004 IT 30 October 2003 Seoul Info. Tech. Univ.
1 2 3 4 5 6 IT trend e-learning needs e-learning
3 Internet :, / Mobile : /, Nomadic Computing Home Networking : Pervasive Computing `95 `00 `03 Internet Mobile Home Networking Focus / / IT Keyword PC S/W & +, PDA Compact HTML, WML,WAP,Bluetooth, CATV + PCS, Cellular +, HTML, XML, Java, EAI, Agent + ITV,, STB & Jini, HAVi, UPnP, Copyright Protection SCM, CRM, ERP, EIP Playstation, XBox Microsoft : Windows & Office BizTalk CE Xbox, SONY : Home Networking (Playstation, EMI, SKYPerfect)
IT /Paradiam Shift TREND Network Network Infra Network SW / PDA/ /WebTV / Mobile/CATV/ B2C/ /B2B/ Network /Component SW Ubiquitous Computing /,, Network IT Focus IT [ IT Focus ] [ IT ] [ IT Focus ] Network Computing Information Data Communication Wireless Internet / PDA / Windows CE Knowledge Management Agent / Datamining / OLAP / Application / / Ubiquitous Computing Knowledge Decision Collaboration Graphic User Interface / / VR / Cognitive User Interface Business CTI / WebTV / Digital TV Consumer
Video telephony E-commerce WWW surfer Games, radio, TV Multimedia retrieval e- learning Audiovisual chatting
LMS Learning Management System CMS Contents Management System LCMS elearning eknowledge, LCMS
Interactivity e-learning Classroom (Internet Usage) CATV Fixed Schedule Radio TV Satellite Broadcasting Synchronous Distance Lecture Video Coference Schedule Settable Realtime Delay By Mail etc. Interactive DigitalTV Intranet WBT Flexible within the Given Time One-way CD-ROM for Learning Software for Learning e-book Drill Mobile Learning WBT Correspondence Course Flexible Correspondence Course Tape, CD Video VOD Book e-book Flexiblility of the time Copyrights 7 2003, Nammee Moon All Rights Reserved.
¹ ¹ ² ³ ²
- 1 / 16 -
Type Content developer Traditional way Group of content experts Individual orientation Content experts, Multimedia developers Mass education Broadcast oriented company or Class orientation institution Group of content experts Content packager Publisher Multimedia company Broadcast company Publisher or teacher Content delivery Bookstores CD-ROM, LAN or Internet Broadcast network Over RF, LAN or internet Content acceptor Government, school, teacher varies Government or broadcast company School, teacher Learning assistant Teacher Self, collegues, Teacher Teacher? Teacher
Wide adoption Convergence Consolidation Commoditization
Wide adoption convergence consolidation commoditization Pricing pressure Longterm Contract,, ROI Legace Commoditization Pressure
Custom content Free product Yahoo.com Commoditization K-mart MIT Univ of Michigan Powered & Fathom Home Office Store Chain e 20-25%
e-learning technology shift 2006 컨텐츠 제작기술 저장기술 MPEG 21 MPEG 7 MPEC 4 가상현실 Sm a rt Pho ne 인터넷TV Me ta d a ta 2004 Stre a m ing Mo b ile, PDA SC O RM & 기타표준 멀티미디어 대용량 스트리밍 압축/복원 암호화/복호화 2002 WBT E- Le a rning Da ta b a se 전자결제 전자화폐 미들웨어 맞춤형서비스 맞춤 상품화 KM 연계 C RM We b 서버 AIC C,LMS,LC MS 컨텐츠인증 자동차 부착형 디지털컨텐츠 확대 디지털 가전 암호화,복호화,보안,인증 LMS, LC MS 강사평가 학습자만족도 평가 컨텐츠 평가기술 TV Inte rne t 컨텐츠 품질평가 Se t- to p Bo x Plug - in (d o wnlo a d 방식) 언어기술 동영상 스토리설계기술 학습효과평가 컨텐츠 전달기술 DTV Wo rkflo w ITS DRM/워터마킹 컨텐츠 관리기술 서울정보통신대학원대학교
Network Traf fic Help Computers Topology File Edit LocateView Help Mount 431 7437 1950 79% /? DIGITAL ASSISTANTS Pen-based devices Keyboard-based devices Communicators? Cellular Phones Telephones? Laptops PORTABLE WEB BROWSING DEVICES? Citizen's Terminals? Web TV? EBOOKS DTV receivers? Television