26 2 (2005 6 ) J Korean Oriental Med 2005;26(2):201-216 A Comparative Study of Korean Oriental Medicine & Indian Traditional Medicine Deog- Gon Kim Dept. of Pediatrics, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University Objective :Ayurveda is a complementary and alternative medical (CAM) system that has been practiced primarily in the Indian sub-continent for 5,000 years. As need for CAM increases, interest in Ayurveda is drawing more attention in Western countries. But in Korea, understanding of Ayurveda is superficial due to a lack of information and research. In this article, we investigated not only the philosophical features of Indian Traditional Medicine, but its relationship with Korean Oriental Medicine. Methods : From April to August 2004, we sought mutual cooperation through observation at research institutes (Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, National Institute of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Science, Pharmacopoeial Laboratory for Indian Medicine) and performed on-the-spot surveys & discussions. Results & Conclusions : We conclude that the philosophies of Indian Traditional Medicine could extend those of Korean Oriental Medicine. Adopting some promising Indian Traditional Medicine techniques such as PanchaKarma and KsharaSutra treatments which have been shown to have efficacy and safety could contribute to the development of Korean Oriental Medicine s internal & external medical treatment. Further studies of Indian Traditional Medicine are needed. Key Words: CAM, traditional medicine, Ayurveda, PanchaKarma, KsharaSutra : 2005 5 9 : 2005 5 4 : 2005 5 25 :. (Tel; 02-958-9172, Fax; 02-958-9171, E-mail; aokop@daum.net) (Unani) 1,2) 201
(408) 26 2 (2005 6 ) 3,4) (dosha) 5,6) 7) 1,2) (Unani) 5,6) 8) (Susruta) 6) B.C 1,500 800 B.C 6 1,000 1,2) (Charaka) B.C 5 (Susruta) (Susruta) A.D 7 (Vagbhata) 8 5) 19 6) 19 24) 202
(409) (Rigveda) (Atharvaveda) (Ayurveda) (Atharvaveda) (Atharvaveda) (Ayurveda) (Rigveda) (Atharvaveda) (Ayurveda) (Ayurveda) 5,6) (Ayurveda) 6) (Dhanvant ari) (Bharadwaja) (Indra) 7) B.C 9 (Ayurveda) (At reya Sampradaya) (At reya) (Ksharpani) (Parashara) (Harita) (Jatukarna) (Bhela) (Agnivesha) (Samhita) (Agnivesha) (Ayurveda) 46,500 800 (Charaka) 6) (Aupadhenava) (Vaitarana) (Pushkalavata) (Gopurarakshita) (Susruta) 7) (Dhanvantari) (Nimi) (Susruta) (Susruta) (Ut tara tantra) (Vagbhata) (Asht angarhigaya) (Susruta) 5,6) 10 12 (Ayurveda) (Ayurveda) 2) (Unani tibbia) (Ayurveda) 1) (Unani) 6,24) 19 1835 1920 203
(410) 26 2 (2005 6 ) 1,6) 264,800 108,753 13) (Ayurveda) (Ayurveda) (Ayu) (Veda) 5). 6) (akasha, ) (vavu, ), (tejas ), (jala, ), (prthivi, ) (aum) (akasha) (akasha, ) (vavu, ) (vavu) (akasha) (akasha) (tejas, ) (akasha) (jala, (prthivi, ) (akasha) (vavu), (tejas), (jala), (prthivi) (prthivi) 7,24) (akasha) (vavu) (tejas) (tejas) (jala) (prthivi) akasha (vavu ) (tejas ) (jala ) prthivi (Tridosha) (akasha) (vavu) (vata) vavu (jala) (tejas) (pitta) (tejas) (prthivi) (jala) (kapha) (jala) (vata) 204
(411) Table 1. (kapha) (pitta) 6,8) (vata) (pitta) (kapha) 6,8) B.C 8 B.C 3 25) 26) 3,28) Table 2. 205
Table 3. Pancha Mahabhuta 6) (412) 26 2 (2005 6 ) 27,28) 29) 30) 1) (PANCHA MAHA- BHUTA) 4,23) 3) (Pancha Mahabhuta) (akasha, ) (vavu, ), (tejas, ), (jala, ), (prthivi, ) (pancha mahabhuta) (dosha) (tridosa) 5,8) (prakrti) 24) 31,32) Pancha Mahabhuta 2) 206
(413) Table 4. 34,35) 3,33) (vata) (pitta) (kapha) (vata) (pitta) (kapha) (kapha) (kapha) (sinus) (kapha) 6,7,31) 3) 207
(414) 26 2 (2005 6 ) 34) 35) (Prakrti) (akasha) (vavu) (vata) (jala) (tejas) (Kapha) (vata) (pitta) (kapha) 6) 8) (prakrti) 31) 6,31) 32) 6,31) 32) 6,31) 32) 208
(415) 34) 36,37) Table 5. 209
(416) 26 2 (2005 6 ) Table 6. 36,37) Table 7. 6,32) 31) (kapha) (kapha) (kapha) (pitta) (vata) 32) PANCHA KARMA PanchaKarma 6) (dosha) 31) 32) (emesis) (kapha) (pitta) (madana) (madana) (kapha) (pitta) 31) 32) (purgation) 210
(417) (triphala) 6) (pitta) 7,31) 31) (kapha) (vata) (vata) (pitta) 32) (enema) (vata) (vata) 6,31) (vata) 6) (nasal medication) (nasya) (Prana, Life energy) (blood letting) (pitta) (pitta) (pitta) 31) 32) 211
(418) 26 2 (2005 6 ) 5) (Susruta) 19 6) (KsharaSutra treatment) (Fistulectomy Fistulotomy) (Susruta) (Samhita) Nari Vrana KsharaSutra Bhagandra KsharaSutra treatment 38) Indian Council of Medical Research at AIIMS, Delhi, PGI, Chandigarh 39) Euphorbia nerifolia, Achyranthes aspera, Curcuma longa 40) (phyto-chemically processed thread) 38,39) 3) 5,35) 3,14) 15) 16) 3,17) 1610 15) 212
(419) 360 3,18,19) 20,21,34,35) (Vedic Period) (Brahmanic Period) B.C 1500 B.C 800 B.C 800 A.D 1000 A.D 1000 (Unani) 13~14 (Sharangadhara Samhita) 5,6,7) 25-30) 3,22,23,35) 5,6,7) akasha vavu tejas jala prthivi (aum) 5,6,7,32) (vavu ) (tejas ) (jala ) (prthivi ) (vata) (pitta) (kapha) 31) 33) 21,34-37) (vata) (pitta) (kapha) (Prakrti) 6,7,8,31,32) 0.03~0.1% 34) (kapha), (pitta), (vata) (vata), (pitta), (kapha) 1800 24) 19 (Susruta) 213
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