제 16 조 면책 제 3 장 중재절차 제 17 조 총칙 제 18 조 중재지 제 19 조 중재언어 제 20 조 청구이유서 제 21 조 답변서 제 22 조 청구 또는 방어의 수정 제 23 조 중재판정부의 관할에 대한 이의신청 제 24 조 추가서면 제 25 조 기간 제 26

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UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (as revised in 2010) UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (1976) UNCITRAL 중재규칙 (2010 년 개정판) The UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, as revised, have been effective since 15 August 2010. They include provisions dealing with, amongst others, multiple parties arbitration and joinder, liability, and a procedure to object to experts appointed by the arbitral tribunal. A number of innovative features contained in the Rules aim to enhance procedural efficiency, including revised procedures for the replacement of an arbitrator, the requirement for reasonableness of costs, and a review mechanism regarding the costs of arbitration. They also include more detailed provisions on interim measures. It is expected that the Rules, as revised, will continue to contribute to the development of harmonious international economic relations. Adopted by UNCITRAL on 28 April 1976, the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules provide a comprehensive set of procedural rules upon which parties may agree for the conduct of arbitral proceedings arising out of their commercial relationship and are widely used in ad hoc arbitrations as well as administered arbitrations. The Rules cover all aspects of the arbitral process, providing a model arbitration clause, setting out procedural rules regarding the appointment of arbitrators and the conduct of arbitral proceedings and establishing rules in relation to the form, effect and interpretation of the award. 제 1 장 총 칙 제 1 조 적용범위 제 2 조 통지 및 기간의 계산 제 3 조 중재신청통지 제 4 조 중재신청통지에 대한 응답 제 5 조 대리 및 조력 제 6 조 중재인 선정권자 목 차 CONTENTS Section I. Introductory rules Article 1 Scope of application Article 2 Notice and calculation of periods of time Article 3 Notice of arbitration Article 4 Response to the notice of arbitration Article 5 Representation and assistance Article 6 Designating and appointing authorities CONTENTS Section I. Introductory rules Scope of application (article 1) and model arbitration clause Notice, calculation of periods of time (article 2) Notice of arbitration (article 3) Representation and assistance (article 4) 제 2 장 중재판정부의 구성 제 7 조 중재인의 수 제 8-10 조 중재인 선정 제 11-13 조 중재인의 기피 제 14 조 중재인의 대체 제 15 조 중재인 대체의 경우 심리의 반복 Section II. Composition of the arbitral tribunal Article 7 Number of arbitrators Article 8 to 10 Appointment of arbitrators Article 11 to 13 Disclosures by and challenge of arbitrators Article 14 Replacement of an arbitrator Article 15 Repetition of hearings in the event of the Section II. Composition of the arbitral tribunal Number of arbitrators (article 5) Appointment of arbitrators (articles 6 to 8) Challenge of arbitrators (articles 9 to 12) Replacement of an arbitrator (article 13) Repetition of hearings in the event of the replacement of an arbitrator (article 14) 1

제 16 조 면책 제 3 장 중재절차 제 17 조 총칙 제 18 조 중재지 제 19 조 중재언어 제 20 조 청구이유서 제 21 조 답변서 제 22 조 청구 또는 방어의 수정 제 23 조 중재판정부의 관할에 대한 이의신청 제 24 조 추가서면 제 25 조 기간 제 26 조 임시적 처분 제 27 조 증거 제 28 조 심리 제 29 조 중재판정부가 선임하는 감정인 제 30 조 당사자의 해태 제 31 조 심리의 종결 제 32 조 이의제기권의 포기 제 4 장 중재판정 제 33 조 결정 제 34 조 중재판정의 형식과 효력 제 35 조 준거법, 형평과 선의에 따른 중재 제 36 조 화해 기타 절차 종결의 사유 제 37 조 중재판정의 해석 제 38 조 중재판정의 정정 제 39 조 추가판정 제 40 조 비용의 정의 제 41 조 중재인 보수 및 경비 제 42 조 비용의 배분 제 43 조 비용의 예납 replacement of an arbitrator Article 16 Exclusion of liability Section III. Arbitral proceedings Article 17 General provisions Article 18 Place of arbitration Article 19 Language Article 20 Statement of claim Article 21 Statement of defence Article 22 Amendments to the claim or defence Article 23 Pleas as to the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal Article 24 Further written statements Article 25 Periods of time Article 26 Interim measures Article 27 Evidence Article 28 Hearings Article 29 Experts appointed by the arbitral tribunal Article 30 Default Article 31 Closure of hearing Article 32 Waiver of right to object Section IV. The award Article 33 Decisions Article 34 Form and effect of the award Article 35 Applicable law, amiable compositeur Article 36 Settlement or other grounds for termination Article 37 Interpretation of the award Article 38 Correction of the award Article 39 Additional award Article 40 Definition of costs Article 41 Fees and expenses of arbitrators Article 42 Allocation of costs Article 43 Deposit of costs Section III. Arbitral proceedings General provisions (article 15) Place of arbitration (article 16) Language (article 17) Statement of claim (article 18) Statement of defence (article 19) Amendments to the claim or defence (article 20) Pleas as to the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal (article 21) Further written statements (article 22) Periods of time (article 23) Evidence and hearings (articles 24 and 25) Interim measures of protection (article 26) Experts (article 27) Default (article 28) Closure of hearings (article 29) Waiver of rules (article 30) Section IV. The award Decisions (article 31) Form and effect of the award (article 32) Applicable law, amiable compositeur (article 33) Settlement or other grounds for termination (article 34) Interpretation of the award (article 35) Correction of the award (article 36) Additional award (article 37) Costs (articles 38 to 40) Deposit of costs (article 41) 2

부록 계약의 표준중재조항 권리포기조항 본 규칙 제 11 조에 따른 표준 독립성 진술문언 Annex Model arbitration clause for contracts Possible waiver statement Model statements of independence pursuant to article 11 of the Rules 제 1 장 총 칙 제 1 조 적용범위 1. 당사자들이 계약상 관계인지 여부를 불문 하고 일정한 법률적 관계와 관련된 분쟁을 UNCITRAL 중재규칙 (이하 본 규칙 이라 한 다)에 따라 중재에 회부할 것을 합의한 경우, 그 분쟁은 본 규칙에 의하여 해결한다. 2. 당사자들이 서면으로 규칙의 특정 버전을 적용하기로 합의하지 않는 한 2010 년 8 월 15 일 이후에 성립한 중재합의의 당사자들은 중 재절차 개시 시점의 본 규칙을 적용하는데 합 의한 것으로 추정한다. 다만, 중재합의의 청 약이 2010 년 8 월 15 일 이전에 이루어지고 승 낙은 그 이후에 있는 경우 그러한 추정은 적 용되지 아니한다. 3. 중재에는 본 규칙이 적용된다. 다만 본 규 칙의 어느 규정이 중재에 적용되고 당사자가 임의로 무시할 수 없는 법률규정에 저촉되는 경우에는 당해 법률규정이 본 규칙에 우선하 여 적용된다. Section I. Introductory rules Article 1 (Scope of application) 1. Where parties have agreed that disputes between them in respect of a defined legal relationship, whether contractual or not, shall be referred to arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, then such disputes shall be settled in accordance with these Rules subject to such modification as the parties may agree. 2. The parties to an arbitration agreement concluded after 15 August 2010 shall be presumed to have referred to the Rules in effect on the date of commencement of the arbitration, unless the parties have agreed to apply a particular version of the Rules. That presumption does not apply where the arbitration agreement has been concluded by accepting after 15 August 2010 an offer made before that date. 3. These Rules shall govern the arbitration except that where any of these Rules is in conflict with a provision of the law applicable to the arbitration from which the parties cannot derogate, that provision shall prevail. Section I. Introductory rules Article 1 (Scope of application) 1. Where the parties to a contract have agreed in writing* that disputes in relation to that contract shall be referred to arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, then such disputes shall be settled in accordance with these Rules subject to such modification as the parties may agree in writing. 2. These Rules shall govern the arbitration except that where any of these Rules is in conflict with a provision of the law applicable to the arbitration from which the parties cannot derogate, that provision shall prevail. 3

제 2 조 통지 및 기간의 계산 1. 통고, 의사표시, 제안 등을 포함하는 모든 통지는 송달 증명이 가능한 한 어떠한 수단으 로도 송달할 수 있다. 2. 당사자가 통지를 위해 주소를 지정하거나 중재판정부에서 주소를 승인하였다면, 해당 당 사자에게 송달할 통지는 당해 주소로 전달하 며, 전달되면 수령된 것으로 간주한다. 팩시 밀리 또는 이메일과 같은 전자적 수단에 의한 송달의 경우에는 해당 주소가 지정되거나 승 인된 경우에만 송달한다. 3. 이와 같은 지정이나 승인이 없는 경우에 통 지는: (a)물리적인 방법으로 수신인에게 교부되거나; 또는 (b)수신인의 주소, 사무소, 기타 우편주소에 배 달되는 경우에 수령된 것으로 간주한다. 4. 합리적인 노력을 모두 하였음에도 제 2 항 또는 제 3 항에 따라 송달하지 못한 경우에는 최후로 알려진 수신인의 주소, 사무소, 기타 우편주소에 등기우편 등 송달 증명이 가능한 수단으로 발송된 경우에 수령된 것으로 간주 한다. 5. 통지는 제 2 항, 제 3 항 또는 4 항에 따라 송 달되거나 제 4 항에 따라 송달하려고 한 날 도 달된 것으로 간주한다. 전자적 수단으로 송달 Article 2 (Notice and calculation of periods of time) 1. A notice, including a notification, communication or proposal, may be transmitted by any means of communication that provides or allows for a record of its transmission. 2. If an address has been designated by a party specifically for this purpose or authorized by the arbitral tribunal, any notice shall be delivered to that party at that address, and if so delivered shall be deemed to have been received. Delivery by electronic means such as facsimile or e-mail may only be made to an address so designated or authorized. 3. In the absence of such designation or authorization, a notice is: (a)received if it is physically delivered to the addressee; or (b)deemed to have been received if it is delivered at the place of business, habitual residence or mailing address of the addressee. 4. If, after reasonable efforts, delivery cannot be effected in accordance with paragraphs 2 or 3, a notice is deemed to have been received if it is sent to the addressee s last-known place of business, habitual residence or mailing address by registered letter or any other means that provides a record of delivery or of attempted delivery. 5. A notice shall be deemed to have been received on the day it is delivered in accordance with paragraphs Article 2 (Notice, calculation of periods of time) 1. For the purposes of these Rules, any notice, including a notification, communication or proposal, is deemed to have been received if it is physically delivered to the addressee or if it is delivered at his habitual residence, place of business or mailing address, or, if none of these can be found after making reasonable inquiry, then at the addressee s last-known residence or place of business. 1. Notice shall be deemed to have been received on the day it is so delivered. 4

한 통지는 발송한 날 도달된 것으로 본다. 다 만, 전자적 수단으로 송달한 중재신청통지는 수신인의 전자 주소에 실제로 도달한 날에 도 달된 것으로 본다. 6. 본 규칙에 따른 기간의 계산은 통지가 수령 된 다음 날부터 기산한다. 그러나 기간 말일 이 공휴일이거나 수신인의 주소지나 사업장에 서 휴무일인 경우에는 기간은 그 다음에 도래 하는 첫 영업일까지 연장된다. 기간진행 중의 공휴일이나 휴무일은 기간의 계산에 산입한다. 2, 3 or 4, or attempted to be delivered in accordance with paragraph 4. A notice transmitted by electronic means is deemed to have been received on the day it is sent, except that a notice of arbitration so transmitted is only deemed to have been received on the day when it reaches the addressee s electronic address. 6. For the purpose of calculating a period of time under these Rules, such period shall begin to run on the day following the day when a notice is received. If the last day of such period is an official holiday or a non-business day at the residence or place of business of the addressee, the period is extended until the first business day which follows. Official holidays or non-business days occurring during the running of the period of time are included in calculating the period. 2. For the purposes of calculating a period of time under these Rules, such period shall begin to run on the day following the day when a notice, notification, communication or proposal is received. If the last day of such period is an official holiday or a non-business day at the residence or place of business of the addressee, the period is extended until the first business day which follows. Official holidays or non-business days occurring during the running of the period of time are included in calculating the period. 제 3 조 중재신청통지 1. 중재를 신청하는 당사자 또는 당사자들 (이 하 신청인 이라 한다)는 상대방 당사자 또는 당사자들 (이하 피신청인 이라 한다)에게 중 재신청에 대한 통지를 하여야 한다. 2. 중재절차는 전항의 중재신청통지가 피신청 인에 의해 수령된 날로부터 개시되는 것으로 간주한다. 3. 중재신청통지에는 다음 사항을 기재하여야 한다: (a) 당해 분쟁이 중재에 회부될 것을 청구하는 내용; Article 3 (Notice of arbitration) 1. The party or parties initiating recourse to arbitration (hereinafter called the claimant ) shall communicate to the other party or parties (hereinafter called the respondent ) a notice of arbitration. 2. Arbitral proceedings shall be deemed to commence on the date on which the notice of arbitration is received by the respondent. 3. The notice of arbitration shall include the following: (a) A demand that the dispute be referred to arbitration; Article 3 (Notice of arbitration) 1. The party initiating recourse to arbitration (hereinafter called the "claimant") shall give to the other party (hereinafter called the "respondent") a notice of arbitration. 2. Arbitral proceedings shall be deemed to commence on the date on which the notice of arbitration is received by the respondent. 3. The notice of arbitration shall include the following: (a) A demand that the dispute be referred to arbitration; 5

(b) 당사자의 성명과 연락처; (c) 원용하는 중재합의의 표시; (d) 분쟁의 발생원인이 된 계약 기타 법률서류 에 관한 기술이나, 계약 기타 법률서류가 없는 경우 당해 법률관계에 대한 간략한 기술; (e) 청구의 간략한 기술과 청구액이 있는 경우 그 액수의 명시; (f) 청구취지; (g) 당사자가 사전에 합의하지 않은 경우의 중 재인 수, 중재언어 및 중재지에 관한 제안. 4. 중재신청통지에는 또한 다음 사항을 기재 (첨부)할 수 있다. (a) 제 6 조 제 1 항에 따른 중재인선정권자의 지 정을 위한 제안; (b) 제 8 조 제 1 항에 따른 단독중재인의 지정을 위한 제안; (c) 제 9 조 또는 제 10 조에 따른 중재인의 선정 통지. 5. 중재판정부의 구성은 중재신청통지의 적정 성에 대한 논란이 있는 경우 영향을 받지 아 니하고, 중재신청통지의 적적성에 대한 논란은 중재판정부가 최종적으로 판단한다. (b) The names and contact details of the parties; (c) Identification of the arbitration agreement that is invoked; (d) Identification of any contract or other legal instrument out of or in relation to which the dispute arises or, in the absence of such contract or instrument, a brief description of the relevant relationship; (e) A brief description of the claim and an indication of the amount involved, if any; (f) The relief or remedy sought; (g)a proposal as to the number of arbitrators, language and place of arbitration, if the parties have not previously agreed thereon. 4. The notice of arbitration may also include: (a) A proposal for the designation of an appointing authority referred to in article 6, paragraph 1; (b) A proposal for the appointment of a sole arbitrator referred to in article 8, paragraph 1; (c) Notification of the appointment of an arbitrator referred to in article 9 or 10. 5. The constitution of the arbitral tribunal shall not be hindered by any controversy with respect to the sufficiency of the notice of arbitration, which shall be finally resolved by the arbitral tribunal. (b) The names and contact details of the parties; (c) A reference to the arbitration clause or the separate arbitration agreement that is invoked; (d) A reference to the contract out of or in relation to which the dispute arises; (e) The general nature of the claim and an indication of the amount involved, if any; (f) The relief or remedy sought; (g) A proposal as to the number of arbitrators (i.e. one or three), if the parties have not previously agreed thereon. 4. The notice of arbitration may also include: (a) The proposals for the appointments of a sole arbitrator and an appointing authority referred to in article 6, paragraph 1; (b) The notification of the appointment of an arbitrator referred to in article 7; (c) The statement of claim referred to in article 18. 제 4 조 중재신청통지에 대한 응답 1. 피신청인은 중재신청통지를 수령한 날로부 터 30 일 이내에 신청인에게 다음의 사항을 기 재한 중재신청통지에 대한 응답을 송달하여야 한다: Article 4 (Response to the notice of arbitration) 1. Within 30 days of the receipt of the notice of arbitration, the respondent shall communicate to the claimant a response to the notice of arbitration, which shall include: (a) The name and contact details of each respondent; 6

(a) 각 피신청인의 성명과 연락사항; (b) 제 3 조 제 3 항 (c)호~(g)호의 규정에 따라 중재신청통지에 기재된 내용에 대한 답변. 2. 중재신청통지에 대한 응답에는 또한 다음 사항을 기재(첨부)할 수 있다: (a)중재판정부의 관할 부존재와 관련된 모든 항변; (b)제 6 조 제 1 항의 규정에 따른 중재인선정권 자의 지정을 위한 제안; (c) 제 8 조 제 1 항의 규정에 따른 단독중재인의 지정을 위한 제안; (d)제 9 조 또는 제 10 조의 규정에 따른 중재인 의 선정통지; (e)반대신청 또는 상계 청구에 대한 간략한 기 술 및 해당되는 경우에는 청구액의 명시, 구제 방법 및 청구취지; (f)피신청인이 신청인이 아닌 중재합의의 당사 자에게 청구를 하는 경우에 제 3 조의 규정에 따른 중재신청통지. 3. 중재판정부의 구성은 피신청인이 중재신청 통지에 대한 답변을 하지 못하거나 불완전하 거나 실기한 답변에 관한 논란에 영향을 받지 아니하고, 그러한 논란은 중재판정부가 최종적 으로 판단한다. (b) A response to the information set forth in the notice of arbitration, pursuant to article 3, paragraphs 3 (c) to (g). 2. The response to the notice of arbitration may also include: (a) Any plea that an arbitral tribunal to be constituted under these Rules lacks jurisdiction; (b) A proposal for the designation of an appointing authority referred to in article 6, paragraph 1; (c) A proposal for the appointment of a sole arbitrator referred to in article 8, paragraph 1; (d) Notification of the appointment of an arbitrator referred to in article 9 or 10; (e) A brief description of counterclaims or claims for the purpose of a set-off, if any, including where relevant, an indication of the amounts involved, and the relief or remedy sought; (f) A notice of arbitration in accordance with article 3 in case the respondent formulates a claim against a party to the arbitration agreement other than the claimant. 3. The constitution of the arbitral tribunal shall not be hindered by any controversy with respect to the respondent s failure to communicate a response to the notice of arbitration, or an incomplete or late response to the notice of arbitration, which shall be finally resolved by the arbitral tribunal. 제 5 조 대리 및 조력 각 당사자는 그들이 선택한 자로부터 대리하 게 하거나 조력을 받을 수 있다. 이 경우, 당 사자는 대리 또는 조력을 할 자의 성명과 주 Article 5 (Representation and assistance) Each party may be represented or assisted by persons chosen by it. The names and addresses of such persons must be communicated to all parties Article 4 (Representation and assistance) The parties may be represented or assisted by persons of their choice. The names and addresses of such persons must be communicated in writing to 7

소를 상대방 당사자 및 중재판정부에게 통지 하여야 한다. 해당 통지에서 대리 또는 조력 의 어느 것을 목적으로 하는 임명인가, 그 내 용을 명시하여야 한다. 어떤 자가 당사자의 대리인이 되는 경우에는 중재판정부는 언제든 지 자신의 판단 또는 상대방 당사자의 요청에 따라 중재판정부가 결정하는 양식에 따른 대 리권 수여의 증명을 요청할 수 있다. and to the arbitral tribunal. Such communication must specify whether the appointment is being made for purposes of representation or assistance. Where a person is to act as a representative of a party, the arbitral tribunal, on its own initiative or at the request of any party, may at any time require proof of authority granted to the representative in such a form as the arbitral tribunal may determine. the other party; such communication must specify whether the appointment is being made for purposes of representation or assistance. 제 6 조 중재인 선정권자 1. 당사자들이 중재인선정권자에 관하여 사전 에 합의하지 않는 한, 일방 당사자는 언제든지 헤이그상설중재재판소 (이하 PCA 라 한다)의 사무총장을 포함하여 중재인선정권자가 될 자 또는 기관을 제안할 수 있다. 2. 당사자들 전원이 제 1 항의 규정에 따른 제 안을 수령한 날로부터 30 일 이내에 중재인선 정권자에 관한 합의에 이르지 못한 경우에는 당사자 일방은 PCA 사무총장에게 중재인선정 권자의 지정을 요청할 수 있다. 3. 본 규칙이 중재인선정권자에게 회부하여야 하는 사항에 대하여 일정한 기간을 정하고 있 음에도 중재인선정권자에 대하여 합의나 지정 이 이뤄지지 않은 경우에는 해당 기간은 일방 당사자가 중재인성정권자의 합의나 지정을 위 한 절차를 개시하는 날부터 해당 합의나 지정 에 이르는 날까지 정지한다. 4. 제 41 조 제 4 항의 규정에 따른 경우를 제외 하고 중재인선정권자가 직무 수행을 거부하거 Article 6 (Designating and appointing authorities) 1. Unless the parties have already agreed on the choice of an appointing authority, a party may at any time propose the name or names of one or more institutions or persons, including the Secretary-General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague (hereinafter called the PCA ), one of whom would serve as appointing authority. 2. If all parties have not agreed on the choice of an appointing authority within 30 days after a proposal made in accordance with paragraph 1 has been [Article 6.1] If a sole arbitrator is to be appointed, either party may propose to the other: (a) The names of one or more persons, one of whom would serve as the sole arbitrator; and (b) If no appointing authority has been agreed upon by the parties, the name or names of one or more institutions or persons, one of whom would serve as appointing authority. [Article 7.2(b)] If no such authority has been previously designated by the parties, or if the appointing authority previously designated refuses to act or fails to appoint the arbitrator within thirty days after receipt of a party's request therefore, the first party may request the Secretary-General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague to designate the appointing authority. The first party may then request the appointing authority so designated to appoint the second arbitrator. In either case, the appointing authority may exercise its discretion in appointing the arbitrator. [Article 6.2] If within thirty days after receipt by a party of a proposal made in accordance with paragraph 1 the parties have not reached agreement on the choice of a sole arbitrator shall be appointed 8

나, 일방 당사자의 요청을 받은 날로부터 30 일 이내에 중재인을 선정하지 못하거나, 본 규 칙의 규정에 따른 기간 내에 직무를 수행하지 못하거나, 중재인의 기피에 관한 당사자의 요 청이 있은 날로부터 합리적인 기간 안에 결정 을 내리지 못하는 경우에는, 일방 당사자는 PCA 사무총장에게 중재인선정권자를 대신할 새로운 중재인선정권자의 지정을 요청할 수 있다. 5. 중재인선정권자 및 PCA 사무총장은 본 규 칙에 의한 그들의 직무를 수행함에 있어서 일 방 당사자나 중재인으로부터 필요한 정보를 요청할 수 있고, 적절하다고 판단하는 방법으 로 당사자들이나 중재인에게 자신들의 견해를 제시하도록 할 수 있다. 중재인선정권자나 PCA 사무총장에게 하는 교신은 다른 모든 당 사자들에게도 동시에 제공하여야 한다. 6. 제 8 조, 제 9 조, 제 10 조 또는 제 14 조의 규 정에 따라 중재인선정권자가 중재인을 선정하 도록 요청되는 경우에는 해당 요청을 하는 당 사자는 중재인선정권자에게 중재신청통지 사 본과 중재신청통지에 대한 답변(있는 경우에 한하여)를 전달하여야 한다. 7. 중재인선정권자는 독립적이며 공정한 중재 인선정을 보장하기 위한 적절한 고려를 하여 야 하며, 당사자의 국적 이외의 국적을 가진 자를 중재인으로 선정하는 것의 타당성 여부 를 신중히 고려하여야 한다. received by all other parties, any party may request the Secretary-General of the PCA to designate the appointing authority. 3. Where these Rules provide for a period of time within which a party must refer a matter to an appointing authority and no appointing authority has been agreed on or designated, the period is suspended from the date on which a party initiates the procedure for agreeing on or designating an appointing authority until the date of such agreement or designation. 4. Except as referred to in article 41, paragraph 4, if the appointing authority refuses to act, or if it fails to appoint an arbitrator within 30 days after it receives a party s request to do so, fails to act within any other period provided by these Rules, or fails to decide on a challenge to an arbitrator within a reasonable time after receiving a party s request to do so, any party may request the Secretary-General of the PCA to designate a substitute appointing authority. 5. In exercising their functions under these Rules, the appointing authority and the Secretary-General of the PCA may require from any party and the arbitrators the information they deem necessary and they shall give the parties and, where appropriate, the arbitrators, an opportunity to present their views in any manner they consider appropriate. All such by the appointing authority agreed upon by the parties. If no appointing authority has been agreed upon by the parties, or if the appointing authority agreed upon refuses to act or fails to appoint the arbitrator within sixty days of the receipt of a party s request therefore, either party may request the Secretary-General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague to designate an appointing authority. [Article 7.2 (b)] (see above) [Article 6.2] (see above) [Article 7.2 (b)] (see above) [Article 8.1] The appointing authority may require from either party such information as it deems necessary to fulfill its function. 9

communications to and from the appointing authority and the Secretary-General of the PCA shall also be provided by the sender to all other parties. 6. When the appointing authority is requested to appoint an arbitrator pursuant to articles 8, 9, 10 or 14, the party making the request shall send to the appointing authority copies of the notice of arbitration and, if it exists, any response to the notice of arbitration. 7. The appointing authority shall have regard to such considerations as are likely to secure the appointment of an independent and impartial arbitrator and shall take into account the advisability of appointing an arbitrator of a nationality other than the nationalities of the parties. [Article 8.1] When an appointing authority is requested to appoint an arbitrator pursuant to article 6 or article 7, the party which makes the request shall send to the appointing authority a copy of the notice of arbitration, a copy of the contract out of or in relation to which the dispute has arisen and a copy of the arbitration agreement if it is not contained in the contract. [Article 6(4)] In making the appointment, the appointing authority shall have regard to such considerations as are likely to secure the appointment of an independent and impartial arbitrator and shall take into account as well the advisability of appointing an arbitrator of a nationality other than the nationalities of the parties. 10

제 2 장 중재판정부의 구성 제 7 조 중재인의 수 1. 당사자가 중재인수에 관하여 사전에 합의하 지 아니하고, 중재신청통지를 피신청인이 수령 한 후 30 일 이내에 당사자들이 중재인을 1 인 으로 한다는데 합의하지 아니한 경우에는, 중 재인은 3 인으로 한다. 2. 제 1 항의 규정에도 불구하고 일방 당사자 가 단독중재인을 선정하겠다는 요청에 대하여 어떤 당사자도 제 1 항의 규정에 따른 기간 내 에 답변하지 않았고, 관련 당사자들이 제 9 조 또는 제10조의 규정에 따라 아직 두번째 중재 인을 선정하지 못한 경우, 일방 당사자의 요청 에 따라 중재인선정권자는 본건의 사정을 고 려하여 단독중재인이 보다 적절하다고 판단한 경우에제 8 조 제 2 항의 절차에 따라 단독중재 인을 선정할 수 있다. Section II. Composition of the arbitral tribunal Article 7 (Number of arbitrators) 1. If the parties have not previously agreed on the number of arbitrators, and if within 30 days after the receipt by the respondent of the notice of arbitration the parties have not agreed that there shall be only one arbitrator, three arbitrators shall be appointed. 2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, if no other parties have responded to a party s proposal to appoint a sole arbitrator within the time limit provided for in paragraph 1 and the party or parties concerned have failed to appoint a second arbitrator in accordance with article 9 or 10, the appointing authority may, at the request of a party, appoint a sole arbitrator pursuant to the procedure provided for in article 8, paragraph 2, if it determines that, in view of the circumstances of the case, this is more appropriate. Section II. Composition of the arbitral tribunal Article 5 (Number of arbitrators) If the parties have not previously agreed on the number of arbitrators (i.e. one or three), and if within fifteen days after the receipt by the respondent of the notice of arbitration the parties have not agreed that there shall be only one arbitrator, three arbitrators shall be appointed. 제 8-10 조 중재인 선정 제 8 조 1. 당사자들이 단독중재인을 선정하기로 합의 한 경우에 모든 당사자들이 단독중재인의 선 정에 대한 제안을 수령한 날로부터 30 일 이내 에 합의에 이르지 못한 경우에는, 일방 당사자 의 요청에 따라 중재인선정권자가 단독중재인 Article 8-10 (Appointment of arbitrators) Article 8 1. If the parties have agreed that a sole arbitrator is to be appointed and if within 30 days after receipt by all other parties of a proposal for the appointment of a sole arbitrator the parties have not reached Article 6-8 (Appointment of arbitrators) Article 6 1. If a sole arbitrator is to be appointed, either party may propose to the other: (a) The names of one or more persons, one of whom would serve as the sole arbitrator; and (b) If no appointing authority has 11

을 선정하여야 한다. 2. 중재인선정권자는 일방 당사자로부터 요청 을 받으면 지체없이 단독중재인을 선정하여야 한다. 중재인을 선정함에 있어 중재인선정권 자는 당사자 쌍방이 다음의 열거절차에 따르 지 않기로 합의하였거나, 중재인선정권자가 그 재량으로 열거절차가 적당하지 않다고 판단한 경우를 제외하고는, 다음의 열거절차에 따라야 한다: (a) 중재인선정권자는 최소 3 인의 중재인 후보 자 성명을 기재한 명부를 각 당사자에게 송부 하여야 한다; (b) 각 당사자는 위의 명부를 수령한 후 15 일 이내에 이의있는 자의 이름 또는 이름들을 말 소하고 남은 이름들에 우선순위에 따른 번호 를 매겨 중재인선정권자에게 반송할 수 있다; (c) 중재인선정권자는 위 기간이 경과한 후, 각 당사자가 우선순위를 매겨 반송해온 명단 중에서 당사자 쌍방이 지시하는 우선순위에 따라서 단독중재인을 선임하여야 한다; (d) 중재인의 선임이 어떤 이유로든 이 절차에 따라서 행하여 질 수 없을 경우에는, 중재인선 정권자는 그 재량으로 단독중재인을 선임할 수 있다. agreement thereon, a sole arbitrator shall, at the request of a party, be appointed by the appointing authority. 2. The appointing authority shall appoint the sole arbitrator as promptly as possible. In making the appointment, the appointing authority shall use the following list-procedure, unless the parties agree that the list-procedure should not be used or unless the appointing authority determines in its discretion that the use of the list-procedure is not appropriate for the case: (a) The appointing authority shall communicate to each of the parties an identical list containing at least three names; (b) Within 15 days after the receipt of this list, each party may return the list to the appointing authority after having deleted the name or names to which it objects and numbered the remaining names on the list in the order of its preference; (c) After the expiration of the above period of time the appointing authority shall appoint the sole arbitrator from among the names approved on the lists returned to it and in accordance with the order of preference indicated by the parties; (d) If for any reason the appointment cannot be made according to this procedure, the appointing authority may exercise its discretion in appointing the sole arbitrator. been agreed upon by the parties, the name or names of one or more institutions or persons, one of whom would serve as appointing authority. 2. If within thirty days after receipt by a party of a proposal made in accordance with paragraph 1 the parties have not reached agreement on the choice of a sole arbitrator, the sole arbitrator shall be appointed by the appointing authority agreed upon by the parties. 3. The appointing authority shall, at the request of one of the parties, appoint the sole arbitrator as promptly as possible. In making the appointment the appointing authority shall use the following list-procedure, unless both parties agree that the list-procedure should not be used or unless the appointing authority determines in its discretion that the use of the list-procedure is not appropriate for the case: (a) At the request of one of the parties the appointing authority shall communicate to both parties an identical list containing at least three names; (b) Within fifteen days after the receipt of this list, each party may return the list to the appointing authority after having deleted the name or names to which he objects and numbered the remaining names on the list in the order of his preference; (c) After the expiration of the above period of time the appointing authority shall appoint the sole arbitrator from among the names approved on the lists returned to it and in accordance with the order of preference indicated by the parties; (d) If for any reason the appointment cannot be made according to this procedure, the appointing authority may exercise its discretion in appointing the sole arbitrator. 12

제 9 조 1. 3 인의 중재인을 선정할 경우에는, 당사자가 각각 1 인의 중재인을 임명하며 이와 같이 임 명된 2 인의 중재인이 중재판정부 의장이 될 세번째 중재인을 선정하여야 한다. 2. 당사자의 일방으로부터 중재인 임명통지를 수령한 후 30 일 이내에 상대방 당사자가 전기 통지를 한 당사자(제 1 당사자)에게 자신이 임 명한 중재인을 통지하지 아니하는 경우에는 제1당사자는 중재인선정권자로 하여금 두번째 중재인을 임명하도록 요구할 수 있다. 3. 두번째 중재인이 임명된 후 30 일 이내에 두 사람의 중재인이 의장중재인이 될 세번째 중재인의 선정에 합의하지 못한 경우, 의장중 재인은 제8조의 규정에 따른 단독중재인의 선 정과 동일한 방법으로 중재인선정권자에 의하 여 선정된다. Article 9 1. If three arbitrators are to be appointed, each party shall appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators thus appointed shall choose the third arbitrator who will act as the presiding arbitrator of the arbitral tribunal. 2. If within 30 days after the receipt of a party s notification of the appointment of an arbitrator the other party has not notified the first party of the arbitrator it has appointed, the first party may request the appointing authority to appoint the second arbitrator. 3. If within 30 days after the appointment of the second arbitrator the two arbitrators have not agreed on the choice of the presiding arbitrator, the presiding arbitrator shall be appointed by the appointing authority in the same way as a sole arbitrator would be appointed under article 8. Article 7 1. If three arbitrators are to be appointed, each party shall appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators thus appointed shall choose the third arbitrator who will act as the presiding arbitrator of the tribunal. 2. If within thirty days after the receipt of a party's notification of the appointment of an arbitrator the other party has not notified the first party of the arbitrator he has appointed: (a) The first party may request the appointing authority previously designated by the parties to appoint the second arbitrator; or (b) If no such authority has been previously designated by the parties, or if the appointing authority previously designated refuses to act or fails to appoint the arbitrator within thirty days after receipt of a party's request therefore, the first party may request the Secretary-General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague to designate the appointing authority. The first party may then request the appointing authority so designated to appoint the second arbitrator. In either case, the appointing authority may exercise its discretion in appointing the arbitrator. 3. If within thirty days after the appointment of the second arbitrator the two arbitrators have not agreed on the choice of the presiding arbitrator, the presiding arbitrator shall be appointed by an appointing authority in the same way as a sole arbitrator would be appointed under article 6. 제 10 조 1. 제 9 조 제 1 항의 규정에 따라 3 인의 중재인 Article 10 13

을 선정할 경우에 신청인이나 피신청인이 여 러 명인 경우에는, 당사자들이 사전에 중재인 선정을 위한 다른 방법에 합의하지 않는 한 신청인이나 피신청인에 해당하는 여러 당사자 들은 공동으로 중재인을 선정한다. 2. 당사자들이 사전에 중재판정부가 1 인 또는 3 인 이외의 중재인으로 구성한다고 합의한 경 우에는 당사자들이 합의한 방법에 따라 중재 인들은 선정한다. 3. 본 규칙에 따라 중재판정부를 구성하지 못 하는 경우에는, 중재인선정권자는 일방 당사자 의 요청에 따라 중재판정부를 구성하고, 그 과 정에서 이미 이루어진 선정을 철회하고 새로 중재인을 선정하거나 다시 선정할 수 있고 그 중 1 인을 의장중재인으로 지정할 수 있다. 1. For the purposes of article 9, paragraph 1, where three arbitrators are to be appointed and there are multiple parties as claimant or as respondent, unless the parties have agreed to another method of appointment of arbitrators, the multiple parties jointly, whether as claimant or as respondent, shall appoint an arbitrator. 2. If the parties have agreed that the arbitral tribunal is to be composed of a number of arbitrators other than one or three, the arbitrators shall be appointed according to the method agreed upon by the parties. 3. In the event of any failure to constitute the arbitral tribunal under these Rules, the appointing authority shall, at the request of any party, constitute the arbitral tribunal and, in doing so, may revoke any appointment already made and appoint or reappoint each of the arbitrators and designate one of them as the presiding arbitrator. 14

제 11-13 조 중재인의 기피 제 11 조 장차 중재인으로 선정될 후보자는 중재인의 선임을 위해 타진될 때 자기의 공정성과 독립 성에 관하여 충분한 의혹을 자아낼 만한 사정 을 공개하여야 한다. 중재인은 선정된 때부터 중재절차가 계속되는 동안 자신의 공정성과 독립성에 관하여 의혹을 갖게 할 만한 정당한 사정이 이미 통보되어 있지 아니한 경우에는, 지체없이 이를 당사자들 및 다른 중재인들에 게 공개하여야 한다 Article 11-13 (Disclosures by and challenge of arbitrators) Article 11 When a person is approached in connection with his or her possible appointment as an arbitrator, he or she shall disclose any circumstances likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to his or her impartiality or independence. An arbitrator, from the time of his or her appointment and throughout the arbitral proceedings, shall without delay disclose any such circumstances to the parties and the other arbitrators unless they have already been informed by him or her of these circumstances. Article 9-12 (Challenge of arbitrators) Article 9 A prospective arbitrator shall disclose to those who approach him in connexion with his possible appointment any circumstances likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to his impartiality or independence. An arbitrator, once appointed or chosen, shall disclose such circumstances to the parties unless they have already been informed by him of these circumstances. 제 12 조 1. 중재인이 중재인으로서의 공정성과 독립성 에 관하여 의혹을 갖게 할만한 정당한 사정이 있는 경우에는 그 중재인은 기피될 수 있다. 2. 당사자는 자신이 선정한 중재인에 관하여 는 선정 이후에 알게 된 사유만을 이유로 기 피할 수 있다. 3. 중재인이 그 직무를 수행하지 아니하거나, 또는 중재인이 법률적으로나 사실상으로 그 직무를 수행하는 것이 불가능하게 된 경우에 는 제 13 조에 규정된 중재인 기피절차가 적용 된다. Article 12 1. Any arbitrator may be challenged if circumstances exist that give rise to justifiable doubts as to the arbitrator s impartiality or independence. 2. A party may challenge the arbitrator appointed by it only for reasons of which it becomes aware after the appointment has been made. 3. In the event that an arbitrator fails to act or in the event of the de jure or de facto impossibility of his or her performing his or her functions, the procedure in respect of the challenge of an arbitrator as provided in article 13 shall apply. Article 10 1. Any arbitrator may be challenged if circumstances exist that give rise to justifiable doubts as to the arbitrator s impartiality or independence. 2. A party may challenge the arbitrator appointed by him only for reasons of which he becomes aware after the appointment has been made. [Article 13.2] In the event that an arbitrator fails to act or in the event of the de jure or de facto impossibility of his performing his functions, the procedure in respect of the challenge and replacement of an arbitrator as provided in the preceding articles shall apply. 15

제 13 조 1. 중재인을 기피하고자 하는 당사자는 그 중 재인 선정을 통지받은 후 15 일 이내에, 또는 제 11 조 및 제 12 조에 규정된 사실을 알게 된 후 15 일 이내에 중재인 기피통지를 발송하여 야 한다. 2. 중재인 선임에 대한 기피통지는 다른 모든 당사자, 기피당한 중재인 그리고 다른 중재인 들에게 발송하여야 한다. 기피통지에는 기피 사유가 명시되어야 한다. 3. 당사자의 어느 일방으로부터 기피신청이 있 을 경우에는 다른 모든 당사자는 그 기피신청 에 동의할 수 있다. 기피당한 중재인 역시 중 재인 직을 사임할 수 있다. 그러나 상기의 어 느 경우도 중재인을 기피하는 이유의 정당성 을 인정하는 것을 뜻하지 않는다. 4. 중재인 기피통지로부터 15 일 이내에 모든 당사자들이 중재인 기피신청에 동의하지 않거 나 기피당한 중재인이 중재인 직을 사퇴하지 않는 경우에는, 중재인을 기피하는 당사자는 기피를 속행할 것을 선택할 수 있다. 이 경우 중재인을 기피하는 당사자는 기피통지로부터 30 일 이내에 중재인선정권자에게 기피신청에 대한 결정을 신청한다. Article 13 1. A party that intends to challenge an arbitrator shall send notice of its challenge within 15 days after it has been notified of the appointment of the challenged arbitrator, or within 15 days after the circumstances mentioned in articles 11 and 12 became known to that party. 2. The notice of challenge shall be communicated to all other parties, to the arbitrator who is challenged and to the other arbitrators. The notice of challenge shall state the reasons for the challenge. 3. When an arbitrator has been challenged by a party, all parties may agree to the challenge. The arbitrator may also, after the challenge, withdraw from his or her office. In neither case does this imply acceptance of the validity of the grounds for the challenge. 4. If, within 15 days from the date of the notice of challenge, all parties do not agree to the challenge or the challenged arbitrator does not withdraw, the party making the challenge may elect to pursue it. In that case, within 30 days from the date of the notice of challenge, it shall seek a decision on the challenge by the appointing authority. Article 11 1. A party who intends to challenge an arbitrator shall send notice of his challenge within fifteen days after the appointment of the challenged arbitrator has been notified to the challenging party or within fifteen days after the circumstances mentioned in articles 9 and 10 became known to that party. 2. The challenge shall be notified to the other party, to the arbitrator who is challenged and to the other members of the arbitral tribunal. The notification shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for the challenge. 3. When an arbitrator has been challenged by one party, the other party may agree to the challenge. The arbitrator may also, after the challenge, withdraw from his office. In neither case does this imply acceptance of the validity of the grounds for the challenge. In both cases the procedure provided in article 6 or 7 shall be used in full for the appointment of the substitute arbitrator, even if during the process of appointing the challenged arbitrator a party had failed to exercise his right to appoint or to participate in the appointment. Article 12 1. If the other party does not agree to the challenge and the challenged arbitrator does not withdraw, the decision on the challenge will be made: (a) When the initial appointment was made by an appointing authority, by that authority; (b) When the initial appointment was not made by an appointing authority, but an appointing authority has been previously designated, by that authority; 16

(c) In all other cases, by the appointing authority to be designated in accordance with the procedure for designating an appointing authority as provided for in article 6. 2. If the appointing authority sustains the challenge, a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed or chosen pursuant to the procedure applicable to the appointment or choice of an arbitrator as provided in articles 6 to 9 except that, when this procedure would call for the designation of an appointing authority, the appointment of the arbitrator shall be made by the appointing authority which decided on the challenge. 제 14 조 중재인의 대체 1. 제 2 항의 규정에 따라 중재절차의 진행 중 에 중재인을 대체하여야 할 경우에는 그에 대 신할 중재인의 선정 및 임명은 대체되어야 할 중재인의 선정 및 임명에 적용될 수 있는 임 명선정절차를 규정하고 있는 제 8 조~11 조의 규정에 따라 행해져야 한다. 이 절차는 대체 될 중재인의 선정에서 비록 당사자의 일방이 중재인 선정권을 행사하지 못하였거나 선정절 차에 참여하지 못하였다 할 지라도 보궐중재 인의 선정에서도 그대로 적용된다. 2. 중재인선정권자가 일방 당사자의 요청에 따 라 본건의 특별한 사정을 고려하여 일방 당사 자가 보궐중재인을 선정할 권리를 박탈하여야 한다고 결정하는 경우에는, 중재인선정권자는 당사자들 및 나머지 중재인들에게 의견을 진 술할 기회를 부여한 후에 다음을 할 수 있다: Article 14 (Replacement of an arbitrator) 1. Subject to paragraph 2, in any event where an arbitrator has to be replaced during the course of the arbitral proceedings, a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed or chosen pursuant to the procedure provided for in articles 8 to 11 that was applicable to the appointment or choice of the arbitrator being replaced. This procedure shall apply even if during the process of appointing the arbitrator to be replaced, a party had failed to exercise its right to appoint or to participate in the appointment. 2. If, at the request of a party, the appointing authority determines that, in view of the exceptional circumstances of the case, it would be justified for a party to be deprived of its right to appoint a substitute arbitrator, the appointing authority may, after giving an opportunity to the parties and the remaining arbitrators to express their views: (a) appoint the substitute arbitrator; or Article 13 (Replacement of an arbitrator) 1. In the event of the death or resignation of an arbitrator during the course of the arbitral proceedings, a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed or chosen pursuant to the procedure provided for in articles 6 to 9 that was applicable to the appointment or choice of the arbitrator being replaced. 17

(a) 보궐중재인의 선정; (b)심리의 종결 이후에는 나머지 중재인들이 중재절차를 진행하고 결정이나 판정을 내리도 록 권한을 부여. (b) after the closure of the hearings, authorize the other arbitrators to proceed with the arbitration and make any decision or award. 제 15 조 중재인 대체의 경우 심리의 반복 중재인이 대체되는 경우, 중재판정부가 달리 결정하지 않는 한 중재절차는 대체된 중재인 이 업무수행을 정지한 때로부터 재개된다. Article 15 (Repetition of hearings in the event of the replacement of an arbitrator) If an arbitrator is replaced, the proceedings shall resume at the stage where the arbitrator who was replaced ceased to perform his or her functions, unless the arbitral tribunal decides otherwise. Article 14 (Repetition of hearings in the event of the replacement of an arbitrator) If under articles 11 to 13 the sole or presiding arbitrator is replaced, any hearings held previously shall be repeated; if any other arbitrator is replaced, such prior hearings may be repeated at the discretion of the arbitral tribunal. 제 16 조 면책 고의의 부정행위가 아닌 한, 당사자들은 적용 되는 법률에 의하여 허용된 최대한의 한도에 서 중재인, 중재인선정권자 및 중재판정부에 의하여 선임된 자의 중재와 관련된 작위 또는 부작위에 대하여 청구할 권리를 포기한다. Article 16 (Exclusion of liability) Save for intentional wrongdoing, the parties waive, to the fullest extent permitted under the applicable law, any claim against the arbitrators, the appointing authority and any person appointed by the arbitral tribunal based on any act or omission in connection with the arbitration. 제 3 장 중재절차 제 17 조 총칙 1. 중재판정부는 본 규칙에 따라서 적절하다고 인정하는 방식으로 중재를 운용할 수 있다. 다 Section III. Arbitral proceedings Article 17 (General provisions) 1. Subject to these Rules, the arbitral tribunal may conduct the arbitration in such manner as it considers appropriate, provided that the parties are Section III. Arbitral proceedings Article 15 (General provisions) 1. Subject to these Rules, the arbitral tribunal may conduct the arbitration in such manner as it considers appropriate, provided that the parties are 18

만, 중재판정부는 당사자들을 공평하게 대우하 여야 하며 중재절차의 적절한 단계에서 각 당 사자에게 자신의 의견을 진술할 합리적 기회 를 부여하여야 한다. 중재판정부는 자신의 재 량으로, 불필요한 지체와 경비발생을 피하고 당사자들의 분쟁을 공정하고 효율적인 절차로 해결할 수 있도록 절차를 진행하여야 한다. 2. 중재판정부 구성 후 실행가능한 한 빨리 그 리고 당사자들로 하여금 의견을 표명하도록 요청한 이후, 중재판정부는 중재에 관한 잠정 일정표를 설정하여야 한다. 중재판정부는, 당 사자들이 의견을 표명하도록 한 이후 언제든 지, 이 규칙 또는 당사자의 합의에 의한 기간 을 연장하거나 단축할 수 있다. 3. 중재판정부는 당사자의 어느 일방으로부터 중재절차의 적절한 단계에서 요구가 있으면 증인 또는 감정인의 증언 또는 구술변론을 위 하여 심문을 개최하여야 한다. 당사자의 이러 한 요구가 없는 경우에는 중재판정부는 심문 을 개최 할지 여부, 또는 서류 기타 자료에 근 거하여 절차를 진행시킬지의 여부를 결정하여 야 한다. 4. 당사자는 중재판정부에 제출한 모든 교신내 용을 다른 모든 당사자에게 통고하여야 한다. 그러한 통고는 동시에 이루어져야 하며, 다만 중재판정부가 적용되는 법률에 허용된 범위 내에서 달리 허용할 수 있는 경우 예외로 한 다. 5. 중재판정부는 당사자의 요청에 따라 중재합 의의 당사자인 제 3 자(들)을 병합할 수 있고, 다만 중재판정부가 병합할 제3자를 포함한 모 treated with equality and that at an appropriate stage of the proceedings each party is given a reasonable opportunity of presenting its case. The arbitral tribunal, in exercising its discretion, shall conduct the proceedings so as to avoid unnecessary delay and expense and to provide a fair and efficient process for resolving the parties dispute. 2. As soon as practicable after its constitution and after inviting the parties to express their views, the arbitral tribunal shall establish the provisional timetable of the arbitration. The arbitral tribunal may, at any time, after inviting the parties to express their views, extend or abridge any period of time prescribed under these Rules or agreed by the parties. 3. If at an appropriate stage of the proceedings any party so requests, the arbitral tribunal shall hold hearings for the presentation of evidence by witnesses, including expert witnesses, or for oral argument. In the absence of such a request, the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether to hold such hearings or whether the proceedings shall be conducted on the basis of documents and other materials. 4. All communications to the arbitral tribunal by one party shall be communicated by that party to all other parties. Such communications shall be made at the same time, except as otherwise permitted by the arbitral tribunal if it may do so under applicable law. 5. The arbitral tribunal may, at the request of any party, allow one or more third persons to be joined in the arbitration as a party provided such person is a party to the arbitration agreement, unless the arbitral tribunal finds, after giving all parties, including the person or persons to be joined, the opportunity to be treated with equality and that at any stage of the proceedings each party is given a full opportunity of presenting his case. 2. If either party so requests at any stage of the proceedings, the arbitral tribunal shall hold hearings for the presentation of evidence by witnesses, including expert witnesses, or for oral argument. In the absence of such a request, the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether to hold such hearings or whether the proceedings shall be conducted on the basis of documents and other materials. 3. All documents or information supplied to the arbitral tribunal by one party shall at the same time be communicated by that party to the other party. 19

든 당사자들의 의견을 표명할 기회를 부여한 이후에 그러한 병합이 어느 당사자의 이해에 반한다고 판단하는 경우 병합을 허용하지 아 니할 수 있다. 중재판정부는 하나의 중재판정 또는 모든 당사자들에게 별도의 중재판정을 내릴 수 있다. heard, that joinder should not be permitted because of prejudice to any of those parties. The arbitral tribunal may make a single award or several awards in respect of all parties so involved in the arbitration. 제 18 조 중재지 1. 중재장소에 관하여 당사자들이 사전에 합의 하지 아니한 경우에는, 중재판정부는 사건의 정황을 고려하여 중재지를 결정한다. 중재판 정은 중재지에서 내려진 것으로 간주된다. 2. 중재판정부는 심의를 위하여 적당하다고 판 단한다면 어디에서도 모일 수 있다. 당사자들 이 달리 합의하지 않는 한, 중재판정부는 심문 기타 다른 목적을 위하여 적절하다고 판단하 는 곳에서도 모일 수 있다. Article 18 (Place of arbitration) 1. If the parties have not previously agreed on the place of arbitration, the place of arbitration shall be determined by the arbitral tribunal having regard to the circumstances of the case. The award shall be deemed to have been made at the place of arbitration. 2. The arbitral tribunal may meet at any location it considers appropriate for deliberations. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal may also meet at any location it considers appropriate for any other purpose, including hearings. Article 16 (Place of arbitration) 1. Unless the parties have agreed upon the place where the arbitration is to be held, such place shall be determined by the arbitral tribunal, having regard to the circumstances of the arbitration. 4. The award shall be made at the place of arbitration. 2. The arbitral tribunal may determine the locale of the arbitration within the country agreed upon by the parties. It may hear witnesses and hold meetings for consultation among its members at any place it deems appropriate, having regard to the circumstances of the arbitration. 3. The arbitral tribunal may meet at any place it deems appropriate for the inspection of goods, other property or documents. The parties shall be given sufficient notice to enable them to be present at such inspection. 제 19 조 중재언어 1. 당사자들이 동의하는 경우, 중재판정부는 Article 19 (Language) Article 17 (Language) 20

선임된 후 지체없이 중재절차에 사용될 언어 또는 언어들을 결정한다. 이러한 중재언어는 청구이유서, 답변서 기타 추가로 제출되는 모 든 서류에 적용되고, 구두심문이 있는 경우, 당해 심문에서 사용될 언어에도 적용된다. 2.중재판정부는 청구이유서 또는 답변서의 첨 부서류, 중재절차진행 중에 제출된 추가증거서 류 등이 원어로 되어 있는 경우, 당사자가 합 의한 언어 또는 중재판정부가 결정한 언어의 번역문도 함께 첨부할 것을 명할 수 있다. 1. Subject to an agreement by the parties, the arbitral tribunal shall, promptly after its appointment, determine the language or languages to be used in the proceedings. This determination shall apply to the statement of claim, the statement of defence, and any further written statements and, if oral hearings take place, to the language or languages to be used in such hearings. 2. The arbitral tribunal may order that any documents annexed to the statement of claim or statement of defence, and any supplementary documents or exhibits submitted in the course of the proceedings, delivered in their original language, shall be accompanied by a translation into the language or languages agreed upon by the parties or determined by the arbitral tribunal. 1. Subject to an agreement by the parties, the arbitral tribunal shall, promptly after its appointment, determine the language or languages to be used in the proceedings. This determination shall apply to the statement of claim, the statement of defence, and any further written statements and, if oral hearings take place, to the language or languages to be used in such hearings. 2. The arbitral tribunal may order that any documents annexed to the statement of claim or statement of defence, and any supplementary documents or exhibits submitted in the course of the proceedings, delivered in their original language, shall be accompanied by a translation into the language or languages agreed upon by the parties or determined by the arbitral tribunal. 제 20 조 청구이유서 1. 신청인은 피신청인과 모든 중재인들에게 중 재판정부가 정하는 기간 내에 청구이유서를 송부하여야 한다. 신청인은 제 3 조의 중재신 청통지로 청구이유서에 갈음할 수 있고, 다만 이 경우 당해 중재신청통지는 본조의 제 2 항~ 제 4 항을 준수하여야 한다. 2. 청구이유서에는 다음 사항을 기재하여야 한 다: (a) 당사자들의 성명 및 연락처; (b) 청구를 뒷받침하는 사실의 진술; (c) 쟁점; (d) 청구취지; (e) 청구를 뒷받침하는 법률적 근거 혹은 주 장. Article 20 (Statement of claim) 1. The claimant shall communicate its statement of claim in writing to the respondent and to each of the arbitrators within a period of time to be determined by the arbitral tribunal. The claimant may elect to treat its notice of arbitration referred to in article 3 as a statement of claim, provided that the notice of arbitration also complies with the requirements of paragraphs 2 to 4 of this article. 2. The statement of claim shall include the following particulars: (a) The names and contact details of the parties; (b) A statement of the facts supporting the claim; (c) The points at issue; (d) The relief or remedy sought; (e) The legal grounds or arguments supporting the Article 18 (Statement of claim) 1. Unless the statement of claim was contained in the notice of arbitration, within a period of time to be determined by the arbitral tribunal, the claimant shall communicate his statement of claim in writing to the respondent and to each of the arbitrators. 2. The statement of claim shall include the following particulars: (a) The names and addresses of the parties; (b) A statement of the facts supporting the claim; (c) The points at issue; (d) The relief or remedy sought. 21