2011SPRING w w w. k r i t i. r e. k r Korea Research Institute of Transportation Industries Vol.29 녹색교통, 버스가 희망입니다. 한국운수산업연구원은 사람 중심의 대중교통과 운수산업의 발전을 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다. 2011 SPRING V o l. 2 9 빠르고 편한 친환경 대중교통, 그 중심에 버스가 있습니다. 전문가 칼럼 버스교통 운영체제 변화요구, 어떻게 대응할 것인가 포럼 사업용자동차 교통안전정책 한 일 비교 분석 및 시사점 사업용자동차 사고감소를 위한 효율적 운행 관리방안 생체지표를 활용한 교통수단별 이용자의 스트레스 비교 분석 해외교통 영국의 버스사업 동향 주소 (137063)서울 서초구 방배로 252 전국버스회관 3층 전화 (02)34746888, 9777 팩스 (02)34741331 ISSN 1975275X
Window of Bus 시 도별 교통카드시스템 도입 현황 (2010. 5. 30 기준) 보유대수(대) 시도 교통카드시스템 도입대수(대) 서민 대중의 기초생활교통수단으로서 도입률(%) 계 시내버스 농어촌버스 계 시내버스 농어촌버스 계 시내버스 농어촌버스 서울 7,558 7,558 7,558 7,558 부산 2,403 2,403 2,403 2,403 대구 1,561 1,561 1,561 1,561 인천 2,331 2,292 39 2,331 2,292 39 광주 952 952 952 952 대전 965 965 965 965 울산 647 647 647 647 경기 9,740 9,619 121 9,740 9,619 121 강원 750 550 200 406 406 54.1 73.8 충북 711 538 173 711 538 173 충남 1,023 709 314 1,023 709 314 전북 978 819 159 978 819 159 전남 1,188 674 514 902 674 228 75.6 44.4 경북 1,336 1,097 239 948 948 70.9 86.4 경남 1,609 1,434 175 1,435 1,434 제주 167 167 167 167 합계 33,919 31,985 32,727 31,692 1,934 1 한 해 50억 명의 사람들이 이용하는 버스는 89.2 0.6 1,035 96.5 99.1 53.5 교통효율을 증진시키고 교통약자의 교통권을 보장해주는 역할을 하고 있습니다. 버스는 아울러 지구 환경을 생각하는 친환경 녹색교통수단으로서 중요성이 커지고 있습니다.
CONTENTS 02 04 09 KOREA RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORTATION INDUSTRIES 01 02 03 52 58 69 72 78 Vol. 29 2011. Spring 07077876976 83 92 98 100 101 107
Publisher's Message 3
6 2011 Spring
8 2011 Spring
2011 SPRING FORUM Forum 01 Forum 02 Forum 03
Forum 01 Forum 01 01 02 10 2011 Spring
1980 1987 1988 1991 2004 2007 2010 2012 5,608 7,206 11,563 13,429 6,563 6,166 5,505 3,000 03 04 05 06 01 02 03 04 05 06 Forum 01 11
Forum 01 07 Plan Do Check Act 07 12 2011 Spring
Forum 01 13
Forum 01 mail magazine Drive Recorder 08 Compliance09 Speed limit Alcohol Interlock Devices 10 08 09 10 14 2011 Spring
Information Technology ASV: Advanced Safety Vehicle Follow up Forum 01 15
Forum 01 11 Plan Do Check Act 16 2011 Spring
12 incident accident 11 12 Forum 01 17
Forum 01 incident 18 2011 Spring
13 14 15 16 13 14 15 http://www.ts2020.kr/safety/ car/diagnosis/system_introduction_01.jsp 16 Forum 01 19
Forum 01 17 17 20 2011 Spring
governance Forum 01 21
Forum 01 Plan Do Check Act 22 2011 Spring
incident 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 http://webzine.ts2020.kr/t/2011/03/engine_02.html 17 http://www8.cao.go.jp/koutu/kihon/keikaku9/public/h221022 /pdf/s2.pdf 18 Institute of Urban Traffic Research, ITS developed by Japanese Police, 1998. 19 European Road Safety Observatory, Quantitative road safety targets, 2008. 2. 20 OECD, Towards Zero: Ambitious Road Safety Targets and the Safe System Approach, 2008. Forum 01 23
Forum 02 Forum 02 32,241,000 48,747,000 151% 128,298 17,325,210 13,504% 75,093 930,316 1,239% 0.40 35.5 8,875% 54.3 84.7 156% 27.7 57.2 206% 23.8 65.0 273% 24 2011 Spring
2009 231,990 5,838 361,875 2008 215,822 5,870 338,962 (%) 16,168(7.5) 32(0.5) 22,913(6.8) 01 01 911,290 (5.42) 50,691 (24.0) 930,316 (5.37) 15,882,929 (94.58) +2.09% +3.22% 52,687 (25.41) 160,421 (76.0) 16,394,894 (94.63) 154,687 (74.59) +3.94% 3.57% 556.26 566.33 101.00 94.35 +1.81% 6.58% Forum 02 25
Forum 02 02 02 26 2011 Spring
160,421 154,687 100 100 4,587 3,807 100 100 2.9 2.5 3.6% 17.0% 0.4 50,691 52,687 100 100 1,161 1,077 100 100 2.3 2.0 +3.9% 7.2% 0.3 5,442 6,003 10.7 11.4 135 147 11.6 13.6 2.4 2.5 +10.3% +8.9% +0.1 852 913 1.7 1.7 40 31 3.4 2.9 4.7 3.4 +7.2% 22.5% 1.3 238 251 0.5 0.5 20 12 1.7 1.1 8.4 4.8 +5.5% 40.0% 3.6 970 1,043 1.9 2.0 43 72 3.7 6.7 4.4 6.9 +7.5% +67.4% +2.5 23,871 24,135 47.1 45.8 233 184 20.1 17.1 1.0 0.8 +1.1% 21.0% 0.2 5,722 5,877 11.3 11.2 86 104 7.4 9.4 1.5 1.8 +2.7% +20.9% +0.3 3,711 3,678 7.3 7.0 212 163 6.4 15.1 5.7 4.4 0.9% 23.1% 0.7 3,709 4,018 7.3 7.6 90 101 7.8 9.4 2.4 2.5 +8.3% +12.2% +0.1 6,176 6,769 12.2 12.8 302 263 26.0 24.4 4.9 3.9 +9.6% 12.9% 1.0 160,421 154,687 100 100 45 41 100 100 0.03 0.03 3.6% 8.9% 0.0% 50,691 52,687 100 100 75 60 100 100 0.15 0.11 5,442 6,003 852 913 238 251 +3.9% 20.0% 0.04% 12.9 13.6 21 19 28.0 31.7 0.32 0.27 970 1,043 1.9 2.0 36 20 48.0 33.3 3.71 1.92 23,871 24,135 5,722 5,877 58.4 57.0 2 0 2.7 0 0.01 0 3,711 3,678 7.3 7.0 5 7 6.7 11.7 0.13 0.19 3,709 4,018 7.3 7.6 0 5 0 8.3 0 0.12 6,176 6,769 12.2 12.8 11 9 14.7 15.0 0.18 0.13 Forum 02 27
Forum 02 45 41 100 100 108 86 100 100 8.9% 20.4% 75 60 100 100 44 83 100 100 20.0% +88.6% 21 19 28.0 31.7 7 7 15.9 8.4 9.5% 0 36 20 48.0 33.3 11 33 25.0 39.8 53.3% +200.0% 2 0 2.7 0 7 0 15.9 0 % % 5 7 6.7 11.7 6 12 13.6 14.5 +40.0% +% 0 5 0 8.3 0 15 0 18.1 +% +% 11 9 14.7 15.0 13 16 29.5 19.3 18.2% +23.1% 03 03 28 2011 Spring
2.9 2.5 0.4 240.0 209.8 30.2 2.3 2.0 0.3 58.7 138.3 +79.7 2.4 2.5 4.7 3.4 4.8 33.3 36.8 +3.5 8.4 4.8 4.4 6.9 +2.5 30.6 165.0 +134.4 1.0 0.8 1.5 1.8 +0.1 350.0 0 350.0 5.7 4.4 1.3 120.0 171.4 +51.4 2.4 2.5 +0.1 0 300.0 +300.0 4.9 3.9 1.0 118.2 177.8 +59.6 4,587 3,807 1,457 1,538 31.8 40.4 17.0% +5.6% 1,161 1,077 587 523 50.6 48.6 7.2% 10.9% Forum 02 29
Forum 02 376 (8.1) 85 (7.9) 322 (6.9) 77 (7.1) 375 (8.1) 80 (7.4) 334 (7.2) 95 (8.8) 405 (8.7) 103 (9.6) 342 (7.4) 81 (7.5) 365 (7.9) 83 (7.7) 422 (9.1) 77 (7.1) 384 (8.3) 98 (9.1) 479 (10.3) 97 (9.0) 430 (9.3) 88 (8.2) 401 (8.7) 113 (10.5) 7.9 7.4 7.4 10.0 7.9 8.4 9.5 4.7 9.5 10.0 10.0 7.4 100 8.3 6.9 4.2 15.3 5.6 5.6 8.3 4.2 1.4 6.9 5.6 27.8 100 9.7 8.3 8.0 7.6 10.4 9.7 6.6 6.9 9.7 7.6 6.6 8.7 100 3.7 4.9 6.7 12.9 9.8 8.6 8.0 3.1 10.4 11.0 10.4 10.4 100 8.9 10.9 12.9 6.9 10.9 5.9 7.9 14.9 5.9 5.0 3.0 6.9 100 8.0 5.7 6.1 5.7 10.3 4.9 7.2 9.5 10.6 10.6 9.9 11.4 100 4,635 1,077 (100) 80,115 51.8 74,572 48.2 1,708 44.9 2,099 55.1 27,470 52.1 25,217 47.9 524 48.7 553 51.3 4,043 14.7 1,960 7.8 85 16.2 62 11.2 613 2.2 300 1.2 20 3.8 11 2.0 171 0.6 80 0.3 8 1.5 4 0.7 699 2.5 344 1.4 45 8.6 27 4.9 12,654 46.1 17,358 68.8 62 11.8 226 40.9 2,590 9.4 1,088 4.3 92 17.6 71 12.8 1,935 7.0 2,083 8.3 34 6.5 67 12.1 4,765 17.3 2,004 7.9 178 34.0 85 15.4 27,470 25,217 100 524 100 553 100 30 2011 Spring
830 18.8 929 21.0 660 15.0 1,541 34.9 413 9.4 41 0.9 4,414 100 94 9.5 128 13.0 114 11.6 640 65.0 8 0.8 1 0.1 985 100 45 12.3 52 14.2 28 7.7 234 64.1 6 1.6 0 0 365 100 10 4.1 21 8.5 31 12.6 184 74.8 0 0 0 0 246 100 30 11.0 40 14.7 43 15.8 158 58.1 1 0.4 0 0 272 100 3 6.8 4 9.1 3 6.8 33 75.0 1 2.3 0 0 44 100 6 10.3 11 19.0 9 15.5 31 53.5 0 0 1 1.7 58 100 13 31.7 7 17.1 5 12.2 14 34.1 2 4.9 41 100 8 13.3 8 13.3 5 8.3 38 63.4 1 1.7 60 100 3 60.0 1 20.0 0 0 0 0 1 20.0 5 100 4 10.0 3 7.5 3 7.5 30 75.0 0 0 40 100 0 0 3 27.3 1 9.1 7 63.6 0 0 11 100 1 50.0 0 0 1 50.0 0 0 0 0 2 100 0 0 1 50.0 0 0 1 50.0 0 0 2 100 Forum 02 31
Forum 02 534 4.3 156 3.2 29.2 77,123 11.9 282 1.0 0.4 8 0.1 1 0.0 12.5 3,009 0.5 3 0.0 0.1 323 2.6 80 1.6 24.8 5,687 0.9 126 0.4 2.2 1,380 11.0 333 6.8 24.1 24,986 3.9 661 2.3 2.6 12,498 4,927 648,627 28,889 154,687 100 9,144 5.9 3,807 100 427 11.2 248,225 100 13,492 5.4 52,687 100 332 0.6 1,077 100 10 0.9 85,021 100 598 0.7 7,167 13.6 1 0.3 190 17.6 0 0 11,759 13.8 3 0.5 1,043 2.0 2 0.6 72 6.7 0 0 2,972 3.5 2 0.3 30,012 57.0 12 3.6 288 26.5 0 0 46,199 54.3 19 3.2 3,678 7.0 25 7.5 163 15.1 0 0 6,025 7.1 37 6.2 4,018 7.6 206 62.0 101 9.4 8 80.0 6,979 8.2 378 63.2 6,769 12.8 86 25.9 263 24.4 2 20.0 11,087 13.0 159 26.6 52,687 100 332 100 1,077 100 10 100 85,021 100 598 100 04 05 06 32 2011 Spring
154,687 100 26,992 17.5 3,807 100 855 22.5 248,225 100 48,504 19.5 52,687 100 1,215 2.3 1,077 100 43 4.0 85,021 100 2,293 2.7 7,167 13.6 5 0.4 190 17.6 0 0 11,759 13.8 16 0.7 1,043 2.0 22 1.8 72 6.7 1 2.3 2,972 3.5 54 2.4 30,012 57.0 190 15.6 288 26.5 8 18.6 46,199 54.3 367 16.0 3,678 7.0 141 11.6 163 15.1 3 7.0 6,025 7.1 283 12.3 4,018 7.6 554 45.6 101 9.4 20 46.5 6,979 8.2 1,036 45.2 6,769 12.8 303 24.9 263 24.4 11 25.6 11,087 13.0 537 23.4 52,687 100 1,215 100 1,077 100 43 100 85,021 100 2,293 100 154,687 100 8,975 5.8 3,807 100 488 12.8 248,225 100 13,373 5.4 52,687 100 2,495 4.7 1,077 100 46 4.3 85,021 100 3,923 4.6 7,167 13.6 136 5.5 190 17.6 4 8.7 11,759 13.8 217 5.5 1,043 2.0 64 2.6 72 6.7 1 2.2 2,972 3.5 146 3.7 30,012 57.0 1,956 78.4 288 26.5 26 56.5 46,199 54.3 3,020 77.0 3,678 7.0 101 4.0 163 15.1 7 15.2 6,025 7.1 150 3.8 4,018 7.6 38 1.5 101 9.4 1 2.2 6,979 8.2 60 1.5 6,769 12.8 200 8.0 263 24.4 7 15.2 11,087 13.0 330 8.4 52,687 100 2,495 100 1,077 100 46 100 85,021 100 3,923 100 04 05 06 Forum 02 33
Forum 02 154,687 100 35,428 22.9 3,807 100 523 13.7 248,225 100 55,042 22.2 52,687 100 1,533 2.9 1,077 100 16 1.5 85,021 100 2,524 3.0 7,167 13.6 133 8.7 190 17.6 2 12.5 11,759 13.8 188 7.4 1,043 2.0 17 1.1 72 6.7 1 6.3 2,972 3.5 34 1.3 30,012 57.0 604 39.4 288 26.5 5 31.3 46,199 54.3 980 38.8 3,678 7.0 25 1.6 163 15.1 1 6.3 6,025 7.1 38 1.5 4,018 7.6 536 35.0 101 9.4 6 37.5 6,979 8.2 964 38.2 6,769 12.8 218 14.2 263 24.4 1 6.3 11,087 13.0 320 12.7 52,687 100 1,533 100 1,077 100 16 100 85,021 100 2,524 100 34 2011 Spring
1 82.1% 68.1% 2 15.5% 25.7% 3 2.1% 5.3% 17.9% 4 0.2% 0.8% 31.9% 5 0.1% 0.1% 100% 100% Forum 02 35
Forum 02 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 36 2011 Spring
Forum 03 Forum 03 Forum 03 37
Forum 03 Cohen et al.(1995). stress stressor 01 stressor event appraisal 01 38 2011 Spring
Forum 03 39
Forum 03 02 03 stressor 02 03 40 2011 Spring
HRV:Heart Rate Variablility 04 05 Low Frequency domain High Frequency domain 04 05 Forum 03 41
Forum 03 mean RRI mean HR LF/HF RR triangular index 42 2011 Spring
29.2 33.8 32.7 90 93 86 15 23 0 1.28 1.74 0 3 10 0 66 53 86 0 5 0 22~79 22~128 2 33 23 14 large medium small 26 24 26 76 69 71 Forum 03 43
Forum 03 44 2011 Spring
5 0 355 30 87 100.97 602.40 1.03 57.50 6.12 10 0 355 30 84 104.54 577.30 0.98 25.90 3.43 15 0 290 30 92 109.57 551.40 0.55 38.40 3.55 20 22 2 1,795 29 78 96.71 631.50 1.56 38.30 6.57 25 43 4 1,530 30 63 79.63 757.50 2.98 35.30 8.06 30 52 3 1,486 28 65 76.35 790.00 4.23 41.90 7.08 35 57 1 2,824 28 72 69.75 862.40 1.66 32.50 8.24 40 62 2 2,427 26 76 72.68 843.30 1.83 46.60 8.45 45 64 3 1,400 25 67 68.86 877.40 1.58 40.80 10.03 50 73 4 2,236 25 81 72.11 839.40 2.88 54.70 11.13 55 79 2 2,420 25 87 74.03 819.30 5.45 54.70 12.17 60 79 2 2,420 25 79 70.41 859.20 1.75 47.40 11.06 65 79 2 2,420 24 74 65.08 926.20 1.35 49.20 10.73 70 79 2 2,650 24 75 69.91 868.40 1.80 48.80 9.58 75 68 2 2,810 24 85 91.20 666.80 0.84 63.50 7.34 80 65 4 1,626 28 80 97.66 631.00 1.57 72.70 8.46 85 0? 240 31 84 102.60 593.50 0.98 25.90 4.20 90 0? 332 31 84 104.54 556.00 0.78 40.30 3.53 Forum 03 45
Forum 03 46 2011 Spring
5 0 280 26 75 94.77 636.00 1.55 27.80 7.05 10 0 280 26 84 95.24 632.10 4.49 19.00 5.59 15 0 280 28 65 101.91 589.70 4.00 13.70 4.65 20 0 387 26 72 105.26 570.60 3.50 13.10 3.63 25 0 565 26 70 98.51 611.00 3.30 21.90 5.71 30 22 2 569 24 72 89.35 674.30 2.52 24.20 6.64 35 37 2 3,151 24 67 86.29 699.20 1.37 35.70 7.43 40 50 2 3,207 22 67 86.05 699.40 1.30 31.10 6.60 45 59 1 3,896 24 73 83.31 726.40 1.34 47.70 10.69 50 77 1 4,960 23 75 81.19 741.40 1.83 30.40 8.83 55 81 2 3,494 23 67 81.30 743.00 4.85 39.30 10.36 60 88 2 2,720 23 68 82.68 730.20 5.88 40.10 11.08 65 106 2 3,259 25 65 79.62 756.60 4.24 39.20 10.15 70 146 3 2,782 25 69 81.87 735.50 2.69 29.30 6.71 75 128 3 3,230 25 70 89.40 674.00 2.73 27.20 6.94 80 0 741 25 76 97.88 618.40 2.97 29.30 5.65 85 53 3 943 25 74 95.76 630.00 1.32 27.90 5.74 90 0 806 25 65 104.89 581.10 4.63 18.30 3.77 95 0 91 27 72 98.15 615.70 4.27 16.30 4.41 Forum 03 47
Forum 03 48 2011 Spring
5 2 1 5,698 26 72 100.19 603.60 0.67 42.60 6.05 10 2 0 6,864 25 78 101.44 601.70 1.63 25.70 4.82 15 2 1 3,452 25 72 85.98 699.30 2.04 23.90 5.93 20 2 1 2,163 25 65 86.93 692.00 2.09 27.60 7.58 25 2 1 1,248 25 66 87.37 689.20 3.12 31.60 7.00 30 2 0 1,106 26 72 87.37 690.00 1.45 35.30 5.71 35 2 0 4,199 26 73 87.54 688.80 1.67 36.00 7.60 40 2 0 1,321 27 74 86.55 698.80 1.03 41.30 6.10 45 2 1 507 26 73 85.12 710.10 0.95 45.90 7.17 50 2 0 40 26 71 83.02 727.40 1.06 44.10 6.95 55 2 1 576 27 79 83.70 725.80 1.23 47.90 8.79 60 2 0 1,689 27 69 84.62 718.20 2.69 52.40 11.91 65 2 2 747 27 70 81.21 750.10 1.03 58.00 10.78 70 2 2 503 27 66 80.93 749.60 1.59 57.20 12.03 75 2 1 777 25 68 83.85 723.30 1.79 60.30 11.22 80 2 3 431 25 74 79.39 765.30 1.89 59.30 13.96 85 2 0 1,115 25 65 81.10 750.70 1.04 63.90 13.69 Forum 03 49
Forum 03 577.3~602.4 101.0~104.5 1.0~1.03 3.4~6.1 581.1~636.0 94.8~104.8 1.6~4.63 3.8~7.1 551.4 109.6 0.6 3.6 570.6~611.0 98.5~105.3 3.3~3.5 3.6~5.7 631.0~926.2 65.1~97.7 1.4~5.5 6.6~12.2 630.0~756.6 79.6~95.6 1.32~5.9 5.7~11.1 601.7~765.3 79.4~101.4 0.7~3.1 4.8~14.0 618.4 97.9 3.0 5.7 Total 551.4~926.2 79.4~105.3 0.7~5.9 3.4~14.0 78.0 3.6 0.1 74.3 62.7 7.3 2.1 51.3 2.0 65.4 65.4 50 2011 Spring
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Is Stress Assessment Useful for Improving Transport Service 10 11 12 13 14 Gary W. Evans and Richard E. Wener, Crowding and Personal Space Invasion on the Train: Please don t make me sit in the middle, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol. 27, 2007. 15 Katherine D. Davis and Mark E. Hallenbeck, An Evaluation of Engineering Treatments and Pedestrian and Motorist Behavior on Major Arterials in Washington State, TRAC, Dec. 2008. 16 Maired Cantwell, Brian Caulfield and Martaret O Mahony, Examining the Factors that Impact Public Transport Commuting Satisfaction, Journal of Public Transportation, Vol. 12, 2009. 17 State of Fbrida Department of Transportation, Transit Riderhip, Reliability, and Retention, NCTR, Oct. 2008. 18 Tom CoX, Jonathan Houdmont and Amanda Griffiths, Rail passenger crowding, stress, health and safety in Britain, Transport Research : Part A, 2006. 01 http://www.kier.re.kr 02 http://www.hikumano.umin.ac.jp 03 http://car.sinritest.com 04 http://www.takeclinic,com 05 http://www.jlatakaraakuji.or.jp Forum 03 51
Fare Car 52 2011 Spring
Department for Transport. Integrated Transport 53
01 02 03 04 Department for Transport. Passenger fare income (commercial services) Local Authority contracts (tendered services) Concessionary fare reimbursement Bus Service Operators Grant Other public revenue support (Rural/Kickstart/Challenge) 1,560 345 775 320 65 Total funding (revenue only) 3,065 Local Authority capital expenditure on buses 160 Total funding (revenue capital) 3,225 Department for Transport. 54 2011 Spring
Exeter Honiton 56 2011 Spring
39 64 12 39 6 62 3 55 156 80 113 19 64 2002 2003 2004 2005 746 5,615 12,375 13,420 5,000 93,000 164,000 209,000 6.7 16.6 13.3 15.6 Report of Rural Bus Challenge Project 2007. 57
01 58 2011 Spring
01 59 (%) 530 494 6.8 2 3 +33.3 231 191 17.3 259 230 11.2 1,590,421,650 1,489,848,119 6.3 263,558,300 237,533,180 9.9 (%) 869 847 2.5 2 5 +250.0 391 340 13.0 537 430 19.9 2,429,714,495 2,874,458,012 +18.3 430,847,210 414,911,290 3.7 (%) 316 295 6.6 118 117 0.8 96 82 14.6 60 2011 Spring
02 (%) 544 494 9.2 177 233 +31.6 148 120 18.9 02 61
(07.1.1 07.4.30) (08.1.1 08.4.30) (%) 291 322 +10.7 76 71 6.6 35 29 17.1 16 7 56.3 13 9 30.8 99 56 43.3 530 494 6.8 07.6.1 08.6.1 07.12.31 08.12.31 (%) 533 517 3.0 108 103 4.6 59 51 13.6 20 14 30.0 17 18 +5.9 132 144 9.1 869 847 2.5 62 2011 Spring
31.0 21.5 5.0 4.0 18.0 1.0 2.5 3.0 5.0 1.0 1.5 6.5 58.0 22.0 33.0 46.5 2.0 15.5 2.5 6.5 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.5 7.5 Factor Analysis 17.5 59.0 22.0 1.5 0.0 64 2011 Spring
1 10.40 49.54 49.54 5.62 26.75 26.75 2 1.36 6.52 56.06 5.38 25.62 52.37 3 1.13 5.37 61.42 1.90 9.05 61.42 03 0.948 2609.265 210 0.000 03 KMO (Marija J. Norusis, 1993), 0.90~1.00 : (Marvelous), 0.80~0.89 : (Meritorious), 0.70~0.79 : (Midding), 0.60~0.69 :(Mediocre), 0.50~0.59 : (Miserable), 0.00~0.49 : ( Unacceptable). 65
.752.327.140.738.346.224.736.244.118.675.204.209.667.394.049.663.400.248.641.530.142.595.529.063.521.442.294.294.776.106.413.726.099.292.658.247.076.655.396.399.651.003.495.650.047.450.636.084.540.619.095.373.577. 66 2011 Spring
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Hamed, M. M. and A. S. Jaradat(1998). "Analysis of Commercial Minibus Accident", Accident Analysis and Prevention, No. 30, pp.555 567. 14 Chang, HsinLi and ChunChih Yeh(2005). "Factor affecting the safety performance of bus company The experience of Taiwan bus deregulation", Safety Science, No. 43, pp.323 344. 68 2011 Spring
70 2011 Spring
72 2010 Winter
33 2,532 2,358 174 2,392 2,227 165 133 119 14 01 01 73
388 395 762 602 858 73 75 76 77 70 315 320 686 525 788 1,488 1,557 3,004 2,378 3,389 02 74 2010 Winter
798 748 731 729 3.0 03 02 03 75
76 2010 Winter
78 2011 Spring
TIMS : Total Information Management System 79
80 2011 Spring
82 2011 Spring
l 83
84 2011 Spring
l 2008 15,245,806 23,315,028,451 2009 15,503,888 1.7 20,368,975,389 12.6 2010 15,775,806 3.5 22,607,128,490 3.0 85
l l 86 2011 Spring
l 1169 A 20,187 4,268 4.73 5564 B : 19,459 : 5,189 4,182 3.75 : 16,005 : 4,268 l l l l l l 87
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 O O O 2008 2 10 329 3.6% 2009 9 18 334 8.1% 2010 3 6 15 337 7.1% 88 2011 Spring
90 2011 Spring
01 02 01 02 93
94 2011 Spring
01 02 03 04 01 05 02 03, 04 05 95
02 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 01 03 96 2011 Spring
04 05 06 07 97
The Bus Industry N e w s 05:00 22:50 06:10 24:00 05:15 23:20 06:30 24:30 7 15/ 70 80 7 15/ 70 80 98 2011 Spring
The Bus Industry N e w s www.kiriti.co.kr 99
100 2011 Spring
01 02 03 04
Korea Research Institute of Transportation Industries 2005 335 29,656 68,558 99 1,881 3,283 2006 334 29,538 69,404 100 1,887 3,321 2007 335 30,359 70,749 97 1,879 3,363 2008 336 30,732 71,126 92 1,869 3,313 2009 346 31,659 73,071 90 1,877 3,305 2010 1 327 30,389 69,819 90 1,881 3,297 2 328 30,448 69,610 90 1,891 3,294 3 329 30,274 71,169 90 1,891 3,290 4 325 30,525 70,308 90 1,891 3,288 5 325 30,584 70,313 90 1,895 3,284 6 329 31,038 71,092 90 1,895 3,289 7 329 31,085 71,138 90 1,895 3,299 8 349 32,337 74,093 90 1,895 3,289 9 348 32,340 74,192 90 1,896 3,288 10 347 32,390 74,257 90 1,839 3,294 11 347 32,457 74,427 90 1,839 3,300 2005 92 7,590 13,933 8 2,044 4,829 534 41,059 91,487 2006 91 7,897 14,191 8 2,042 4,558 531 42,177 92,861 2007 91 7,949 14,327 8 2,073 4,572 531 42,237 92,802 2008 87 7,837 14,294 8 2,014 4,381 523 42,452 93,114 2009 86 7,957 14,314 8 2,001 4,285 530 43,494 94,975 2010 1 87 7,930 14,327 8 1,994 4,258 512 42,194 91,701 2 86 7,929 14,257 8 2,024 4,234 512 42,292 91,395 3 86 7,960 14,259 8 1,979 4,245 513 42,104 92,963 4 85 7,886 14,144 8 1,980 4,243 508 42,282 91,983 5 85 7,860 14,132 8 1,980 4,273 508 42,319 92,002 6 85 7,867 14,111 8 1,980 4,302 512 42,980 92,794 7 85 7,879 14100 8 2,006 4,269 512 42,865 92,806 8 84 7,862 14,164 8 2,006 4,276 531 44,100 95,822 9 84 7,931 14,190 8 1,977 4,288 530 44,144 95,958 10 84 7,926 14,258 8 1,977 4,193 529 44,184 95,902 11 84 7,901 14,171 8 1,947 4,191 529 44,196 96,089 102 2011 Spring
Korea Research Institute of Transportation Industries 68 7,736 19,541 33 2,379 6,331 29 1,561 4,281 27 2,080 5,002 10 960 2,428 13 965 2,288 8 619 1,401 49 8,503 17,325 3 107 236 20 1,924 3,422 4 936 2,006 9 536 1,061 14 198 390 10 732 1,441 1 131 342 10 537 1,261 7 170 318 5 485 899 1 92 168 9 679 1,359 9 314 583 5 888 1,752 13 812 1,867 5 157 271 5 497 914 11 665 1,413 35 520 860 8 635 1,170 1 674 1,404 15 1,103 1,978 12 228 395 8 1,064 1,665 28 1,433 3,293 7 175 260 21 1,364 2,681 1 181 461 4 164 297 5 248 350 336 30,732 71,126 92 1,869 3,313 87 7,837 14,294 8 2,014 4,381 523 42,452 93,114 68 7,598 19,555 33 2,397 6,274 29 1,561 4,248 35 2,077 5,281 10 963 2,449 13 965 2,316 8 644 1,447 50 9,416 18,804 3 110 234 20 2,026 3,437 4 922 2,004 9 549 1,094 14 200 371 10 746 1,437 1 135 307 10 538 1,245 7 171 318 5 484 872 1 92 147 9 689 1,381 9 313 576 5 894 1,785 13 819 1,910 5 158 267 5 505 922 11 678 1,432 32 514 867 8 642 1,161 1 666 1,397 15 1,098 1,991 12 234 392 8 1,058 1,697 28 1,476 3,374 8 177 267 21 1,386 2,685 1 181 450 4 167 299 5 246 351 345 31,635 73,100 90 1,877 3,292 87 7,987 14,347 8 1,996 4,305 530 43,495 95,044 67 7,548 19,321 33 2,532 6,269 26 1,561 4,205 40 2,311 6,062 10 952 2,465 13 965 2,327 8 684 1,539 52 9,882 19,543 3 120 234 17 1,992 3,285 4 902 1,971 9 552 1,056 14 199 384 10 742 1,417 1 103 234 10 539 1,245 7 173 319 5 477 828 1 92 143 9 710 1,382 9 314 570 5 887 1,787 13 822 1,903 5 159 271 5 495 915 11 677 1,481 32 511 868 8 622 1,187 1 669 1,395 15 1,105 1,990 12 240 383 8 1,045 1,681 27 1,450 3,330 8 175 271 21 1,395 2,719 1 181 448 4 167 309 5 246 352 347 32,457 74,427 90 1,891 3,300 84 7,901 14,171 8 1,947 4,191 529 44,196 96,089 103
Korea Research Institute of Transportation Industries 7,367 1,537 1,442 115 1,505 121 2,043 125 937 62 873 84 626 40 5,253 634 272 75 339 64 339 8 647 446 11 403 19 1,000 146 23,492 3,041 (2007.4.1) 1,000 900 1,000 720 450 450 1,800 1,700 1,800 1,360 1,200 1,200 (2010.11.26) 1,200 1,080 800 720 350 290 1,800 1,700 1,700 1,350 1,300 1,200 (2006.10.28) 1,00 950 800 670 500 400 1,500 1,300 1,100 910 800 650 (2007.4.1) 1,000 900 900 630 450 450 1,100 950 800 750 750 750 (2006.12.21) 1,000 950 700 670 300 300 (2006.11.1) 1,000 950 700 650 300 300 (2006.12.17) 1,000 950 700 650 350 350 1,500 1,300 1,400 1,100 900 900 104 2011 Spring
Korea Research Institute of Transportation Industries (2007.4.1) 1,000 900 800 720 450 450 1,600 1,500 1,600 1,300 1,000 1,000 1,000 900 800 720 450 450 1,600 1,500 1,600 1,300 1,000 1,000 (2007.4.27) 1,000 1,100 800 880 500 550 1,400 1,450 1,400 1,450 1,400 1,450 1,000 800 500 1,400 1,400 1,400 (2010.11.1) 1,150 (1,050) 1,200 (1,100) 900 (800) 950 (850) 550 (450) 600 (500) 1,150 (1,050) 900 (800) 550 (450) 1,150 (1,050) 900 (800) 550 (450) 1,150 (1,050) 900 (800) 550 (450) (2010.2.1) 1,200 (1,150) 960 (910) 600 (550) 1,650 (1,600) 1,320 (1,270) 820 (770) 1,100 (1,050) 880 (830) 550 (500) 1,650 (1,600) 1,320 (1,270) 820 (770) (2007.3.20 23) 1,000 (950) 1,100 (1,050) 1,100 (1,050) 1,100 (1,050) 1,100 (1,050) 1,000 (950) 800 (750) 880 (830) 880 (830) 880 (830) 900 (850) 800 (750) 500 550 550 550 550 500 1,350 (1,200) 1,000 1,000 1.000 (950) 800 (750) 500 (500) 1,400 (1,300) 1,200 (1,100) 1,200 (1,100) (2010.7.1~ 1,100 800 500 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,100 800 500 1,300 1,300 1,300 (2011.1.1) 1,200 (1,150) 900 (850) 600 (550) 1,500 800 1,250 500 750 1,200 900 600 1,500 900~ 1,350 450 800 (2011.1.10) 1,100 (1,000) 1,100 (1,000 850 (750) 850 (750) 600 (550) 600 (550) 1,600 (1,500) 1,600 (1,500) 1,300 (1,200) 1,300 (1,200) 1,300 (1,200) 1,300 (1,200) 1,050 (950) 800 (750) 600 (550) (2007.12.20) 950 (900) 800 (750) 400 (350) 1,000 (950) 850 (800) 400 (350)
Korea Research Institute of Transportation Industries 100.88 1,100 1~200 56.77 201~400 50.24 401 45.87 1~200 82.98 201~400 76.45 401 69.89 106 2011 Spring
20031 20032 20033 20034 20035 20036 20041 20042 20043 20044 20045 20046 20047 20051 20052 20053 20054 20055 20056 20061 20062 20063 20064 20065 20066 20071 20072 20073 20074 20075 20076 20081 20082 20083 20084 20085 20091 20092 20093 20094 20095 20096 20101 20102 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 www.kiriti.co.kr 107
KRITI www.kriti.re.kr 2004 2005 2006 2008 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 2005 2010 2003 2004 2007 2008 2009 2010 108 2011 Spring
Window of Bus 시 도별 교통카드시스템 도입 현황 (2010. 5. 30 기준) 보유대수(대) 시도 교통카드시스템 도입대수(대) 서민 대중의 기초생활교통수단으로서 도입률(%) 계 시내버스 농어촌버스 계 시내버스 농어촌버스 계 시내버스 농어촌버스 서울 7,558 7,558 7,558 7,558 부산 2,403 2,403 2,403 2,403 대구 1,561 1,561 1,561 1,561 인천 2,331 2,292 39 2,331 2,292 39 광주 952 952 952 952 대전 965 965 965 965 울산 647 647 647 647 경기 9,740 9,619 121 9,740 9,619 121 강원 750 550 200 406 406 54.1 73.8 충북 711 538 173 711 538 173 충남 1,023 709 314 1,023 709 314 전북 978 819 159 978 819 159 전남 1,188 674 514 902 674 228 75.6 44.4 경북 1,336 1,097 239 948 948 70.9 86.4 경남 1,609 1,434 175 1,435 1,434 제주 167 167 167 167 합계 33,919 31,985 32,727 31,692 1,934 1 한 해 50억 명의 사람들이 이용하는 버스는 89.2 0.6 1,035 96.5 99.1 53.5 교통효율을 증진시키고 교통약자의 교통권을 보장해주는 역할을 하고 있습니다. 버스는 아울러 지구 환경을 생각하는 친환경 녹색교통수단으로서 중요성이 커지고 있습니다.
2011SPRING w w w. k r i t i. r e. k r Korea Research Institute of Transportation Industries Vol.29 녹색교통, 버스가 희망입니다. 한국운수산업연구원은 사람 중심의 대중교통과 운수산업의 발전을 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다. 2011 SPRING V o l. 2 9 빠르고 편한 친환경 대중교통, 그 중심에 버스가 있습니다. 전문가 칼럼 버스교통 운영체제 변화요구, 어떻게 대응할 것인가 포럼 사업용자동차 교통안전정책 한 일 비교 분석 및 시사점 사업용자동차 사고감소를 위한 효율적 운행 관리방안 생체지표를 활용한 교통수단별 이용자의 스트레스 비교 분석 해외교통 영국의 버스사업 동향 주소 (137063)서울 서초구 방배로 252 전국버스회관 3층 전화 (02)34746888, 9777 팩스 (02)34741331 ISSN 1975275X