org TEL. 82-2-921-3591 FAX. 82-2-921-3593 Editors Lee Young-joo (korean@prkorea.org) Hyunjin Kang-Graham (peacenet@prkorea.org) CopyrightV@NK All rights reserved. Design Saengki (www.saengki.co.kr) Sponsor The Center for Information on Korean Culture (AKS)

12 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 13 Han-geul In many countries around the world, many peoples have their own languages but a smaller number of peoples have their own written characters. Koreans have their own unique alphabet and language. The alphabet is called Han-geul. Han-geul was created during the Joseon Dynasty(1393~1910) under King Sejong for Korean people. At that time, Han-geul was called Huminjeongeumand only in the 20th century, people began to use the name, Han-geul. Han-geul is a phonemic writing system, and it consists of letters for consonants and vowels. Unlike general phonemic writing systems such as the Roman Alphabet, it was uniquely designed to combine consonant letters and vowel letters into syllabic units. For example, a word, (man) is written like not like The syllable as a letter is divided into three positions: the initial sound, the medial sound, and the final consonant. Any one among 19 consonant letters can be an initial sound. among those 19 letters does not have a sound. For example, in case of (milk), two s are just there filling the space without making any sound in and. Any one among 21 vowel letters can be a medial sound. One out of 16 single consonant letters(this is called Hotbatchim ; and 11 double consonant letters(this is called Gyeopbatchim ; can fill the final consonant location. (The National Institute of the Korean Language; www.korean.or.kr) tips! tips! is called Choseong(consonant), is Jungseong(vowel), and is Batchim (final consonant). There are letters with or without Batchim. Hotbatchim letters have a Batchim with only one final consonant. Gyeopbatchim letters have a Batchim with two final consosnants.

14 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 15 The Composition of Korean Syllable Vowels 1 consonant vowel consonant vowel consonant vowel Batchim(final consonant) Writing Order Write the following words. child composure consonant vowel Batchim(final consonant) consonant vowel Batchim(final consonant) five cucumber milk two

16 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 17 Consonants 1 Writing Order Write the following words. soda baby map pepper tea tree nose leg tomato radio grape hat toilet paper

18 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 19 Han-geul Syllable Table Vowels 2 Combine the vowels and consonants to make syllables. The basic sequences of writing Han-geul is from left to right() and then from top to bottom(. Writing Order Write the following words. dog crab snack ear pig shower

20 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 21 Consonants 2 chatting church service Writing Order Write the following words. waiter magpie doctor it's hot company kiss watch garbage meeting it's salty scissors daddy

22 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 23 Final Consonants 1 Writing Order Even though there are many letters with Batchim, the number of Batchim s sounds is only seven. flower bottom be good(basic form) Write the following words. soccer to be(basic form) eye kitchen outside fruit spring to hear(basic form) bag clothes day wallet knee

24 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 25 Final Consonants 2 Writing Order be sick(basic form) Write the following words. price allotment to recite(basic form) chicken to read(basic form) be young(basic form) life to sit(basic form) be a lot(basic form) tips! be wide(basic form) eight Gyeopbatchim letters can sound differently depending on the letter of the next letter.

26 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 27 Basic Structure of Korean Sentences Subject + Verb Polite Forms of speech Cheolsu Sleeps Jane Sleeps Subject + Object + Verb Younghee book reads Michael Gimchi eats In Korean language, there are largely three levels of politeness depending on who you are talking to. Generally when you are talking to your friends or people who are younger than you, you can use informal forms( Hi!); when you need to be very polite or in a formal setting, you have to use formal polite forms( / Hello!); In most daily conversations, you can use informal polite forms ( / Hello!). The degree of formality and politeness is like the following: (Thank you!) (Thank you!) (Thank you!) tips! oris attached to the subject nouns. The noun with Batchim is followed by while the noun without Batchim is followed by oris attached to the object nouns. The noun with Batchim is followed by, while the noun without Batchim is followed by

28 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 29 Basic Korean Conversation Write the following sentences. Greetings Hi! Hi! Hi! Hello! Bye! Hello! Bye! Hello! Nice to meet you. See you! Nice to meet you, too. See you! Bye! Bye! Nice to meet you. tips! is used to a person who is leaving and is used to a person who is staying. See you!

30 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 31 Write the following sentences. Appreciation & Apologies Thank you! You are welcome. Thank you! Thank you! You are welcome. You are welcome. I am sorry. I am sorry. That s all right. That s all right. Thank you. Excuse me. I am sorry. That s all right. I am sorry.

32 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 33 Write the following sentences. Phone Conversation Hello? Hello? Hello? Who's speaking? This is Seongil. May I speak to Michael? Who's speaking? Please hold on a second. Yes, thank you. This is Seongil. May I speak to Michael? Please hold on a second. tips! You can insert the name in. Yes, thank you.

34 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 35 Write the following sentences. Self-Introduction What s your name? I'm Park Gi-Tae. What s your name? What do you do? What country are you from? I am a university student. I am Korean. I'm Park Gi-Tae. What do you do? tips! When Koreans introduce themselves, they usually give both their family name and given name. Names in Korea are in the order of Family Name + Given Name. Usually the family names are one letter and the given names are two letters. orfollowing the nouns ends a sentence. The noun with Batchim is followed by while the noun without Batchim is followed by I am a university student. What country are you from? I am Korean.

36 HAN-GEUL Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! Family Relations When the speaker is woman grandfather In Korea, depending on whether the speaker is man or woman, the names among family members are different. grandmother maternal grandfather maternal grandmother father mother Vocabulary & Expressions for e-pen pal elder brother When the speaker is man grandfather elder sister grandmother I maternal grandfather younger sister maternal grandmother younger brother presents sentences that use vocabulary and expressions that are frequently used in pen pal exchanges for such topics as self-introduction, greetings, daily life, hobbies, dreams and so forth. In addition, it provides extended examples of vocabulary and expressions so that foreigners can make new sentences by replacing only specific vocabulary words. father mother elder brother elder sister I younger sister younger brother

38 Vocabulary & Expressions Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 39 Write the following words. Self-introduction name woman 04 father mother 07 04 07 My name is Wang Fei. I am a 25-year-old woman. I am Chinese and I live in Beijing. I live with my father, mother, elder brother and younger sister. I am a university student. My major is communication. I am very interested in Korean culture. I want to learn about Korea from you. university student major culture 04 Inoue Akiko, Natasha Kournikova Man Japanese, Russian / Tokyo, Moscow 04 Grandfather, Grandmother An elementary school student, A middle school student, A high school student, An office worker Politics, Drama, Entertainment tips! You can insert the name of the other person in. In Korean, the term equivalent to you in English is usually omitted. Instead, the actual name of the person or the family title (e.g, Mother! or Father!) is usually used, if used at all.

40 Vocabulary & Expressions Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 41 Write the following words. Greetings & Sending regards midterm exam 04 final exam today yesterday 07 04 07 Hello! I am sorry that I have not kept in touch with you for a while. I have been quite busy. I had an important final paper due today. How have you been? It is already winter. It is getting cold in China. How is the weather in Korea? spring summer fall Yesterday / Midterm Spring, Summer, Fall Japan, Thailand, India / Chilly, Warm, Hot winter weather

42 Vocabulary & Expressions Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 43 Write the following words. Daily life p.m. 04 Monday movie boyfriend 07 08 department store 04 07 08 I have been busy all this week. I studied in a library until 7 p.m. from Monday through Friday. I want to relieve my stress this weekend. How do you relieve stress? I usually watch a movie with my boyfriend. I am going to watch the Korean movie <Old Boy> tomorrow. After the movie, I will go to a department store to buy clothes. I like shopping. clothes shopping 07 08 This month, This year Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday / a.m. Next Girlfriend / Play, Musical The day after tomorrow / <Malaton>, <King & the Clown> 07 Bookstore, Cosmetics store / Books, Cosmetics 08 Reading, Wearing makeup tips! oris attached to topic nouns. Nouns with Batchim are followed by, while nouns without Batchim are followed by Topic nouns are often the subject of a sentence.

44 Vocabulary & Expressions Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 45 Write the following words. Hobbies listening to music song 04 Taegwondo travel 07 04 07 I love listening to music. I enjoy Rain s songs. So I collect Rain s albums. I like to practice Taegwondo, while listening to his attractive voice. During vacation, I enjoy traveling with my friend. I usually carry my mp3 player and my sketchbook. When I see a beautiful mountain or river, I start drawing pictures. friend mountain river 04 07 Dancing, Reading, Doing Yoga Korean drama Coins, Stamps, Postcards, Comic books 04 BoA, Lee Hyori / Kungfu, Judo Cat, Dog, Family Camera / Diary 07 Flower / Bird tips! oris a postposition to connect nouns. Nouns with Batchim are followed by while nouns without Batchim are followed by

46 Vocabulary & Expressions Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 47 Write the following words. Dream & Hope diplomat singer 04 teacher peace 04 I would like to be a diplomat. I want to contribute to peace in Asia. To accomplish my dream, I am trying to develop friendship with Asians. So I started learning Korean language a year ago. I also hope to find a nice person, and get married. Can you tell me about your dreams? Asia dream friendship 04 Singer, Teacher, Lawyer Democracy, Freedom European, African 04 Chinese, Japanese, Arabic Engaged Mottos Korean (language) wedding

48 Vocabulary & Expressions Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 49 Write the following words. Celebration, Thanks & Comfort birthday Celebration graduation Christmas Thanks 04 Comfort help kindness 04 Happy birthday! Congratulations on your graduation! Merry Christmas! I really appreciate your help. I hope you get well soon. Cheer up! I am always on your side. gift Cheer up! 04 Passing your exam, Your new job, Your promotion, Your wedding holiday, vacation(for students), vacation(for workers) 04 Concern, Kindness, Gift, Advice holiday vacation

50 Vocabulary & Expressions Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 51 Write the following words Time Time, Age & Date 1 (hour / time) 15 (minute / time) Age 21 years old (age) 04 February (month) Date 28 (day) 04 It is 1:15 p.m. in Turkey. What time is it in Korea now? I am 24 years old. My father is 54 years old. How old are you? My birthday is December 6. When is your birthday? time age 04 Germany, Singapore / a.m. 17, 35 04 41, 72 Wedding, Commencement date now

52 Vocabulary & Expressions Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! Number Time In speaking of the time in Korean, two systems of numbers are both used. For (hour)(one)two)(three)are used, while for (minute)(one)two)(three)are used Age For speaking of age, the number system used in (hour)of the time is used. Introduction to Korea provides essential information about Korea, including the location & geography, cultural heritage, history, tourist attractions, food, and currency of Korea. While reading this information, foreigners can learn more vocabulary related to Korea. Date For speaking of the dates, the number system used in (minute)of the time is used for both month and day. According to the revised Romanization, some old names are replaced by new names.

54 Introduction to Korea Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 55 Location & Geography Write the following words. I know Korea is a part of Asia, but I don't know exactly where it is. So where is it? Korea Asia peninsula sea Korea is a peninsula attached to Northeast Asia. The land is attached to the continent but stretches toward the sea, just like Italy in Europe. To the west of Korea is China, above Korea is Russia, and to the east of Korea is Japan. The Korean Peninsula is divided into South Korea and North Korea with the Joint Security Area in the middle. Koreans enjoy four distinct seasons spring, summer, autumn and winter and in the summer, there is a rainy season for about a month. Joint Security Area South Korea North Korea rainy season Related words Northeast Asia

57 56 Introduction to Korea Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! Cultural Heritage 문화유산 Write the following words. 전 한국의 문화유산에 관심이 많아요. 저에게 한국의 문화유산에 대해 알려 줄 수 있어요? I am interested in the world-famous cultural heritages in Korea. Can you tell me about these heritages? 문화유산 문화유산 Cultural Heritage 15세기 Jikji 15세기 15th century 한글 한글 Han-geul King Sejong 세종대왕 세종대왕 King Sejong 제가 세계인들이 친근하게 한국을 알 수 있는 문화유산을 알려 줄게요. 한국 사람들이 자랑스러워하는 중요한 문화유산으로 한글 이 있어요. 한글은 15세기(1443년)에 세종대왕이 백성들을 위해서 창제했어요. 유네스코에서는 1989년부터 세종 대왕의 업적을 기억하고자 문맹퇴치를 위해 노력한 공로자에게 매년 세종대왕상을 수여하고 있어요. 직지심체요절(줄여서 직지 라고도 함)은 현존하는 최고의(가장 오래된) 금속활자 책으로 1377년에 제 작되었어요. 이것은 독일의 구텐베르크가 만든 금속활자 책(1455년)보다 70여 년이나 앞선 것이에요. 직지 직지 Jikji 금속활자 금속활자 metal type 직지는 유네스코의 세계유산으로 지정되어 있지만 아쉽게도 현재 프랑스 국립박물관에 소장되어 있어요. I would list some of the world-famous cultural relics that belong to Korea. One of the most important cultural heritages that Koreans are pround of is Han-geul. Han-geul was created in the 15th century(1443) under King Sejong for Korean people. Since 1989, UNESCO gives a King Sejong Award to the persons who make a distinguished contribution to helping illiterate people in the memory of King Sejong. Jikjisimcheyojeol(Also called Jikji in short) is the existing oldest metal printed book and it was printed in 1377. It was created 70 years earlier than the metal printed book made by Gutenberg in Germany(1455). Jikji is designated as UNESCO World Heritage but unfortunately it is housed in the National Museum in France. 유네스코 유네스코 UNESCO 세계유산 세계유산 World Heritage Related words 거북선 Geobukseon 고인돌 Dolmen 김치 Gimchi 온돌 Ondol 인삼 Korean Insam(ginseng) 직지 Jikji 태권도 Taekwondo 한글 Han-geul 한복 Hanbok 온돌 Ondol 온돌

58 Introduction to Korea Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 59 History Write the following words. History is the best way to understand a country. Can you tell me something about Korean history? Go-Joseon > 2333 B.C. - 108 B.C. Balhae Kingdom > 698 ~ 926 Goguryeo Kingdom > 37 B.C. - 668 A.D. Goryeo Dynasty > 918 ~ 1392 Baekje Kingdom > 18 B.C. - 660 A.D. Joseon Dynasty > 1392 ~ 1910 Silla Kingdom > 57 B.C. - 935 A.D. Japanese Occupation > 1910 ~ 1945 Gaya Kingdom > 100 ~ 1 B.C. - 562 A.D. Korea > 1945 ~ Present Korea has a history of about 5,000 years. Dangun established the first Korean nation, Go-Joseon, in 2333 B.C. After Go-Joseon came three kingdoms called Goguryeo, Baekjae and Shilla. Many historical remains built at that time can be found in many places in Korea. The Shilla Kingdom unified three kingdoms(goguryeo, Baekje, Silla) in 676 A.D. After the fall of Goguryeo, a man from Goguryeo, Dae Joyeong, formed an army of the Goguryeo and Malgal people(a Tungusic tribe) and settled eventually near Jilin in Manchuria, and there founded Balhae and after The Shilla, The Goryeo Dynasty(918~1392) was built by Wanggeon, unifying the Korean peninsula again. The Goryeo Dynasty is followed by The Joseon Dynasty(1392~1910) when Han-geul was created. Then, Koreans suffered under the Japanese Occupation Period for 35 years(1910~1945). On August 15, 1945, Korea became independent, and its history continues until today. Now Korea is preparing to become the Hub of Asia; the Gateway to Northeast Asia, and the Korean people are trying to build bridges, both physical and cyber links, to share friendships and dreams with people from all around the world. Go-Joseon Shilla Goguryeo Baekje Gaya Balhae Goryeo Joseon Japanese Occupation Period

60 Introduction to Korea Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 61 Geography My Korean friend said he lives in Gnagwon-do. What makes Korea geographically? Write the following words. Seoul Gangwon-do Gyeonggi-do Gyeongsang-do First of all -do is Korean for a type of regional government. It is like state in the U.S., 'country' in the UK and 'province' in Canada. South Korea consists of Gyeonggi-do in which Seoul is located, Chungcheong-do, Gyeongsang-do, Gangwon-do, Jeolla-do and Jeju-do, and Norht Korea is composed of Pyeongan-do in which Pyeongyang is located Hwanghae-do, Gangwon-do, Yanggang-do, Jagang-do, and Hamgyeong-do. Also, in South Korea, besides Seoul, there are many metropolitan cities such as Busan, Gwangju, Daejeon, Incheon, Daegu and Ulsan. Since it is a peninsula Korea is surrounded ocean on three sides and there are many islands including Ulleungdo, Dokdo, and Jindo that are small yet famous. Related words Jeolla-do Jeju-do Chungcheong-do Pyongyang Dokdo

62 Introduction to Korea Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 63 Tourist Attractions Write the following words. The more I know, the more I want to visit Korea. Tell me if you have sightseeing places to recommend. National Parks Cheonggyecheon Stream Seoul Hwaseong Fortress Gyeonggi-do Seoraksan Gangwon-do Cheomseongdae Observatory Gyeongsang-do Expo Science Park Chungcheong-do Bibimbap Jeolla-do tourist attraction Seoraksan(Mt.) maple leaves Hallasan Jeju-do Dokdo Gyeongsang-do honeymoon I recommend Seoraksan(Mt.). In fall, many people in Korea visit Seoraksan(Mt.) to see beautiful, colorful maple leaves. Seoraksan(Seorak Mt.) has a magnificent view with different colors in different seasons but its autumn view is incredible, attracting many tourists. One of the most fantastic places in South Korea is Jeju-do which is located in the south end of Korea and it is a very popular place for honeymoon. Since Seoul has been a capital of Korea since Joseon Dynasty so it has a 600-year history as a capital with many historic palaces and remains. However, now it is a very modern city. Almost a quarter of the total population lives in Seoul and its vicinity, and Seoul is the economic, cultural and political center of South Korea. Related words capital history economy culture politics

64 Introduction to Korea Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 65 Food Write the following words. I would really like to try some good Korean food, but I don't know what's what. Any suggestions? Gimchi The foods loved by almost all Koreans can be found everywhere, and they include Gimchi, Bulgogi, Bibimbab and Samgyetang. Gimchi is the most famous food from Korea. It is exported not just to Japan, China and other Asian countries but also to European countnies. Gimchi which was selected as one of the World s five healthiest foods in a health magazine has long been a dish that Koreans cannot live without. Please try it. Samgyetang is a soup made by boiling ginseng(korean ginseng is considered the best!), chicken, and sticky rice. Koreans enjoy Samgyetang in summer for it is good for your health and helps you through the hot summer weather. When I have foreign friends visiting Korea, I would love to offer healthy and delicious Samgyetang. Related words Bibimbab Bulgogi Samgyetang Gimchi Bulgogi Bibimbap Samgyetang Korean Insam(ginseng) (raw)rice soup chicken food

67 66 Introduction to Korea Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! Currency 화폐 저는 한국 화폐를 본 적이 없어요. 한국의 화폐 종류는 어떻게 돼요? I have never seen Korean currency before. Could you tell me about Korean currency? Write the following words. 화폐 화폐 currency 원 원 won(monetary unit of Korea) 동전 동전 coin 수표 수표 check 한국 화폐는 10,000원, 5,000원, 1,000원짜리 지폐와 500원, 100원, 50원, 10원짜리 동전으로 구성 되어 있어요. ❶ 가장 높은 단위인 10,000원짜리의 앞 면에는 한글을 창제한 세종대왕의 모습이 있습니다. 그리고 100,000원짜리부터는 수표로 발행할 수 있어요. 한국 돈 1,000원은 캔 콜라를 하나 사고 조금 남는 정도예요. 10,000원은 좋은 극장에서 영화를 한 편 보면서 맛있는 팝콘을 먹을 수 있는 정도의 금액이에요. 한국의 지하철과 버스의 요금은 900원 정도 입니다.(20년 현재) Korean currency consists of 10,000won, 5,000won, 1,000won bills and 500won, 100won, 50won, and 10won coins. On the highest 10,000won bill is King Sejong who created Han-geul. From 100,000won, cashier's checks are issued. With 1,000won, you can buy a can of coke with a little change left. With 10,000won, you can watch a movie in a good theater and get some popcorn. Subway and bus fares in Korea are 900won(as of 20). 지폐 지폐 bill 극장 극장 theater 지하철 지하철 subway Related words 10원 10won 50원 50won 100원 100won 500원 500won 1,000원 1,000won 5,000원 5,000won 10,000원 10,000won 동전 coin 수표 check 지폐 bill 버스 버스 bus tips! ❶ The monetary unit of Korea is won(w) ❶ 한국의 화폐 단위는 원 이다. 영화 movie 영화

68 Glossary Learning Korean Language with e-pen pal Friends! 69 Glossary

Be a friend of Korea! Sharing meaningful friendship with Korean Now, we are launching this Friends of Korea Club, a worldwide campaign to attract visitors by letting them see Korea s friendly charm. We are also trying to build bridges of friendship between Korea and the world, both on and offline, through this campaign, so we can share friendships and dreams. For this campaign s success, young Koreans are volunteering to share their sincere friendship via the internet with those interested in our nation. We strongly hope that you, your family, friends and neighbors will take this chance to know more about Korea and make Korean friends. You can share friendship and dreams with new Korean friends, and someday maybe have a chance to visit Korea, the homeland of those friends. Here, young Koreans are waiting to be your friend and guide to Korea. www.prkorea.com/join/joinclub.html E-pal Classroom Exchange Share an E-pals classroom exchange with Korea! Share an E-pals classroom exchange with Korea! Students from 11,000 elementary, middle and high schools in Korea are waiting for you! Korean students are outgoing, friendly and kind. They are always open to making friends. You will like their warm-hearted personality. Korean students are good at English, have great computer skills and almost all have personal computers with Internet access. V@NK can connect you to every Korean school through a nationwide network of educational institutes. With seven years experience, V@NK is an expert at E-pals classroom exchanges. Korea is becoming a hub of East Asia, developing into one of the most connected countries in the world carried by the rapid growth of its online and telecommunication sectors. It is now even setting international standards in those industries. We value the kind of intercultural communication and close friendships that E-pals classroom exchanges can bring with foreign countries. Why don't you share E-pals classroom exchanges with Korea? We want to be friends! Don t hesitate to join us. : ) www.prkorea.com/english/epalexchange.html

We are linking with Overseas Koreans in the world Since its launch in 1999, the Voluntary Agency Network of Korea(V@NK) has been making efforts to realize a country at the center of Asia, the gate to Northeast Asia, and sharing dreams and friendship with everyone in the world known as the Republic of Korea. In the midst of proceeding with such projects, we ve heard that many second and third-generation Koreans abroad, adoptees as well as overseas Korean language schools and Korean schools are also facing difficulties with learning about Korea due to lack of materials related to Korea at overseas. In addition, we ve heard that they sometimes experience difficulties due to the lowered image of Korea. Therefore, V@NK aims to take an active part in promoting Korea throughout the world together with Koreans abroad, and plans to send promotional materials about Korea to those in need of such materials. If you have ever felt concerned with the presence of negative and incorrect information about Korea, and have felt frustrated with the lack of credible materials about Korea, then V@NK is your solution. V@NK is a valuable resource that is ready to provide you with rich materials about Korea. Join us now!! www.prkorea.com/hanminjoin/hanminjoin.html